Poe legion

Starter thread. What the heck to play. Something simple where mana is not a huge concern? Help.

What are you starting as?

Attached: Path_Of_Exile_Best_Beginner_Legion_3.7_Builds_PoE_Top_Skills.jpg (1920x1079, 415K)

Other urls found in this thread:


When I used to play I would go summon raging spirits at the start of a league because it was good without any uniques and you could get really far with just a 4 or 5 link +fire spells staff

any beginner should start sunder build. especially since gladiator got buffed. It's simple but not too brainless, and has option to evolve later.
memebuild is probably gonna be cyclone, but I highly suspect that the focus of hte devs on it will mean they "forgot" some possible combos that will break the game way more, just wait for a week for the big players to get that shit

essence drain contagion gonna be strong as fuck this league

winter orb is still strong. the fire rate is irelevant, it's the combo with hearld of ice and phase run that makes it good

I'm going lacerate/double Strike with the new blood and sand shit. With the melee buff it should be pretty good.

I'll probably go golems or spectres. GGG keeps nerfing player survivability so the only thing left is cheese tactics.

zombiemancer because everything else is even shittier
not like i will enjoy this shit leage anyway

>summon builds
dude you aren't even an HC player why do you care is ES is gone?

SST deadeye with impale.

gonna play cyclone because I already play cyclone every league so I might as well do it again when it's getting massive buffs

Yea, ED is gonna be probably one of the best solo builds this league.

I'm still going with mines tho. Worked so far, should still work. I just wont be able to swap it into low life with the ES nerfs




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How is this game for a new players? Is it easy to get into? Been playing D3 on Switch until I realized how pointless and boring the endless rift grind was. Is PoE's endgame more of the same?


I played it with a zoomer friend of mine last year he dropped it after 4h and we coop'd it, is it good as a single player experience? also what's the endgame on POE also best starting class for getting the grips with the game, also new season's are just basically character wipes and everyone just starts a new character?

Scorching ray Chieftan. Good fire damage with fucktons of health, endurance charges and regen.

Easy to get into but there's lots of information that you need to know. That being said you don't have to learn all of it, for example crafting can be ignored mostly on your first characters (unless you're playing solo self found (no trading allowed)). My tip would be to head to poe forums and pick some build that says it's for beginners. I wouldn't suggest making your own build unless you're ready to reroll characters.
Current end game consist of completing an atlas with 16 different tier maps, 16th being the highest level and 1st being the easiest. To proceed you have to follow the routes on the atlas and hope you get lucky with map drops so you can proceed to the next tier (they're items you get from monsters and put into the map device). You can also complete it in multiplayer or by buying maps from other players. You can encounter seven different bosses in the Atlas.
Every now and then you get to do Delve which is a procedurally generated mine where the deeper you go, the darker and dangerous it will be. There are three unique bosses that are rare as fuck. There's also the temple but nobody likes it and the boss there drops garbage 99% of the time. Sometimes you can gamble in certain temple rooms and hit the jackpot.

You yourself will set the goal of your playthrough. Some want to complete the atlas, some want to kill end game bosses. There are also challenges that give you free cosmetics upon completion.

i got into poe after ~150 hours of Grim Dawn and had no idea what i was doing. It helps if you're coming from D3 since the whole genre pretty much follows D2 footsteps from what I understood.
Lots of stuff to learn about, and the more you learn the more you want to try stuff out.

EQ jugg or slayer(?) bladestorm

Any tips for a new player who just got into epilogue and feels really overwhelmed?

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never run white maps. Make sure you always transmute (for 1-6) or alch them before running them

>use a filter too
>if a build is fun , it will be ruined next leage (applies to all leages)
>enjoy the random deaths for no reason (record it if you want to learn which ones are bullshit)
>dont expect good returns



It has half the duration and less range. It will feel like ass

Cyclone with cast while channeling blade vortex assassin

I plan to stack as many poisons as possible

if you stack poisons are you going to HoA? I tried doing that with a slayer/necro scion in betrayal, it was pretty fun but too squishy

I'm not sure after I read about the nerf to herald of agony. I might use a defensive aura instead. The new one that offers blind to all nearby enemies should be a massive boost to survivability

based, hope you are going crit + impale


ive played sunder for 4 seasons

i live and breath melee

gonna try spectral throw this time around though i think

Bumping my question

I was thinkin' a meatballin' chieftain cycloner but I imagine the axe is gonna be expensive this league

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Tectonic Slam and I might farm onigoroshi, but I dunno if I want to waste 5 hours of my life

Dual strike assassin, I guess melee changes will have improved it. It's the ultimate ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA build in existence.

miss me in this shit Yea Forumstard game

how are skeletons

Retarded like every other minion build

any changes in the last two leagues or so?

