Ninja Theory's Bleeding Edge Leaked

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Other urls found in this thread:

those are some of the worst character designs i've seen since battleborn

concept looks really good to be fair

came here to post this
what the fuck??

WOW it's shit
>muh new acquisitions
>muh checkbook
>muh resources

Damn that’s actually looking pretty good!

Anarchy Reigns died for this

>fat women
ha..HAHAHAAHA, fucking worthless cow, fuck this gayh shit

It's a bloody overwatch rip off.

One wasted, let's see the other 13

i don't think the hellblade team made this its made by another of their internal studios. the hellblade teams game should have really good facial animation and stuff because they use that real time capture shit.

>fat feminist on unicycle
GOTY incoming

Holy fuck, Phil, why are you funding this shit?

Anarchy reigns died because it was shit

>People like Borderlands right?
>and they like Overwatch right?
>I guess?
>lets mash them together and go for lunch
Ninja Theory needs to just fuck off forever.

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>Anarchy Reigns-esque game
Eh, could be neat

Altogether now, one, two, three!

Yeah this is back to DmC garbage

Ninja Theory already developing this way before MS acquired them, and well i don't see why MS should cancel this project.

That literally looks like DmC combat, right down to even the hit sparks

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So it's Anarchy Reigns but by Ninja Theory?

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its these types of games which will make money because of their longevity but as far as i've read this game has been in development for years and isn't even a mainline project for NT.

>Ninja Theory

that's a hard pass

she cute tho

cringe Snoyboy who cant play it

its melee

development started in 2014

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It looks like it will dethrone Fortnite and Overwatch. Definitely interesting.

>those fucking characters

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>already defending this
this board, man

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>ninja theory

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So this is a first party For Honor?

Why would you advertise that you are behind DmC, one of the most hated games of all time

>NT reduced to make console exclusive battle arena knockoffs
>Those pig disgusting designs
>bleeding EDGE

And all is well in the world.
the redhead was kinda cute tho

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>she cute tho

cringy as fuck

Even if the combat might be good I hate the design. It's one of the worst things I've seen this entire gen in terms of art-design. I don't know man, I had really high hope for Ninja Theory after Hellblade, this just looks bad. Disappointing.

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different dev team from hellblade

>still two days before E3
>literally everything leaking before any showcases
>tfw nothing will be left for the E3 itself

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AR was junk

Implying it won't be on PC day one with a $1 Cuck Pass sub.

>development started in 2014
Fucking hell, five years to pump this shit out? No wonder they went looking for a bailout.


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>already shitting on this because one character is fat, who is tank class anyway

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Getting so fucking tired of this pop punk aesthetic. Wow, mad max and pink hair, so revolutionary and unique. Haven't seen it in every game in the last three years or anything.

I'd rather have a game adaptation of this

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literally battleborn 2.0

Everyone bringing up DmC like it didnt have decent combat. Its like the only thing that will translate into this new game, and that isnt a bad thing.

>those designs
yup, bleeding edge is quite the fitting name

it's gonna be on Steam day one you retarded Snoyboy

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> gameplay and general idea are good
> art direction is so retarded it causes physical pain

>Ninja Theory

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>Microsoft buys Ninja Theory
>immediately make a shitty multiplayer action game that'll flop hard

oh boy that was money well spent, huh?

Characters design look like a terrible mess.

Name something. Anything. That hasnt already been used up within the last decade of gaming. Its not about the concept, but about the presentation/execution.

Seems okay? They're kinda noisy and don't have much appeal but lets see how it goes in a higher quality video.

this. even DMC fanboys can admit DmC has decent combat but its everything else that sucks.
this game is 100% combat bcs its a pvp game so all the retards saying pink hair = shit game can suck a dick

>fat dyke in a wheelchair


If it's anything like Gigantic I will be one of the 45 people that like it and it will die.

Someone send in Takanuva.

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Looks like absolute garbage.

Shut up Donte

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please enjoy:

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They nailed their audience at least

Just keep designing the characters until there's no more space left on the character to design.

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it's been in development since 2014. they uploaded a prototype 5 years agoi

>suddenly full-force defense on DmC ITT

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>another overshit clone
Dead on arrival.

made by only 25 people too apparently

>all these grimdark losers writing a game off based on a 360p teaser trailer
I fucking hate all of you

Shame, looks good, but those tranny character designs are gonna be a hard pass for me.

I think devs wanna change it, but they're


>trailers are designed to advertise an upcoming product
>product looks shit
>say it's shit
>"like omg why are you complaining tho?"

The combat was the best part of DmC, there's no story in this one that you can cry about for a decade.

Who the fuck does these designs? Who approves them? What's wrong with people? Is it the water?


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Hol up, is that a brown amazoness?

Instantly overshadows any other female design by default.

>okay boyos what color scheme should we go with for these characters
>say no more my brothers

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>t. triggered tranny

I like the flamethrower mouth guy

i dog the idea of a characters who fights with a motorbike stuck up their ass. too bad the character attached to the bike looks like shit.

it doesnt though.
already looks more fun and faster paced than DMC, now that was slow boring garbage

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>Those character designs
>4 vs 4
Amazing, it only took seconds for my interest to hit zero.

Im sure you are thrilled for The Lesbians of Us 2 and Kojimaâ„¢ Walking Simulator

Your penis.

and here we go

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>Hire a studio's who strength is in writing and cinematography, but struggles with engaging game design (See Hellblade, Heavenly Sword, Enslaved)
>Have them make a multiplayer focused game devoid of any focus on it's writing and storytelling

Yea, sure, makes sense.

