Nordic Games buys up THQ assets on the cheap

>Nordic Games buys up THQ assets on the cheap
>start slow with inexpensive effort good quality ports/rereleases, rename themselves THQ Nordic
>accumulate money, buy up more assets
>continue with ports/rereleases, start acquiring mid level studios and focus on creating pretty safe bet games to release for cash
>now is capable of making full on remakes with the original vision in mind (as well as adding in cut content originally planned)

god bless the udraw failing and taking THQ with it

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I love this company simply because they fill the market with the AA games everybody else says aren't profitable anymore.

They're doing well

Nordic is Eurojank AA kino.

>everybody else says aren't profitable anymore
That's just jewspeak for "don't make six gorillion in profits".
Jews don't want moderate, sustainable growth and income.
They want to pump and dump, as in find a cashcow that makes gorillion, pump out as many sequels and thus cash out of it and when it's starting to flop just dump it and move on to the next cashcow to milk.

Too bad the games are aggresively mediocre.

I like THQ Nordic, I hope they fund Kingdom Come 2 because I heard they bought Warhorse.

I heard that the newest standalone Spellforce 3 expac was also swell.

And they sell their games on GOG, which is really customer-friendly.

they basically picked up all the pieces THQ left behind and rebuilt it without the stupid shit THQ did

Its one fucking game and its SpongeBob you massive fat loser. The others Destroy All Humans.

Woweeeee. How exciting

I like what they're doing so far. Some decent releases that are just fun. Not everything needs to he 10/10 GOTY bait.

They made new expansions for Titan Quest after like 10 years.

Why did they only make a fan animation for BFBBR while doing a whole CGI trailer for Destroy All Humans?
Do they know how explosive people are over Spongebob?

I wish they sold the DRM-free builds everywhere where is possible, but I like them.

I don't get it, why resetera trannies hates THQNordic again?

I wish they'd get the WWE license back. Smackdown and Day of Reckoning were both a million times better than nuWWE shit 2K sim games.

Maybe they can get the AEW vidya license and make an SvR equivalent? Don't care about the roster as much as the gameplay.

They likely don't have gameplay ready for spongebob yet, or want to do a whole massive trailer reveal with the cut content they're finishing/adding.

Ah, see I was wondering how THQ came back.

Welcome to corporate, where if you're not aiming to maximize your quarterly profits, you're committing fraud against your shareholders.

They do, which is why they knew a flash animation trailer would suffice.

I loved Darksiders 3. The critics are baseless.

They did an AMA on the other chan.

>fan animation
meant to say *flash animation

You're right it is exciting. Can't wait to play some spongebob with my bro then dropping cows on peoples heads.

>Jews don't want moderate, sustainable growth and income
This, jew shareholders consider your company a failure if you dot show then a grow of 25% every new year and they leave you in debt making your company fail if you dont deliver what they whant.

Why bother wasting money working on a trailer you know people will buy and be good, but you kinda need to put more effort in destroy all humans because it’s way more obscure.

it's mostly white males

This is why you if you're dedicated to art and/or fun you should never make your company publicly traded.

>bubble blowing and cow dunking on barnacle heads and earth monkeys respectively

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Here's a list of remasters/remakes THQ Nordic has published:

Dungeon Lords MMXII
Legend of Kay: Anniversary
Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
De Blob
De Blob 2
Sine Mora EX
Baja: Edge of Control HD
We Sing Pop!
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
The Raven Remastered
Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Destroy All Humans!
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated

just 2 games hurr durr

They had an AMA on sideways-infinity sign chan. Which in RetardEra's delusional minds is a tacit endorsement of white supremacy and child pornography. Which is funny because of how many of their own mods are legitimate pedophiles, with one of their from their NeoGAF days actually getting convicted of CP possession.

Bringing the De Blob games to PC is a godsend and i will always thank them for it

>Which is funny because of how many of their own mods are legitimate pedophiles, with one of their from their NeoGAF days actually getting convicted of CP possession.
This, holy fuck! The cognitive dissonance these people operate under is ridiculous

they already working on KCD 2

And that's why Steam is so based and customer friendly and all publicly traded are trying to take it down with everything they have.

Because THQNordic staffs are cunnybros.

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The problem is resetera is too retarded to understand actual pedo boards (ie the guy posting photos of real kids in swimsuit) are not hosted by the same people as the Yea Forums board. Though then again these retards seem to think loli=cp.

Also a lot these people (Dan Olson among them) all but admitted to uploading CP to that site so he could report it into getting it taken down.