Regarding minion builds? Nope

I'm going to play Vigilant Strike and it's going to be shit and you can't stop me!

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Cold Snap Trickster or Occultist, depending on QoL perks. It's so satisfying to level with.

It was already pretty fucking strong already, especially with the jewel. Now it's retardedly powerful for single-target.

>unironically recommending sunder
Step aside, old man


Cleave impale Berserker. Ignore the items and skills, still messing around with shit but its lookin good so far

synthesis is just too fucking bad, I am not getting into the new league until I hear nothing but good news about it.

>Everyone I know is playing PoE
>Want to start playing it too
>Start off and I'm one shotting everything
>Think maybe because it's just the first act
>One shot everything in act 1...
>One shot everything in act 2...
>One shot everything in act 3...
>One shot everything in act 4...
>Get bored out of my skull and drop it

This was months ago, PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE tell me there's a difficulty slider now or something, people tell me "It gets hard at max level and when you start doing maps!" But I don't want to rush through the game, it's my very first playthrough and I want to enjoy it, but I'm literally just walking around and things are dying.

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I'm going full ham Viper strike, i don't care anymore

lolno game is easy as fuck, they actually removed the slider a while back, now it's just easy all the way to max level, if it were hard new players wouldn't stick around

Attached: POEasy.png (1048x86, 6K)

can someone explain me how leagues work?
you just make a new character every 2 months? where is the fun? where is the endgame?


The first 10 acts are a tutorial, maps are where the game starts. Also they just buffed monsters in the early game and doubled rare mob hp

Why would they do that?

The first 10 acts are a tutorial, maps are where the game starts. Also they just buffed monsters in the early game and doubled rare mob hp
So you don't have to play through the same story 3 times to get to maps

>Have to play through the first 10 acts before the game gets good


It gets you a get a fresh start with a new character after a new balance patch. If you like the gameplay, it is refreshing.

>acts are a tutorial
Delusional. GGG made skill gems extremely powerful early game overtime and never rebalanced the acts. They just admitted it, buffed everything in the game, and everything will be the same.

That's the current iteration of PoE though. Fast gameplay to get a shitload of pointless loot opposed to what it was early on slow gameplay to hope to get a decent rare. Both are enjoyable imo, but one appeals better to players.

>That one friend who is excited as FUCK to play every new PoE expansion so i play it with him to indulge him
>But it gets increasingly EXTREMELY boring because you literally just do the same thing over and over for hours on end (kill a monster pack, quicksilver flask to the next pack, kill the new pack, repeat forever)
>Am supposed to be excited to do this AGAIN and kill the same bosses for the 200th time because there's a few new items and spells to pick from this time around.....

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How will Smite fair? It sounds so good to use but it kinda blows.

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>Am supposed to be excited to do this AGAIN and kill the same bosses for the 200th time
Yes. If the base gameplay loop doesn't interest you, the game just isn't for you.

Is there any rule 34 porn of PoE, Lunaris/Solaris in particular? Asking for a friend, haha.

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Solo is nice. I've played this game for years solo. When I teamed up with a friend it wasn't as enjoyable.
Also game is balanced around you deleting monster packs in a second and when you are not solo they get hp buff so you can't delete them as reliably and they oneshot you instead.

It interested me the first 30 times but then it kind of got a little bit stale. Another thing that bothers me is that my friend wants to blaze through all the content at light speed every time. I'm not allowed to stop and look at what items or abilities my character has available, i'm supposed to know my build and all the exact items i will use in advance. I've gotten to the part where you play the same "maps" over and over but my friend keeps saying that's not the "real game", and the "real game" starts at some ludicrously high level where you run some insanely impossible map. I've played through the games storyline dozens of times but i've never gotten to the "real game" apparently.

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I think most of the r34 is of Atziri and the witch

I wish, there is so little smut of Atziri. That red bitch makes me diamonds though.

poe is full of elititst faggots
ignore them and play however you want

I had the same problem, game was very very easy and so in turn it got really really boring, real shame.

PoE players are mentally ill, its not that surprising or unexpected.

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I haven't played since Delve, are there any new skills or uniques etc that I ought to check out?

Anyone have PoB for STR stacking RF chieftain?

Reworked melee combat, Cyclone is now channeled

Whats the dumbest melee build that does not have mana issues?

I only play every few leagues or so, just enough time to forget some of the details and for enough balance changes and additions to build up that it feels worth playing for a couple weeks again.

vortex is pretty fun

so what's the latest gimmick?

