Who can stop him?

Who can stop him?

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Other urls found in this thread:



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God, from entering Heaven when he dies.

Hasn't he lost plenty of times already?
Why do you keep making these threads and then get pissed off when people point that out?

He got btfo by ninjakilla month ago in MK 11

Do people really compete in MK games? The series is a fucking joke


He's such an attention whore I wouldn't be surprised if he was making these threads himself.

God gays are fucking disgusting

I can't even read that shit it's making me nauseous.

Thank God medicine has advanced and its no longer an issue.
Also AIDS is not a gay exclusive disease.

Literally the only games hes good at are low skill trash anime games like DBFZ. He got blown out at all the real fighters.

this. western fighters in general are a joke besides skullgirls.


Sonicfox himself looks disgusting

Attached: Sonicfox.jpg (1538x2048, 345K)

Why does he call himself such when he only plays high tiers?

why doesn't he just pop the whiteheads?


kys bigot

I pray for the day when we can legally hunt gays again.

seething discord tranny
cope harder incel
have sex

Why is the correlation between furfags, autism and degeneracy so damn high?

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I'm being serious asshole, who are YOU to judge their lifestyle and choices. Love will win.

he didn't do well with guilty gear, has anyone got an idea why? people are saying he'd be extremely lucky to get into a top 8.

Are you retarded, it has only been successfully cured in 2 cases.

nigga he got blown out in the DBFZ finals. not even by kazunoko or go1. by fucking dogura
mike z get out

Who was that guy who beat him in DBFZ and made him finish 8th?

That guy

Take vacation in Chechnya.

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The idea that there's a competitive fighting scene consisting of anything other than KoF 98, 2k2 and Garou makes me sick. New doesn't equal good you faggots

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Stop him from killing himself or what?

Them’s fightin herds looks promising once it finally fucking finishes
It’s even made in the Z Engine

not a ponyfag but i will admit that it looks fucking sweet and it will get my money soon

You can tell who doesn't clean their pillowcases regularly by looking at their face.

Even if you have this, start using exfoliating rub out of the shower in the morning. Does wonders for cleaning up your face

It's all made up, user.

There's a 20% chance he'll stop himself one day.

Imagine being furryphobic in 2019

yikes oof woof

Prove it fag enabler

A gayer furry

Attached: Tagg_TOTH2015.png (600x397, 412K)

Prove the otherwise


We've reached a point where I can't tell if these are people baiting or people who genuinely believe what they're saying that squirmed into this website fully knowing they'll get blasted.
And I don't know which is worse

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players in any fighting game besides NRS ones after about 4 months. sonicfox is good at finding the day 1 strategy but in games that actually have serious competition he just can't keep up once people figure out his bullshit

uniel, dbzf, sf5, soul calibur 6. on and on you get examples where everyone is on this dudes dick for the first little bit its getting played and then he completely falls off the face of the earth to retreat to his mortal kombat/skullgirls ghetto - games most people don't play because they aren't especially good and encourage his never stop hitting buttons playstyle

I provided photographic evidence you retard. Saying "durr I can't Google it" points out what a big fucking retard you are. There are non indexed pages, what is the dark web you fucking idiot

Who’s your main lad

It's like 99% that fags just fantasizing about this shit.

I’m sorry i don’t support stuff like this, user


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all the real competition is in sfv desu

user, you’re just way jaded. The love will win guy said it to target jaded dudes like you

>I find it hard to believe so it must be fake
Excellent argument. Are you on the Harvard debate team with those sheboons champ?

jesus nigger scrub your skin. Some cetaphil and changing your sheets every week will help.

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no it wont. The "love" movement has two meanings. On the outside it's a movement that tries to paint common sense opinions as hateful and equate love with acceptance of anything no matter how abominable. It's literally a collective rationalization (argumentum ad populum) to assuage the guilty conscience of hedonistic nihilists who hate themselves and have only pleasure as a reason for living. The hidden aspect of this movement is in line with the theosophical tenets of "Do what you will shall be the whole of the law" and "Love is the law, love under will."

TL;DR Humanity is being forced into a prison of the mind and as a resul their pride will win them a one way ticket to the laake of fire. Sodomites of any kind (anyone who practices sex for pleasure and not for reproductive purposes) need to repent or they will burn for eternity.

>inb4 Insane, delusional etc
There is not much time left. There is still hope. Humble yourself in front of Jesus Christ, repent and live.

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Its fine, Goichi will become good in MK11 and beat SonicFox and make him quit

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Ok it's bait.

You caught me, my main purpose was to make video gamers direct their anger towards liberals and I'm sure I accomplished it to some degree>>

>somebody writes some dumb shit on the internet
>it must be true

The medicine is not a cure. You have to use it your entire life and constantly check if your t-cell count is sufficient.

If you have heterosexual vaginal sex with someone, your chances of getting or giving HIV to that person is slim since a vagina is a closed off system unlike a fragile rectum.
Heterosexual HIV infectees are also very rare compared to faggots and trannies.

Prep is also a meme and less effective than any protection youd use.

HIV is god's way of telling fags that what they do is wrong.

The chances of the strains that make up a proto-HIV virus getting consumed by a chimp, mutating, then being transfered to a hunter through blood on blood contact and ultimately creating the HIV we know of today is astronomical.

This is vile but this honestly isn't representative of every gay person. Not every straight person is into scat or whatever

>same thing but "must be false"


AIDS will win.

actually ignore my post I don't wanna make excuses for poz faggotry

OH no, I wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of that .1% of gays who aren't degenerate freaks, I better stop and think about all 20 of those poor people I'm harming with the way I think


im a tianhuochad

>Love will win
we anime now

Why would you even want to go near him? He probably smells like shit and the little interaction I've had with him over the internet he's the most obnoxious person around. I've never seen somebody who likes the sound of their open voice so much.

Good call.

The gay lifestyle is revolting, but the simple act of being attracted to dudes isn't harming anyone. I'll never defend ass-fucking or poz culture

That doesn't counter what I said at all user

>He's gay
>He's a furry

How the fuck does he get away with this?

