Here's your AAA game of the year contender, bro

>Here's your AAA game of the year contender, bro

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Other urls found in this thread:

no. only xbots shills pretend they are excited for gears of uncharted 5.

>gays of war
10/10, would play

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more like tears of war
that shits got that little bitch crying all the time

Gears 1-3 were kino as fuck but 4 was hit or miss. Hopefully the new one is better.

It has the potential to be this year's God of War-esque awards-bait depending on how they pull it off.

Didn't they retcon the breeding camps?

gears of war more like queers of war lmao

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Really grindrs your gears

Official gears rankings

3 = 2 > 1 > judgement > shit

the rest is shit



man we really need trigger warnings on Yea Forums now huh

Do they even realize only the most redneck dudebros at Tears of War?
Female protagonist is a suicide.

Lmao the series shat its pants after gow3
I skipped judgement but 4 was meh




The A stands for AAAIDS

Here's your other AAA game of the year contender, bro.

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disgusting. cant believe they butchered gears this badly. it was actually pretty cool on xbox 360

America, sort out your fucking subhumans for fucks sake. They are poisioning the mind and soul of your nation with these low IQ twinks

What went wrong
>Female main protagonist

why do people get so butthurt about things like this? when pride is over they'll get rid of the rainbow because PR time is over


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I stopped watching after season 6
are future seasons any good

you'll never be female

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>when pride is over they'll get rid of the rainbow because PR time is over
exactly, pretty low huh?

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Season 7 is OK but they've clearly ran out of ideas afterwards cus the next 2 seasons are literally Archer having Fever dreams about being in different time periods.

Gears was so good during the X360 days. It's too bad Microsoft can't make good games these days.

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Pride month

>Only ones that actually give a shit and basically are maintaining this series alive are mexicans
>pandering to SJW and feminist shit
>mexicans are well know for generally being extremely politically incorrect and shitting on feminists and gay propaganda with no regards of what americans think about them

Seriously appart from looking boring as shit this game is destined to flop.

love to suck dicks and play Gears of War

>it's her turn the vidya gayme
Dude, not even most xbros are excited for this. Look at the cover art... It's laughable. And "Gears 5" ? Shit looks so lame.

>the new twitter icon

>3rd person console action experience goty #398
sad but possible

6 games of rehashes, no one cares anymore, how long can this 2008 era game design go on.

>War returns to Sera
>Every game has been about the war on Sera

what did they mean by this?

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>queers of war
Came here to post this.

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More like gays of war.

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is this real?
the absolute state of the american left

>it's real
You gotta be kidding me m8

I love pride month for the collective asshurt it brings out off Yea Forums

Bet you get an extra portion of that during pride month too. if you know what i mean ;)

i used to say drumpf because i hate anglicizations of german surnames but these people ruined it for me, its really cringy now.

and they could've named it "the donald" or some shit.

What is so proud about it? How can anyone be proud to be a fucking degenerate?

>Game has "War" in the title
>Female protagonist

Dropped. What a trash idea.

Selling out for good boy points is pretty much the same as being a bootlicker. We know WHY people do it. It doesn't make you look any better that "everybody does it" because not everybody does. Its also basically whoring yourself out for publicity.

Jesus sucked dick and had orgies with his disciples

They removed war from the title. It's not about war anymore. IT'S ABOUT HER

He also was a nigger liberal

Please explain to me how any other gears of war game was any less lame. Xbros loved those ones for some reason.

Finally someone who sees Gears 4 for the absolute piece of shit it is

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4 was the worst gears by far. I don't know how they messed it up that much

I'm looking forward to this game but goddamn, these fucking leaf trannies truly butchered my boy (female). Gears will never be the same.

>t. didn't play gears 4

What are you problems with 4?
Besides the poor story?
Also did you even play it on XboneX with a good 4K tv? The game looks really great. As for gameplay it's the same ol stuff basically

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>Using sites in gipsy language.

LOL FUCK liberals! Imagine giving a FUCK about GAYS and WOMEN! Weak-minded individuals LMAO! They're a bunch of PUSSIES for being progressi- WAIT...WHAT THE FUCK...GET THIS SHIT OUT OF MY GAMES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK

>Its also basically whoring yourself out for publicity.
This is what megacorps do though. They don't really have any standards or morals as long as it doesn't affect the money coming in. Slapping a rainbow on things is just a really simple way to make cash.