>Another thing that bothers me is that my friend wants to blaze through all the content at light speed every time.
That's personal preference, but you probably should skip the bad quests that give a random rare that's not linked for example.
>I'm not allowed to stop and look at what items or abilities my character has available
This just comes with time. If you keep playing you'll know what is available and when.
>i'm supposed to know my build and all the exact items i will use in advance.
For me planning out everything is half the fun. When I actually play the game I'm just following the plan. You don't have to do that.
>"real game"
Just have fun m8. Sounds like your and your friend's play style don't match. Either play alone or find someone else to play with.

Haven't played since 3.0. I assume a basic bitch SRS build will still get me through the first run?

you can't play spells now, because you have no way to get mana back after the warlords mark nerf lol


Pure melee EQJUGG impale bleed with crit

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SRS is and will always be a good league starter/summoner jumping off point

Dude stop listening to mathil.

probably cyclone

guys what do i pick?

>Lacerate Berserker with dual Ahn's Might
>E Q Jugg with Disintegrator

rare monster now have like 500% more hp or something stupid like that, and because you can dodge monster animations now you are supposed to dodge or get fucked

>rare monster now have like 500% more hp
no they don't retard

Poe is boring as shit


What is with people who refuse to admit that the new zealand retards don't know how to balance their game and they just gut shit and render it unusable until a year later when its over buffed.

>rare monster now have like 500% more hp

this is my point exactly. everyone starts using enemies explode for % of their hp and has fast clear speed, so GGG decides to increase monster hp by 10x which just fucks over everyone who DOESN'T use corpse explosion builds.

How to not die? All the bosses one shot me now and I deal chip damage while the rest of the enemies melt like zooper doopers left on the surface of Mercury.

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neither are relevant, because phase run and herald of ice.

sunder got buffed, alongside the class that takes the most of it.
Read your patch notees

they have double HP now not 500% still its going to hurt some chinese farmer builds

this game is shit

The endgame involves crafting areas and running them. This leads to harder areas eventually, and the hardest areas contain endgame bosses that have good loot potential. Its hard to say which class is the best at introducing the game, the hard part of the game isn't really the gameplay, but making and finding gear for a build is the harder part.

So if the exile just got themselves some skulls and made a belt out of them with rope, would it work as a Headhunter?

Attached: Headhunter is worth too much.png (390x280, 178K)

your EHP is low
respec into more life and/or energy shield
armor is useless
dodge/block is too but you can build into it and make it marginally less useless
i beat the story and made it far into maps using a wand + shield before i got bored

Probably better to just buy it with currency you earn instead of farming, unlese you're talking about ssf

Pic unrelated, i assume?

Slayer Cyclone tips?

Pick up overleech even if you don't want to, being able to confidently stay on bosses will increase your DPS anyways since you dont need to back off

got this build from some dude pastebin.com/1sR7mTmD you can change phase acro side for 200k more dmg on the left side, honestly I don't know what to do

Movement speed. Cyclone feels like shit without good movement speed.

Probably, but the Exile doesn't know how to build anything. They have other people do it for them. All they know how to do is slam orbs against items to alter their state of being.

honestly I would pick all the impale nodes and use the new impale support, shit is busted


the trouble is finding skulls and a rope made of leather

anyone is up to do some rifts with me on d3?

>Gonna go a "generic" Melee Champion who can pick up any pure phys Attack and just use it as-is
>My farthest point north is Devotion in Templar outer because it's a very good Life node and also Endurance Charge
>Farther point to the right is Duelist's Art of the Gladiator
>194% Life before Jewels
>30% hit mitigation Fortify
>Stun immunity
>77/76/76 Resists
>Another 29% Phys mitigation
>5% generic damage mitigation
>Still has good damage because half this shit has damage boosting on it too
Max comfy.

yea champion seems fucking strong this league with the new impale stuff, but I'm retarded and want to do a zerker penetrate blitz build so I can punch myself by act 6

You forgot to mention the fact that you have +3% evade chance, since that also applies to attack crits

3% Evade isn't anything particularly amazing.

This sort of reminds me of a quest in the Lord of the Rings Online: Someone needs to shoe a horse, and sends you to a vendor to buy crafting components that he'll melt down. Based on their name, the crafting components are made of the same metals you find out in the world with mining (or prospecting they call it). But strangely, only this one quest-giver is capable of melting down the cheap, infinitely-available crafting materials; you still have to mine if you want the metal.
Point being, they can at least find plenty of leather from belts sold by Nessa.

How do you guys create your own builds? I've got 200 hours in the game and I'm still following guides. I've been quite successful, but never rolled my own build before.

