pic related is my headset
what have you cunts been playing?

Attached: RE1QsWr.png (2762x1404, 2.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/VRCover-ocv01nf-Oculus-Rift-Cover/dp/B06Y6DC1R2/ref=sr_1_3?crid=12NMPKECURDOH&keywords=oculus rift cover sweat&qid=1559935928&s=gateway&sprefix=oculus rift cover,aps,1236&sr=8-3

more like gimmick fad thread

How do I play mahjong in vr?

>pic related is my headset
pic related is my gimmick fad headset

Attached: memefad.jpg (1600x1200, 535K)

I just jacked off to VR porn, AMA.

ever tried sticking your dick inside this thing

Attached: 1476378848-wand-vive.png (480x288, 38K)


I was playing Onward until the update broke it on AMD cards. I just wanna be tacticool :(

no, but I did stick my dick into this

Attached: tissue-roll-500x500.jpg (500x500, 12K)

Played a bit of Beat Saber and Catch & Release.
Tried out Moss finally, too. First things I noticed were the interesting perspective and how nice the animations for the little mouse friend were. It's technically something that could be accomplished with regular PC controls, but it is a lot smoother with the headset and waggling.

Attached: moss-screen-04-ps4-us-10nov17.jpg (1920x1080, 468K)

What kind of strap is that? Doesn't look like one I've ever seen.

Was playing H3VR. They just added some actual WMR support so analog sticks now work. New take and hold is pretty tough

I tried that once, but my dick was too big erect.

For a bit of a laugh and a giggle I bought a cardboard VR for Switch.

Oh sweet lord it's worse than I ever even possibly imagined it would be

it is a welding headgear mod

Attached: 41v+VoT0zAL.jpg (500x500, 18K)

That's pretty cool. Finding it worth the effort?

I got the Original rift.
Anyone who got the S and had the original how does it compare?
Im most likely gonna get the quest for wire free bear saber robo recall rec room vr chat etc.

But im more curious
And tk those who got the quest vs the original how does it compare aside from the graphical dip

take and hold is basically all i do in h3, i wish there were more roguelike type games in VR

better than the stock at least
it is just a poor mans audio strap

Overdosing on ADD meds and learning how Virt A Mate works maybe. The lack of documentation is annoying though.

VR will have fully arrived as a medium when it has a game that captures this feel.

Attached: zelda.jpg (1200x766, 273K)

I got the original Rift and barely used it due to USB issues and then after redoing my PC room never got around to setting up the sensors again.

Got the S and got it up and running in minutes and tracking is 95% fine (only real issue is if you hold them too close to your body.) Screen quality is better and way less screen door. Better airflow too, but the clamp doesn't really stay in place the greatest.

My biggest gripe though is the very narrow IPD settings. Mine is too wide, so its physically impossible to get focus on both eyes. Its still decent to use, but pisses me off. Most likely I will swap to the vive or hopefully the Cosmos.

Been playing with my quest a lot

Attached: vaderimmortal.webm (800x800, 2.86M)

>supporting shitwars (that's how i pronounce starwars)



>supporting shitwars (that's how i pronounce starwars)
thanks for the explaination you had me confused for a second

My quests 128gb are already filled with porn and I don't want to delete anything, what do?

Attached: wizardsquest.webm (800x800, 2.99M)

Quick summary for those unfamiliar

>1st Gen is largely behind us now. It has proven that VR is capable of delivering unmatched immersion and unique gameplay
>Motion controls have nothing to do with Wiishit, they let you do shit in a 3D environment with totally unmatched precision
>Shit like FPS and melee combat works great, mundane things like climbing are made far more interesting
>Games are currently still crazy limited in scope sadly, mostly because the're still all indie games
>HTC's rotten corpse is spewing out weird things like the Vive Pro Eye
>There's a paid Oculus shill active in these VR threads, don't believe him
>Oculus is engaged in a race to the bottom (in the co-founder's own words).
>They're making affordable, but shitty hardware. Highlights include the Quest being weaker than a Switch, terrible tracking deadzones, and the Rift S's lack of hardware IPD making it unusable for much of the population. Both devices have refresh rates below what's seen as the acceptable minimum (90Hz). Everything Oculus sells atm is a straight downgrade from the original Rift.
>Valve's Index is focused on setting the stage for VR to advance to bigger games with longer playtimes. It does this simply by ramping up the fidelity. For example, it has a much higher refresh rate and a high degree of comfort to make sure that play sessions can be indefinitely long. Sadly this level of tech is still prohibitively expensive.

In summary: VR's gonna be great, still not there yet though

Attached: Chael.jpg (1275x679, 66K)

Get an actual headset

I can jerk off in my bed with the quest, why would I?

Attached: xd.webm (800x800, 2.74M)

Even palmer thinks the quest is incredible you idiot

Attached: pavlov-awp.webm (800x800, 2.75M)

I've been playing through Quake. I also need to check out the Spice & Wolf 'experience' and possibly Beat Saber too, since I've been holding out for that one to finally leave early access.

How to spot a Gaben-slupring shill
>will go on and on about oculus products
>will not mention the vastly superior controllers
>muh tracking
>will mentioned non-changable "IPD"
>will conveniently forget WMR devices exist

VR's gonna be great, but faggots like these will make it take longer.

SkyrimVR unironically.
Stand on top of the mountain tripping on acid looking out over the expanse as everything swirls about.

>There's a paid Oculus shill active in these VR threads, don't believe him
Either that or it's some guy obsessed with Quest just like some people are obsessed with defending their favorite console or PC. He's been at it since the reveal of Quest.

ive tried but the hole is too smal for my erect peen and Im not going to the fucking ER with a vive controller on my dick

You can jerk off in your bed with any headset.

>will go on and on about oculus products
Because there's an active shill
>will not mention the vastly superior controllers
They're objectively worse than the original Oculus Touch
>muh tracking
It's proving to be a massive problem
>will mentioned non-changable "IPD"
Also proving to be a massive problem
>will conveniently forget WMR devices exist

>implying WMR is even worth mentioning

Playing Skyrim in VR only serves to show just how fucking poorly designed that game's world is

>massive problems
Define massive and then point out how massive it is.
Remember, you used the word, "massive"

If you can't mention WMR, you're opinion deserves to be discarded. Stop being a contrarian bitch.

It really doesn't.

Like any other bethesda experience, vr only shines if you mod the fuck out of it

As someone who doesnt give two shits about elder scrolls or wrpgs in general, I enjoyed modded skyrim vr

You mean the guy that said he can't use the Rift S because of his high IPD and said "Oculus Quest is great, but it is not a PC headset – it is an option for people who want mobile VR and can’t use Go, and that is all."
Trying to shill the Quest here is like trying to talk about mobile games in a fighting game thread or something.

WMR is such a double-edged sword. On the one hand you've got OEMs that wouldn't be doing it otherwise getting in on VR, on the other you've got stuff like HP's amazing screens trapped in a distinctly mediocre tracking and controller package.

>if I accuse anyone who calls out my oculus BS a shill ahead of time, it'll look like i'm right
The Rift S has issues but as the first headset with proper inside-out tracking that works flawlessly and no less good than the original Rift 95% of the time, as well as being the headset with the best clarity bar the far more expensive Index, it's a hell of a product. Has issues, yes. Lack of hardware IPD sucks. It's the best entry to PCVR in a price-to-quality ratio in the market right now and will likely remain so for a while.

I got 73 mods somehow running without breaking.
Whatchu got?

I got into the first wave of index orders so it should show up this month. I havent tried VR in years; had a vive when it first came out but lost it in a flood and havent tried anything since. I'm pretty excited

How is Dolphin VR? One of my dreams is to play metroid prime in VR and I wasnt sure if it was particularly fleshed out and worked well or not

also with myself in scenes ported to unity from blender

Which Girl?

sadly it's too small for fitting a fleshlight in but some sort of thin sleeve solution might still work

Metroid is one of the better titles that run it, but DolphinVR is no longer being developed as it was a branch done by one guy who the SJWs of the Dolphin team didn't like and then of course there was drama always fucking drama with the emulationfags.
Titles are fucking hit or miss. Windwaker works well enough, it's pretty cool seeing the starting island in person.
Super Mario sunshine was.... not great. not good.

The software IPD only works for a fraction of the population - it's totally inadequate for most people and renders the headset unusable for about as many people as can comfortably wear it. It's not hard to find reports of people returning them for this reason.

The new controllers are poorly balanced compared to the originals.
Inside-out tracking, no matter how many cameras you stick on the damn things, will always have huge deadzone problems. You can't do anything with your hands near your body, you can't put your hands behind your body either. So shooting bows and even shouldering rifles properly doesn't fucking work half the time. More obscure shit that doesn't work with inside-out includes steering boats with rudders, for example.

WMR is basically everything new Oculus is but worse. Hell, the Rift S basically is glorified a WMR headset.
Only the ones with crazy panels on them are of any use, and that's for seated simulators only.

Well at least Metroid seems alright as that's all I'm really interested in on that front. Does it use the gamecube or Wii version?

I think I tried the gamecube version, maybe not. I just know I tried Windwaker and Sunshine, but others report good metroid experiences.

