Yooka-Laylee Sequel

Yooka-Laylee Sequel just got announced, get in here lads:

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So DKC2... interesting, if it hasn't already been done. Also I get the ukelele is kind of the motif and all but the music sounds like royalty free shit and it's ruining the video.

looks good, seems like they’re stepping away from the 3d collectathon genre for this one. wonder how it’ll turn out.

so like a mix of tropical freeze and mario 3d world?

Literally who cares

>shit game that was universally panned and disliked by virtually everyone gets a sequel

>this positive reaction

Oof you fucking zoomers. Its shit

Watch it sell 2 million before the end of the year

It is. I'm just saying that it's kinda bold to rip off DKC.


>nostalgia bait
literally choose one

fucking nintendo doesn't care about Donkey Kong anymore. i'd take this anyday over more mario trash

>it's not out yet
>"it's shit i tell ya"
never change, Yea Forums

>as if zoomers don't "fall for" nostalgia bait just to fit in

hey who knows maybe it'll turn out decentish.

Why the fuck is the fat bastard kroc in the shitty fighting game then?

fuck off mario nigger

I liked it. Try thinking for yourself for once instead of just sucking sterling's dick

if Yooka-Laylee can get sequel then i'm just waiting for A Hat In Time 2
i still need to play dlc tho

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its shit because it spent the first month of its release fucking broken and the worlds were uninteresting and bland retard

>a character that should have been included back when melee released in 2001 finally got included in a smash game 17 years later in 2018
Nice try. Nintendo doesn't give a shit about Donkey Kong. Fuck them.

did anyone enjoy yooka-laylee? it wasn’t great, but it delivered what was promised.


Watch Luigi's Mansion 3 sell 5 million copies within 6 months

> it spent it's release broken
I don't remember, but I've played it twice now and never encoutered any bugs
> worlds were uninteresting
This is fair, but I thought the general design of them was a lot better than that in tooie/DK64

>the first month
They fixed it with DLC/patches?
I haven't played it yet but I'd like to pick it up someday

Nostalgia bait is literally aimed at zoomers tho
>dood I was born in le wrong generation I wish we still had REAL gaymes like [insert any 5th/6th gen title] not the DLC-ridden stuff they sell nowadays

Anyone excited for this lazy fucking asset flip is brain dead.


>hey look, green land level in mario/sonic how interesting!

it's not like DKC is that original to begin with.
It's literally just a 2D Platformer with no special gimmicks.
What made them good is that they were well made 2D Platformer

Yeah but it has kind of a different ~feel~ to it, you know?

>Yooka-Laylee gets a sequel.
>At the same time Banjo is making a comeback.
Why bother? Didn't the last game only sold like 10k copies? It even has a lower Metascore than Nuts & Bolts.

The game is very dull and the levels are way to big and empty. The bosses were annoying as hell too.

They completely made fools out of themselves after the whole Jontron shitshow.

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> Banjo is making a comeback
blowing your load a bit early there

DKC did have gimmicks. Specifically barrel gimmicks. You jump in barrels, you ride barrels, and you throw barrels in various ways to defeat enemies and find hidden secrets.

Why does everyone forget this? Even Retro forgot it when they made DKCR.

>they couldn't afford to make an actual large scale game again.

This just reminds me of what happened to the new Darksiders now.

>That fucking music
Legit thought this was a mobile game at first
Looks really bland overall, it's giving me Bubsy reboot vibes. This was probably shat out to fill time while they work on their next "actual" game.

Roll jumping is a decent gimmick.

>Why bother? Didn't the last game only sold like 10k copies?

It's a kickstarter game. They literally got paid to do the game, it needed to make exactly $0 to be a success
Even 10k would be a huge profit in this case

>giving a shit about /pol/tron
aaaaand opinion discarded. He 100% deserved to get removed after his blatantly racist.

You're not wrong.

why didn't they just make another kickstarter? It would've made like 25% of the original one but then they would actually have to manage it instead of just blowing it

>calling people zoomers
>using oof
why do you mock your own kind

Meh. 2D Platformers are overdone as fuck and is an overrated genre. At least the first game was in a genre that barely gets touched, but what the fuck makes this stand out from the 8 billion other 2D fucking platformers that are all forgettable as shit?

......buy why?

