Friendly reminder if you haven’t completed all three STALKER games on Master difficulty, you aren’t a true gamer

Friendly reminder if you haven’t completed all three STALKER games on Master difficulty, you aren’t a true gamer.

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Stalker threadly reminder that all Master difficulty does is increase the damage enemies deal on you and the mutual damage increase is a myth that has been disproven years ago

I'm emptying my harddrive for space RIGHT NOW!

who doesn't play STALKER games on master difficulty?

Master difficulty is the easiest OP. If you were a 'true gamer' you'd know that, but no, you are merely a fag.

Master difficulty also changes bullet dynamics.

But Clear Sky is fucking boring

>True gamer
Yea hun, come back when you get the 7 day survivor achievement on dead rising then we'll talk.

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Enemies start shooting plasma bolts at you while you shooting bb's?

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>all Master difficulty does is increase the damage enemies deal on you
if you are gonna dispel a myth don't make one up

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Clear Sky is way less boring than Call of Pripyat. Stop spouting meme garbage.

Clear Sky actually brings back the intrigue and lore of Shadow of Chernobyl and gives you more of an understanding of the world. Call of Pripyat in comparison is about a soldier investigating some crashed helicopters after the events of the first game and THATS IT. You literally get no new revelation on anything. Even the last few missions are about acquiring the Gauss gun (which you already saw in SoC) and that’s supposed to be the big draw of the game before the final mission where you’re literally just going to some helicopters for extraction. Lamest story ever.

it isn't quite SoC, but better than CoP in all honesty

Also, what master difficulty actually does that makes firefight difficulty scale better, is that the enemies spawn with less loot, ie less consumables. On lower difficulties, enemies can just spamheal themselves with medkits indefinitely, which makes it seem like you aren't doing any damage whereas often on Master you won't need to hit someone a million times (unless you're using a pistol or something)

my game crashed on day 5 back in the day and i lost my fucking mind
never attempted it again because of it, to this day im still mad about it

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clear sky is nearly a call of duty game, call of pripyat actually has some interesting side quests and characters to meet

The one thing CoP does right is its artifact hunting and artifacts in general. They definitely felt more unique and important in-world than either in SoC or CS. Other than that, literally every other mechanic and and narrative element is better in the other games.

The one thing I don’t like about Clear Sky is the laser beam aiming of enemies on Master Difficulty and the grenades which seem to be able to home in on you from a mile away.

Look what would have been first post if I delayed to look up the specifics. Whoever zealously defends Master difficulty always bases it on the myth and it matters less that you tell how things actually are than it does to tell them that they're wrong.

finish people soup on master and then come back faget

master difficulty is still the most fun option though

Fuck man, i mean you hear stories about shit like that happening but you never think they would happen to you ya know?

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Bullshit. Call of Pripyat had boring as fuck side quests other than the one where you sneak into the Bloodsucker lair. And all the characters you meet are uninteresting cardboard cutouts. The only interesting one you meet is Strelok and he’s just there for exposition about stuff you already knew and they also fucked up his voice acting. Whereas Clear Sky right away gives you an interesting side character in Lebedev and also Ganja the Freedom Barman

Meh. I think the artifact hunting in CoP sucks ass because instead of there being genuine programmed game mechanics that spawn artifacts into anomalous zones based on individual circumstances and the properties of anomalies, there are just these carefully placed theme park attractions with a treasure in the center.

Call of Pripyat feels like walking around a zone-themed amusement park that is full of scripted sequences that aren't interesting at all. On top of this, the game is ridiculously easy. Knowing where stashes are located will make every subsequent playthrough of the game a NG+, as you can literally get the best weapons in the game in the first area right next to the main settlement.

>If you haven't completed a series known for it's terrible optimization and stability so bad that it can cause BSoD, you aren't a true gamer.

Nigger Dead Rising achievements are easy. The only difficulty is in not getting your game to crash right before you get it.