>fraction of the population
Must've missed the study where that fraction of the population are the only people who bought the quest and rift S, because it's doing great and only a fraction of the buyers are returning it.

>new controllers poorly balanced
Do you read what you type?

Like, c'mon man. Just look at things objectively.

It can use either. Apparently using the Wii version feels kind of wonky because you have to shift around the bounding box of what the game thinks the TV is, so playing the GC version with a controller might be wiser. You can also play any N64 game that got a GC or Wii release, which is cool.

>The new controllers are poorly balanced compared to the originals.
Nonsense. These things weigh fucking nothing. I had the same worry and when I actually held the damn thing I saw that it didn't even slightly matter.
They are a downgrade in build quality though.
>You can't do anything with your hands near your body, you can't put your hands behind your body either.
There aren't many situations where you need have your hand so far behind the body that it escapes the tracking zone. It covers more than 180 degrees. It's true though, that inside out will never be better than external sensors. That's a simple fact I won't argue. You have to trade something for the convenience.
>So shooting bows and even shouldering rifles properly doesn't fucking work half the time.
This hasn't been my experience at all. No issue whatsoever shooting bows, and rifles only become an issue if you stick the gun sight so far into your face that, realistically, the recoil would break your nose from how close it is.
>More obscure shit that doesn't work with inside-out includes steering boats with rudders, for example.
Admittedly I haven't played anything where you steer a boat with a rudder so I can't comment on this one.

Questfags ruined VR threads.

Vive owner here

>will not mention the vastly superior controllers
oculus controllers are better than vive wands and there's really no argument to the contrary

However: now steamVR users can use index knuckles controllers which are better than oculus controllers. Big price difference still though. IMO having an original rift or buying an original one with touch controls is the best for people trying VR for the first time.

>muh tracking
Inside out tracking (rift-s/galaxy/wmr) is shit for VR fps, most players hold the guns close to their face and IO tracking fucks with their aim. No you can't tell them to hold their guns differently, they will refund the HMD every time. Get over it.

>will mentioned non-changable "IPD"
IPD adjustment is a big deal for some people, it's the difference between a blurry image and a not blurry one. Being able to adjust IPD is important for many users but not every user. Get over it.

>will conveniently forget WMR devices exist
How could we forget they exist when they're shilled so hard here and on reddit? They're still inferior to tracked VR. Get over it.

How did they ruin VR Threads? They play literally the same games as PCVR

It's mainly fucking retarded elitists throwing shit at a budget option and thus derailing each thread, every fucking time

Attached: superhot.webm (800x800, 2.9M)

You can't stop spamming your shitty mobileshit webms and constantly shilling your mobileshit set, pretend you don't have a mobileshit set if you want a civil discussion.

Threads, pre-quest
>"3D TVS"
>*that one guy posting blade and sorcery webms*

>all of the above but discussion of games happens and more people inquiring about headsets

not the guy you're replying to but I'm a Riftfag, but I just got a new job and am going to build a new computer with the newest shit and then get an Index. Controllers are important to me and Knuckles are fucking rad and excite me.
I'm also excited for less USB shittery

No, it's people like you ruining these threads. I'm getting sick of you fags not shutting up how the Quest or Rift S are the worst thing ever. They're selling thousands more than your shitty $1000 headset and people are happy. Go fuck yourselves, you pretentious pricks. Not everyone wants to spend $2000 to get into VR.

>costs more than a vive where i live
clown world

>I'm also excited for less USB shittery
My entire Rift setup runs on a single USB port nowadays.


Phone casuals don't belong here, go back to rebbit where they will upboat and praise your shitty clips.

I have three damn sensors,
three damn extensions for those sensors,
the damn headset usb itself,
and an extension for that usb

Is there an all-in-one cable?
How do you handle putting it in different spots of the room?

What is this magic you're speaking of user?

More like a couple of shitposters post a few posts how VR is shit and the rest is discussion about headsets and games. Now it's just Questfags vs everyone else shitposting and Quest shilling.

>selling thousands more than the enthusiast VR set
Wow shock amaze

The index is not for entry level VR users, period. However, if I could get any VR solution for free you bet your ass I would pick the index every time. It's the best experience you can have in VR for the price (the vive pro 2.0 is more expensive and many specs aren't as good as index).

Quest will damage VR by convincing people that it's only about short indie games with tiny scopes
Rift S will damage VR by convincing people VR's a blurry mess
Both will damage VR with their shitty tracking

Simple as.

Look he's getting desperate


>They're selling thousands more than your shitty $1000 headset and people are happy.
>gachashit makes so much money, please let me post about gacha in this JRPG thread!

Attached: 1496640006603.jpg (250x250, 7K)

I got vive
how watch VR porn

Just bought a vive, coming in this weekend.
Can't wait to escape this shit reality.

Should've gotten a Quest. No more shitty wires, better screen, Oculus exclusives and newer hardware overall.

>shitty indie games with shitty graphics and tech demos, no profit because no one's spending gobs of money on a gaming PC AND a PCVR headset and the extras that go with it

>audience is there to fund an AAA game, just turn the quest version to low graphics
>games for all, including PCVRfags


>VR threads already got a local autist
Let's hope he gets rangebanned like the rest

Attached: 9094010_t.jpg (200x191, 10K)

If he can run a vive why would he get a quest?
Get you a Rift S instead user. Better controllers and only a single wire.

1 10Gbps USB port and 1 10Gbps USB hub. 2 sensors are on 5m active extension cable, the 3rd sensor is on a passive 1.5m extension cable, the headset is on a 2m passive extension cable (and another 2m for HDMI). All extension cables are USB3.0 and all sensors run at USB 3.0.
The USB port is actually USB C on my graphics card, mobo is entirely Oculus-free

>Rift S will damage VR by convincing people VR's a blurry mess
What the fuck are you on about? The Rift S's main praise, in all the mountains of criticism both valid and retarded it received, is that its clarity is among the best if not the best other than the Index. Stupid retard, am I supposed to take anything you write seriously when you write dumb fuck shit like this?

>Quest will damage VR by convincing people that it's only about short indie games with tiny scopes
>Rift S will damage VR by convincing people VR's a blurry mess
>Both will damage VR with their shitty tracking

Rift-S is the biggest problem ATM, shitty launch and lots of consistency issues with production quality not to mention there is a firmware issue with inside out tracking and the controller batteries dying a lot (ouch). This is pretty inexcusable considering how the OG rift had a near flawless launch.

Attached: ohnonono.png (943x654, 309K)

I'm not very good at this.

Attached: 2019-03-07 17-34-58.webm (1280x540, 2.18M)


i like PCVR, death to the infidels

>usb hub
Fancy setup but you gave me hope you harpie. I thought you somehow spliced all the sensors into one cable
That's pretty close though

It's one guy

>>audience is there to fund an AAA game, just turn the quest version to low graphics
Except all Quest games are shitty indie games with shitty graphics and tech demos, did you miss the part where Facebook told devs to develop for the Quest and upscale it for the Rift S? The Quest is actively undermining VR by forcing devs to develop for mobileshit instead.

>Rift Slet vs CV1 Chad
lul I've dropped both my headset and controllers from chest height and they're still fine.

>Most popular headset right now
>Believing that it's only 1 guy
Not everyone is a contrarian like you who likes to shit on things he hasn't tried.

Are there a decent handful of games that dont use teleportation? I absolutely hate it and when I tried a couple of years ago it seemed the dominate method of movement. I'd straight up prefer just using an analog stick

>This is pretty inexcusable considering how the OG rift had a near flawless launch.
Except it was far from that, it was an overpricedness shitshow and it came with fucking Xbone controllers and they thought 360 roomscale wasn't going to be a thing.

not saying everywhere, but in VR threads its just you, only you. You post the same webms, same posts, same mental retardation. I haven't seen someone else but you

Attached: 1447036613020.jpg (418x398, 16K)

That's H3VR. You can't play H3VR on the Quest I don't think.

>Except it was far from that, it was an overpricedness shitshow and it came with fucking Xbone controllers and they thought 360 roomscale wasn't going to be a thing.

Touch was planned from the get go, they just wanted to have a seated experience for launch because they were worried about VR nausea and the controllers weren't ready yet.

Teleportation is a thing of the past. Most games usually have several movement options and most of them have regular movement involving analog sticks.

Oh shit I replied to the wrong post. Was supposed to be at

That's good to hear, thanks. I've read about natural locomotion but I think id feel like even more of a retard swinging my arms in place to move

It seems like the only cool thing about VR headsets is for VRchat type stuff, is this true?
I'd get one but I recently booted up VRchat and found that they fucked it up and devs don't care.

the fuck is that
Is it supposed to be invisible to radar or somethihg

VRchat was fucked a year ago when they added admins and moderation. VRchat during the inception was the wild west of the internet all over again

Now it's all gone and only for ERP losers

that died out as soon as the touch came out, and existing games got patched (e.g. arizona sunshine)

personally i am hyped for primordian, it is probably going to release soon and the dev loves feedback, gave him some tips about locomotion and i think it is making into the final game

Attached: primordian-1.jpg (800x450, 449K)

>add moderation
>only ERPfags remain

Bought my first VR headset yesterday. Went for the HTC Vive Pro Eye. So far I've played a bit of H3, which was really fun, but right now my space seems a bit too limited to play it properly. Virtual Desktop became my drug though, and I've stopped using my monitors.