>/pol/tards blindly believing every le ebin redpill image they believe

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What is love

And how are you meant to counter you pulling statistics out of your ass oh amazing debate master?

don't reply on my behalf you fucking retard. Those obviously aren't real statistics.

Results from combo breaker
>didn't win MK, his main game where he's supposed to be unchallenged
>didn't get top 3 at dbfz
>didn't even get top 8 in unist with all americans

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Who even cares about mortal kombat


I came here just to see this post. fpbp

No, user. People like you are the reason why Jesus never came back.

People like you and Sonicfox, anyway.


DOTR soon, sodomite.

hes been shit on several times over

Thousand sons?

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at least this one knows how to use skin care products

Sucks that sanicfux is the king of that game to.
Also sucks that the only person able to dethrone him is swiftfox, another fucking furry.
At least swift mains peabella so he's pretty cool in my book.

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>one post came from a forum where some people troll, therefore it must be fake
>I searched google for one and nothing came up, that means the website CAN'T exist
>Tumblr and Bodybuilding.com? You can lie on those, certainly these must be false!
Should I keep going? This is fucking embarrassing and you should kill yourself fag enabler.

ironically, a dog

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Don't know why people suck his dick so much like if he is a fucking genius and a king at any fighting game he touch when his only top results are on NRS series aka american kusoge games.
He did alright at the beginning of DBFz, but it's because one of his strong point is to be way more faster at learning and finding shit in new games than a lot of people, but now he just can't beat the top DBFz players.

Based Shanks

>"god's way of telling them what they do is wrong"
>implying anal sex cant be had by heterosexuals
>proceeds to say HIV being a thing is astronomical

If you are going to hate gays, using freak accident disease strains as a means of some random natural selection, isn't a viable argument.

that's a lovely snake, rosy boas are so underrated

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Sonicfox is really good at pressing buttons but only that.
Dude has NO defensive game at all.

He was stopped in SFV, pretty harshly too. Then this guy beat him in DBFZ recently. And he's from EU.

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he certainly looks european


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Thanks user!

MK Trilogy was fucking based

ok, if you're so confident, print out the original image and hand it to people, let's see what type of reaction you get.
after all if it's true people will totally believe you and definitely not laugh in your face

>ok if you're really right then do x!
You're a fucking child, your argument holds no water and you're backed in to a corner. Tie the knot you fucking worthless queer

There's a video of bug chasers on efukt. Viewer discretion is advised.

You know back in the day there was this wonderful website filled with wonderful people called tribe dot net. It got shut down because a lot of the communities were filled with sickos.

there was one in particular that was entirely dedicated to a group of people, fathers who talked anonymously and at length about how hot it would be to fuck their prepubescent daughters and share them around and make them take drugs so they could be raised as whores.
Now, imagine if I took caps from that and posted it and said "all straight people are like this"
if I did that I'd look just as stupid as you

>Art School Sanctioned Gay Furry Porn

What the hell

Cope post

>doesn't have the resolve to do it
I accept your concession you sad little virgin

Based boa bro. Calm and pretty snake.

Call me back when he gets good at a video game that requires skills.

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>Who can stop him?
"Earthcore I hope!"
God, I'm old.....

well if it's good enough for art galleries it's good enough for school

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Yeah I guess the difference is I'm correctly wired and fulfill my biological imperative where gay's decide they like hairy male assholes more than carrying on their bloodline. I wonder, if maybe, just maybe, one group tends to be more degenerate than the other?

>not an issue
You haven´t meet any people on treatment, right? Ask´em to "forget" their pills for one week, also inmunity-system issues for life.
>Also AIDS is not a gay exclusive disease.
Ye, blacks aswell. It´s just gods work

>Requires skills
>Not BW

well fucking prepubescent girls hardly fills a biological imperative and you're clearly a bitter incel so you don't either.
Maybe, just maybe you're a retard and getting angry at other people for literally no reason is unhealthy and the sign of a mental disorder.
user, I'm sorry to tell you this but normal healthy people who produce normal healthy children don't live their lives bitterly whining about 'the fags' on a taiwanese shrimp catching forum

but straight people decide not to have kids too, why don't you go on tirades about them? You can't just decide not to be gay, in the same way you can't suddenly decide to be gay. You wouldn't live with a man for the rest of your life if you weren't attracted to it.

i'll give you that. best roster to date, but fuck that ai difficulty.

holy based

BW requires a different kind of skill, but both have a skill cap we can't even comprehend. Nobody will ever reach it.

It's because his skills are low tier.

Yeah, I showed my father that,and I just saw complete disgust on his face, he doesn't even care about gays and whatnot and he reacted pretty badly.
I'll show around to more people, pretty sure it's just one person right? You guys aren't totally just freaks that need to be put down.

if you actually cared about degeneracy you'd be complaining about kids raised by single mothers

>You can't just decide not to be gay
Imagine being so weak you think fags are unable to stop seeking out hairy man ass

>different kind of skill

go show it around, when you eventually get called a crazy retard I'm sure you'll come back here, mutter about exterminating the gays and then go back to jacking off to lolis until you grow old and die without producing any offspring

Except 99.9% of straight people would condemn these fuckers while a very large portion of fags ignore or defend shit like . So no it's not the same at all.

>implying hating gays meabsbi give other degenerates a pass

That's racist.


But I'm not gay, I can have kids.

Fucking kek

What is his sexual orientation again????I keep forgetting

Based Dogura. He never plays seriously except SF.

so can gay people and lesbians, it's called artificial insemination
this isn't the dark ages user
>b-but it's not natural
neither is medicine

I think I saw him on a stream get BTFO at Smash Bros right after that fucking awards show he was flailing around. Literally the same night.

Straight people do all the same shit bent people do, the only difference is that you think this shit is widespread due to spending every day in a hugbox.
I just don't agree with forcing gay people to live in a straight relationship, people who do that are miserable. I won't defend people taking dicks up the ass
I think he might be gay, might be getting him mixed up.

I can only find mkx videos
Still satisfying as fuck


A white nationalist furry roman saluting him mid fuck.

>except BB

99% of gay people condemn these idiots too you retard, what delusional world do you live in where you think people wouldn't find this repulsive, yeah sick freaks exist no one likes them, shocker

He's probably straight but he's basically marketing himself as everything else.