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>DmC logo flashing for a second as if creators wanted nobody to see it

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looks soulless

What's the chick with the mask name? Cant read it

I would.

Stop liking shit games lads.

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Trying to outdo DMChad bike weapons, are ya? Nice try.

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It’s not anarchy reigns if the soundtrack isn’t killer beats and rhymes

why does she wear the mask

Samefag here. Based af

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>Hire a studio's who strength is in writing
uhhhh did you play DmC?

>Have them make a multiplayer focused game
in development for 5 years alongside hellblade. both games were developed by around 20 people. this isn't the hellblade team making it.

battleborn reject simulator

this game started development 4 years before microsoft bought them. it would be pretty dumb to can a game that far into development. this will have its own fair share of sales/gamepass downloads so its still money well spent for MS whilst the other 2 NT teams including the hellblade one develop their next gen title.

>El Bastardo
From Cormano to this...


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>handicapped trannys
they really know their audience, SJWs are going to praise it

>Hire a studio's who strength is in writing and cinematography

>>Hire a studio's who strength is in writing and cinematography
You do realize that their writing for the most part is outsourced to proper writers right? DmC is the example of a plot that they wrote themselves.

i really tried to enjoy it but the level design was just boring uninspired shit, sorry.

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Based and bioniclepilled

>Character dont make peepee hard? Bad character design!

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Don't drink the water, it makes you forget.

>MFW the game completely flops and MS shuts Ninja Theory down

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Then its just you, not the game, sweatie

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and then no one will buy it

Kind of a good thing to have a penis that isnt used up, no?

I'm sorry but it sounds like you have a terminal case of shit taste.

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>>Character dont make peepee hard? Good character design!

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>Character dont make peepee hard? Everything about this game sucks!

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>fat woman with a unicycle for legs
how nice of them to include an american character

>from one grey small linear corridor into the next one until youre trapped into an arena
yeah nah this is literally nuDOOM-tier level design. not good.

Well, one of the problems with a character lacking sex appeal is that they lack appeal in that area. This is totally fine if a character has appeal somewhere else. This has yet to be seen, though.

Here's your answer

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> strength is in writing and cinematography


>another DOA multiplayer class based game with garbage characters
Why do developers keep doing this? Ninja Theory have always been shit but this is just blatantly going to fail.

NT has two more games in development that are on a much bigger scale than this. this was made by 25 people so they'd have to seriously fuck up those other games and have literally no sales if they're going to be shut down similar to evolution studios

that says creative director not character creator

Oh so the bitch came on board after Enslaved, this explains a lot about the shift in character design.

Here is whats gonna happen in order.
>Game releases
>Big twitch streamers are paid to play it for a week
>Streamers contract end and stop playing
>Game views drop to 1k
>"Bleeding Edge didnt just die, it was murdered"

> Make video game
> deliberately make them ugly instead of pretty

yeah, that's pretty retarded, since everyone likes seeing pretty characters.

itll be day one in gamepass. even crackdown did fine bcs of it.

They're hoping dumb people will think they're associated with DMC5

Pretty is subjective. You are just mad is not more anime garbage.

typcial woke garbage. can´t even tell what race and gender most of the characters are supposed to be

>Ninja Theory, a shit company that only releases mediocre games
>now owned by Microsoft, a shit company that does nothing right

It’s going to ve a massive turd and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

This is the Western embodiment of the tried and true character overdesigning made famous by Japanese VG artists

No surprise at all that it comes from NT - i bet Tameme himself designed most of em for maximum 'cool' factor

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Who /buttercup/ main here?

Pretty is not completely subjective, that is wish fulfillment espoused by fatties.

>we want the overwatch audience

>typcial woke garbage
i hate lefties just as much as everyone else on this site but god damn i have a friend who just never shuts the fuck about WOKE STUFF HERE WOKE STUFF THERE FUCKING SJWS TRANNIES GRRRRAAAA MUH MEDIA WOKE WOKE WOKE GARBAGE FHEAFHADFA

you niggers are so fucking annoying. SHUT THE FUCK UP

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if this was made by nintendo everyone would go batshit crazy over it.

>>People like Borderlands right?
>>and they like Overwatch right?
>>I guess?
>>lets mash them together and go for lunch
people already did that. it´s called Battleborn

Attached: battleborn-46-playing-an-hour-ago-bad-rats-1-037-ts-8293520.png (500x480, 110K)

>Xbox/W10/Steam crossplay
>day 1 gamepass on xbox and win10
>Probably won't even be a full 60$ game
Once it finds its fanbase, it will be fine. All I'm worried about is will it get constant updates and balance patches.

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Or more realistically, it's going to be a Hellblade situation, where Yea Forums constantly shits on it yet it's successful and everyone outside of Yea Forums thinks its a great game.

>overtrash but with vomit inducing ugly as fuck characters

Lmao, good going MS.

Wasn't this game in production before Battleborn came out? perhaps they're in too deep now kek.

hellblade literally won goty awards at the same goty event everyone here loves to shill because god of war won the main award

But thats every game

I get what you mean user but WOKE stuff is just very comment these days and mostly responsible for why things suck so it´s only natural that people will point it out often.
Imagine you lived in 14th century Spain and people stared dying around you daily thanks to the black death. Of course people are going to talk about it none stop

no idea but that would be one hell of a long development if this game doesn´t do really well it could be the end for team ninja

>Always wanted a game of this type
>get one but it looks like this
It's not goddamn fair

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>Ninja Theory gets stuck making Battleborn 2 while DMC5 comes out and is GOTY

Shouldn't have fucked with DMChads.

