Protect her smile
XIV Shadowbringers
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I miss it bros.
What's the most aesthetic DRG set and why is it the Diamond armor of maiming
>late night susanoo farm
>last doggo I need
>two tanks 1 healer for some faster runs
>co tank just stays in shield oath forever and never shirks even after I provoke slashing debuff off him
>need to threat combo but still stay ahead of him, so whatever
>he ends up rage of haloneing the boss back onto him and dies after group starts getting low while dps fuck up the thunderstorms
>he dies and immediately starts typing that I'm not supposed to tank the boss
>ok retard
>group eventually wipes, check act and notice he and a drg are both doing 1k dps despite 380+ ilvl
>pld wasn't using holy spirit combo, cast shield lob 7 times
>drg wasn't using jump, among other problems
what the fuck is wrong with these people? literally the only time I see people try and call others out it's always immediately obvious that they have no idea what they're doing or how to play the game. How the fuck did they get gear and get to max level?
>six fucking dots
>entire goal was to avoid ever casting ruin
>shb launches
>one dot
>goal is to cast one filler spell forever
What was yoshi thinking?
He made SCH not be a half asses SMN, he regrets the branched job idea from the beginning. SCH was never intended to have all those dots
You’d be surprised how far you can get continuously throwing your head at a wall until other people carry you, especially for DPS.
Did a Seiryu Ex run a few days ago and a RDM kept dying to every single mechanic. When we finally called them out on it they threw a fit and literally tried to say it was everyone else’s fault and not their own. I assume people like that get carried once and then join farm parties and pray no one calls them out so they can stick around and get the loot.
shadowbringers was a warrior expansion all along
What is High Steel?
Nothing in the game except high end raid content requires you to play your job properly. You could go from 1 to 70, do the entire MSQ, all NM raids, and 24-mans, doing only your basic bitch combos and using no CDs just fine.
There are legit people who play that poorly and the game never tells them to do otherwise.
tabard dyes like shit
>wake up on the 28th
>run to my computer and log on
>already prepatched, ready to go
>7,000th place in queue
>30 minutes later, finally get in
>servers immediately crash
Looking forward to it
You already have a general for this game,
fuck off now
How does the early access work anyway? Do early birds have the new skillsets while everyone else stays the same?
Lmao suck a dick janny
No everyone gets updated on the same day but only early access can do the new MSQ and unlock the new jobs.
Drachen you fucking no taste tranny
Yeah and they made a whole website for you dipshit, back to plebbit you go
>doing Seiryu Ex
>WHM catboi wearing Shisui gear joins
>constantly fucks up towers and stacks
>calls the rest of the party shit and leaves
>check PF, he started his own party
>minimum ilvl390 and Lootmaster
>stays up for an hour with one or two people joining before it disappears
Crystal can be a treat sometimes
Literally what is the point of that? Preventing overloading of the new instances?
Early access is a pre-order bonus, so it's obviously to get more people to pre-order.
To make you preorder
An incentive to preorder the game. That's literally it. Everyone that preordered gets to play a week before everyone else.
Week? Isn't it like 3 days?
4, I think.
I pre-ordered for the godly exp earring though.
Ah yeah that's right. Early access is 28th and official release is July 2nd.
AF3 with AF2 helm.
I haven't leveled DRG yet but the other day a retainer brought me a Wootz Mail, I stuffed it away into storage as it looked kinda neat.
Why do people make these? Trannies never admit to being trannies.
valerian >>>>>>>>>>> every other DRG set
>/xivg/ poll
This is why if you're gonna take time off of work for a new xpac, you never do the day of. Always at least 3-4 days after, let them fix the server issues.
I took a week off for Stormblood but did it for the actual live launch rather than Early Access, only experienced Raubahn's Wall for a little bit. The rage in my FC was amazing to see though
>no pvp changes until 5.1
I know you fucks hate pvp but I found it fucking fun at first, it has so much potential but yoshi is a fucking hack that has no idea how to make it engaging or lasting. See: rival wings 2. Everyone just spammed it til they got their 100 wins and it died after a week. A WEEK. Also see: feast. Top 100 get rewards but only like 150 people actually compete for it, it's a fucking JOKE.
>Majority of players are repressed trannies, males roleplaying as girls
Don't know what I expected tbqh
How's Ninja at level cap? I was gonna play Machinist, but I've been told by too many people that ping's too important for that job, and I play at around ~120ms because I'm on the east coast. Is ping really important for Ninja too?
>trans male
This shit exists?
>accidentally queued for levelling roulette as an AST instead of as a DPS
>get an instant queue
>didn't have the heart to quit out after
My EXP bonus ;_;
Ninja is even more ping intensive because when you fuck up you're dragging everyone elses damage down too.
Yeah. I'm a tranny and I actually see more FtMs around than MtFs. They're even more batshit insane than MtFs.
If you can't consistently double weave without clipping then you're gimped as a NIN. Not as bad as MCH I guess where you need to avoid clipping to get the most out of your burst cooldown, but there's a lot of ogcd weaving and so your overall dps will be lowered by constant clipping.
I found it first during the patch it was introduced. People were playing as classes and doing weird shit like playing MRD with healer robes to fool the other team into thinking they were a different class since back then your name was only . Now it's just incredibly neutered, boring and bad.
not when it looks awful in-game its not.
Imagine actually playing MNK in the year of our Lord 2019
Any of you making a last minute relic before ShB? Zeta and Lux only, Eurekafags need not apply. Longinus Zeta and Canopus Lux, myself.
its OVER for MNK
the second melee dps spot (after NIN) is SECURED for SAM
I'm gonna miss it, AST bros
I just did Apocalypse and I really don't think it's a great weapon, but it felt wrong maining SMN and having the other two relics without it.
t. ozma mountlet
gonna make sasuke's blades if shadowbringers ninja doesn't make me want to kill myself
Is Yoshi a repressed tranny?
>all the interesting jobs to me require good ping
>servers are in fucking california
guess I'll eat shit and play Dragoon
This image is 3 years old or more.
nah they ughleh.I don't even know why I made my last two, I'm just gonna stick to raids
I still have mats for the HW relics stashed away, but haven't felt motivated to do any of them after my first one.
>SCH was never intended to have all those dots
You're right, that's why they had five of them in ARR before even accounting for cross-class skills.
