What was his endgame?
What was his endgame?
Ruining Resident Evil.
He succeeded.
To become the Jarl of Whiterun
I want the cult back in the next game desu
tu demonstreit tu de hol world aur pawer of corse
He wanted to show that the hero doesn't always win in the end, just like your american MOUVIES
It's more like what they did after 4 that ruined the series, not that it was because of 4. I mean shit I even enjoyed 5 but I thought its ending was stupid. 6 was just trash and I stopped caring right there. Hopefully they can eventually redeem themselves in some way.
complete spaniard assimilation
Resident Evil 5 is the greatest selling RE game of all time
I don't know but I randomly thought of the 'Hello Stranger' salesman guy yesterday, now that guy was based as fuk.
Setting the bar of a famous gaming franchise so high in a single game, that no other next one ever came close or surpassing it again.
He was smalltime, so he had no endgame
To demonstrate to the world our astounding power, of course.
To give the President's daughter parasite AIDS. This would somehow give him the nuclear codes.
The idea was Ashley would get close to her dad and implant him with a parasite, making him another slave to the cult.
thanks too the success of four.
RE4 was great so everyone was hyped about 5, and the return of chris and wesker
Blacks ruined RE5 though.
something something evil corporate scheme
To be in a Hollywood movie
Yeah but you killed niggers the entire game.
sounds pretty based to me.
>you know remember the outrage that happened over re5 because killing black people is bad
>nobody gave a fuck when leon killed us, spanish people, by the thousands
fuck them
Why didn't he just let Leon escape with Ashley? Why did he tell Leon she was infected at all? Why didn't he just smash the 'no Plagas' machine?
>why did he even have a plaga removal machine
They are already redeemed, Resident evil 7 was a great game and Resident evil 2 remake was very cool.
If you read again that user was talking about the quality of the franchise, not the quantity of the sales. When you take something strong and water it down, a larger group of people can enjoy it and they do, but it's still watered down. Ultimately they aren't enjoying it for the base substance, but because of the water.