Ninja Theory's new game "Bleeding Edge"

4v4 melee combat multiplayer.
>Join Microsoft >Make cartoony shit online games

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Other urls found in this thread:

Anita Sarkeesian approves

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what game will it be a shittier version of?

It's basically Overwatch but without shooting mechanics and uglier characters

the classic 'forgotten 2 months after release' character design

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thank you westacucks
very cool

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Guys. Imagine this
This is confidential
It must be confidential

omg.... thats so me :)

Here's the logo

Overwatch but without shooting, ugly ass PoC chars

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kek yeah

Anarchy Reign mixed with For honor.
Dont know why retatds keep comparing it to OW when it's a melee focused game.


Yup. A shill leaking their company's own game because they were told to.

Jesus christ this shit's repulsive

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Bleeding Edge?
More like
Bleeding Dilation Wound


when will this meme die? I want some 100+v100+ shit.

>I'm a one woman famine.

I need Ninja Theory to stop pissing about and give the people what they deserve: A good fucking modern DMC game

Who is this supposed to appeal to?


Samurai Sword guy with rainbow crayons on his gear

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They ought to give you AIDS first

Are all the other characters this awful?

Real talk: Why can't westerners make good character designs anymore?

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Here's what a good character looks like

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Tamamay Presents: Battleborn

Why would they bother doing it for video games? Video Games are low culture, that's why you get trash like this an anime sameface.


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>history repeats
But at least the first one was funny

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That nose

she looks like a toxic feminist incel

Is that Octane's brother..?

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because theyre exactly like Yea Forums. Caught up in too much bullshit that isnt video games

Go away tameme.

Here's the trailer. It's 4v4 overwatch.

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more like
>be Ninja Theory
>make shit over and over

So Overwatch + some DmC combat? Alright. I wouldn't play it but it intrigued me when it said melee combat.

Donte as a Secret character when

I might try it.
I'll have to see what the gameplay looks like first.

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>faggot OP makes shitty thread
>cant even green text properly
>game was in development for 5 years, ms bought them a year ago

are you asking me to have sex, user?
it checks out. go dilate

this is going to flop so hard

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Ninja Theory went ULTRA SJW

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looks more like Kate leth

Finally a game where SJWs can self-insert

Anarchy reigns was shit though

He's busy with his dentist commercials.

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Literally just Makaku from Alita

>let's make the most disgusting, abominable fucking womyn you could possibly imagine, so ugly you can't stand looking at her for a game where you have to spend hundreds of hours grinding and improving your skills on each character
Why can't these chucklefucks learn why waifus are successful? Why can't they look at Overwatch?

as opposed to every game released in the past two years?

>Get a new game like Anarchy Reigns
>It's this shit

Just kill me.

What the fuck is this nu-Art style everyone is using these days?
It's like it's trying to be Pixar, but it's clearly too ugly and overdesigned, and yet it still sort of has that garish feeling of early 00's edge / grunge, but they can't go too far and have to keep it cartoony and silly at the same time. It's fucking disgusting.

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It's a stereotypical witch c'mon now

Kinda don't mind that fat dike

rent free

>muh waifu
lmao retard

>crossplay with xbox and steam
>gamepass exists, it even saved Crackdown
nope its gonna be fine.

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i believe it's called "BADASS"

>PS5 Intel
So it's going to be one of these threads?

The hell? There's not a single good looking character there.

>western character design

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Why is this art style so popular?
Overwatch and hero shooters have irreparably corrupted western art design. Everything looks like Overwatch / Paladins / League.
It was cool for a bit, but now it's just old. Nobody is gonna buy this shit after DmC.

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Standards exist everywhere. Especially in multi billion dollars medium like video games.
Cope trannoid.

They seriously gave her some sort of obesity scooter. I'm not joking, go see the video.

It's nice to see the feminists finally getting some representation.

this art style is as generic as humanly possible. did they do this on purpose?

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Was in development before they got bought out retard.

>"What if it was Anarchy Reigns? But every character looks ugly Lmao"


Top Kekoroni praise Trump 2020!

Low polygon character models


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Battleborn/Lawbreakers 3.0

I can't wait to follow this disaster from release to free to play to server shutdown.

Yo, Roadhog and Zarya did the Dragon ball fusion dance.

zarya/roadhog in one?

Well yeah I'm just being honest. No cute girls = no buy.

Tumblr tranny twitter freaks don't buy video games so there's no reason to pander to them.