Being furry don't tie you to the lefty madness.
You will learn this the hard way soon enough.

Just showed it to my mother, she had to stop reading midway through.
I'll show the guys at work in about an hour once I get there. Pretty sure they'll have a very acceptable reaction towards, and definitely not hate your guts.
In case you still haven't guessed, the majority hates you.
> it's called artificial insemination
You can't be a father if you die of aids.

most gay people don't have aids though you delusional retard

>gay people exist
it never gets old

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VERY funny post

>the majority hates you
but they clearly don't, gay people are respected while dumb alt white nazis get beaten up and reviled on sight

>Just showed it to my mother

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Women have much higher chance of contracting HIV than men, of course we are still talking in the range of single numbers percentage. You would still be retarded to make a roll where a chance to have to be on serious medication for life is 1 in 20.

>The chances of the strains that make up a proto-HIV virus getting consumed by a chimp, mutating, then being transfered to a hunter through blood on blood contact and ultimately creating the HIV we know of today is astronomical.
That's nice but the chances of life even existing in the first place, or the universe existing in such way we can shitpost here now are astronomical as well. What do you think happened in reality? Some guys created it in a lab and then infected gays on purpose?

>ITT: faggot defense force
It's amazing how you all come out of the wood works as soon as someone starts making fun of your ass, back to ResetERA you colossal faggots.

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>/pol/ exists
>seething daily

He's Shanks, a pretty good Spanish player and his match against Sonicfox was very convincing. The furry didn't stand a chance.

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Hopefully not, I kinda want you all to die out.
>everyone who hates the gays is a nazi
didn't knew my old man was fighting for the fuhrer all along, holy shit he's fucking based.
I also showed my dog.

>99% of gay people condemn these idiots too
Why do you have to resort to blatant lies like that? You fags have no honor.

Sounds like a nerve got touched, pillowbiter

that thing is still in development?
i though the hasbro C&D killed all hype and it died a lonely death even after they announced the "remaking all off the art" shit

'Serial rapist' here(straight) and proud 'rape-baby'.
Women exist to carry my seed and states like Alabama are pioneers in bringing back the God given rights that were taken from my fellow men so long ago. The world is finally starting to make sense again. Fags, queers, degenerates, and alt-lifers have interfered in the survival of the human race for too long. Whores don't belong in politics and men that want to be seed recieving whores shouldn't have any more rights than the cattle that birthed them and should be marked visibly as whored without rights. The only absolution fags have left to them is their inability to reproduce, thus eliminating the infectious brain deficiency that has infested the human genome. While I agree faggots don't have a choice other than to plow eachother's fetid anuses, that doesn't give them any special privilege to not be eradicated and marginalized or detained indefinitely in quarantine. If there was a bull rutting only males and ignoring the cows, the farmer would slaughter it, not let it limp along contributing nothing.

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>/pol/ exists
>it's constantly in your head
That's even better

WB puts huge money into NRS Games, if you're good at competing you're set for life.

"You just gay now."

Get the cross.

>gay's decide
So when did you decide to be straight?

Linkorz and Partywolf bodied him straight out of Soul Calibur, and Japan keeps him locked down in Dragonball. What I'm saying is, get good NRS players and his last bastion falls.

>deciding to be normal
I also decided to be healthy and good looking user

Could this man be any more based?

I tip my hat to you sir

Okay, see, you went a little too far with the falseflagging, homo. Neck yourself and take your butt buddies with you.

So you didn't make a conscious decision to be straight?

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there was a retard on /vg/ that was happy he got infected with AIDS
you fags need to erased

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>human dicks
Absolute cringe.

Remember Echo Fox dropping their fighting game players?

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Holy based and woke!

Everyone is born straight user unless born with severe defects. Most modern gays were once normal children, healthy, happy and straight. Gays "reproduce" by molesting children; it's a demonic parasite, a malaise of one's soul that's both damaged and co-opted in this horrific process. Gays know that to create others like themselves, hence increasing their normalcy and agency, they have to molest children as well. Gays are literally satan's golems and they should be put down en masse immediately. But, don't you forget, gays are created, and the method by which they come about is as horrific as the methods with which they sustain themselves.

But that's one person. There are tons of gay and straight people that are fucking degenerates. More gay people simply because there's so many more male degerates. But what people are trying to say is that you can't say all or the majority of gay people are like that. Not every gay person is like pamperchu. It's just you only see the vocal ones in your hugboxes and in real life.

>everyone who hates gays is a nazi
yes unironically

Both should be gassed

you're just mad cute boys in dresses are better fucks than any of your hideous hambeasts
sorry, str*oid, you got the short end of the stick

just read this. when you're older you'll regret all the days you spend rotting away here.

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he's a good player but he seems to have most success in niche games that have low competition or when games are relatively new and he can figure out new gimmicks

i've yet to see him really dominate a well understood game with fierce competition

The internet isnt that big user if your so confident that its real then find it and show it to us.
Sorry bro but "dude trust me" isnt gonna cut it.

And to think that the federal and state government is indispensable in placing defenseless foster children into the clutches of homosexual couples within the privacy of their homes away from all supervision and protection.

>shows picture of an obese neckbeard
>gay furry porn public art show

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I know user, it makes me sick

We all need to calm down, look past the homosexuality and the furry distractions and understand that deep down the real root of this problem is apparent. Niggers shouldn't be included in white competitions.

Imagine the smell.

>if it's not on google it doesn't exist
based retard

sasuga akatsuki-kun

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Do you guys hate the innate existence of gay people or just behaviours a minority of them exhibit so you can expand that and use it to judge all of them?

based, here's one who thought he was equal to whites

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I don't care. gay people's degenaracy goes way beyond the retard shit straight people do. your whole fucking community focus on hedonism e nothing else.
Last week in my country a lesbian couple mutilated their son to turn him into a girl and this week they killed the poor kid.
you fags will be erased you liking it or not. your time is coming


the second one but instead of expanding it we just pretend it is representative of all of them

I hate anything different from myself.

Everything should be what I like and everyone should like what I appreciate.

It's a simple and fair concept. If everyone just fell in line with my preferences the world would be perfect.

