Rule: Answers MUST HAVE Character Creation and Player Choice.
Rule: Answers MUST HAVE Character Creation and Player Choice.
>Mass Effect 3
>Dragon Age Inquisition
>Mass Effect 2
>Mass Effect
>Fallout 3
>Dragon age origins
>Fallout 1/2
>Witcher 3
>New vegas
>Mass effect 1
Jesus christ you fuckers have terrible taste:
>Alistair is the most closeted faggot character ever and he craves Duncan's cock and constantly cries about it
>Morrigan disapproves because that's how sexually challenged David Gaider sees every relationship with every woman in his life
>Leliana sings while she should be keeping her dumb mouth shut
>Oghren is an alcoholic dwarf, that's a concept never before seen in fantasy
>Sten is just a plain cunt and leaving him to rot in his cage would rid me of his horrible dialogue choices that could never be explained through Hegelian dialectic
>Wynne needs to die to make this game less insufferable
>Zevran is just a plain faggot, wow so progressive such character depth
>Shale actually costs money if you bought this piece of shit at the release
>and the only dog is just a dog which makes him mediocre, congrats bioware
Let me also add
>shit single player MMO gameplay mechanics
>clunky mechanics in combat which is mostly shit btw
>absolutely abysmal writing across the board
>terrible and uninspiring story
>useless tactics
>horrible path finding gets party stuck in an open field with a single fucking rock
>the worst level and dungeon design I have ever fucking seen in any RPG since the days of Amiga 500
>and while speaking of Amiga 500, the graphics of DAO looks like something you could run with 512KB of RAM because it's all brown and shit everywhere
>shit visual design
>shit engine and technology
So, why did I play it? All the way to end? I just wanted to see how full of shit you actually are Yea Forums. Jesus Christ you people are irredeemably retarded. How do you allow yourself to play shit like this, love it and make countless threads about it? How do you fucking live with yourselves? Are you just fucking BioWare shills? I sure hope so. I will never listen to your advice on any game ever. I'll go play a better RPG trying to forget this complete trash. That would probably be any RPG ever made.
Dragon age origins was good. It had decent writing what the fuck are you on about?
Ok how about you point to an rpg with in your opinion good writing.
>this shit tier pasta again
>people still falling for it
In no particular order:
>Mass Effect 1
>Divinity Original Sin 2
>The Witcher 1
>Dark Souls 1
>The Witcher 3
Fallout: New Vegas
VtM: Bloodlines
Planescape: Torment
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
>people writing the witcher games even thou OP specifically said must have characther's creation
>Mass effect 1
>gothic 2
The rest
>Witcher series (no character creation tho)
>all remaining dragon Age
>all remaining mass effect but Andromeda, fuck andromeda
>rest of tes
Forgot to mension Gothic has no cc
Gothic 2
Planet Escape Tournament
KotOR 2
Divinity 2
watch us not give a fuck faggot
How do I enjoy kotor?
Feels very clucky to me and I'm already spoiled on the plottwist
Under these rules, my answer is:
1) Morrowind
for it's incredible atmosphere and world building
2) Fallout 2
For it's amazing degree of player agency character roleplay option and variety.
3) Fallout 1
For amazing atmosphere and world.
4) Vampire The Masquerade
For it's sense of humor and overal charm.
5) Planescape Torment
Rather obviously, for the writing.
Respecting the rules, I did exclude both Gothic and Witcher games, as neither has a character creation.
I also excluded immersive sims like Deus Ex or System Shock or Prey for similar reasons, though they would too deserve a spotlight.
Sadly it's too late for you. Shoulda played it back when it was new
the same way you play all other RPGs older than 3 years you underageb&
So basically mod it to oblivion and/or make the combat unloseable
Opinions on fable? The prime Xbox rpg?
the only mod you need for old CRPGs is widescreen support
good lord I hate you 12 year olds
Fun enough combat but the story is nothing to write home about
I'd describe it as charming
>The prime Xbox rpg?