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you saw like maybe 15 seconds of gameplay, at least wait until the alpha if you're gonna jerk off all over it. just a gimped looking overwatch, epic uppercut man, roadhog with the look of a fat zarya, sound man with headphones. wonder what cookie cutter abilities we will see

I was hoping this would be that sci-fi game, damn that was disappointing. Guess this is another game I'm skipping. Character designs look like shit.

if hellbalde sold well they wouldn´t have to be bought by Microsoft

Goodness, the character design looks terrible. And they apparently don't mind releasing an arena shooter at a time when arena shooters are losing in popularity very rapidly.


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Disgusting characters

Why do you Whites hate beauty?

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unironically looks good. its a shame about the art style. hopefully modders will be able to change that up and it'll be fine.

Why are western devs so shit at everything?

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looks like one of those gay pride parades

>sonyer playstationer

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Literally the worst character designs I've ever seen. Even worse than Lawbreakers and Battleborn

you saw like maybe 15 seconds of gameplay, at least wait until the alpha if you're gonna shit all over it

>Literally LawBreakers design
I bet Tamem thinks it look cool.

anarchy reigns characters looked like garbage too dude

The best argument out there.
>wtf user, don't play with your dogs poop, it fuckin groĂŸ

She is even riding a scooter for fat people

Are you implying this wasnt a disaster too?

>Ninja Theory

Attached: little blue rat getting the fuck out.jpg (500x336, 21K)

Tekken Tier design

>variety of colors
>colors barely stand out


Excuse me?

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"We want the Battleborn audience"

Looks fun as fuck.
Why does Yea Forums think no titties = bad gameplay?

So an empty room?

Fuck you, Anarchy Reigns was great.

remember the user who used to shit post how he worked on a 3rd person melee pvp game and was really upset that the team decided to with a fantasy look instead of scifi?
I wonder if that shit post inspired this game

beause western character designs completely disregard color theory as well as color balance. They either introduce no color into their designs, or throw all the colors at them like a preschooler having a shitfit while finger painting. None of the colors have a chance ot breath on their own.

dont need to play them to see the designs you dunce

>TFW the xbox 2 leak was real

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>you are only allowed to post in one thread at a time

>Lets be bold and different! Instead of thin sexy women lets make them fat and ugly! Haha so unique!
Why are western devs so creatively banktrupt?

Attached: 2427430-trailer_loadout_launch_20140129.jpg (1214x933, 596K)

>same image and filename
>im not a shill i swear

>Studios in current negotiations for acquisition
>Platinum Games
Please god no

what does character design have to do with gameplay?

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Ok retard.

looks turbo casul like Sunset Overdrive
some people like that maybe

Why did it die so fast then? The game sucked, admit it.

>you are not allowed to post an image more than once

Attached: me.png (351x434, 123K)

>Launch game

Bleeding Edge is releasing on alpha this month though

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Literally why


Ps5 is confirmed to have more TF than stadia so a good portion of this probably isnt true

wow its like overwatch but with shit character designs!

Wester devs are full of lgbt, color, feminist personel, do you expect these ppl to think about something other then themselfs?

maybe MS realised it's a waste of time and money to continue with this and told them to finish this ASAP to make the big budget games.

this reminds me of battleborn, the game will probably suffer something simillar to whatever the fuck was the name of that cliff blezinski multiplayer game.

Reminder that western character design has to be bad and ugly so americans can relate to the video game characters.

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the title bleeding edge was leaked in 2018.
this is just fanfic

I'm Ps5 shill but fuck of with this meme

>Same filename
Based retard.

Ugly characters are more fun to kill

>that link
I ain't clicking that shit nigga

>Ps5 is confirmed to have more TF than stadia so a good portion of this probably isnt true
not it isn't. the only person who has said that is that kotaku kike. we've not received any official numbers from sony regarding that. also navi TF =/= vega because they're different architectures and performance can vary wildly e.g. a gtx 1070 ti is a vega 56 competitor (stadia gpu) but the 1070 ti is only 8.8 tflops (compared to 10.7 of vega 56 in stadia)

Looks like absolute garbage, they should stick to making games like Nioh

No they are not, your just glad they are finału off the screen

just like MK was going to flop according to Yea Forums


>australian with big knives
>weird voodoo black dude
>fat american on a mobility scooter (with one wheel because crazy)
>not genji

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The design has nothing to do with woke, you fucking retard. It looks like shit because it looks like they just threw random shit onto people. For fucks sake, looks like she has a child's pail on her head.

> 4vs4 online melee
>"by the makers of dmc Devil May Cry"
>probably xbox exclusive
>game has a garbage art direction , looking like the illegitimate offspring between overwatch and crackdown 3
If they want people to buy this mess, it's off to a terrible start

digital foundry further confirmed those specs in a video just today with their sources confirming a high powered SSD similar to the one in the ps5 will be in the next xbox. that leak was one of the first to say nextbox was getting a fast 1gb/s SSD.

unironically would... haha...

>first image I see is LITERALLY a fucking fat feminist with short pink hair

Ninja Theory was the only studio on Xbox umbrella wich I gave a fuck about what they were doing. Now that I now... I will stick to not have one.

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that's what I said newfag.
are you not allowed to post the same picture more than once anymore? since when? do you rename your pics everytime you post them? ohhh hnooooo someone posted an image twice!! terrible.. meanwhile there's actual autists like pic related

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are you ok, retard?

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I told you fucking faggots I was working with a studio and the team was fucking up MY ideas. Now do you believe me? I wanted to make a cyberpunk themed game, not this garbage mad max rage 2 looking garbage.

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excuse me?