>tfw now a nazi
Finally I'm part of something.

the only part about this that's funny is the fact that SonicFox genuinely has an 'alterego' of his fursona which is literally a black and red, blood covered wolf with spider legs that retract into his body

We just need another term for trump and shit like this will stop happening.

Is his alter-ego also a nigger?

>this minority bullshit again
a huge precentage of faggots are the ones who have such bad behaviours. the true minority are the ones who don't act like degenerates

Is fat saggy cuck a good enough term?

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Straight people are seething because they need to get pussy whipped in order to get sex while gay people can fuck whoever they want whenever they want because they're more attractive

And yet even they do not deserve God's mercy.

based, praise Him

>all the samefag replies on this post
>that one closet fag obsessed with homos replying to every post questioning the veracity of those images
holy kek

Rapist(straight) here. I disagree.

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>muh sky fairy

I mean... he can't STOP being black, so yeah.

It's pretty big despite people saying shit like "you can get all the porn for free" that's genuinely not true.

well maybe if you were a swiss rapist or something I can see it but what? A straight American rapist?
American women are gross, yuroid women are all overweight muslims, it's just dreadful

how the fuck is that not out yet
i remember hearing about it in fucking middle school and i can legally drink now

Because judging a demographic of people through the filtered down negative things you see on the internet is truly reflective of what you would see if you met and got the chance to judge a decent sized pool of gay people in reality. Some gays genuinely are retarded, there's a reason why STDs and shit are on the rise in the gay community, but it doesn't necessarily the whole demographic.

I am convinced being furry is a byproduct of being queer and autistic. I have never seen a furry that was either straight or well adjusted.

At the very least he isn't pretending to be a woman. That's the best thing I can say.

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how can you see which faggots are samefagging? Can you post a screenshot of it so I can laugh at the one or two gayfers trying to push the "gays are people too" meme?

To be fair despite you being hyperbolic if everyone was or similar enough taste you could conceivably get world peace.

First post based post

>muh aids infested shotcock

Trinity Cringe

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I'm talking about (you)

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But white people suck at fighting games I mean really smash (which isn't even a fighting game) is the only one they ever do well in Evo. Well maybe they do well in some irrelevant side event stuff, I don't bother with low stakes shit.

I believe in you user. I'm sure you're totally mentally competent and wouldn't just blindly accept random unsourced and probably made up anonymous forum posts just because they align with your personal agenda. After all, anyone would know if you're so desperate for support for your argument, you wouldn't be worth listening to

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based yipes

>muh sagging gonorrhea filled roast beef

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>I'm a faggot because women are ugly and based yuropz
Don't rest on your laurels, a homosexual yurop is still a homosexual. You probably fart with a lisp.

but I only fuck american gays because you guys have the cutest twinks

I wasn't being facetious.

it is not only the bad shit that is posts on image boards
it the whole LGBT movement doing fucked up shit.
You fags are literally fine with 10 year old doing shows for old gay men on strip clubs. you have retards chating for the death of straight people on lgbt rallies.
i'd rather cut the root of the problem and burn it than let a small section of it stay alive to produce the same shit shit again.
i'm tired of identitary politics of you fags

cucktianity was a mistake


This entire thread is missing the point.

Peridot is the best Gem.

Attached: perisun.png (1254x1792, 2.93M)

As a gamer, do you guys hate blacks more or gays more?

I love bbc

As a gamer, I hate video games more.

I dont care either way, most of the people I play against or with I never see IRL
gays or blacks are just "players", in game you shouldn't give a fuck

Imagine being into fighting games and hating black people. Must be real difficult.

What if you hear their effeminate squeal over the mic, or hear them saying "bruh! bruh!" every few seconds?


>Imagine being into fighting games
I'm not, I'm here to queer bash

This. Games are for fags and children.

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Enjoy your 5-20 year temp ban from irl

I feel like much of that shit is a West coast thing. Was in Boston during the pride parade. /pol/ had me hyped up for an wild apocalyptic extravaganza of degeneracy but it was just people slowly walking by dressed in street clothes or even suits holding banners for Dunkin Donuts and a bus of old people.

oh shit, they're here. Those sjw faggots are going to ban anyone that talked negatively about faggots. Pull those ethernet cords boys quick!

>The fag slayer in purple.
If I ever got AIDs I'd dedicate myself to being a gay Chad and shooting poison into fags until I died

Trans. The LGBTQ+askjkb "community" is only united when they have a common "enemy" to fight. Leave them to their own devices for a year and they'll quick turn on each other.
If a Lesbian refuses to have sex with a Transwoman, she is apparently a transphobe.
Ditto for Gays who refuse to have sex with Transmen. And since Gays and Lesbians are lower on the oppression chart than Trannies, yeah, they'll get attacked sooner or later.
Not to mention all of these "teenage sex changes" is depriving Gays and Lesbians resources to replenish their population (studies show that teens who have gender confusion problems but don't undergo the knife eventually grow up to be homosexual instead), they'll become the minority soon enough.

At least blacks don't shove black lives matter posters into games they don't belong in and act like they have the high ground when people get pissed about it.

Attached: tumblr_inline_prji6214m91s0q1be_1280.png (675x336, 313K)

What made you think this sort of shit would fly anytime past 2am?

All your pedo friends are asleep, user

was the cartoon girl underage?

Scar did apparently

You and your kiddie fucker buddies belong on the cross.

It was a trace of a real photo, been getting kicked around Yea Forums and Yea Forums a lot

>Who can stop him?
>Scar beat him at Combo Breaker
keep up user.

Why do straight people molest children? How do you explain the behavior of Sambia people of Papua New Guinea?

Trace? I don't get it user, I thought the other people were memeing. I'm too fucking old for this website

Anyone that just sees it as a perversion of theirs that they have accepted for themselves and indulge in privacy I can't hate but anyone that promotes their special visual cues they happened to have mutated into getting off to as some sort of special lifestyle protected by some divine right is actually just a nut case. You are just wired to get off differently due to being groomed by some old guy or you just have some genetic pre-disposition for homosexuality, you are not some fucking hero for wanting to diddle similar genitals to yours to get off.

Watch what you say about my father asshole.

What game is that?

