Why do people continually try to act like persona being exclusive is a huge deal when it only sold 2.7 million...

Why do people continually try to act like persona being exclusive is a huge deal when it only sold 2.7 million? That's an absolutely tiny number in today's industry. I'm willing to bet Mario tennis has sold more. It's like people heartedly arguing over where the next Neptunia game is gonna release. Who gives a fuck?

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>It's like people heartedly arguing over where the next Neptunia game is gonna release. Who gives a fuck?
Me. I'm tired of Nep spinoffs. I want Nep 5. And I want Plutia, P-ko and Uzume to be in it.

>Why do people continually try to act like persona being exclusive is a huge deal when it only sold 2.7 million?
Desperation from a certain fanbase mostly. Its also worth noting that it was never exclusive and that 2.7 committees is combined ps3 and 4 sales.

Oh and Mario Tennis is almost there.
You'll have to excuse my phoneposting too, I found this thread but then had to take a massive TLoU

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>phone poster
>is also a snoynigger

colour me surprised. :)

The point is why the developer still choosing to release at the same platform as the initial game? Do they hate money? how much of the fans willingly to rebuy this twice? not to mention we still to rebuy the DLC's too, if we still want it at ROYAL.

Most people wouldn't give a shit about it if Joker wasn't in Smash.

Is p5 good? I watched some videos way back of 4, it looked cool but dungeons looked boring/repetitive and fusing looked like a nuisance

Persona 5 sold well compared to 4 which sold well for a jrpg.

jrpgs are dying in the west and Persona is one of the few franchises that captures a decently sized western audience, Persona 5 especially.

>>is also a snoynigger
Anyone have a
>your head
Image for this user?

Contrarians/diehard Persona faggots will tell you it isn't, but it's an excellent game, probably my second favorite. The dungeons are hand crafted, so they have actual puzzles, enemy pathing to exploit so you can sneak around, places to hide so you actually have the option to avoid battles now and then, etc.

Fusing is 1000x more intuitive because you can pick and choose what skills the resultant Persona inherits from the Personas used to create it, whereas before it was just rng (as you said, a complete fucking nuisance).

Mechanically P5 makes P3 and P4 look like complete fucking jokes but they're still great games, and I still prefer P3's story to P5's.

It is a jRPG, of course it is boring

Thank you very much, user

Gameplay wise it is the best Persona game. The (main) dungeons are no longer randomly generated hallways (though the filler dungeon is), good quality of life stuff, SSS tier presentation and music.
Though unless you're looking to emulate, just wait for P5R since it's just the game but with more content, probably more quality of life in some way, and maybe they'll even make the story a bit better though this is just a hope.

The game is pretty solid. P5 has slightly better dungeons (not randomly generated and have some puzzles here and there), but it is a JRPG and repetetive at the core. If you want to fuse specific things you pretty much have to use a guide, but if you get as much persona as you can without fusing, it makes fusing much easier.

>jrpgs are dying in the west
Is this cope?

>persona sells more than ever
>nier sells more than ever
>xeno sells more than ever
>final fantasy still selling several million
>pokemon selling more and more ever since it went to 3D
>ys selling more than ever
>trails selling more than ever
>DQ coming out in the west

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Ah shit I forgot p5r is coming out. Yeah maybe I'll wait

Jrpgs are selling more than ever in the west

As an rpg it's kind of meh. Gameplay wise it's just an average turn based game but it's extremely easy to exploit to get something like 8 turns using baton passes and items. On top of that you're punished for not ambushing an enemy because of the gauge that fills if you're seen by an enemy so most of your encounters will be you having the first turn.

As for the dungeons despite not being randomised like the P3 and 4 they don't do much with it outside of if I remember right the 4th and second to last dungeons? So it's just a walk to the end in most cases.
Fusing is simple enough, pick two monsters, pick the skills and bam new monster.

One thing to note though, if you don't like cutscenes and dialogue do not get this game. There's at best about 15 to 20 hours of real gameplay to 40 to 60 hours of dialogue because of the downtime between dungeons and the confidants.

FF15 literally grossed 500 million dollars, at that’s one of the lowest numbers for the franchise

Absolute fucking garbage. You're right about repetition. The problem with the entire core combat system is that all-outs are fucking broken and completely devalue the entire combat system. Encounter after encounter you will just fish for crits and weaknesses, the gameplay doesn't evolve in any significant manner even after unlocking a few gun skills and ability to swap party members which is something that should've been in the game by default.