You think they move to China and obscure Southeast Asian countries to make friends?

nah the lgbt community eats up that corporate pandering shit without realising it

Now why would you do that? Gears 4 is available on the PC. If you really wanted the best experience you'd buy it there.
Not that making it look and run better fixes its repetitive gameplay or shit plot.

>t. has not proof
Stay mad faggot

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please buy the product


Neoliberal shills really are the lowest form of life.

Attached: Walmart_Fresno_Gay_Pride_2015_FB(1)_810_500_75_s_c1[1].jpg (810x500, 85K)

W/e I just say thanks for the free shirts and sunglasses they give out during the parade

buy the product

2 is the only good one and i hope it will be available for PC at some point. Considering game pass will come to pc and other xbox games in general, chances aren't so bad.

Only if I feel like it

but we support your rights. buy the product

>you are either a shill or a tranny if you don't cry about gay pride
the nu-/pol/ schizos are gonna be fucking untolerable this month. Can you please just cry in your containment board?

Have sex

Well I played it on XboneX because that's my platform of choice
As to why I don't have a gaming PC, the reason is a 4K60+ PC is too expensive (and yes I'm aware XboneX isnt a 4K60 machine, but that's the standard I'd want if I were to make to jump on PC)
XboneX graphics looks really good, all.we need is more framerate (which Anaconda will fix)

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Hey capitalism! Thanks for the free shirt. I'd invite you in but the party is kind of full already and I don't wanna make things awkward, you know, haha. It was good seeing you though!

As expected.

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please buy the product

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>repetitive gameplay

I agree with you on that. Which is why I"m looking forward to 5; the serie desperately needs some change at this point

im so fucking sick of this shit

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How about a compromise: you give me the cup for free cuz it's cute and I don't buy any Budweiser because your beer is gross and basic

as soon as you buy product


>everyone who isn't American center-left is /pol/

Literally playing a woman with locust genes fucking lol. Even back in the day I knew the series had gone in the shitter by 2

I'm excited for the multiplayer alone.

How about you buy the product.

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The first third of the game has you shouting polite construction robots who tell you to please stop while you roam around with some women stealing stuff like a band of gypsies. It’s fucking gay.

To think naughty dog used to be a cool company

Should've just stopped at 3. Had a good ending that wrapped everything clean. Literally fucking nobody asked for a 4th or 5th games. Fans actually wanted a Pendulum War prequel

What does TD bank do for homos?

They have to force it into everything don't they

>fast food
If I get fat ESPECIALLY before pride I get TWO demerits on my gay card, no thanks

don't ask questions, just buy the product

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They hand out coozies

What's your favorite [corporate product] to consume? Mine is asexual [corporate product]. Yaaaaaas qween

Gears of War is never GoTY material because they focus on being a game first.

They stick large object up their holes, what is not to be proud of?

>the absolute fucking state of western gaming


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I do love the BOGO burritos coupons from Chipotle they hand out. My friend got like 10 of them last year

Damnit Burger King. Why can’t you based and redpilled as Mickey D’s

this doesnt fully happen

They are a bank so they bend you over and fuck your ass without lube. Gays love this.

That incident with the black catholic pastor in Canada was fucked up

It wont be

>business uses something you care about to market
>business sues something you don't care about to market
>Wow... Such abuse they're just using people to make profit...
Literally, unironically, physically, have sex.

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Only gays get ass hurt if you catch my drift

Also, buy the product.

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>apex dudebro frat game after halo
>fill it with fags, women, and minorities
Marketing genius.

I wanna go back...

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Gears 2 had a pretty good story to be honest. It was predictable but enjoyable in a cheesy action movie way.

I still don't understand why female vidya heroes have to be this fucking ugly. Why? Is it because of mutthurt?=

Because they want to make strong females and to do that they have to make them act/look closer to males because they're strong.

But it's a fucking video game. You can create a stunning looking female hero who still can kick ass.

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her looks are overstated... decent body but that face was never very attractive

Compared to her face looks like the very definition of beauty.

Tell that to those canadian cucks.

When even mexicans (Gears' main demographic) are shitting on this crap, you know you're doing something wrong. This game is gonna flop so hard.

Gears is suffering from what most games I think are going to suffer from that are story based. They are passing on the mantle to the next generation of Cog and nobody gives a shit since everyone cares about the original characters anyway. I played gears 4 and could not give a shit about a single one of the new guys.

