Leaked Ninja's Theory's new game "BLEEDING EDGE", a 4V4 Melee game

>Leaked Ninja's Theory's new game "BLEEDING EDGE", a 4V4 Melee game

Why can't we just get an Anarchy Reigns port?

Attached: Bleeding-Edge-E3-trailer.png (1280x720, 308K)

Attached: Bleeding-Edge-E3-trailer-5.png (1280x720, 339K)

shut the fuck up retard

shut the fuck up retard

shut the fuck up retard

no u

Attached: Bleeding-Edge-E3-trailer-2.png (1280x720, 311K)

shut the retard up fuck

Anarchy reigns was fucking shit

Shut up retard

silence deaf

fuck up retard shut

>ninja theory
no one cares

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I thought we liked Ninja Theory now.

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>It's a 4v4 multiplayer game with DMC combat
Could be neat

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The lack of actual aesthetic makes the poor resolution hurt.

Pynchon is really getting popular, huh.

an xbox game? so basically a 4v4 cross platform with pc

the gameplay webms that got leaked looked pretty lame also since ninja theory only panders to feminist/sjws nowadays the look of the characters are going to look ugly/lame


Battleborn 2

more like DmC, and we all know how fucked that combat is

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Now that Microsoft bought them, we here at Resete- uh I mean Yea Forums hate them now

>more like DmC, and we all know how fucked that combat is
Fixed further in the definitive edition and feels good just shackled to an edgelord game?

>defending Ninja Theory
nobody fucking liked them, stop with the revisionism
fixed by Itsuno's team, look it up

so shut the fuck up retard

She cute

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user you can go five minutes without ogling big titty waifus, I believe in you

sure I can
I have for the last 3 to 4 years
that is kinda my point. I am getting tired of seeing the same prudish female character design where they are all ugly and wearing sharia costumes.
i want games to be allowed to have some sexiness again
just like the bold, white male space marine protagonist meme seeing the same thing over and over again gets boring after a while

If it's not on PS4, it'll be dead on arrival.

Awesome. Another multiplayer game that will die in a month.

>pink hair
>is part unicycle
I'm pretty sure it was made with the idea of making fun of tumblr.

>the gameplay webms that got leaked
post them

>Itsuno's team worked on the original version
>Refined it further in Definitive Edition
OK senpai

just gimme waifus, man

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Fuck no
and Senua sucked dicks

>melee Overwatch
Just fuck my shit up.

don´t have them
it was just stick figures swinging around swords
the combat didn´t seem to be very reactive with stuff like blocks, combos or dodges

More multiplayer trash.

was it fast-paced at least or was it more like for honor?

Nigga, it's For Honor

Attached: bleedingedge.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>Some Xcuck was actually hyping up this trash for fucking months

Holy fuck

a bit faster then for honor and one could jump but the combat didn´t really feel reactive.
imagine destiny, mass effect or anthem close "combat" where you just swing around attacks.
the webm made it look like the best combat strategie is run close to a opponent, press the attack button a few times and then run away before he can press the attack button on you.
like I said not really reactive combat

I don't like the style at all
thanks user

How come Māori men look good fat, but I just look like Jabba the Hutt?



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all the characters in bleeding edge look like gay cowboys.


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Are you saying the Maori can pull off double-chins

what makes it trash

Rikishi did.

>Ninja's Theory's
>Anarchy Reign

Hey, Tameem here. Get back to work.

Just ignore that guy. He has issues. See pic.

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>for honor but good
Not gonna lie that sounds interesting

Tim Dog on suicide watch

How the fuck does anyone think Sony won E3 2018? It was by far the worst conference in the last 5 years.

>4vs4 melee game
From a studio that has only made third person action games, fucking great Microsoft, making the same mistakes over and over again.

Down the road not across the street, rscottyg

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It's a third-person action game.

>having a porn type face
into the trash you go bigot

>tfw this is actually real and not one of the edit sonyqueers do all day

>Anarchy Reigns port
I fucking wish. I miss Deathball even with all the laggy assholes it had.

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>ITT rscottyg getting mocked just like he was in high school because of his sexual maladjustment, autism and undersized genitalia and owning a xbox while the cool kids had a PS2
>In the distance his mother's muffled orgasmic screaming is getting louder and louder
>Now he's going mad and dumping his sperg folder he got off the huehue retards at Xbox Milgrau and Twitter because the xshit conference at e3 is going to be a flop and the xmongs will commit suicide en masse

Fucking LOL. Go ask Mommy for some tendies when she's stopped taking Tyrone's dick in her colon. After that prep the noose and kill yourself so the world doesn't have to put up with your stench anymore. Just die already

>make SP game and it's very popular
>next title that actually has a budget is MP


looks like a bastard son of overwatch and crackdown 3
the art direction looks garbage.
Going from hellblade to this kinda sucks for them

>Stuck on the xbox now

Big ouch

>Meanwhile It would be praised to high heaven and called Sony's Overwatch killer if it was PS4 exclusive
Really activates the almonds

I don't know if putting the "by the makers of dmc Dveil may cry" is actually a positive thing to do for them

I'm an idort, but I've gotta say, yeah. Platform has a lot to do with it, and since the Xbox has zero support, investing in anything on it is a big fucking joke at the moment.

Personally wouldn't be interested either way.

I just hate Tameem and the poo in the loo artist.

What is it with Xcucks and their obsession with black men?

Oh wait, that's why they call you Xcucks. Other than MS taking all your games and putting them on PC.