Is there any better software for just using the computer? I really want some sort of virtual space where I can arrange all windows in my OS manually and import 3D meshes for sculpting reference, as well as customize the enviroment a bit more.

Don't let /vrg/ convince you VRChat was worth visiting previous to the update.
They all had unimaginably complicated avatars that slowed down performance for all. You have to turn your settings to low because SEVEN people are on the same map when you play with /vrg/ and then it's literal high-school tier bullshit.

The rest of VRChat is talking about absolutely mundane bullshit and trying to one-up each other.
Play RecRoom for a social experience, there's actual games and things to do there.

You might get motion sickness at first but you get used to it. Took me 2-3 days, dunno how it was for others. And yeah there are some games that feature the "swing your arms to move" stuff, or the "you can only move straight ahead where you are currently looking". Most people just prefer regular movement and camera control with analog sticks.

>I thought you somehow spliced all the sensors into one cable
>That's pretty close though
I mean, that's pretty much literally what USB hubs are for. Connect multiple USB things to a single USB port.

I feel like it's a misstep to have gaming as the forefront and face of VR. While itll probably be the most common use case, theres so many other fields it would be so fucking cool in and I dont think that side gets enough exposure. I think if like concerts or shows could put 3D cameras in their venues and sell 'VR tickets' so you could get the crowd experience without having to go then youd hook more people than just gaming would. I think I remember the WWF doing that back when the first headsets came out but I don't think I've seen it since.

VRchat is cool too. I'd love more social experiences like that. A fucking D&D sim is my current dream VR experience since all of my old D&D buddies have all moved across the country

Is there still a screen door effect? I would rather wait for future gens with higher resolution.

Private servers

why is vr porn so fucking boring?
>3dpd: 99% the girl just does a little striptease then sucks you a minute then rides you
>2d: 99% vanilla, most with no sound, videos are 5 mins long but its just the same looped 5 secs of video

>background is just a static texture

lol at the heel turn on inside-out ever since Oculus adopted it. Also Rift S' honeymoon period is over and people are beginning to trash it.

why does that look like some kind of cock and ball torture device?

Much less than before on the S and Index, but it's not nearly gone yet. Maybe next gen.

yikes dude
if you can stick your erect dick in a tp tube you are confirmed will never please a woman dicklet tier

Do you think they'll be good?

Because you're watching videos.
The best bets are:
Waifu Sex Simulator
Yiffaliscious (objectively better but also furshit)

>vive pro eye
Hope you're joking

boneworks needs to come out already and save vr vidya.

I find it bizarre that the Index doesn't use inside-out tracking, for such an expensive new gen headset it's seriously stuck in the past.

boneworks is a tech demo

One of my workmates brought the Quest in earlier this weak. I tried it out and was pretty surprised how well it worked. Only played beat saber and some ping pong thing but it ran well and looked alright.

Only thing was how much light got in through the nose piece. It was a constant immersion breaker since I could always see light and the carpet beneath me. Do other headsets have the same issue?

You don't know that.

I'm excited for stormland
Haven't seen Asgard yet, but looking forward to that now too

Why would it use an inferior tracking system when it's designed to be the best experience possible?

There's a confirmed story mode with a beginning and end.

Probably because inside out tracking is shit right now. Lighthouses provide a far better experience at the moment and the Index is meant to feel like a premium product

Maybe in the future the tech will improve but if were talking Rift quality then no way , lighthouses are much better

Nope, I got a bunch of money back on my taxes and bought the most expensive one I could find. It dawned on me pretty early that eye tracking is a big fat meme though. Why put eye tracking in a headset where you can't properly focus on anything that isn't dead center anyway? Other than that, I am very impressed, but VR definitely still has a way to go.

Smooth loco games off the top of my head:
Payday 2 (with smooth locomotion mod youtube.com/watch?v=qIw1M75NeAE)
Organ Quarter
Serious Sam (VR ports of previous games, not last hope which IIRC is just a wave shooter)
Doom VFR (kind of janky movement)
Doom 3 BFG with VR mod

also pocketstrafe is supposed to work with pretty much everything but I haven't tried it personally (pocketstrafe.com/)

>Probably because inside out tracking is shit right now
Do you have a Rift S?


No,its pretty shit. And there are only tech demo games on vr.

Wearing a VR headset is uncomfortable and confining and makes you blind to the outside world
Only work and vidya is important enough to get people to wear this kind of shit for extended periods of time. That is why VR in its current form will NEVER reach mainstream adoption. Mainstream will only happen when VR's optics are much higher fidelity than they are now AND shrunk down to be as comfortable as sunglasses. Furthermore they'll require extensive passthrough options and connectivity with phone/text/social media.
Currently only the intensely autistic will see VR as more than an uncomfortable novelty.

Attached: 1366856576402.gif (400x300, 1.79M)

I wish there was just "the good headset" to buy

I can't afford an index and I don't know if I should get a vive or a rift

download Waifu Sex Simulator and then run mocumocudance.exe faggot

The problem is that you'd need to film everything in full 3D, like, laser scan everything multiple times a second or so.
360 video isn't good enough for vr

Honey Select VR and Kokaitsu

what the fuck
i sweat like a pig when I wear the vive
but only on my forehead
that shit is fucking airtight
how do I get some air in there

Stop watching 360 video garbage and look at live rendered porn like said

Also there's Wild Life which is looking pretty good so far (patreon.com/adeptussteve). Runs in UE4 instead of unity and has a proper dev team working on it.

have sex

WSS is a low effort mess with UI designed by an alien and not a "higher form of intelligence" sort of alien.

>Wearing a VR headset is uncomfortable and confining and makes you blind to the outside world

I can wear my headset for hours. I live in a house by myself, I'm already blind to the outside world. Do you still have roommates, user?

yes, that's the objective

>he got a vive
there's your problem.

And as such a proper answer for a faggot that neeeds spoonfeeding

The Index does literally everything far better at a much lower price
The Pro and Pro Eye are both no designed for consumers

nice joke haha

the Rift S is the golden entry-level choice.

It just seems like a slightly upgraded Vive for a lot more money, I was expecting more from what is supposed to be next gen VR. I guess they put all the R&D into their awesome looking controllers.

You sound awfully defensive for someone who is essentially proving my point.
Current VR is for people who already have nothing in IRL to live for.

If you learn how to port SFM models to blender and animate them you can set up scenes in unity where you can finally fuck midna like you've always wanted to

Attached: jevil.gif (230x240, 77K)

VR trannies out of my board

>Wild Life
>no feral

Doesn't change the fact that Quest IS the future of Virtual reality and gaming as we know it. PC VR is unstable and harder to get into than the Quest simple and easy to use set up

Attached: based.jpg (710x349, 77K)

>mobile shit


there's VR porn for everyone

What outside world do you need to see if you're in a house by yourself?
Do people often break into your house?

>Pre Quest
>People trying their hardest to derail threads saying it's a meme gimmick fad and gaslighting everyone who's trying to have an actual conversation

>Post Quest
>More actual discussion but now there's fags on top of that shit posting about the Quest saying it'll make people think VR is a meme gimmick fad; ontip of meme gimmick fad posters

You people are going out of your way to make actual VR discussion impossible, aren't you?

Attached: GET_THE_HECK_OUT_OF_HERE_YOU_NERD.png (448x192, 6K)

HOLY FUCKING BASED. Valve fags on suicide watch

how furry we talking here?

Attached: 302F7D75-DA17-4E1C-A2C1-FE56D0017B59.jpg (600x467, 59K)

anyone else think its funny as fuck that if you're a manlet IRL you're still a manlet in VR?

6'8 deep voiced male here that receives compliments on being tall all day long, shooting 5'4 virgins as they struggle to look over walls

>I wish there was just "the good headset" to buy
Index, probably
>I can't afford an index and I don't know if I should get a vive or a rift
Well shit. Rift CV1 then, if you can get your hands on one, otherwise Vive I suppose. I'd really suggest getting a CV1 if you can though, the Touch controllers are much better.

The future is now

Attached: 1555283371883.png (922x610, 505K)


Technically the index could support an inside out tracking option via the USB port "fronk" slot on the front but why would you ever even do that? Base station tracked motion is so much more precise and considerably more reliable.

Putting up two base stations takes literally 15 minutes with a drill and you can get telescoping poles if you don't want to drill holes.

Anybody got that video of someone casually demonstrating the game by spawning MLP?

user. The world is literally run on mobile shit. That's what the people want

I'm not saying it's the highest fidelity VR experience, but the average person doesnt care about fidelity. People want the easiest, simplest experience they can get and all consumer tech is going to lead down that path eventually

user, nobody is claiming that VR isn't for foreveralone losers, why is this hard to understand? In fact, VR is only for foreveralone losers, normal people just go "haha that's neat" and go back to doing stuff that doesn't inconvenience them because convenience and comfort is more important than being an anime girl if you're a normalfag.
You shouldn't be proud about not having anyone in your (real) life. But you're the exact sort of person who needs a fake reality to submerge himself in.


also worth pointing out that it supports skin modding and has cloud storage for scenes so you can use other's already created scenes if you're too lazy to make your own.