I imagine the same is going to happen with god of war when they inevitably kill Kratos for his son to carry his mantle.

this was the first game they let you play as a female in multiplayer

maybe you forgot how gay that was

now that it's been 15 years I dont give a shit anymore

>this was the first game they let you play as a female in multiplayer

>These corporations clearly care very much about our rights
>Yes clearly they do, they temporarily changed the color of their logo

Go ahead and buy their products and show that you aren't a nazi!

as long as the gameplay is good

the production values of the campaign look pretty good from what we've seen, if we get a more open gears experience with more of that great gameplay, and some new weapons, I could give less than a shit that the main character is a hot girl

you will never be a woman

gears 2 right, you could play as anya

I thought that was gay as shit at the time, but I dont care anymore

>hot girl
Trust me, i would complain less if this was the case.

>gears 2 right, you could play as anya
Wrong again.

uh ok, pretty sure I'm 100 percent right, but we'll just gloss over that

she is hot, are you retarded, watch the trailer

I hate faggots so goddamn much. Fag genocide when? Compared to 10 years ago this world feels so different and so shit, it's appalling.

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>pretty sure I'm 100 percent right
Wrong for the third time.

>she is hot
That you're right about.

yea it's gears 2, you think i'm a fucking retard

you could play as myrah and anya, and probably some other chick

it was gay as shit at the time

but if you havent got used to 1 female character in a video game in over 10 years, maybe you need a reality check, it literally doesnt matter

It's akin to making every logo brown during black history month. It's tacky as fuck.

Trust me, there will come a point where those fags will take their degeneracy too far and enough will be enough, you can only go against human nature for so long. Unfortunately, i don't think that's something our generation will witness.


Literally Lmao @ straights who can't handle us just existing

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So fucking forced yikes

Wait, there's a GoW 5 announced? Can't Xbox come up with anything new already? How many shooters and racing games are they going to keep churning out before they realize they want more than that?

I'm going to be lmaoing @ fags when they're stood next to walls and shot.

>yea it's gears 2, you think i'm a fucking retard
>you could play as myrah and anya, and probably some other chick
Wrong for the 4th time, how long will this keep going until you make a 1-minute search on google?

>but if you havent got used to 1 female character in a video game in over 10 years, maybe you need a reality check, it literally doesnt matter
I'm 100% fine with playable females in Gears, i'm just against Kait's forced protagonism for obvious agenda reasons.

Gears of War 1 had the best multiplayer

Gears of war was always shit, now it's feminist shit, I'm only watching E3 for Halo Infinite and Metroid 5, Microsoft and Nintendo forgot how to make good games, there are still some good franchise from them but most of them are not new, that Bleeding Edge game looks like shit

He was peacefully preaching his thing in a street saying things like god loves you no matter what you and such and then some pride piece of shits started mobbing him. Some cops showed up who were wearing pride flag shit on their uniforms (I'm not joking about that) and they arrested him for no reason.

Gears is officially multiplat now, you don't need to bait people anymore.

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>Game Developer: *puts a rainbow color scheme on a social media outlet*
>Yea Forums: Pic related

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I honestly dont see the agenda dude, I'm sorry you feel that way

I just looked at the covers, looks like gears 2 to me

>muh glitches of lag
It'd would be a respectable opinion if you said UE but we all know 3/4 have the best multiplayer.

Keep dreaming, straightbrain. Day of the Rope is a fantasy and it's hilarious how that's literally your only cope against us

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nice to see that low key racism against immigrant families is ok as long as the immigrant family happens to be republican

I'm not baiting. If anything I keep forgetting that all Xbox games are also coming to PC.

You clearly obviously never played Gears 2 because none of them were playable in Gears 2, it's Gears 3 you fucking retarded cunt.

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Gears is double A at best, who cares about this fucking series anymore?

>twitter meme format
How are you enjoying your time on 4channel, summerfag?

I guess we'll see soon, won't we, faggot? Good job getting a (you) out of me you little baiter.

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one second google search

I did play gears 2 you fucking idiot

I got the xbox 360 on launch day

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It annoys me that their logos aren't consistent.
Even the skull in the two images are different skulls.

>I just looked at the covers, looks like gears 2 to me
For the 5th time dude, GEARS 2 DOESN'T HAVE PLAYABLE FEMALES. That's Gears 3 you're thinking about.

Metroid 5
>he doesn't know

>dude just stop noticing that fags are infecting literally everything, that's cringe bro xD
Back to twitter

Seek help buddy, how can you forget info from a week ago?