>How do you guys create your own builds?
Just think about it and make it. Congratulations, you now know how to make your own build. Seriously though, how the fuck do you even function if you need other people to think for you? Just start with a skill, consider what you want to do with it, pick a class/ascendancy and then look for nodes that you may want to have.

Planning on going bleed with Uul-Netol's Embrace. Gonna try out Perforate but if it's shit will fall back on earthquake.

imagine going zerker reach 50 rage stacks use berserker for 1 billion damage and clicking earthquake, I bet that shit does 5 million damage

>that occultism nerf, nay the occultist gutting
What the fuck am I supposed to do now?????
I have played a witch for 4 years I have Literaly never gone bellow the big health circle. I have no idea whats even bellow it, how the fuck am I supposed to play a melee class?

uh oh
Why is armour useless? Whats a good amount of life?

explain why? I read through the patch notes and didn't catch anything

Just aim for 200% Life by mid 90s and grab some layered defenses, then pick up your smashy/slashy stick and beat shit to death.

Armor baits you into using it through the character screen making it seem like it mitigates % physical damage. It doesn't, it reduces it by a flat amount meaning that small hits are going to feel even smaller and big hits are still going to hit like a truck. Physical reduction on the other hand is very good and objectively superior to armor.

You can still play witch, you'd just need to go summoner build through necromancer or golemancer elementalist

Armor is actually % Mitigation. But it doesn't mitigate a fixed amount. It can remove up to 90% of a hit's value, but only if you have like 100x a given hit in Armor. You need at least 10x a a hit in Armor for it to comfortably mitigate a hit by like 50%. So this means that big hits are less impacted by Armor and you need way more to make it effective.

Get Path of Building and get planning. Realize your build is like half as good as something similar someone else made. Give up, or don't and get better.

I think it's just that people are anticipating ED contagion popping all of the trapped legion soldiers in one cast and heavy monster densities on the battlefields
Neither spell got a buff but they weren't nerfed either


If it were % mitigation then it would apply the same percentage regardless of how huge the hit is. Sure, you are correct in asserting that it isn't flat, but it is objectively false to state that it is % mitigation. Just because the wiki shows a percent sign doesn't mean that it is actually percentage-based nor does the fact that there is a limit of 90%. That is simply a boundary condition, not the dependency itself.

I guess I have to go flame totem again. Cant figure out mana on melee builds... They dont even get the mana regen gem.

the formula for armor damage reduction
ADR = Armour / (Armour + 10 * Damage)

Just reserve all your mana and use blood magic

>Still no offline/private server tools

Ggg shill please gtfo and lick the balls somewhere else.

They added private server support last year numbnuts.
Still no offline mode though.

No need for mana regen when one or two points into mana leech nodes will solve all of your mana problems

Fuck summoner, I'm just going to brute force it and die early.

>loot game
>all end game loot looks like starter loot in other ARPGS
>any good looking gear costs the equivalent of another ARPG
>chinese company, so all your data is automatic property of the Chinese government

Attached: dawg.jpg (267x189, 11K)

Zerker flicker strike impale
Very fun flickering 60 times a second

> Game owned by the chink government.
No thanks.

Hmm. Interesting. So what is the simplest and tankiest melee build? What class?

Earthquake Juggernaut has been the go-to braindead melee build for ages

i played vaal DS gladiator last league and was doing T11 maps without an issue so with these buffs it should only get even better

Is cyclone decent?

It's a New Zealand company. Tencent is just an investor.

making your own build is completely pointless, because you will 100% fuck it up and have to either buy 150 regret orbs or reroll, meaning you wasted all that time doing the snorefest campaign

Nobody knows since the new league changed it significantly

Tencent (80%)

You're the first seething Immortal Call abuser I've seen today.

>t. casual.
Diablo 2 used to be way worse. Git gud.

Is it really that easy to permanently screw a build up? If I wanna make a melee dude can I get by just putting points in passive that add to life and phys damage? Sure, maybe it won't be the most optimized build, but are you saying it won't work at all unless I follow some guide 100%?

anything tencent touches turns to shit
see League of Legends

user, I hope for your sake that you're just ignorant and not genuinely stupid

league of legends was shit from inception honestly

he's saying any bullshit build will get through the campaign but you'll have to do at least a little research before you tackle level 10+ maps

Spoken like a true metaslave

You can avoid screwing a build by looking up mechanics through the wiki and reading build guides. Not following them word-for-word but simply understanding the mechanics. Also don't be afraid to ask here or on global chat how something works.

It will work but you will hit a brick wall at some point

All the build guides I look at assume you have or can buy expensive unique items, but doesn't everyone start from scratch in the new league?