That's a lot of projecting, user.

anything oculus is probably spying on you ridiculously hard, btw

a friend of mine has oculus shit installed on his PC that he hasn't been using and he noticed that it was sending out monstrous amounts of telemetry data compared to everything else on his network from google to netflix

The nice part about the index is every bit of its gear is backwards compatible with the vive which means you can buy the index controllers and use them with your vive with no issues whatsoever (which I plan on doing once they come back into stock)

I hope you dont use any of the big three internet browsers because they do the same thing. And don't even get me started on your phone

I agree with you but shit is fucked

Okay user, enjoy your big empty house all alone. I sure hope you don't think you're the sort of "normal well adjusted person" that is needed to drive mass adoption of VR when you're literally a niche-dwelling goblin that shuns the light of humanity.

being taller in VR is literally a liability for FPS just like it is in real life combat

>normal, well adjusted people
>on this site
>on this board
>in this thread

i find it hilarious how everyone is much taller than me, when in my own country i have average height

i also saw some asian players who were hilariously short, i wonder if they were changing their height cause they looked like hobbits

And I'm sure he's the first person in over 5 years to notice that happening.

That's the thing with these surveillance conspiracy theories. If any were true, they'd be caught on pretty fast.

>haha I hope you don't eat food prepared by other humans because it's just as filthy as licking restroom doorknobs so might as well just do both because you're gonna get sick anyway

>everyone knows you can manually set height in VR
>this user comes to boast
You're a manlet, user.

t. zuckerberg

>sends telemetry data

Is there a point to this user? Because it's just getting sad at this point. Maybe you should seek some help, yes nobody here is pure normalfag but...yikes my friend. Yikes.
And let's remember the original point: VR is unsuitable to mass adoption and only appeals to people like you.

If I had to pick a downside for oculus it would be their walled garden approach to VR gaming.

They want to control what you, the user, are able to do in VR and have patched their sets to block foreign software before in the past. This was undone later but the intent is still there.

Oculus doesn't want you to play steam VR titles and they don't want you to look at porn. It's basically the same restrictive environment as PSVR but on PC. Thankfully at least with PC there are plenty of workarounds and they have given up on the whole "force CV1 users to use our marketplace only" strategy.

They're not giving up on that for quest or rift-s.

Way to prove that you're a dumb little clickbait shit.

Should've posted a frog while you're at it.

Cute but that doesn't make what he says wrong. We can lose our shit over facebook sharing data but it's a standard practice these days.

It's the long con.
It's for bumps.
Shitpost to get some more bumps.
Bump your own thread, so real posts don't get viewed.

it's not just "sends telemetry data"

it's "mysteriously sends like 6 times the telemetry data of even infamously invasive companies like google while conveniently being a subsidiary of probably the single biggest threat to personal privacy on planet earth"

Best VR horror on PC? Already played Exorcist, Alien Isolation, and Organ Quarter.

It's funny because big shitty tech companies always "play nice" when they're competing and after they gain the upper hand they promptly go full greed.
Right now is Oculus/FB "playing nice" and if Valve hadn't lazily sent HTC in to cockblock their attempt to monopolize VR things would be much worse.
And it can be argued that Facebook at their nicest is still complete shit. It's clear Facebook does not want any competition.

>can manually set height in VR
just because you can it doesn't mean that you should because it breaks your game, hence i assume most people are inputting their real height

and i am not boasting anything, you're a triggered asian bugman if you think so

Thanks for avoiding addressing any of my points in favor of going for some low-hanging fruit that even reddit transplants know the canned response to. That's how I know that I won this exchange and you're seething right now. Now then I suppose it's about time for you to start samefagging desperately, proceed.

Download link: drive.google.com/file/d/1Ovqw61sa7PEAFdvOX5n6QDJWQCvJgs9d/view

If you can look past the reputation the franchise has and go in with an open mind, FNAF VR is unironically pretty strong horror.


omg me too! the quest is totally the switch of VR!!!

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Duck Season
Dead Secret

so whats the options here? is htc any better? do i have to give gaben 1000 of my neetbux just to get a headset that doest spy on me?

Not even joking. Five nights at freddys VR. I bought it at launch and my total playtime is like 30 mins because I can't handle it. One thing that makes it is they nailed the scale. A lot of games in VR have characters that look either too small or too big, the animatronics in this game look PERFECT. huge but to a realistic scale. It's super well done.

>VR is unsuitable to mass adoption and only appeals to people like you.
Good, mass adoption lowers quality and only brings forth garbage. Like the Quest.

Subnautica is the only VR game that scares me, probably because it's not trying to be a haunted house experience.
Also Unreal PT spooked me so bad I couldn't finish it but that had more to do with me psyching myself out than the game doing anything particularly scary.

And nobody else has noticed this?

daily reminder that if you hear someone complain about the rift S IPD they look like pic related

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they probably don't care lmao, most people don't.

I agree the oculus quest is amazing
>No you can't tell them to hold their guns differently, they will refund the HMD every time. Get over it.
>Oculus Quest sold out at amazon at every major store across the US
cope cope cope

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Yeah, I'm sure that's why only one person has uncovered this scheme in so many years

I keep hearing FNAF. I played the original and the second, but that's it, and it really didn't do much other than jump scares. It's really that much better in VR?
As to what I've been playing, Onward has a free weekend this week and is 50% off if you like it. VR Knight is awesome, as is Gal Gun 2 believe it or not. I've gotten more enjoyment out of Fallout 4 VR than I have with the series since Bethesda brought it back. From Other Suns on Oculus's store remains my favorite, though. Anybody got experience with Orbus Reborn? I have a MMO itch and I'm thinking about giving it a shot.

Why is he doing this? What purpose does it serve?

HTC was ONLY successful because they were NotFacebook and the original Vive along with Rift CV1 are really outdated screenwise.
That being said Odyssey+ is a very robust inside-out HMD that frequently goes for $300 for the entire kit.

I'm fine with quest and rift-s users thinking they can compete with me using a vive in VR. Free kills

Why does nobody recommend The Forest VR? it's literally the most intense horror game out there on VR. On PC its average, but in VR its fucked up, especially when entering caverns and tunnels, all the sounds echo and monsters don't spawn until you're vulnerable. The nights are also insanely spooky since you can't see what lurks behind the trees until its too late

I recommend at least pirating it to try it, then buy it. Don't fucking watch videos, the retards overreact and try to be funny

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Genuinely interest newfag to VR here and don't necessarily want to spend the price for an Index, but I still want a solid experience to not rub me the wrong way. By some lazy research, it's come down to the Vive 1.0 or original Rift for cost efficiency. Is there any reason to pick one of these over the other, or even a completely different one if I've got it wrong so far?

Rift has its own headphones and better controllers

Quest has no crossplay with other headsets in Pavlov and the maps have to be remade for Quest (downgraded).

I actually have it already. I got The Forest ages ago and found it kinda "Meh." Didn't know it had a VR upgrade. I can see how it could make a world of difference. Might have to give it a shot.

The Vive 1.0 is the better option. If you decide you want the Index controllers or to replace the headset with a Vive Pro or Index or something down the line you can do that piecemeal, all with the same tracking stations. The original Rift meanwhile is essentially a dead end.

>Why is he doing this? What purpose does it serve?
he is being social

It's just doing what Oculus and big companies like it have been doing for years, turning personal information to turn a profit.

They brag about this regularly and public opinion about corporate prying has degenerated to "well they know everything about me anyway so whatever lol," Why wouldn't a company like facebook want to try and gather data on you when the most punishment they've gotten is effectively a slap on the wrist?

>Why does nobody recommend The Forest VR?
Because it runs like absolute garbage, the VR implementation is unfinished and hasn't been updated in ages.
I intend to get back to it eventually but I really get the feeling that I'd have more fun (though maybe be less spooked) if I learned the game in flat first. Like some of the VR controls are downright cryptic.

Oh and one more thing. The controls are weird, but you'll get used to it. They had to do it because there's way too many functions than there are buttons on VR
I felt the same until I tried the VR version. It's intense

As far as I'm aware, the Vive has better tracking and is more of a net positive over the Rift but the Rift is cheaper.

Is there any news about the Cosmos at all yet really? My IPD is 72 so the S is less than opitimal though still useable. I will probably get the index, but it maxes at 70 so its still not perfect.

I also like the potentially benefits of the Cosmos and no need for external tracking, but HTC seems pretty fucked at this point.

rift wont be able to use index hand controllers while the vive will still have the functionality

They did update it months ago. Never had issues but that's more of a "works on my machine" answer

>The original Rift meanwhile is essentially a dead end.
I heard this from another user reflecting on the state of their exclusives. Will that kill them?

>I played the original and the second, but that's it, and it really didn't do much other than jump scares. It's really that much better in VR?

