Uhhh switchbros?!?!?


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Imagina promoting a PS4 game for free. The very state of Nintendies


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I'm going to laugh if it goes
>Port P5, not R, to Switch
>Port P5R a year later

Ok nigel ibrahimi


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So does this confirm that Atlus is receiving some kind of compensation in exchange for exclusivity or do they just really hate money?

I want them to deconfirm no save import. Fuck fatlus.

imagine putting Joker in super smash just to promote sony

Imagine feeling the need to shove the protagonist of your game in a overrated party game just to get more greedy sales on what essentially is a remaster and not even a brand new game.

I just want Persona 3 remastered.

Dumb mexican.

It was Nintendo who wanted Joker in Smash.

I already own a copy of Persona 5, do they expect me to buy another copy? Or will I be able to download the extra content?

>Not Sakurai who's obsessed with the game


Ah well, guess I'll just have to buy more RPGs from Monolith or something.

>sakurai doesnt represent nintendo

>No Rex
>But Joker is in
Cope more, xenonigger.

They charged tendies for it.

What the fuck was the point of that survey then if they're gonna just ignore it?

I will only ever buy a PlayStation product used from here on out until they repeal their censorship policy. I've never bought a titty game in my life but the censorcuckoldry needs to be stopped.

That's the only reason I care about a P5 Switch port, because if it happens I can just not even log in to a used PlayStation and contribute to their install base stats.

what if i own a switch and a ps4
what then

>What the fuck was the point of that survey

Do you really have to ask?

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>One man represents the entirety of Nintendo

If it were Shigeru, I'd at least understand. But fuck, the man's practically forced to make sequels for as long as the headquarters' standing.

>"at present"

Anyway, already played P5, won't be buying P5R because since I've refused to give Sony money for telling me what games I can play and how I can play them. If you're not putting your game on PC or Switch, it's dead to me.

You're getting awfully defensive here. I didn't even say anything bad about P5 in my post.

I honestly don't understand why Nintendo okayed Joker getting a DLC spot. Every other 3rd party character is actually a video game icon, minus Bayonetta and that character might as well be a Nintendo property at this point.

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ban all threads with the word bros in it

And P5 was worse than 4

If i remember correctly they used to said that they not going to port Valkyria Chronicles to other consoles and decade later now we see it become multiplatform

Nincel spotted

But we're getting the better pokemon game this fall

>Implying we wanted it anyway
How do you fags feel about never being able to play classics like Mario and Zelda? Lmao keep your weebshit

>at present
>e3 is in the future
yeah its not deconfirmed so fuck off sonyfag

I don't really care if a movie game don't come to the Switch.

Nintendo called the shots on DLC characters, not Sakurai for once

user, please don't call every game a movie game that isn't on the switch, it really shows how hard you're coping lel

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This but unironically.
Scramble is the only P5 that matters anyway.

Enough to apparently post about it, though.

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This. Scramble is looking like it will blow P5R out of the water

this, its a dating sim user

There has to be some exclusively deal with Sony of something with mainline persona. After joker in smash and the huge flux of nintenndies wanting to play persona it would be a retarded business move to not port it over. Imagine the sales.

>dude ATLUS should just push the *make port* button and make billions of dollars

Spic phoneposter detected.

No, it confirms that much like the just announced remake of DESTROY ALL HUMANS, which is a cartoony like game, that would be perfect for the switch, but it is not coming too it but every other console, it confirms that third party WANT to put their games on the switch, but Nintendo made a literal fisher price tablet which can't run fucking anything, and when they do force third party games onto it, it ends up looking like this, and they know nobody in there right mind would play this version over ps4/xbox/pc

Nintendo really, really, need to up their hardware game. It would fix all there problems. You cannot fucking exist in the past anymore.

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b--but--but it's.. it's.. portable.....

you're 100% right, it is, with a 2 hour battery life and in a lower resolution than fucking gamecube games, at 15-20 fps portability means fuck all if it runs like shit.