Actually, since they announced the changes and I figured I should get the most out of my SB AST before it dies, I've started to really hate fishing for Balances. I mean, double Spire/Ewer was frustrating before but now that I know there's a new set up coming, I'm getting eager to try it out and see how it might be better.
yet still so relevant
>bonus attribute points
Ancient image
It was a dark time when SAM hadn't replaced MNK in the shed yet
I'm sorry user.
My heart is for Drachen only.
nu-AST is a vast improvements and I'm convinced the people shittalking it are just genuine idiots who hate change.
I made Cronus and Canopus last month and those were the only relic weapons I really wanted other than the two I had before then
Dragoon is at least becoming easier because their animations are becoming even faster. By 6.0 they will just blink out of existence for .1 seconds when they jump.
Still requires double weaving.
iron out major issues with the excuse of early access
The AST changes are legitimately great, and everyone that's getting all pissy about them are just a bunch of idiots
The only acceptable finished relics are Ragnarok Zeta and Kettle Knuckles Nexus. Anything else need not apply.
>b-but my Anima Weapons
Oy vey. Another Shoha.
>DUDE edgy demon axe and le epic meme knuckles xD
I see nothing about Hrothgar's heads that would prevent them from wearing armor. Au Ra wear helms even though it would be impossible to put one on over those horns, so they have no excuse for Hrothgar or Viera.
Oh no doubt balance fishing is awful, but "Make every card Balance" is the laziest, most uninspired possible solution.
Fishing for Balance didn't bother me since I didn't get autistic about it and was fine with Arrow and post-fix Spear.
Making sure that you always had AOE RR up was what sucked the fun out of the card system for me since that actually made a substantial difference and the system would fuck you over mercilessly.
If you think nu-AST is an improvement your brain is so underdeveloped you couldn't even grasp the simplicity of the current system and needed something even more dumbed down.
Kys furry
Fuck you
I suffered through all four stages for the vain hope the glamour for later would be great and I got jack shit
9 fucking instances of 31 crystals each for jack fucking shit (tossed brunello onto a retainer since i’m not interested in shb rdm)
BA was fun tho
Yeah it certainly is dumbed down if you ignore the role duality and the seal acquisition.
I agree that seals could have more uses, maybe a mechanic besides divination that utilizes them, but even as is this system is still better are bigger brain than the old one where all you do is fish for muh balance.
>bigger brain than the old one where all you do is fish for muh balance.
Okay I see you're a greylet who's never actually done savage before.
>having tranny marble
We've had this conversation like 20 times already. No matter how you slice it, spread balance is king. You can talk about using your brains to make the most of shitty draws all you like but if you want to parse properly you need to be fucking lucky and get spread balance repeatedly.
>Switching to Summoner for solo play
That's fucking bullshit. Soloing with Scholar makes you invincible. You can just run through dense zones of hostile enemies on foot while pulling everything and pick off the ones you need while the fairy keeps you healed and manages aggro. Its fucking silly.
Oh look it's this one cell brain powered retard again that thinks nu-AST is more complex.
That image is 5 years old.
RNG does not equal complexity
You have more control in the new system which means it's skill based
It also has room for growth
Sorry if that upsets you
>last step of SB DRK quest
>back in ishgard
I don't get it, they're capable of making kino like this so why doesn't the game have more like it? Every other class quest is bland shit.
Natsuko can't write every job quest especially now that she's on MSQ duty too
Reminder that this is what we do to Crystalcucks on Faerie.
It's the opposite of dumbed down, though. If (You) think current system is somehow smart, you may very well be the one with brain problems. Current system has zero longevity, is learned quick and there's almost no thinking involved at all.
t. AST since 3.0.
Why isn't this an orchestrion roll?
>t. shitty AST since 3.0
>not physeos
oh no no no
>card to buff melee dps
>card to buff magic dps
>card to buff ranged dps
Cause you can just use the Night in the Brume roll instead
Ah shit I drew Spires four times in a row can can't do shit but minor arcana, guess I should have thought harder.
Will SAM or MNK be better for progression? I have DRG ready but I want to prep another STR melee and I'm not really sure which one to level.
MNK has some utility but the positional requirements will be more obnoxious when learning a fight, also im hearing MNK got changed for the worse while SAM is basically the same.
I resubbed last month after not playing for 4 years so I'm finishing my ARR Relic
I'm on the Braves now just gotta drag some friends to help me go through all these level 50 dungeons, can't solo some of them unsynced at 60 still.
God I hope ShB is kino and not mediocre like SB.
This. Since Friday is the 28th I took off Monday/Tuesday
Classically MNK, they have mantra.
It's the only reason Mr Happy could find a group.
MNK got their old simple rotation back. If you were considering SAM then you have no reason to complain about it.
However, if you're seriously asking this question I don't think you're the type of player to actually do "progression" because you know jack shit about the game.
tfw most people here probably dont even remember people using poison potions at 50 or that you can contagion them to extend the timer
I'm just hoping AD gets a shorter cool down when 5.0 actually comes around.
Based poser bro
jesus fuck.
MNK only got changed for the worse if you really loved Tornado Kick.
It's still kind of a problem though since now Tornado Kick barely has a reason to exist again like in HW. They need to rework it entirely.
>east coast
>cant play ninja
>cant play monk
>cant play machinist
>RNG does not equal complexity
>You have more control in the new system which means it's skill based
That's a very narrow-minded (or at least, inarticulate) viewpoint. The only reason they are eradicating RNG/buffs is because it fits the nature of Raids, not because it isn't complex. One can argue that RNG requires a great deal of skill, as well, since it rewards quick adaption and applied experience. However, since there are nearly 0 instances of RNG in boss fights, the Card system is very conflicting with the games paradigm. That's the reason why it was changed, not because there's anything inherently wrong with the current card system.
If they REALLY didn't want to streamline all jobs into uniformity, they could've just as easily gotten rid of Balance cards in the first place.
I wish this was more common among NA players. Meta-shittery and e-celeb worship is so cancerous.
Neck yourself
>be EU
>play on NA server
>play whatever I want without trouble
Monk might be playable for pinglets if cramming your ogcds into the massive 5s gcd of the new skill is optimal.
gotta make a speedrun comp bro if you don't follow the meta you're an erping tranny
This is the only Hrothgar face I really like without the beard. Other ones really need it.