The only people this trash sells to are people who are in love enough with old collectathons that they're willing to put up with such soulless bullshit. The "durr yeah I like da old stuff" only works with actual surface-level classics. Nobody like that in music actually likes deep cuts of dadrock bands, just"durrr more cowbell lull."

You sound as soft as a butterfly. Get off the board bro.

statistics don't care about your feelings libtard

>"By everyone"

On Yea Forums. Most regular folks liked the game.

Wow it just looks like Tropical Freeze but at 1/2 speed
As if anybody who designed the first DKC trilogy is still at Rare lmao
Hard pass

Yooka Laylee was good and you can all lick my balls.

Kind of looks like a cheap way to reuse assets, trying to make a bit more out of the first game. I don't mind the practice, but it does suggest Yooka didn't do amazing.

It jut looks a bit bland honestly.

looks pretty good I'll give a try

I just hope it's not second rate tropical freeze

That's probably for the best though. The first game's worlds were way too open and boring. This one looks really good.

It was good with some flaws. Only zoomers hated it.

looks a bit floaty, like LBP

This looks like a mobile game

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No Jon No Buy

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> first game's worlds were too open
why the fuck are you playing a collectathon plaformer then?

a cheap way to get additional funding for new projects, since most of the assets are recycled from the first game. as long as it's fun that won't matter.

I backed the first game. Played it for two hours before deciding it's shit. Never again.
It's one of those things where developers forget what made their original good. I fear nothing more than Miyamoto put in charge of a Mario or Zelda again. I bet nu-Rare could make Banjo better than this if they were given a real chance.

>sequel before finishing the original game
I can believe it

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Because I hoped they made a good game

Mite b cool.

I kind of wanted a proper 3D sequel but this looks good.

No, really not.

> this game is based off of games with open worlds
> it has open worlds
> I don't like open worlds
> therefore it's bad
shit argument

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of all games to get a sequel! i'll never see panzer dragoon again, but hey, at least we're getting another YOOKA-LAYLEE

honestly, seeing these fucking characters do their little gay shit through bright, poppy primary colors makes me want to puke.


>Didn't the last game only sold like 10k copies?
now that i think of it, maybe the make another game just because they can and want, there was a time when people did such things, created games because they just wanted to

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How will Playtonic feel if Retro announces a new Donkey Kong Country game at E3?

Shit game doesn't deserve a sequel. Won't buy unless they fix shit.

His "statistics" were proven wrong years ago right wing redneck dumbass.

he's going to be in smash isnt he?

I liked the first game. I am disappointed that the next game is a shitty 2d sidescroller. There is a market filled with them. Fuck this gay earth. e3 disappointments start early.

>We heard you liked 3D platformers so here's a 2D platformer, bro
Pass, we have more than enough 2D platformers that just go through the motions, the whole appeal of Yooka-Laylee was a return to the 3D collectathon.

Statistics are only real when they confirm my biases.

Fear of getting upstaged by a team who actually knows how to develop a good platformer

>further proof nu-rare doesn't even know what the fuck they are doing LMAO

Go back to israel little ben

Well I hope it's more interesting than the first.

It wasn't particularly terrible. It was just mediocre. The fact that the game's so different from the first suggests they might even get this one right.

god damnit lads, why couldn't they make YL as good as BK?

it was still one of my favourite games the year it came out, but at the same time it felt half finished at best


>Yooka Laylee Country

I'm in.

I can't wait for all the new porn

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Dunkey shitted on the game too.

>Is this a sequel to Yooka-Laylee?
>No, Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair isn’t a direct sequel. We’ve got lots planned for the future of the Yooka-Laylee universe, but we want to approach each with a fresh take, as each game is an opportunity for us to add new mechanics and gameplay that isn’t necessarily limited to what’s happened before.

This is just a quick cash grab to fund the sequel.

>caring about some eceleb

wow look at this fag

Even if they were boring they can learn from the first game whats good and what isn't and improve.
Going 2D or top down really seems to be the current trend to show you have no money or you want to phone it in with your game.

It's better than Banjo-Kazooie and people constantly cry about that game too.

Literally the only good thing about Yooka-Laylee was the porn of Yooka

Hmmm. I'm not convinced. The movement mechanics look 'off', and it looks generic and cheap, like a mobile game.

The roll move has always been so disappointing. Think about the potential. Imagine gaining momentum in hills when rolling, and masterfully switching between rolling and running to maintain a super high speed.
It so much wasted potential if it isn't like that.

