Here's your waifu, user

>Here's your waifu, user.
>>Actually, I was planning on picking---
>Her, right? She is the love interest after all.
>>But you said I could pick any girl...
>Yeah, but we both know you're going to pick her anyway. She's the main heroine and the tsundere.

Why did they do this?

Attached: Alisa_Reinford.jpg (800x1000, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You can pick almost anyone.

3 was a shitty misstep, but by the end of 4 its all good.

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They learned their lesson and stopped forcing her onto you as much in 2, 3 and 4, where instead of implying romance in the main story they just imply it in the bonding events.

Towa got thiiiccc...

My fellow Towafag

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As much as I love me some anime girls, the Japanese have a tendency in both games and anime to force the worst girl for some reason. Personally, I think it's just a way to soften the blow for themselves that no matter what they achieve, they'll probably end up settling for some random, uninteresting, shrieking Japanese harpy.

Also, how do you fuck up twintails so badly?

That Millium girl though... Would marry.

>Cunt to you for the first 1/4 of the game
>Gets shitty and possessive the rest of the game for no discernible reason

Bitch can die in a fire. Is Altina in 2? I'm just about to start that, and she's been my favorite since I watched some gook play sen 3 on twitch for a couple hours.

>can't fuck the cat
Shit game. Where's the soul?

Good, I'm glad my sword autism girl can't get pushed to the side.

Is NISA still gonna release 3 in "Fall 2019" or will it get bumped?

>he doesn’t know

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She’s in 2 but she’s not in your party

She's actually one of the few girls you can't romance because she ends up with Jusis

Best boy deserved her.

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Cant believe the duke married a sex toy

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>aloof male tsundere and genki energetic moeblob
It's one of my favourite kinds of character chemistries desu

>jusis doesn't end up with machias

I'd rather both of them ended up in a ditch somewhere

For me, it's Sharon.

>Random straps around her arms fastened on by nipple clamps
Never change, Japan

All the waifu shit in cold steel is dumb.

None of you actually hate me. Nice acting haha.
Now let me hug Rean!

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It’s true id hug the fuck out of that slut

Selling out to the waifufags did this series zero favors.

Don't know, but I am not mad. I hadn't decided a waifu up until this moment in chapter 3.

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I do NOT like you, you're too much of a stereotypical rich blond tsundere waifubitch. Would still plant my seed in you as deep as I can thrust

Well I was planning on romancing Emma

>best girl is introduced in 3rd game after you have realized all other options are trash

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When will Kondo give us more information on Rean's 5th game?

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Dengeki on 28th.
Event on 29th.

The NISA version of Cold Steel III does not have random "Ha Ha", instead characters randomly say Dood. They even have parts that are mysteriously untranslated, due to not being paid.

Sounds awful.

When he finishes whatever lore rape he has planned for Ys 9.

on last chapter of cold steel 1. so far good game, it is very similar to tokyo xanadu which i loved. Is cold steel 2 just as long as 1? im currently at 70 hours for my first playtrough. Also if you choose anyone besides Emma you're a fag.

Okay lads, how do we stop him?

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Mention 50 mira

>burnt out on JRPGs right before I got Sen/CS III
At least now I can just read the wiki for the rest of the series instead of playing 50 hours of filler ever couple of years.

Pray for Calvard.

Can't rape much further than 8 already did

His face says otherwise.

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god I want to fuck Sara

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Hi we are the indisputable endgame pairings. Deal with it.

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Look how happy everyone was pretending to be!

It was the happiest day of Ada’s life

Sword autist is objectively the best girl for Rean

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Okay, you know what, FUCK IT, spoil me on the romance bullshit. Just started 2 on Steam, picked Fie at the end of 1. Are you saying that in 3, the game will just chuck Alisa at me? Is that it? Rean canonically kisses her or something? Not that my continuation matters, 3 ain't coming to PC anyways.

I unironicaly picked her and have no regrets.

So the party romances each other too? Is it all dependant on player choice?

Only canonical ones are Claire and Sara kissing Rean

That's just a dance that means literally nothing.