Based Japs taking world firsts just by doing whatever the fuck they want
I play NIN on US while being in fucking australia without that much of an issue, stop being such a fucking bitch
literally on 200ms here and I can still pull it off without clipping that badly.
>I know you fucks hate pvp
Fuck off, I was grinding WD before you ever joined the game. SB PVP is shit.
What’s the best method to farm Crystal Sand? Man, these steps take so fucking long.
This is literally a tranny opinion, he's just a roleplaying balmung nigger.
Ishgard... home...
>One can argue that RNG requires a great deal of skill, as well, since it rewards quick adaption and applied experience.
Yes, one could argue that luck is a form of skill, if one were being dishonest or retarded.
I know this is an extreme example, but go with it for a while, it's hypothetical.
You draw 10 times in a raid fight, each one is Spire, when you redraw you get Ewer instead.
What are the "correct" plays here? How do you adapt to this?
I want pvp version of form shift
Being able to clear content with an off meta job=/=meta doesn't exist. He held his group back from clearing even earlier.
It's eternally fucking hilarious how leddit, Yea Forums and pretty much everyone used to bitch and moan about how useless and shit DRK was and then world first UCoB featured a DRK main tank and that one theorycraft autist from the Balance looked over like 500 top DRK parses and came to the conclusion that objectively 9/10 DRK players were just fucking dogshit at the job and then suddenly it was 'never about DRK being bad numbers-wise' but instead about how 'DA was boring and spammy'.
I'm guessing your standard for "bad" is quite high then. You'd probably be clipping by 0.5s-1s trying to double/triple weave at that ping.
>tfw played a game of frontlines a week ago because i wanted some pvp glam gear
>became fucking addicted after i went 11-0 in that first game
ninja is so much fucking fun in pvp oh my GOD
It was the world first you autistic metanigger.
Don't, these niggers think they're top shit, so "that badly" will never be good enough.
Get the Necrologos levequest in Western Coerthas, go start it and look for a chest, if you don't get one abandon and retry, keep doing this until you run out of allowances, then go turn in all the amber vilekin you get for sand
whats the fastest way to level jobs? my highest right now is black mage at 50 and ive done all the msqs up to that point.
It's because Rival Wings blows. Frontlines is where it's at.
Or just level a gatherer you whiny little bitch.
MSQ is the fastest if it's your first job. Do roulettes to supplement.
And it could have been world FIRSTER.
Wish female Drachen was covered to the same extent.
>play female
>50% of armor sets have tummy windows
garbage class
Alright, I’ll try it out, thanks man
Hidden Gorge is a lot more fun than shitshow that frontlines is.
I don't read moonrunes, what's changing?
Simply going through the MSQ and the associated dungeons should get you some good levels. Beyond that, there's the daily leveling roulette, the daily Alliance raid roulette (you need at least 2 Alliance raids unlocked for this to be available) and then after that probably Palace of the Dead for DPS jobs.
Look at the English page you tard
It's not only TK, from what we know, ShB MNK will end up being simpler than even ARR's.
>seal acquisition.
You have almost 3 minutes to line up your seals. This is not even remotely an interesting addition.
reminder that uwu world first also had a drk
1-3 rdm
4-6 blm
7-9 mch
0 ast
my double mudras are still a bit inconsistent (since i've only really started taking double mudra seriously after the NIN changes which make raiton ouright better than fuma 100% of the time), but I can typically raiton with either no delay, or a delay of about 0.3s, roughly. I don't know how much I clip for triple mudra because you can live inside the server room and still clip triple mudra, so I don't focus on it a huge amount.
But really, its not that bad.
Honestly I started playing ROG/NIN with the expectation that I wouldn't be able to play it at all at a high level due to my ping, because holy shit people go ON and ON and ON about how hard NIN is on high ping, but frankly I find MCH much more punishing.
>People who probably dont even raid or raid months later with echo sperging out over metas that dont even concern them
Not currently but it's easily improved in the future.
It's still better than spread balance.
>ninja is so much fucking fun in pvp oh my GOD
Shame you'll never get to experience the fun of Hide in PVP.
>Have enough crystal sand
>Don't have any poetics for umbrite
What's the fastest way to get poetics right now?
How's DRK looking in 5.0?
Technically Susano solo-tank runs were a thing for a long time, you can keep him alive by spamming heals.
Just noticed meikyo got its cd shortened to 60 and duration increased to 15 lmao
B-but muh raid trannies
The highest level dungeon you can do is the best time/EXP, not counting queue time.
best mt
Shut the fuck up nigger
I only give a shit about the meta because retards in PF try to force me to conform to it
Not fun.
b-but you can use hide in pvp
it just costs 40 ninki and you cant take damage for 3s after casting it (while also remaining visible) or it'll cancel
decent payoff for getting to use it in combat though, NIN are so goddamn fucking hard to lock down with teleport/bind spam, you feel invincible in 1v1s.
Spamming Syrcus Tower, since the queues are so short.
is it easier to do ARR or HW relics? I got to the book phase in ARR and wanted to kms
If you can find a party, repeated ARF speedruns are still the fastest IIRC. Otherwise, everyone is currently farming Castrum Meridianum or Syrcus Tower for moogle tomestones so hopping on that train is probably your best bet.
It's gonna be more like 4s or less with GL4
>While it's certainly nice that unlocked hairstyles will be easier to identify, it's especially exciting that you'll be finally be able to use those hard-earned hairstyles on your retainers! What's that? My retainer can look like Noctis? Finally, all my dreams can come true...
I hardly ever see PF groups blocking specific jobs.
Fun if you like less buttons. Arguably the flashiest. Most likely the best OT choice.
HW, especially if you have a lot of poetics.
You're still missing the point, if that's your example and mindset. I specifically stated the system doesn't work in this game because RNG does not exist in Raids. There are no situations where TP management is needed, so there is no practical use for Spires. The same could be said for MP, at least for non-Healers. In many other MMOs, gauge management could very well be a thing, and those resources could translate to very practical or creative use. Or they might not, and you just need to find another means to deal with it.
Again, it's not lack of skill or thought, it's that the buffs don't work in this game and its design. There's nothing wrong with the card system other than it's in the wrong game. The only time its ever even come close to working is in DF dungeons, but even then, things like Bole rarely make a difference because most incoming damage (should) be completely static.
Why don’t jobs have pvp combos at this point?
Welcome, fellow wizza.