Reminder that this is the senior brand manager for gears

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Alright faggot, which segment in the game do you play as Anya or Myrrah then

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Yes retard, that image was from Gears 2 but that game didn't have playable females.

Yeah we'll see as I continue to be gay and straight dudes organize sad little straight pride parades out of spite
Rent free :)

Those fags just never played it

>that everything about her

Gears was never good

I was wrong, shit memory, I could have swore you could play as anya and the queen in gears 2 multiplayer

>I got the xbox 360 on launch day
mines red ringed of death

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It's Trumpf (german for trump, as in trump card) in modern high german anyway.

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The Gays of Us: Part II is not coming in 2019

Because I'm not autist that care about the latest gaming news

Why do you fags feel upset about this? It's not offending your "god emperor" or anything.

I really wonder what it's like to be bothered by this. Like, do you guys actually have an existential crisis? Is your life really getting worse and worse all the time?

What is this image of three random people on a forum supposed to be saying? Nintendo came out last year and said it was cancelled.

But you did know about it coming to PC, so you do care about latest news.

Gears of War 3 was the first time you could play as a female in multiplayer, you fucking retard.


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I only care if all the Gears games come to Steam since they announced 5

I thought female playable characters was gay as shit like 10 years ago, but i'm not 15 any more and dont give a shit, times have changed, the only thing that really matters is the gameplay, and if it gets too fucking gay obviously

a woman who's willing to die to find out more about the locust doesnt seem sufficiently gay for me to feel disgust

I get it scroll down, forgot my dementia meds today

What if it was Coletrain or another male character saying this? Would you have a problem with that ?


It was pretty infuriating seeing you hitting the wall again and again, eh.

This line isn't even bad since Marcus did basically the same thing.

Yeah because the anons constantly mention it here, you should know that yourself. I don't go searching it myself as if I care

How awesome would That be

>There was a time where ODST, REACH and the gears games were peak microsoft

I think I miss it.

and white, and successful

Metroid 5 (a 2D game) was in development during SR and was in early production in 2017, it will most likely show up at E3 for either a late 2019 or an early 2020 release for the Swich.

>Epitome of testosterone shooters
>Turn it into a Last of Us-esque affair

ODST and Reach were shit, and Gears was popular because Microsoft had nothing else going for it, at the time. Gears was always generic shit.

Interesting to hear from a non-shitposting xbox gamer.

I'm genuinely asking, since I don't play there, do you ever feel upset at MS for sort of abandoning good first party support and sort of putting the xbox on the backburner?

I actually miss her long hair alot. I think it made her look hotter

>ODST and Reach were shit

Okay buddy. Either you're shitposting or our opinions differ to much to have a conversation

Look if you're going to post a template for good Xbox 360 Halo games, post Halo 3, better than both of that shit.

the last relevant Gears was 12 years ago.
It's time to let go, MS... it's never going to be 2008 again for this series.

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the gameplay is still good, and the female is taking a risk to find something out, it's not like she's going to sculpture class, she's fighting locust almost on her own

Halo 3 was excellent, but didn't have Firefight, and ODST and Reach both had a better stories. also reach had more indepth spartan customization.

I've logged countless hours on halo 3 with buds, but I think ODST and Reach were both improvements. This is from a long time bungie fan.

What are you talking about? They're focusing on first party game development like they haven't since the the first Xbox was born. What you really mean is them dropping exclusive games to a specific plastic box.

seething and cringe, have sex

Maybe I'm not aware, what are the first party games you're playing/are coming?

And what I mean is not giving other people a reason to own the console anymore.


Is this you?

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>And what I mean is not giving other people a reason to own the console anymore
That's because they're focusing on software sales rather than hardware. At this point, their current and future xbox consoles are glorified mid to high range PCs at a more affordable price,

>own a bucket
I don't get it.

Firefight was boring and repetitive and it died fast, Reach had a terrible story that retconned Halo 1-3, campaign, gameplay, and multiplayer. ODST and Reach were when the Xbox went to shit. Bungie's only good Halo games were Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3, that's it.

Agreed, the multiplayer and community was so good in Gears 1

This is me

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You don't get fat by eating fast food, you get fat by burning less calories than you consume

>remove the cold water from my shower system
>own a bucket
I don't get it. What does that mean?

Having cold showers increases testosterone.

