How did Nintendo make the best open world game of all time on their very first attempt?
How did Nintendo make the best open world game of all time on their very first attempt?
have sex
Because most of the other companies that do open world games, Ubisoft, Bethesda, EA, BioWare etc, are fucking terrible at game design. There’s plenty of companies that manage it just fine.
They didn't
Is it rly that good? Because i personaly always hated zelda games i consider them for small children or girls
They didn't
its fucking EMPTY
Nintendo just understand game design better than most developers.
two years on and I still have only completed three of the "dungeons" in this game before growing bored and dropping it
I liked climbing though
How will he ever recover
XCX was so great
Imagine actually going on cnet for your opinion pieces.
help guys how to i make a 2nd playthrough enjoyable
Oh is it time for this thread again?
Okay here goes
How will snoys ever recover? Seething wiicucks with their walking simulator, PS3 has no games, empty mountains of do nothing, 97, never ever, metacritic reviews don't matter...dilate
Most people who play zelda play like 1 game every 2 years. They're easily impressed.
It's not the best, but it certainly did a few neat and interesting things with an open world that no other game had done yet.
why are you so triggered sweaty
do a serlocke challenge
It's incredible how Zelda basically invented the open world game but BOTW is also considered its first attempt at it.
They just copied ubisoft and then used their Nintendo bonus
Can't barely remember the game. So an open world like any other in my book.
its the best open world game on the switch and certainly has a lot of "fun" factor in it.
But its a terrible terrible Zelda game
Having never played a zelda game growing up I picked up breath of the wild and really enjoyed it. There's quite a lot of freedom in what you can do and what order to do it in. Also yes i had the same opinion on zelda games before botw and still do about the older games but botw is worth playing.
>They just copied ubisoft
>Did you know BOTW invented open world and the AC developers went into the future to steal BOTW designs before it was created????
clown timeline
You forgot “have sax”
Nintendo certainly deserve praise for showing other devs the correct approach to open world games.
The point is Nintendo looked at other open world games and said "hey faggots, THIS is how you do it."
>there's been nothing like it since
But there have been quite a few empty open worlds since botw.
It's literally the only Zelda game that I never finished.
Fuck open world honestly, nothing is memorable in this game.
1. One Life. If you die, you delete your save. No exceptions.
2. No fast travelling to shrines or towers. Fast travelling using the Travel Medallion, however, is allowed.
3. You may only heal yourself at Inns. You are not allowed to eat anything, including potions.
4. Anything worth 20 Rupees or above must be sold in a town.
5. The first horse you capture is the only horse you get, if it dies, you have to revive it to ride a horse.
6. You may only use 1 guardian ability at a time.
.7. You have a limit of 20 Hearts and 2 Stamina wheels.
8. Must be played using the Pro HUD
9. The use of Fairies is banned
--Rules may be broken if needed for quests--
BOTW needs to be tuned a little more. Climbing, chopping down trees, interacting with the environment in general were great additions.
However, as an open world game, it needs improvements. A few more things to do, a few less empty spaces, more cities, and perhaps more random events beyond the Yiga clan encounters.
As a Zelda game, it needs more dungeons, more interesting tools, and more enemy variety.
If BOTW's inevitable rehash addresses this, it could be the best Zelda game ever made.
I feel like people praise the initial feelings of excitement and that’s it. When you quickly realize you’ll mostly just be finding shrines in each area, almost all of the magic is gone, as shrines are so boring to do. There is basically nothing interesting about this version of Hyrule.
Superior Japanese game dev philosophy. They think of fun gameplay first and then design the world and story around that, whereas westerners think of the story and themes first and then try to slap some serviceable gameplay on it.
Furthermore Nintendo understood that open world games need non-linearity and freedom to explore and discover on your own above all else at its core. And not just having that, but designing the game in such a way that it naturally encourages it out of you rather than forcing it on or holding your hand through it.
Why do people say shrines as if its on singular thing rather than 1/100 completely unique subterranean challenges or puzzles or assault courses. Do people play other Zelda games and think "oh a dungeon, its just more puzzles"?
>Superior Japanese game dev philosophy.
900 korok shits to collect. Amazing game design.
