When will you incels realize that normal humans don't obsess over graphics like you autists?

When will you incels realize that normal humans don't obsess over graphics like you autists?

You can cry from today till release this game will still do much much better and make much much more than your favorite amazing graphics exclusives.

Want to know why? Because it. Is.fun.

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_olliebarder_files_2019_06_pokemon_sword_shield_new-1200x675.jpg (960x540, 117K)

When will you fags stop shitposting and invite a goddamn normal discussion?
Why are you like this?

Casual players are the biggest graphicsfags around

>graphics don't matter
>rushes to by the latest hd epic gaymer remake 3000 special edition re release of an old game

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> will do better
> Pokemon game with the same gameplay mechanic since 20 years
> "fun"

yeah, no

graphics aren't the most important thing in the world and Pokemon doesn't need uber extreme graphics

it's just odd that other Switch games have graphics that are just plain better and I don't see much reason as to why Pokemon can't have better graphics

What games are fun to you? :)

Normies don’t play shitch, did you forget how well rdr2 sold? Did you forget that the switch is only a “success” when being compared to the wii u?

>spend years bragging about how the REAL next-gen Pokemon game on Switch is going to blow people's minds
>it ends up looking like a shitty Wii game
>Uuuh guys graphics don't matter, ok?

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Who cares ? A bit of non-gimmick novelty would be more than welcome in this serie. It's getting really boring each time they release a new Pokemon game.

Rdr2 wasnt an exclusive retard and normies do play Pokemon so switch sales are going up just for it

I think that looks really nice.
Artistic merit > technical fidelity

Super high fidelity games can still look like absolute shit and stylised low fidelity games can look A LOT better, even beautiful.
DBFZ vs Jumpforce

The first thing these so called "normal humans" do when talking about a game is the fucking graphics
It's also the main determining factor when they purchase a game

That's what I thought pussy
Scared to say anything because your favorite games are just repeated throughout the years as well
Sit down, be humble


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The differerence is non autistic people won't complain about minor graphical details like it is the end of the world


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wait, are you actually getting mad because I criticized your favorite serie ?

>still using incel as an insult in this the year of our lord 2019.
Unironically gas yourself for a handful of reasons, including but not limited to being a shill, being a shameless shill and being jewish.

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>a fucking pokemon faggot
>calling ANYONE a pussy
sounds like you need a time out young man or no mcdonalds toy next time

When I see it running at a constant 60fps, then you can talk shit.

BOTW wasn't 60fps and still did much better than most open world games

>When will you incels realize that normal humans don't obsess over graphics like you autists?
Then why is everything in media photoshopped to look better

Actually normies used to obsess over graphics more than anyone. But now they've just learned to accept mediocrity.

Cope, have sex, deal with it. Because there is no cure for cancer.

Graphics is the main problem for ppl in the new pokemon games?

people complain about puddles

Despite being arguably kiddier than Pokemon, Yokai Watch at least innovated their combat system due to being a newer game meaning it didn't have to rely on tradition.
The first two YW games used the dial system, YW3 put in a 3x3 tactics board and the upcoming YW4 is going for a more real time battle system in similar vein to the first Spectrobes game, including the player character being involved in the fights.

Never seen anyone say that

>Yokai watch
You have to be 18 or older to post here

You have to be 18 or older to post here.

Seething child

I'm just saying the truth, Pokemon is a kid game. Yokai Watch is a kid game.
Sure Pokemon may have been around for much longer but they still mainly aim for the younger demographic, even with all the gen one pandering that they depend on too much.

>When will you incels realize that normal humans don't obsess over graphics like you autists?
It's the other way around, Fool.

What? If anything, it's normies that get woo'd by graphics, not "enthusiasts".

Please get help
Pokemon is for all ages but yokai watch is literally for children man. Grow up.




This shit will sell like hotcakes, anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded

I love spending hundreds of hours capturing and training pokemon with the exact same gameplay as in the last game, and am waiting for the next pokemon masterpiece which will be the same!

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God the girl trainer is so cute.

>When will you autists realize that incels don't obsess over graphics like you normal humans?
like that?

What games do you play?

