Why do lucklets play gacha games?
It makes no sense
Why do lucklets play gacha games?
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Why does literally anyone play gachashit?
Just download some fucking jpegs, fap and play a real game.
Define real game
mario odyssey
games you play for enjoyment rather than a grindfest with a chance at seeing a jpeg
>started last month
>waiting for the Nightingale rate up in a couple months and then the Jack one after that
>tfw 20 tickets and 120 quartz so far and know that's not even close to enough, nothing is enough
Oh well
FGO is fun
Go shill the upcoming new ssr's with lewd pics of them to weak willed compulsive anons at the general, Albert.
I have quite a few SSRs and I'm enjoying the game.
Thoughts on Ishtarin?
Shit at NP1 but cute
Dont roll for story servants.
I used 90 quartz to get Tamamo a few months ago and failed, only to be spooked by her yesterday on the Raikou rate up.
>not having at least two ssrs of every class
Why continue living?
gachashitters should unironically be executed. prove me wrong. you can't
Can anyone else seriously not be arsed with Onigashima? I already beat it with 300m DP last year and got my maxed Kintoki and Golden Sumo. I'll probably just farm enough currency to get the lanugos I desperately need and not bother with the raids. The 3BP node is still a pain in the ass even though it's easier than Rashomon's 3BP, and most of the event boosted servants I have (Emiya, Demiya, Suzuka, Tamamo, Kiyo Lancer, Kuro) are useless because of either type disadvantage or having a AoE NP - or in Kuro and Demiya's case, because the one Saber boss happens to resist Arts. Plus I blew the rest of my tickets on Raicow and only got NP2 Fionn.
does /fgoalter/ have a guide for the event?I can't find one online
The only limited I care about as much as those two is Semiramis though, and she's not out for a while.
People unironically like grindfests. Its why MMO's are popular
they have shit for brains
which is why they are attracted to such rubbish and watch anime
You're dead right
t. Gachashitter
Please forgive me.
Please play Dragalia Lost.
Play king's raid
the third Amane looks fucking stupid with the off-center mouth
I play gacha games for the sexy children.
the real question is if you're gonna play a shitty gacha anyway, why not play a porn one where you get an actual scene for your efforts
why can't /alter/ stay on their shithole?
Because Karen Araragi is cute
Looks generic
I got 5 SSRs thus year, 3 of which were from tickets