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> Nintendo actually cucked, promoting a game that won't even be on their platform

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What is Snoys obsession with the Switch

>Nintendo really, really, need to up their hardware game. It would fix all there problems. You cannot fucking exist in the past anymore.

Are you willing to pay $499 or $599 a Switch with specs comparable with the PS4?


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Good thing PS4 is getting it too

I think sakurai just liked persona. He played and enjoyed persona 5 and wanted to include joker, he then asked about doing it, no one at nintendo or atlus told him no, so he got his wish to put him in as a guest and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if the subject of bringing the game to switch was every even broached by anyone.

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Not confirmed yet.
PS4 version could get cancelled

Not portable. Cope.

Yes, with all of nintys incredible unique IPs looking next gen and playing better than ever, with all third party support going on it without a shadow of doubt, because I know the devs can use that hardware and it won't get cucked of games. Yes, I'd be willing to pay

why is there always a bigger reaction from sonyfags whenever some news about nintendo drops?

lmao, get fucked nintendies. have fun with your 3 games

stop projecting your cope

>How do you fags feel about never being able to play classics like Mario and Zelda?
I can do that on a phone

Now try to convince 20 million+ people with that mindset

Oh wow, who could have seen this coming.

Who cares? Everything Atlus makes is cringe as fuck anyway.

Mario is a one time play and I can play bow on pc running x10 better than switch kek


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>muh portable

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>Who cares?
Pretty much no one outside of sonyfags. This is just Bloodborne all over again where they try and create a demand for it to be ported to shit on other people.

>nobody cares
>he's in the thread posting about it

You care, user. If you didn't, why are you here?

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>have switch and ps4
>this thread
For what purpose?

Just leave me the fuck alone dude.

>Pretty much no one outside of sonyfags
Nintrannies are the worst liars

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fucking lel, just some banter user

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ATLUS wouldn't kill SMTV by putting P5 on the switch like that, they want the game to succeed

Every fucking time, they never seem to fail and fuck themselves over. Just upgrade the fucking switch pro already, it's getting embarrassing. We haven't even brought up their monthly snes games they're getting, the entire ninty community is up in arms about it, starting to realize the company they love so much treats them like shit

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Aw man, guess I'll just play it on my PS4 with is right beside my SWITCH where I'll be playing Mario Maker.

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Porting is so fucking easy in this gen. They could make an Xbone and PC port in like 2 months, tops, including QA.
If they're too retarded for that they could also just pay someone else to make the port, not like there's a shortage of small port and localisation oriented studios that are cheap and do decent work.
This isn't the 7th gen with the X360's PowerPC and PS3's Cell architecture, everything is running x86 now.
The Switch is slightly harder to port to because of its ARM architecture but they still could've easily ported this to the Xbone and PC at least.

>Wii 2006
In 13 years Nintendo Consoles have maybe gotten 30% stronger, just so the consoles can have a shitty gimmicks that 20% of the user-base uses past the first week. The new Pokemon looks like a Wii shovelware rpg with the "good" looking Switch games looking barely better then Indie-shit.

3DS has Persona Q2, and Switch will have Scramble.

>I've refused to give Sony money for telling me what games I can play and how I can play them.

Personally just get P4G off the vita for christ sakes

this is illegal

3DS is a actual dead handheld where 90% of the userbase just pirates at this point. The game fucking failed in Japan which is the handheld capital.

>. If you didn't, why are you here?
Why are any of us here?
Yea Forums went to shit a long time ago.

>it confirms that third party WANT to put their games on the switch, but Nintendo made a literal fisher price tablet which can't run fucking anything
Persona 5 was on the PS3 you fucking buffoon

The only reason Atlus isn't porting P5 is because who the fuck knows why, Catherine Full Body got a Vita port of all things. they do whatever platform is most convenient for them and don't stress the budget of having to port shit.

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Unironically fucking cope.

Did you just reply to yourself?