Outside of combat P5 is just atrocious as well. Some of the worst handed social simulation i can think about where your progress with confidants is not taken into account by the story whatsoever on top of everything after the last rank being essentially meaningless so you just max a friend and proceed to drop him forever. Some of the worst duneon crawling i've ever experienced in games, especially since some dungeons are universally considered a pile of shit like the spaceport.

Then again, i never played in other Persona games. For all intends and purposes they may be even worse, i don't even care. I will never touch this shit series ever again.

>That's an absolutely tiny number in today's industry.
No it isn't. You are a teenager so you don't yet understand that everything is relative.
If any CoD (after MW) sold 5 million it would be a complete disaster because the studio, budget and sales expectations are all massive.
Persona was made by a relatively small AA japanese studio, it shattered sales records of its own series and SMT in general (since Persona is more popular, that goes without saying).

>Who gives a fuck?
Clearly you do. Here you are, seething, making a thread about a game that is living rent-free inside your head, caring about its exclusivity statues.
Also your argument makes absolutely no sense. How does it affect me personally how much a game sells (as long as it did good enough to support the studio who made it)? If GTA, RDR, CoD, Fifa and the other 5 top selling western AAA trash were exclusive to a system I wouldn't give a fuck because I don't care about western shit. Doesn't matter that their sales total 400m+. However if EDF5, a game that probably did less than 100k, releases exclusively on one system at least for the first year then you can get I'd get that system ASAP if I didn't own it already.

Question is, why do YOU care about sales?

Because it’s a good game that’s niche. It would be awful if it sold over 10 million because as a prerequisite to that it would have to pander to normalfaggots

Redditors like to blow things wayy out of proportion. The world at large doesn't give a fuck about Persona 5 and all previous Persona fans hate 5 since the story and character are garbage.

All you have left are edgy preteens that like shallow stories about "dark themes" and "subverting your expectations" without any substance (like Nier Automata and MGS) and those are the people that cry online.

Just disregard any online polls or reddit threads since most of the people there are previously described brainlet incels

So much bait and misinformation in this post
Persona 5 is the best persona game by far and I played all of them. P3 and P4 are trash compared to P1 and P2.

I'm not a brand warrior, but do you REALLY want me to pretend that there weren't thousands of Switch port begging threads?

Why are there so many threads shitting on Persona lately? Are Nintendies really THAT mad that they shilled a game that isn’t even coming to their system?

Weak bait mate. P5 is trash and you know it, and so are 1 and 2 like what the fuck? Did you seriously think someone would believe you HAHAAHAH

People are always shitting on Persona 5 since it's garbage that killed a previously great JRPG franchise

4 is actually a far better game, but dungeon design in SMT is irrelevant.

>dungeon design in SMT is irrelevant
Imagine being this fucking clueless about a franchise.

Yes bing bing wahoo also beat octopath and xenoblade. Color me surprised that a big name like the fat plumber can outsell jrpgs that are still pretty niche and are only just now selling decent numbers. Still doesnt change the fact that p5 is an amazing game and nincels seethe that they cant play it when they have xenoblade which is also a really good game.

>but dungeon design in SMT is irrelevant

Shut the fuck up you bumbling retard, jesus christ the absolute state of shitters who think 4>5

Japanese console games are only bought by no-life otakus and hardcore weeaboos so they can't reach the one million sales

>P3 and P4 are trash compared to P1 and P2.
Eh, as games they definitely aren't. P3 absolutely ruined any mechanical depth the series had. That said when it comes to plot it definitely is better but who gives a shit about plot in a jrpg.

p5 is good, despite what the shitposters will tell you. gameplay-wise, it's the best game in sthe series. p4g made fusion less of a hassle by letting you choose which skills get inherited, and that carries over to p5. also, p5's major story dungeons aren't randomized like 3 and 4's were. the only randomized dungeon is the one you do side quests in.
story-wise, it's probably the best of the nu-persona games, although it's still inferior to p2 in that department.

It's because the main character is in super smash bros, that's literally the only reason

>jrpgs are dying in the west

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>gameplay-wise, it's the best game in sthe series.
I like how every time someone says it's the best they can't say why.

yeah who cares about games, its sales that matter

But everyone praised it long before smash or any "begging" happened

Nothing graphically justifies it being just on ps4. You could port it easily.