Calling that Hide doesn't make it Hide.
That's nonsense. Riddle of Fire alone is more to consider than Perfect Balance -> GL3 -> Blood For Blood + IR -> Pray boss doesn't fuck off for too long
m8 your clipping will only be worse when 5.0 hits and ninki becomes only generated by weaponskills rather than autoattacks, making your clips hurt even more in the long run. You're objectively gimped harder than others every 20 seconds which builds up over the course of a fight. You're probably a greylet who just doesn't know/care, which is fine if you don't care about that, but a lot of people do care like the guy in here wishing he could play ping-reliant classes.
Have never seen locked roles except for doubles or log parties.
What is it? I'm on a date with my boyfriend and I'm scared to click it.
How is everyone dogshit at the job? I'm reviewing and the tippy top parses are not doing anything special or non-obvious that the rest of the pack aren't. Though these JP fuckers can double weave during BW.
He's a retard that doesn't know what he's talking about.
I figured
pretty much spot on. I like to try to be a bit optimal but being handicapped by what planet of the earth i got allotted to really sucks shit. i imagine some aussies out there make it work but it sounds like a fuckton of hoops to jump through for a generally less pleasant experience
t. bluetard
The incident he's referring to is that someone trawled a ton of logs and found that DRKs were not using TBN enough. I have no idea if it was ever followed up but I do remember it.
He's talking about pre-UCoB, dumbass.
Except he's absolutely correct you ignorant newnigger.
Terrible usage of TBN was the conclusion he came to. Most DRK players mismanaged their usage of the spell and if the shield doesn't pop then it's a damage loss to cast, rather than being damage neutral.
That's just misinfo cope from people too scared to try
>He's a retard that doesn't know what he's talking about.
What that other user said LITERALLY happened you fucking clown.
Man if they released a physical book that was just the Heavensward story written from his perspective I'd buy that so fast
>i imagine some aussies out there make it work
There is no aussie who 'makes it work', you can only suck it up and/or play with other aussies and therefore be comparatively the same. I'm content with playing classes that only need to double weave once every 2+ minutes, since that shouldn't be too much of a gimp.
>he fell for the button bloat meme
if i knew how to record my screen at a respectable frame rate i'd show you my clipping times because you dont seem to believe me
what you're saying is true re 5.0 making things worse, because i'm aware that I do suffer SLIGHTLY more as a pinglet on 3mudra specifically, which is unfortunate as they're introducing another 3mudra every 60 seconds that you can't TCJ as well as, FOR SOME FUCKING REASON making ninki come off attacks, it really honestly truly isn't that fucking bad. most people that are turned off playing NIN because they're told they can never be competetive with their ping were almost certainly not going to be hitting orange parses anyway
>Preorder Shadowniggers on the Square Enix store
>Can't find my code at all
Where can I find it bros?
There are ninja ping comparison videos out there, go look them up and become disillusioned with how gimped you actually are compared to others. In boss fights you'll eventually become a full 1-2-3 combo rotation behind someone with perfect ping, maybe even more than that.
Post your wolf coat
>draw card
>give it to the least shit dps
>this is thought provoking card management to an AST "main"
they only took one sweetie
It should be in your order or you can follow links from email.
>pinglet hour
go complain to yoshida that you want SSS effect on armor crush or something
and that group would have cleared faster if they were a warrior. what's hard to understand you stupid nigger?
t. That one dark knight that actually still spams TBN
How about I play the chad ping-independent dps classes while you play the supportcuck and prep my parse.
So why didn't the groups without a DRK clear before them?
SB DRK's last fight was very kino as well.
>Justice demands no less.
That's fucking stupid
Of course wasting a dark arts is a DPS loss
they were worse than the group? Quit being a retarded faggot. It is an objective fact that the DRK held that group back. IF they were a warrior they would have cleared faster.
We're not mutated enough without two nukes to be able to prog for so long without breaks.
>It is an objective fact that the DRK held that group back
They were the world first though
Not true.
You're assuming hitting enrage was the issue, while DRK might've made it up by having TBN that WAR lacks.
Because that group had better people than others, objectively war is better for ucob.
After all most important skill in prog groups is consistency.
Warriors are objectively shit at the game
Seems like it will be alright. I just wish there were some changes and we got a bit more stuff, like a second combo finisher and an AoE TBN or something. Dark Mind getting nerfed just seems unnecessary and hopefully it will have higher mitigation in the final release. Also I'm fine with Abyssal Drain being and oGCD now with a flat 200 potency cure, but there's no reason for it to be on a minute long CD
>objectively war is better for ucob
Apparently not enough that it matters. Almost like the meta only matters for autistic speedruns with a difference of 30 seconds on the kill. Crazy.
I was the only person I know who did WT every week. I got that figure too. My only goal was to get 3 lines and since WT came out to when I took a break last month I wasn't able to do it.
Yeah no shit but that still didn't prevent people routinely wasting mana by casting TBN and not having it pop because they mistimed the cast/misjudged the incoming damage and then go onto forums and claim they were perfect at their job and that DRK was just shit.
I would've really liked Dark Mind during golden.
t. WAR main
>watch a video of a NIN from JPN
>he's still clipping raitons and clipping suiton by about a second
literally cannot find anything but this video
pretty sad to see so many larpers pretend to have cleared any ultimate fight
It's not about dps, holmgang is a fucking fantastic invuln compared to that garbage living dead.
post logs
So they give BLM an ability to keep up stacks and even generate resource in the downtime, but MNK for some reason is still fucked any time you can't hit something. Would it hurt them to make something you could spam on the move instead of retarded Anatman shit that doesn't even refresh the timer but simply pauses it? Would it hurt them to make MNK fun for once?
What about MCH? Who the fuck thought it was okay? You can draw all sorts of cool animations and they'll all go to waste once people realize just how retarded that job has become. Same with DRK.
Given that SAM and DNC are receiving overwhelmingly positive reception, maybe look at what people liked about them and apply those lessons to old jobs?
And what the fuck is up with AST and SCH? SCH always felt like it had a bunch of contradicting elements in its design but they didn't go even remotely enough to untangle that ball. Now you have immensely overpowered Aetherflow abilities that are basically free, but fairy is completely impotent. The problem with the fairy was fucking Embrace, not everything else. What the fuck did you do to Copp and CU? Does AST need a whole bunch of AOE instants that feel like a limp dick?