That alone should tell you to stay away from it. It's crap, that has for some absurd reason massively overhyped: I can only assume due to the combination of the name of Moleyneux and the console exclusivity bonus - both of which however should actually be a warning sign to anyone with even a little experience.
>Final Fantasy VII
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Chrono Trigger
>Fallout 2
Now I'm gonna bounce out of this thread before people shit on me.
I'm done trying to defend my personal tastes in video games.
also sorry, didn't read the full text.
my bad.
>Fallout 2
you're right your taste is indefensible.
>The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY
>Deus Ex: GOTY
>Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic II TSL
>Fallout: New Vegas
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Best 5 RPG's ever.
>Mass Effect
>KotOR 2
>Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer
>Fallout 2 (I think F1 is better story wise and other things, I just have a lot more fun playing 2. Fallout 1 is the serious RPG while 2 is more of a relaxed, if that makes sense)
>I can't think of a 5th, maybe Baldur's Gate or some shit, maybe Planescape: Torment
Fallout 3
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Fallout Shelter
Fallout Shelter 2
>likes weeb-shit
>better get out of here
Fucking christ, he KNOWS he's garbage and still bothers to make a post.
What game doesn't have player choice?
I can choose to do what the game tells me, or I can ignore it
Spec Ops The Line
>cutscenes don't exist
This guy gets it.
Play Deus Ex: GOTY (The original one). It's fucking awesome and goes into the deep end on politics and conspiracies. You have choices.
>cutscenes don't exist
Ummm sweetie, ever heard of quicktime events?
We got choice, you're just ig'nant.
>Wizardry 8
>The Witcher 3
>Divinity:Original Sin 2
>The Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind
>Neverwinter Nights
>Might&Magic VII
>Arx Fatalis
>Fallout 2
>Icewing Dale 2
>Septerra Core:Legacy of the Creator
>Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura
>Baldur's Gate 2
OP suck my massive girthy dong.
God that's a lot of shit.
But some good ones too.
Ultima underworld
Ultima 7
Hero's quest /quest for glory
Eye of the beholder 2
Baldur's gate
Honourable mentions:
Divinity original sin
Neverwinter nights
Dragon age
Dragon's dogma
>no skyrim
You know it's fun right?
People think Elder Srolls is more of an RPG than The Witcher, and yet:
>character creator
>only a few quests give you a choice of outcomes, broadly "good" or "evil" choices
>no character creator
>almost every quest involves an element of choice, outcomes are more morally grey
>actual endings with repercussions of actions made 50-100 hours earlier
Baldur's Gate 2
Fallout 2
Mask of the Betrayer
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
PF:K has the best character creator of the above
I am hoping Cyberpunk 2077 is so good that it becomes a new favorite.
Skyrim job
>create your own character and roleplay it
>roleplay difrent Geralts
>People think Elder Srolls is more of an RPG than The Witcher
Who are these """people"""?
Yea Forums I guess
I don't remember anyone on Yea Forums claiming that btu then again I usually ignore the opinions of clear underageb&s
It is lovely.
The lost chapters improves it.
2 is brilliant fun co op.
Don't go into it expecting a massive, expansive world, or sprawling story, or anything molyneux promised, and you'll be fine.
Vampire Bloodlines
Dark Souls
Dragon's Dogma
Star Wars KotOR
Divinity 2
Mount & Blade Warband
Dark Souls 3
Mass Effect
>Fuck the rules bonus:
Deus Ex
Deus Ex HR
Gothic 2+NOTR
Xenoblade Chronicles
>Shadowrun (SNES)
>Mass Effect 2
>Desu Ex
I would like to include one of the many PS1 games I played, but I just cannot rate them, they're all about the same to me.
Baldurs Gate 2
Mass Effect 1
Dragon age Origins
Pillars of Eternity
knights of the old republic
Oh fuck totally forgot about Vampire Bloodlines and Mount and Blade, those are top tier as well. Shadowrun games from Harebrained Schemes are a nice RPG if you are ok with isometric turn based combat.