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It's like one part pixar, one part Dreamworks, and with a pinch of ATTITUDE.

why play this and not the other already populated shooters/multiplayer games?

Go away, weeb tranny.

Every time without fail

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name some other 4v4 melee combat games

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>Agree with you and explain why that's the case
Maybe you're the tranny and your hormone imbalance is also causing an imbalance in your opinions.

Look at this obvious pathetic shill.

Fuck you

You completely missed his point

Not 4v4 but Mordhau or MnB

>Still posting outdated shit

Fucking weeb

What was the SJW self-insert in Nier Automata and Atelier Lulua?

lmao NRShill is here!

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The graphics were awful and the single player campaign was boring, wich summed with the complete lack of support by sega made the game sink faster than your concrete filled brain on a niggers swimming pool.
The combat, multiplayer modes and characters were great.

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those dont even come close to dmc combat


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Are women not allowed to be pretty now?

Not really feeling the character designs. It's like a mix of YIIK and Battleborn.

On an ugly fat cow.

Come on the graphics weren't awful. It would look really nice if we had a pc version..


it's crazy how every singe shitty western game conveniently "leaks" these days

For Honor

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Those are Japanese

>fat cow with pink hair
>generic trash
>tf2s art style copied and killed years ago and people continue to abuse it


why couldn't she just have a pretty face though

2B/A2, Lulua and other hoes
Did you forget these people are mentally ill?

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>Battleborn is the first thing that comes to mind

this is going to flop so hard.

Shit version of D.Va

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>get a new games ala Anarchy Reigns inspired
>It's this shit. Abominable character design

How many games with interesting gameplay are going to be completely ruined by horrible artstyles at E3?

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character on the bottom is male

Not saying you play this but refusing to play games without waifus is dumb and shallow.

What the fuck are you eve babbling about
One is in love with a shota another is a baby killer

>thinking Japanese games aren't SJW

>expecting westacuck trash to be successor to Anarchy Reigns in any capacity

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What the fuck am I looking at

Why make ugly looking characters? No one likes that shit

Anarchy Reigns 2 when?

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Why the fuck they chose this over ninja gaiden?

But we didn't and never will.

It was really broken but fucking damn fun

ninja theory doesn't make ninja gaiden lol, that's team ninja

Judging by your complete inability to name even one sjw element from those game, I'd say I'm correct

>4v4 melee combat multiplayer.
So For Honor without a cohesive aesthetic?

Attached: For Honor 2019.05.10 - (960x540, 2.96M)

And neither will this game

just like Mortal Kombat right?

This. I've wanted a melee pvp game for the longest time. I finally get one it'll look like ass.

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I never ask for this.

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>Cross-play didn't save Killer Instinct
>Cuck Pass isn't making up a game's budget

Try a bit harder.

Inclusive so the average americans can self insert

Yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

what did you expect lol?

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Never bro. Platinum don't trust Sega anymore.

fuck my memory

Why do so many retards confuse Ninja Theory with Team Ninja? Holy shit, this is getting annoying.

I liked For Honor, but after a while it turned to shit.

your average Yea Forums user ladies and gentlemen

>that garbage hit pause
FUCK I hate games that do this

>character based game comes out
>features characters from varied backgrounds and with non-standard body shapes for the purpose of being memorable and having a unique silhouette
>Yea Forums: this is a sign of the endtimes, the irreversible pussification of mankind and it's the work of Satan
if it's good the board will love it
if it's bad then people will feel validated
it's like Yea Forums and the new she-ra

>makers of DmC
why would you use this to promote your game

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refusing to play a game because literally every character is ugly is a pretty good reason imo

Looks fucking soulless.

They both make shit games

Maybe it will actually have good Gameplay and Online, even if the aesthetic is trash.

>This gets to exist but Anarchy Reigns 2 doesn't

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anarchy reigns was trash. theres a reason why it died so fast


more like butterbowl

>so desperate to avoid being called generic and to please the diversity crowd that you make a bunch of hideous bullshit that no one could ever find appealing, get excited for or love
Saying that I am still going jack off to the handful of images the fatty gets.

KI didnt get crossplay with Steam until like 2 years ago.

these dudes made Hellblade what the FUCK happened?????

remember when the three remaining xbox fanboys bragged about microsoft buying studios so they could churn out garbage like this?

It's clearly Overwatch 2, she's the daughter of Zarya and Roadhog.

>another 60 Metascore MS exclusive.

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Ingame footage.

