
You've found some gold.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What age are you in?

>not pictured: enemy tower waiting just inside fog of war ready to snipe any workers going for the gold

It's crazy how good the expert players like Viper are. I bet they all have autism.

Gold please

Attached: Town.gif (1024x768, 725K)

>i no pig

what the fuck

>jeez, that thing could rip you to shreds

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>shhh HAH


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Legendary game. The HD ones are on sale right now on a flash sale in Steam. Goth Huskarl spam FTW


Wait what

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what's gold?

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AoE2 is one of the few games with a literally perfect aesthetic.
There is nothing to improve upon. The pixel art is perfect. You want to live in every building and touch everything in the map with your hands. If eyes could taste, then every rendered frame would be a crumb of cheese from an endless platter of France, Greece, California, and Italy's finest and oldest, presented on a crisp cracker, and accompanied by an ever-cold stein of root beer.

I want to make my own custom campaign but god I am so bad at making nice looking maps.

>there's a small chance that I'll be able to play the definitive edition games on a pc that isn't infested with windows10

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There is a pretty badass mod for SWGB. It adds new factions and new random maps; does rebalancing and also adds widescreen support and larger battles. Totally worth playing that.

i know, you've told me a hundred times.

the OC-do-not-steal expansions kinda ruined it though.

That must be a different user. First time i've mentioned this anywhere on Yea Forums.

Why do you fear the botnet so much?
We all float down here

oh okay. looks good. i want to play gb online.

Thankfully I have no idea what you're talking about.

I completely forgot about this game.

HD remake never ever
it sucks


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fuck hd remake. game still plays doesn't it?

Playing with friends on steam, widescreen support and much needed rebalancing. Not suck at all. Just don't buy it at full price.

i still have my original copies. will they work in online play or do they have to be bought from steam?

You can use some service like Gameranger of Voobly to play the original disc versions if you wanted to.

nah i'll just buy them again if they're ever on offer, if i ever have money.

Reminder that AOE2 HD and all the expansions are on sale for just 15$ on steam right now.

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>join for the first time an online match in aoe2
>says noob 4v4 in title
>it's anything but noobs, everyone rushes to castle
>I absolutely suck monkey balls, people calling me retard and useless
>can barely make an army because of how little wood I get
>get defeated in 30 minutes
>mfw my first aoe2 multiplayer match is the worst experience ever

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They are working on a "Definitive edition" now for AOE 2. I swear if they change the graphics to that shit in AOE 1; it will become ugly shit and hopefully no one plays it.

hey hey people

3 gold deposits? Where did you find those 2 gold deposits? I can't believe you thought you found 1 gold deposit. There are none.

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>he fell for the noobtrap
there there user, we all fall for it the first time around.

Stats whores who try to lure nubs in and eat them up for fag points. How could anyone not pick up on that?

>he still doesn't have the superior win10

People who are new to multiplayer naively think the best of people.
It's very cute, but sadly very exploitable.

You guys play any fun strategy games lately?

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someone fapped to these, did they?

It’s time for us to FIGHT BACK

Not sure why you added the "just" there.
It definitely doesn't deserve it, considering it is just a remaster of a 20 year old game, plus some new content.

I was probably one of the people calling you a retard
Unfortunately everyone in aoe2 at all skill levels observe pro strats so even noobs are optimal for their skill level
Make sure you watch some tutorials on the game and play against the hard AI to practice

Are ANY of the campaigns in this game actually fun? William Wallace was alright, Joan of Arc was incredibly tedious, especially with the population limit. I only did the first few Saladin ones, but they felt snoozey.

Whenever I'm playing one of these scenarios, I just get the urge to go play Random Map instead.

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Of empires

It wouldn't surprise me

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*tink* *tititink* *titink*

shhhh ha

>Recently, we announced three of our Definitive Editions will be coming to Steam, giving our community the choice of where they want to play. With E3 fast approaching, kicking off with Microsoft’s Keynote on Sunday, June 9, we are excited to announce that we will be on the floor with Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition!