Even if they could afford it and wanted to make it, it'd probably still be a good idea to make a small, cheaper game first.
A lot of people are probably careful with buying games from them after the first game, and if they can make a smaller, cheaper game, they can prove that they know how to make good games before they make a bigger sequel.

No, it wasn't better than BK. YL was decent for a modern 3d platforming game, considering how far we've fallen in that regard.

What made games like BK and mario 64 so great was that the tech couldn't make very large worlds so the devs had to seperate the levels into small areas that focused on vertical discovery rather than horizontal; examples being YL and Mario Odyssey where you're just walking about vast empty worlds. The problem with new tech and 3d platforming genre is that the devs don't realize that greater tech can actually ruin what makes the game great.

3d platforming works best the tighter the levels are.

I absolutely forgot about that Bubsy game.

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There really isn't that many 2D platformers with decent production values about.

And people liked shit like Rayman Origins, which sucked.

Bad, baaad trailer

It looks exactly like Tropical Freeze.

>like BK and mario 64
Stopped reading there, Even comparing the trash that is BK to mario 64 should get you euthanized.

Is it really a matter of money? They use fucking unity and could easily just reuse a lot of the assets from the first game

they won't. retro's new game is not donkey kong.


You're welcome
-guy who has commissioned 70% of all yooka porn

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Hold the shitty slippery controls and trash camera this time?

Soulless graphics
Terrible music
Generic level design

I'm excited

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yeah you're a retard

What makes you think that?

I never said it was about money, I said it looked cheap... which it does. The trailer has a low-budget shovelware vibe with shitty music and a generic mobile look.

Bubsy games are troll games.

What if,

Now hear me out,

What if their new game was Banjo 3? For release on both xbone and switch?

>My nostalgia goggles are the size of the hubble space telescope
BK is trash, go replay it. Doesn't hold up at all.

>Steam PC exclusive
fucking dropped

>Underage shitting on David Cage music
Just delete Yea Forums already.

>based off of games with open worlds
That isn't the point you brainlet. The worlds were barren and boring. They gave your best way to move around them a meter so you were forced to stroll through empty ass space. The worlds didn't look good enough or have good enough music to make it comfy. There was nothing fun about traversing the areas. And when you got anywhere it wasn't anything good.

Go jump off a cliff

Have to agree on that. The trailer is just really boring, and doesn't show off anything you'd be excited for in the new game. Bad music too.

Fuck off, David Cage

If Jon Tron is in I'll buy it

cry more bitch

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I played it for the first time a few years ago and thought it was great. Tight level design is what made it. I never finished DK64 as a kid because it was too big and open, YL felt even worse than that. I didn't finish BK either technically but only because there's a bug on the final boss if it's emulated.

Its very telling how challenging making 3D levels was when the sequel is 2D.

Reminder that the only ones who hate Yooka-Laylee are seething Rarefags who are jealous that Rare employees aren't making more Rare IP's anymore

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this reminds me of a certain tie-laden ape

>have the best non-Mario 3D platformers to date
>jealous of anyone
Take a shower, baiting smashfag

>No Jon Tron
>No Buy

Nah. I played this before i played Banjo and thought Banjo was better.
Yooka is soulless with it's bland environments and repeating NPCS. The moveset is also far more situational, except the flight which breaks the game into pieces.
Also the karts suck, especially the kart boss. Bosses are bad also. At least banjo's one real boss was great

Fucking zoomer, Mario 64 is still the best

Fucking CROC is better than b*njo

Am I the only one who thinks the game would have been a lot better received if they hadn´t publically announced that they were removing JonTron from the game? I mean it was their choice to do so, but the way they did it and how they handled the backlash was really bad. Jon is also friends with a lot of influential YouTuber faggots and theim shitting on it kinda influenced a lot of other people to hate it as well

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I hate Yooka because I played it to completion.

I bought this game full-price

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god I want to fuck the lizard

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Looks comfy

People had already turned on the game before that point, along with the general reee kickstarter stuff that always happened. It was looking bland and boring. At best Jon Tron kicked it over the edge

nah, the game had much deeper problems than jontron not being in it.