It's weird then how a game that is literally for children can put in more effort than Pokemon does then.
I mean, a previous Pokemon thread did say that graphics don't actually matter due to the games being for kids, but you're saying the games aren't for kids so why can't GameFreak put more effort into their graphics, the casual/normal people would eat the series up even more.

>Because it. Is.fun.
No it's not, sweetie. I got tired of the sameygames by the GBA era.

>le incel
Go back

Games for literally any other platform:
Graphics are shit and it doesn't have stable framerates, I'm not buying this!

Games for Nintendo consoles:
Graphics aren't everything! Stop obsessing over graphics! Also this is a turn-based game, who cares if frames dip during battles! (Insert autism insult without knowing what autism is)

Sony shares specs of PS5:
Look! Look! Games in 8k! All games for it will be hyper-realistic now! Look at those graphics, those load times!! Sony won!!

Nintendo Switch is just an Nvidia tablet with a dock that barely makes it better than the WiiU:
It's ok! It's portable! Stop hating on Nintendo, Sony/PC/Microsoft-fags!!!

The state of fucking Yea Forums.

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Normalfags care about grafix more than anything else. Ask the average Yea Forums or /vp/ user what they want to see in Pokémon and better visuals won’t even be in the top 5 requests. Yet it’s the only thing normalfags will ask for

Once again,.only you autistic incels obsess over graphics so much
Normal people only care if the game is fun

Look how popular fortnite is. Graphics are not important at all

You're familiar with the expression "If it isn't broke, don't fix it"?

Every generation adds new mechanics in as well, what with mega evolutions, z-moves and now dynamaxing.

I'm genuinely curious as to what you'd do to change the gameplay of the mainline series? It's not like there aren't plenty of spin-offs with different gameplay to use as well.

>>rushes to by the latest hd epic gaymer remake 3000 special edition re release of an old game
Justified if they finished the original.

>I have no games
kys you man-child

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Then why do normal people settle for the same gameplay over and over? Even with the little gimmicks they've tried adding, I'd still be bored of the same damn turn based over and over just like with the majority of the FF games.

The reason why Nintendo can get away with this and Sony cant is because Sony games arent good enough to speak for the console itself. Which is why they have to rely on graphics. A strategy marketed towards peanut brains.

Because if the core gameplay is engaging to them then they don't need the mechanics to be reworked repeatedly between each iteration and are instead happy with a smattering of new content and the occasional little tweak to the mechanics.

The last pokemon i played was platinum and i got bored after 30 hours. I was playing while watching twitch. Those games just aren't for me, it's a boring grind.

Is it wrong to discuss the quality of a game? Is it wrong to have opinions on something? Do you have to throw insults at each other because you haven't learned what "discussion" means?

Isn't a game about graphics, gameplay, story, music, and everything else combined? Even if the graphics don't detract from the gameplay/fun of a game, is it wrong to evaluate the looks of a part of a medium that has pushed technology as much as 3D animated movies have?

Nobody said Pokémon Sword/Shield won't sell well or isn't a good game because of the graphics alone. Literally everyone knows it will sell. Does it give Game Freak an excuse to put in a lot less efforts in one aspect of the game just because they can get away with it when other developers cannot? Are people wrong to wish something for a beloved franchise? Isn't that what's happening here? Aren't people disappointed and upset because they want Pokémon games to be better because they certainly can and could have been much better years ago? Aren't fans of a franchise the loudest?

What's even the point of Yea Forums if people just insult one another because everyone thinks they are in the right and anyone that doesn't share the same opinion is therefore mentally disabled instead of trying to discuss and maybe try to convince people otherwise?

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Graphics have been a thing before you were born. From the very beginning graphics have always been important. It wasn't until Nintendies started seething about the competition building stronger consoles that suddently it didn't matter.

We don't use the word "fun" here, kiddo. Go back to /reddit/.

>poketards will spend over $100 (base game + re-release) on this wii shovelware trash

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>my favourite amazing graphics game is rdr2
>it will sell more than red dead 2

>Exclusive vs multiplat
You just blow in from stupid town?

