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Other urls found in this thread:


>he didn’t just pirate them


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Betting 1 fuck that it's a moneygrabbing/popularity stunt.

Attached: Wiedźmin 3 Dziki Gon Kąpiel 2.jpg (790x526, 76K)

>How being irresponsible made me homeless

>making YouTube videos with original art while homeless.

>more than 10 minutes long
sure thing, manchild

>buy games and content instead of paying rent
>oh fuck i'm homeless
Buyfags gonna buy.

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>10:09 minutes
Of course it's a moneygrabbing stunt.

Its a channel which "visualizes" other people stories.
Several of them have popped up recently.

>$200 in the hole on gacha trash and it's only a week into this month's paycheck
I'm unironically going to be on the fucking streets if I don't get this under control.

>console gamer
seems about right

just stop

Literally just uninstall the game you dumbass

>that video is made by a notorious fake storytime channel from russia that trys to relate to kids and spreads this bullshit

how can you spend all your money on games when you can easily download 99% of them for free?

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unironically seek help from the places which normally treat gambling addiction

>spending 200 dollars on pngs

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was literally about to post this almost word for word user, fuck
that shit is truly terribly my man you gotta find help to quit. you're not even a particularly good whale by corporation standards, they dont give a fuck about your addiction.

Take your phone, get a hammer, and smash that shit up, then invest in a nice landline phone connection and email.

This is the same channel that it's fanbase is full of Tranny snowflakes that "disliked bombed" a video about a gild not supporting LGBT, yet the trannies all hated her for not supporting a movement known for Shady practices and Problems. This is odviously a lefty channel and some of these stories are of people being so pathetic that they actually get into shitty situations.

What game?

>on fucking gacha
You could have been addicted to drugs or gambling or hookers and you chose fucking anime PNGs.

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sir, i believe in you to stop i know you can do this.

Don't listen to those other anons, they don't care about your happiness, maybe if you just spend a little more you'll finally be happy?

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best choice

>gachatards are this retarded
Not surprised

>current year
>paying for software
Remember lads: buy hardware, pirate software, ignore merch. Happy plundering!

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but you must be so close to getting what you want!

Seek help for your gambling addiction.

quick rundown?

cursed posters

Physical collectionfags BTFO

Well cut that shit out then.
Even based ESL user thinks you can do it.

Isn't pirate bay full of miners now?

based and piratechadpilled

Attached: 985982cf64909bd2441e4953f7fdb549bacdb033abbae55e536cd67db6a483a1.png (504x499, 469K)

that's two hours with a hooker and like four nights with ketamine and mdma

My gaming addiction made me peruse a career as a software engineer. Now I work in games and barely play games.

Video games unironically saved me life.

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>they're taking the bait
>they think that no one would lie on the internet for (You)s
Guys please this is such obvious bait

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>digital shit
>not even story dlc akin to an expansion pack
Im so fucking happy that my boomer mentality never lets me fall into the same trap as you did.

Some Guys spends all their money on V Bucks (Fortnite currency). His mother kicks him out and he seeks psychological help. The "victim" later blames video games for being in the situation instead of poor choices.

(I agree that games with Microtransactions, Gacha and Lootboxes are.shady and evil, but in no ways all games are evil or are they going to ruin your life)

Don't forget the free venereal disease.

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You've obviously never interacted with gacha addicts

>not taking bait
The (You) economy has to come full circle

literally no prostitute except the absolute dodgiest are gonna fuck you without condoms
unless you mean the ket and mdma, in which case yeah

>your fellow man has something unfortunate happen to them
>Hahaha he deserves it! We shouldn't help our own kind, he deserves to suffer! Individualism forever!

Damn, no wonder the jewels are winning

>pirate bay
Aye, but I've sailed from away from those bays years ago, lad. The web is vast, and there's safer places to plunder for that precious booty.
Ahoy, mateys! How's the plundering going?

