Yooka Laylee Impossible Lair


Yooka Laylee getting a sequel that's a hybrid of DKC-style platforming and top down Zelda-style puzzles

I think playtonic realised that the collectathon format is garbage game design.

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>Not a Buck Bumble spiritual successor
I don't care.

>I think playtonic realised that they're garbage at the collecathon format

>from 3D collectathon with huge worlds and ambition to a shitty 2D side-scroller

why on Earth would I play this over something like Tropical Freeze?
TF is a masterpiece in terms of game design, this on the other hand looks like generic shit

Nintendo bias is strong with this one

Neck yourself

TF is overrated as fuck and I owned a Wii U

>TF is overrated as fuck
Literally the opposite is true

Are you insane? Literally every praises the game.

blatant contrarianism.

No Jontron no buy.

This sounds retarded.
Wasn't the whole point of Yooka-Laylee to revive 3D collectathon?
And now, with the sequel, instead of improve the formula, they just admit defat and change genre?

>Takes Kickstarter's money
>Delivers awful product to backers
>Instead of trying to fix it they say fuck you and start another project
MN9 and this garbage could be fixed, won't be easy, but they definitely still could if the devs cared for all the support and decided to do updates

>Literally every praises the game
Newfag or falseflag, not sure which one.
Look up some archives of threads here when it originally launched

Nope I just loved the original games and think Retro fucked up every thing with both returns and TF

Well then. Let’s see if they don’t fuck it up with invisible ceiling walls, inconsistent game mechanics and garbage boss fights.

Well you’re entitled to your opinion. It’s horrifically dumb but it’s your opinion.

There's no such thing as a good collectathon.
If you have a favorite one, consider it being released today. They only rode on the novelty of being able to run around a 3D environment, not good design.

Returns yes but TF no, TF is excellent. The only aspect that TF falls flat on is the bonus challenges imo

user it's fine if you hate collectathons, but you're factually wrong

I enjoyed my time with Yooka Laylee and barely played Banjo Kazooie.

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Looks like shit, and I hate those characters.

Actually looks surprisingly competent, so I am interested.
That said it still looks outright inferior to actual Donkey Kong, and the trailer didn't look like it had anything at all to set itself apart from Donkey Kong outside the top down stuff. I mean that roll was like the only move we saw and it's like straight out of Donkey Kong. Won't the game have anything of its own?

Anyone excited for this lazy fucking asset flip is brain dead.

>no such thing as a good collectathon

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Mario Odyssey is proof a collectathon can work, as long as you make the collectables more plentiful and faster to get, as it keeps people engaged.

"Hurr Odyssey isn't a collectathon"

Maybe not in name but it works a lot like one and using Odyssey's design philosophy, you could easily make a good one for modern audiences

I'm glad they're not giving up on the series after the negative reception

Thank god for that
Now we just need Banjokes to admit defeat and we'll never see that garbage genre ever again


It looks slow, and the characters are still soulless. Maybe it's fun but it doesn't look like DKC, it's too slow for that.

>Mario Odyssey is proof a collectathon can work

You sure? Collectathons typically have an element of challenge or at the very least, puzzles. Odyssey is just throw hat get moon. Odyssey makes moons meaningless with how fucking many there are. The only thing I legitimately liked about that game was the purple coins, but even those are meh. A good collectathon can make collecting things enjoyable even if your only reward is progress. Mario Odyssey treats the player like a baby up until Mushroom Kingdom.

Put a bullet in your head zoomer

So make it like Odyssey, but put more challenging elements in it? That doesn't sound like something that's impossible to do nigga

You are dumb, stop posting, no one agrees with you

>all this Banjo hype
>suddenly gets a non-Banjo YL sequel first

Huh, didn't expect that.

Eh they still fired an employee for bullshit reasons outside of their contracted work. Fuck that game.

>I think playtonic realised that the collectathon format is garbage game design.
I guarantee you this person had his mouth gaping wide open for Mario Odyssey. God I hate Zoomers so much.

lol at this visceral reaction to having the sacred cows of your childhood criticised
banjo was the second 3D game I ever played and I fucking loved it. I played it again with my nephew in 2015 and it was fucking mind numbingly boring.
collectathons aren't being made any more because developers have enough experience to know they aren't fun, not because they hate money

I didn't really like Odyssey except for the moons that you get inside those silver cube challenge rooms

ahh yes, can't wait for clunky movement and licking toilets with my chameleon tongue.

>I think playtonic realised that the collectathon format is garbage game design
Or maybe it has everything to do with them having little-to-nothing to collect, or world devoid of any life or meaningful interaction with what few NPCs existed, abilities that felt more like a hassle than useful for the areas they should used in, and the ability to increase the world size, but only making it more barren to explore. Of course they'd change the format to something that still works. Because when you have a couple of washed-up devs that revolutionized a way to play game(collect-a-thons), and no one has to continued that trend by improving upon it, or competing with the idea, of course the original people that worked on it won't make it any better. It grew stale.

so they're making bootleg tropical freeze now huh

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Spyro, the movement mechanics are better than anything in 3D Mario bar Sunshine.