Threads like these make it painfully clear how young Yea Forums is.
literally installed this game again yesterday and i see two threads here about it
it singlehandedly saved isometric RPGs from death
it's quite well-loved and youi'll often see threads now that you're paying attention
Or how shit old RPGs are.
No it's definitely the former
> Rule: Answers MUST HAVE Character Creation and Player Choice.
jagged alliance 2
Atom rpg
Grim dawn
I woundnt say saved.
>Isometric rpgs basically died
>Dao cames out, full of great ideas for the genre
>all of which get shoved away with da2, Poe and divinity
Prove it.
Old classic rpgs are objectively bad from today's perspective, cluncky as fuck, ugly, not intuitive, unnesecerly complicated, depend of save&load mechanic too much and so on
How can you guys even say Dragon Age has good writing and at the same time say Divinity Original Sin 2 has bad writing?
it's hardly my fault that the only other RPGs you know are PoE and DIvinity
also D:OS is amazing and on par with DD
Fallout New Vegas
Dragon Age Origins
VtM: Bloodlines
Mass Effect 1
Not going to make a statment about those games but the main point is
>Dao slowly introduces lore concepts to you with "origins" and then ostagar
>divinity just bombards you with lore you don't give a shit about yet
of course you can't read the thread you dumb fucking boomer
Bioware antagonists rarely have sound or solid reasoning as for why they do the shit they do, yet don't appear crazy enough to be doing it just for fun. One of Bioware's major flaws. The whole excuse behind the reapers in the ME series was complete and utter nonsense.
The only reason it's praised as it is is because there wasn't anything better, and believe me Dragon Age is very mediocre.
If you shat out a turd and called it an RPG when there hasn't been one for years, RPG fans will eat it up like steak.
Name one that takes from Dao
>who is Loghain
>who is Saren
>cluncky as fuck
naw just read the manual
hand-dranw isometric environments are fucking gorgeous
>not intuitive
if you don't understand what a stat does, read the manual
>unnesecerly complicated
everything should be streamlined!
>depend of save&load mechanic too much
yes because you can actually die instead of just winning every fight easily
Wrong. Mediocrity kills genres, not revives them.
>takes from Dao
the point isn't games that try to copy it, the point is DA:O showing there was still a market for isometrics
but sure, Aarklash Legacy
lol this gay game fuckin sucks
funny how you insect shills came out of the woodwork suddenly
That's just a biased viewpoint. You only give a shit about DAO lore because of its mediocrity and how everything is as you were expecting: Tolkien fantasy.
DOS2 isn't exactly original, but it certainly is more 'unique' than DAO, and ypu didn't give a shit because it wasn't what you were expecting.
New Vegas
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Kotor 2.
Where in my post did I say DAO revived the genre? lrn2read and don't @ me
>that constant TW2 vs DA2 shitposting prior to release
>DA2 actually comes out
>biodrones fall silent
Those were good times
Have you played SR: Hong Kong?
Fuck yeah I love rpgs.
>Rule: Answers MUST HAVE Character Creation and Player Choice.
Oh. Nevermind then. Guess I hate rpgs.
DA:O came out at a good time. RPGs (especially iso RPGs) were pretty much dead in the late 00s, and Bioware went to shit a few years later. On its own, though, I think it's a really polished piece of mediocrity. It does everything ok, but nothing really well.
If there wasn't an RPG for years and an RPG came out that was "mediocre" people still wouldn't pay attention to it. Just look at RTS.
The more you use this word, the more intelligent you appear.
Baldur's Gate series
KOTOR series
Mass Effect 1
Fallout 1
Honorable mention due to rule breach: The Witcher series, haven't played the third game but the first two entries in the series handle player choice quite well.
Well RTS isn't RPG isn't it? Totally different fanbase, totally diff. mechanics.
>divinity just bombards you with lore you don't give a shit about yet
That just sounds like you are a brainlet. You only get 4 Lore point in the first act.
>Sourcerers use dark magic that can attract monsters
>Monstears are attacking gods and you need to help them
>Magisters hunt sourcerers so they dont attract monsters
>There used to be a sourcerer guy who was a fucking cunt
Easy enough so even if you are a dumbass, which you very well might be, you can enjoy the story with its backstory.