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It's over lads... There are now three fat female characters in gaming. Gone are the days where men can come in any shape or size while females stay conventionally hot. Fuck this SJW Earth the feminists have won through coopting DiGRA and DARPA and making every game like Gone Homo we are the most oppressed minority.

hopefully this is epic store exclusive.

At this point I'm convinced that these artists are being taught that their shit doesn't have to be aesthetically appealing in any way so everyone is just doing super retardmo pseudo mad max shit

> Makers of DmC

Wow they really proud of that eh.

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Bootleg Roadhog
Bootleg ???
Bootleg Genji
Bootleg Symetria
Bootleg Lucio
Bootleg Sombra
Bootleg ???
Bootleg Dva

Bad game with cute girls > bad game with ugly girls
Because this is a western game it's pretty much confirmed to play as trash. Secondary aspects are the ones salvaging western video games. Art style, stories and some other niche appeals. This is why western RPGs are still relatively okay.

Listen, character designs and art style is important. It carries the game in a lot of cases. If you're going to waste your development time and resources making this then I already know that you, as a developer, have shit taste and fucked priorities. Why would I then support such a shitty practice? It's a red flag.

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,hahaha okay here's your (You) retard

In what way is this remotely fucking Overwatch?

>features characters from varied backgrounds and with non-standard body shapes for the purpose of being memorable and having a unique silhouette
tf2 pulled it off and if you can't without having to make things super fat/wacky in terms of colors you've failed as designer

Who's the Randy/Cliffy of this?
Gotta have those passive aggressive tweets or it won't be the same.

Based retard

Make a game look cartoony with different characters and it automatically gets called sjw
Make game look realistic and cinematic and it automatically gets called a movie games
Theres no pleasing this board unless the game is made by Japan. or it's just console fanboys starting shit

seething weeb cant accept reality

???? Heavy???

why the fuck can't western developers make attractive women anymore

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>Somone will fap to this


This actually looks really cool, anarchy reigns vibes anyone?


You could have just played For Honor.

Nothing comes close to the heavys simple yet distinguishable design in this piece of shit trailer

Overwatch art style is objectively good

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No shill

I know you're just fucking around but it's one fat chick.

Well, lets hope those other two IPs are more impressive

Team Ninja please stop, this looks like ass.

You can tell /r/XboxOne is on serious damage control. A few days before E3 and this pops out. Imagine.

>can't see face
>brown abs
10/10 design

Art style =/= character designs. The art style is trash, the character designs are fine.

Why are westacucks captivated by “Suicide Squad but Epic” aesthetic?

this makes overwatch look like high art

Give it time. Just looking at the designs you KNOW there's a fucking embarassment of a human being lolcow just ready to defend his shitty studios game.

And that's why shit like Senran Kagura get churned out constantly because people will buy shit games for waifus which in turn tells developers they don't have to try and make good games just pretty ones.

what fucking horrible art direction/aesthetic

Having big tits because you're fat is like having a fast car because it's falling off a cliff

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Zarya looking chunky here

The guy wears the head while the rest is a mech I think.

>no one could ever find appealing
>I am still going jack off
So you find it appealing but are in denial?

I look forward to watching this fail.

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Presumably he wants a game that rewards actually fighting your opponent if he's looking for a melee combat game.

tameem pls

Yeah, this is definitely not getting sold in China. Too many black characters, China will hate it.

For Honor is fucking shite to play.

Sure, that's the appeal of a waifu game. For every interest every niche. Again, twitter trannies don't buy video games. Waifufags do.
Also Senran Kagura plays better than every western action game but that's not really saying much.

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Tameem is working on an alien shooter.
He's not involved in this.

I'm actually a pretty big Ninja Theory "fan".

Can't defend this.

literally nobody cares

Not really and needing everything to look pretty limits the artist.

>fat bitch literally has wheels on her feet and doesnt walk anywhere

Anarchy Reigns meets Overwatch???

Getting Lucy vibes

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So is it like an Anarchy Reigns style thing?

Bootleg the post


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>a prison solely for men
Isn't that most of them

>shippercuck doesn't even know what a shota is

She should have one of those amigo scooters and be comedic relief character.

hulk hogan main checking in

Who are fat feminist dykes for?
Every girl I know usually picks the attractive females anyway like, mercy, elves.

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Nier: Automata explores politics, war, and imperialism. Taro even brings up Drumpf in an interview and talking about the current political climate of the world while he made the game

i can't remember the last time i saw him speak to anybody like right after dmc came out we never saw him again

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It's not THAT ugly looking outside the fat chick. If the fighting/combat system isn't a mindless button masher, this game could be good

Dead within a week.