Why can't you just type 8󠛡c󠛡h󠛡a󠛡n normally you s󠛡o󠛡y faced C󠛡U󠛡C󠛡K?
s󠛡m󠛡h t󠛡b󠛡h f󠛡a󠛡m I bet you can't even Triforce
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Habit, I forget it's not filtered anymore.

Fuck off, faggot

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>I forget it's not filtered anymore.
It is, actually, try it.
But it's piss easy to bypass filters.

This makes me wish THQ hadn't sold Drawn to Life before going under

>Which is funny because of how many of their own mods are legitimate pedophiles, with one of their from their NeoGAF days actually getting convicted of CP possession.
Nah, that's basic psychology.
If you scream and accuse others of doing something that you secretly do, you divert attention away from yourself.
It's how predators operate, welcome to TrannyEra.

Would THQ nordic have gained it? I thought they were different companies?

I feel like THQNordic is one of those companies I really wanna like but they just don't release anything that personally interests me so I don't play their stuff. Seem like decent folks anyway.

This shit gave them so much anti-PR it blown up. Now everyone has THQNordic engraved in their minds as the most edgy company ever. And exactly because of that people are going to buy their product.

i'm actually in a games server full of literal trannies and spergs
everybody was hype for the bfbb remaster, one person said "hey remember when they did this thing" and everyone's response was just "yeah but spongebob, dude"
trannies aren't the problem, resetera and reddit are the problem, learn to separate the two, even if there is some overlap

THQ was making the games you dumbfucks pretend to care about, and they would have continued making good games. Losing THQ just meant there was one less publisher doing good work in the AAA space. Christ you people are retarded.

THQ Nordic is a good guy and has done nothing wrong.

There's a reason why the AMA was hosted by the Vice President of the company himself, it was 100% planned and deliberate and they knew exactly what would happen.
Nordic is too based for this world.


I never got to play this game as I only had a PC and GC back then. Looks fun I can't wait to try it on PC now.

WWE games problems are entirely with Yukes, the publisher doesn't really matter at all outside of 2K pushing their microtransactions onto it.

it's almost like that was the plan or something

THQ made Homefront - a gigantic - GIGANTIC - piece of shit

Homefront: The Revolution is actually a masterpiece, a THQ Nordic game

Tbh I didn’t know thq Nordic existed and that they had the rights to so much good shit until that ama happened

*Homefront: The Revolution is actually a masterpiece in comparison, especially at this point after all the patches

how does one learn and master the ancient arts of a malaysian weaving basket forum?

Copy my triforce post into Notepad++ and you will see the secret technique revealed to you.

THQ = To Hell with Quality
That they had some good releases was fortunate, but they were known to meddle with the development of games for the worse

THQ Nordic is doing it properly
>AAA devs
>spend millions on marketing, celeb likenesses
>churn out """cinematic""" walking simulators with cookie-cutter gameplay
>spend so much on the game you need to sell a bajillion copies to satisfy the producers, even if you sell millions you're not guaranteed to make a sequel

>AA devs like THQ Nordic
>market on the internet for basically free
>pick up beloved licenses for cheap
>make fun games
>make decent profits, grow and repeat
It's not that hard.

The darksiders 2 ps4 port was a mess. It crashed on me so many times I could not finish the arena.

Let's talk about darksiders 3. It is ok. Combat is not the best. You fight like a normal darksiders character action game yet it wants you to play like a dark souls game. I did the whole game and every boss came down to dodge attack get 2-3 hits in than be ready to dodge again. If you do get hit you take a massive amount of damage so it is not worth it to get a good combo going. They removed parts of the games to release as dlcs. I'm also tired of midquels. Give me the fucking game that picks up after "no...not alone"

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Well yeah. Whether it's Yukes or 2K ruining them, WWE games were better when THQ had the license.

no games company buying death companies with no games.

Yukes was making the games during the THQ era too user. They've been making them since Smackdown on the PS1.

So what's the third game gonna be boys, times plotters or dah

This was the third game. Best you can hope for now is some secret E3 announcements.

>he doesn't know

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This was the third game you retard.
Spongebob remake was the first
Darksiders Genesis was second
Destroy All Humans remake was third

I know. But it was clearly the THQ/Yukes relationship that made them good.

It's why how so many people who made good games in the past end up making shit or not even finishing when they go independent and crowdfund their games (MN9, YL, Bloodstained, Scam Citizen, etc.). Something about the setup they had in the golden age made the magic, not just the developer.