Best melee build that can run all map mods? Played enki's arc witch which could run everything but i wanna do melee now please tell me which melee build is not shit.

Dont bother replying if your build "can delete shaper 6 gorillion dps but it cant do reflect map haha ..."

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slayer and slayer ascendants are the only melee ascendancies that doesn't get fucked by phys reflect

>I get by just putting points in passive that add to life and phys damage? Sure, maybe it won't be the most optimized build, but are you saying it won't work at all unless I follow some guide 100%?
He's a casual who has never attempted his own builds before. Go the Path of Lifenodes, max your resists before Act 8, learn the most dangerous map mods for your character by playing and you're good for red maps.

Most people don't reach the very very endgame anyway, most players quit around lvl 92-94 and play a new character or they're done for the League. Not because "its too hard" necessarily, but because the grind for xp and grind for items you need can become very long around there in 95-100.

>best starting class for getting the grips with the game
Toxic Rain Pathfinder. Fast as fuck, deadly as fuck, all you can drink! Pretty ez too.

They do, which is why you shouldn't see the guide as a checklist as to what you should get. In many cases there are other perfectly viable or possibly even superior alternatives to what the guide says. Knowing what the fuck you are doing helps avoid the situation where retards take an item that costs an entire fortune but has no actual value for their build because it doesn't fucking work the way they think it does.

Seeing everyone playing this game talk about the various amount of money they'd spend and dicks they'd slurp down for fucking stash space is utterly ridiculous and is pathetically jewy.

The absolute state of faggots who play f2p games. Stash space.

An example of this would be pretty much every single streamer going with Elemental Equilibrium on Explosive Arrow thinking that it is boosting their damage.

any stand out builds that are still good/cheap to use this league? missed the last few.

So what is the best non cyclone slayer build?

>Is it really that easy to permanently screw a build up?
You get around 25 respec points when completing campaign and all its sidequests, plus by then you should have around 10-20 respec orbs on top of that. Or enough basic currency to convert yourself plenty of Respec orbs if needed. You can't respec a character from complete scratch but you do get enough points to refine your build.

For example if you just noticed theres a shorter path to an important bigger passive node and you would get 2-3 extra skill points for taking that route instead, respec orbs allow you to do that really easy. Early on its advisable to take those big INT/STR/DEX nodes if you dont have enough stats to wear your skills or equipment but once you get high level enough, you don't really need those nodes anymore and can respec them to something else.

Slayer Cyclone starter here. Got a few node questions.

I'll have Fortify up all the time. Is Rampart worth the 4 points?
Is Charging Offensive good? It should count for Cyclone which in 3.7 counts as "channeled". Better than Berserking for raw attack speed?
Is getting Soul of Steel worth 6 points?
Are 2 jewel sockets enough? Are 5 too many?
Singular Focus should also count for Cyclone, right?

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Charging Offensive was literally made for Cyclone so you just have permanent fucking Endurance and Frenzy charges.

>6 points may be a bit much, but you should already be going for Bloodless, so it should be a max of 4
>2 is low, but doable, there is no such thing as too many so long as you spend a max of 3 Points for a Jewel socket
>Yes, but how are you going that fare up and NOT getting Soul of Steel?

>no matter what edition
>no matter what meta
>just trying to make my Avatar of Fire Templar build work.

Is the melee rework only in the new league or also in normal?

Legions are the only thing that isn't in standard

I'm gonna try this. Thanks, user.

>speed meta still a thing
into the trash it goes

>Another season of top streamers getting everything while normal players get scraps because of GGG favoritism
No thanks!

Attached: That good drop you never noticed.jpg (1080x1350, 271K)

Reminder that GGG promote alt=f4 playstyle and "balance" bosses around it

>Another season of top streamers getting everything while normal players get scraps because of GGG favoritism
Thats not how top streamers get everything. They get everything because they have a bunch of sycophants farming stuff for them while they're sleeping.

try watching one the exalts drop like wisdom scrolls for them

Never played before, I want to rush that game, what's a strong and funny build ?

Dude, last League I had Tabula Rasa drop on me from a vase on the ground in Act 2.

On Delve the streamer who got furthest down the fastest with a team, detailed exactly what their plan was and how to get there. And it involved his team basically taking roles, one guy farmed exactly one map and for one specific item drop in that map the entire night without sleeping, just so the streamer and his group would definitely be the first in the deepest levels of Delve.


I want to try this build it's a Double Strike Berserker build. Any anons got any tips?