Fuck you it was the most fun I had when i played with Yea Forums

Just look at how round her face is. it's like a big marshmellow, with extra pink sugar on top.

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>Who are fat feminist dykes for?
For people who don't play video games.

>Senran Kagura plays better than every western action game
I love senrans, but lets not get crazy here

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I'll be playing the oni gasmask dude, looks neat.

This is obese and ugly done right, she still looks like a human female as opposed to some onions generation subhuman abomination.

>retard who thinks that 2B is an SJW self insert calling someone a cuck

These are some bad ass hero designs

Its funny because she is a big fat woman but has a name like buttercup.
>I now see the power of unlimited money, thanks Phil!

virtue points

>we want Zarya, but even uglier

>DmC combat director
It's like whene you haven't shit for days then when you finally do it, you look at that crap and almost feel too pround to wash it away

For blue checkered marks

i remember playing deathball with Yea Forums that was some fun shit

Why must companies keep making fat/thick girls as hideous as possible instead of cute as fuck? Like how many actually go for the good kinda thick nowadays? Either strong thick or chubby thick, both are fine, yet they keep going for ugly blobs.

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they dared to put in a girl who has committed the greatest sin known to dick-kind
she got too fat
so this game is shit and we'll get 7 threads an hour that's just the character's face and OHNOOONONONONOONOnonoONOnO

I just hope they fucking sink. They have never done any good games.

Mostly denial but also an assumption that porn artists will fix everything.

So, the character design is pretty repulsive, but the two seconds of gameplay look alright.

I wasn't that user you dumb nigger.

>Also Senran Kagura plays better than every western action game
No user, just no

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> fat dyke
> wheel chair

Okay checks out.

>This is anarchy reign 2

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Maybe he learned from Itsuno helping out during development and for DE


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So not only you're a fucking retard but you're trying to butt into another conversation.

Make your predictions Yea Forums. How fast will this go the way of Battleborn and Lawbreakers?

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This but unironically. If you're a fat girl literally fuck off the edge of my dick and out of my sight.
Literally fucking worthless.

>implying that intentional vs unintentional ugliness matter
Still not a redeeming factor.

i swear this picture looks like a very heavily photoshopped image of Peggy Bundy

fuck off with this constant 4v4/6v6 hero-based bullshit put out something worth a damn

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Cute snake

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I'll admit I was being hyperbolic for the sake of shitposting. But for real though, the character designs are Battleborn tier. It's like whatever design philosophy went to the designs was dialed up to 11 with no regard to actual aesthetic or design cohesiveness. It's like they threw a bunch things onto the characters regardless if they looked good or not.

I saw you being a retarded newcunt so I commented on it.

>w-wwaah d-don't butt in!
lmao fuck off back to trannyera you demented tourist

what the fuck is this?
>4V4 combat
yes cause lets make online shooters even more shitty

Mount and Blade: Warband has been out for nearly a decade, bro.

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>Bootleg ???
I think he's supposed to look like that gay dude from Apex.
Nah, I'm for real.
Not like any of the other character designs are much better either.

wait, she's also in a wheelchair? i couldn't tell that
this isn't actually a virtue signal
this is a legit europoor-tier funpost about how fat americans are that they have to ride scooters everywhere

A girl that size would not be constantly active. Maybe if the game took place on the fucking moon.

this, but unironically

Name 5 games that do this as their main gameplay.

And of course she(male) is flat

I like how you can't even provide an example of a better western action game than Shinovi Versus.

>inb4 God of War because you're a basic bitch and that's all you know

>"Aaaallll, lets combo ults"

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She isn't American.

Dota 2
League of Legends

>170 lbs
This is an even bigger lie than Trump being 6'3" and 239 lbs.

>better than anything


Anarchy reigns and dissidia are the only things that come to mind. Unless dota/lol things count. Paladins I guess?

It fits some settings. Ugly males are used as a character trope all the time, only retarded, practically worshipful views on women make people believe women should be exempt.
>women must be pretty!111
They aren't real, fictional universes have different rules to follow.

Yeah, but I want that type of game where the combat doesn't put me to sleep.

Might save the game. (or at least compensate for that pink haired monstrosity.)

Literally nothing else is expected of women in life except not getting too fat. So yeah if she fails at that she failed life.


>Jamacian guy with headphones
They're not even trying to hide that they're ripping-off Overwatch.

ninja theory always made shit tho
no one should expect otherwise



How many of you keks even actually played Anarchy Reigns?