It really not, sure Dao is very standard with a few original tidbits and that makes it very accessible and easy to grasp, I would say madicore since it's very well executed, the lore only gets fresh in awekening when the player is already a veteran.
On the other hand I got disinterested in divinity os1 lore when I got to the first town, a lot of random, strange lore lying all over the place without context
No order:
Not my 5 favorite RPGs overall, but I left off the ones with no character creation.
I havent yet, I keep meaning to.
>The year 2019, user still hasnt comprehended reapers
Fucking sovereign was right
>walk into town
>every npc has a milion factions he want to talk to you about
Did you just speed run it?
You forgot the fifth and most important one
I'm still unironically miffed that this fuckbucket got more than two scenes and why in the everloving shit is she even mentioned in the epiloge. You barely get any fucking closure about what happened with you and your party, but at least you know what's up with God King's cum dump #1
Dragon's Dogma
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 3
What constitutes "character creation"? Do you have to be able to customize appearance?
Definitely a hard recommend if you liked DF
The only thing I liked less about it is that your fixer this time is a "real" fixer, i.e. a ruthless mafia member who doesn't care about your team the same way Paul Amsel did in DF
I unironically like DA2 better than TW2. DA2 is crap, but it's fun crap. TW2 has terrible combat with QTEs and a bad UI.
Pathfinder kingmaker
I dunno, that's all actually, others are bad.
>Walk in town, there is literally only one faction
>Walk in second town, there is literally the one same faction plus and an underground crime boss
>Walk into a third town, there is literally the same exact faction again and some elves nobody care about
>Walk into the last town and there is finally a new faction that just killed bunch of guys from the faction of town 1,2 and 3
What are you talking about?
Who cares about a side character?
This retard forgot to enjoy the best souls game
>TW2 has terrible combat
I like it but I know lots of people don't
but comparing it to fucking DA2 combat? really?
DA2 had exactly two good things a) the idea of seeing Kirkwall over time but that stayed pretty much only an idea b) the Artichoke
Played all three. Really loved Dragonfall.
>Tolkien fantasy
I don't like DA:O but it rips off ASOIAF more than Tolkien.
Still the greatest one in terms of gameplay though, I love the changes they did to the hacking.
Oh yeah, they have that one sole common thing right? The uhm, ancient evil awakens, right? George should have copyrighted it.
Sounds good, I'll actually play it soon then.
1. Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
2. Ultima VII
3. Gothic II Gold Edition (I don't give a fuck about your rules)
4. Ultima VI
5. Gothic
>the face of nu-Yea Forums
>Who cares about a side character?
The devs, apparently. She has more exposure than most of the God King's other handpuppets. The Sallow Man who some sorta head honcho for the Black Ring gets third of an act. The paladin dude who's name I already forgot got maybe two meaningful interactions before he's tossed aside. But DAMN SON we sure as shit need some exposition on Windego
I liked the "start combat" button
it was only needed a couple of times but holy fuck was it great
there's some encounters in DF where if your main character is a squishy mage you just get obliterated instantly as soon as combat starts cause the enemy gets the first move
What's the "d" stand for?
No particular order
Why do you care about that though? Windego was his right hand woman who fell out of grace and sought to break free. Sallow Man and Kemm are literally who puppets with no depth. Why would you want them to have more screen time? I really dont understand what is the problem and why do you care seeing that you only encounter Windego few times for brief encounters.
>Divinity original Sin 2
>Dark Souls 3
>Fallout 3
Deus Ex number 1!
>Arx Fatalis (no real CC though)
>Wizardry 8
>Might 'n Magic 6
Fallout 2
Divinity: Original Sin
Kotor 2
Should have made a pool
>all these posers posting le Yea Forums-core games that they've never played even when they don't fit OP's criteria
Simply epic
>only two mentions of Arcanum
Pic related, it's the IQ of everyone else.