Reminder that the stalker games are fucking dogshit and Yea Forums only likes them for the contrariness of it.

>"Stalker? what's that? sounds gay..."
>proceeds to google and scroll to articles from 2007
this is you

Call of pripyat has quests like the serial killer, monolith soldiers who stopped being brainwashed, putting a lying scumbag stalker in his place, and several cool anomaly zones to explore. clear sky feels like a poor mod in comparison

I could never complete Clear Sky due to my saves getting corrupted before Limansk.
This happened 3 times even after patches so I pretend CS doesn't exist and enjoy the areas of it in all the mods.

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Clear Sky is too tedious to complete at any level

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Two thing I remember from CS: if you try factions war you'll have to gun down hundreds of cannon fodder enemies on your own, second thing that non armor piercing/enhanced ammo is fucking useless

I started reading roadside picnic last night actually

But that’s more like what artifacts should be then random pokemons that appear in “anomalous zones” (aka normal looking areas with some distortion sprites scattered around). Whereas in CoP the artifacts themselves had an environment unique to them (e.g the Kobolok has the weird shaped tree, the Eye is always found among cinders and flames, the meat chunk is always in chemical zones, the Oasis plant, etc, etc). It makes sense since the lore surrounding artifacts is that they are powerful and have very unique properties which shape their environments. It’s much closer to the book Roadside Picnic in that regard. It’s clear that was their aim in CoP since they also added the spiderweb anomaly that hurts you if you walk through it and that one is a famous anomaly from the book.

it is a really good book, my favorite actually

All of which just make it seem like a zone-themed amusement park. There is no sense of danger in exploring the zone, everything is made free of challenge. The only times you will experience combat is during the scripted missions. Clear Sky's only problem was that the faction wars are completely broken (and not fixed by any mod afaik) other than that, the locations were far more interesting and there weren't a bunch of tacked-on missions, instead letting the player encounter situations in real time that are generated by A-life

Found the pleb still stuck in the Cordon

Do I need mods for CoP?
Only finished the first game.

funny you complain about being a theme park or lack of sense of danger when clear sky shows every enemy cluster on the PDA right from the beginning. there is even less sense of danger than call of pripyat

Clear Sky has more missions that take you to secret underground labs which are way more fun and atmospheric than construction site #52

Play all three vanilla first. Stop thinking you need mods to play games, dumb zoomer.

Im not gonna play the shitty one and I played the first one vanilla like 10 years ago.

I know, but how does that make Call of Pripyat have more of a sense of danger? You literally can't die in that game unless you somehow get stuck in an open area with 5 controllers and 2 chimeras and have somehow managed to downgrade from your starting kit of a stalker suit and AKS-74U into a sawn-off and a leather jacket

No. CoP was the most tested and stable of the bunch.
It's only downsides are the relative ugliness of the environments, and fairly low difficulty. Former you can easily fix with the Starter Pack's visual mods (Abs.Nature + Atmosfear)

Same Agroprom underground which is less atmospheric and scary than original in SoC. Yantar - just kill hundred zombies while your useless buds turning on cooling. Only Red Forest is scary at night but all enemies is shown on the map and you know where they are

I guess I just dislike the fact that the rarest and most powerful artifacts are 100% probable to be found and always in the same place. The original idea in the Stalker game that was hyped in 2003 was that the vast majority of artifacts were the transformed remnants of objects and biomass that ended up in anomalies. Strange metal objects with electrical or magnetic properties found in electro anomalies. Hardened meat and blood chunks caused by gravitational distortion. New biological substances mutated by unknown hazards. Some of that did make it into the game, such as stone blood and meat chunks.

>shitty one
Call of Pripyat? To answer your question, to play Clear Sky I'd recommend SRP mainly due to the vanilla game not having pistol iron sights. Beware, it's got a few bugs but it's aight.

Chances of seeing the first teaser trailer for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 at the E3 PC Gaming Show?