You know I didn't realize it before you said it but FNAF VR is more psychological horror instead of jumpscares like the 2d version. I actually have never been jumpscared in the VR version since I'm too scared before that happens and I quit out of the game. Anyway both steamVR and oculus have the same refund policy so just try it. If you're a poorfag im sure it's already cracked somewhere. Just try the game it's genuinely amazing.

>autistically playing video games by himself but in public
>can't even see who's watching him
Huh so this is what socially retarded people think being social looks like...explains a lot.

I have a Vive Pro and a Quest. Enjoying best of both worlds, but I've been using the quest more. I agree that the mobile chip is kinda shitty but for media consumption and Beat Saber the quest just feels better.

I'm honestly not sure about exclusives but I'm just talking about the hardware itself. The Vive and its spiritual successor, the Index all exist in an ecosystem Valve designed to be modular and expandable even between different hardware vendors. The original Rift meanwhile is an evolutionary dead-end and has already been replaced by a sidegrade that uses a different tracking system.

I still have my original HTC Vive from release.
I still see no reason to upgrade.
Also being a poor college student, I am not going to drop over 1000 on a VR headset when I already have one that is almost as good.

Come back when you have a headset with 4k resolution per eye.

Attached: Sort of Poor College Student 12.jpg (3999x3238, 3.48M)

>Index is still sold out
for fucks sakes I wanna get it but Gabe's a fat fuck and taking his ass time over it

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mental illness

You are wrong. The Vive has the worst screen of them all.
The Rift S should be your go-to. Setup is a non-issue, tracking is rock solid contrary to the fags here who never even tried it, screen clarity is among the best and far better than the OG Rift & Vive. Its audio being shit is its only real fault, but it has a headphone jack on the headset itself. I use the Koss Portapros slotted underneath the headset as a solution.

Shit is addicting but my neck suffers after every session.

Don't reply to that post, he's not a poorfag and just tries to bait actual poorfags while posting copypasta

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>sell your vive pro and buy a 5ghz router with the money, then play steamVR games on your quest using ALVR

FNAF1 IMO has some of the best tension building there is in a horror game before the difficulty ramps up way too hard and you're getting jumpscared at the slightest mistakes. FNAF 2 has you doing way too much. so you have zero time to let the atmosphere soak in.

To answer your question yesh there are still goofy jumpscares, but it's what comes before those goofy jumpscares that makes it good, the feeling of being vulnerable and exposed, looking out at a pitch black hallway and constantly wondering in the back of your head if something is in it looking back.

There's also some neat-ish minigame content alongside the remakes.

The original Vive's lenses are slightly crisper, while the Rift's do a better job of dealing with the Fresnel glare. Visually it's a real toss-up.

I doubt it. They're essentially the only company funding bigger VR titles. Sure there's Valve but until they reveal their 3 games I dunno what to think of it. Quest and Rift S has been selling pretty good as well. Most people here just hate on things just for the sake of it. Just like some anons constantly saying how Nintendo, Sony or MS is going bankrupt soon. Tortanic was a mistake.

The both options are also much better tracking wise than the original rift. It may be better accuracy than the S's cameras, but the S doesn't require more USB ports are cabling which is a nightmare and constantly breaks.

Meanwhile the Valve system uses external IR that requires just power so you can plug it in wherever and not worry about running USB across the room or getting PCI cards.

You are in the first wave, aren't you?

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genuine typo

The truth is the Quest will absolutely take over the current VR market. The convenience is simple better than anything you can buy, whether it's the wire dangling between your feet, having to deal with the terrible prone to crashing steamvr software, or the fact that PC VR headsets aren't ready the instant you put it on your head, while the quest does exactly that with no compromise. The setup system is also much faster and more comfortable than what you have to do with WMR or SteamVR headsets, not to mention that it can be used in every room of your house and not in your tiny PC office space most player likely set it up in.

The Oculus Go sold over a million units in a year even though all that it was a 200$ porn movie theater with 3 DoF tracking.
Already 2 weeks after launch the Quest has generated more interest than the Go ever did, it has a large game library, modding support and costum games like QuakeVR even though retards keep spouting "muh walled garden" inbetween the breathing sessions when daddies cock isn't blocking their throat.
50 more games are going to be added to the library by the end of 2019.

PC VR sales are fucking abyssmal and it isn't a sustainable ecosystem, which is why everything you see on the Steam VR section is just indie games. Ironically this benefits the quest, as it makes porting the games over much simpler due to the only issue being a lack of optimization on the PC versions in the first place.
The Valve Index is a fucking joke. Asking for 280 euros for the index controllers is ridiculous, all they are going to be good for is showing the middle finger to other players in multiplayer games, as a 1000$ headset will never have a large enough market share for developers to specifically design mechanics around the finger tracking.
Valve is also fucking stupid and rushed it out to early, especially without first party software. Though I must admit, the vive wands are so terrible the upgrade might just be worth it, lmao.

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>backordered til fucking October

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I see. I admit I don't know enough about it and shouldn't have spoken. The Rift S is being discounted for no real reason though. It's THE entry level PCVR headset.

No one cares shill.

Yeah once you get the remote power set up right on the tracking stations it's pretty goddamn swish having them fire themselves up. Also means I can have them in the same room with my TV without them fucking up the IR-based remote.
The Rift S is the replacement, the original Rift is the one that was replaced. I'm not a fan of some of the Rift S's changes to refresh rate and a few other things but it's probably the better 'simple PC VR' setup.

>The Rift S is being discounted
lol no, Zucks making profit on it I'm sure because it's a cheap WMR headset made by fucking Lenovo
The Quest is probably being sold at a loss because it has way better hardware even though it's mobileshit

Nah, I don't pre-order shit based on hype and marketing. I have a reservation though, since that didn't cost me anything and by that time there will be plenty of information about the Index out.

Oh and before you start calling me an Oculus shill, I'm not defending them. The Quest sucks imo and aside from the better screen in Rift S it's mediocre as well. Unless their next headset is absolute shit that not even normal people will want to buy I don't see them failing in the near future.

>Tfw just listed my VR headset on ebay

Feels good. I can finally stop feeling guilty about not using it, or constantly scouring the internet for something new to justify it.

Well done user, we'll miss you but this is better for everyone

>The Quest sucks imo and aside from the better screen in Rift S it's mediocre as well

You've never actually used it have you.

>recommending the vive
>shitty chinese company that will likely leave consumer VR anyway, they are already refocusing entirely on business
>shitty vive controllers that have an over 50% failure rate, which you should probably just repair yourself because the replacement units would just have the same trackpad issue

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2 years and I still have mine and using it. Sucks to be you

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shut the fuck up nigger and try to counter anything I said

You can't since I know more about markets than you do but thats fine, idiots with money is exactly what valve wants, haha

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Oh no, I didn't mean discounted money-wise. I meant it's being discounted as an option despite being the second best option next to the Index, possibly by people like you. Buying the CV1 or OG Vive right now is fucking stupid unless you can find it for 200$ or less somewhere.

>that will likely leave consumer VR anyway
And the beauty of the Vive is that it doesn't matter, user. The Vive is the easiest entrypoint to an ecosystem that a bunch of different companies are now supporting.

Fuck off retard.

Mobile VR doesn't interest me and I don't see any point of getting a Rift S since I already have a regular Rift. I might buy Index when it drops in price down the line though. If you enjoy Quest/Rift S then good on you.

Where do you even go in steam to check your index order status and all? I see no evidence on the index page or my account of my preorder, just the emails received.

It means either buying the pimax or index, leaving entry level VR entirely to Oculus or WMR, making Valve lose by default.

Because inside-out tracking is mediocre making Vive the only external tracking option out right now with a future (CV1 is getting buried asap mark my words) and shitty wands aren't an issue because why the fuck wouldn't you upgrade to index controllers.
Also the most important feature: not aligned with Facebook.

>trackpad movement man thinks he has an advantage over anyone

I received my Rift S today but I'm struggling to find VR games that I want to buy and play

What are you even arguing? That SteamVR is a bad choice because you couldn't replace one entry-level first gen headset with another?

You made a huge mistake user
The huge mistake being too stupid for VR
Return it immediately, if you're already struggling to find things to do with it it's not for you

The quest is the easiest entrypoint that a bunch of different companies are supporting.

Not him, but unless Oculus starts giving them away for free, I'm certainly not paying any money for something like a Quest. It does pretty much nothing that I want out of a VR headset.

>buying shit you have no use for
Play Quake, Doom, Doom 2, Heretic or Serious Sam

All I see is a casual headset getting popular and devs starting to pander to people that own a mobile VR headset. No different from casualized games getting popular and ruining the series.

Maybe I should add that most games seem too expensive to justify buying at full price. I just bought the Rift S for Beatsaber and Pavlov

Valve is a privately owned company that makes money hand over fist, not a publicly owned driven-by-investors company.
Valve wants to put out high-end headsets,
Oculus has to put out low-end headsets.
Can't you just enjoy that we get options of both?

>Reading comprehension
We're talking about PC options and how a Vive gets you straight into the overall best platform for it. The Quest is cool for what it is, but it's not a PC VR heavy hitter.