At least everyone getting AOE combos is good but then you realize it took them six years to do this.
>pops a potion and doesn't clip
I just finished the books for ninja when we got the levequest allowance and now I just finished the animus so I get to spend 5 hours doing crystal tower for the event + light farming.
>DRK held that group back
Couldn't have been by much if they still got world first
Somebody please queue for Shinryu normal on Primal, I've been sitting in queue for almost two hours now because the first group I actually got abandoned it at start.
Yet they still not only cleared, but got world first. Really makes you think...
There's nothing wrong with new MCH
>DRK held that group back.
They literally got world first you monumental idiot.
>clipping potions
How far from the servers are you? I'm east coast and I don't clip potions on NIN/MNK.
>all that completely seamless double weaving of ogcd's on a 2s gcd
the mudra weaving isn't even impressive, its that shit
now THAT makes me fucking jealous
one zero for each greased lightning
There's nothing right with the new MCH. Once you look past flashy animations you'll see a weak, boring job that doens't make any sense.
>he hasn't realized what the true endgame is
It's time for you to take the Mahjong pill, Yea Forums
East coast but I've always had trouble with potions. Even mudfish doesn't make a noticeable difference
So let me get this straight. When SHaD drops, I'm gonna be able to by scaevan gear with poetics? Or will it be dropped down to mendacity? OR will mendacity AND genesis just both be removed?
And what the hell is scaevan armor even a reference to anyway? It's obviously not omega since he already has his own gear so what is it?
This is me, and to be fair I have 0 desire to get better and I also have no interest in harder content either so on the bright side you will never run into me in a savage raid for example.
I used to hardcore raid WoW 10 years ago, never again. I'm just here for the story and world.
I've seen one with a split screen comparison of low/high ping ninja on a training dummy, but I can't seem to find it either.
Yes, it's absolute nonsense that we ended up in that state, with the SB and ShB pruning we end up simpler than ARR.
Compared to ARR, in combat for single target, you have:
- 2 less DoTs to care about (ToD and Fracture)
- No TP to manage
- Less DPS-related CD to track (you had Invigorate, B4B, Internal Release, now you only have RoF and Brotherhood)
- Less positionals required since True North is up for 25% of the fight
- No "out of form change" GCD attack skills
- Less OGCD attack skills to keep track of (Steel Peak, Howling Fist, that warrior
>Nero tol scaeva
Hmm I fucking wonder
>When SHaD drops, I'm gonna be able to by scaevan gear with poetics?
Yes. Genesis will remain for a little while to give you time to exchange it for poetics, but everything will cost poetics.
>And what the hell is scaevan armor even a reference to anyway?
Nero made it. Nero tol Scaeva = Scaevan armor
>tfw you play NIN in EU
I use pingzapper, a lot of people tell me it sucks but it's the only one that made a difference for me. I'm southeast though, and I know the routing is very different depending on where exactly you are.
t. retards incapable of basic understanding
If the best player in any fighting game beat your ass with a shitty character, that doesn't make that shitty character good. They would have kicked your ass harder playing an actual good character.
>muh world first
Why are you all still playing this shitty game?
No, it means you're obsessing over a meta that doesn't make any noticeable difference outside of autistic speedclears.
This is actually sad how retarded you are.
I believe his argument is that if the DRK was a WAR, they would've gotten World First even faster. Of course, the entire assessment over any party comp completely ignores the human factor. The worlds best DRK might be better than the best WAR, regardless of what it says on paper. Even if he had more experience on WAR, he still might "click" better with DRK. Maybe they never would've gotten that clear with a WAR. Maybe he was more receptive to the fight than other players. Maybe he was just having a good day. Now, take those instances and multiply it by 8 people all being "in the zone" at the same time, and you'll see there are far more factors at work than hindsight and min/max calculations.
The human element will always be far more impactful than the spreadsheet, and even most competitive of gamers know that. Parses and theorycrafts only work by law of averages, not in in definite outcomes.
>comparing an individual skill game with an mmorpg where you play with othe 7 people
What makes you say its shitty and unwarranted to play?
The meta is supposed to make up for non-godlike players with zero latency. Thats the point.
>Tfw too retarded for crafting and gathering
>if i follow the meta then it makes me a better player!
Greylet confirmed.
The point is that nobody fucking cares, even those racing for world firsts evidently don't give a shit, much less it will affect the average player. The difference is that much non-existent.
Only maybe when your group is speedrunning, which is 0,0000000000001% of the playerbase, if that.
don't be sad user, khloe still loves you
It makes a difference for very early prog too when DPS checks are actually somewhat difficult. Ultimate is an exception because everyone was going in with current tier BiS, if there was simultaneous gear prog with ultimate, world first would've been pure meta because it would've been tuned with that gear prog in mind.
I made mad gil from Aethersand back early in Heavsensward but then I didn't play for years
Getting all my crafting caught up to 60 now since I have time to kill before ShB
Why are there so many trannies in this game
the "meta" is literally only meant for speedkill optimizations since for prog and world races you use "bad" jobs like monk and whm
Oh no I didnt say that at all. But it does increase your odds of clearing since the meta gives more room for error.
Why can't you stop thinking and talking about trannies for 5 seconds?
fuck off tranny lover.
It depends on the needs for the fight. Specific mechanics for O4S made mantra beneficial, but I'm pretty sure O8S and O12S were meta.
Anime MMO.
Which one is it?
How is there no autistically minmax calculated exact step-by step guide for raising all crafters to 70 for the least amount of money possible?
There's all kinds of autistic guides for everything but not this.
Because I get constantly messaged by them in the game
pld is still the best ot with cover and intervention
Cover got gutted and buffed TBN is superior to Intervention.
there are, its called doing levequests
you can apply tbn on yourself but not intevention
Was Lyse adopted or something?
The meta is about aligning rotations so that everything matches up with Trick Attack which 99.9% of the playerbase will never, ever do because it's too difficult you absolute retard. You do not even have the most remote clue what you are talking about. I bet you're on of those nimrods that enforce meta in their PFs because you think bringing BRD, DRG and NIN will magically triple your raid rDPS.
Scott rage quit :(
Levequests + Crafting beast tribes
Ala Mhigan men just get dark as fuck because they're mediterranean and they work outside in a very sun heavy region
Because it varies on how many levels you have built up. The honest autistic answer is to buy a bot and use a leveling profile. It'll spend 0 Gil.
