P5R confirmed NOT coming to switch


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Fuck off snoyboi

At least they finally came out and fucking said it. I still would love to see it happen on Switch but I'm just glad Atlus finally broke the silence and said it. I'm not even mad, Just glad to get some fucking confirmation for once after 6 months of Nintendo cock teasing Perosna 5. Now we no the real ones to blame here.

seething nintendie

Read the catalog you dumb faggot

How many more threads will you create, nigel?


Now we know Atlus are indeed a bunch of crooks for trying to sell the same game to the same audience. Either they should have put this game on multiple platforms or just made Royal DLC for the original.


I have a ps4 and switch. Am indifferent

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Just checked the Discord and the boss said you did a good job
Back off for now and we'll make another round of spam threads later on to piss off the Nintendo and PC players

Yes because a company would just spill the beans when casually asked instead of waiting for the biggest game expo in the world that's in 2 days. Let me email Nintendo and ask them to tell me everything they're making I'm sure they will tell me everything. Jesus I swear you guys are actually fucking retarded.

>sony winning like always

in other news, water is wet



water isn't wet actually

Keep your weebshit, I don't want it. Turn based games should have died about 20 years ago

>implying he didn't make the five other threads

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
This is getting sad.

Don't you get tired of setting up your own shitposting?
You've been doing it for almost five years now.

>imagine being a soitendo shitch owner

Ur really bored. cringe

Who the fuck are you quoting, autist?

Why is this even causing so much seethe? Just seems like a generic weeb series. Oh but I forget this is pedo/v/ and this one has a high school setting. It all makes sense now.

that wouldnt be pedo though

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Cry me a river, switchlard

Why are you even here then, you obvious transplant. Fuck off back

Game is shit anyway

Where are all these pictures of the new girl coming from?

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Will it run at 60fps?

Why did you reply to me numbnuts? I've literally never port begged for this game. I wouldn't even play it if it was F2P on a platform I owned. Like I said, turn based games should have died about 20 years ago.

Can mods delete these threads, it's not even about videogames anymore, just bunch of Sony faggots trying to shitpost and ruining everyone's day. Seriously, fuck off and stop trying to start consolewars.

That's fine
But when do we get SMTV news
We saw flowerMC, when do we get an update?

It'll be a while

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No p5r and no destroy all humans. Sword and shield worst main mon games since og ruby and sapphire llololol. Get fuuuuuuccckeeed retarded nintendofags.

How does it feel Nintendo let you down again?

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>Basedny goys get a re release of the same game they had 2 years ago
>Switch chads get SMT 5 which is brand new and will be the best game in the series by far

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Yeah, switch will just get the base game announced at E3

It’s an expansion and rework of base game too onions boy. Your crying so hard I can hear you across the Internet.

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>buying the same game twice on the same console
What a cuck

>Sword and shield worst main mon games since og ruby and sapphire llololol.
hold the fuck up nigger you better not be saying that gen 3 is bad
you can't say that, even as a shitpost

>> Your just a c c c cuck
So says the seething user lololol. Even though he is the cuckeee and the one not getting the game lol. The delusions are great.

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>It’s an expansion and rework of base game
So why it isn't dlc?
You aren't going to pay full price for it, right? I paid 30 bucks for P5 on PS3, and sure as hell I won't pay 60 for this

>Why is this even causing so much seethe
To make a long story short
>Atlus fans more interested in smt x fe before the idoling and gave no shits about a potential p5
>sonyfags won't stop shitposting about smt x fe so Atlus fans tried to piss them off by saying it won't go to PS
>revealed and still no one cares
>skip to years later and joker comes to smash
>everyone speculates as to why they would put him in and a port becomes a common point
>sonyfags get scared about losing another game and start shitposting about it
>turns out no port and people stop caring again but speculation is now taken as "portbegging"
>cue endless shitposting and falseflagging
And that's your short history

Sorry cucky. I already own the original. I ain't buying that shit again.

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>turns out no port and people stop caring again but speculation is now taken as "portbegging"
Interesting choice of words

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>Specifically referring to the royal, not the game as a whole
So we're getting base game Persona 5 lol, Nintendo still wins


good job bud keep it up pissin off nintentoddlers

>Now we no the real ones to blame here.
yeah, and it isn't atlus or nintendo. it's the """leakers""" and """insiders""" who get attention by telling nintendo fans what they want to hear. and people STILL haven't learned to ignore them.

i hate sonybros but i hate nintendobabies even more for port begging all the time so fuck them fuck sony fuck microsoft and fuck gamers

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i know, right?

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I was specifically referring to Nintendo for even thinking Joker in Smash was a good idea. Especially at the game awards of all places.


holy fuckin shit nintendies got destroyed

this is atlus. they wouldn't announce shit like this at a western event, they'd announce it at a japanese event. like, for example, the concert a couple months ago that would have been the perfect time to announce a port, but it didn't happen.

They also have no plans of releasing SMT5 on anything despite announcing it a long time back. Thanks for the vaporware, Atlus.

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Man ,just let it go, that's pathetic

Obviously, can't run that game on a console as powerful as a gamecube

Switchfags on suicidewatch

I'd rather play a musou than a modern JRPG every single time