>Attendees will be able to experience stunning 4K Ultra HD graphics, a new, fully remastered soundtrack, and more during an on-hands demo of the game. More info, including new civilizations, will be revealed in the briefing.

>Not attending E3? Not a problem. Click here to sign up as an Age of Empires Insider and stay up to date on all things Age announced during the conference as well as get access to perks such as:

> Updates about the latest developments to the Age of Empires franchise
> Opportunities to provide input to the development teams via Insider surveys
> The chance to be selected as a participant in special playtesting events for unreleased Age titles and features

>Continue the conversation on the official Age of Empires forums and stay connected with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @AgeOfEmpires.


we will get Holy Roman Empire isnt it?

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this is my favorite meme

do you have the "you owe me 30 dollars, better pay me 40 or else i will get 50" or something

the attila campaign was ok as I recall, although it was 10+ years ago I played it so I don't really remember

Someone actually teach me how to play AoE II properly.
It's so complicated. After I build villagers and get food and wood I never know what to do next. I advance to the age that gives me castles and build them, but I never know what to do with unit composition or other buildings or upgrades. I tried spamming mangonels the other day and failed hard.

>we will get Holy Roman Empire isnt it?
I sure hope so, with the Legionary/Legion as a unique unit, I'd fucking love that

watch Spirit of the Law videos, if not viper's matches.

>Someone actually teach me how to play AoE II properly.
Do you want to know? I would be happy to teach you but you would be playing Turks or Spanish after this and no other civ.

I wanna MINE that gold

Fuck you you're the reason why this community is so fucking toxic.

Bros post your hopes, dreams and expectations for Age of Empires 4 in this E3.

post more

I used to play against AI hardest every day after school and would beat them and now i find out that they are easy and people are harder.

Swiss will definitely be one of them

To take the next step in improving, look up build orders. Learn Fast Castle first.

How well you do in Dark Age sets the stage of how you'll do for the rest of the game.

NEVER leave your town center idle, continuously create villagers.

Learn to lure boars (Deer optional but you want to learn that eventually too) to your town center to collect directly under them.

Have 6 villagers on ONE sheep at a time, manage them so that two sheep are never dead at the same time.

If doing Fast Castle strategy, ensure that you create 2-3 more Town Centers ASAP and start pumping out villagers from all town centers at the same time. This will lead to economic boom that will keep your economy very very strong to pumping out as many units as you want and researching whatever you want comfortably.

As for unit composition, you want to play to the strength of your civs. Whatever you choose to work with, make sure you have trebs/bombard cannons/rams to push castles.

Don't be afraid to mass out skirmishers and halberdiers and maybe even hussars in mass if you have excess resources and need to conserve your gold. "Trash" units can be very helpful too.

Don't namecall people, user. But you're not wrong. Observing pro strats (This is how I learned about creating your buildings strategically to work as earlygame walls) and understanding build orders puts you way ahead of the curve of a new player, even if you aren't good at executing the plan that well.

Nah, AoM is the game with fun Campaigns. All AoE campaigns start strong then fall flat.

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fatslob is better

>Spirit of the Law
I barely even play multiplayer AoE2 but god damn does he make some quality videos. Very soothing voice too.

>on sale right now on a flash sale in Steam
Wow, what a coincidence


These games were stupid, gold doesn't grow in britain

Who the hell makes these?

The population limit of 75 really ruins them for me. It's no fun trying to break into a city with 25 units.

I love SOTL. He reminds me of the Mario 64 parallel dimensions autist. His videos are very entertaining.

So, ""pro"" players tend to shit a bit on SOTL cause SOTL is not a pro player like them but he's by no means bad, he's really good if you watch his gameplay videos.

His whole philosophy on AOE is that he doesn't actually like the idea of build orders. The purpose of his videos is that they're fun for him to make, but also he wants people to have the knowledge to make their own opinions of knowing what you should do on the fly. Which I think is great. Videos like "when should you get wheelbarrow/handcart" and if the paladin upgrade is worth it is good food for thought. I feel like I have a much better grasp of the game after watching his stuff, and I make better decisions in a pinch when otherwise, I'd be completely lost.