Like I said, we disagree strongly. They were the highlight of the series to me. MC and his story had gotten stale by 3 for me, so reach and ODST were refreshing and far from terrible. Gameplay peaked at 3, which transferred to ODST and firefight gave you an outlet to play with that gunplay endlessly. Reach tweaked that gameplay adjacently, which I really liked too. sorry pal, we're just not on the same page. Not saying you're wrong though, you're entitled to it.

To this date there's still mexicans playing GoW3


Wait that's something people really say? I just thought it was some meme /pol/ made up. What the fuck?

I'm so glad to live in a "3rd world shithole".
I don't have to deal with things like fags wanting to be special, if they do they got lynched or something.

Yeah, conservative values is the only thing i like about being mexican.

You were just never a Halo fan, to begin with, ODST and Reach have shit stories.

I played 40 minutes of 4 and it was fucking shit. Can't see this being any better.

the 'cope' is everlasting hellfire

I beat it in a single weekend
Loved it

>I played gears 4 and could not give a shit about a single one of the new guys
Did the new guys even have personalities? I saw some clips and they looked like generic throwaways. Seems like it comes down to uninspired writing and characterless characters.

>he's a Christcuck
Stop it's too funny

>halo led by feminist hack
>gears led by another bitch
>star wars ran into the ground in mere years by a dried up man hating cunt
What did they mean by this?

Nathan Drake stereotype
Shit token black guy
No personality
Shitty Dizzy clone

They're all shit and extremely forgettable. Gears Judgement characters like Sofia, Paduk, Loomis and General Karn are much more memorable than those twats.

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It's based to be right-wing. But being a christcuck is cringe as fuck.

At least Halo's lead is hot.

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lgbt pandering has reached crazy heights this hear, it's so bad that otherwise supportive people are now thinking, man those gays are kinda annoying.
I know a gay dude who straight up is pissed at pride month because of the sheer amount of corporatism coopting the movement.

hehe gottem

I can't stand this clown world bros

At least Halo lead is smart and realizes that Halo main series belongs to Master Chief.


Lmao Xcuck delusion

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So you know a level 1 "I'm not like other gays UwU" baby gay. Congratulations

You don't have to love Trump to think putting your assblasted buzzwords into your video game isn't just petty obsession.

There was a Gears 4?

>At least Halo lead is smart
Yeah she managed to retain her position after releasing three bad products. Very impressive.

Does anyone actually care about this franchise anymore? It's worn out its welcome the same way Halo has, but even Halo has more room to recover.

I don't even like the the idiot. I'm tired of seeing butthurt retards inject their politics into gayming when it's already gay enough. And drumpf is such an overused phrase. It's anti-clever.

Yep, it may be needed since people could be talking negatively about gays here, unlike on reddit. I know, shocking for the likes of you.

"Ya know who plays that shit? Gay niggas. Gay niggas"

I agree fellow consummer, we must purchase product to show we love the LGBTQ+ community.

that's a man, right?

Halo 4 and 5 weren't that bad though.

>have sex.

Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

Nah the shorter hair is way hotter

>new protagonists made out of recycled cardboard
>people reject them and want old cast back
Makes sense. People want good characters and solid stories / game play. I bet these characters were designed to be as inoffensive as possible.

He should sue for religious persecution and racism from public servants.

not this year

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Pic Is based

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Ontario is lost to the LGBT menace. The only hope we have is that they continue to import third worlders who hate them just as much as I do.

To be fair, Tears of War was gay before it became popular

At least it was just bros being gay

Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

Not gonna lie that sounds fucking awful


Based and christpilled.

To sodomites maybe.

It's something biological trash like trannies and gays will never be able to do

Thank Gay God. I'm gonna keep having fun with hedonism. You breeders do what you're good for

The fag flag is the most offensive thing.

ok that was pretty good not gonna lie about that

>Mocking TDS.

Why are you upset?

You must not love in southern California. Most Mexicans are sjws.

And that’s True

>implying bug chasers like this will get to live that long

I'm a real mexican living in Mexico, not one of those filthy fake "mexicans" you got up there.

We've got prep, sweaty ;P

It literally should have just been JD and Kait, why was Del eve added, they couldn't even give JD his own game without throwing his father in the mix. They should have just made Gears 4 about Marcus, now they're already replacing JD with the no personality bitch for them feminism points and just at that her partner is the token black guy.

happy politics month, Yea Forums.
don't forget to spam transgenderPride in chat

>Rainbow logo
Why companies do this? is so easy to hate them...

Because companies are led by people who, like 99% of the population, are degenerates. They dont need a single cent, they just use the power they have to create propaganda of the hedonism they love