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>four nights with mdma
>for 200 bucks
Lol not even close unless you take 1g each night which would be retarded. 200 worth of mdma would easily last you like 20 nights.

>200 for two hours
Sorry, not into toothless meth addicts

Life has never been this hard. Houses are expensive as fuck. It's not just a problem that affects people with vidya addiction.

>spend 2k every few years on the best high end pc
>still save more than poorfags buying their shitty budget 500$ pcs and spendig 60$ for each game.

>V bucks
isn't that just cosmetics? I thought it was going to be a p2w gacha story

These videos are all fake, on these channels they just look at some sad reddit post, change names and craft a story around it and use the same 3 people to voice out this cringy shit.
No one talks/types how these videos make the shit out, especially teens, all the teen videos are so retarded, no one talks like that.

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You honestly deserve it if you end up on the street because of this you weak willed faggot. Get your shit together.

We learn random ratio behavior in school. How the fuck do you not see what they're trying to do to you?

thanks based hard-stare tuck

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Was there a single ps1 game with a spine on the top

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that's like 20g of speed which will hold you over for an entire month

There were tall plastic Playstation boxes before the jewel cases. But not like the ones in the illustration. Maybe they figured the zoomers wouldn't understand the image any other way.

>I agree that games with Microtransactions, Gacha and Lootboxes are.shady and evil
No matter how you look at it, none of these things are worth the money. I'd trust EA with their money more than them if they're actually willing to pay for this shit.

>Given drugs because of gaming
Only in America!

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Fuck you mental midget. Hope you lose everything.

This guy gets it, also if you’re rolling back to back to back, you don’t even need to keep going, fuck roll three days in a row and you have enough afterglow for the rest of the week.

Molly be cheap

>I'm depressed
>Here are some pills
>Will they cure me?
>Thank you merchant


>they just look at some sad reddit post
And how would you know that hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????

>venereal diseases through ket and mdma

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Ever heard of "Filtering the Weak". Gacha cgames do this easily. No cucks are wanted in the end.

Yeah personally i wouldnt suggest taking more than 200-250mg once a month. I was really close to getting addicted when i was taking it once a week but thank god my dealer went to jail and i couldnt found another one and the cravings went away.

How many of you faggots would be homeless if your parents weren't supporting you just curious

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Of all the fucking ways to go homeless, this fuckwad chose this. What a fucking fag.

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>10 mins

HA, attention grabbing faggot, he and his kind should just go back to whining about racism for clicks.

Litetally no sympathy from me
It blows my mind how people my age are so fucking bad with money

unfortunately my parents are dead and my family largely nonexistent
i would still definitely be on the street, though, but not because of a video game addiction. i have a really, really good friend taking care of me rn. I'm also thankfully not a COMPLETE drain of resources atm, but fuck me if the worthlessness isn't driving me closer to suicide every day

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I was living with a friend for like a year at a point in time too. I joined the military and then got a good job and now I'm self sufficient. Relying on other people was horrible.

does he have some kind of speech problem or something?

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the video is cringy as shit but his point on the "american dream" is pretty agreeable.

This. Join the army, life will be much easier plus you get to be treated like a hero for Israel


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>I had shit parents
>They didn't want to take responsibility and send me to someone else
>I use video games as a escapism to deal with my shit situation
>I don't have self control
>I have an additive personality
>It's da video game faults

Every fucking time.

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>tfw you can't get addicted to gaymen anymore because you're a shifting wagecuck
>too tired to play Vidya
>spends more time on Yea Forums shitposting

Fuck I want to be a NEET again

I’ve spent $3k on hats

Perfectly fine since I can handle myself now and I'm across the country. 2 years ago is an entirely different story

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I'll inherit a lot of money when my parents die, live and suffer wagecucks

they're just drawing bro

you could be spending that money on C3H8

Welp, my friends are retarded.
Shoulda converted to limeybucks properly. An hour and a half, then.

tfw adhd-let