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Except it did sell fairly well. The reason they wanted to get bought by MS was for bigger budgets so they can make Naughty Dog tier cinematic experiences. Ninja Theory has always been an indie studio that acted like they wanted to be a AAA studio. Now they're finally going to get their wish. Lets see if they can rise to the occasion or if they just shit themselves

Yeah thats where you belong. Ninja Theory is not Team Ninja. Fucking retard.

I told you, I fucking told you guys. You didn't believe me, but I told you. I TOLD YOU ALL

You're too easy to bait kid

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Only girls are:
>fat feminist with dyke pink hair
>super flat nigger
>cow skull face nigger
>a literal granny
Western games, everyone.

Wouldn't get this shit even for free.

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haeb zegz >:(

Believe what?

Happy happy joy joy.

better than sameface anime shit, I literally can't tell most anime designs apart

>they should stick to making games like Nioh
Ninja Theory =/= Team Ninja

They looks like trash but a 4v4 DMC sounds dope

Should have know better than working in AAA, and giving your effort so the people in the position of commands can ride on it to glory. Also, from the looks of it, I would be better of not having my name associated with this cringefest.

Go indie.

team ninja should stick to making ninja gaiden for the xbox. nioh is fucking garbage.

Hope the Hellblade teams game is good because this looked like shit currently, the only things I want to see from Microsoft are
>Halo Infinite
>Forza Horizon
>Ori 2
>Fable IV
>Age of Empires IV
Bleeding Edge was a bust and I hope the other two new ips aren't shit like Bleeding Edge and Gears 5. Kind of makes me wish they just stuck with bringing back old games from the dead? Microsoft and Nintendo both suck at making new ips and Sony sucks, in general

>doesn't like the delicious brown girl abs


but she's black, I don't like black girls

It died so fast because the game released in Japan 6 months before anywhere else, so by the time it released in the west the online was full of Japs at max level who could oneshot you with sniper rifles

Doesn't matter if it is anime, 3D, realistic, japanese female designs are always better.

You forgot the fucking cow skull in her face. She is deeply flawed, it is not one sole part of her body that will solve it.

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Because of the release schedule, it didn't come out in america until a year later after Japan, and it was initially condemned to a dead console, the 360. It stood no chance.

>the other 13
>halo infinite
>gears tactics
>gears 5
>ori 2
More like the other 7

but DmC played like fucking DOGSHIT

I hated all the constant slomo, the 30 cinematic fps, and donte constantly yelling nonsense anytime he did anything like him going UUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGh and OOOOOOOAAAAAAGH

also that part where you gotta walk down that long hallway and smoke cigarettes with vorgil as he tells you about sparta sucked dicks

why are so many of you obsessed with character design? what happened to playing a game bcs of the gameplay?

Now you can't handle masked girls? Your faggotry knows no bounds.

They make or break a game just as much as the gameplay, I don't want to play as an ugly goblin.

butter pint glass more like

Remember when Yea Forums said this game was going to flop because of the gay and ugly characters? Well, they made their money back within an hour and even if it's not as popular anymore, they made a fuckton of money with this.

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>DmC combat is very bad as a DMC game, mediocre as its own
afaik, that's the general consensus

Masks are a no go, specially one as ugly as a fucking COW SKULL. Kill yourself.

and its dead and forgotten. Your point?

>I literally can't tell most anime designs apart
That sounds like a you problem.

Remember how you shills thought this would be the Fortnite killer, but it died out in less than two months?

But it did, it lost like 90% of the playerbase after 1 month.
EA forgot to paid shills for more than that.

Man they really are chasing that overwatch audience hard with those designs
too bad they are 2 years late to the party

>everything leaking THREE days away from E3

what the actual fuck lol

Remember how you pubg shills thought Fortnite was going to flop but ended up becoming the biggest game in the world?

You don't seem to understand what a flop is.
This game had what, 25 million players after 3 days? They made MILLIONS with this. It's not a flop.

But it did

the combat was good because NT had to beg Capcom to step in to fix it, the defenitive edition was even better than the original and NT didnt even work on it

So what do you think of the gameplay then?

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Nice moving goal posts. Even better by assuming I like PUBG to begin with.

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>PS5 weaker than nextbox
I'm gonna fucking cry if this is true

I never asked for this.

good god those characters look awful


this is seriously the worst ive EVER seen.

>25 million players in 3 days is now a flop
is Call of duty also flopping every year bcs it doesnt have any twitch views?

That doesn't say much considering it is a free game. They only make revenue from those who buy skins and lootboxes, and unless they release those numbers, there's no way you can know. Also, they wasted way more than a few millions advertising that game, specially paying twitch streamers to play it.

>in 3 days
When is this "3 days" user?

>press A A X Y
truly exciting

Yeah thats what I thought tencent shill

Are you saying Battleborn has problems?

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People have to pay 60 dollars to touch on Call of Duty. You can play Apex without giving then a fucking dime. They are not in the same cathegory, faggot.

Fat Zarya is kinda cute, just wish fat women in games didn't keep defaulting to either Uber ugly or hyper snowflakes. I think Wildarms Reloaded is the only game to have a cute fatty since fat princess.

should have did realism artstyle like death stranding but with that arena style gameplay

>50 million players in a month
>BUT NO ONE BOUGHT THE MTX THAT 88% of games have nowadays because everyone fucking buys them

>PS5 early 2020 release date
thats fucking retarded considering Sony isnt planning on showing the thing until next year

I didn't know you can play games without pushing buttons user

Attached: D7cbjOMWsAMsOFY.webm (480x270, 2.89M)

Second attempt and you still failed.

Will you point out another battle royale game, or you will finally hit the nail and assume I don't have enough shit taste to play this kind of game?