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Rean is a gay

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Haha, that’s our «Gunlord» for you.

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>Cold steel didn't go overboard with playable c-


Women in Japan are supposed to be doormats. You pick up sexy girls to have some fun, but you marry a girl who stays at home and doesn't talk back. Then work 16 hours a day so you never have to see her.

Why are they so cute together bros?

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Does the game seriously cuck you if you've been going for Millium?


>Elliot taller than Laura

Isn't she over 180cm? Is Elliot wearing manlet heels here?

It’s even more hilarious because millium tells Rean “not to cheat on her” at the end of her final bond in coldsteel

So what's this about Alisa being forced on ya in 3?

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Nah Laura is a manlet

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It will come to PC eventually. Just don't expect it in 2019. Also fully expect it to be censored to shit since Sony is getting it first. Probably remove all interactions with altina and fie. Millium will suddenly not exist. And all the girls will be voiced by 45 year old ladies. Look forward to it user. This is the future.


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>All these characters
Holy shit, both old and new? Crossover chars? This series seems based. Also, tips for Cold Steel 2? I had fucking trouble with Fie's merc bros, the twink and the giganiga

That fight is one of the toughest in the game and you’re not even required to win it. Soon you’ll get some broken quartz like Taurus and domination and you’ll be able to nuke everything easily. Or stack evasion, AT delay, arts all sorts of shit.
If you play this game honestly it’s actually pretty tough though

>Machias - /pol/
Does anyone still have the enforcer Machias and Elliot copypasta?

This game sucks ass. The only thing it’s got is good 2D art.

Let’s see Yea Forums‘s taste

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>end of CS4
>Rean, along with the original Class VII, is finally fighting Osborne
>Rean: "Terminal Seventh Slash - Dawn of Shredded Leaves!!!"
>Rean: "Father, I know that you did what you thought was for the best, but doing it in that manne-"
>a melody that sounds like Come, Sweet Death suddenly plays on the background
>Rean: "Elliot? What are you doing? Why can't I move?"
>Osborne: "Just as I thought... You two really are..."
>Emma: "!!! That weapon is..."
>Gaius: "A Divergent Law... but its not a blade???"
>Machias: "Kukuku... It's been a fun ride, but we gotta advance the plan of the Grandmaster you see..."
>Elliot: "I'd say we have done a good job Gunlord. The Grandmaster and the First Anguis will be pleased about this."
>Rean: "Machias...Elliot... how can you do this..." thud
>Osborne: "That damn Carl... I always have thought he was up to something, that's why I've kept him around, but to plan all of this..."
>Carl teleports in using a green teleportation circle
>Carl: "I acknowledge you as a worthy opponent Osborne. But its time for your damn fairy tale to end. Virtuoso, grab the Sept-Terrions out. Machias, go assist McBurn against Cassius and Arios, McBurn can't handle them alone. I'll deliver Rean to the Grandmaster. She wants to examine him... personally."
>Machias: "Alright, father. I've been itching for a good fight after holding back for years... Kukuku..."

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Yeah, I figured that once I gave Rean some nice physical quartz, he could wreck shit by simply hitting it, same with Laura. Struggled a bit with the casters, though, I admit. Like, Elliot, Emma and Alisa were needed, but I didn't find a nice balance with em, quartz wise

There is no romance. Every single romantic option available in the games is completely forgotten about in the next game. None of your choices matter. The romance is held back harder than your average Ouroboros member. Even the worst galge in the world is better. Haha...

post the celestial globe one + song

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So, the lovey dovey shit is pretty much contained in its own game, outside the "haha hey, remember we flirted last game?" line the girl gives you?