>gold doesn't grow in britain

Gold doesn't grow anywhere you fucking idiot.

Birds eat the gold plants in other countries, then migrate to England and poop out the seeds.

Age of Mythology was such a good game why don't they remake it and put it on steam in the same way AOE2HD did?

dude viper is the best player in the world no arguing. I dont give a fuck about him but truth needs to be said

what about age of empires 3 bros
why is it forgotten

noob nothing and philster blow viper out of the water anytime


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yea when did that happen faggot?

For me it's Daut

Ensemble kind of fucked themselves over with the conquerors expansion. It was perfect and there was absolutely no way they could improve upon the AoE formula. They tried new things with 3, but they just weren't that fun.

The Mongolian campaign is kinda fun, like getting a few forward stables and keep my light cav front line going.
I think the AoC campaigns were overall better as there is a higher pop cap, meaning more economy and more soldiers

It is not 10/10 therefore shit compared next to AoE2

for me its tatoh, got to play him once, very nice guy in streams as well

AoM > AoE2

Did Daut deserve this...

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Unit pathfinding is beyond atrocious


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True men only play nothing maps.

that was hilarious

Weak economy and big army means you are dead if the enemy can counter it, good economy and medium army means you can win through attrition. Also play to the civs strengths, a knight may be a powerful unit but it is not always the best unit to use.

I saw this live during hidden cup 2, I couldn't stop fucking laughing

>a remake of a remake
expansions not raking in enough money? fuck sake, this needs to stop

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I'd rather find some DICK to be fair

Kino interview with Daut. It really drives home how epic this game is to have such longevity.

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Daut castles make me laugh every time they happen or are referred to

1v1 me black forest vikings only

Just passing through to remind you that Ethiopians (+15% Archer fire rate, +100 food and gold when advancing to next age, and free upgrades to pikeman and halberdier) are objectively the best civilisation

>t. fatslob


Wait, you're not don't thin...they wouldn't dare....

>go Magyars
>spam upgraded elite huszars for 80 food
>Flood the enemy to death with human wave assaults of huszars supported by cav archers
This is the only way to play

baby don't mine me don't mine me no more

Do you have any potions, or food

This but with Goth halberds

Shut the fuck up fatnigger

Only RTS I've ever played. Basically flawless game.

>its a king of the desert tourney

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Learn hotkeys and build orders (look up interactive build order tutorials, a series of scenarios that will guide you through the most common build orders). It's boring as fuck but as soon as you get that out of the way you will be a much better player. Play lots of 1v1s and avoid noob team games, specially black forest, as they tend to suck and usually end in one team just steamrolling the other.

Our gold stocks are dwindling my liege

Pro AOE players playing on fast is infinitely more impressive to me than Starcraft pros

Spirit of the Law videos or matches between [Am] and [Tyrant]

>"just watch pro players' streams if you want to get better at the game"
Yeah just watch someone smashing 40 keyboard combinations per second and moving his cursor at mach 5 speed, that will teach you how things work in this game.

I could never get into online battling in AoE (or any other RTS). I'm not autistic enough to follow the same buildup again and again.
I frequently go back to singleplayer though.

Hd isn't a remake, it's just an updated version for modern systems with minor tweaks. Definitive Edition is a full blown remake with new graphics, audio, the works.

what are some bare minimums for new players?

>idle villager button
>assigning units to a group
>setting auto patrols
>the "attack move" command

I unironically got a boner. Thanks.

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There basic tactics that are easy to pick up on.

>it's just an updated version for modern systems with minor tweaks
And two exclusive expansions that won't work with the original game.

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Those were added later.

Some players (like daut) actually explain what they are doing and the reasoning behind their actions and you can learn actually learn stuff like decision making by watching them. It still won't beat practice and experience, but it can help.

lol nigger, learning to build houses and farms with hotkeys is enough at first you fucking nigger chill

Not to the original. Which meant I had to re-buy the game to play the expansions.