The 2D sections look nice with that DK vibe, but the isometric sections seem like something you could do with the LittleBigPlanet 3 editor.
Game would be a must buy without them, now I'll have to wait and see what % of the game they are

Looks fucking soulless

it's 2D now? what the fuck

nigger tf is the best 2d platformer of all time and just recently got a port, stop being a whiner

dkcr3 at e3 is pretty much guaranteed at this point

Hmm, it removes the problem of way too big open world 3d spaces but now it's just a poor man's DKC Tropical Freeze. We'll see how this goes.

This just looks like a really cheap version of TF.

Will JonTron make a comeback?

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it's a spin-off. i hope they update the original yooka laylee into a 10/10 game however if banjo fourie gets announced, i'll stop caring about yooka laylee

No, but it's weird to think that people were going to buy this game only because jontron was in it

To be fair Yooka-Laylee only had like three to four people from the old Rare days working on it, including David and Grant. I think it was only Steve Mayles and some programmer that actually work at Playtonic.

It just looks like a worse version of Tropical Freeze. Why do they think people carea bout this? The whole "gimmick" of Yooka LAylee was that it was a 3D-platformer in the spirirt of banjo when 3D platforming was a dead genre.

Man David Wise's music has sounded super samey for a while now. TF, Snake Pass, and this trailer song all sound the same.

I don´t think that would have been the case, but people were annoyed when they removed him and made a big fuss about doing so.

Just the subtitle alone gave me "uninspired sequel" vibes.

>vast empty worlds
nigger stop talking

But it wasnt a good 3D platformer, so they are trying something else now.

i'm glad they're not trying another horrible attempt at a collectathon. i'll take a normal platformer over the garbage that was the first game.

Tropical Freeze's soundtrack amazing but yeah this is kinda phoned in

I'd like for a Yooka-Laylee sequel to be an homage to Conker's Bad Fur Day. Yooka and Laylee are sad that they never lived up their predecessors (Banjo and Kazooie) and just don't fucking care about being Banjo-Kazooie clones anymore, but ironically they become a Conker clone in the process and go on a new quest with sex, alcohol, poop, and graphic violence.

Because his resurgence in popularity was due to returning to TF, so I assume the directors of the games just go "yeah do that Tropical Freeze music"

I literally just realized the name is a pun on "Ukulele." Fuck me now.

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I thought it was a mobile game. So much for being a 3D Platforming series.

I would give anything for a Conker inspired whatever, sequel, spiritual successor, doesn't matter. Where's the Conker ripoff Kickstarters goddammit?

>not tooka-laylee

It carries over the feel of Retro-era DKC games, which I like. Could just be David Wise's music lulling my senses, but this doesn't seem too bad.
I liked Returns and Tropical Freeze, so I'll have some hope for this one.

It's kind of funny that Yooka is naked.

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Yeah it has some good shit so I was being a little harsh, but even TF has its fair share of ukelele strumming flute tooting horseshit.

>not calling it Toodeeka Laylee

It's a spin-off

Banjo Four would be a mixed bag. It 100% wouldn't be touched by Rare and the quality depends entirely on who makes it whoever that ends up being. It might not have the same smarmy British Rare touch. Yooka Laylee is weird because it has Rare's charm without the quality.


why would OP lie to us

e621, search "yooka shorts"

No one is willing to take a risk like that anymore unless it's South Park. Especially in this day and age where people get offended over everything.

Because they only specify it's a spin-off in the FAQ and honestly who even wants to read those

Wish em luck.

Hatred did pretty well marketing-wise and sales-wise


would end up too cringey and topical to even last 2 months before showing its age.

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Jontron cameo please

Wasn't yooka laylee suppose to have dlc

it did. it got N64-mode a few months ago

I'm a bit disappointed that they're throwing the baby out with the bathwater by going full 2D, (since I think it was perfectly serviceable and with some polish it could have been great) but it still looks like a decent little platforming game anyway.

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What's the appeal of a dkc spiritual successor when dkc is in a healthy place right now and its last game was arguably its best one? This lifts the buddy roll and swimming style directly from it too, its not even inspired solely by the Rare entries.

And if you're a Rare cultist who skipped Retro's DK because it lacked animal buddies, k rool and a tag system this doesn't have it either. What's the appeal?

That wasn't the dlc, that was a separate stretch goal

Why dont you BLJ off of Yea Forums so we don't have to read your shitty opinions

Apparently people like his newest one, judging by user reviews on Steam and Metacritic

>sequel is a different genre
It looks better than your average 2d indie game, but this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Wonder if it was planned from the start to have a sequel like this instead of something like Banjo-Tooie?