Why bother? You're just gonna say "nuh-uh" to whatever.

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Did you unironically put in MOBAS and Overwatch as a character-action versus game?
You should've put Anarchy Reigns and For Honor, you absolute fucking mong.

that's what I kinda felt like. But I really just want Anarchy Reigns to get a PC release.

That's it. Nuke the west.

how did they go from hellblade to this? jesus what did microsoft do to them

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>this constant 4v4/6v6 hero-based bullshit
>Name 5 games that do this as their main gameplay.

I always wondered, with the whole BR mini-bubble, how come no one made a melee based one?

WHat the fuck ??? This nigga is called Makuta ???
Is this fucking bionicle ??

This. He l has talked about how 9/11 shaped Drakengard.

my brother literally just said that word for word

>we want the tumblr audience
Fucking yikes

fuck year

tank jr

fuck, just everyone really.

>its a '/pol/mutts think a game will flop hard bcs they cant get a boner' episode
dont you fags ever get tired of this?
this game, borderlands 3 and mk will all be successfull and you keep seething forever

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this is the ideal female body

I genuinely want to strangle whoever came up with these designs



because it turns in to boring no skill or aim spam fests?

holy shit dude, stop sucking Rachel maddow off, you sound obsessed

Fuck off

TehcnicallyThose are 5v5 MOBAS though for Overwatch its 6v6.
Try again.
If you're just going to lump every MOBA game there then you only have yourself to blame.

> (OP)
These look like rejected leftover Fortnite designs if Fortnite got into plus sizes.

Xbox won bros!

>trying to steal twitter and tumblr from overwatch
ok this is epic

Not just seething, but sneeding

>nose nigger piercing
Put it in the trash then set it on fire.

this reminds me of their earlier work

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You're damn fucking right it is.

KI was dead as soon as the last DLC hit
well, even before that

it was dead by like 2016

This game looks like the worst fucking character design I have ever seen in a video game.

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Makuta means something in Maori. The Maori sued for 95% of Bionicle being just Maori words; so, Makuta became Makuta Teridax.

okay bud, cant wait to see how many units this beast "ships"

You haven't played a notable amount of vidya.

battleborn 2.0 basically

>Zarya's younger sister who never got any attention

>Bootleg Sombra
Imagine being so underage you can't recognize a blatant Tank Girl reference

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1687x2560, 1016K)

>Skeleton guy with snake
>Loli minigunner
>Amazon African huntress
Let's be real here if the lady in the wheelchair wasn't there it would be fine

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This just looks fucking awful

you mean Battlebortion

Man Bionicle's fucking weird plot/lore wise when you go from each year

I dunno, BattleBorn still has it beat by a ridiculous margin

>El Bastardo

That's offensive

Overwatch is a bootleg.

What other lying about their weight instance can you think of? Is that really off limits because ORANGE MAN GOOD?

Anarchy Reigns

If it weren’t for her dumb hair I might’ve jerked off to this

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at least battleborn just copied other hero shooters this looks worse than nowadays mobile-shit

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>every art style that isn't realistic gets called "cartoony"
Why do people do this shit?

she's literally an obese amputee dyke with purple hair and mechanical legs and arms, more specifically her legs are just a huge fuckin wheel

noone on this board uses the term "PoC"

This is 10000000% corporate shilling

DBZ Battle of Z, though no one likes to talk about that one...

>Real talk: Why can't westerners make good character designs anymore?
We need more comparisons of western and japanese games

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this is obviously cartoony

>piggybacking a literal who on two established and popular series

Even PS2 God of War is better than post 3DS Senran

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Stillborn unironically had better designs than this, these are just fat degenerates. At least there was some small variety in battleborn.

>by 2015
I've had this fetish since I was a teenager though.

>unsexy malechest armor

I dont get it, nobody wants to play as ugly as fuck characters. Why do they keep pushing that shit?

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>4v4 PvP
>Shows 5v5

what is wrong with xbox

how are they unironically funding garbage like this, crackdown 3, sea of thieves, when sony is making hit after hit

>tap is in quotation marks
What humorless faggot made this?

You just did


not even American, but why do you twerps bring up trump in literally every conversation? that's called OBSESSED


>everything that isn't realistic is a cartoon

>Even PS2 God of War
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Are you implying Nu-GoW plays better than PS2/3 era GoW?

Butter cup, more like butter gallon.