Friendly reminder that mobile phone games was supposed to kill video games completely dead years ago because LOOK AT THE NUMBERSSSS

Hold up, what is this about Rift getting discontinued? I have pic related since 2017 and I love it despite being a wiring nightmare. It's still getting updates but I'm scared now

I don't wanna upgrade until Index is a little cheaper

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>it does nothing I want
It does VR, user. What do you want out of a VR headset if not VR?

You keep calling it mobile VR like that means anything. It's a 400$ dedicated VR-console, NOBODY buys that wanting casual experiences, the most popular games on the Quest store is the same shit you find on SteamVR

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Rift S replaced it. imagine Rift S like Xbox One S or PS4 Slim. Unless Facebook goes full jew (which I wouldn't be surprised about desu) and stops releasing their exclusives for it and fully supporting it then nothing will really change.

The Virtual Boy 'does VR' as well, that doesn't mean I want to pay for one. I want an upgrade to my Rift, not a downgrade.

Facebook has been pouring absolute shitloads of money into Oculus: research, game development, advertising and subsidizing the CV1/RiftS. It's all nice to flaunt higher adoption numbers than say, a lame duck like WMR and incompetent HTC but how good are they actually doing compared to literally any other business with that sort of money and clout?
I'd be very curious as to how much of a return they've gotten from Oculus, Facebook already has enough trouble with the aggro they're pulling from other sectors.

>Bunch of tubes
Fucking hell, probably immersive and fun to use in gun games but that's a lot of money for a bunch of piping

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Inside-out tracking has got to be the worst thing to ever happen on VR. Tried the Rift S compared to my old Oculus to see if its better, and despite the controllers and HMD, the tracking is what kills it. Can't move too fast or it'll go out of sync, can't take something out of my back or it goes out, and can't even get something out of my chest without a 50/50 chance of disconnect.

I'll just wait for Index

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I have a rift and will be getting a vive index, that's an upgrade across the board.
What's stopping you?

They sold at least a million shitty oculus go units at ~150 each, and they're probably selling half that in quest units right now.

Faceberg was smart and realized the real money was in mobile units for the mass market, and valve was smart and realized they could push an incremental upgrade for a a massive price and hook the enthusiast market. HTC is full of retards who couldn't produce enough of an upgrade to justify their inflated price and are currently bleeding to death.

Astro bot Rescue Mission is literally the most fun game I have played in years.

I bet you could DIY for cheap and there's probably extensive guids and blueprints for it.

I'm curious how often people move their hands behind their back and for what games.
The only reason I got my third rift sensor was when I turned around and my back was to the sensors, can't recall moving my hands behind my back in the two years I've had a rift

It's definitely got some real issues that shills pretend don't matter and won't be solved simply by adding more cameras.
I think for certain people those issues are too disruptive to tolerate, glad Valve is committed to lighthouse.

I tried the forest VR and really tried to give it a chance but the game is still an awkward clusterfuck, especially inventory management in VR.

A lot of VR shooters have a weapon stowed on your back, so you have to reach back there to get a rifle out or something.

Mostly games like H3VR and Pavlov. I don't have genetic defects so I can play for 6 hours at hihg speed without issue. The Rift S is making it difficult. Thank fuck I borrowed it from my bud for testing
All it needs is a camera on the back of the HMD then I'm sold

That's why you make your own.

actually lying about this now
> Can't move too fast or it'll go out of sync
>can't take something out of my back or it goes out
wrong, this already was a lie on WMR. Grabbing something from your inventory is a non issue, only games like echo arena have issues if you keep your hand ocluded for a longer duration

stop pretending you used shit to justify your index purchase lmao

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Revive means anything using oculus store doesn't have exclusives because I can play them on Vive

this is how I get lone echo VR and lucky's tale to run on Vive for example

Nothing? What does the Index have to do with the latest shit Oculus is offering?

Not him but with my extended experience with inside-out, the worst things are controller occlusion caused by holding a rifle, controller being too close to the HMD to track like drawing back a bow, and turning your head away from your controllers such as when you're looking around while holding up a weapon: shit will wig out after a while.
The often cited "putting your hands behind your back" issue is a total red herring that is disproportionally brought up.
You add all these together and instead of getting fully immersed you're constantly walking on eggshells.

>Mobile VR doesn't interest me

Ok that's reasonable, but the quest can stream desktop games using ALVR and saying things suck without trying them is retarded.

who gives a fuck, VR is VR.
Stop console warring ffs

>have to wait a year until Index gets a discount like the Oculus did
I mean I have a job, but a thousand bucks on VR just iffs me

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Bro, I go behind my back all the time in VR Knight to store and draw my sword and never had one issue.

>Can't move too fast or it'll go out of sync, can't take something out of my back or it goes out

Straight up lies

I think it might be a defect if is telling the truth, even tho its a known autist in VR threads. I'll double check next time

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The funny thing is that shills try to sell the Index as being less than $1k because you can buy the HMD on it's own. Like what the fuck am I supposed to do without controls or tracking

vive price cut when?

4 (You) retard

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Are you implying it does fit while you're soft?

I have pavlov but don't play it.
What do you reach behind your back in H3VR for?

>camera on the back
but no really why can't they just do that, it seems so simple.

>finally a VR thread that isn't /vrg/
>there's a recurring autist already

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I'm lost on your argument user. Index is the preimum, oculus is the entry level and affordable.
Upgrade to an index, don't "upgrade" to a quest because it's clearly not an upgrade.

why not to play VR FPS on rift s:


Yea Forums X can detect samefagging. Stop

Part of the problem is that of having a known position for the cameras. The exact position of a camera on an adjustable headstrap relative to the rest of the headset is very difficult to determine.

Slr for some free vids and you can use ot to play anything you dl/torrent. Czech vr has the highest resolution content

Vivelets are having a hard time coping their shit is outdated and whack.
Chads have the stack to drop on a premium VR headset, anyone doing anything else is a casual with a passing interest.

Attached: vive twink.jpg (4032x3024, 3.05M)

Damn I hate that you make sense.
I mean I've got a Rift CV1 and will be upgrading to an Index so it doesn't matter to me, but I'm gonna buy Rift Ss for my friends so they can get into VR without buyer's remorse if they don't like it.

My Oculus smells so fucking bad from Beat Saber sweat. I need to dab it with rubbing alcohol to get rid of the stink. That method isn't working as well now though. I'm amazed how durable this thing is, basically dunked it in a vat of sweat and it still works perfectly

>trackpads AND sticks
Bless this controller

The camera would have to be protruding significantly, think about the motions you make when reaching towards the back of your waist: most of it would be occluded by your own body.
I'm sure Oculus researched it when they were determining where to add cameras.
Add to this the fact that reaching behind you is inside-out's most minor problem and WMRchads have been doing it for ages now with little issue.

No shitposting, I wanna know if Quest is worth. No, I don't wanna hear it from that Quest autist in these threads. Want to get into VR

My choices are either Rift S, Quest, or Index but I'm getting impatient and I heard Rift S has quality issues

Attached: 1536353819855.png (356x304, 226K)

now he can put the vive wands on his feet and have free feet tracking

it was funny to see everyone btfo AGAIN about the pricing
>it'll be cheaper because it's not HTC!

Attached: bloomberg-vr.png (925x1028, 621K)

yeah, but how do I actually watch it
I have no problem finding the vids

>Pros: Backed by Facebook

That makes sense but didn't the CV1 have lights on the back for tracking? How did those work then?

jacked off to some VR porn while laying down
now I'm extremely nauseated and feel like the world is fucking spinning

2016 was a simpler time

>calls everyone shills
>But then shills for facebook
Do you see the irony in this? there's a reason nobody's replying to you but me despite your samefagging

Attached: 9075832.jpg (348x247, 20K)

>I'm lost on your argument user
I think you're lost in the reply chain. You (? or somebody else) made a post saying somebody who was disappointed by the mediocrity of the Quest and/or Rift S had never tried them.

I then pointed out that I would not pay for a Quest in order to 'try' it, because it does nothing that I want. The point is that people aren't going to buy hardware to 'try' it when it becomes apparent from simple specifications that the hardware is disappointing. People aren't going to pay to try things when it becomes clear to them that they will be disappointed anyway.

Index is entirely unrelated to the discussion.

I'm actually a PSVR user, not that I'd suggest people willing get it

Depends on what you're getting into VR for. Check the Quest catalog and make sure there's stuff there you really want to play because you'll be a member of Zuck's tightly curated walled garden.
Don't expect third party mod stuff to always work, that's like expecting Revive not to break every other month.

If you got a good rig, get the Index. Quest is nice for some stuff but most of the games are underwhelming.

If your option is between Rift S and Quest make sure to check what your IPD is. S doesn't have an IPD slider and does it in software which is trash.

hold the fuck up, you can only get Oculus store games on Quest?

well that gets a no from me. Now my choices are either Rift S or Index.

Attached: 1453524075796.jpg (640x505, 60K)

I'm genuinely not sure, the PSVR has some lights on the back as well. It's possible that the problem's still there but just less pronounced when you have several points of tracking inside the FOV of the cameras watching. Ask Carmack on Twitter or something, he's about the only person on the planet that could really tell you.