>haha hey remember we flirted last game
Depending on the game that doesn't even happen. Like going into CS2 from CS1.
>Sen the 5th ng+
>Pan to Celestial Globe
>Enter 1st pillar, 3rd pillar, Campanella, Grandmaster,
Campanella: "So, Contriver, tell me. How will you approach Calvard?"
Mariabell: "As I understand, you were crucial in the development of the gospel and phantasmal blaze plans. Show me the extent of your intellect."
Carl: "Huhu, there are many which ways to go about gathering their sept-terrions, it is hard to know where to begin. I believe, however, an approach from the shadows will benefit us most."
Campanella: "Ohhh?"
GM: "Do tell"
Carl: "Heh. I will let Machias explain for me, as he is the one who proposed the plan."
>Green warp circle appears in center of room. Enter Gunlord
Machias: "Heh, you didn't need to drag me here for this. But oh well, if you insist..."
Machias: "My plan is simple. Calvard right now is still in a precarious position. They may have avoided invasion due to Osborn's fall, however, they are not yet out of the woods, as they believe they are..."
Machias: "Erebonia has been crippled through sanctions, however, it is foolish to believe that a nation of strength would cower to the demands of weaker nations. These shackles are illusory, and the second erebonian citizens long for the glory of Day X, they will be cast off..."
Campanella: "Interesting..."

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Well, funny that, I got like several girls who claimed they had the "thanks for hanging with me Rean" scene in front of Valimar at the end of 1, even though I picked Fie. How does that work? Support lvl?

Let me get this right. Here everyone is an incel and all you talk about is waifus. Right?

GM: "Yes. But how will you restore national unity to Erebonia?"
Machias: "This will be far easier than it sounds. Consider the opposition erebonian imperialism faces. The nobles are even weaker and more pathetic than ever. Musse is an inept harlot. Patrick Hyarms is inexperienced and weak. Jusis refuses to continue his line and instead settles for a glorified masturbatory aide. And Angelica...I need say no more. Nortia shall never see an heir again."
Machias: "However, above all of Erebonia's institutional pillars, the Arnor line has long been the mediators in regulating conflict. This family is also incredibly weak. Olivert has succumbed to his licentiousness, Cedric is one of our own, and Alfin? Nothing more than a puppet for father and I."
Machias: "The erebonian people have had their pride wounded. They are weak, and at a time like this, they need strong leadership. They are resentful of the unfair circumstances of the treaty. This treaty has hurt, above all, the commoners as they will feel the economic impact the harshest. The large military reserves of the empire remain untapped, rusting away in fortresses. Whereas others see a dying flame, I see a powder keg."
GM: "Your intelligence is astounding...truly this must be the power of the ...
Campanella: "......................................"
Machias: "The first phase of the plan will involve crushing the nobles thoroughly. It is about time they were removed from our empire. The second phase will be Father's lawful ascension to the throne. In the absence of the rightful heir, (Cedric), he will have no choice once Alfin and Olivert's degeneracy fail the populace..."
Machias: " Then, Erebonia will crush Calvard to the core, destabilize the country, and seize the sept terrions from the ensuing chaos. El Presidente will hardly be in a position to stop us..."

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Campanella: "Huhu. You truly are the coldest of us all,
GM: "The sacrifice will be great. However, this plan will provide us with Wind and Water quickly, and time is of the essence..."
Mariabell: "Huhu, impressive. However, I must ask one question. While Nortia, Kreuzen, and Sutherland may not pose much of a threat, Lamarre will almost assuredly resist. Aurelia and Bardias must be put down. Yet their positions are well guarded. Only one in close contact to them could land the kill... I do not doubt your combat skills, but both at the same time? You may need assistance."
Machias: "Hehe, that won't be a problem"
>Agonizing beat starts playing. Enter Elliot
Mariabelle: "Of course, how could I have forgotten. Enforcer number XI, . There is nothing to worry about."
Elliot: "Haha, it's no problem."
Elliot: *tunes strings*
Machias: "Well then, we'll be off."
*teleports away*
GM: "His strength as an enforcer is unparalleled. His knowledge of large and small-scale tactics, his prowess in battle, his our century long history none have been so brutally effective as him. However, I fear that his loyalty may one day waver, in his lust for power..."
Carl: "Yes...I fear there may come a day when I may no longer control him. Novartis' specialized afro loses its limiting effects by the day."
Carl: "Let us hope that his battles provide him enough entertainment..."
*fades out*

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>her first battle with McBurn
>Laura fucking oneshots her with an 80k crit Radiant Waltz with strength buffs after all her shit flinging
was pretty satisfying desu

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Are you me?

