How do you fix the open world genre to make it something more than just another Ubisoft objective filled map with side...

How do you fix the open world genre to make it something more than just another Ubisoft objective filled map with side quests scattered everywhere?

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You stop making open world games. And leave it to stupid devs to continue ruining it while you restore faith in gamedev with your linear non-open world games.

Actually populate them with useful items and secrets and meaningful narratives. Just like old GTA used to do

Remove the map

Removing level requirements and giving a map which slowly reveals itself as you explore. Botw did the points of interest right and gave huge objects the most view distance which was neat

Making a game with boring, repetitive, filler objectives and side quests even MORE tedious would not make the game any better.

Bethesda used to do it fine. Even skyrim is tolerable with all it's flaws.

Build a game on the concepts of System Shocks: make consistent locations first, then fill it with working systems. Either way cheat with hub locations like in STALKER, VTMB or Deus Ex. Also disable markers.

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It was fixed a long time ago

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I'm replaying Days Gone because of the update that added a new difficulty. Pretty much everyone except Ubisoft makes good open world games. Ubisoft should stop making games, because they're lazy, low effort, reskinned cash grabs.

Life simulation like Stalker and Dwarf Fortress.

Egoraptor loves his wine, huh

If you can’t see the joy of going around an open world then the genre just isn’t for you.

Density > Size

The industry is obsessed these days with making open worlds massive so as to impress people from a visual/technological standpoint. But when we have barren experiences like No Man's Sky, people are no longer impressed solely by size. What people do remember is what you can do in the open environments and how you can interact with it.

I see 3 different directions you can go. You can go the immersive sim route, like Deus Ex Mankind Divided or Prey, where you have smaller hubs that are so densely packed with secrets, shortcuts, and player interactions that it feels like exploring something worth exploring. You can focus on player interaction in the environment, like in Breath of the Wild, where the game puts effort into the player's ability to make the world work in whatever way they want. Or you can go the Dark Souls route, having somewhat linear environments interconnect so as to provide a relatively focused experience but still span large areas of discovery.

Regardless of your method, simply making areas open for the sake of impressing players with technology or padding out game time is shit. If there isn't content, or a unique way to interact with the world, you have what might as well be a loading screen in-between objectives, marked with useless side objectives and distractions from properly made content.

ive played saints row, farcry, and botw.
botw came pretty close to what I want from an open world game, but it got some pretty key things wrong for me. But I will say Botw is currently the best open world game.
Open world games need to have you constantly working towards something and be replayable.
In farcry and saints row, you had certain objectives to do in whatever order you wanted, but you had to do em eventually. Then you were done.
Botw makes you work towards getting the one thing done however you want, but then theres nothing left to fucking do even in next playthroughs.

If you had enough hearts and armor, and weapon slots to kill ganon, the only thing you need to do anything else is raise your max stamina.
But by the time you raise your max stamina, you realize you've already done the things you want to have high stamina for. Then you are just left to pursue things with no solid reward or start a new game.
And if you restart botw, you are now just cheesing every enemy 24/7 with slow motion dodges since you've already done the learning part of the game. Now the combat isn't fun and its a walking simulator

I think what open world games need is to make me work towards new game plus.
Instead of just trapping me in this cycle of shit ive already done. Make me work for new shit to do, by completing (most) of the old shit. Make it a two playthrough experience, but they have to be ACTUALLY unique and not just making enemies tanks.

play better games, retard. it has already been fixed, same with STALKER

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by focusing on a life and making areas interesting and buildings enterable and weaether act like weather not like a visual change. Like stalker.
'And not having markers on map or fast tarvel.

Pretty much the perfect open world game. Two might be better but I can't finish it because my graphics card broke.

Remove the map and any quest markers. Make it about exploration, discovery and random surprise. Not TODO list chores.

Smaller world with more content, and world stages like in Gothic 1 & 2

By taking a look at Gothic 1 and 2.

how do I into Gothic when the controls and interface are so bad?

You can't. That's the best the open world genre has to offer.

have autism or be german

you add a bunch of unique items to find rather than having generic loot at the end of a side path

>have autism or be german
Or? I thought being autistic automatically made you German

open world games are truly amazing when there is no map and no waypoints, as someone already said
that isn't going to happen because they have to optimize the difficulty for high school dropouts in order to make as much money as possible

>autistic automatically made you German
sorry Achmed

Remove quest objective markers
Remove level scaling
There, open world games are fixed. Provided you can actually write a decent story and aren't absolute shit at world building. Quest objective markers remove the exploration and wonder from the game--which is entirely the point of the open world model. Exploring the world, and discovering all the shit tucked away in it. Quest markers make the game into a check list. Level scaling obliterates any sense of player progression. Just because there are areas too strong for the player, or beneath the players power level, doesn't mean the world isn't "open." We should be free to fuck off into a necromancers cave and get butt blasted because he's a higher level and we got too intrepid. For one, that's part of the exploration and sense of grandeur, and for two, coming back later and defeating him feels like progression

It's not fucking hard. Remove these two things.