Attached: 7310972.png (718x775, 250K)

There is no way GGG doesn't jack up streamer drop rates so people think that the game is more rewarding than it actually is

>Double Strike Berserker build. Any anons got any tips?
Nobody knows how good Berserker is now, used to be the worst Ascendancy class since Ascendancies was a thing.

>copy a whole link from the pastebin pastebin.com/zHg7Wm3q
>import it in POB
>it doesn't work

Thinking of making a Bladestorm Ascendan't with poison on hit, mostly because it sounds stupid but fin, if that doesn't work out maybe a pure physical bladestorm something.

Playing Stunjack Elementalist

You're delusional user.
Have you tried playing 12h a day for even just 1 week?
There you go, you are rich as fuck.

Can you recommend me a beginner-friendly skilltree for two-handed-sword-cyclone-slayer?
Perhaps similar to this ( tiny.cc \ m7jy7y ), but I don't particularly like it builing around life-leech and bleeding.
I'd rather have more damage/attackspeed or tankiness.

Attached: tzbYriJ.jpg (670x348, 215K)

>What are you starting as?
The never install again wizard.

Copy the link, not the contents you dummy.

Not enough spectral shield throw love in this thread
Should be playable now with the massive buff plus the new jewel

Attached: a58ru1p98v231[1].jpg (1353x546, 81K)

Fuck PoE "your build will be ridiculous shitty if we find it fun"

GGG doesn't seem to seek balance between playstyles, they enjoy manipulating the meta as they see fit

Does it still do jack shit if you don't hit anything?

Pretty much kills it. Makes anything that moves a pain in the ass to kill.

if you watched their GDC panel, they said they don't want you to play the same OP build twice in a row, for munchkins and powerplayers they want to provide a new different superstrong build every single League.

I'm new to this game and im currently like 35 or something and just became a necromancer witch, whats the best thing to do/know as a newbie?


So is Impale good? Would I be shooting myself in the foot by trying Champion impale instead of Zerker/Slayer?

Attached: 14532464.png (352x346, 153K)

Start with someone else's build.


Check the notes section, I was brainstorming potential skill gems and cleave links. Also important is that impale isn't calculated so the real dps is about 90%~ more

Played a Shattering Steel build once Impale became a thing, bosses melted to it but I'm not sure whether it was because of Impale or because Shattering Steel was bugged and sometimes hit multiple times with one swing.

Don't play animate weapon
Between delve, abyss, and incursion the skill is un-fucking-playable

Anyone planning on playing a musclemancer zombie witch?
What's a better in the long run: Mon'tregul's Grasp & shield or a rare 2h mace (should cost about 20 ex).

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infinite exp glitch on opening map

Cyclone CWC Bladefall/Blade Vortex

I don't know about that, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of but with the mapping system considering GGG is expanding the slots in the map machine to 5

instance crash everytime you put one of those new Unique Jewels into a socket.

would it be a good idea to run a Guardian. with herald of purity and smite

and by "but" I meant "bug" if that wasn't evident

what is the gimmick of this league? I stopped playing previous one cause it was just garbage

>what is the gimmick of this league?
As with every league, trading.

It's Breach but in reverse

I've never, i repeat NEVER played melee in this game, hit me up with a good melee build

Like breach before they nerfed the number of mobs that spawned in the breaches

It was already good, and it didn't get nerfed.
Also, like other user said, the league "thing" is a huge, dense blob of things to kill.
Trickster is also still good after nerfs, so that's looking like a solid choice for the build.

Is this game worth getting into if I haven't played it before? I don't play much ARPG's but I'd like to get into one, is the game boring until you reach a certain level?

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Flicker strike

Breach but easier. Also melee got reworked with attack cancels, more accurate weapon ranges (you dont have to swing your two-handed sword from a hugging distance anymore), all melee skills now have tiny splash effect and some low level movement abilities for the very early game. Also early acts got buffed because of the attack canceling change. Map bosses with phases got more loot-pinata Creeps on then inbetween their animations.

>Is this game worth getting into

>It was already good, and it didn't get nerfed.
It was worse than ED+Bane, but bane got nerfed

Nobody can give a build yet because nobody knows how good the melee buffs actually are or whether they are still shit. Go with Lacerate Crimson Dance Gladiator, although Gladiator also got changed, I doubt they fucked over his "bleeding enemies explode"-node.

Well it's free, you might as well.

>is the game boring until you reach a certain level?
Depends on your build. A number of builds are literally unplayable until you acquire certain late-game uniques. Other builds are both fun and playable starting from Act 1

Seconding this. It got nerfed a little (herald of agony), but it was my main for Betrayal. It's got wild AoE.

Even better in this league in theory, as it focuses on lots of enemies rather than single large ones like Betrayal.