Hat in Time

>It's another I HATE THE GAYS thread on a board dedication to video games

What the fuck do you even care what I do with my boyfriend, to you we're sex lunatic weirdoes that receive aids like it's a gift and shove our fists up each other as far as humanly possible, when I know for a fact you wouldn't clock me or my boyfriend as gay.

And I can assure you with a 100% certainty from having tons of gay friends, and having been around gay people a lot, there's tons more gay people than you like to believe exists that you simply never see because they're not outspoken flamers with a lisp like you imagine us all to look like.

It's funny you need to justify your homophobia by pretending like we fit a certain stereotype of absolute debauchery, when you can't even tell who's gay or not and you have probably never been around people that told you about their sexuality.

I know gay couples that are about as right-wing as this entire thread would like the entire world to be, but of course all the gays are commie marxist liberals that want to legalize pedophilia and shitting in each other's mouth in the middle of the street.

Attached: 1556450291774.gif (310x467, 2.38M)

>muh desert fairy tales
Haha, look at this loser.

>gays seething about getting their degeneracy called out they have to resort to spamming gay porn

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t. falseflagging nazi incel

>Yea Forums is filled with mentally ill retards who mindlessly hold hate in their hearts for no discernible reason
are you...surprised by this?

>all the gay porn deleted
>thread still standing
Based mods

see. this is why nobody likes gay people. even the fucking commies and globalists only use those retards when its convenient.
they just can't not use degeneration as an identity

sponsors, the LGBTQ community (if they think he's not gay enough) LAPD & carpal tunnel syndrome

Not really, considering I used to be exactly like everyone in here, plus the self-hatred caused by not wanting to accept what I am.

You do know that your hatred comes from you not being able to accept and/or feeling disgusted by homosexuality, rather than something caused by homosexuals, AKA stonehard projection, right?

I'm bombarded with heterosexuality every single day on commercials, movies, songs, in social conversation, and everything else. I can't relate to heterosexuality, but do you see me calling it disgusting debauchery when a movie performs comic sex gags involving weird sexual escapades?

Attached: 1556518390724.gif (400x400, 3.34M)

No, not really.

This. People wouldn't be so averse to gays if they didn't make their entire personality about how much they looooooove dicks and felt the need to make it known any chance they can get in public.

That black guy looks like he wants to kick his ass.

Not all dogs go to heaven, user.

I can smell this image.

If aids could not be so prevalent in blacks and gays and just solely target furfags, I could die happy.


I thought niggers are immune to acne? I am sorry, i never met one in my life so i didn't know better.

I am always surprised when I see black people in fetish communities, it makes sense that there would be kinky black people, but I just kinda associate it with white people and Asians for some reason.

It definitely is, though.

They propagate a "freak accident" disease strain at much higher rate than anyone else.

Attached: 1552969969531.jpg (900x900, 71K)

Clearly you don't look at the furry community

>He Slammed me.
>I licked the blood of his fist.

Threw all my food in the trash, made me sick. Fuck Americans, Fuck Whites, and Fuck all of you atheists motherfuckers. This is the world you chose.

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nice racism

Is Yipes still getting more and more fit? Or did he revert back?

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>You do know that your hatred comes from you not being able to accept and/or feeling disgusted by homosexuality, rather than something caused by homosexuals
Not him, but I don't give a shit if you like to take it up the ass, it's your body, but too many gay people stake their entire identity on their sexuality, and in doing so come off as shallow people. This is a gross generalization, but it has some basis in reality. SonicFox is the perfect example of such a person. I also hate that my tax dollars go towards funding to find a cure for a completely preventable disease that could be wiped out in the next century if fags practiced abstinence instead of diseases that are entirely genetic.

It's always about giving fags access to children. It always was and will always lead up to that. Just looking at the increasingly inquisitorial "stop hate' aspect of the LGBT movement, you would think that they're being hung from trees across the west or smth. Status as a protected group. police will take their side in any dispute because of "muh homophobia". They can get married, adopt, work anywhere. Yet at the same time there's an ever increasing need of "tolerance" (blind acceptance). Is it because fags derive self worth and a identity from being a victim ? Sure that may be part of it, but most fags are not actually die-hard LGBT activists and are actually starting to get redpilled when it comes to the incessant preachy rainbowflag horseshit endlessly peddled by globohomo corporations NGOs.

Just try to upload a video on youtube where you bring attention to the child drag queens and the insanity surrounding their world. It will be almost instantly deleted and your account penalized with a strike. One of the kids, Desmond or something is in the care of a actual murderer and his fag consort. The kids eyes look dead. What 12 year old has the look in their eyes of a PTSD combat vet? one that is abused and has had their innocence wrestled out of them forcefully.

The videos get deleted because the public yet has not been sufficiently subverted to accept that stage of the indoctrination. Were at the "Homos are just like us" stage. Recently the "LGBT community" was upset over a "straight"'s review of a notorious Berlin club called Berghain (pic related). It's the side of homosexual culture that they don't want society to see. They're just the fun-loving funny stylish guys like in the sitcoms guise, not the playthings of demons.

The "emancipation" of children from the oppressive authority of their parents in under way. Divorce laws that minimize paternal influence now, free hormone treatment from Dr Goldstein soon, legalized child grooming later.

Attached: Berghain-club-review.jpg (615x575, 73K)

>The "emancipation" of children from the oppressive authority of their parents in under way. Divorce laws that minimize paternal influence now, free hormone treatment from Dr Goldstein soon, legalized child grooming later.
Couldn't agree more friend. Keep fighting the good fight

>be furry
>never bathe
Checks out

>Do people really compete in MK games?
It was a big thing back when UMK3 was a thing. You had most people playing Shang Tsung though. They had to rerelease the arcade cabinet after a lot of bugs were found and people were abusing them for infinites and multihit glitches despite the animation only playing once.

The scene died after revision 2.1 circulated and fixed all the bugs.

I always considered MK to be low brow trash. I haven't played the recent ones but just looking at them I can't comprehend how a competitive scene formed around them. Probably my least favorite fighting series, after DoA

niggers are the most sick in the head individuals

>Fuck Whites
You do know niggers are big into this scene too?

