You can't
Name a better NES game
Mega Man 4
mario 3
That's a famicom game, not an NES game
>reach boss
>die, level up, return to boss
I didn't know Owen Wilson was in Castlevania III
Pic related.
Worst of the original 6, how in the world is it the best.
>worst of the 6
It's better than 5, 6, and 2
>Worst of the original 6
Imagine having taste this shit
You're thinking of Mega Man 2.
And that's not me being a contrarian faggot, it's legitimately the worst of the 6 NES games. Yes, even worse than Mega Man 1, with all of it's jank.
Mega Man 2's level design isn't exactly malicious, it's just bad. Everything is either boring empty hallways or it's enemies in your face every two seconds. Bosses are obscenely difficult to fight without special weapons, and to "balance" that they just made Metal Blade kill just about everything. And don't even get me fucking started on Boobeam Trap.
5 would like a word. 3 is the best
>exp points progression
>items and magic progression
>large towns not like ff or dq squashed out towns
>large fields
>caves. Lots of caves
>boss and minibosses
>oh did I tell you it's an action rpg like zelda?
This dude here is correct.
Zelda 2
I'm glad people are finally starting to realize that 2 sucks even though it was what put MM on the map
I love Castlevania 3 so much i’d fuck it and its soundtrack is God-Tier, but objectively Little Samson is a better game overall.
My fav NES games are easily Punch-out, Castlevania 3 and Mario 3. I also have a special place in my heart for the original Zelda as not only that playing it is my earliest memory in life but also it's the first game I ever played.
I like how the music changes whenever you switch characters and the controls are great.
>there are people in this world that can't admit Super Mario Bros 3 is by far the best NES game
>posting the worst of the original 3
literal caveman
>11 on top
Legit feels unfinished. Two fucking Wily stages lmao
I actually like this game more than earthbound