I want to be a Paladin how do I be a Paladin in this game

Attached: paladinguide-2.jpg (695x606, 132K)

Never played PoE before so I guess this is a good change to get into the game, what are some all right starter builds?

Have you played Diablo 2? Did you like it? Then PoE is for you.

I want to play a melee class but I don't like barbarians and duelist looks like a fag
wat do?

>comparing a masterpiece to literal trash
Fuck of Chris Wilson.

Aura-bot Paladin, Hammerdin, Holy Light-din, or Summondin?

Starter: tectonic jugg
Funded build: impale bowzerker

Have fun playing the league, kids. I need to buy endgame uniques from you NEETs when I have a chance to play this weekend.

They introduced a number of "holy" themed skills a while ago, with consecrated charge/divine ire/wave of conviction/herald of purity

Play Ranger, except she actually is a fag in the lore.

Mjolner/Shield aurabot templar.

ED trickster seems pretty OP for Legion content

now that you've completed the tutorial, forget about that standard league character and start a fresh one in legion

consecrated path templar

look up zizaran's video on yt for cyclone
take generic 2h sword nodes instead of axe


Open the Classes/Builds section, choose a class, then CTRL+F for "beginner," "budget," or "SSF."

why is everyone under the sun going ed/contagion now?
i didnt see any buffs, why niggas gotta ruin these skills

No buffs, but also no nerfs.
It was already good.
The League theme makes it good.

I don't know what Aurabot is but just the name sounds boring.
Ok, neat yeah Holy skills are what I want to use. What class do I start with?

Because they probably assume Contagion will spread from the enemies while they are frozen.

easy way to unfreeze all legion mobs
there where no buffs but it wasn't nerfed either

any class can use any skill but templar for the looks and ascendancy

this was confirmed to work in baeclast


Also holy skills are Consecrated Path, Divine Ire, Purifying Flame and Holy Flame Totem. Out of all those, I would recommend Consecrated Path if you want to go with attacks and Divine Ire if you want to go with spells.

Also because you can do occultist and get 1 malediction or the chaos passive since wicked is in the passive tree now.

>What class do I start with?
Inquisitor can be good

White unmodded maps are about as difficult as Act 10. What makes mapping harder is the fact you really want to modify them for better loot. If you want to play it safe in a map you've never been to yet and whose boss you have to kill to get the Atlas bonus, roll safe mods (mods that give enemies health and defences). If youre confident in a map, roll "monsters do more damage" mods because it also means they die faster. Try to make all White maps into blue with Orb of Transmutations, save Map quality items and Orb of Alchemies for mid-tier maps and higher. If you play alone, taunt totem is your friend when learning to fight Map bosses.

Heres some very dangerous map mods worth mentioning:
>"Reflects physical/elemental damage"
This mod can instakill you depending on your build.
>"Less elemental resists/Less max elemental resist"
Try to keep them as high as possible if you can, even changing gear to max them out can help. Having less than 75% elemental resists can get you killed very quickly.
>"Kills spawn Beyond monsters."
Beyond monsters can range from semi-dangerous to lethal so if you're not feeling confident, either reroll this mod or play more careful than usual.

Remember that overleveling is always an option and also a safer way to clear maps. Monster levels max in lvl 83-85 and they rarely if ever get higher than that. Also if you havent tried Breaches before, watch some videos on how to clear them safely, Breaches can be very dangerous so sometimes you don't want to touch that evil hand on the ground if theres dangerous map mods in your map. Same thing goes for Abysses although they are nowhere near as dangerous as they used to be.

Attached: Kitava.jpg (736x1351, 113K)

It's the most obvious choice for those caster fuckers whose primary builds were nerfed into the ground and are too stubborn to play melee in the melee patch

Yeah the main holy skill is an aura.
"Herald of Purity"

My build had defensive auras, a thunder aura and Herald of purity.

"Mjolner" is a unique you can slot abilities into. You can have lightning arcing screenwide.
Also Arcs lighting from shield charging too, if you want to use a shield.

Little bit less damage than other builds; but you'll be beefy and your auras help you and other players if you like to group. Can shuffle the auras around based on solo/group play.

no leech and no regen maps can also fuck some builds.

>25 minutes to go
fuck I've got too much gardening shit to do. Looks like I'll start late like every other league.
I'm going to play duelist -> champion until I get facebreakers or some other unique that I can roll a new character and build around

Oh no actually being a fag is ok i just dont want to look like one

Templar base class and can expand to Inquisitor (dps), Heirophant (healer), Guardian (tank)

Righteous Fire (aoe circle of fire that damages you/enemy around you)
Divine Ire (kamehameha)
Consecreted Path (leap onto enemy and holy fire on the ground/aoe)

Divine Ire looks pretty cool I'm gonna use that.

is sunder still good until i get cyclone or do people use something else to level now? haven't played in a year or so.

