Why aren't you playing Quake 2 RTX? It has actual graphics

Why aren't you playing Quake 2 RTX? It has actual graphics.

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i don't play old ass shitty ass games that came out before i was born

Performances are awful, and I'm playing with a 2080ti

>t. zoomer

You're only a day old?

Looks like a minecraft mod

Doesn't work on my PS5 even though Sony said so ;;

I'm pitty for the plebs who will never know about Q2 multiplayer ludo.

the novelty of the fancy graphics will wear off quickly and you realize you're still playing the second most boring quake (affer Q4)

Doesn't this destroy the atmosphere of Q2?

death to your whole family

because Quake 2 is garbage.

Stop playing Q2 campaign


Not like it matters because quake 2 is just a generic space marine fps game. They threw the ideas of quake 1 right out the window.

t. faggot

Runs at 90FPS on my RTX 2080.

Its not Quake 1


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I wish I had a game like MC when I was 10

You have fortnite at least

I haven't got an RTX Card.
>t. GTX 1080ti

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It kills the atmosphere
Quake 2 was never as good as 1 or 3 anyways

Quake 2 was never good

The age of overrating Carmack's little tech demos is already over

>need to have one of the most expensive PC configurations on the market to be able to play Quack II in 2019

seriously fuck this timeline

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Any second now until it blows up like fortnite and we can play ctf and all the cool mods like action quake and weapons factory again.


Was that from Unreal? I feel like I owned that magazine.


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fortnite can run on a phone. this game needs an expensive graphics card. 80% of the pc market has a toaster


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you know you dont have to play in 4k. Why dont you just play in 2k like a regular gamer faggot

I do ... should I actually bother. I've already played quake 2.

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So then don't play Quake 2 RTX then?

>Quake II
>not Quake I + darkplaces and the CD soundtrack
One of my favorite video game experiences of all time when I first played it around three years back.

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Just play the multiplayer, even Quakefags will recognize they only played Q2 for the deathmatch.

Damn now I gotta go dig this out.

And fucking lol at that SF3 tag.

Because Q2 Soundtrack >> Q1 Soundtrack

Wow this is great now I can play it at 10 fps and somehow make it look even worse.

Man OG SF3 really was a super let down