>be furry
>and a tourneyfag
I'm sure hygiene is a foreign concept at that point. Surprised his skin isn't covered in boils and grime and peeling off

>take it up the ass
Anal sex is actually not a regular practice between homosexuals, it's more common of course but it's not common.
>their entire identity on their sexuality,
This is similar to how a lot of other people stuck in a specific ideology that takes authority over everything else, it's not a good argument to discredit everything else, just a criticism towards the people themselves doing it. I can also safely say that I've flown pride flags and been to gay prides just because I felt lonely and couldn't accept what I was, going to these events, as loud and sometimes a bit too much focusing on breaking taboos, did serve as a place where people can come together and help each other.
>go towards funding to find a cure for a completely preventable disease that could be wiped out in the next century if fags practiced abstinence instead of diseases that are entirely genetic.
There's no evidence for any of this, nor is sexuality something as simple as liking men or women, it's an incredibly complex system in which we only understand the manifestations, and in most cases never what caused them to manifest. If there was a cure for homosexuality, which has been funded with millions of dollars and has seen widespread practice only a 100 years ago for decades, then the cure would've been found already.

Again, you fear homosexuality and so you project this fear onto homosexuals and demand that they readjust themselves to your fears, which will never happen.
Why not figure out what scares you about homosexuals, and see that in almost all cases, homosexuals will not fit the bill?

but, if you're pro-fags your post is cringe, if you're anti-fag then you're based

Rabble and Wingzero are great players, though.

Anyone who actually puts practice into whatever game he is currently hogging, apparently.

>What is the Dark Web?

Its not fair for the whites

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black twitter and worldstah

He's an alt-nigger, a different kind of disgusting and blames other niggers for bullying him because he's weird and gross even by their standards.

>germans are subhuman

>Anal sex is actually not a regular practice between homosexuals, it's more common of course but it's not common.
Did you really feel the need to respond with this, as if it changes anything at all? The point is I don't care if you have sexual relations with people of the same sex.
>This is similar to how a lot of other people stuck in a specific ideology that takes authority over everything else, it's not a good argument to discredit everything else, just a criticism towards the people themselves doing it. I can also safely say that I've flown pride flags and been to gay prides just because I felt lonely and couldn't accept what I was, going to these events, as loud and sometimes a bit too much focusing on breaking taboos, did serve as a place where people can come together and help each other.
>If you complain about X you must also be guilty of X
Fuck off with this shit.
>There's no evidence for any of this, nor is sexuality something as simple as liking men or women, it's an incredibly complex system in which we only understand the manifestations, and in most cases never what caused them to manifest. If there was a cure for homosexuality, which has been funded with millions of dollars and has seen widespread practice only a 100 years ago for decades, then the cure would've been found already.
I'm talking about HIV, what the fuck are you talking about? The government spends more on HIV than genetic diseases like type 1 diabetes or sickle cell disease purely, how the fuck is that fair?

>ctrl + f "AIDS"
>12 results
Looks like I won't lose hope in this board yet.

>it's more common of course but it's not common.

this. he has been getting his ass kicked left and right now that newer faces are showing.
it already happened during the skull girls days. he dropped every game that had someone who could beat him. now he doesn't have that option and have to take the L

you could kill all gay people and AIDS would still spread like wildfire because of straight black people

>straight black people

>all the real competition is in melee desu
Ftfy, nigfags like op pic don't even make it out of locals. It's mostly shills trying to sell ultimate-infinite-5-tittydrop-XI:we promise it isnt worse than the last one edition

Attached: sfiii-3rd-strike-ryu-ken-bump.jpg (750x400, 105K)

Yep. The entire "pro" NRS are fucking scrubs. A lot of them are liars and thieves as well. Stuff like begging subs for tourney expenses, then taking the money and not showing up. Scumbags.

>you could kill all gay people and AIDS would still spread like wildfire
world would still be an infinitely better place

Anyone playing a legitimate fighter, or even something with real talent.

Only in Africa.

>Intentionally infecting someone with a life threatening disease is okay and a sign of love
Absolute clown world

Attached: d1c.jpg (624x591, 66K)

This. Sonicfox wins an award and how does he act when getting it? Making a long speech humble bragging and talking about how he's gay and a furfag and then ends it with making it political by dragging republicans into it. If a straight guy won, that would never happen. You would never see a straight get on stage and spend their acceptance speech talking about how they jerk off to fox girls and how great vaginas are and end it with "I'm straight, white, cis, basically I'm what democrats hate lol"

user, being a christcuck is pathetic. Take the fascismpill.

Nothing to do with atheism, user. Atheism is redpilled.

well you say that but if they were a furry, yeah, you would get that speech

Nothing wrong with racism.

Everyone in Combo Breaker 2019 apparently.

This is what I do and it works, and is the same advice I always give.

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good we've solved that, what do we do about the black, furry and gayness shit?

Guess we'll never know since straight furries are nonexistent


Gas chamber

Sometime acne isn't about hygiene, retards.

Straights do worse daily.

>Did you really feel the need to respond with this
If someone's idea of homosexuality is that, then yes.
>I'm talking about HIV, what the fuck are you talking about? The government spends more on HIV than genetic diseases like type 1 diabetes or sickle cell disease purely, how the fuck is that fair?
The biggest cause of HIV is straight people having unprotected sex, in homosexuality it's more common, but it's not like you would suddenly fix the world if homosexuals stop having sex, HIV would still be a common illness.

And what do you want me to say about fairness of illnesses, when the government spends money on diseases that are common. Stomach diseases are very common in western countries, do you want us to distribute western diet and other factors causing this to other countries to equalize things?

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Yeah no, fags regularly fuck male hairy asshole, they get off to it, they're also overwhelmingly in to children, they abuse children at much higher rates, have much higher rates of depression, drug abuse, domestic violence, stds, higher rates of random sexual encounters. You faggots are literally animals

they exist, there's just very very few of them but they are just as degenerate

>t. non-face washer

>random sex and drug abuse
Oh dear.
You're the ones doing all the actual murder and war and stealing and things that actually matter to people around you.

It doesn't get more degenerate than being gay user. The Bible doesn't single out furries, but it damn sure talks about the evils of gayness

Of course not. There is a cystic acne, for example. That isn't his case though. That kind of acne looks completely different.