Are you stupid?
Normies are the ones that care about graphics so much. That's why shitty asshole AAA companies spend the majority of their budget on graphics, because normies are basically retarded children and are easily impressed by moving shapes and colors.

looks like psp game

Attached: PSP-Android-Naruto-Shippuden-Legends-Akatsuki-Rising-3.jpg (960x540, 76K)

Why did anyone reply to this dumb fuck thread

Normal humans do NOT play pokemon.

Normies are bigger graphics fags than anyone else

nobody's asking for "uber extreme graphics." people just think pokemon should look like a jrpg from this decade, which shouldn't be a tough ask for a $90 billion franchise.

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have sex

That shot there doesn't look half bad but those others looked empty and lifeless. It's not the graphics people are pissed about it's how lifeless it looks. The artstyle is awful. Everything is empty and barren. It doesn't need to look like fucking Uncharted, it needs to have some life to it.

>See gameplay footage of a remaster
>guy says he never played the original
>immediately close the tab
EVERYTIME, evey fucking time.

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t. casual player

graphics =/= art style

The colors and design all class with eachother.

we can have sex together, user.

Isn't Pokemon one of the most profitable Nintendo IPs? Why can't they hire an actual good and experience team to work on the games instead of doing everything look like they have zero budget?

I don't see a problem with this screenshot, it looks very pokemon.
Kids (more like their parents) will buy this, they don't give a fuck about the graphics as long as they look "cute".

> 1mph speed limit

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You aren't trying to talk to them, you are trying to win an argument. I even AGREE with you on the graphics aspect, but presenting your point like a quivering arsehole will only make people fight you that much harder.

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that's the best s0ijack I've seen yet

Unfortunately yes
Gf is a "small indie company that just NEEDS your money" after all.
>still accepts selling 2 of what is essentially the same game to double profits.

I don't understand how Zelda can have this "Come to Jesus" moment where they realized several things about the Zelda formula and had this fucking huge change up and breathtaking evolution with Breath of the Wild. Even if you don't exactly enjoy the presentation of BotW or maybe it's not your kind of Zelda, one has to give it to the team for going in such a fucking huge direction change.

Why is Pokemon so god damn stuck in the past? This might as well be a 3D Game Boy game, and when there are multiple other games on Switch that look (and run, judging by the footage) far better it's hard not to look at Pokemon Sword and Shield and go "..really? That's fucking it?"

Fuck, man.

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Fuck off they're a small company

>Every generation adds new mechanics in as well, what with mega evolutions, z-moves and now dynamaxing.
>mega evolutions, z-moves and now dynamaxing

..and every single one of those is a 'do it once and forget it' gimmick that ultimately did nothing to really differentiate between each other in the end.

This is not a good defense for these things, user.

Their B team made this
The A team is working on an rpg called town or something.

The best part is that the developers know is shit and people will buy it no matter what.

Is there a confirmation for this? Not that I don't believe you but I've seen a few anons talk about this and haven't looked into it myself. Been too busy as of late (until now).

pokemon red/blue

One powers up a compatible pokemon into a new more powerful for for the whole battle, one allows you to do a once per battle super-powered move and now this gives a temporary 3-tuen power boost.

Revolutionary they might not be, but they did have the effect of shaking up the metagame quite a bit for those who are into the 'competitive scene enòugh to care about metagaming.

You're right that to your average casual these might be forgettable mechanics, because for your average casual the turn based system from gen 1 has always been good enough for the overall pokemon experience which is one of exploring a world, collecting pokemon and battling them against others.

For the people who care about the mechanics though game freak have been shaking things up with each generation.

I just want more gameplay content, this shit bettter game post game content worth a damn if (((Game Freak))) is charging 60 bucks for this crap

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>Even if you don't exactly enjoy the presentation of BotW or maybe it's not your kind of Zelda, one has to give it to the team for going in such a fucking huge direction change.
Shut your stupid fucking nigger mouth.
Do I have to give it to the paper mario team for ruining that too?

Dumbass stupid fucks always love to ruin things because lolwhynot.

Didnt the Cod MW3 devs do an entire thing on how their game sold better than BF3 because the MP ran at 60fps? I thought the 60 FPS commercials they did were pretty neat even if MW3 was trash

>Dumbass stupid fucks always love to ruin things because lolwhynot.
Expand your fucking brain retard, how the fuck are you this close minded and stupid?