Games about Israel?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Israel.svg.png (1200x873, 17K)

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games where you can brag about being a leech on society and feign happiness when you really feel utterly useless and are a disappointment to your friends and family so you then blame jews for all of your problems, depression and lack of money?

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You mean Israhell? The world woule be a much better place if it was a smoking crater. Goddamn jews.

>mustached European embarks on a crusade to liberate his homeland from a greedy, large-nosed menace

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Any tycoon game

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destroy all humans

Israel has no right to exist.

Minecraft, given how absolutely BASED Notch is I’m sure he snuck some kind of symbolism in

Can't we just have one. ONE. single actual video game thread that isn't thinly veiled shitposting faggotry?

Any games about America.

Notch is a fat miserable fuck lol


mario isnt jewish he just italian

Deus Ex

>haha look i made another dogwhistling thread

Go back to your fucking containment board you fucking scum

Overwatch, lawbreakers, a hat in time, Wolfenstein etc.

Wow so just because I want play Israel games means I'm a nazi?

The first assassins creed is mostly set there

Has Israel made any games?

East vs. West – A Hearts of Iron Game


Attached: Buy my microgames, goy!.png (216x233, 10K)

>thinly veiled


Gb2 resetra,tranny

Girls Frontline has the personification of an Israeli gun, close enough?

Attached: Negev.png (1024x1024, 805K)

He's talking about the fascist who's doing the extermination. And you know, Italy invented fascism.

Bad Rats

You mean like the long-nosed merchants who appear to be rubbing their hands together and overcharge you for everything?
Or the tall black ones that cannot swim, steal your shit, and get angry if you even look at them?
Or the ones that sneak behind you and blow themselves up along with you, spawn excessively in the dessert, and are associated with the colour green?


about lying for sure.

Largely mobile games. I remember some Israeli made a rooftop puzzle game where you use different colors on a goo gun to get special surface effects and reach the level's end.
Like, to get from one rooftop to another you spray blue goo, that helps you slip and gain momentum, then you reach a yellow goo you placed to initiate a jump


wario land 4

are u ok

Every single MMO with an option to trade between players.

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Israel is innocent

Destroy All Humans


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Negev is best

Attached: Negev.(Girls.Frontline).full.2353953.png (1080x1080, 1.17M)

>british, rightful owner of the land!
, decide to create a country for jews
>arabs get mad, attack the country with overwhelming nupbers
>they get crushed
>Israel take some of their lands
>repeat twice

Blame the muslims for not knowing how to fight.

RL is mostly about israel

I like Negev because it's canon she genocides smelly brown muslims

Attached: Negev.(Girls.Frontline).full.2032912.jpg (876x1508, 460K)

>dogwhistling thread
I think you might have mistaken this thread for the youtube comment section.

Not since based Trump made MIGA real. Now Israel truly is our greatest allies but it's the american jews who are the bad guys and even based Israel hates them.

The 6th point kills the whole argument. So close


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