Can you help me find a vidya-related name for my female black cat ?

Can you help me find a vidya-related name for my female black cat ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

have sex

Whoopi Goldberg


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Karan (S'jet)


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Looks like a soot sprite from Spirited Away.


I love cats

Felkor Al'berach, the Grand Grabber Of Testicles

cat bitch


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The cat being female and black, Yennifer would be more suited I guess but I like it.


Some great names in here guys, keep them coming


And you better have adopted the cat from this pic and take good care of her.Or i'll tear you a new one


Titty parcent



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Lil' Dabbie

This. Then get another one and call it Galm.

Ball buster

actually it should be Fringilla, since black cats almost always have green eyes.


she's a cutie. I have 2 black cats as well, both female.

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I think the female pronouns is niggeress.


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Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge


H.P lovecraft's cat's name

ebreitas, daughter of the cosmos
if anyone asks just say ebbie

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god damn it I want a cat


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This one's pretty good.

Big Faggot

But the cat's female
Niggerwoman sounds like an insult, not a name
>how could you fuck this trivial shit up, you niggerwoman?


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Ralph Pootawn

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Just finished playing this.
Christ it has not aged well.
Such an unbalanced pigs hit mess.

Name her Cat


Honestly as a Niggres is pretty nice sounding name. I lack the emotional response because I'm not a native speaker though.

I once knew an exchange student who said huora (whore) was one of her favorite sounding words in Finnish. Language is some weird shit.


plz go


Gore Magala

do not honk

This is not a thread for bad opinions. Please leave.

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>being a grown ass man

Your testosterone must be on ZERO

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>not knowing Yea Forums is for cats
nice redditjak faggot

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>Being so insecure about your selection of pets that you have to wojakpost about others'
Dogniggers, everyone. And before you say anything, I'm a pet idort.



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Ikaruga, the girl or the plane.

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If you wanna be a fag you could name her Midna. Just dont fuck your cat.

Being unbalanced has nothing to do with 'aging' you retarded mouthbreather


Your Meowjesty


If 0
release her.

Pounce De Leon


No matter what the last word in that sentence is, it sounds like an insult.
Compare this:
>This is my cat, Niggerwoman.

If 5 name her Sissel

Actually it should be Fringilla because Netflix

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Still sounds like an insult.
>this is my cat, fuckingretard
>this is my cat, niggerwoman
>this is my cat, jewkike


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Yotsuba or Clover

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I can think of a name

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Navi. That’s what I named my black cat. She went missing last Saturday and my family and I have been trying desperately to find her. Fucking sucks. She’s the best cat I’ve had.

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Hope you find her friend.

hope she turns up

2B, my dubs decree

And niggerman doesn't? My point is, if you insult someone, the word you use sounds like an insult regardless of the actual word, you absolute Jeffrey.



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Or just Nigger, if you're feeling basic.

I named a black cat Zelda when I was younger. I was surprised how much everyone liked it.

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>And niggerman doesn't?
Less so, like dummy vs retard.
Niggerman sounds a bit like, "you're muh nigger, man". Niggerwoman sounds like combining two insults to create a racemixed insult mutt, less white than either component.

Hope she's okay, buddy.


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>less white than either component.
>woman is a color
I don't even know what to say at this point.
You're a dummy.


Woman isn't a color you literal donut, but neither is felon and yet niggerfelon sounds blacker and less competent than just nigger.

I keep forgetting deep south has internet access.

>implying I'm a burger
>implying I saw a nigger IRL this year


She looks like she fuck white cats.

Then what country? Somewhere Eastern EU?

go back to your grave lovecraft

We have our nigger-equivalent, but they're pale and prefer divegrass to apehoop.

Honestly turks are the least problematic immigrant group where I live.


Ay kurwey, no mentionings
This is anudda Katyń

Semen Demon the Pussy

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Shalquoir or Alvina if you're a massive faggot

Not vidya but I support it
unironically felt sad when he died and became a fugging tree

Call her Kirby and then shes got a rap song to go with it

Romani I assume



great answer. will take note of it if I ever get a cat.