>just got to
>as a new season league is literally starting in 15 minutes

You fucked up hard pal, hope you enjoy leveling again.

Good call user, I also forgot to mention that if you play alone and especially in SSF, stock a skill gem called Frost Bomb, it is the only skill with an antiheal-debuff effect. Some map bosses have insane self-healing that makes them unkillable for builds which don't have the necessary gear yet, Frost Bomb makes them much easier to kill.

"fuck you, play how we want"

great fucking game.

I played in standard

>playing literally the same build every single league
rot in your bed user

If you're playing Divine Ire, be sure to make use of autohotkey script to play dbz firing sound on your keypress/mousepress.


I don't know what this is or how to use it

Cyclone sayer baby
Still not sure what to gem in since the channeling changes

leveling to end game is kinda boring but the more you play the faster you start doing it so it becomes irrelevant. end game imo is fun and has a nice sense of progression in the content and your character

there are plenty of spells to where you don't need to play the same build every league and still not have to play a playstyle you don't fucking want to

>download some 10gb patch for poe like a week ago
>check steam 10 minutes ago
>unstarted patch for poe
>start it
>10gb patch
>will take 7 hours
what the fuck

>there are plenty of spells to where you don't need to play the same build every league
So play those spell builds instead of the 2-3 that got nerfed.

yeah. huge mistake since the new league is 8 minutes away.

Shame Elementalist was nerfed into the ground and is useful for only one niche playstyle now

i started like a week ago

>he didn't prepatch

It's really strong, just take the following things into account
>spells aren't attacks and attacks aren't spells
>divine ire benefits greatly from increases to area of effect and cast speed
>your passive tree should also have life and not just damage
>links between sockets on items allow support gems to affect the active skill gem, unlinked sockets do not affect each other
>don't hoard every single item you see on the ground, the vast majority of it will be complete and utter trash that you just leave behind

well. Reroll and do the new league dumbass.

I wish they'd actually be patches instead of just redownloading half the game over and over

>10k in front of me in queue
>game closes for no reason
>50k ahead now
im not even sure why i bother with day 1 league starts
half way through leveling servers will go down for at least 2 hours with lag and spikes the rest of the time

> new league today
Holy fuck, I thought it was next week

It's online!
33.7k ppl in queue left to go

Hope you have your build planned, league just started NOW

im going for a generic melee character and see which of the new skills i like most and then decide my build after im like lvl 40


has the poetrade macro been updated already?

>25k in queue
Chris pls

playing SRS. Minion Instability, Necromancer and that new Chaos Degen necklace. Might be ok, but might also be a big meme

94k online on steam


I wonder how many on the Standalone launcher. I'm one of those who don't play the game through Steam. This time the patch didn't take fucking forever like it usually does with the Standalone.

cyclone cause cyclone
im not usually a melee player but yeah its a classic
probably dual wield with w/e i can find crit slayer
that crit node seems insane, can probably do some bow shit but im not a bowner

still undecided to try ssf, i like the appeal but man finding anything relevant without trade fucking sucks donkey dicks

>i like the appeal but man finding anything relevant without trade fucking sucks donkey dicks
You just have to stockpile everything even remotely good and by the time you hit red maps you should have at least some unique or really good rare that could go for your 2nd character. Thats really the only thing you absolutely need in SSF for it to be enjoyable: Lots of extra stashes. But having to play with even just "okay" gear can be fun too, last League my SSF Templar used The Oak for almost the entire run. Its a decent unique but nothing groundbreaking and it felt kinda weird using a "mediocre" unique for that long.

can i get a quick rundown on slayer and champion changes? not sure what to go for a cyclone build

I only play because of my friends too, they like all kind of stupid games with leveling and items poe, borderlands, lol...all i can do it's to be carried to max level by just standing there while watching some tv show in the other screen

Now that melee is not cookie cutter boring shit, what class do I play to get most cuhrazy experience?

The new molten strike is trash.

Post your build without posting it

Attached: spin.webm (562x268, 1.68M)

well yeah, it was nerfed into the fucking ground.

So what's gonna be the best league starter for Legion?

Spin to win

What class should I play if I like to GO FAST?

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Is there any point in playing standart or should I always go for one of these seasonal leagues?


Any caster build. Melee and attack will be so expensive you can't even gear up for map.

Leagues are the best part of PoE and a very large portion of the players only play in these temp leagues

demon hunter

tinkerers when?