Even if they were, at least they have the decency to keep it behind closed doors

Even if this would be the case, why is your solution to it calling homosexuals fags and literal animals?
It's the same with people justifying their hatred for black people by citing that black people do more crimes overall compared to other ethnicities, and then come with no solutions but gassing them or other silly shit that will never happen.

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imagine being that much of a literal tryhard faggot to try to disprove 15 year old forum posts from who-knows-where and after not finding evidence on GOOGLE claiming them to be false

Is raping a girl and burying her in cement behind closed doors?

>gassing them or other silly shit that will never happen.
>he doesn't know

Came here to post this

Came here to post this. Truly the first post is the best post.

based defender of children, keep posting the image in other gay threads for me, I've gotta get to work.

>gassing them or other silly shit that will never happen
>that will never happen

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Only lesbians have the highest rates of domestic violence because women are fucking awful. I am so sorry you're attracted to them.
Gays have the lowest rates of domestic violence.
And you basically listed "They have anal sex with people" 4 times in a row as if that's supposed to offend me.

>The biggest cause of HIV is straight people having unprotected sex
>when the government spends money on diseases that are common
Type 1 diabetes is more common though.

Attached: 145216732349.png (902x454, 69K)

We need a second holocaust for furries, trannies and pedophiles. Fucking degenerates.

no bro don't say reasonable things that is not allowed!

>defender of children
>Yea Forums
I really can't tell is this is ironic larping or just autism

>gays parade around in rainbow speedos, bdsm gear, raindow dicks attached, have children run around in drag or grind against eachother in public etc.
>ok but this one straight raped and buried a girl sooooo....

I'll give you the last two because they're both harmful.

Attached: c3d.gif (500x281, 993K)

Sorry, did you really compare torturing a girl and then burying her to wearing a speedo?
Why are straights such fucking sociopaths? All they ever talk about is killing everybody.

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>Blames other black people
One step closer to a Uncle Tom

Nazism (necessary for zionism to succeed) and Communsm are two sides of the same coin. Both were funded with ((their)) money. There was no "german miracle economy". It was funding from Wall Street and the Bank of England (Rothschild owned bank). I mean the fucking US Military was sued in the early 50s by Ford if I remember correctly for bombing one of their factories in nazi Germany, that was producing engines for German tanks. Both world wars were fermented for their own sake - the wars themselves were the true purpose, not some ideological or geopolitical conflict. The wars brought a "reset" necessary for revolutions. Ever since the French Revolution of 1789 - most large conflict were fermented so there would be a favourable envoriment for change on a massive scale. Changes in morals, cultures, demographics. Society at large changed fundamentally, and by the beginning f the 20th century they were divided in two (atheistic) ideologies - both socialist - one nationalist (germanic centric), and the other internationalist (ruled by khazarian jews). Esoterically it was a battle between two occult cabals that battled for dominion whilst advancing a single agenda - subjugating the world. One was the fascist side, drawing inspiration from the Thule society (paganism) and Karl Ritter's work (aryan supremacy) and the other from Karx Marx (real name Moses Mordecai Marx Levy).

The concept of a superior race sits at the core of Talmudic Judaism (what most jewish leaders actually follow) and as a result is found in almost every belief system that has it's roots in Babylonian mysticism. The Aryan (indo-european) supremacy idea is just Talmud for the goyim. World jewry is run by the cahal - and it's dictatorial, authoritarian and sees jews as the superior race - communism was to be the ruse to fool the goyim to kill their own leadership and one another. Fascism is and was always been Talmudic Judaism but with

>sex bad
god, it always comes down to this with you conservatards, this isn't ye old Massachusetts where masturbating gets you thrown in a lake.
It's ok for people to express their sexuality now.
On tv all the time you have straight sex scenes, naked girls showing their tits, straight teenagers sucking face in skimpy clothes out in public during any time of the year.
Oh but when gay people do it? fuck they're just evil, straight people toootally don't do exactly the same fucking thing, straight people totally don't fuck in public like animals.
Come off it you stupid fuck, just like how gays grind in thongs at pride, at straight swinger or other nude/sexual events they do the exact same shit but you wouldn't know that because you're OBSESSED with gay people

B...but the rainbow speedos...

79% of new infections are faggots.

Considering how much overlap there is with trannies and pedophiles in the furry community, it would be safer if they get the rope as well.

>sexual liberation happens in the 60s and 70s
>straight people have unprotected sex like rabbits and literally die en masse from stds and drugs
>gay people finally get their sexual liberation
>exact same thing happens
idk why people act like this is a strange or new occurrence, give it 30 years and they'll stop, just like the hippies did, for now let em have their fun and burn themselves out

Too bad, I need my cute animal people.

Attached: dance2.gif (491x295, 3.77M)

furries aren't pedophiles user
>inb4 like 4 whole people in the history of forever were furry pedos therefore they all must be

Because sexual orientation is a factor...right?

Imagine believing in this utopic ideal of mass group extermination coming in fruition, I'm literally more scared of an earthquake than being gassed by homophobes.

HIV is more common under homosexuals, but we are talking the entire of the homosexual community versus the entirety of the heterosexual community, do you know how much heterosexuals outweigh homosexuals in sheer numbers of HIV?

>Type 1 diabetes is more common though.
It's also one of the most undiagnosed illnesses in the world, in America alone 79 million people have diabetes and they don't even know it and are left untreated, on top of people that know they have diabetes still not getting proper treatment for diabetes causing diabetes to be such an expensive illness in the first place.

HIV and cancer treatment is far more researched and expensive because of the obvious reason that it's much more deadly, but also because aids and cancer research has made great strives in the last 15 years, the fact that HIV medication is very personal to the user, HIV medication is far more dangerous to the user.

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you'd think winning tons of money you'd at least try to visit a dermatologist.

Probably. For every 1 article you can find of a gay guy doing something bad I could find 1000 of a straight guy doing something worse. Gay guys just don't do cruel things very often.

>overwhelmingly into children


Unless you consider them insulting your fashion choices "cruel" anyway.

only because society keeps a tight leash on them, but libtards want to let these animal run rampant to rape and infect our children

>Fascism is and was always been Talmudic Judaism but with
What's wrong with that, though? Every race should fight for supremacy. Only the best would survive.