Attached: vive gun.jpg (4032x3024, 867K)

Not for a while, there's nothing in its bracket besides the CV1 to compete with. Maybe you can pick up a used HMD for cheaper

Didn't see you also had index listed as an option. At that point I'd say it's purely between Quest and Index and forget about the S.

You can sideload apps quite easily but due to hardware limitations your options are still gonna be quite limited.

If Facebook decides to release a new mobile VR headset in 1-2 years (which they probably will) you're pretty much fucked because you're completely dependent on them continuing to support it.

>finally there are AAA open world games coming to VR that isn't a port
>they're either Oculus exclusive or PSVR exclusive

Attached: 1552960215668.jpg (720x676, 103K)

If you just want to get into it, the quest is absolutely up your alley.
Bear in mind though, for not much more, PC headsets are available if you have the PC to run it. I'd recommend those first.
But quest is perfect for what it sets out to do. You wouldn't have much issue selling it to someone if you decide to upgrade (unless you're a jew and want to sell your heavily used $400 headset for $350)

The entire reason Zuck made the Quest was to avoid competition from that pesky Steam.
You can bet your ass that the Quest 2 won't even have sideloading, Zuck might have to fire Carmack at that point lol

I'm jealous of some of your exclusives :(
But I do wish they get their tracking shit in gear for PS5. If they still use that PS3 tech it's fucking unforgivable

Zuck isn't even worried about sideloading for the quest because the performace is absolutely dogshit. Pavlov is borderline unplayable when sideloaded.

PSVR tracking is absolutely fucking garbage but the comfort and lenses are decent and there are some really great exclusive. That's be the only reason to buy a PSVR really

If you can afford the Index there's no reason not to get it. "afford" meaning you'll be okay with not having $1,000 vs $400

There's some PSVR game I want to try. But I don't have a PS4Pro and I'm worried the next gen will be backwards compatible anyways.

I sold my rift and got a quest. everything else is retarded because of these reasons:

-You can actually play steam VR games on the quest using ALVR. So it's two headsets in one.

-It's the same resolution as the index and vive pro while being 400 bucks. It's actually higher resolution than the rift s (wtf)

-it has OLED screens so the blacks are perfect while the index and rift s have LCD


-controller has replaceable batteries instead of charging (huge plus for me, might be downside for you)

-already cracked so you can play games free (lol)

Sports Scramble and Premium Bowling.

It's not about affording (I can), it's about whether its worth the 1k investment. I wanna see how many games support the finger tracking the controllers have

It's like Xbox One X boasted 4k 60fps but ends up being only 2% of the libraries utilizing it and everything else just sticks to stability 30 FPS. No more answers please, I decided to just wait and see if Boneworks can convince me

Attached: 1499831539753.gif (353x209, 2.62M)

flaccid size literally doesnt matter at all except to queers who want to show off to other queers in the locker room

There's also the fucking long ass waiting time to get one if you haven't already pre-ordered

>here's your controllers bro

Attached: pimaxControllers-1000x600-ny2xxs3f2fs2k0zrzito66o2pe5232uxwttwfujvqo.png (1000x600, 250K)


>Tfw I've actually been there
This is a weird feeling

pimax sense will be good

>have been jobless with a two year old CV1
>accepted job offer Tuesday
>need to save up a car first
>then new computer
>then buy friends VR headsets
>then an index
Hah, moneyfags and their "having to wait"

>-You can actually play steam VR games on the quest using ALVR. So it's two headsets in one.
This is the only thing that interests me but I'm too suspicious of the Oculus shill to believe it works remotely reliably enough to bother and i wouldn't be surprised if it gets broken at some point

Attached: 1516844354221.png (900x900, 1.51M)

I keep bumping my Vive cupholder heads togethor
I wish they made the bulk at the bottom, or maybe behind the back of my hand

That doesn't make sense. If they were queers, showing off to other men and comparing sizes would make them hard.

Use your BRAIN moron.

>so much consolewarring and flacid dick shitposts this posts seems out of place
>OP actually did ask what game we were playing
>took 350 posts for someone to say

He's absolutely lying and forgot to mention it runs like ass. there are vids already

It's not perfect, you need 5ghz local wifi for it to even be feasible and there's supposed to be some latency due to its nature. One of the more annoying problem is that the picture can artefact since it's streaming

I'm not going back to 'acceptable' 72Hz, user.
Not when the Index is going to have a 144Hz option

somebody give me the quick rundown on the quest
I know it's a stronk independent mobile shit that don't need no PC
but what does it actually do?

thats riftcat not ALVR which is being updated constantly and completely free:



WMR is even worse in that regard due to the nature of inside-out
Index controllers placing all the bulk on the outside of the hands seems to be the best idea so far but I do wonder how durable they are

It's basically a mini computer using a mobile phone processor for VR, the same processor found in a Samsung Galaxy S8

yeah, I got that
what I don't get is what does it actually do?
like if I put it on my head and boot it up what do I get
is it like mobile interface with store, webbrowser apps and shit?

I've also been playing Blade & Sorcery with mods. It's so fun that it eventually bricks the AI and they do T-poses.

Attached: bustersword.webm (1280x800, 1.89M)

Backwards compatibility is a pretty sure bet since they're not switching to some completely different architecture this time around. It should basically be a low-hanging fruit.

Why are they all women user

I hope there's reprojection going on because I'd vomit at that framerate.

Thats ok. Just realize you are going back to "acceptable" wire coming out of your head and "acceptable" black (gray) levels for 600 bucks more.

Will you ever make a webm that's above 5fps?

Nah that's all me and my shitty movie editor prog, just got the Vegas bundle off humble and I plan on re-rendering all my clips minus potato quality.

Your subpixels suck and it's because you're running on a shitty mobile gpu.
Do you cap all your games at 30FPS?
Do you game exclusively on a laptop because it's more mobile?

VR fighting game when?

Attached: smash brothers.webm (1280x640, 2.92M)

Okay phew. I've seen some low framerate webms of this game and it always turns me off from it.

Attached: 1538687117791.jpg (580x548, 34K)

I'm getting there slowly but surely.

Attached: swordnado.webm (640x400, 2.84M)

is vive screendooring/ghosting as bad as people say?

Goddamn I don't know if I love this episode ironically or unironically. So fucking ridiculous that it's fun.

It actually runs really well for a VR game probably because the textures suck and the lighting is awful
If you avoid the game it should be for the right reasons like all the guys looking like Ross from Friends


Not really. Only if you're trying to read small text on a virtual desktop.
Playing games your brain just kinda forgets it's there 95% of the time.

i play my computer games at 120hz ULMB because it's clearer than 144hz

Do you buy every shit valve puts out? are you going to buy a tethered headset in 2019 because it has the valve logo, while placing faith in the 3 mistery games they havent shown yet but are bound to be microtransaction shit?

Modded SkyrimVR is the scariest VR game, prove me wrong.

Attached: 2019-06-05 01-33-35.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

Why does VR stuff always look so similar to gay bondage stuff?

Attached: 06d871d3ad4c510ad477486b7190572d4b4d3f1fd2b5537bc4cbe492c09f3516.png (603x686, 344K)

Yeah if you ever see any low framerate B&S webms in threads they're definitely mine. Game looks great otherwise even though it's kind of bare basic made in Unity graphics.

Attached: bellydrums.webm (1280x800, 2.14M)

Not him, but I do have a Rift S, and its main issues with tracking are if you have the two controllers in front of each other, sometimes but not always, the one farthest from you loses tracking. The second main issue with the tracking is if you have the controllers too close to your face they lose tracking after a couple seconds.
I love the thing, its great, but it would be a bit of a stretch to say inside-out tracking is flawless. Its certainly WAAAAAAAY better then WMR's tracking, and the closest to lighthouse tracking thus far, when it comes to talking about inside-out tracking.

Attached: HeresYourControllerBro.webm (1280x640, 3M)

>feeling up that ugly Windhelm beggar
>instead of feeling up Dorthe
fucking degenerate, probably a filthy stormcloak

Most headsets are uncomfortable and awkward to wear in bed.

Please post VR bondage stuff

the girl's a dude right?

she look fine from the back tho, I didn't know who I was feelin up

There were guys too, I swear. They just...they weren't in that wave.

Attached: axis.webm (1632x918, 1.61M)

Attached: dom sim.webm (1240x700, 1.54M)

Gay niggas kissing.

why do this
when VRCHAT is free

It's make pretend though!

Attached: It's just a prank dude haha.webm (1280x640, 3M)

I just want a facesitting simulator
I've tried WSS and the facesitting motion
it's not enough
I need more

try VirtAmate

You need to rig up a scene in VAM then, it has soft body asses and functional buttholes.
If you're really commited to animu, play Insult Order

They kiss at the end of the episode in real life, though.