Oh right, fucking romani
How could I forget, only ethnic group that I've never met a stereotype-breaking individual of.



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My history teacher's wife was roma and she was great.
That's in glorious western Englandland though.



>personal blog
>friend finds two abandoned pure black kittens
>barely a few days old
>take them home
>know nothing about kitten care
>feed them, clean them, learn that you have to poop them yourself since they can't on their own
>brother and sister
>brother makes it a few days then dies
>sister almost dies when she's a week old
>makes it through
>raise her, see her grow, turns into an awesome and lovable cat
>loves just hanging out on your lap but doesn't bug you
>makes it to 2 years old
>goes missing one day
>she's chipped, put up signs in two block radius and at local pet/vet centers
>never see her again
>it's been two years

I miss you little cat.

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Young female black cat gets COONED.

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Rate my cat Yea Forums

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only answer allowed desu


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Oh shit, I remember this game.

She'll show up

holy shit how is your cat doing that

uhm sweaty thats aerith


I'm a dumb phoneposter
He has gravity powers

Get a dog. Cats are dumb and useless.


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My black cat was missing. Dumb cunt was hiding in attic.

I love the design of this cat but its name (Dusty) kinda sucks. I can't think of any vidya names, but I feel like Cindy could suit her.
I have a list of names for cats that I think are good and it's already way too long, and I don't even have a cat nor will be able to get one anytime soon.

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They're called gypsies you fags

Man I hope you find her user. I've read that some people will leave bedding with the cat's scent on it outside or some litter it has used to lure it back with a familiar scent. Some people say strong smelling food as well, but I'd be afraid that might bring unwanted animals to your front step.

Losing either of my cats is a real fear. I just had a friend move in with me and I've already had to tell him a hundred times to not just leave the front door fucking wide open. If either cat gets out I'll definitely be livid.



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Yami sounds nice too.


this is it chief



Niggerwoman (Lovecraft is vidya-related)

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Came to post this

This is the best one ITT..

We Caturday thread?

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Not Important

Aww I hope she found a good new home and that's she's okay.

Retard, a gypsie is anyone who travels about in caravans. Irish travellers and Roma are both gypsies.


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>friend move in with me and I've already had to tell him a hundred times to not just leave the front door fucking wide open

Kick out this retard of your house.

This is the one

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>a gypsie is anyone who travels about in caravans
Kill yourself dumbfuck nigger

sora from kingdom hearts

>Control+F "Rin"
>3 Results but they're all part of "Fringella"

lord umbasa

If I ever get a cat again, I'll unironically call it that

More like Lord dumbassa lmao


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david lynch game: spot the cringefest normie assault pack 5


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Came here to post this

Sometimes it happens, my cat would dissapear for two or three days but there where times when he didn't come back for over a week until the day he never came back

Carl "CJ" Johnson


Super Mario

Unironically sounds to me like a cute name for a kitty

Disappointed this wasn't the first post

Mr Dog

There's your answer OP.

>ever allowing your cat going outside

Nope. I live in a 2nd floor apartment, and my cats only leave the house when they go to the vet.

Luckily I have a mid-built third floor full of materials laying around like sand, rocks and old furniture, and I take my two cats there everyday to play and for about 15 minutes.

Play with your cats and they'll never go away.


>keeping cats in house all their live
They're curious as fuck, you're boring them to death.

I have black cat twins. I named one Mona, and the other Sissel

Do you guys give your animals human name or do you give them pet name? if you do give them human name is it a common name from your country or do you name them a international name?
Getting my first pet and i dont know what to name it

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That was my nickname for my cat. But his name was Merlin and he was a black and white fluffy tux.
But I'd call him my little Mowser when I would pet him and he'd go "ack!".

>older tortie cat gets some weird neurological issue where her limbs stop working, isn't a blood clot because they didn't stop in the correct order. Have to put her down

>get another tortie baby, ends up having FIP, shits horrific where basically kittens never grow. Have to put her down

>double down on black sisters a few months later and they are happy and healthy although ones fatter

They are named Wednesday and Elvira, this thier box Fort Blackie, I put addons to it ever so often.