You don't have a "tight leash" on me. I just actually have morals and know that it's wrong, unlike you. I don't need a leash like you do.

I have more respect for animals that gheycucks because animals don't know what they are doing but gheycucks have a consciousness.
You are a big part root of all evil in the world today. And what do you do with a rat's nest in your house? You don't leave 2 or 3 rats alive you exterminate them all. And when you do it with the gheycucks, (((they))) loose a huge chunk of their useful idiot soldiers and a lot of the world's problems would be fixed the next day.

People hated blacks even when their crime was astronomically lower (1940s/1950s). Don't kid yourself. In fact, they hated them even more then! lmao.

have fun dying of AIDS and burning in hell you delusional faggot

Aids jokes aside, he's won the mk11 summit but lost combo breaker also have not played dbfz well since Evo last year.

Attached: 1559590505502.jpg (474x350, 21K)

I wonder if you have any self-awareness of what a fuckwad you are at all.

>have fun with your hairy palms!

Stop believing in fairy tales.

pretty sure he got rekt in dbfz all season long and also lost mk11's first tournament

No, the argument was that gays are disgusting degenerates and you rely on fallacies or cherry picking to dismiss the argument. You picked one extreme case and tried to equate it to the debauchery an entire community does on a daily basis, a false equivalence. Then when countered you just zero in on one small part and ignore the rest in hopes of discrediting the argument. Then you think in extremes again thinking all straights are sociopaths out for blood.

>furries aren't pedophiles user
What is cub art

>And I can assure you with a 100% certainty from having tons of gay friends, and having been around gay people a lot, there's tons more gay people than you like to believe exists that you simply never see because they're not outspoken flamers with a lisp like you imagine us all to look like.

What you have is anecdotal evidence you fucking retard

>I go to the synagogue every weekand there are a lot more jews than you thought! The percentage of people I know that are jewish is 60%, so everyone must know 60% jews,

Not that I care if you're gay or jewish or a skateboarding shark, but maybe if you took the cock out of your mouth for 10 seconds you'd be able to figure out how to actually structure an argument that doesn't rely on "But I know all of these gays, they must be a large portion of the population!"

What one extreme case? The torture thing? I could find tons of stories of awful shit your kind has done. And the best you can do is a handful of people who knowingly gave people aids Get about 10,000 more of those articles and maybe the ratios will be closer to the same instead of .1% of 5%.

A minority on every single furry porn site.
Meanwhile loli is like 1/3rd of sadpanda, pedo.

>what is cub art
based and redpilled

Stop giving him attention, retards.

>cartoons are pedophilia
>he says on Yea Forums the cunny loli website
holy fuck

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>telling Yea Forums to stop falling for bait

Attached: 1559857775097.png (594x1015, 672K)

Thanks for posting this user, this place is to much invested by low iq subhumans who believe anything.

Is their anybody named EggmanMetal?

Attached: eggman_metal_sonic_by_sonictheedgehog_dbbfsbf-pre.jpg (743x1075, 125K)

I legit hope this is bait

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He has already been stopped.

Attached: sonicfox-gay.jpg (320x250, 14K)

A scalefag esports player. It's like mixing matter and antimatter.

Because only straights murder or rape children, the LGBT would never even think about it, right?

u mad sweetie?
*sips fart*

Not even close to as much as you do.

Follow the rules of your own religion you sinful retard, you are in no position to cast stones at others in judgement so shut the fuck up

>bugchasing is fake
>hasn't seen The Gift documentary
lol wrong

Attached: 1559915626474.jpg (619x528, 74K)

any game with more than two wakeup options stops him dead in his tracks, he also loses all the time, ALL of the big FGC names have more losses than wins. The thing about sonicfox is non FGC outlets started blowing up his victories because he's a big gay flamer. Which is downright unfair to the other big names who do more than just win, there are guys who win, put out videos to help players, support locals, T.O and commentate and actually provide things to the scene as a whole. Sonicfox gets into arguments with boomers on twitter and slinks away when he loses a game.

dilate, tranny

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blacks are more homophobic specially toward black faggots because they think faggotry is a white people thing

Someone post the OW one

I thought it was bad to pop any pimples


Terrifying. I think a massive global shakeup is imminent though. The cures to malaria and HIV/AIDS will lead to a population boom in Africa, probably coinciding neatly with temperature rising forcing mass migration northwards into Europe. Breakdown of law and order will presumably follow, bringing with it a hardening of souls as it does.
Where should I go to read more about this berlin club by the way?

where can I find the rest of this review

he has been stopped a bunch of times, he isn't nearly as dominant as he was the last few nrs games

Came to post this. Homos are the fucking worst

>I thought niggers are immune to acne?



>that skin

Jesus fucking Christ. It takes like THREE MINUTES (tops) per day of rubbing lotion on your face to prevent all of that from happening. The lotion isn't expensive at all either. What the fuck is wrong with him?

Attached: 1556547669731.jpg (1242x1219, 114K)

It's pretty much a gay only disease by the nature of transmission. I once got tested and the dr seemed odd about it. At the time I wasnt too educated on the subject but figured I'd get completely tested after 15 women (some anal). The doc asked me if I was homosexual and pretty much laughed it off when I told him no. Docs dont expect straight people to get HIV

As a virgin bihomo I like posts and posters like this.

>changing your sheets every week will help.

I do this but more out of habit than to actively prevent any kind of skin problem. What exactly do dirty week-old bedsheets cause in terms of medical problems?

If they pop easily and are ready theres no harm... just dont squeeze hard and damage the area giving yourself scars. You think your body just absorbs all those dead white cells waiting to be expelled?

>bugchasers aren't real

you know pozzing is a thing right?

Attached: 1251397913629.png (500x500, 12K)

>What exactly do dirty week-old bedsheets cause in terms of medical problems?
your dead skin, hair, and sweat (Assuming you don't crank a/c) is all creating a bit of a petri dish on your sheets. I don't think you're gonna get cancer but you're better of keeping clean

Skincare is homophobic. Stop oppressing him with your heteronormative beauty standards.