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They're calling it a spinoff
Probably flipping assets from the first game in something cheaper to make to help fund a sequel

If the rumors are true and Banjo actually gets revived this e3 their timing is fucking terrible

>Banjo-Threeie gets announced
>Retro finished up DKCR3 before starting on Metroid
They'd be absolutely fucked.

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>On Yea Forums. Most regular folks liked the game
you weren’t here when it came out newfag

>No, Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair isn’t a direct sequel
Sure as hell seemed like it from the trailer, but I guess I'll take it.

Honestly, my only real issue with Y-L was the lack of cohesion and charm from the character designs, which is a real blow to a game like this. I can get the link between a bat and lizard in that both are small, eat bugs, are seen as somewhat gross by most people, etc, the main characters work (even if Yooka is pretty bland visually). But why are bees the main villain force? Why pages and books? Why is the scientist an octopuss/human hybrid (and so ugly)? Why is the cheat shop NPC a vending machine (an so terrifying)? What are the little imp things in every stage even supposed to be, why not stage-unique enemies like B-K?

The game is good enough and pretty fun, and the music ranges from okay to great, but damn the fucking character designs are just bad, and that takes away from the game for me.

>sequel that takes an existing i.p. and gives it entirely different gameplay

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>Terrible music
Kill yourself.

>I thought the general design of them was a lot better than that in tooie
Then you're a fucking idiot. Yooka-Laylee took the original BK's level design and bloated them up massively and didn't feature any of Tooie's level design intricacies. No maze type levels, no interconnected levels, just a bloated shitty mess.

>Yooka-Laylee took the original BK's level design and bloated them up massively
You also move much faster, jump higher, and can explore more of each stage since you can stand on more of the geometry.

Only DKtrannies will eat this shit up.

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If Sonic can keep getting games, this game can too.

>it's a 2D platformer
Fuck this shit, looks like the so called "revival" of 3D platformers died before it could get off the ground

>shit game that was universally panned and disliked by virtually everyone
[citation needed]

In what dimensions? You got another statistic that isnt from Vox or CNN to prove your claim raging nigger homo?

How the fuck did that dogshit even get enough money for a sequel when literally everybody hated it?
Unless it actually fixes all the major problems the first game had nobody will touch it with a 10 foot pole.

It's a robot game Retro is doing next. Tropical Freeze was a flop in sales. Tranny Kong is gonna get shelved again.

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>it's not called Tooka-Laylee

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped.

You act like throwing collectables into a large, barren plain automatically makes a good collectathon.

Don't you always see people complaining about large, but empty open world games? Same idea.

Between the two versions of the game it's sold well over 3mil at this point

This is ripping off Tropical Freeze so hard I don't even know what to say. Even the platforming animations look exactly like TC's.

Still a flop due too the Wii U sales and along side of previous owners not wanting to rebuy the game again on the Switch for $60.

Jontron or riot


That’s not how budgets work retard

Is the first one any good now that it's all patched up? I've been meaning to play it since it came out but never got around to it. Now seems like a good time if it's worth it.

In what world is 2.25 million sales on a Switch port a flop

>now Yea Forums is pretending to like the biggest 3d platformer failure in history since bubsy 3d for the sake of being contrarian

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No, they didn't. I've never met anyone outside of twitter who genuinely enjoyed the game.

>take shit game
>change the camera
>rearrange levels
>that will be $60 + tip
hope this game fails even worse than the original

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because a lot of people give a fuck about him outside of Nintendo.

He's Ridley, except Japan wanted him too.

Yea Forums bizarro world, where literally every game in existence has flopped except gacha games

>that subtitle

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It was decently designed and you could make Bubsy shut up. Just nothing to write home about and overpriced. Compared to even the first game, that's a bit of a success.

still soulless

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>let's do Banjo again
>we shot ourselves in the foot by making levels shit
>let's do DKC again
hopefully they learn, but I wish they'd kept it as a 3D game
part of me thinks that a sidescroller is easier to make and they're just assets from Yooka 1 to save money

posting more crops to celebrate

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>David Wise's talent wasted on this shovelware a second time

If it doesn't have human lolis to suck in the AHIT autists, it's a confirmed flop.

>it's yooka laylee
>"it's shit i tell ya"