Do people unironically still post from desktop

It's not just on ps4 though, P5 is a ps3 port.

I’ll answer why. Slinks are the best written and actually benefit dungeon crawling now. Shibuya is bigger and better than Iniba and Iwatodai. Dungeons are ACTUALLY DUNGEONS now, and shadows are proper SMT demons that you can negotiate with and not generic beatsticks. Combat is more balanced and has more strategy and options. Pretty much literally everything is improved over the last two games.

>Why are there so many threads shitting on Persona lately?
it's because p5 is one of the biggest shitposter magnets of all time.
>switchfags shitpost against it because they didn't get the port they begged for
>console-war fags shitpost against it because it's a sony exclusive
>smashfags shitpost against it because joker got into their party game before banjo/geno/isaac
>mainline-only fags shitpost against it because it's persona and they want attention
>p3 and p4 babbies shitpost against it because they're jealous that p5 got more mainstream attention than their games
>westaboos shitpost against it because it's a japanese game with an anime art style
>tortanicfags shitpost against it because it's a new game released this decade
>xenofags shitpost against it because of their made-up "rivalry" between p5 and xeno 2
>xv-kun shitposted against it because it was a more critically acclaimed jrpg than ffxv
the sad part is that it's a good game. Yea Forums is just a shithole when it comes to discussing any modern games.

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P5 is the Monster Hunter Worlds / Fire Emblem Awakening of the Persona series.

>only sold 2.7 million
For what in normal circumstances would be a niche rpg it's quite a lot.

>tfw I played P5
>Going to play P5R when it comes out
>Don't care about the NvS stuff

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Not him but
>demon recruitment/fusion is the closest to SMT and therefore the most satisfying, don't have any abstract gimmicky card bullshit or terrible looking shadows
>dungeons are actual handcrafted dungeons with unique mechanics, still too handholdy but a huge step up from previous games (even 1 and 2 if we're being real)
>battles are very smooth because of the interface/controls
>confidants have gameplay relevance beyond just fusion bonuses

It's far from perfect but it is a big step in the right direction. Just needed to be a lot less handholdy, have a much shorter intro, and have a final dungeon that wasn't a complete joke.

Especially when most complaints about popular games amount to "they suck, lol". And any request for them to elaborate is met with "cope"

That's it I'm not coming back here. This not only means that you're a retard, it also means that you don't have a job because that would have you using a desktop computer.

Super Mario Party sold 6.4 millions.

>better dungeon design (not that this is saying much, since persona has never excelled at dungeon design)
>more emphasis on making the social links actually tie in to combat with the added perks they give you
>demon negotiations, guns, and nuke/psy/kouha/eiha skills are back
>everything is now mapped to a different button, which cuts down on scrolling through menus during combat

>buying a Japanese game makes you a hardcore weeaboo

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I actually like how no one can answer why the gameplay is “worse” than the older titles.

This. Face it nintenponies, the game is one of the greatest to come out of this generation and you are NEVER getting it.

You don't need to qualify yourself if you shit on something, apparently.

clearly you've never seen the p3babbies defend tartarus and the gimmick ai combat system. according to them, the boring randomized hallways give p3 "replay value," and the gimmick combat system you spend more time watching than playing is the pinnacle of jrpgs. never mind the fact that ffxii's gambit system and fucking miitopia of all games did the gimmick better than p3 did.

> Turn based
> Anime artstyle
Into the trash. Enjoy your exclusive Sony ponies. I wouldn't touch this shit with a 10 foot pole even if it did come to a platform I own