For a risk free answer, take your time and use the beast tribes and easy levequests. Pay attention for an easy collectible turn in when you're at that level.
Good, fuck him.
what boss? is he doing alexander?
To be honest the most autistic guide actually belongs to crafters and gatherers.
Bruh, if a DRG just keeps his shit on CD he always gets jump, SSD, and 2 mirage dives in a TA with no drift. It's fucking broken because the alignment is natural and you don't need to be some god to land a lot of potency in the TA window.
Shinryu min ilvl with randoms.
He didnt get tilted through all of min ilvl coil but Shin broke him.
You sound like a fun person.
DRG brings around 500 rdps just for showing up.
i know that feel in a way. I am so tempted to quit if i get some certain dungeons but, when a tank or healer I know how horrible it can be waiting for one so I don't have the heart to just quit at least if I see the "someone's new" bonus or a sprout icon.
The playerbase is not as bad as you, user.
Stop advertising yerself for ERP then.
>tanks ruined
>healers ruined
what class do i play while waiting for Classic?
oh wait lol
>Waiting for Classic
If you are waiting for Classic, don't play this game. Even now.
The only non-cucked job
Any melee DPS other than MNK, any ranged physical, or SMN.
You are admitting that you need meta to carry your fat ass because you can't clear with off-meta then?
can't wait to give my gear to asmongold lol! the streamer said my name :)
ele shaman
or any wow class really
just leave ff14
Im admitting that I and many others are far from perfect top 1% raiders yes. Theres no shame it wanting to play setups that increase your odds of success when its silly to assume everyone on the team is a pro gamer.
Reminds me of the guy who won Worlds with bottom tier panda character.
Got a clip of this or anything I can search for?
No, then I'd have no reason to keep playing.
>Shinryu min ilvl with randoms.
Then just stop playing.
Yesterday he played with same people as he did Bahamut with.
Yesterday was an open PF.
Today was only like 3 of the same people. The rest were randoms from chat.
For the sheer amount of hyperbolic words yer using you really can't cope being absolutely terrible can you? Most of the playerbase (that raids at all) can clear shit in PuGs off-meta. Sure, you're right that many aint the cutting edge raiders, but the gap between the top 1% and the average is the same as the gap between the bottom 1% and the average. And guess what kinda people insist on meta? those opposing 1%s. The difference is 1% is respectable, while the other is pitiable.
You guys ever poop so hard while playing this game that the toilet water splashes your ass?
New to using mudfish, is there a way to properly check what your ping is when using it?
no, vita remote play is awful, and i don't have a laptop.
>Not dropping logs so huge that they touch the water before they even leave your ass
Never gonna make it
>Yesterday someone was advertising on Primal PF that they were doing free art commissions of people's characters
>Had to tune into their twitch stream to be eligible
>It's some fat sounding girl and only twitch subs are eligible for the drawing
>Her art isn't even that good either it's like DeviantArt tier
That's a nice story.
The dashboard page tells you when you select a node. Or you can use resource monitor in Windows.
tummy windows are god tier get fucked faggot
Depends on the job. If you're playing NIN or BRD and not using OGCDs, and nobody else is, you can actually fuck yourself. This is a very small selection of jobs though, and only because their whole playstyle revolves around oGCDs.
>hates ffxiv tanks
>wants to play a mmo where only one class can tank
well whaddya expect for the low, low price of free?
Feral Druids can get away with dungeon tanking or offtanking. Their problem is they can't reach Uncrushable status vs raid bosses because they can't block.
Paladin just get fucked because of sky high mana costs and nearly all all Int plate being geared towards Holy Paladin exclusively.
Sounds like the average Yea Forums player to me
Those strategies work because those top 1% are good. Those strategies don't work for the bottom 1% because they are bad. They don't understand the job, or the fight, or how their class should work in a semi-optimized environment. (Not entirely optimized, but for example, I eventually figured out that I needed to throw as much stones as possible as WHM. Wasn't the best, but I did ok for my tier.)
One should start with the safe but low-dps strategies before incorporating riskier strats, so you have something to fall back on in case shit hits the fan with the "parse strats". Enrage is better than a wipe 5 seconds earlier.
I only bothered because I picked up the game again for the expac anyway, no reason not to do it. I actually liked the Ala Mhigan rings and will be keeping them for glam, but Aetheryte is solely for the boost. I think even Square knows it's ugly, which is why it's so ludicrous compared to Stormblood's "finish ARR fast" earrings.
>Try out SAM
>It's actually fun, it's also easy to get big dick dps numbers with
This job must be over represented like crazy at max level isn't it? Most other DPS classes feel like ass to play.
resource monitor keeps saying 0 when I'm using it
It's over represented, but if you get good at SAM it will never be hard to find a group because average SAM player is garbage.
>Hagakure removed because weaving is hard buuhuu
Muh shintens.
>Play NIN
>Just do TA whenever it's available instead of following guides, sometimes hold off for a second if I notice other DPS used their big dick moves or a phase change/mechanic is coming up.
>Do just fine.
Niggas get bent out of shape instead of paying attention to each other and adjusting.
Ala Mhigans aren't actually black (except Raubahn), they just tan hard. Its why they have blonde hair.
That's normal if you use fastconnect mode. What it's doing is proxying the packets through the VPN itself instead of letting the router handle it. Use the dashboard and look for RTT avg on the node that's closest to the game server, that's your ping to the server.
DRG main.
I want a 2nd DPS class preferably ranged either physical or magical. What should I level?
Usually using TA on cd is fine because most of the job bursts and rotations revolve around TA. Most of the time others adjust to NIN.
SE got butthurt that everyone was burning their sens for Hagakure to spam more Shinten and removed it so it'd be easier to send us all to the Midare mines.
>tfw Roegadyn are the actual blacks and most people dont even notice.
Why do you think they're the comic relief race, have the thickest lip options, are often characterized as stupid or thugs, get the least culture lore, are unnaturally gifted at physical activities, and tower over the other races?
SMN is fun
Hrothgarr look great. shame about the hunchback.
Guys! Think of the content creators!
I don't get why they don't just add holes.
>this plays when it's revealed he's dead in ShB
bros I won't be able to handle it.
I like playing RDM to relax because I don't need to play a piano like I do with DRG.