Attached: 1354990488886.jpg (1003x590, 161K)

I gave it a shot and wasn't down with doing it myself
But damnit
If I want to have my face sat on, I will do what it takes

sideloading has a noticable performance hit

the only way you would not notice this is if you never used any other HMD except the quest

Friendly reminder that the best game in VR has among the worst VR implementations and the cocksucker devs are explicitly omitting VR support for the sequel

Attached: 20190606195807_1.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

>ace combat vr doesn't let you play the full campaign
It still hurts

I'm waiting for virt-a-mate to release genesis 3 compatible content so I can get more interesting characters

Import a character into blender 2.8 with the marui plugin and have anything you want sit on your face

((i made this one longer forgive me))

Attached: 2019-06-05 01-33-34.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

does sex lab work?

Can't you just VorpX that shit

No :(
Flowergirls SE works, so you get get sex animations and can cast fornicate on two random NPCs and they'll go at it.

.... but no random rape by monsters :(

Should I get a PSVR? What good games are on it or other platforms?

Astrobot, RE7, DOAX3, Rec Room, Job Simulator, Beat Saber, ....?

Why the fuck can't you buy these WMR controllers separately?
>Trigger on the right controller is squeeking, guess I better trash this whole thing and buy a new headset to get a controller replacement!
Said nobody ever.

>squeaky controller

just open it up and lube it, I did this with the vive wand too

More upset that it took up so much dev time that they launched the game with barebones multiplayer

Astrobot is dog shit so no.

Those are probably the only apps on PSVR you'd get any mileage out of, but might not be long lasting replay value. But nah wouldn't recommend PSVR unless you're thinking of getting a PCVR to go with it.

probably not
general review seems to always come back to PS move sucks, PlayStation Camera sucks, image is blurry shit, performance is shifty and all that
so if you're wondering if it has any good games, you probably aren't looking for that specific exlcusive game that you absolutely have to play

I just started working on a Pokemon VR game. Get hype boys!

I haven't tried any of them, I have an original Oculus. The Beat Saber modders are hard at work making everything they've done so far work on the Quest though. A lot of people use VR as a Beat Saber machine so that's a big factor.

Lousy Pokemon VR? How about Bucket of Water VR instead?

And then both immediately afterwards admit neither of them felt a thing from it, though.

no, unless you decide to rename every name and change every asset and remake every voice effect it's not even worth a notice

Why do you think so? It tends to be universally praised

Only thing I feel strongly about are potentially Astrobot and DOAX3 particularly looking up at Marie

I love water. WaterVR when?

VR chat is full of weebs, tranny's, and furfags tho

Just looked at it and took four screws around the battery placement out but it feels like it's still holding but I can't see where there could be any more screws. This controller is strange now that I'm looking at it closely.

you're part of that group of degenerates

Unless it's Pokemon Snap: Camera Re:Rolled reboot, I care not, sir

someday brother

Attached: thirst.jpg (460x215, 101K)

What kind of pokemon VR game, user?
Like an actual pokemon game that would be cool, a degenerate furry sex game, or both at the same time?


nice PS2 era graphics you got there

Thanks user, you're a smarter man than I.

How well does Wii sports run?

can we fuck the pokemon? I know there's already a lugia sim where you can have floating horse cocks fuck every hole on her thicc pokebody

An actual one. Will also be able to create your own gyms, recruit gym members, etc

doesnt sl light work?

Attached: its not gay if the dicks don't touch.webm (1280x640, 2.98M)

wait a fucking second
was the "windows mixed reality headsets is decent" meme, not a fucking meme?

When was it ever a meme you dumbshit

Might be based, as long as it's not too shit looking. All you have to do is make it have some actual animations for attacks and nicer looking textures then fucking game freak, which shouldn't be that tough.

holy shit

Time to take a break from /vrg/ kiddo

However you are far too late, they stopped making the Lenovo mixed reality headset everyone praised so much.

If you want to get into vr for real, then Index

Like i said, download SLR

WMR is opportunists jumping on board to see if they can make money off of the VR gamer crowd. Adopt at your own risk because your set you buy today might not be supported tomorrow.

Seriously, good luck RMA-ing a defective WMR set when the manufacturer is like "sorry haha we don't make that particular model anymore" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Attached: Nip VR.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

Quest doesn't require a powerful PC you fucking shitstain

Quest or PSVR?

Attached: 1734447F-8EB9-4B76-BA6C-8CF9866FE611.jpg (1100x733, 119K)

damn so you're saying it is a useless paperweight that doesn't run anything worth playing

Pretty sure they discontinued that model cause it was shit. Back when I was doing my research before buying a headset I distinctively remember this headset being the cheapest of the WMR headsets and it had way more bad reviews than the competing headsets from the quality of the face foam to the straps and weight distribution.

>shit or shit

Non-VR games while I wait for Nostos and Last Labyrinth to come out for PSVR.

>beat saber
>rec room
>sairento VR
>I expect you to die
>basically every relevant PCVR game has a port running at consistent 72 fps
paperweight right

Unironically probably the VR game I'm looking forward too.

Haven't heard of it, can you tell me about it?

A Chinese dev is basically making an MMO Breath of the Wild for VR with both first and third person options.

but these games are normie bait trash

>best VR game I've played to date is a mod to a non-VR game
Blows my mind how the game can be so pretty and so smooth in VR, then you play games that were made for VR and they have mediocre graphics and half of them run like shit. Closest game I've played to A:IVR is RE7 on PSVR but the PSVR headset sucks ass with its obnoxious screendoor effect.

Attached: 1396108606-alien-isolation.jpg (1920x1080, 1M)

Oh neat, could be cool

Attached: 1530904831922.jpg (460x444, 47K)

Hopefully. Here's some recent info on it from the devs:



I had never considered what Isolation would be like in VR and now I immediately want nothing more than to try it out.

If you turn the brightness down on the PSVR headset slightly then you don't notice the screendoor at all. You don't have to change it by much either.

I really wish we had more games like Alien and RE7 for VR though. And not just horror games either. Horror games are fun, but they're not what I enjoy the most. I really want something like a Far Cry in VR. That game would be a danger to my health probably.

name something better that isn‘t a discord tranny sim

Stop fucking replying retard

Just a heads up, it doesn't support motion controllers just tracking with the headset and you play with k/m. Don't let that hold you back though give it a shot anyway and you might find you like the headset & k/m combo better than headset/controllers.

i am replying to him as many times as i want fuck you nigger

>playing VR with kb/m instead of a gamepad

>it doesn't support motion controllers
It does
Not very well but it does

Psvr sucks feels like a gimmick compared to vive. Idk bout quest but at least even if its shit you can use it without wires (except charging brick for the low battery life) and its room scale i think?

By necessity we relax our standards tremendously when it comes to VR
Except simbros but they probably ignore these threads because nothing gets talked about except beat saber and VRChat

PSVR titles have good graphics and that's about it. Very polished looking but shit like playing batman's roommate is kind of boring and has no replay value.

>Psvr sucks feels like a gimmick compared to vive.
How? All it does is offer room scale. PSVR has head and hand tracking.

It's a meme open world multiplayer game made with VR in mind first, but not needed to play it.
From what I know, it's a survival game with an anime asthetic, but how much of a survival game I don't know. The devs also implied to outright said it's got a focus story for the characters. It's a post-apocalyptic world, or one that's ending. The devs talk a lot of hype about it, but I know better then to take all their hype at face value.

Fantastic gaming headphones! Good job not getting the shitty hd590

Been playing Trover saves the universe
The "humor" gets really annoying after more then 1 hour.
And its just like any VR game ,after the "wow VR" you're just playing a really immersive shit game

If you willingly touched any Roiland garbage after suffering through Accounting, you deserve to be shot

It's the stuff nightmares are made of. Also this:

vrchat has some mahjong worlds that work

>The "humor" gets really annoying after more then 1 hour.
so just like literally everything else that comes spilling out of that retards unfunny mouth?

I agree. Needs more Harmon touch.

Attached: virtamate defaultfu bed carry2.webm (960x586, 844K)

I have a Rift S coming in the mail that I'll return to amazon immediatley if the screen door effect isn't better than my CV1.
I'm fucking pumped to have the ability to play H3 again though.

Attached: shinobu.webm (1600x900, 2.92M)

How do you guys clean your headsets? I sweat a fucking lot and mine smells like shit from Beat Saber. I'm not even fat, just moist.

*feels nothing in my hand in real life for 999 dollars plus tax on my Index even though I'm "petting" her*

Just a cover amazon.com/VRCover-ocv01nf-Oculus-Rift-Cover/dp/B06Y6DC1R2/ref=sr_1_3?crid=12NMPKECURDOH&keywords=oculus rift cover sweat&qid=1559935928&s=gateway&sprefix=oculus rift cover,aps,1236&sr=8-3

use your tongue, make sure you get in all the crevices thats where the good stuff is

Shiiiiiiiiit I don't know how to defend that. It really made me think. If this is VR, how come we can't really feel anything? I mean, say you put your palm into something spiky, shouldn't there be a mild sting? If you pet someone, shouldn't you feel their hair strands? Might cancel my preorder unless someone comes up with a good excuse.

This current iteration of VR isn't actual VR you idiot. It's stereoscopy with motion controls. That's why you're having your current dilemma.

I think you're looking for RR senpai, "Real Reality"

I have covers. The main issue is the band around my head and the headphone sponge stuff. The fabric on the inside of the band has absorbed so much sweat it smells fucking awful.