All she needs is a meat cleaver and her bellowing out a "WEEE DONE WAITING!"

Don't understand playing a game that does nothing but blueball you

Blue checkered marks.

Nobody wants to play as ugly human women.

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The thing in your image is obese. The image of the girl in the bunny costume is curvy. There's quite a big (literally) difference in both of those.

>Even PS2 God of War
i hope you aren't implying that dad of boy is better than actual god of war

her thicc body is at least kino she only needs a mask

It's for people who can fap to literally anything


thats actually funnier than not putting it in quotation marks

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Why do you think, retard?

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We need to see the gameplay video first, so far it feels like a simplified melee so it can be played like Overwatch

>Why do they keep pushing that shit?
because western women are mentally retarded

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social currency

>Side with Microsoft
>Lose all your soul

Literally why does this ALWAYS happen?

I mean Hellblade isn't perfect by any means but they tried something you can tell they were really passionate about

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No im saying PS2 GoW games are better than watered down musou which is Senran ever since Shinovi Versus

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Darksiders 2 desu

>Ninja Theory
too bad it doesn't look very edgy

Waifufags don't buy games either, or did you forget dead on arrival 6?

Overwatch literally only still "exists" somewhat because it has attractive designs
No shit these things still sell if you put billions of dollars into marketing, it usually just doesn't stay around once the marketing wears of
Remember Apex Legends? That shit died within seconds once the streamer contracts ran out

First Google stream joke and now Microsoft keep shitting the bed
Say what you want about the japs, but they know how the console market works at least

More like in the Bleeding Edge of Suicide amrite

He eats 2 scoops of ice cream. 2 SCOOPS!!

All the DoA waifufags are busy with DoA Xtreem Beach Volleyball gacha and DoA 6 is ass anyway

What's your favorite ARENA FIGHTER? ("melee combat game" is a weird way to call the genre)

They reduced the tit size to pander to non-waifufags. Obviously the betrayed waifufags won't support you anymore. But as you can see neither will the twitter trannies,

Meanwhile waifufags got DOA up to 6th game.

Eat shit tranny.

>ninja theory
You can only pick one

Ixion saga, For honor, Anarchy Reings, melee only GunZ and S4 League

holy shit thats a small head

What is this shit?

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Gundam Versus I guess.

I think the genre is pretty bad though

He's an endless lolcow who has a tweet for every occasion and has been in pop culture since the 80s. When you've been on Fresh Prince, WWF, and had your own reality show and love to use social media and become president, there's a lot to talk about.

looks super fun. Shame you can't enjoy fun things cuz you're triggered by minorities and large women


How has everyone forgotten lawbreakers?

I mean I understand how, it was like the most easily forgettable game ever, but I don't think I've seen the comparison made yet when it fits here perfectly.

Gundam Versus

Go watch their development vlogs and tell me there was no soul involved

oh no fuck dude

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nice undying helmet

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Anarchy Reigns
Sequel/spiritual successor when, Platinum?

He also hires people with zero qualifications because "lol she's hot" and proudly boasts about that on stage and on camera. But lol unfunny man said two scoops once ethics in vidya journalism.

>4v4 melee combat games
It's called an Arena Fighter you ESL shill

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I prefer to shot myself before listening to Tameem bullshit, thank you

I can already see people comparing this to borderlands 3's Moze

soul vs soulless

>excellent studio gets bought by Microsoft
>immediately starts making absolute trash games

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Agreed, the game was fucking boring shit.


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Game Pass did not save Crackdown. Lmao. Not only can people who Game Share use their friends Game Pass. People can get free trials in an instant, forever. Don't be fucking stupid.

What would you do to save the arena fighter genre?

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What?! He hires hot people? IMPEACH!!!!

Because any concept of beauty is inherently oppressive, any standards at all are oppressive, and now people who grew up feeling that large corporations have a duty to be progressive and fight oppression work at those corporations, and still believe that.


shut up lardfag, don't talk with your mouth full you disgusting pig

>Ctrl+ F
>Anarchy Rei
>20 matches
Okay guys we get it

Nani the fuck?
Not only do waifufags buy games, but they also buy merch like figures and posters.
That's literally why every Japanese game has a cute chick in it.

Oh god I want more of this. PS2 had an awesome item creation mechanic that should have been seen as revolutionary for games like it. So much going on... for a game with like five stages.