Okay? That doesn't make it a remake. HD isn't a remake, DE is.

The Khmer and Berber campaigns are unironically kino but 95% of the playerbase hasn't even tried them.

Will we ever get an RTS city/base builder with decent trade mechanics?

Either you lose out on military or trade in all of these games.

What makes it a remake then, great fucking magician of goalposts?

By literally remaking everything from scratch? HD just ups the resolution and tweaks minor things, DE remakes the game from the ground up.

that one attila the hun map with the boar hunt is pure kino. the sheer amount of different ways you can start the map is amazing

HD is a shitty, lazy cashgrab port from MS with some technical issues, but the fact that it brought the game to steam, got us new expansions, and helped explode the game's popularity/renaissance makes it ok in my eyes.

There are 3 expansions, but one of them was launched simultaneously with HD (the forgotten, which was originally just a giant mod)

Its been 14 years Yea Forums
are you ready to finally accept that AoE3 was a good game?

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But I already thought that.
Aside from some cards being absolute horseshit, but it's AoE so some shit's just gonna be too good.



I liek Joan Arc too.

So, thats how villagers are made.

why was the campaign not historical

>So, thats how villagers are made.
What about the soldiers?

At least the Asian dynasties campaign was.

yeah but >asians in my new world game

Now we are truly in the Age of Empires II Gold Edition™


No, it was dogshit. I played it expecting to learn about and re-experience historic battles, especially psyched for the Colonial period stuff. What we got instead was a shallow attempt to appeal to the WarCraft III player base with fictional, supernatural bullshit.

0/10, put it down after the first campaign and never played it again.

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>created an adventure map with scripting
>never published it, just tested it online with randoms on msn a couple times
>realize it was shit because player 1 was nothing more than a spectator to 2 3 and 4 and could break the scripts easily by deleting units or moving them
>lost the scenario and of course will never see my greatest failure ever again

the new civs are pretty good tho
shame that HD has shit multiplayer, but at least you can use Voodly with wololo kingdoms to have the actual good experience if you have HD + expansions

Soldiers are strong and manly because they are made of 2 mans.

>hurr why can't I pick micro from watching a guy that has been playing for +10 years
you are not supposed to pick that from watching them, you just want to understand their choices of units and strategy.


>Imagine playing dodge the siege onager on fast

Attached: How Joan'd'ark was Born.png (700x1094, 1.02M)

hey thanks, I'm gonna check this out. Love SWGB

i love the fact he memes like fuck in rated games and goes for meme strats that his civ offers or his viewers suggest

never not amusing to see him beat people with khmer scorps

me in the middle


>Attack move
Don't find that works well for me, archers need to focus fire and melee units are slower at finding targets. A tip I would give is to always send a disposable scout ahead of the army, in The Promise mission I was moving my army forward and spotted a bombard tower, took a bit of damage from turning the whole army around to avoid it and set up the trebuchets.

I'm playing AoE 2 for the first time and I'm having a lot of fun, should I get AoE 3? It's on sale.

3 is worse than 2 in every way.

no, just play 2 for thousands of hours

well I killed philster the other day, guess I'll join AM soon

AoE3 is a good game, it is just not as strong as AoE2

Don't ruin the franchise by playing 3

it's not a bad game, but it's not AoE2. believe me, you can get out of AoE2 as many hours as you wish
after 1000+ hours there are some of the new civs that I still have to get the hang on

AoE1 intro was great too
Little eight year old me was utterly captivated by this shit


75% off is pretty good, the question is if you have time for both.

thx 4 the gold kind stranger uwu

>that theme jingle at :31
Literally brought a tear to my eye.

what are the dumbest settings you have played on? sometimes I'm amazed on how specific some hosts get, specially on HD

3 is not on the same level.
If you get bored of 2, try playing 1 at least once.

I have a couple of hundred hours clocked and I've never played pvp once because I know I'd get completely rekt
I'm too used to play against the AI and even if I'm training now and then to git gud I still feel I'm too much of a noob

>7 1/2 hours
Jesus christ how were there any kind of resources left?

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