>new Aquanox
>Diablo: Darksiders edition
>Desperados III
>Expeditions 3: ?
>now Battle for Bikini Bottom and Destroy All Humans remakes
Yeah, I'm think they're based. No other publisher has a roster I'm this excited about, and all this probably costs a little more than a single huge Ubisoft game.


There's still a third one coming you fucking retards, the third game will be revealed on 19:00 and I hope you all get fucking cancer

Timesplitter remastered is their third game they will announce during e3

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>I hope they fund Kingdom Come 2

They will. And you know what that means?
>Hussite Wars
>Prague or Kutna Hora (Kuttenberg)
>Medieval-era Gun technology
>War Wagons
>Fighting Crusaders with an army of Peasants
>Finally getting back Sir Radzig's sword

Can't fucking wait.

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You were the retard all along. We're getting a third announcement is less than 90 minutes. PYRANHA BYTES COME ON

You're supposed to be dead, TB.

It's timesplitters you moron

Are you guys actually retarded?


Is there a better company than Nordic? Shocking how well they're playing their cards

>>Diablo: Darksiders edition
Dear god, please don't bring Diablo back to Darksiders. If anything, Darksiders: Genesis has a closer resemblance to Gauntlet.

Larian, but they're indie.
In terms of an actual publisher, can't think of anyone better than Nordic.
They've been swooping in and saving all my favourite Eurojank franchises.

>We're getting a third announcement is less than 90 minutes.

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kek literally NOBODY gave a shit about the first one

yeah, they are scouting locations according to their twitter

I want Elex 2, first game was fun even with all the eurojank.

By nobody you mean no Amerimutt and FUCKING LEAF
Piranha Bytes is Eurojank kino dev.

Kingdoms of Amalur remaster or sequel when?

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Hopefully never ever.

Well they bought the IP, they're not just going to sit on it.

Hopefully not within the next 50 years*

Probably next year, they bought the rights to it recently.

go back to fucking reddit fag

>fixed difficulty
>enemies no longer get level locked based on your level upon entering the zone
>camera isn't stuck up your ass
>buff sceptres
THQ pls

Remind this company is a good example of what will happen to all the big name vidya companies when the next big crash happens soon

>Thinking there will be another big crash

Has THQ Nordic done anything about their 8Shit AMA?

Said sorry and that was about it I think. The faggots crying about it are the minority anyway and most of them will still buy the games anyway.

Why would they need to do anything? Because trannies are butthurt?

They're still complaining that THQ Nordic's apology was a "bullshit non-apology".

They still haven't realized that Swedish (or Polish?) labor laws ARE NOT THE SAME as US labor laws.

'Cause some of them got raped irl.

And are therefore are mentally scarred for the rest of their fucking lives.

^ Idk about all of y'all, but I believe them.

And? Should THQ Nordic just visit each and every one and give them a personal apology? What the fuck do they actually want?


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I'm hoping for a Gothic remake or sequel myself now that they have Piranha Bytes, though it may be too soon, I don't know, I just hope.
THQ has a nice lineup of IPs, I'm surprised.

>New tweet is "Ich will..."
There see, DAH remake like you were told now go fuck yourselves you drooling brain dead fucking retards.

>good quality ports
Are you fucking kidding me?
Lock's Quest is broken fundamentally and Red Faction can corrupt your save.
THQ Nordic shit out some of the shittiest ports imaginable yet this board gives them a free pass for some reason.

You were saying, faggot?

>release two expansion packs and QoL patches to a 13 year old game

Yeah, they based as F

JSW trash publisher covered Fury in Darksiders 2

Not based.


Whatever, virgin berry tree.

I think this NPC might be a little defective.

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Darksiders 3 and she still has boobplates and battle heels
Her face sure took a hit, tho

Yes this they made some fun wrestling games

They want THQ Nordic to fire those weirdo, old fucks who conducted the AMA. That, and probably an official company restructuring.

After a few updates, the game got fun again.

*This earth monkey

Fuck Amerifat school of thought for Yorupoor countries. We don't get fired over internet social outrage that easily, if at all.

I know. Which is why they're going fucking overboard with this shit.

Screencap this

This company will be a monolith in 4 years.

They are the problem retard. The fact that they cared at all makes them a problem. Just because that group is less of a problem than another group, doesn't make them not a problem.

How can your retard mind not comprehend this simple logic?

all trannies are not resetera fags, and all resetera fags are not trannies

Same thing would apply to Yea Forums, Reddit, blah, blah, blah.

nah, the britbongs get jailed instead. how's the rest of europe doing though?