Attached: 137072166157.png (622x674, 231K)

These Bleeding Edge designs look like leftovers from Fortnite... which means it will probably be a hit with all the damn zoomers.

Attached: alita boomer ball.jpg (399x362, 78K)

yeah bro. no one buys MTX!!

Attached: 51f6c97167a848752486acebdc2f240f.png (1501x756, 110K)

Ninja Theory has made only one decent game with melee combat and that's because Capcom had to fly in and show them how to do it.

No please leak everything, E3 cringe is too much for a couple of dissapointing announcements


>anime poster
>i dont have shit taste

Oh uh the FFXV and Horizonfag found a new game.

Attached: 1553034081116.png (1024x752, 1.04M)


I don't mind good gameplay with generic, uninspired designs. But in this case we get into territory of horrible designs that make it harder to enjoy the game.

different guy. It's from twitter

Why are western developers so bad at making good melee combat?

This has been leaked a long time ago

Requesting webm wih Vergil 4SE and Vorgin animations

it says it meant to release in 2019 or early 2020

>target date was holiday 2019
>don't know exact date
>can (could have) be early 2020

that's what a lot of the other rumors are saying as well because navi got delayed hence why the ps5 got delayed.

>Ninja Theory
i smell something yellow

Attached: DulIJNAW4AE-ePu.jpg (1012x478, 77K)

>caring about Ninja Theory games
and fuck off they were awful even befor DmC

Some of them of them look alright
Particularly that absolute unit of a native with the robot chest and arms.
He looks fun.

>horrendous artstyle
>will be loaded with lootboxes and microtransactions

Attached: giphy copy 11.gif (466x260, 2.13M)

extremely based poster

apparently this has had a massive turn around and is good now. i was listening to some ign podcast and they were saying its really good now. digital foundry too. both those companies hate xbox to shit as well so they can't be lying.

>microsoft gives you a check to do whatever you want
>do this

DmC was fine gameplay wise in a lot of ways, only intrinsic problem was the style meter being poorly implemented

What this user said, though I haven't even played FFXV and Horizon so I guess you have nothing else to add aside from namecalling then

The entire western games industry needs to go down in flames.

I refuse to believe this garbage is real. No fucking way. Someone made this in SFM or some shit and slapped "Confidential" onto it.

>he honestly expects giving a shit studio infinite money will make them better

Attached: 250px-Scout_taunt_laugh.png (250x364, 109K)

Not him but the only one who should kill themselves here is you, you shit taste having faggot.

>Hire a studio's who strength is in writing and cinematography, but struggles with engaging game design
Literally flip that around you dumb nigger

they were doing this even before MS handed them the check. whatever their next game is will be their defining game seeing as it'll be their first 1st party game built fresh under MS ownership and funding.

The absolute STATE of Xbox

Attached: 1545277032661.png (720x400, 224K)

Looks nice. I like the big dude's shoryuken

>the CHAD Vergil
>the VIRGIN Virginl

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Attached: HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS.png (1271x719, 1.19M)

>play a game
>have to press buttons
Truly horrible, I'm sure something like Uncharted is a better choice for you

Attached: 1449812774896.webm (1980x1080, 1.27M)


This is just going to be an unga bunga scramble. You aren't going to be spacing and whiff punishing, just use skill that completely counters hero till other hero comes in to use your counter.

literally me

Attached: cover.png (1177x662, 40K)

>Makers of the game that failed so spectacularly that it got unrebooted
You sure you wanna tout that, Ninja Theory?

Holy shit, a hero shooter? Forget the absolute horrid character designs for a second. How many hero shooters come out and die before people realize that the market can support over watch and that's about it

>Holy shit, a hero shooter?
No its an Arena fighter which may be worse if the combat is not decent

>western """"games""""

Attached: Laughing_Hakase_and_Sakamoto.gif (400x224, 3.25M)

Reminder that Ninja Theory didn't make DmC's combat by themselves. It had to be saved by Capcom sending over people to fix it, they do what they could with the mess they were given.

>Ninja Theory gets acquired by Microsoft
>First game they made under new management is a multiplayer brawler
You cannot make this up.

What's even the fucking point of buying a studio known for narrative driven single player games and the first fucking game you have them make for you is multiplayer trash with awful DmC reboot combat?

Jesus, Microsoft, the first step to self improvement is helping yourself, and you're not doing that.

heres an example of gameplay done entirely by NT themselves

There's a reason why people tend to ignore Hellblade's combat, because it's so avaragely mundane it's not worth the time spent discussing it.

>But this game was in development before Microsoft bought them

If anything that's worse

Microsoft looked at this game and said not only are we going to fund this game but we're going to acquire your entire studio

>game tanks
>MS shuts Ninja Theory down within a year

Attached: 1558817793028.jpg (334x506, 42K)

>game in development 5 years before MS acquired them
>why are MS making them make multiplayer games!!

gaming is not your hobby find something else if you're incapable of researching before you make dumb comments.

Imagine thinking Microsoft bought them for this game and not the potential of the studio or other projects the other 2 NT teams are working on.

>Bleeding Edge looks mediocre
this is just getting sad

Attached: 1536182967884.jpg (692x778, 159K)

>cant play as a beefy hunk with a chainsaw arm
trash game

Attached: Anarchy_Reigns_-_Jack.png (661x800, 1.4M)

The problem is that game is going to take at least 3± more years to come out considering how slow Ninja Theory are when it comes to releasing games

who ever claimed bleeding edge would be a generation defining game? and it looks pretty good. it's sad that you straight up hate games. if this was NT under sony people like you would be considering it GOTY contender already.