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Mona is a phantom thief who will steal your heart!


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he went away because he was dying and cats don't like to be seen when they die, other than that he always came back to us; most of the times that we returned at home, and he was outside, he would wait for us in front of the door

i came here to post this

He was also the master of hiding in boxes and looking inconspicuous.
He got old and sick sadly. I miss him a lot.

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This is what my cat is called by a coincidence

and he misses you too, user.

That's why you play with them, faggot.
My third floor has lots of shit laying around for they to play and discover.
If you let them out you assume the risk of them being fucking mauled by another cat/dog, getting roadkilled or simply not finding the way back. My uncle's cat died because he was streetsmart and not-neutered, and then one day it came back to my uncle's house with a big cut on his stomach he earned fighting another cat

My female cat is named Ginger because that's the name she responded to, and my black male cat is called Merlin because we thought a black cat was fucking magical at the time.



Umbra, Cereza, Cheshire. Take your pick.

My cat just told me he wanted to die. Not in words but like, on the day I took him to the vets when he was really sick he was waiting for me in my room specifically for me to get there and when I sat down he sat down next to me and quietly purred as I pet him and saw he had a big build up of fluid on his tummy. He must have struggled to even get up the stairs.
That's when I took him to the vet. He just cooperated peacefully and the vet was like: his kidneys are shot. He's 19. Too old to survive treatment and I don't even think a cat ten years younger could survive that kind of rapid failure.
And I just knew that had I not decided there and then to end his suffering. I wouldn't be able to and I could just imagine seeing my cat sad and disappointed I didn't do what I should have done for him so I said: "do it doc." And I gave him one last hug and we did it. He was purring so sweetly as if to calm me more than himself.
Seems dumb to assume my cat had that level of conscious thought, but the fact his love overrid his pride it just makes me wonder how smart and aware of things he actually was.

La Creatura

Elvira is a top tier name for a black cat, will steal


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Give him a red scarf too.

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Selina from Arkham City ;)

They'll usually come back, unless something happened to her. A friend of mine has a cat which was missing for over a month, and still came back.

you are putting them at risk every day your "friend" is living there

I don't want to scare you but my cat went missing twice.
First time he got into a really bad cat fight and was missing for a week. He did come back home eventually but he was sick because his wound got infected. I think what kept him away for most of that time was pride. He hated to lose. And for a small cat he would never back down from a fight if a cat really pushed hard for one. Kind of had a Napoleonic complex. (I like to think he had a refused to come back home until he won and because he had lots of other scratches and bites on him too so it was either one huge fight or a guantlet of them. Vet was unsure)
But ironically it was a good life lesson. He never strayed far from home after that, and as I tended to him whilst he was weak and on antibiotics I think our bond got closer because kid-me really thought he was going to die, so I kept visiting him in his cage and stroking his paw. He did get better after a week or two though.
The only other time he went missing was for most of a week because he randomly wandered into someone else's house and got stuck there for a few days whilst they were away.
He came back a bit worse for wear but since he was a little scrappy cat he quickly recovered with plenty of food and drink.
So don't freak out and keep asking around for signs of your cat. Hopefully she's clever enough to escape a bad situation or be seen so someone can help her.


Why isn't this the first post?
Also gave it red scarf on its neck.

Taokaka. Whatever her name is take good care of her.
I like this to


Cats aren't horses user

Dusty is a great name for a black cat though. Mine gets grubby all the time, you can see the dust on him if he rolls around outside and comes back.

Don't forget to put a paper hat on it user

my cat too had trouble to his kidneys but he was able to survive one more year after we started to medicate him the veterinarian gave him 3 days but my father didn't tell us at the time, we discovered it years later
he also did something similar to yours in his last days with us, while i was sleeping he jumped on my back and started doing to me a cat massage, something he never did before.
He had less than ten years when he left, we didn't really tried to look for him, we already knew he would never come back



all my cats have food names. like cake or cofee.

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cute kot.

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I name my pets after whatever I see in front of me
Drill, Gun, book, etc


That cat looks like it has ptsd. Martina.

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