Baldurs gate 3

Why are people hyped for this shit again
>game using canon bhaalspawn as abdel who died like a bitch in a level 1-5 module which resulted in bhaals resurrection rendering everything in 1-2 pointless

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It goes without saying.
Baldur's Gate is a highly praised series.
Mostly bc of BG2.
Zoomers can't comprehend how much fun we had playing it.
People have been dying for a return.

It doesn't even have anyone involved with the original 2 it's just a cashgrab that shits on everyone who poured hundreds of hours into those games

>people have been dying for a return
I haven't, 1 & 2 were a complete story just slapping the name baldurs gate on something is bs, now we are getting last jedi'd because they have to bring everything back and ruin it.


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>a new thing existing "shits on" the fun you had in old games

you are why people look down on GAYMURZ

>Murder in Baldur’s Gate, a 5E D&D playtest module, is a launching point for Larian’s story, and in the events in that adventure result in Bhaal, the God of Murder, returning. You do not play as the main character from Baldur Gate’s II, and Larian and Wizards aren’t saying if you’re a Bhaalspawn or not. It’ll be a single-player and multiplayer game (as were the originals played on LANs).


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>>game using canon bhaalspawn as abdel who died like a bitch in a level 1-5 module which resulted in bhaals resurrection rendering everything in 1-2 pointless

>new movie existing SHITS ON EVERYTHING fun about the old movies
that is why people look down on star wars fans.

oh wait, they dont, they agree with their outrage.

Honestly if this game is actually based on the continuity from that shitty novel then I have to agree with the OP shitting on it, the problem is where is the evidence for this claim?

You'll be hearing it alot, enjoy your canon bhaalspawn for 3


It happens in Murder in Baldurs Gate

there is no part in that sentences that makes sense considering they call it baldurs gate 3.

>why are zoomers hyped for brand recognition
Because they're retarded.

Fuck I really hope there aren’t any Bhaal spawn in the game. I don’t mind it being in the same universe as the original games, but give us a new story. They could have some interesting side quests that reference the original games. Bg 1 and 2 have a statisfying conclusion to them already. There is no need to continue that original narrative

Not only are Star Wars fans some of those brainlet fans, but you really base quality on how many old characters are there? That's hilariously superficial, I'm sure your views on everything else are just as one dimensional.

have sex.

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I just hope the characters don't look like they're from WoW, have a stupid armor bar and don't jump around the map like they were in a Japanese beat em up all the damn time. But I'd like a tactical horror RPG because it hasn't been tried in the west before. DOS2 had a couple of good scary moments like the scarecrow fight and the praying abomination fight.

I was already sceptical when I heard larian is making it, because their games are less roleplaying games, and more tabletop-roleplaying-session-insanity-simulators where the least believable ideas are great ways to play
>I steal his pants and then backstab him with a ballista

>"I sneak-attack the book"
>"you cant sneak-attack an inanimate object without discernable anatomy"
>"its got a spine, doesnt it?"

but now I am pretty much hopeless.

Baldurs gate came out in 2000. So games like the sims, jet set radio, perfect dark and diablo 2 were also released the same year. It was a good time to be a gamer but it was 19 years ago.

>Larian studios

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>game 3
>new protag has nothing to do with 2 and 1
Why the fuck would they do this?

I liked so much about divinity os/2 but definitely not the atrocious combat.
Gimme tactics, positioning and clever implementation of environmental hazards over a cc rush (1) or a dps rush (2) any day.

Again, brand recognition.

Not everything with tentacles is Lovecraft. This is tho

>Not only are Star Wars fans some of those brainlet fans
generalization, but you also ignore that non-star wars fans are also not happy with the new movies.
> you really base quality on how many old characters are there
no I dont. I also did not misread>It doesn't even have anyone involved with the original 2
as referring to the characters, but to the developers.
> That's hilariously superficial
coming from someone who does not understand a word of the posts he is responding to, that is quite the mouthful.

Because they want to not make the new audience that is going to pick up the game feel excluded, the majority of the potential playerbase that is.
Most people that originally played Baldur's Gate have families/work nowadays and couldn't care less about a video game they played 20 years ago.

I know some of you have serious doubts about how the game will turn out.
Whatever the case, I'm buying it immediately.
I don't even give a shit how much it costs.
Instant buy. I'm so fucking down for more.

