From what we've seen gameplay-wise it's very generic

From what we've seen gameplay-wise it's very generic.
>start mission
>dialogue bla bla bla
>walk/drive to mission location
>shoot dudes
>they drop loot from a range of rarity levels like borderlands
What's the appeal for Cyberpunk2077 again?

Attached: 1531106318148.jpg (700x700, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

haha butt

wtf why is Ciri in the game and why is her ass so fat

Appeal? CDPR doesn't know how to make an appealing game.

Attached: cybercucked2077.png (1634x387, 39K)

>What's the appeal for Cyberpunk2077 again?
Story, atmosphere, setting, soundtrack.

Attached: Solos.jpg (651x885, 293K)

From what we've seen gameplay-wise it's very generic.
>start game
>dialogue bla bla bla
>walk/ride to mission location
>hit dudes
>they drop nothing at all
What's the appeal for Zelda again?

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_olliebarder_files_2019_02_zelda_links_awakening_switch-1200x675[1].j (960x540, 79K)

how will they subvert cyberpunk tropes with half-baked and easily marketable modern day lessons like "don't be racist?"
> atmosphere
The atmosphere of a 7th gen open world game
a terribly generic one
They couldn't even get ed harrison.

>how will they subvert cyberpunk tropes with half-baked and easily marketable modern day lessons like "don't be racist?"
worked in witcher
>The atmosphere of a 7th gen open world game
worked in witcher
>a terribly generic one
worked in witcher
>They couldn't even get ed harrison.

Cool, don't play it then.

cringe dude. if you're gonna screenshot your post at least pick one in which you put some effort

>worked in witcher
It didn't
>worked in witcher
It didn't
>worked in witcher
It didn't
cybercucks lmoa

>worked in witcher
witcher wasn't antiracist and pro-tranny like Cyberfag 2077, you could be racist gerald

>What's the appeal for Cyberpunk2077 again?

God tier quest design, writing, visuals, narrative, fiction and soundtrack.

>not antiracist

The games are desperately anti-racist, to the point where the "Polish Studio" that made the game consists 70% of shit skins, Americans, San Franciscoites.

Feels like it's gonna be bad. I'll stick to a real game like Starfield made by Todd Howard at Bethesda Game Studios.

how are they antiracist if gerald can be racist and hate elves and midgets and stuff?

where is this antiracism?

>screenshotting your own post
holy hell dude

Why are people getting all annoyed by Cyberpunk? Is it because it's popular so it's better to hate it and be in the minority to feel special?

>Why are people getting all annoyed by Cyberpunk?
because it's a generic WOKE gay ass le steampunk piece of shit

Post that witcher 3 pasta. The greentext one.

You've played cyberpunk and can confirm you can't be edgy at all?

show me option where I can hang the drag queen elf instead of helping it

Go to place, do thing, get rewards is the formula for almost all rpgs in existence.

Any more Ciri pics?

why would u be able to hang the drag queen elf randomly? make no sense

And yes for instance there's a quest near there where men are accusing elves of stealing and even tho you know they're lying you can side with them
Also others

You still haven't answered where you find all the antiracist messages

Only thing i can think of is the flashback about the inhuman pogrom but i think that's fromt he books (which btw ARE communist propaganda)

So you think only the player character matters in the game's overlaying themes?

If you can be a bad guy in a feminist universe and lose in the end, it's not a feminist game because you can play as a non-feminist?

Difference is every other game has their own spin to that formula to stand out

It all begins with the music. Start listening to some Synthwave and you'll get addicted to the atmosphere whether you want to or not.

>Why isn't this game real life

"We don't want to make a grimy sci-fi action shooter with vehicles, a cyberpunk veneer, and an aesthetic that doesn’t actually translate into anything especially interesting in-game besides the odd augment. We're not going to fall back on the term Cyberpunk and create something completely different, this is the original Cyberpunk." -CDPR IGN 2013

andy stott is more cyberpunk than every synthwave producer

all the cyberpunk hate was getting inside my head so i watched the trailer and realised there's nothing to worry about

game is obviously going to be objectively based and goty worthy, everyone knows this.

