What does that even mean? Bitch looks younger than me

What does that even mean? Bitch looks younger than me.

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I don't think people who write anime know what anything means, which is why they constantly hide behind the same tropes and standards as every other anime. There's more variety in an average argument on Yea Forums.

Say what you want, but a friend of mine got socially cucked in japan because the girl he wanted to fuck was a divorced lady 10 years older than him and that was LITERALLY the only reason she actively refused to have sex with him after a romantic tour through the country

lmao i thought the trope was they say that to test if you actually want to fuck them
are jap women that retarded

It appeals to those of us who like the Christmas Cake types. Women who feel they are past their prime and figure most men wouldnt want to go with an 'old-hag' as their partner. It's this huge age stigma in Japanese culture.

"ur a tranny" doesn't really have much variety to it m8.
Maybe a "You are a transexual" would count but I've never actually seen anyone post that to be honest.

Why did Japan start drawing faces like that?

She had her face on his crotch, rubbing it while crying about being old and divorced. So yeah

>that bit of teeth showing behind that scarf

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As a large landmass, the country of Japan sadly lacks the tools to draw in any other way. Scientists are trying to get the landmass to regrow its natural fingers that were destroyed during the second world war so that it may once again draw like it used to.

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The intended audience are around 15 making women in the mid 20 cake zone follow this stereotype.

She's cute. Shame there'll hardly be lewds of her.

>a divorced lady 10 years older than him
That's my fetish, how do I find a woman like that?

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Who keeps perpetrating this notion that young males don't find older women attractive?

Learn japanese, download one of those apps where you can talk to nips trying to learn your language, go to japan and meet them

Are they desperate enough to want a sperg who doesn't know how to talk to women?

Just don't show it.

Cease this at once

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That's not the argument. Men would gladly fuck an older woman, but if you have to pick between a young woman and an older for an actual attempt at a relationship to last, it's young every time.

She callin you a pedo

Not for me desu

Young males.

Yeah there's a pretty large variety of arguments here

dude that's a ball buster story, sorry about your friend. 10 years older than him and she refused out of fearing for being too old/weird, wtf?