>pick hair
>uses a wheelchair
The fat bitch looks like a clear stab at Tumblr, but Yea Forums is too autistic to see that

Yoo fuck this shill thread let's go here to laugh about it

make another good gundam versus

it will become the new Apex, some people will jump the first two months and then silence...

lawbreakers had ugly designs but isn't cartoony

>excellent studio
>Heavenly Sword

They are all doing the soiboy face

none of those are bad games though

I dunno.
I just don't really like that genre to be fair. I think its either too messy, or too slow.
Gundam Vs is the best of the bunch because it has fun mobility and doesn't get your character stuck in long winded hitstun and animations.

I haven't played that series a lot, but I guess Virtual On has a nice pacing to it.

Enslaved was their only good game.

Mediocrity is not excellence.

Normally, Yea Forums would be upset about useless women getting special treatment, but I guess we hold video games to a higher standard of ethics.

It was flawed, and the shitty network only made things worse. But characters were cool and the ost truly badass

Friendly reminder Ninja Theory never made a game that was more than ''meh''
DmC is the only game they where involved with that had decent combat and thats only because Capcom had to save their asses again

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They were given free reign to do whatever they wanted and chose to make this game.

What the fuck is that thing

>french fries hair
>a jaw to surpass Metal Gear
>oops i made the eyes tiny lets cover it with makeup heh

Tbh, I’d play as an old lady witch aesthetic character of games actually pulled it off well

Heavenly sword is downright unplayable mate

>Bootleg Sombra

I'm not sure you even know what Sombra looks like or plays like.

hellblade was based

she's super cute and there's gonna be tons of rule34 of her

i thought microsoft bought NT to make single player games like Hellblade
what is this nonsense?

>it's a non Americanos thinking lardwales should stay away from games and from society

>"from the makers of DmC"
>the only good DmC games aka Definitive Edition and Vergil's Downfall were made by Q-LOC team, Capcom Japan

Literally looks fine. I thought you people were for freedom of game devs to make whatever they like?

Imagine being a DMCposter and thinking literally anyone else takes you seriously

cant wait for quarter pounder to make 70 videos DESTROYING xbox for having icky pink hair girl

What fucking retard made this concept art?
>looks like Jared Leto's Joker
>stupid half-dyed hair
>one disproportionately huge arm, complete with the obvious jokes that come with it
>going by the wall he's up against, he's only about 3 feet tall

He also has skinny legs, dudes all chest and arms

imagine defending Ninja Theory and expecting to be taken seriously

>decent combat and thats only because Capcom had to save their asses again
That's the special edition, the vanilla edition is downright mediocre

>western """""games""""""

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Uhhh actually on second thought I'm ok with this character. Should've not given her Tumblr hair though

>The Maori sued for 95% of Bionicle being just Maori words
How the fuck can you sue someone just for using your language? Are languages copywrited now? do you need a license to speak new words? Clown world.

So is the character on top.

How does a warrior get that fat

>>Literally looks fine.
Nice cope, bet you say that in front of the mirror every morning

Fat edgy bitch
Obligatory islander, likely gay
Skinny masked edgy doofus
Hideous glowing bitch
Brown generic guy

It's always the same shit in these stupid, horrible games

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Nothing objective about it. It's a retarded fusion of anime and 90's comic books. Everything is over blown and edgy as fuck. All of the women have beautiful pristine faces all the men are chiseled Gods unless designed to be the exact opposite. Every skin is just some shitty reference to a another character in a another series. You posted Widow she is a human being specifically designed to look like a fucking alien for some reason. The weight of her own body would have caused her to become wheelchair bound as her spine couldn't possibly support the weight. It's terrible.

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She has a wheel for legs. Also fat warriors are a classic in video games, why question it now?

imagine having no reading comprehension

>UGH If you need to include a woman in your game make her an anime slut with minimal clothing!
>WHOA DUDE another ripped semi-naked man? This is prejudiced against men!

And here I was getting excited for the future of Xbox. They really are dead aren’t they?

probably because Lego tried to copyright the words themselves which would let them sue businesses with Maori names which is significantly more retarded

t-t-thats not Spyro

Dude even DmC is better then Shinovi Versus

>isn't hobby-grade
>isn't genre-blended
>doesn't have meta+growth
>doesn't have choice + Epic Battleborn Heroes!

>Original Characters
Pick one

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>And here I was getting excited for the future of Xbox.
based retard

Imagine being such a complete idiot that as an adult male in 2019 you're lying about your weight and height

reminder that the original heroes went away on a mission to find a mask and were literally jumped by niggers

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>strawmanning this hard
Nobody gives a shit about that, its when double standards are in play and hypocrisy

Stop making everyone so fucking ugly holy shit

But you don't have a point because right now the exact opposite of your comment is the norm.