It's awkward when Sara shows up to save you in 2 and she says Rean has to keep his promise for the beer even if she wasn't picked for the dance.

Pure kino, get chills every time

>how does that work
Falcom is fucking lazy and refuses to put any effort at all in the galge side of the game even though they made a deliberate choice of adding it in and mentioning it in the story as something important.

They didn’t want to do it, they were literally blackmailed into it by the market

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Well, that's... disappointing. So when the cast clearly swells up in 3, do you get more choices or are the rest of the girls just unavailable?



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Leave daddy alone!

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>cheese final boss with delay shenanigan CS1
>CS2 final boss is immune to it

Based machias

One good defined romance is better than tons of shitty wannabe harem "romances" that lead nowhere.

I'm still in awe at how many playable characters we have in sen 4.

When the spoiler pics dropped i thought it was fake.

It sucks that you can only use them all only at the very end of the game. If there's a DLC that will probably let you use them all.

>blonde twintail tsundere
>oh and they knew each other when they were children because Rean was nice to her
it's like a checklist of blandness

Don't worry, it'll be revealed in Cold Steel 6 that Rean actually met every single girl as a child.

Yeah, if only they had done that.

>oh and they knew each other when they were children because Rean was nice to her
This shit was retarded. Even with how much Falcom tried to force her, Crow and Altina were still more popular.

It's really uninspired. I'm not going to act like trails in the sky was super creative but there was at least something interesting going on between the hero and heroine.

Post some Kiseki sluts. Especially used goods.

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Falcom needs to step up, their character designs have been copypaste since forever, and their games look from PS1 era.

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God I wish that were me

What makes her so attractive?

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Meant for

>the only good game in the entire arc was a shitty misstep
Nope, fuck you, and fuck the black hole of character development that is Rean

Low IQ
Underage and vulnerable
Huge tits and ass

Part 3 limits the options to Alisa, Laura and Emma due to dev laziness, but then part 4 opens it back up again.

best girls are sara, sharon, angelica in that order.

Attached: sara.jpg (1200x675, 166K)

goddamn, i just looked at the list and you weren't kidding. i can't wait until 3 and 4 finally come out in the west.

where the fuck is /fit/ you DYEL faggot

Work on those reading comprehension gains

>She's the main heroine and the tsundere.
Dunno that game you played, but this is an underrated combination, but usually protagonists and players are too beta for it even if the tsundere throws herself at them.

I can tell this was made by a seething CS fag

I want Sara to fuck me.

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try working out at the library next time, retard

Sucks that all any of them do is stand around watching Rean do everything saying "haha, that's our Rean..."

m-m-muh character development
I'm so sick of tired of """"""CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT""""""" nah fuck you brainlet why can't people stay as they are that's more realistic anyways you fucking slef insert mongoloids REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

As nice as it is that they expanded the cast, we still don't have the characters I really wanted. I miss the twins ;_;

Yeah, fuck good stories, fuck good characters. I just want cardboard cutout anime waifus devoid of any interesting qualities beyond their paper-thin surface traits and tits.


>calling people a self-insert mongoloid
>while defending Rean Schwarzer

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Yeah it is when you're getting it by ruining a series known for quality storytelling and characterization just because you want Neptuinia garbage.

The only self-insert mongoloid here is the retard who wants every game to be a dating sim with a boring Rean-tier self insert gary stu protagonist



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idk, i don't think it's too much to ask for rean to stop being so bland and corny over the course of four whole games.

It is for Neptunia refugees like this retard going nuclear in the thread


Towa chads unite

rean is a total dud, but it's pretty overdramatic to say he's ruined the whole series. cold steel still has plenty of good characters, rean just isn't one of them. and the worldbuilding is still there.

