I've been on here exclusively since 2011 and almost never post. Too old to go on reddit, but I wanna share. I want to share this with you here if you are still around my Yea Forumsrethren.
I've modded TW3 to look, feel & play more along the lines of games like GoW/RDR2/BotW. Pretty happy but I haven't got any satisfactory feedback yet, so check it out if you like the Witcher:
>2011's underaged nufag thinks he's too old for Ie Ieddit top kek.
>Don't get upset by the examples - they're just to help explain Yeah, to explain how shit you and your generation's taste in games is, and how you wanna butcher every single genre and IP by making them look and play like the most disgusting and pathetic "Sony exclusive" templates.
Hunter Perry
thank you for feedback my man. I think the horse cam gives a tiny bit of a ICO/SoTC vibe
Cringe. the Witcher 3 is gay and has shit gameplay
Liam Reyes
Woah calm now, only joking around. It's true though, I feel too old to understand reddits website layout. I only come to this trash place
Would love to discuss YOUR thoughts on game design. Personally think games as a medium need to evolve to be more aligned in terms of gameplay and themes, still feels like we got kind of stuck a couple console gens ago and general design hasn't improved. We now are in a position where games are pumped out with bombastic stories & elaborate gameworlds, but still play like XBOX/PS2-era in terms of gameplay & feedback mechanics.
Please tell me a game you think is good, especially from 'your' generation
This shit is the literal OPPOSITE what games need this day and age. This type of camera and gameplay fucking ruins games. >made for gamepads oh, that explains it all. Literally kill yourself, brutaly.
Ethan Wood
Please explain what you mean. TW3 is clearly designed for a gamepad, have you even played it? Forcing KB+M on every game is legit stupid and you know it
I'm confused, are you using mods from nexus or did you make the mods yourself? Cause I'm interested in modding the game to start another playthrough. ignore the retarded underage posters