Xcuck fanboy
>But Microsoft is based and would never fall into Snoy sjw leftist trash

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>Overwatch artstyle
>Post fanart

Husky yes. Outright morbid fat. Not really

>some strawman that starts with some "I'm retarded btw" wording
literally didn't even read, kill yourself

Gameplay looks decent. I'll get it with GamePass on PC and play a few days probably.

dmc remastered was probably the best western developed action game though.

Para tí

Actually, it was an absolute trainwreck originally. In 2012 Capcom took Itsuno and the DMC4 team off Dragon's Dogma and sent them to England to coach Tameem.

its been in development for 5 years and its made by 20 people.
the hellblade team is working on some alien exploration game.

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Nobody will make fanart for this game.

must be fucked if you make a bootleg out of a bootleg made of bootlegs made of bootlegs.

>Be microsoft
>buy dev mostly known for Singleplayer story driven games
>put them on some arena fighter MP game
only at microsoft

DmC is a Frankenstein of a game and was reworked and overseen multiple times by Itsuno's team. Capcom wasting time and money shipping them constantly overseas to keep the bongoloid retards in check. It's hardly a fully westacuck game.

Also 30FPS in an action game is a cardinal sin that automatically disqualifies you from competing anyway.

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Tekken, Street Fighter, DotA, LoL, MK, and OW all have warriors as fat as her.

hellblade was a terrible fucking game, the combat is shit and this trailer already has better gameplay.

But the combat was overhauled by the DMC4 team after the disastrous E3 demo they had that made them the laughing stock.

Legbutt Twitter will

>Outright morbid fat. Not really
So, it's okay when Japan does it?

>Lawbreakers 2019

>Being the only one of the big three with a conference on E3
>Thinking crap like this would help them improve their first party studios image

They have no fucking clue

>my edit
Thanks for using it, user.

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>dmc remastered was probably the best western developed action game
DmC Remastered was made by Q-LOC, one of Capcom's Japanese dev teams. They did 3 things. The PC port of DmC, and made DmC Definitive Edition, and Vergil's Downfall.

>we want the overwatch audience
Expect it to be forgotten after a couple of months

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His lore is literally a joke, not at all akin to this
>Street Fighter, DotA, MK
If one exists here, it is for the same reason as this game
Factually incorrect statement.

he's got a point, they obviously learned with injustice 2, so if a game bettered then post from there not the oldest version. Post jade or fuckin centrion. Hell jackie is fugly as fuck .

>Expect it to be forgotten after a couple of months
just like overwatch then

Fucking shitty buzzword using boomer fuck

Another melee multiplayer. If this game sells that will be the new trending style of games. And why the fuck is ninja theory doing online games? What the fuck.

>a fat tumblrina with pink hair with a scooter for legs with the name buttercup isn't a joke
Holy fuck, you're just being delusional now.

>30FPS in an action gam-
You conviniently forgot Definitive Edition and the PC version.

Yea Forums still seethe about OW and Blizzard 3 years later

How dare they besmirch that name with this shit

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If it's fun I'll be playing it even though the characters mostly look abysmal.

now thats a BIG YIKES from me bros

Rufus, Pudge, Borracho, and OW has Roadhog who is fatter than her. It's odd for obesity to suddenly trigger your autism now.

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It's a side project, most likely B-team.
It's been in development before the acquisition.

>stereotypical witch
>no fucking robes and pointy hat
you see, an old hag taken from a children tale would have been cool, but you are naive as fuck

you better GIVE ME THE SAUCE

Basically yeah hence "overwatch 2" in development

It was my most played online game on PS3. When it started getting filled with Glitcher Barons from Japan oneshotting me, my heart was broken.

DE was also handled by Itsuno's team lmao. Also DE sucked anyway and was really pathetic and shameless.

>PC version
You had to go to .ini files to enable it. user, these pieces of shit tried to backtalk to people who said 30FPS is bad for action games. They deserve no quarter.

>Fortnite plastic model rejects

This is some watered downed shit.

Why do shills always come around e3? This is so sad can we spam cunny?


Well guys there 13 EXCLUSIVES left. Some of them may be good. Right guys?

hitstop is a regular fighting game thing

This happened in 2001. More proof that this SJW clown world apocalypse is hyperbole.

This is up my alley fetish-wise and even I'm not so sure about this one.