This. Give Rean hair over his eyes, delete the males from class 7 and it would’ve been gold

As with most games you can seperate the girls into three categories.
>Rape her until she likes it
>Rape her because she likes it
>Too ugly to rape

OP is in the first category, pic related in the second. 3rd category is mostly oldhag%

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>it's pretty overdramatic to say he's ruined the whole series.
Not after CS4 it isn't.
>cold steel still has plenty of good characters
Not really. Especially not after CS4 where every character is reduced to either a romance option for Rean, or sitting there watching Rean do everything.
>the worldbuilding is still there.
The worldbuilding is the only thing still there, and even then, there's not much point in caring about it anymore when the people populating that world are now bland, boring, and generally not worth caring about. CS3 did also try to improve the gameplay somewhat unlike CS1 and 2, although CS4 didn't really do much on that front at all.
We'll have to wait and see if Calvard is more of pandering to the CS only crowd like CS4 was or if they try to correct their course with it and leave the pandering to the new Erebonia game they're making after saying CS3 and then CS4 would be the last Erebonia game. My hopes are low though and I fully expect it to be set in a "martial arts academy" that's suspiciously similar to a Japanese high school.

Is Alisa willing to provide lap pillows? Because that's very important

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She was tsundere for like 5 minutes to try lower your expectations and make you like her when she stopped being a bitch.

It didn't work.

Emma is prettiest while Swords is probably the best personality match. Femboy Elliot is not a option, but that could change if he were to transition.

>taking away player choice for cookie cutter shit = good
Character development isn't an argument when they could do that with each one, but of course that would require effort. You are just praising another kind of lazyness.

>Especially not after CS4 where every character is reduced to either a romance option for Rean, or sitting there watching Rean do everything.
i mean, you pretty much just described everyone's interactions with rean since the first game. nobody's denying that he's a bland generic harem protag who holds back the potential of the rest of the cast. still, there's plenty of characters with interesting personalities and backstories outside of that dynamic.
i don't think falcom's lost their touch, they just whiffed on the protagonist this time with rean. hopefully calvard has a better mc.

>having an actual storyline built around characters developing a certain way is "cookie cutter shit"
Wew lad why don't you present your findings. Go tell the world why literal millenia of literature is wrong and bad and how bland Japanese dating sims are superior.

It's not about whether she's willing to provide them. It's about whether you are willing to take them.

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>i mean, you pretty much just described everyone's interactions with rean since the first game.
Yes, welcome to the major issue with building your game like a dating sim rather than a story-driven RPG. You have to disconnect your characters from the plot, because letting them develop independently of the MC will piss off the milquetoast self-insert fags.
> still, there's plenty of characters with interesting personalities and backstories outside of that dynamic.
And they get shoved to the wayside and given virtually no screentime because resources are dumped into creating dozens of romance options for Rean instead. Not to mention shit like the developing romance between Juna and Kurt being dropped and destroying both characters' arcs just so that they could turn Juna into "generic love interest #87" because self-insert fags got pissed off about a female character existing outside Rean's harem.
>i don't think falcom's lost their touch,
Then to be honest, you're completely blind.

Actual effort would mean romance existing in your story naturally rather than being a tacked-on gameplay element for the player to whack off to. See: Kevin and Ries or Estelle and Joshua

>stories are all the same in quality if they have a "storyline built around characters developing a certain way"
Holy shit, are you an actual monkey or just plain old retarded? Do you think those bland anime shows everyone laughs at never fit that category? Just euthanize yourself before adding your piece to the pile of garbage.

Waifushit saved Trails

Name a single quality story where the characters aren't allowed to develop so that they can save it for the tacked-on waifu mechanics.

I've actually stopped playing this game because of her. The setting and characters are so generic that all it took was to piss me off a few times before I put it down. I'm on the first field trip mission outside the school, I doubt she gets any better, but does she get any worse?

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>but does she get any worse?

After a while she stops accusing you of shit and yelling at you because she's a bitch. Instead she starts accusing you of shit and yelling at you because she has a crush on you.