Based troyca
>character creation
>Witcher 3
Mostly because I'm still bitter about the endings being complete shit. It just feels like she's supposed to be important somehow, but is never really involved enough in anything except for blowing herself up on the tutorial ship. I do agree with you that Kemm and Sallow Man were massively disappointing. You have Black Ring twits talk Sallow up while you hunt down shit on the island and even get the occasional hint that he's involved in a whole lotta shit with his mirrors, but instead he just sits in his nerd cave waiting for you to kick his teeth in. Same with Kemm when he just shows up in his sekrit club dungeon to show off that he's really spooky and kewl.
Not that guy but I generally liked DA:I, even though I hate modern open worlds and hated DA2
Here's how to make it fun
>roll a rogue so you can oneshot damage sponges
>turn on the challenge that scales every enemy to at least your level
>ignore the open world bullshit (IIRC in the first area you have to do a bit of it to progress the story but afterwards you can stop)
>install mod to remove the stupid waiting times for war table missions
>only do main and companion sidequests
I liked the story, especially in the DLC
Only open world content I did was kill dragons
Oh or you could install that one mod that buffs the Knight Enchanter again to make it not shit
When will low int playthroughs make a return?
The Witcher
Gothic 2
Dark souls
Fallout new vegas
I agree with this user, even tho I did clear everything once, just becouse there are some lore notes lying around and I'm a fan of the setting
Or you could play a good game
uhm you do realize they're ableist?
Dragon Age: Origins
Fallout: New Vegas
Fantasy Life
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Dark Souls
You didn’t define player choice, and each of those games has player choice in degrees as well as CC
What are dark souls choices
Genuinely interested
Sure but there's always that urge to find out where they took the story
Also obviously pirate the game instead of giving Bioware money
Retard representation is somehow bad now?
>Dragon Age Origins
>Fallout 3
>Fallout New Vegas
>Mass Effect 1
There's other RPGs I like more, but character creator narrows it down a fucking ton, but you knew that when you made this thread desu.
turtle or roll
magic or melee
R1 or R2
>Strange man attaxed me at the crash site and he want know whut I be doing there and then he attax me! and then i kilt him
The amount of effort involved in the whole thing is beautiful
Okay faggots you convinced me, I'm gonna play Arcanum
Should I go guns or magic? Which one is so underpowered that it makes the game shit and which one is so overpowered that it makes the game shit?
It was a different time. RPGs then had low int playthroughs that replaying the game felt fresh.
>How do I enjoy kotor?
Skip it and play kotor 2 with the restored content mod.
Kotor 2 doesn't really have a big darth vader like reveal.
>A massive tard wearing a tuxedo sitting amongst burning wreckage and corpses meticulously and immaculately writing down what just happened to him
What a lad
You can affect the story a little bit in dialogue with NPCs.
Kotor 1 has a great story arc, fuck you. Kotor 2 is better but it doesn't mean Kotor 1 should be avoided.
I prefer KotOR II but you're still a patrician.
None of those characters are important though. Windego is a thot who lost he tits and was cast out by her sugar daddy. Sallow man is seething incel that acts tought behind his mirrors but aint shit IRL and Kemm is a minor character with quite literally no role in the game's plot. He is an alright boss fight.
The game has more important shit to tell than these three losers.
Oh no wait, number 5 should be Dragon Age 2.
It's flawed up the wazoo, but it's still the only unique RPG this side of 2010.
Maybe mom said to write down things as happen so you don't forget?
>hey Yea Forums do I fit in?
>being so contrarian you can't admit you like objectively good games
Magic becomes OP in late game, but gives you a good basis to start.
Guns are underpowered as fuck at the beginning (so much so that you may have issues in the first couple hours if you try to do guns only) However, also becomes much more enjoyable mid to late game
Roll a standard melee character to begin with and put your points in DEX and Melee + Dodge. Once you have a grasp of what you're doing, branch out into whatever the fuck appeals to you.
>Dragon Age 2
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Fallout 2
>Mask of the Betrayer
>better character creator of the above
That's not saying a lot though.