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I felt like Clear Sky's agroprom underground was much more terrifying - it's completely deserted, except for mutants, full of anomalies and you're forced to fight a controller. It's also much darker than in SoC - but it's definitely not up there with the other SoC underground levels

The only problem I found with CS is the ending sequence and the bandit rape-cave.

>my first playthru of CoP was on misery
you dont know nothing about beeing true gamer

Limansk would have been perfect if it was split into two maps, spread until it was more open and not just a corridor with a few pathways

Chances that they actually started development and its not scam for investors

>first playthrough was with a mod
Neither do you apparently

I'd say about 80%

Honestly it's not a terrible option for a mod on a first run. It adds a lot in terms of content and customization and improves the atmosphere of the original game in a number of ways. I think k I enjoy Misery more than base CoP

>when you believed all the hype around LA only to play its initial release
The only greater disappointment was stalker 2 being cancelled in 2012.
Not getting my hopes, not this time.

Misery is kind of shit
>artifacts are worth peanuts
>getting artifacts at all requires you to invest into getting a scientist suit, no compromises
>also artifacts are borderline useless, because to use them you need to buy trinkets that can hold them to not die of radiation immediately
>the benefits these artifacts give are nil, you couldn't tell the difference whether you had one or not
>enemies have laser aim, throw perfect grenades from half a kilometer away to land at your feet, while using rusted weapons that are at the last bar of health
>getting hit by a dog means you lost like 10 000 RU (healing, shooting the dog, bandaging, using consumable to counteract the energy loss of bandages, having to fix your suit that lost half of it's durability)
>Instead of counterbalancing this with having not that many mutants spawn or having them not immediately home in on you from kilometers away, you get 10x the amount of rare, ridiculously powerful mutants than in vanilla (which in misery are also buffed to eat like 8 grenades)

its a terrible mod for a first playthrough, dipshit

I haven't even touched Clear Sky, but I've played CoP on master a half dozen times. Is CS worth playing without mods?

If you compared the conditions that surround STALKER 2 then, and STALKER 2 now you'd understand why there's no reason to have any reservations about it getting cancelled. It's getting done stalkers

No. It really needs all the fixes it can get.
At least grab the SRP + Shaders Max.

Use SRP, vanilla doesn't have pistol iron sights for some dumb reason

>Is CS worth playing without mods
If you love thrill of predicting when game will crash then sure

I didn't feel like going through clear sky.

i did. it's actually a must play on veteran/master desu.

>Is CS worth playing without mods?
if you like grenades yes

Without QOL mods like SRP no.
But if you can deal with the bullshit economy and healing system it can be quite fun
t- someone who bought it on launch because he didn't know any better

That was the thing that turned me off of CoP for a while too, I'd play for an hour and then suffer some shitty crash. I've always heard CS was even worse.

>bullshit economy
I still consider CS' harsh economy exactly what the series needed. It made the already rare artifacts truly valuable.

The only good thing about the economy was seeking out specific upgrades imo.
Shame they had to ruin it with the faction specific upgrade technicians.

I agree. CS is the only game in the series where money actually matters.


Tbf that isn't really economy, but I don't like being cut from one gameplay mechanic to experience another.

master difficulty goes full retard when you have mods like arsenal overhaul that add tons of extremely high damage weapons. half of the enemies run around with instagib death rays, even if you have a fully upgraded exoskeleton it lets you maybe tank one shot if you're lucky.

It's obvious he needs a new car.

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Don’t listen to all the shitters mad about the lack of healing items and bandages and generally having less money. That’s part of the fun of CS. It’s a lot more resource management heavy

I miss the days when Yea Forums would shittalk anyone for unironically using this word. Also, I've completed all of the games multiple times by now. Both vanilla and modded.

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>That image
nobody has ever completed any of those. why the fuck would someone spend their autism making retarded challenges like this?

I had fun trying to do the Stalin run.

>Le gamer. Xddd
No thanks zoomer

Pff, we all know he ran out of Pepsi money.