stop stealing our insults snoypony, you're just like your company

it fits nintendo fans better because they're the bronies of gaming.
t. idort

>Slinks are the best written and actually benefit dungeon crawling now.
Not really no, most of them break the game or just outright invalidate certain features. Just look at how you can bypass negotiation entirely if you max out the gun kid.
>Shibuya is bigger and better than Iniba and Iwatodai.
So? A bigger world isn't better if you're just doing the exact same things. It just makes it a bit more tedious because those activities are spread out.
>Dungeons are ACTUALLY DUNGEONS now, and shadows are proper SMT demons that you can negotiate with and not generic beatsticks.
And we just established that negotiation can be bypassed not to mention it wasn't anywhere near as complex as it is in regular smt games or even p1 given you only have to get 2 correct in a row and it's over.
As for the dungeons it's a similar thing to the larger world, there's no point in curation if they don't put anything in it. The closest thing to a real puzzle was shido's dungeon where you had to find those guys and that's if I use the term puzzle loosely.
>Combat is more balanced and has more strategy and options.
More options? Yeah I won't argue there.
Balanced no way, those options give the player a huge advantage over enemies especially baton pass because of how it powers up the character you pass to so that means that you can not only get multiple turns while still technically using only one character but you can reach game breaking degrees of damage which gets even worse on merciless. You can get the ability on the second SL for each party member as well so it's not exactly a hard thing to do during dungeon downtime.
Then there's things like down shot and bullet rain if I remember right which further breaks the game.

The combat balance in p5 is a perfect example of more not necessarily being better.

I'm an idort too snoypony. Come up with your own insult, I know you have the time since you're constantly making meme images on Yea Forums.

t. idort.

Here's some common fucking sense
40 hours of cutscenes
20 hours
10 hours
Which one do you think has the best gameplay?

>I actually like how no one can answer why the gameplay is “worse” than the older titles.
They always do though but if you elaborate you're just met with cope posting and "LOLOLOLOLO ASSMAD NINTENFAGS".

I couldn't finish P5 because it's like 100 hours long, half of those are cutscenes, the rest is grinding, and the story isn't that good to keep you playing for that long.

fuck off, acfag.

I still think P5 does, mostly because cutscenes have nothing to do with gameplay.

>Doesn't talk about the gameplay at all

ACfag only complains about Nintendo.

He complains about other games too, user.

>Just look at how you can bypass negotiation entirely if you max out the gun kid.
no you can't. you're probably thinking of yoshida's level 8 perk, and even that only works occasionally. and it's gated behind a time-sensitive social link that is easy to miss.
>It just makes it a bit more tedious because those activities are spread out.
fast travel makes this a non-issue.
>not to mention it wasn't anywhere near as complex as it is in regular smt games
no shit, it's not. atlus is aware of how many people had only played p3 and p4 and they're easing them into the mechanic. that being said, i'll take dumbed-down negotiations over a soulless card game any day of the week.
>As for the dungeons it's a similar thing to the larger world, there's no point in curation if they don't put anything in it.
the casino alone was more interesting than all of tartarus and all of p4's dungeons put together.

Nier Automata has sold 4 million as of last week.
Atlus BTFO?

no he doesn't.

>Not really no, most of them break the game or just outright invalidate certain features. Just look at how you can bypass negotiation entirely if you max out the gun kid.
There’s nothing wrong with end game slink abilities letting you bypass certain mechanics, negotiation is less important the more the game goes on regardless
>So? A bigger world isn't better if you're just doing the exact same things. It just makes it a bit more tedious because those activities are spread out.
Except you can fast travel to all the activities if you really want
>And we just established that negotiation can be bypassed not to mention it wasn't anywhere near as complex as it is in regular smt games or even p1 given you only have to get 2 correct in a row and it's over.
As for the dungeons it's a similar thing to the larger world, there's no point in curation if they don't put anything in it. The closest thing to a real puzzle was shido's dungeon where you had to find those guys and that's if I use the term puzzle loosely.
That’s still one more puzzle than 3 and 4 ever had, it’s an improvement over RNG pointless grind dungeons whether you want to admit it or not, and we know that Royal is revamping the games puzzles. And any form of negotiation is better than just picking a persona card at the end of a fight
>4th point snipped for comment length

Merciless will hopefully be fixed in Royal, you can’t abuse Baton Pass on boss fights and you should be steam rolling regular encounters with player advantage anyway

>persona being exclusive is a huge deal when it only sold 2.7 million
Isn't that still the best selling atlus game ever?

Yes, literally their most popular product

>Shido palace
>Unlocking doors every four seconds
Kino game.
Excited to pay full price for second serving of this top tier writing.

>Persona is not comnig to Switch

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>Yea ForumstendoGaf portbeg for this game for months
>suddenly act like they don't want it anymore

Yea ForumstendoGaf will never get over not getting Persona 5.

>That's an absolutely tiny number in today's industry
Is it? What did the other exclusives sell?