Haven't played it, so I can't say more than that.
I think the minions of the dude eating gods and literally raping his way back into reality are at least a little important
>bioware want to create an actually unique RPG
>ea forces them to make retarded changes and rushes production
It's a goddamn shame, but DA2 is still my favorite.
Arx Fatalis
Planescape: Torment
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Diablo II
>DA2 is still my favorite
1 Etrian Odyssey 3
2 Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold
3 Etrian Odyssey 2
4 Etrian Odyssey
5 Etrian Odyssey 4
The game doesnt seem to think so. Good old Skellie girl and Skellie guy are more important.
>he hasn't noticed all RPGs follow the same exact formula and can't appreciate the one game that stands out, despite it's flaws
Another person missing the point ant contributes nothing to anything.
>Witcher 3
>Dark Souls
>Dragon's Dogma
>New Vegas
>World of Warcraft (Ages ago, before it became a victim of its own success and stagnated)
Sourcerers. Fuck the lot of them
Anyone who has DA:O in a top list needs to be gassed.
>character creation
>Witcher 3
illiterate nigger
I don't give a fuck about your point, all you contributed was "DA2 was gonna be good before EA rushed it therefore DA2 is the best"
I don't care, Witcher 3 is one of the best RPGs ever, I'm gonna include it because I have to
In no particular order:
Fallout 1
Divinity Original Sin 2
Fallout New Vegas
But it doesn't fit this category, it doesn't belong here.
>I don't give a fuck about your point
Then don't fucking respond to things you don't understand you fucking lepton.
Also judging from what you thought I wrote, you didn't actually read. Again: Shocked.
Go play in traffic, imbecile.
There is only one first-level damage spell, it's called Harm. It's also the best attack in the game.
And now all left of bioware of old is just the name.
You like DA2 over PoE and D:OS
I don't need to read any more than that
Fuck off back to the Bioware forums, shitposter
>Rule: Answers MUST HAVE Character Creation
Retarded criteria.
>they are smarter and more successful then us! Gas them
I see the relasion
Does not apply here at all. Make an actual effort mongo.
If anything your picture should be the same forks trying to eat soup and the bent fork is just a regular spoon but with a tiny hole in it.
Stopped reading there
I don't think any one can be more zoomer than this.
kill all de white people
make dem pay
What did DA2 do that was somehow special? I don't seem to recall any. I played through it once and traded it back at Gamestop after that.
Cringe as fuck. Cant you behave like a normal fucking being?
DA is shit. It has no redeemable quality. The story is nonexistent, the characters have nopersonality, the combat is casualized shit, the locations (all 7 of them, if even that many) are bland and constantly repeating. Its just shit all around.
Zoomer is a meme made up by 21 year olds to talk about 16 year olds
Fallout 3 is far too old for either one of those gorups of retards
It had le ebin funny man dialogue though! And that one "famous" nerd girl played an elf in it!
You can talk to everyone you meet, or kill everyone you meet.
DAO was shit
Fuck your rules.
Witcher 3
Trails in the Sky SC
Mass Effect 2
>Dragon Age Origins
>Neverwinter Nights 2
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Pathfinder Kingmaker
>Dragon's Dogma
That's like a basic requisite for a RPG
i love you bugs, you're the only one telling the truth in this shit thread.
Oh boy here comes the Harm squad
Divinity is barely and RPG and still follow the same retarded formula as everyone else including bioware, dumbass.
PeE is basically just weeb-shit mixed with Diablo. Shit + Shit is, obviosluy, absolute shit.
You have nothing to say regarding DA2 being THE most unique RPG the past 20 years, because I'm right.
The retard is probably praising the game for having a political figure as an antagonist. While going against the grain of "bad demons are coming" cliche, the story was shallow and undeveloped. Its below mediocre indie game level of story.
Expert analogy...
Personally I liked the characters and the fact that you actually lived there. People treating you like an upstart guttersnipe during act one, recognizing you during act two and actually relying on you during the third. The level design was abysmal and some of the quests were nothing short of insulting but most of major writing was ranging from okay-ish to enjoyable for me.
