ITT: vidya characters that are literally you
ITT: vidya characters that are literally you
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You wish, tranny.
But what if OP's a real girl based frogposter user...
Why's he pinching his nipple?
Trannies are not real girls
Literally me
>Not pinching your nipple
feels pretty good
Nah the character in op is a tranny
I'm okay with this if she has a female voice and perfect vagina surgery that exists in the anime dimension
>mentally ill frogposters making fun of mentally ill trannies
Truly the darkest of times.
How do we stop this?
did he find a bone wizard to reshape is skeleton or something?
Nice try tranny janny
>he dosen't know
>The peak of masculinity turning into the peak of femininity
The power of science is amazing!
I mean, I would fuck her with no regrets.
>The character in op is a tranny
Ok explain i don't play pokemon
Be honest Yea Forums
If trannies actually looked like this instead of disgusting men in dresses.
would you?
Please don't post pictures of me
God I wish that was me
What next level cock and ball torture is this
OP posted the stock portrait for a trainer class (Beauty) in Pokemon XY.
The XY generic "Beauty" class isn't, it's one minor specific generic in a battle facility. The one in the third reply is what you're looking for lad. Basically just says she used to be a Black Belt after beating her, which is a male trainer class in the game.
I don't see why not
>implying I don’t find that hotter
stupid women
>Nah the character in op is a tranny
Based retarded.
There is literally one Beauty who says that, all the others are 100% female.
That sprite is not from a character, it's a generic trainer class.
god damn where the fuck is my life going
There is no way in hell that's real, and if it is, he's probably the 1 in a million of trannies who actually pass
Being honest here, I find the whole cutting dick off pretty disgusting, I would fuck her butt like there is no tomorrow given the opportunity, but the "vagina" is a big no no.
The OP knew exactly what he was doing
Pokemon is insanely technologically advanced
They can turn living beings into data
they can turn data-based programs into living beings
A Space virus can mutate and become a full sized being
Time Travel exists
They can travel to alternate realities
Are you saying completely reshaping a person's appearance shouldn't be possible?
a sculpture, obviously
High IQ comment, we could all be little girls in the Pokemon world
What is it with trannies saying every new character is trans?
there are no girls (female) on Yea Forums
Prove me wrong
>get triggered by all the dudes sexualizing her
>just gonna make my own headcanon shit up to cope
The absolute state
Well yeah, but just because most people remember the beauty portrait as being the trans one doesn't make them all trans.
Didn't Bill literally turn into a pokemon?
So it shoudl be possible for a man and a woman to exchange bodies too/to transform
So yeah, i could bet a perfect gender transformation is possible in the pokemon world
Because it makes cisbois mad :)
Bill could transplant his mind into a Pokemon’s body, it’s not too hard to imagine that they could change male bodies into female bodies.
They can also revive fossils in seconds.
Fuck man
I thought that was legit
One by Metallica level shit
Because it makes you mad. That’s the entire reason.
What is it with cissies on Yea Forums screencapping every random tranny's stupid shit on Twitter?
Because if they didn't you wouldn't be seeing their tweets being posted here.
same as saying you'll never EVER be a woman?
People who don't get fucked enough get jealous at the attention others are getting and say shit like this as a coping mechanism. The whole incel meme can more or less go both ways.
Not only did he become a hot girl, he became whiter. What kind of utopia is the Pokemon universe?
i would 100%
every single straight man likes traps
I’m not even a tranny, I’m just explaining why they do it. If you stopped posting it on Yea Forums, they would probably stop doing it.
>if you
no, this shitpost thread made by a tranny is not my doing, fuck off
With you?
Nah, I tried watching male trap shit and female trap shit
Absolutely nothing both ways, I'm straight as fuck and I can't help that
Frogs and wojaks should be banned from Yea Forums
It's real
I used to think it was just them doing it to make people mad, which genuinely would be admirable
But after being close to a few of them through work in the past few months, no. It's just a fetish for them, both being trans and fantasizing about other people being trans, but since they're mentally ill they don't keep it to themselves
same as tranny threads and twitter threads and resetera threads, etc
I meant “you” in a general sense. If people stopped posting Twitter screencaps of literal who trannies on Yea Forums, they would probably stop doing it.
Nice idol (male)