>Ninja Theory

>if this was NT under sony people like you would be considering it GOTY contender already.
noboy cared about Heavenly Sword user

well yeah game development is a lengthy process and it'll take some time before MS actually gets a worthwhile library of 2-3 really good 9/10 games.

why do westerners keep making fps battle royale grabage?


Attached: 7A543E2D-6F3A-4A99-BB4F-9BAD2CA96A3B.jpg (368x488, 44K)

>What's even the fucking point of buying a studio known for narrative driven single player games
Ninja Theory is only known for making shit games.

They did for that brief window where there was no God of War on the PS3.

>imagine liking DmC
>imagine thinking ANY of this looks even passably decent

Attached: 1445533931854.jpg (316x317, 28K)

>uses DmC as a selling point
>those fucking character designs
>that broken as fuck flash over substance style combat
The fucking prototype from over 5 years ago with stick figures looked better than this

>who ever claimed bleeding edge would be a generation defining game?
the user who spams this pasta in every thread

Attached: Untitled.png (1231x711, 59K)

it won GOTY awards at the same conference GoW won the main GOTY award so either they're both shit or they're both good, as the awards suggest. you can't pick and choose one based on fanboyism.

Anarchy Reigns?

If Microsoft wants to become Sony they should acquire Youtube

>from the makers of DmC, Hellblade, etc.
Even if it is a different team it doesn't stop that they're using hellblade to shill for this piece of shit

that basicly sums up NT as a studio
a lesser of Sony Santa Monica

Oh look, rscotty woke up groggy after a long night trying to drown out his mother getting fucked hard by Deshawn and is sperging out and spamming his autism folder again while projecting his family issues. Typical Xcuck.

Then the "Wii One" faggot crawls in to confirm his faggotry.

Kill yourselves already. Better yet for rscottyg, ask Deshawn to draw a six inch blade across your throat after he's pumped your replacement inside your mother

Attached: Perfect Wife.jpg (1242x1275, 250K)

where does it say any of these games will be generation defining? ori is literally an indie that nobody outside a small niche cares about. the same will go for battletoads. these games will satisfy their small niches. it'll be the big AAA games which will define the generation not these games made by 25 people, like this one.

Do you like Edgy Overwatch minus the cute girls?

a game about 9/11?

i assume it's more like a fighting game

my new waifu

gonna play as her when this comes out you faggots

Attached: gadget-tan.png (1244x638, 1.84M)

>a fighting game
I bet you think For Honor is a fighting game too

>new waifu
kill yourself nigger

>fat tumblr whale with pink hair is so fat that she needs a scooter to move around
>Yea Forums is mad at this

Attached: 1532244942197.png (775x618, 648K)

>Microsoft paid for this


Looks like the abominable hellspawn of Randy Pitchford and Cliff Bazinga

Attached: 1553698664541.png (446x435, 81K)

For Honor is a fighting game

Based Bionicle bros.

>MS showing 14 first party games
>only 3 are new IP
>this is one of them
I'm sure the other 2 will be good r-right?

Attached: Phil the Manlet.jpg (1024x576, 174K)

FUCK Bleeding Edge and FUCK Ninja Theory.

Attached: Makuta Pepe.png (331x361, 122K)

I hate it immediately. Fuck.

still doesnt excuse fanboys spamming that pasta every time

So it's Anarchy reigns, and why would ninja Theory do Anarchy reigns when their strengths lies in writing and presentation?

>>only 3 are new IP

Nothing forces you to watch the leaks

It looks like a chinese knock off overwatch with beyond shit character designs

>uhhhh did you play DmC
Did you play Hellblade?
Hellblade is also something they wrote themselves

Why does Microsoft think anyone gives a shit about these disgusting looking games? What a waste of money, not even Xbox users will buy this shit, and I certainly won’t.

unironically looks good

>Ninja Theory
Yawn, who cares?

We're in a weird sort of world. Companies are leaving appeal behind to be quirky and unique and get good press. Good press means dogshit if it doesn't resonate with players, though.

>makers of literally who games

the consensus seems to be good from what i can see. even retardera thinks it looks good and they represent the normalfag majority.

If you combine all the existing games together there's about three XGS games left over

This lost all meaning. It's a marketing move to grab attention when there isn't much media noise.
Game looks fun.

>all the xbox shills damage controlling because they need to defend ninja theory games now

>that character design


Attached: 1547227345430.jpg (300x300, 19K)

>brown abs
Thank you based Uncle Phil

Attached: Thank You Based God.gif (331x197, 1.71M)

So we know that Xbox is showing off 14 first party titles at E3, we can assume that at least some of them are
1) Halo Infinite
2) Battletoads
3) Sea of Thieves DLC
4) State of Decay 2 DLC
5) Forza Horizon 4 DLC
6) Gears 5

With this that makes 7 total, which leaves 7 left. What else am I missing?

>Melee focused game
>Ninja Theory
This'll be shit. Not just from a fun to fuck around with perspective, but a fundamental design perspective. Melee focused games like this one generally don't do that well unless it's 2v2 at most, and if there is a 1v1 mode everyone will flock to that instead. Anarchy Reigns, Dissidia NT, and several other games all died for the same reason. People are going to be crying about getting juggled on Day Fucking Zero, and Ninja Theory isn't a good enough game studio to incorporate something like a Burst mechanic that anime fighters have.

who the fuck is defending this? only barnacleheads from the era are.

