Why aren't you playing it RIGHT NOW Yea Forums? there's literally no excuse!
Why aren't you playing it RIGHT NOW Yea Forums? there's literally no excuse!
Who's creating Yea Forums's stream snipe guild?
What name should we use?
I thought it came out in August
Rented my beta account for 800€ already, so I can't play it myself.
>Yea Forums creates a stream snipe guild
>gets layered / banned
god shut the fuck up about classic already you brainwashed retards
the only relevant game right now
get fucked zoomer
I have both a MMO mouse and a MMO keyboard lol, going to multibox, but unfortunately all the pservers banned multiboxing and I'm not sure how to set it up so it works on there. I keep getting an error when I press my follow macro. But it works on retail.
renewed my sub and got it, i was lucky
totally worth it, feels great, just like the old days
Oh shit nigger will i get in too if i renew my old sub from the Wotlk days?
you have pretty good chances, but that's a gamble
so it's up to you. you can waste your doradoos on nothing
or you can pretend to be a streamer and get it 100%
i have an active subscription on the same account ive had since 2005 and no beta for me. you have to be a streamer so you can give blizz free advertising
well yeah loyalty means jack shit
i got into wow with legion lol and still got into beta
>the legion zoomer gets in
I don't even care anymore
there's nothing that good desu. just old vanilla stuff, but somehow it looks even worse. i remember vanilla zones looking better than this. probably messed up the engine somehow. i guess that's the beta is for.
I'll have enough problems with motivating myself to play it in August even without my character being deleted.
go back to your tranny cancer containment thread you fucking faggot
classic wow is literally the only game that matters in 2019
>e-celeb's and their cock suckers EVERYWHERE
>outdated 15 year old mechanics
>muh nostalgia
yeah thats a D.O.A from me senpai.
2019: the gaming industry is dead. video gaming is now a way to milk the consumers for all they're worth through microtransactions.
in august, we go home.
>What name should we use?
we camp streamers
Realistically, what class fits each of the legendaries best?
I always thought it was Arms Warrior for Ragnaros, Prot Warrior for Thunderfury, and Holy Priest for Atiesh, what's the consensus?
Elemental Shaman, Survival Hunter, Balance Druid
shaman for rag, main tank/offtank thunderfury then rogues, why would you give atiesh for a fucking healer? mages and locks are high prio
I'm in shock.
You mean you got the beta? Fuck that I dont want to waste my time on an mmo only to get all progress deleted
Because I don't want to spam frostbolt until end of time.
Based. Too bad theyre gonna go back on their word when Soda and Asmonbald start bitching
rag is for paladin/shaman, warriors want swords and axes
thunderfury always go to a warrior tank
It's far too late in the game now and I'm gonna have my cake and eat it, so this isn't moaning this is just for the sake of conversation. What would you guys think of a 'Classic Reimagined' instead? One where (while by no means trying to become 'balanced') all the lesser used specs are buffed. One where enchancement shaman is very capabable of tanking raids, and bucklers exist as a different shield class which rogues can actually equip (I bet in the beta their combat spec was planned as like a lightweight warrior), and loads of things like that.
Absolutely BASED, streamcucks btfo.
>of any current policies
Everyone knows Sulfuras goes to either the ret pally or the enh shaman.
Even if they don't use it, passing the first Eye to them is a traditional sign of respect. It's how you honor them for their sacrifice and lifelong humility. It's a moment of celebration for all and a dream for every one of them.
F.N.J.A.S. fuck niggers jannies and streamers
In my day we called this screen watching
I love playing Paladin for the buffs, is it actually desired in a raid as non-Holy spec? I never shied away from healing and even tanked 5mans, just didn't think Ret was very popular at all
Why in the ever loving FUCK would i want to level up 1-40 just to do it again in August. People are retarded. Only reason people want in the beta is so they can stream with zoomzoom and their buddies.
How do I pretend to be a streamer so they give me beta
If it's anything like other Yea Forums guilds it's going to be trash lul
baseado and redpillado
Do you mean "screen peaking"?
this time can be different, people are hyped as fuck
also to avoid discord trannies we could use some shit like teamspeak/mumble
>is it actually desired in a raid as non-Holy spec?
No, pala and shaman get it as pvp fun weapon. You are still expected to put on a dress for raid like a good healer.
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who has donated money to a streamer
a raid geared ret paladin will do less dps than a rogue in pre raid blues and greens.
Just going to stick to a normal guild that can actually clear content
>is it actually desired
Not often. You'll find those who are indifferent, but rarely does someone desire a ret paladin.
But a real paladin isn't someone who does what is popular or even what is requested of him by the people he serves. He does what he believes he must. He does what is just. He is a leader. He stands for the Light. Do you stand for the Light?
Legion was already after the graphical updates. The game still looks like shit now, but if you just started playing a few years ago, you don't realize it looked like the beta in the old days.
I gave 50 bucks to a guy I've watched on youtube/stream for the last 10 years.
He said my name and thanked me. I immediately wished I had donated when he wasn't streaming.
Because I've played it before
Because RIFT is just objectively superior in every way.
I haven't heard that game spoken of in what feels like years? It's still going strong?
Steam Stats would say "hell to the no, it's practically circling the drain", but personally I really like it because the soul tree is similar to how it was in BC/WotLK, and you're not enriching the pockets of Jizzard as it's F2P
its not out yet
I wasn't planning on playing WoW but I'm probably going to make a rogue on the server with the most streamers on it with the goal of making them quit the game. CAMP TILL YOU QUIT, BITCH