That's a nice butt. She should really consider sitting on my face

so are these all cutscenes and in-game videos or is it just a created for the trailer situation?

all these corporate cocksuckers for a game about how corporations are evil

If its anything like the standalone gwent, they will fuck up everything i hope not

it's a bunch of meh cutscenes

Videos. The actual npcs in the game have a really bad case of sameface. Looks like a bethesda game

Ciri dimension hopped and spent a year in the cyberpunk world, it's canon.

Attached: 1535052712759.webm (860x720, 1.7M)

>more sophisms and vagueties

I take it you have no examples then

Your entire post irrelevant
We have already been informed they changed much of the gameplay to be more in line with classic games that you faggots seem to enjoy so much like Deus Ex

It never gets old.

It's amazing how i deduct that you know virtually nothing about cyberpunk and don't really care about the game at all. Have you tried not speaking in buzzwords in your day to day conversations with normal people? It might surprise you

>The game is actually set in California.

That is reason enough to make me avoid it.

>Posting the edited version

The same that you greentext and I am absolute cool with it

This board is so pathetic lmao, have sex.

hehe booty

>What's the appeal for Cyberpunk2077 again?
The same appeal any AAA in the last 10 years had. Tons of cinematics, billions of marketing bucks and gameplay so piss simple any retard could do it.

join Islam


from what we've seen meta-wise this thread is a very generic and unoriginal one
>be faggot (and be OP, coincidentally)
>go to Yea Forums
>i want to shit on some game
>get low res image of game
>homosex greentext in OP as is tradition
>"so now that the dust has settled/x is overrated/what is the appeal/buzzwords/contrarian opinion"
>press post
>samefag support for yourself

Dude so long as this is well executed it looks like it will be fun. I mean this is mostly the same mission structure a lot of open world games have and they are enjoyable enough.


>it's another "oversimplifying something to try and make it seem ridiculous" episode

big post with humorous attempts and some more oversimplifying in between means he's right

Attached: 1555933861395.png (236x378, 104K)

>vehicle based open world games with a focus on shooting have a mission structure that involves driving/travel and shooting
Why do people keep being surprised at this?

It's like saying every fighting game is repetitive because it's people hitting each other. Is that not literally what you buy the fucking game to do?

oh we'll just add compelling deep immersion at the last minute


>god tier quest design
>cdor past tw2
>god tier quest dedign

Attached: 1558344378848.jpg (1000x775, 302K)

>literally every game: the post
dunno man

There's nothing really unique about it. They're just marketing the game to make it seem like the next big thing. I think it will bite them in the ass

she has the teleport powers that let her go to other worlds

>What's the appeal for Cyberpunk2077 again?
the fact that most people are not familiar with 2020 which means that they are capable of having expectations. They are hyped for 0.1% of the scope of the original game being captured in HD graphics, without knowing that it's just 0.1% of the scope of the original.

>how will they subvert cyberpunk tropes with half-baked and easily marketable modern day lessons like "don't be racist?"
Why do tropes need to be subverted again? Not everything has to oblige post-ironic meme culture you troglodyte.
>The atmosphere of a 7th gen open world game
So you think of atmosphere only in terms of the game engine? What are you even saying here?
>a terribly generic one
Generic how exactly? Cyberpunk is its own genre that is exactly not generic. Or do you mean a large city? If that's what you mean, then another non-criticism. You could critique anything as generic then. "Lol, it's a universe that exists how boring."
>They couldn't even get ed harrison.
There are more and other great producers that will provide adequate music. Another non-criticism.

wow i hate cyberpunk now

Honestly the uninspired loot system has me worried.
CDPR usually fail in implementing systems that support gameplay.
The actual shooting will probably be competent. What I worry about is that it will be mostly a game of numbers where the numbers on your gun is what matters most. Or that you will have the same gun deal 10 or 1000 damage based on what level the gun is restricted to.
That's skinnerbox shit. And if that's the gameplay I may as well lower the difficulty to Just the Story because any investment in the mechanics is gone for me then.
I'm not advancing my tech or my in world character, I'm advancing my level number, there is no roleplay.