ALBW was the last good Zelda game and i dont even have nostalgia for A Link To The Past because i played both games back to back just recently
I honestly do not understand why this game is so praised when ive had more fun with every other open world game and Zelda title ive played
people say they love the exploration when for me, a big part of the reason i want to explore is because I DONT KNOW WHAT IM GOING TO DISCOVER, yet in this game you can always be sure its either going to be a shrine, Korok seed, or equipment
in previous Zeldas there was a chance to find things that would permanently change the gameplay like new tools for dungeons, new abilities; it could be anything and exactly it being ANYTHING was the appeal that made exploring so exiting because you had no idea what it would be at the end of the road.
Isnt not knowing whats ahead pretty much essential for the drive to be curious and explore and its what makes you want to discover it, to go from a state of not knowing to knowing?
Skyrim on switch was a way better experience than BOTW because i didnt expect what i would come across.
Their total disconnection from the world is what makes them feel so boring and repetitive. All of the shrines suck
Wow that sounds genuinely awful.
Because they made an open world game instead of making a linear corridor of a game that just happens to be set in an open world.
You are giving them way too much credit by calling them subterranean
it's no masterpiece
Koroks are a perfect example of how much better Nintendo are in their approach to game design.
Koroks work so much better than similar ideas in other open world games.
I'm currently playing Spider-Man on PS4 for example - a game released AFTER BotW and is a typical open world game. You have Peter's backpacks to find, essentially this game's idea of the korok content - a little easter egg hunt which provides you with credit to updgrade your stats and shit.
As is typical with most open world games, finding these backpacks is a chore. It involves nothing. They are lit up on your map and you just push your character there and press a button when you get there. That's it. Its NOTHING.
Nintendo, on the otherhand, understand game design far better than most. They gamify the concept. You aren't told where the koroks are. *YOU* find them all on your own. They aren't lit up on the map. Finding them is usually a subtle psychological test because your brain is programmed to question things which seem odd or out of place. So natural curiosity will pull you towards them
- your focus is always on the visible world in front of you rather than constantly looking at your minimap - and when you get there will find some puzzle to do. Simple as fuck puzzles yes, but at least its SOMETHING rather than NOTHING.
Straight away Nintendo takes this tired and loathsome open world trope and turns it on its head, makes it engaging and rewarding and ultimately tied to the core gameplay concept - exploration.
Its subtle shit like this which puts Nintendo head and shoulders above every other developer on the planet - an understanding of what makes video games video *GAMES*. And its the kind difference that uneducated plebs cannot wrap their heads around because they don't understand the craft of designing games.
>Reddit spacing
user do not give actual, well-thought-our criticism on this game. You have no idea how autistic and relentless the BOTW defense force is.
It's super boring for me and honestly FF15 was more enjoyable. Botw also looks like someone smeared grease everywhere and makes me feel like I have sleepy vision.
Your retarded pasta ignores that BotW is a game ABOUT exploration so having koroks be so prevalent kills a lot of the joy of it. Most other worlds do not have a main focus of exploration so their dumb collectibles don’t ruin the experience as much.
i dont like BOTW but to replay with muh Reddit spacing is retarded
How most AAA devs work is focus testing. Meaning they copy what is most successful. Halo made 2 weapons default for a long time, games like Minecraft popularized crafting which you still see to this day in games like God of War even if it doesn't make any sense. Basically Nintendo have way more freedom when they make games
Breaking walls of text into easily digestable chunks is simething they teach you school silly child.
It's pretty good. Lots of small details. But when I discovered orevfd all the content thr game had I felt pretty depressed. Wish it was longer.
best is subjective, but they made a very good one because they focused on making it a game
that is to say they established a relatively small set of rules and then designed an open world around it, lots of open world games fail to give the player meaningful ways to interact with the world which often results in them feeling barren or sterile or that the only thing to do is fight monsters
I think they designed it with open linearity in mind; you always find new things because all the things in the world lead you on to other new things and more often than not have fun paths to take or ways to make your own.
Unfortunately this means I doubt I'll ever go back to play BotW because "my" journey was so memorable there's no need to revisit it.
It isn't the focus in BotW either. So stop talking shit.
I personally loved it, but I can very easily see how someone might not. It's a game you need to play for an hour or 2 at a time to really appreciate imo, so if you're limited on time it might not be as enjoyable
>exploration isn’t the focus of BotW
Are you serious
Not so much as challenge as it is "here waste a bunch of time to prove you have the more masculine e-peen"
baka and lol'ing at all you jokers
The post literally said that exploration was the core concept of the game you fucking retard. Maybe you should read your pasta before posting it
>There was nothing like it upon release and nothing like it since
Do these people literally only play first-party Nintendo games?
