
Worth buying now?

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How's the emulation? Does it run Retroarch like the NES/SNES Mini?

If you wait a little longer stores will start giving them away for free.

based retard

default emulator is crap and comes with 50Hz versions of games
You can mod it but why not just get a more capable Raspberry Pi at that point

>EmulationStation with an inferior controller, limited game selection, and nonsensical choice of software region standards
It'll never be worth buying.

What if they paid YOU to take it?

I guess if you want the appeal of having the box as a room decoration. Even though there is more practical options. Just get a Ps Tv, Vita, or PSP to play ps1 games

>the absolute state of snoys

further proof that the gaystation was overrated normie schlock and was shown up by n64

>Raspberry Pi

Boy, you people really love to shill for that thing.

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Not even for $10 as Sony just used an open source emulator for it with the best part that a modded SNES Mini runs PS1 games better than it. The only worth that thing has is for snoycucks to put on their shelves as background filler for their reaction vids.

Fuck it, looks like I'm playing jumping flash this weekend.

it runs about the same or better with bleemsync+retroarch installed as a NES/SNES mini

>+100ms input latency

>SNES Mini runs PS1 games better than it.
Repeating this meme, lol. Modded ps classic is faster

Dollar sign goes before the amount, kid. Try paying attention in school instead of playing your fucking shit videogames and LOLTXTing your fake friends on your shit tracking device phone.

because this is cheaper than a raspberry pi and comes with pretty good controllers you fucking mouthbreather
>being a retard who doesnt know how to hack his shit
the modded ps1 classic runs better you fuckin nincompoop
it has better hardware AND support for the same emulator the snes classic does. of course it runs better
boomer begone

still no

does anyone know if the controllers it comes with have pressure sensitive buttons?


PS4 is selling more than Switch

wouldn't take it if it was free

Why waste time hacking one when I could just emulate on my PC?

They aren't even DualShock controllers. Pressure sensitive buttons weren't a thing until PS2.

Requires a bunch of modding to make it good.
Do shit like this:

Also get one of these if you don't have one of the required keyboards to access the secret menu

I already have a PS1, PS2, and PS3 classic

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Yes! Because you can OTG now anons!

Let me clarify. Before OTG support, you had to either do a solder mod on the front USBs for it to accept flash drives, or use one of a small handful of drives because the resistors on the board would prevent most flash drives from loading onto it.
Now you can install from the front with a flash drive, but then use the rear USB power input with an OTG adapter and put the flash drive in there, bypassing the boards power limiter entirely and feeding the flash drive power straight from the outlet the USB is plugged into.
Makes it way easier to do. Before I had to use a seperate powered USB 2.0 hub to plug a flash drive in with loads of ps1 games on. Now I can simply use the OTG adapter and the standard power cable and a USB plug. Same as the SNES Classic now but with more power.

Also. You don't have to use Bleemsync either. You can do the first part of the installation to get the payload and OTG patch into the PS classic and then just use Autobleem or the other loader as normal. So you don't need to redo anything either if you already have something set up

How hard is it to mod this thing? Does it need additional hardware?
It's literally 30€ over here in europe as well, considering getting it t b h

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buy it user

I just did

nice, it is best to mod it since you can add so much more to it.
You can run n64 games on it so it is better than a pi already.

>not just emulating on your phone

This would be cool if it was an FPGA console, but it's otherwise useless.

Yes. Then add tons of games with a usb

No, never will be.

Easier than 3ds hacking (now), but yeah you need a flash drive and a computer or whatever you europoors calls those.

There's USB sticks with ISOs to use on the system being sold on Amazon

>it's true
how are they getting away with this?

but can you change the emulation if you do this or does it still use the shitty one that comes with it? because the shitty emulation is my main gripe with this thing

How do people who fucking live in this world still think companies GIVE A SHIT. They're getting away with it because Amazon doesn't give a FUCK what you sell unless they could get in trouble. Then they give a fake apology to whoever and take the listing/account down.

Fucking Apple, Amazon, and Google all got caught ripping songs they didn't have the rights to and selling them as singles and then went oops well here's a nice payoff now fuck off and continue to sell them.

Christ you bootlickers are hilarious.

because emulation is not nearly as stable and functional enough? even the games that work the best are 99% perfect and you will find one or two glaring errors from time to time

You do realize....the ps classic is just an emulator right? And it's a shitty one at that.

Then go buy a modded PS1, PS classic is literally an emulator.

If you install Bleemsync and get a USB OTG adapter, yes.

ah fuck i didnt know that, i just checked and its true that its a shitty emulator too. i apologize

This thing is a case study on Sony's relation to IP

>small computer capable of emulating these old ass games
>PS classic is a small computer with set amount of old ass games emulated
>user makes a comparison
>its shilling

please stop.

retards who don't know how to use technology are afraid of it

just buy a modded psx and a bunch of cd-r.

>just burn out the laser lmao

If you use retroarch. Yes.

>20 geams
We KNOW these fuckers can put half the entire library of PS1 roms on there. Why do they do this short change shit?

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well fuck me, I'm getting this thing and start watching shitty youtube tutorials like it's 2006

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Its pretty good user. You just use either retroboot, bleemsync or autobleem. Set them up so they have the latest retroarch build linked into them. Then boot into retroarch from the launcher of choice and load the game and latest cores from there.
They use kylands cores now so he simultaneously releases PSClassic and SNES classic cores with every update, so you can go to his github and grab his cores and drop them in.
Guy might sound like Keith Apacary but he's a godsend.

fucking nice thanks bro

Sub to his channel and keep an eye on his videos. He recently got Killer Instinct Gold and Ninja Baseball Batman working on the PS Classic so its very much worth following to keep in the know since he uploads progress pretty often

will check it out!

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