I think it's a good 2nd job, but maining it would be boring.
Same here senpai, and most of all I find NIN fun
That's really the best way to make most of the playerbase start hating Garlemald
BLM if you want to have fun
SMN if you want to always be useful
RDM if you want something to solo unsynched content or Deep Dungeon with.
Did primal crash?
Aether too
Realistically, it was mostly Shinten's fault for being a monotonous, generic Kenki dump. One of them had to go, but it really should of been Shinten. Kaiten was already enough for a gauge dump, and I'm sure there's gotta be a more creative Kenki ability they could implement to replace Shinten, if only to keep Hagakure.
>futa on futa
>futa mods
Your list of sins is on par with Crystal. When is Aether being put on the official Yea Forums jihad together with Crystal?
You can protect my smile by going to comiket and buying this for me.
I was about to log in, what do i do now
It's okay now
How could you do this to Cirina?
tanks in FFXIV were great
too bad shadowbringers completely ruined them
A lot of the writers work on right deadlines in a game with many moving parts. You can feel how different writers struggled to find excuses for ARR's level 45 gear hunt.
jihad hitlist* fuck.
>even with Tornado Kick, MNK is still the only class I really enjoy
>actually sort of going to miss the double TK opener now that it's getting made unfeasible in Shadowniggers
>losing Internal Release, Howling Fist and Steel Peak feels like they clipped off three of my fingers
I'm still going to stick with the class even if it ends up being shit because nothing else feels right. But fuck, man.
Is removing the illusion of choice really "ruining" them?
A-user is that.. I don't like stuttering niggers but forgive me is that a yotsuyu doujin? I need it, my dick needs it. There's so little art of her and it's SAD (not even any buttshots of her black and white ass) instead it's always the same shitty lizard/cat OCs.
they removed threat from game, there is no more tanks ur just DPS
>too bad shadowbringers completely ruined them
Are you that guy from facebook
>cuck shed
Sounds like a FC house for Giant Bomb and ResetERA.
>this is the data center that calls people trannies
There is nothing MMO players love more than illusion of choice.
>*picks the exact same five skill every time*
Faerie is the LGBT server
threat was not removed, they just made it easier to manage to take into account dumb fucking tanks.
Okay buddy.
>Stormblood removed threat by making it as easy as your other tank pressing two buttons
>Heavensward removed threat by giving ninjas Shadewalker
>ARR had no threat because PLD would always stay in Shield Oath
Reading tool tips is so hard!
t. rage of halone spammer who has never used goring blade
>dude just remove all stats and equipment since some autist will figure out a meta build anyway xD
Fuck off and stop trying to kill RPGs with your esports ASSFAGGOTS autism.
I love it when metatrannies seethe
Threat was never an issue in XIV, tanking is about cooldown management and positioning.
imagine thinking fake choices like aggro combos, tank stance and cross role actions are about "meta"
While everyone else was stuck at Raubahn EX I just leveled up SAM. By the time Rab was doable I was already caught up.
Give me my armor already Yoshi. Why do I have to wait?
The illusion only existed because the system was faulty in the first place. Fixing enmity was ALWAYS an option. However, I surmise they chose not to as that would require an immense rework of older content. Per usual, their balancing strategy is to trivialize a mechanic to the point where it is non-existent, so they can nix it and appease players by claiming they removed an issue. And yes, it's been very effective, albeit incredibly lazy and manipulative,
It happened to TP, it happened to enmity, and I'm sure it will happen to something else by the end of 5.0
I'm not the one killing it, though. Take your grievances up with the 90+% of the playerbase that does exactly what I described.
Needed 70 more points for top 100. Couldn't play last 2 weeks.
>half the people complaining about shadowbringers combat changes literally didn't know how to play the game in stormblood
>this is how you get seething paladin players mad they removed rage of halone combo even though paladin is hugely improved in shb
why are Yea Forums threads full of the worst shitters? ffxiv isn't even that difficult to play semi-correctly
Yotsuyu in a schoolgirl uniform, no less. And I feel you. I hate that the majority of the doujins that DO get uploaded are shitty generic cats and lizards and, who the fuck knows why, Lyse. I just want good lewds of the story NPCs, not literal NPCs.
I can't wait to hear how you think they could have fixed enmity
That's harsh... Sorry to hear that user.
>Enemies are basically hardlocked to the tank after one attack
>Not removed
I can see them removing gauge timers from some jobs because keeping them up is "trivial".
What set is this?
Playing poorly didnt mean thread management didn't exist. Threat management used to be an option that can show you to be a better player by not staying in tank stance and utilizing utility skills to maintain threat in DPS stance. Now its not an option.
I'd say SMN is kinda close to DRG in a very general sense.
Most good players have all role skills on their bar.
the only way they could've fixed tp would've been to render it almost entirely irrelevant in both single target and aoe like it is for casters (who, aside from blm, have no mp mechanics besides pressing lucid dreaming on cooldown). stormblood made tp irrelevant in single target except for extremely high sks samurai builds, but the only way to fix it for aoe was to either delete it or make it a carbon copy of how casters manage mp
Hmm just like before...
3 more weeks
Top 100 from season 13 of Feast.
>Want to get involved into WoW's story
>Everything is a timeskipping clusterfuck that requires reading multiple novels and dev tweets/blueposts to understand
Oh yeah TP, the huge balance issue that everyone was anxious for them to fix, instead of a bizarre holdover from the awful 1.0 days that they didn't have time to remove until now.
Why should melee play exactly like casters?
it's basically game of thrones and warhammer mashed together. it's a really stupid fantasy story.
You're legimately a fucking cancer and you won't be happy until battles are just spamming on single button. Fuck you. TP was not a bizarre holdover or an accident. It was an intentional system that gave depth to the combat. And if you don't think it was, it's because you started in SB where they already made it trivial because managing TP was too much for shitters.
They shouldn't and don't? What a weird question to ask.
Maybe if you played wrong and stayed in tank stance. Staying in DPS stance requires input from other players and yourself to maintain.
being unable to press any buttons after you hit a couple aoes is literally anti-gameplay. you could technically switch to single target when you're low but the reality is that even extremely slow, tp-depleted aoe on melee classes is better than single target skills.
WoW's lore is literally 'lol whatever, just jump to the latest expansion and start doing fedex quests'. Nobody but Preach even pretends to give a fuck about the lore in WoW because it's just a fucking mess.