>You have nothing to say regarding DA2 being THE most unique RPG
No because it's laughable
Just saying. Anyone first playing the game, who wants to be a caster, is gonna look at the spells and go, "Oh I need an attack, let's grab Harm."
>deus ex (don't know if it counts as character creation but whatever)
fucking based
> While going against the grain of "bad demons are coming" cliche
The game ends with you fighting zombies and demons and whatever the fuck anyway.
>You have nothing to say regarding DA2 being THE most unique RPG the past 20 years, because I'm right.
The most unique thing about that game is that it was such a shitty disaster of an AAA sequel. They fucked everything good about DAO and turned it into a rushed, contentless and soulless blunder that send Bioware into an endless downward spiral of making abysmal games.
Fallout 3 came out 10 years ago... That's nothing.
Becouse it's not, its just a lot like less popular rpgs at the time, like drakengard and divinity spinoffs
Which means the people who grew up with it are now 21-25 years old or so, i.e. "boombers"
What about doomers
The whole story structure.
There's no single big badie.
There's no "Ebon Hawk" or similar camp bullshit.
There's no "Go to place 1, then 2, then 3, now wait for cutscene and irreversible plot point, now go to place 4, now end the game".
There are actual characters with proper interactive backgrounds.
As stated before it's far from perfect, for example you're limited by the decision to have every NPC voiced.
But since Planescape: Torment, there hasn't really been anything unique on the market, but for DA2.
What the fuck are you talking about. DAO was a massive hit and people were expecting DA2 as it was one of the Biowares flagship IP. The game wasnt "less popular" the game was so shit it bombed everywhere. Get help.
>DA2 anywhere near as brilliant as Drakengard or any entry in the Divinity series
You can choose what order to complete certain areas
>Between 1999 and 2011, Planescape Torment and DA II were the only unique RPGs
Play more fucking video games
I'm not talking execution or quality retard
>There's no "Go to place 1, then 2, then 3, now wait for cutscene and irreversible plot point, now go to place 4, now end the game".
Are you mentally retarded? That is what you do in every quest and the whole game is divided into sections with no point of return cutscenes. Though you are right. There arent 4 places in the whole game. The game is more akin to "Go to place 1, then back, then place 2 and place 1 again and back".
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
That's the only one that qualifies.
>There's no "Ebon Hawk" or similar camp bullshit.
wasn't there Hawke's mansion where all the characters would stay
Post based Grigori
>Though you are right. There arent 4 places in the whole game
When you say DA2; are you talking about Dragon Age 2? The really terrible RPG video game? Or is DA2 an acronym for a different game?
Dark arisen 2
>There's no single big badie
Meredith is the final boss no matter what you do. She is objectively the "big baddie" of the game.
>There's no "Go to place 1, then 2, then 3, now wait for cutscene and irreversible plot point, now go to place 4, now end the game".
That's because the game doesn't have enough locations for that. You only have places 1 (the city) and 2 (generic cave)
>There are actual characters with proper interactive backgrounds.
Anders was better in Awakening.
>But since Planescape: Torment, there hasn't really been anything unique on the market, but for DA2.
This is wrong on so many levels I hope you get cancer of the pancreas.
>dude, what's wrong with you brah
You can't be this dumb.
You can dislike whatever game you like, I didn't bring up the excellence in characters and gameplay that Dragon Age certainly does NOT have, I said DA2 is a unique RPG and as an RPG much better than anything the past 20 years.
It's not the regular safe sit-com-esque formula, it's actuall fucking effort that didn't turn out the way they wanted.
It's safe boring bullshit How I met modern bang theory season 87 vs We tried something different True Detective Season 2.
You had a house/mansion with permanent side characters and the occasional party member visiting for a talk or 'do my quest or I haet u' moment
You have no argument.
