>Literally Nobody:
>Nobody at all:
>THQ: Remakes a childhood classic that was beloved by all
Poggers as fuck, who else hype? The announcement was a motherfuckin' bruh moment yo. My boy sodapoppin better stream this shit
>Literally Nobody:
>Nobody at all:
>THQ: Remakes a childhood classic that was beloved by all
Poggers as fuck, who else hype? The announcement was a motherfuckin' bruh moment yo. My boy sodapoppin better stream this shit
This is absolutely fucking supreme bait. Masterfully crafted. Thank you for letting me bear witness.
>nobody at all
If you were paying attention to THQ Nordic at all the last two years, this wouldn't have been a surprise at all. Same company owns rights to Destroy All Humans and TtimeSplitters too, and already said TS is under development. Ready for good games again?
Get out of this board you barnacleheads
explain this nobody meme to a boomer
>bear witness
it started out as a shit twitter meme and now used for bait threads such as this
>Poggers as fuck
Go back to twitch and donate money to your favorite "content creator" faggot.
But I mean whats the joke? Why is it funny or supposed to be funny?
that's the correct spelling you silly little boy
Is this post even in English? Why do you speak like a 9 year old?
Basically it's something like this
>Nobody: [asked for thing]
>Someone: [does thing]
>reaction image
>People are actually, unironically going to reply to this thread without saging
So its about making fun of someone for making something nobody asked for?
Got it
Not very funny at all though, why laugh at creative people that do what they want
Oh well, zoomers gonna zoom
I hate niggers. I really hate stupid monkey-brained niggers.
Shut up, fag. I'm seeing this format used more on this site and it'll become unironically accepted in no time.
Newfags don't even know what that means.
shut the fuck up i bet you print pictures of wojak, shred them, and snort them retard
Why bother, they'll just replace it with a new buzzword tomorrow.
Here's your (you)
le facepalm
>Masterfully craft
yeah if you're an actual retard