No you nigger, some of us actually think P5 has flaws and isn't a perfect game. Not everyone is an assblasted nintendo fag. I own the game and think a lot of the hype comes from people that didn't play the second half the game, when it starts to fall apart.

Unless they're super normie stuff like Super Mario or Zelda, yes it does.

>you're probably thinking of yoshida's level 8 perk,
No I'm thinking of Shinya's warning shot which is rank 3 I believe so you can get it fairly early. It says it only increases the chances but I've never failed with it since I got it. I don't even think I did Yoshida's but it's another example of how broken confidant abilities get.
>fast travel makes this a non-issue
Which existed in 3 and 4 too but the areas weren't nearly as large so no it doesn't alliviate it.
>i'll take dumbed-down negotiations over a soulless card game any day of the week.
That's such a meaningless word these days especially since many would call a stripped down version of something as soulless like Pokemon let's go. That said if they were going to half ass it like that then there was absolutely no reason for them to put it in.
>the casino alone was more interesting
Visually yeah but when it came to what was in the dungeon it was just as boring.

Below 3 millions is the ceiling for Japanese games? DMC5 sold 2.1 millions units. I mean for very Japanese games, the kind of stuff the west doesn't do.

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>Why do people continually try to act like persona being exclusive is a huge deal when it only sold 2.7 million?
Because barely any Atlus game in their twenty something years in the industry have ever passed the 1M mark?

>you can’t abuse Baton Pass on boss fights
Not him but as long as the boss has a weakness you can abuse it because it works on hitting the weakness not downing an enemy.

Best written part of the game
>what does Kamoshida think the school's his castle?
>shows up wearing a robe and a crown
Oh I get it he's the king of the school

Oh and on crits.

I think we are arguing fundamentally different things. You’ve laid down what looks like creditable criticisms but you haven’t argued why the previous games handled it better. Because at the end of the day half assed negotiations that you can bypass with slink skills is still better than just picking a card at the end of a battle, P5 dungeons as pointless as you may see them are still objectively superior to the copy pasted Tartarus and TV world, and Shibuya is more fleshed out than 3 and 4s overworld.

>Obvious metaphor is obvious
>Teammates still explain the metaphor two or three times
I love the writing in this game. It's almost as good as Skyward Sword's Fi.
>Maybe Fi and Morgana are related?

Yea ForumstendoGaf is still damage controlling for not getting Persona 5.

1. It's the best selling Persona game.
2. Why should I care about its sales? Game quality is more important.

>P5 isn't perfect, so naturally any discussion of game will include criticism
>This completely wrecks the ego of the P5babby
>I-I know, it's the Nintendo boogeyman!!
The absolute state of Yea Forums









>No I'm thinking of Shinya's warning shot which is rank 3 I believe so you can get it fairly early.
warning shot doesn't completely invalidate negotiations, it just makes them slightly easier. thing is, shinya's social link isn't even available until early september. at that point, you should have already gotten the hang of the negotiation system.
>Which existed in 3 and 4 too but the areas weren't nearly as large so no it doesn't alliviate it.
it's still not that big of a deal.
>That said if they were going to half ass it like that then there was absolutely no reason for them to put it in.
they didn't half-ass it. it was simplified for a valid reason.
>Visually yeah but when it came to what was in the dungeon it was just as boring.
not really, no. nothing in tartarus was as memorable as the house of darkness maze, the battle arena, or akechi figuring out that the games were all rigged.

>2.7 million from a JRPG

That’s ridiculous for the genre in this day and age

Its just all hype user

>but you haven’t argued why the previous games handled it better.
That's because I'm not, as far as I'm concerned neither the card game nor 5 negotiations were good. That said the card game wasn't as much of a waste of time in the long run because it didn't require the set up negotiations do.

>P5 dungeons as pointless as you may see them are still objectively superior to the copy pasted Tartarus and TV world
I don't think I need to tell you how pointless this statement is but just in case, you aren't saying why it's better. I mean it does have points in visuals but they're ultimately worthless without the substance. I mean, pokemon and Digimon have more involved dungeons.
Also, while both are bland at the very least you can blast through 3 and 4s but with 5 there are moments where you're forced out of a dungeon not counting the calling card segments.

>Shibuya is more fleshed out than 3 and 4s overworld.
Fleshed out how? You do the same activities the only difference is what they're called really like the challenge burger and the challenge ramen that gives you the same social stat ups there's not really anything else to do.

Not really.