No particular order:
Mass Effect 2
Dragon Age Origins
Fallout 3
Fire Emblem Awakening
Honorable mention:
Fable 1 / 2
Mass Effect
Divinity OS 2
Fallout New Vegas
I don't need one. Enough people have played DA2 to laugh at you
This guy is a chad with good taste irl
>player choice
Choose Your Own Adventure modern pseudo-RPGs aren't real RPGs, modern "gamer".
To argue, you have to formulate sentences with your coherent arguments. You keep parroting that it is unique. Not only is it not unique, not noteworthy and not redeemable in any way, we are talking about TOP five RPGs in this thread. You placing the worst tripple A game in 21st century so far is a travesty and you are being called names for it.
Read this guys post who has more patience to pick apart your bullshit than me.
Meredith only really started being a baddie after she got the *turns u evil*-idol in act 3. Before that she was just a templar with a stick up her ass.
Agree with you on the rest though
No pre-written video game is a real RPG, faggot
Now fuck off back to your p&p
Wizardry 8
Planescape Torment
Fallout 1/NV
Demon's Souls
Deus Ex (I'd argue stat distribution is enough for CC, but if you don't like that replace it with Vampire)
Honorable mentions:
Baldur's Gate
Mass Effect 1
Wizardry 6/7
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
A whole lot more I can't be fucked listing.
Weeb shit don't count.
Again, no clue what I'm talking about, make an effort.
""""Evil"""" for like 8 minutes of the game.
>(the city) and 2 (generic cave)
I know. Still doesn't follow the "formula", learn to read.
>Anders better
>This is wrong
Name literally ONE actual RPG that doesn't follow the same shit formula.
Just one.
In no particular order
Fallout 3
Fallout new Vegas
Fallout 4
The witcher 3
Yes I'm a huge faggot that likes to suck todds throbbing cock, no I dont know how to stop
Someone help please
>enough people
Please tell me your not one of those fags that watch reviews as well?
Fucking christ that's pathetic.
Might and Magic 6
Might and Magic 7
Might and Magic 8
Wizardry 8
Deus Ex
what the fuck
Sure as soon as you tell me what that """""formula""""" is, otherwise you're just gonna keep say "n-no that follows the formula" for any counter example
It was good like 15 years ago but you can't argue that it didn't age like milk without looking retarded
DOS2's writing is cringy as fuck and the awful fucking narrator makes it absolutely unbearable.
Baldur's Gate
Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer
Age of Decadence
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
>look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed
Now please, if you will: post an actual RPG as an example to disprove what I've said.
Indeed I am not. I'm talking about people who actually care about vidya. Open your eyes and read the general consensus ITT for example
I can tell for myself how laughable DA2 is, I've been laughing at it every since the combat demo
Very cute and ironic to bring up reviews though when DA2 is one of the most stupidly praised games by bribed "journalists"
It didnt age at all because its fucking timeless.
>Freedom with skills and builds
>Combining skills creates a powerful comboes
>Perfect balance between brainless console RPG and topdown view cRPG for PC
>Highly developed AI with custom tactics
The story and graphics are shit. Still better than WoW though, but that isnt saying much.
Okay but just to clarify, you are talking about a story structure that follows plot points and ahs you activate those plot points in order? Cause DA2 follows that structure, as does every single story ever written in history
Everybody ITT is laughing at you. We get it, you enjoyed it. You are free to do so. But fuck off from this thread about the absolutely best RPGs.
Reminder that you can't like games made past 2003 except for Fallout NV
Oh my god, you dumbass. I told you to R-E-A-D. Are you too fucking illiterate for that? I am still waiting for you to name one (1) ONE!!! game beside DA2 that doesnt follow the formula.
Unless it's Nintendo
>getting so asshurt at people usually ripping your tastes apart that you resort to facebook tier passive aggressiveness
good lord my man, calm down
> Fallout 1
> Baldur's Gate 2
> Icewind Dale 2
> Mass Effect 2
> Pathfinder: Kingmaker
If no Character Creation rule applies, I'd add Fable & SMT games.
Specifically the expasions / custom modules. The base campaigns for both games were kinda bland.
But other people already told you that DA2 does follow the formula you're trying so hard to renounce
A game isn't good just because it's old.