imagine not being hype for this. glad im not a joyless bitter cunt poorfag


Attached: soilent.jpg (768x1024, 79K)

Except there's actual roleplaying inbetween there. Even if it's as simple as choosing what equipment to bring to a dungeon in D&D and then choosing what to do when you encounter a more open ended problem. And then choosing what to spend your gold on once you get it. These choices get you immersed in the mind of your character and that's the whole point of an RPG
From what we've seen of cyberpunk it's just an FPS where you get a couple of fixed choices per mission that seem to all railroad you into the same thing anyway. Character customisation seems like the only actual roleplaying it will have but we can't really tell how big of a deal character customisation is actually going to be

Make me

Are you saying you want to be raped

The ass was fat

will there be cameo?

Hopefully. Maybe even a sidequest or two

They confirmed that she won't be appearing in the game niggers

Hope there will be a mod to let you make her for the MC.

>there are people that don't want this for Cyberpunk 2077
How fucking trash does your taste have to be

Doesn't this board shill RDR2 which is one the same level? The gameplay is fucking boring since it holds your hand and the story is just a basic betrayal story that all the idiots treat like it was some magnum opus and act like they never seen writing like that before. And before you fags start saying Yea Forums is one person. Anyone in this shit board that has a different opinion gets called an contrarian so fuck off. There's more shilling for that game than there is any criticism for it.

please tell me she's some kind of softcore porn cosplayer and there's tons of stuff from her like this.

>Even if it's as simple as choosing what equipment to bring to a dungeon in D&D
How is this any different than choosing what weapons and cybernetics you're going to use, besides demo showed there's also hacking and stealth options.
>choosing what to do when you encounter a more open ended problem.
Like choosing to deal with the corps or not.
Warn the gang about the chip or not.
Or maybe just going in guns blazing.
>From what we've seen of cyberpunk it's just an FPS where you get a couple of fixed choices per mission that seem to all railroad you into the same thing anyway.
There was one article about differend outcome of demo. If you tell maelstrom about the virus you don't have to kill them but corpmommy gets whacked.

Attached: 15305712616.jpg (615x400, 42K)

Was that game ever marketed as an RPG?

I'm in agreement with you.

In a "woke" game the Baron would have been a generic unforgivable bad guy because he hit a woman but he's written with more to him than that.

i wahnt to see her front this eheite hair lody has nive looking body

this shit looks abysmal. i cant even make it ten minutes into this gameplay its so boring.

the hud covers the screen with garbage text, and all over the screen is random flickering texts and highlights, making it visually cluttered so you cant really appreciate any visuals.

the actual combat itself looks like it was made in 2004.

and the dialog is and character interactions are so stiff they make grand theft auto look like citizen kane

i feel bad for people that actually thought this game would be good. its a generic and uninspired rip off of deus ex/detroit become human but without anything interesting enough to justify it.

this game will be just like watch dogs.

No, instead it was marketed as something that looked fun but instead slow boring simulatot. But of course these fucks don't show you segments anymore by showing you a full mission to grasp what kind of game is anymore. Just slap in rockstar and everyone goes wild

1/10 try harder next time

agreed, looks terrible
the gay faggot shit is just the cherry on top

fuck HIVPR SJW sellouts

Hurr durr look at this MATURE gaym
>tranny gay sex
>muh dystopian future

Attached: 1555601849023.gif (220x187, 1.04M)

Why does the advertisement design in this game look more like something you'd see in Idiocracy than something you'd see in Ghost in the Shell or Blade Runner?

I'm gonna make my V look like Ciri
Yea Forumsiri??

Attached: 1548219234455.jpg (2160x3741, 1.86M)

maybe if they even fucking tried to release it within a reasonable amount of time everything in the game wouldn't be old news & outdated by the time they actually release the fucking thing

Should have posted the edit

and get railed by Mandingo amirite?
this gaym only appeals to cucks