Money and nothing else.
Remember Joker’s in Smash completely stole the show during the game awards so much so it wasn’t
“God of war wins GOTY” night it was “The Joker’s in Smash reveal” night

Who got a sticky?

Man, you guys must have taken the ps3 jokes hard last gen.

Cope lmao

Personally since the game is very bookish it just works.

>Who got a sticky?
To be fair Nintendo stickies aren't made because there's big news but to contain the shitposting.


Which is exactly what was being said about Baldur's Gate and Grandia yesterday

They're tsundere for Nintendo.

projection kek

can't say we're obsessed when you're in the threads, user

no user you can't do that it's against the rules

>can't say we're obsessed when you're in the threads
Of course he can. He didn't make it or constantly post these The second one being hilariously ironic.

>can't say we're obsessed when you're in the threads
Dude, this isn't just about Nintendo systems yet you made it about them. That's textbook obsession.

But who's the one who made the thread and the three others?
I rest my case.

There are three more threads about this?

which one are you in the captions, point yourself out

thread is litterally about switch not getting a game, stop being silly and coping

a nintendobro complaining he ain't getting p5, which he has EVERy right to do, don't be silly

….he -clearly- is saying "switchbros!??!" in the title, user. It's a switchboi. Not our fucking fault my dude.

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>thread is litterally about switch not getting a game
yeah, instead of just saying "this game is staying on ps4 and ps3" you EXPLICITLY made it about switch
stay obsessed

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boy, summer came here quicker than I anticipated
there are people who don't even know what a fucking falseflag is

>thread is litterally about switch not getting a game
Exactly. You made it about the switch specifically when it concerns every other platform. Again that's obsession with Nintendo.


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>point yourself out
Not in it kiddo. But I'm guessing you're most of the ones there.

Enjoy those silky smoth 20 fps switchcuck lmao

Anyone who says "uhhh ___bros?!?!?!" is an blatant falseflagger and you know it, you faggpt.

>It's a switchboi
You think that people unironically use the term switchbro?

Of course he knows, he probably made the thread.

you can't shout obsession when you're in the thread, user, it doesn't make sense, only looks like projection.

but the thread starts off with him calling out the attention to switchbros, user. what do you expect? nobody is talking about Microsoft who cares

don't lie, you're obviously annoyed and coping

dunno, think you're just annoyed and coping that you've been called out and this was a switch cope thread, and didn't see him doing that
same with you

people do it all the time

>Resetranny nincels on suicide watch


don't try to act like you jimmies aren't rustled when you go out of your way to mass reply to several posts
just don't, you're not fooling anyone

>but the thread starts off with him calling out the attention to switchbros, user
Which is the point. They didn't say it wouldn't come to the Switch specifically they said other platforms. That means Switch, PC, Xbox etc.
There was no need to make it about Nintendo specifically other than an obsession with them.

Stop projecting.


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The point is it starts with Switchbros?? so talking about Switch people being annoyed p5 isn't on there still counts. If it was Switchbros and Xbros?? THEN you can say that, but it's just switchbros. So yes we can make it about Nintendo. Stop projecting the obsession etc. Nobody is obsessed, just the literal topic of the thread.


Mods need to actively ban port begging of all types.



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>muh virtue signaling moral stance against piracy
No cares you stupid faggot.


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Does anyone have that vocaroo that user made?

Guys, what did he meant by that?

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vocaroo.com/i/s0Fhbwsxhf4E This is the never on Switch song.

It won't play anymore, but this is the one. Guess you gotta download it to hear. Don't know why. The guy who used to make gay Otacon and Snake Vocaroos also had that shit nuked, as well as n word DARPA chief jokes. All lost, I fucking hate Vocaroo as a host, terrible for archiving.

>If it was Switchbros and Xbros?? THEN you can say that
Are you being an idiot on purpose? If you weren't singling out Nintendo then you wouldn't be showing your obsession with them.

Wouldn't help. Falseflaggers would just move to something else.

I have a PS4 and a Switch, though.

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That still makes you a Nintendofag portbeggar who's jealous apparently.