What's a good job for a new player looking for something simple to easy them into doing content?
Wow... making your dps press 1 button every 2 minutes after you perform your simple rehearsed opener
This truly highlights the most skilled of players
Not him, but they used TP pretty well in PvP
Yeah I know, >PvP, but it was legit good implementation that I wouldn't mind seeing in PvE.
Still, good fucking riddance.
Shut up retard. Goading the Paladin after he spammed 1-2-3 for five minutes was not deep.
Don't mind me just being the best fending armor
marauder, conjurer
Read the post I replied to you illiterate nigger.
Whoa almost like there were systems in place for restoring TP whoa crazy imagine actually having to consider what the best option is????
I never implied I had a perfect solution, just that the system can be altered, mainly to make enmity more dynamic. One good place to start is re-examine Diversion, Lucid, Provoke, Shirk, etc. They are probably the biggest culprits why enmity management was a joke in the first place. I can only name a few MMOs that gave players free, massive enmity dumps/boosts, and it never worked well there, either. Enmity should be a balancing act, and these skills bypass that necessity entirely.
oh yeah dude such deep tp management such as bottoming out 3 minutes into the fight in a9s because you play paladin instead of dark knight. such deep tp management such as "monk literally can't sustain its own rotation". just more reasons to make ninja mandatory since it was the only source of goad. the DEEPEST mechanics! such as "big dungeon pulls feeling like shit to do on any melee class no matter how much you invigorate". fucking rose tinted glasses heavensward meta cunt.
It never gave depth to anything even in 2.0 and you're either lying or one of those double digit DPS shitters from DF if you think it did.
>released between POE league and wow classic
Doomed to fail.
im a brainlet give me the rdm rotation
i just learned the job
I didn't say but I thought it was natural. I meant DPS user. I'm not ready for responsibility that comes with tanking and healing.
Every little bit of depth adds up you cancerous underaged niggers.
>monk literally can't sustain its own rotation
Funny, I played MNK and never had an issue probably because I was actually fucking intelligent enough to know when I should be using Fracture
Gladiator/Paladin is a pretty straight forward tank with a lot of defense
Marauder/Warrior is the UNGA tank
Lancer/Dragoon is pretty simple if you want a Melee DPS
Conjurer/White Mage is the UNGA healer
Red Mage is the simplest ranged DPS of the bunch, but you don't get access to it until level 50
With good players you'd also need a NIN. Even Diversion isn't/wasnt enough.
>DRG tanking the floor
Pretty accurate desu
>Provoke now actually generates enmity
>Get to watch passive aggressive faggots spam it even more in trials and raids
Fucking great
the best option in aoe pulls was 100% of the time "spam your aoes until you bottom out, press invigorate, spam aoes until you bottom out again, keep pressing aoes every 6-9 seconds when the tp tick lets you, with no actions whatsoever in between". you definitely suck shit at this game and probably slowed down everybody's dungeon runs by being like IM GONNA MANAGE MY TP NOW and spamming your fucking single target rotation in a pull with 15 mobs
>3 more weeks
A-almost there.
I did
They mentioned making "it" (this refers to tp in this case if you couldn't tell) a carbon copy of how casters manage mp.
This is one single mechanic in the entire game. Making them share this aspect does not imply melee will play exactly like casters, the thing you replied with.
Don't try to bullshit people with your bullshit kneejerking, bitch.
What level of content? If you are completely fresh (as in: Level 1), and you want to get through MSQ as quick as possible, then you want to use White Mage, the simplest healer.
If you don't mind slower queue times because you are the oversaturated class (DPS), then you can go Black Mage, which is still simple as it's just regen mode>dps mode>regen mode.
If you're already into the story a bit, Red Mage is the dumbest DPS to play and also teaches you how important weaving is.
wow classic is late august
Would be kino if capes weren't shit in this game
it's too bad her english VA got murdered, she was pretty good
You still have dedicated enmity skills as well, they're just not attack combos. You still have to yank enmity if someone acts retarded.
What's even funnier is that The DRG gets the Nightmare
I definitely remember Mnk being able to run dry on some fights before TP costs were lowered
In the full version, he also wins the loot roll.
A school Yotsuyu is fine too.
>Released between an irrelevant autistic grind simulator and 15 year old janky piece of shit game
>Doomed to fail.
Good bait, gave me a chuckle.
She literally had one fucking line you bandwagoning retard. Stop just spouting shit you heard on reddit.
lol, sitting still to recharge your tp
now that is depth
anyone who doesn't want to do that is CANCER
Go fuck yourself idiot
Try to use jolt 2 as little as possible, but don't hardcast veraero or verthunder and use melee combo when white and black bars are over 80.
>the "tp was a deep mechanic" imbecile is back
this dude literally thinks you were supposed to switch to your single target rotation when low on tp in heavensward dungeons. don't pay attention to him, dude probably never played endgame content properly but thinks he's a badass veteran because he was there for heavensward.
There is threat, what are you smoking?
Tanks still have a tank stance for a reason. They just don't have an aggro combo (the thing you never use)
So why did they add a new gauge on BRD that only one skill makes use of?
>I never implied I had a perfect solution,
So you actually don't know shit.
Enmity, like healing, is nothing but resource management. Like healing, it's a pretty binary mechanic, either you have enough, or you don't. In other words it acts as a penalty on the real end goal - doing as much damage as you can to reach your goal as fast as you can. Basically, if you have to build enmity, you're penalized on damage. It's simply not a fun concept, it's fundamentally flawed and it always will be in a combat system such as the one employed in this game. All fun things that could be done with such system - enmity flips and enmity resets - have already been done, and they're not interesting. Instead they want now to shift attention to more active mitigation with shorter cooldowns, and protecting your party with party cooldowns. This is far more fun for a tank.
It's similar with TP. TP in 1.0 was a resource that you build then spend, in 2.0 onwards it was just a limited that made skills such as Army's Paeon or Tactician required to succeed more efficiently. But we already have different builder/spenders in other forms now so removing TP as a limited isn't that big a deal because the resulting mechanic was not interesting.
Enlarge your brain and start thinking outside the box, Michael Rivers.
Go ahead, leveling and gear are just a timesink. You can't customize worth a damn and the community doesn't want you to anyway.
i dont understand what you mean with hardcasting
its also my first mage class