Worse case scenario, it will be like an elder-scrolls game that the community has to fix and mod into a great experience.

How about instead of instantly buying whatever your insipid mind tells you to, you wait 1-2 days and see if it's as good as old BGs

No. I play my fucking games before the world spoils the shit out of it.
I see for myself what the game is like.
I support the devs, and I give it a chance.

No one cares about some stupid fan-fiction based on BG2 which was released 19 years ago.

What does that have to do with zoomers, retard? The game Larian is making will be completely different from BG1 and 2.

Give me Ball-duurs Gate as long as it isn't boomer Baldur's Gate. Hurry it up though because my friends just logged into fortnite.

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>Perfect Dark

I'll never understand why some people like to pretend goldeneye is better, PD still is one of the most fun, polished, and complete FPS out there.

>implying zoomers have read that dreadful Athans novels

It's hardly Larian's fault Wizards went with the stupid Abdel shit and made it canon.

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Because GE came first and nostalgia is strong, and because it was a James Bond game that everybody played.

You're right though, PD was better by a million miles.

nostalgia goggles are a big thing

Nostalgia goggles aren't real, they're just an invention from zoomers who can't fathom that you can replay games in the current year and still enjoy them.

You know you're a zoomer if you can't figure out how to play a classic crpg.
Baldurs Gate (1) is forgivable.
But BGII, Fallout 1/2, Planescape, if you for the life of you can't figure out how to play the game, that's not a justification to call it bad.
Go back to your fortnite and gears of war.
Your opinion is moot.

who's moot?

idk lol

Who says they won't change it so that the guy who gets killed in the module isn't abdullard? They can modify the module if they want to, right?

Since it's WoTC I'm not so sure

How about we wait until we know more about the game before we get all outraged about it then?

I hope they don't chicken out and go back to Real Time with Pause

Why not? Rtwp is better than turn based in every way. Only retarded zoomers hate it.

We are living in times when you can pretty safely be outraged at anything, way before It comes out, just by judging the company responsible

why?D:OS2 was extremely successful

They already said they are gonna change the rulesets according to what they feel is right. Like removing hit dice, among other, yet unknown things. There is literally no way this game is gonna be anything else than a soulless cashgrab that is connected to the first two instalments in name only. Prejudice outrage is perfectly justified.

RTwP is superior for D&D

turn-based works for Divinity's elemental system, similar to Pokemon and SMT

And? Skyrim was successful too, doesn't make it a good game.

Skyrim was one of the best games I've ever played.
Yes, the barebones vanilla game lacked in many ways,
but the mod community when absolute apeshit fixing it up into a masterpiece.

not played D:OS2, but was a backer on D:OS1

ended up dropping that game cause of the god awful quests and dialogue. sure, it has great turn-based combat, but I don't play WRPGs for the gameplay.

don't know if D:OS2 improved the quests and all that, but if not then I won't be hyped for BG3

Yeah but I'm talking about the plot of the game and how it might tie into those shitty novelizations of the first two games. If they are willing to discard stuff from the rulesets they may also be willing to discard objectionable plot elements too.

i've honestly done my due diligence in trying to play the first baldurs gate, but i just couldnt do it. is the second slightly better in that regard?

Absolutely. I highly recommend it.
It's much friendlier to newcomers.
You might have to patch it up a bit,
but it's fun.

/vr/ is a good place to ask about starting a game, patches, etc.

>movie interesting
can't wait to see how the fuck everything else

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Hopefully they dont mess it up. I was hoping Beamdog who made Dragonspear and the enhanced Baldurs Gate I and II versions were going to get this because they are really good storytellers. The addition of a transgender character in Dragonspear was amazing. I dont know much about Larian but I hope they dont go with the boring cliche fantasy characters and do something progressive with the storytelling.

I hate them so much in WoW.
They always involve bullshit like mindcontrol

trailer was good but everything else we've heard is dogshit

I wonder if its more Baldurs gate than Divinity.
Divinities greatness wasnt its world or dialogue but its creativity. IE I managed to skip a huge ass questline by stumbling into a cave I was supposed to discover later on. Using your own spells and literally throwing items on the grond you can create your own choke points. You can cheese shit by dropping enemies on hazardous ground

The only thing that can save Baldurs Gate 3 would be if it wasn't made by Bioware.