Name a better handheld Racing game

Pro Tip: You can't.

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Shit roster

Are you implying that a roster of Sonic donut steels and Sega rejects is any better?

Now drink my shit.

Never realized there was a Sonic racing game on DS, is the fps as bad as in Transformed on 3ds?

Mario Kart DS

I played it yesterday, Didn't notice any frame drops, I'm pretty sure it's running at 60fps

Now drink my coke

It's amazing how they managed to fuck up Transformed then

>saying donut steel when MK8 has OCs

Not hard

Are you implying that you have the runs?

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That's actually a good game. Played it heaps back in the day. Just wish people didn't forget it.

I prefer the console version, but this one's still good. If I had to rank the handheld Sonic racers it would go
ASR DS>TSR Switch>Transformed 3DS
I commend them for putting Transformed on the 3DS but it was such a shoddy port


You can hold it in your hands

>defends MK's shit tier roster

I can hold your mom in my hands but it doesn't mean that.. Wait, I can't. I can't hold her in my hands. Because she's a fat pig.

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Not even the best racing game on the ds baka

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My mom is dead

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>Overclocked this bad boy yesterday for the first time
>Stable 30 fps
I hope my vita never dies, fuck n*ntendo and fuck niggers

It was still pretty playable for a majority of the tracks without overclocking. My Steam profile makes it look like I barely played it, but I I Platinumed that shit kn Vita.