Can't choose between Emma and Laura lads

They're both perfect in different ways

Everyone that wasn't a Alisa, Laura or Emmafags got cucked in 3, while Milliumfags got cucked to death by best boy.
The worst is the game didn't even gave a shit and you could make it so that you three-timed the remaining girls from the beginning, thus the whole manwhore Rean meme going around.

The only good game in the entire arc is Cold Steel 3, and even then it's still worse than the rest of the series.

i think the bigger issue with rean beyond just the dating sim elements is that they tried to juggle too many gimmicks at once with him. he had to have an edgy tragic backstory, he had to have multiple superpowers, etc. i still like the games, but it's hard to take them seriously when so many fights involve rean going super saiyan or calling for his magic gundam.
they should have just kept it simple and had him evolve from a spineless people-pleaser to a grown-ass man with a backbone over the course of the four games. instead, they focused on stacking up the forced twists and shonen cliches in his life rather than developing him as a character. you could remove the dating sim entirely and he'd still be a mess.

God I hate tsundere characters so fucking much, I want to strangle them.

Cold Steel isn't a bunch of games, it's just Falcom showing up years late to the Battle School Harem genre of Light Novels.

>Machias getting laid

I seriously hope not.

Literally this, not to mention they were not just late but FAR too late.

It's getting difficult to be invested in this series since there are no conflicts or real stakes and by the end of the day, the good and the bad guys sing kumbaya together.

That is almost legitimately worse. I never should have bought this.

I'm not playing another one of these, at least not this iteration/series. How are the psp games with the redhead sister(?)? Are they any better?

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Wish I could impregnate Laura and not take responsibility

I've only played the Sky trilogy and Cold Steel 1&2.

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Are you really so stupid you can't understand that development doesn't inherently make a quality story? Or that it somehow can't be crappily done? Or that a negative isn't higher than zero?
You would be hard pressed to name more than a handful of stories (in the history of stories) where not a single character changes in the most minimal way, even in the garbage genres you keep sperging about. The ones that are remembered are the ones that made it right or the ones that carried value not because of its characters, certainly not this cookie cutter shit you are defending only because of your personal investment.

And one more thing, currently with the isekai trend and everything I don't know how much people on Yea Forums know but if you've noticed, there are almost no tsunderes which is really amusing nevermind hardcore tsunderes.

I'm not talking specifically about Rean being a bad character on his own. you're right that removing the dating sim elements wholesale doesn't fix him, but that's not what I'm saying. I'm talking about how the dating sim elements make it so that Rean ruins every other character, not just himself. Hence he is a "black hole" who sucks in every other character into his vortex of bland nothingness.

Well you skipped 5 games in the series which might be part of your lack of enjoyment. Also you skipped straight to the worst game in the seires.


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Are you really so stupid that you can't comprehend simple concepts?
Character development does not inherently make a story good. It is a requirement for most stories to be good though.

Oh wow, you finally understood. Then you also should understand that unoriginal, cookie cutter development doesn't make a story good, but of course you will keep deluding yourself and don't accept it.

>by far the most popular trails game in japan
>vocal minority just keeps seething about it
I'm glad we are getting more Sen.

Nice of you to show up, Kondo

Duvalie is the coolest!

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Yeah, I understand that. I never said cookie cutter development wasn't good. Nice strawman, though.

i don't agree, because it happens outside of the dating sim as well. the core issue is that they made rean too much of a special snowflake for the rest of the cast to be able to keep up. if rean had been simpler as a character instead of hogging all the spotlight with his gimmicks, the games would have been better with or without the romance.

Character development is a meme. Hopefully it dies out :^)

Lots of fucking who gives a shit characters, but Erika in sight who belongs in below F tier.

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>Angelica in good
Imagine being this much of a retard

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Who is altina with


You have the reading comprehension of a toddler. I said cookie cutter development isn't good and it is not, also that you wouldn't even accept that simple fact and you didn't.

>Told myself that if 4 gives me the option to go for Musse that I'd go for her
>4 gives me the option to go for Musse
Fucking Kondo why you do this.