>online 4x4 overwatch copy+paste
>pandering to feminists

Age of Empires 4
Age of Empire Definitive Edition
MCC PC port
Gears Tactics
Gears Funko Pops game
I think they might be including Outer Worlds even though it's only technically an XGS game

this studio is such trash
ninja theory cannot design characters if their life depended on

That's actually one of the least visually offensive designs

>Battleborn rejects
>actually ripping off a game that was ripping off generic shit

because Itsuno and others would regularly fly to London throughout development to help them with the most basic shit.
and even then they didn't make it truly enjoyable until the definitive edition, which was mostly based off of community mods.

looks good. not a fan of the overwatch look though

That kotaku cuck is always right. If he says it, its true.

Outer Worlds isn't a first party title, really (kind of). That was in development since before the acquisition and isn't funded or published by Microsoft.
>Age of Empires 4
Forgot about that.
>Age of Empire Definitive Edition
This came out already.
Not at the PC show?
>Gears Tactics
Gears Funko Pops game
I'd fucking hope these didn't get time during the conference, but you might be right.

Assuming this is all correct, you'd be right, but I don't think (or want to think) that Microsoft would spend time talking about a mobile game on their conference.

>Starts with a Kino character, enviroment and story design.
>End up with a shitty Apex/Fortnite stylish character design.

Hate this life.

Attached: Hellblade-Senuas-Sacrifice.jpg (1920x921, 192K)

he never definitively claimed either of them will be more powerful

basically what and said
The best case scenario for this game right now is that it has 1v1s or 2v2s, because it's just going to be an unfun clusterfuck otherwise.
I have zero faith in Ninja Theory since they can't into melee combat at all

the game look good, some character are exaggerated sure but others look good

Looks like shit but I like melee in games so it has a chance.

Imagine being so fucking deluded about these character designs that you think they will be liked.

I hope someone gets a slap in the face for this.

They're worse than battleborn. How many trannies are working at ninja theory?

how is this trash company after all these years still around?
it boggles my fucking mind. they have never made anything above a 5/10

>shitty Apex/Fortnite stylish
Explain, these aren't very similar and I'm just trying to get what you mean.

>those characters

Attached: 1559165474682.jpg (240x200, 15K)

looks fun but of course Yea Forums hates it because the characters aren't 100% white men

Attached: ok.jpg (290x299, 15K)

fuck off barnaclehead
name one (1) game that Ninja Theory made with good combat that didn't require help from outside studios

you know that's not the reason

>press A A X Y
>Jump, Jump, Shoot, Attack
what in the fuck? are you just shit at the game?

>it boggles my fucking mind. they have never made anything above a 5/10

bro that like 99% of this industrie

enslaved and dmc

90% of the posts are either hurr ugly character not make my peepee hard or talking about there being too many colors

Attached: 1546338366023.jpg (1080x1080, 161K)

>25 million players on a free game meaning anything for sales

Isn't 75% of EAs money coming from MTX?


>we want the 4honor AND the battleborn audience

Most EA money comes from the micro transactions in their paid sports games, so no.

>7/10 game that's carried by its story, gameplay was not great
>literally had capcom devs fly in to get the game to a working state which is widely agreed to be shallow. Later rerelease implemented some mods and had capcom almost completely rework the game's combat
there's more shitposting about microsoft and xbox

at least try user

Attached: bait debait.png (800x500, 33K)

>so no
But you said what I said. Most of their money comes from MTX and you're delusional if you think a f2p game with MTX and millions of players isn't making profit.
That game even raised their market share.

looks like shit

oh fuck this brings me back

Holy kek

Attached: 1507961554514.png (705x853, 47K)

On their paid sports games that, themselves, sell millions of copies every year. Not some free to play game that unironically no one plays anymore.
Paid, you fucking illiterate nigger, learn how to read. Apex was free. EA's money all comes from sports shit that people have to pay fore, then there's also the micro transactions.

Fucking shit, you people are so god damn stupid.

classic Yea Forumsigger living in his bubble

Attached: dmc..m.jpg (470x236, 69K)

Most of their money literally comes from MTX. That's what I said, why are you arguing?

It's also on Steam.


Why do they do this? They clearly know this is ugly. So why do they intentionally design her to be as ugly as possible?

most people are ugly

fucking trash artstyle

>being proud of making DmC: Devil May Cry
lol not buying this hot trash

Is this the Clown World video game?

>Apex was free
not an argument. fortnite is free as well and look at what Epic is doing now.

>PCtards enjoyed the shittiest version of the game
Jesus fuck do they really have no taste?

Attached: 1554487800597.png (565x763, 593K)

Fortnite also isn't dead.

>less than 6k copies sold
more like you're the one living in the bubble
Not him, I actually liked DmC but you're in complete fucking denial if you think it's an example of amazing gameplay

Attached: file.png (787x491, 205K)

Battleborn Reborn?!

Paid, you stupid fucker. Why do you keep ignoring this? Fifa isn't free, Apex is.

absolutely fucking based posters and fellow amazonchads

Is combat really that pedestrian for the entire game? It's not even combat... they all stand there while she whacks them repeatedly

it had 50 million players in one month. you are absolutely fucking retarded if you think it didn't make profit.

Oh yes, everyone said Heavenly sword was the GOTY
Wake up already

The animation from Studio FOW of her taking a hit in the ass from a demon is so fucking hot.

Source on said revenue?

Why do you keep acting like a game that has 50 million players and is chockfull of microtransaction didn't make any profit?
Even my retarded friends spent 200 bucks on this shit. Casuals are retarded, Yea Forums is not the norm.

Black chick with the abs makes my peepee turn into big peepee

Attached: 1558145819416.gif (400x353, 2.76M)

Give me a source on the apex revenue.

>90million in one month

Attached: 5e4b45d89c14c2c8f38643badd414af6.png (1285x981, 258K)

has ea ever bragged about this awsome revenue from apex?