Attached: That's our Rean.jpg (1920x1080, 281K)

You can totally ignore her though. After the first game's couple of extra scenes just for her, she has almost nothing to say outside of a few arguments with other characters who aren't the MC.

I left out anyone who I felt like I couldn't place accurately at this time

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>I said cookie cutter development isn't good and it is not
Right. You unnecessarily stated the obvious.
> that you wouldn't even accept that simple fact and you didn't.
Why wouldn't I accept that? it's a fact. However it's not relevant to what I was saying, because I didn't say Cold Steel needed cookie cutter development. It already has that.

>that cute butt
Guess I am gonna give this a try

Inarguable fact: CS would have been 10 times better if Jusis was the protagonist

Attached: young crossbell pussy low prices.jpg (1216x592, 154K)

Well, Jusis is actually a good character unlike Rean so it would work. However that wouldn't appeal to the masses of retards that Rean does.

For casters in 2 you want to give them one of the master quartz that eventually will cut time for its element or one that boosts damage or crit, the bell of the same element, another quartz to reduce time further, a quartz to reduce cost unless they're using ice, toval's accessory gift, and pair them with Jusis. When available, add the quartz that doubles damage on the first art.

Because you praised 3 for its shitty cookie cutter development as if it was inherently good just because it has it. Even if you can't follow the discussion, others can.

>Because you praised 3 for its shitty cookie cutter development
No, I didn't. I said it took a step in the right direction by moving characters away from the black hole void of characterization that Rean is. I didn't say it did well in that department. In fact, I specifically stated that it was the worst game in the series other than the other Cold Steel games.

Loewe, Arios, Crow and Mariabel are too high otherwise an acceptable list.


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I agree that Crow should go down a tier but this is still a videogame. I rated him somewhat higher because the fight against him was pretty much the only one I remembered from the first game when it came to combat. Same goes for Loewe, I think he died too early to be on the same tier as other characters but I moved him up a rank for absolutely devastating my asshole on nightmare mode. Mariabell is maybe a tier too high but I moved her up as a stand-in because I couldn't find Joachim on there

idk about jusis (he doesn't really strike me as the mc type), but it would have been kino if crow was the protagonist.

Patrician's choice

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Times you were tricked by Yea Forums into playing some kusoge?

>cookie cutter development isn't good
>but shitty cookie cutter development makes a game better than others because it hypothetically can open the doors for good development in future games, not within itself
Are you even listening to yourself?

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Except CS3's wasn't nearly as shitty as the rest of the games, hence why I said it was "a step in the right direction". Please note (since you are obviously incapable of reading comprehension) that "a step in the right direction" does not mean "the best example of how things should be".

That's not what happens in these games outside of memes, so why is this even relevant?

That's exactly what happens in Cold Steel though.

No it isn't. Even if you take anything to do with Rean's personality, the games spend many hours and numerous cutscenes focusing specifically on the lives of characters other than the MC, and most of the party members are noticeably different by the end. I'd say the main exceptions are Gaius and Elliot, who have things happen to them but start out with fairly clear ideas about how they want to conduct themselves.

retard nigger can't read

>game introduces romance and with it worst girl
Do the Japanese actually enjoy these archetypes? Are you telling me Alisa is actually popular in Japan?

>The romance is held back harder than your average Ouroboros member.
Remember when they used to be kind of scary? Yeah...

Alisa is only popular with the people who started with Cold Steel, IE brainlets.

Because you fags can't be trusted to pick good waifus on your own.

I'm flabbergasted by the amount of people on Yea Forums who pick Kawakami in P5 despite her being a literal old prostitute.

I started with Cold Steel and I can't stand here.

I tried 1 but I didn't like the game because it felt like they wanted you to be a sort of silent choice MC like megaten but then they fully voice and add a specific personality to the MC to the point where the MC feels like another party member with his own goals and a mind of his own. Either make the MC's design & growth be decided by the player or just dump the act & market the game as watch the anime play out while playing the combat sections the game.

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I can't wait for the dual-release of Cold Steel 7 and Magical Girl Alisa-chan 2 haha...