That's garbage bait, you know because they went from Hellblade to this crap....thanks Msoft

Hellblade had garbage combat

Bitch thought he was hip-thrusting at/mock-fucking her.

>estimated 92 million
So where is the actual developer source? You're clearly posting an article from a third party website that has nothing to do with the game. I said I want a source. a valid one, not vgchartz tier shit.

KISS with the flamethrower mouth is cool I guess

I always wanted a sequel to Anarchy Reigns.

Attached: Anarchy_Reigns_193395.10.jpg (1500x1500, 466K)

He's Mexican. Called El Bastardo. The only solace I have is he'll likely be a great template for el goblino memes.

You can stay in denial user but people actually buy a shitton of MTX. That's why every game has them, and Apex has a lot more players than FIFA.

More like Bleeding Anus

Bleeding Edge trademark has been known for a long time, doesn't mean much

I said to give me a source on their revenue. Why aren't you doing this?

If by used up you mean "Overused to the point of market saturation," then I'd say hypertech Buddhist+Shinto imagery. Only like two games in ten years have actually done it whereas now we've got about four games doing this weird pop punk aesthetic in just this past year alone, and way more often in the previous decade.

Attached: kenichiro-tomiyasu-asura-02-temple-garrisoncity-16-2.jpg?1443932427.jpg (1920x1013, 390K)

>blonde hair

>4v4 online melee combat
>ninja theory

Attached: 1537544258129.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

Keep seething you braindead retard.

Attached: 4fa53293f0f98741e352df692cf62822.jpg (1595x1800, 974K)

>Mexicans can't dye their hair in an ugly as shit pop punk aesthetic where everyone's got pink and green hair

>tencent shill
Tencent has stakes in Fortnite too, you idiot. They're the second largest shareholder in Epic Games.

>edgy overwatch but everyone's reinhardt and ugly

Fortnite swiped the handful of good ideas and ate it

Gonna play it just for the brown girl with abs, please and thank you

>SJW freakshow parade simulator
Fuckin yikes

Gizmo's alright if you just ask my dick rather than my brain.
Same with Miko if you ask both

I always wanted versus mode in DMC, and now I get this.
While I respect Ninja Theory for being one of the only western devs that are still trying for the tried and true action combat besides the guys that made GoW4 (and they didn't do a very good job at it), they aren't the best at it either. I wanna see more of how this plays, but I don't know, it seems Japanese developers are the ones that really know how to make action compared compared to the western attempts.

Attached: 5_3.jpg (231x423, 66K)

Is there any multiplayer game that can pull off uneven melee fights?

>unlikeable characters
>team and character based

instantly DOA

>>Not at the PC show?
They gave a list of the stuff/studios to expect and Microsoft ain't there. They're saying they have a few surprises yet but surely an already announced port can't be one of them

just watched this and I spent the entire video repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath. I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the entire thing it was so painful.

>first it's 92 million
>then its 150 million
>Apex Legends generated about $150 million in revenue during EA's most recent quarter, according to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter
>according to michael patcher
So not only did you just throw another third party analyst as me, and not a direct quote from EA, but it was fucking Patcher? Kill yourself idiot.

>Virgin Edge
>Ugly """""punk"""" aesthetic with the best features being crude rip-offs of Anarchy Reigns, using bright colors because they're scared of actually being called too edgy
>4v4 only, which will likely lead to ganging up on people without any balance or style
>Probably a garbage wubwub-loaded punk track by some Mick Gordon-wannabe composer
>Characters include almost nothing but checkbox-ticking diversity choices like fat woman and Polynesian man because they're "exotic" even though they're overused as fuck and some Amazon whose only reason to exist is to try and convince the few idiots in denial that they're including "sexy" characters too

>Rap meets Mad Max for a grungy, ghetto style that stinks like a mix of diesel and gin, carries its aesthetic with pride and makes sure all but the best characters are various shades of grey and brown - you'll know who they are by their glorious voice lines and distinct movesets anyway
>Tag teams and free-for-all, meaning you either have a buddy to cover you or everyone gets to fuck each other up, alongside a 1v1 mode to help hone your skills against counterpicks
>OST packed full of funk and rap all done by a myriad of underground and indie rappers who are given a blank check to go fucking nuts, resulting in amazing songs like Days of Old and Fast Lane
>Characters are genuinely diverse and interesting, ranging from kung fu masters in super heavy power armor to black businessmen with super sexy fists of fire to a Burmese egoist with a gun leg who is bros with a mass-produced mecha who all play differently and distinctly from each other, and the girls are all actually hot

Are you okay, marketer?

Versus "DMC" already exists. It's called Anarchy Reigns and it sold like trash (even though it was very fun).

>For a dead multiplayer game that's never getting another release because Sega doesn't see any money in it

Anarchy Reigns died long before anybody even dreamed about this trash. But it's okay. Even if they market this game to hell and back, I'm sure it'll also sell like shit, just like AR sadly did.

What game? Are you having a stroke?

>I-I don't know what game you're talking about even though literally everyone in this thread has mentioned it almost 20 times
It's okay, Xbox marketer, you don't need t odeflect and play dumb anymore.

Attached: 164552344231211.png (1000x948, 1.27M)

The character designs aren't even that bad, the hate is so unfocused here. If this is the closest we're ever going to get to Anarchy Reigns two then my only concern is the combat. NT is the worse company you could have picked to make a multiplayer DmC fighter

Buy my game faggots.

Attached: Tameem.jpg (375x600, 47K)

>hopefully modders will be able to change that up

Attached: ew.png (1280x660, 323K)

same people who made DmC so I'm not surprised

Unironically looks dogshit. Hope Microsoft's other exclusives are better than this.