It's trash though.
The only zeldas I have enjoyed are ocarina and major.
But then I played breath of the wild and it blew them the fuck off.
>ninteniggers are still recovering from the shock of having an ubishit/early access hybrid game released on their console
Is this supposed to be a good thing?
user... it’s not about the exploration, the combat, the rewards, or the difficulty; it’s about... something else...
These people never played the older games.
I'm about 2 hours past jumping off the plateau and have already lost interest in the game. Does it get better? Because so far it's just an empty and boring open world game compared to the endless wave of slightly better ones that came before and after it.
You cant. There are certain things that are super annoying to do again.
>horse archery challenge
>shrines with motion controls
>stupid constellation shrines that make no sense
>trying to acquire rupees in this rupee poor game
>fetching things to improve armor
Most of these are fine when it's your first time but on a redo it gets gay.
Thats not what I said, the insinuation is that there's nothing but koroks. Which is complete bullshit. Shitters constantly say the world is empty despite it having far more content than most open world games.
you seem to have shit taste in video games, user.
>literal who makes a blogpost
>How did Nintendo make the best open world game of all time on their very first attempt?
GTA for the snes invented open world.
Nothing like it as in, an empty overworld, shit swordplay and the worst durability system out of any 3D RPG ? Sure.
BoTW is the Classic WoW of single player games
>Shitters constantly say the world is empty despite it having far more content than most open world games.
Quality>Quantity. People usually don't count filler shit like koroks, shrines and copy&pasted enemy camps. BotWs open world is 99% filler garbage.
I only searched for 42 shrines. Didn't give a fuck about the rest.
I wanted to explore, doesn't matter if I find something or not.
Wow yeah having me stick a rock in a hole is really turning the concept “on its head” you stupid nigger. When will you fags admit that over 70% of the features in this game are worthless gimmicks you’ll play around with for all of five minutes and then never touch again? The point of a game is that it has rules, there are severe limitations to how you can accomplish a goal. When every single part of the game is just “kill these things in one of 2billion different ways using physics or weapons” it ceases to be much different from giving the player a wide open field with nothing but a single point they need to walk to in it. Sure, I could walk in an infinite number of different patterns before going to that point, but doing that wouldn’t make it satisfying. This is why the switch is and probably always will be a mario odyssey machine
>terrible zelda game
What did he mean by this? It's open world just like Zelda 1 you millenial trash. Do you mean it's not OOT or Majoras mask?
Game made with love, not shekels.
Ps1 graphics lul
You're not suppose to find them all retard. They are plenty of seeds so during your game play you can always find them. It's great game play design.
But far cry 5 is the best open world game of all time.
Botw was just a regression of its series.
i liked it but felt a bit empty to me
you have a point that Korok seeds work better than collectables in most open world games due to their suspicious placement however they really are just a side distraction when exploring and ultimately arent as exiting to find as stuff was in previous Zelda games
they are kind of the equivalent of finding a stack of rupees in other Zelda games not even as satisfying as finding a heart piece was
their abundance also makes their hiding locations less interesting over time because they are hidden in only so many ways (a circle in a pond, under a rock on an isolated tree, a random balloon, etc)
im btw
>look we took GTA's hidden packages but made them wholly pointless to collect
The original zelda was a video game, not a glorified sand box where you walk from screen to screen and play with rocks and jerk off
>muh graphics
>They just copied ubisoft
Breath of the Wild has more in common with Wind Waker than any Ubisoft game.
the very first zelda game was pretty much open world sir. most of them have been. you're using open world pretty narrowly here.
>ultimately arent as exiting to find as stuff was in previous Zelda games
What did you find in other Zelda games in the overworld?
>very first attempt?
Bullshit. 5 hours a day till I finished it at 140 hours mark is how you're suppose to play it.
>2D game design is the same as 3D game design
Kek educate yourself
When did he say “in the overworld” you goalpost moving faggotron?
In a game about exploration, constantly stumbling upon korok seeds is unbelievably fucking boring. If you go investigate anything conspicuous it will almost always be a korok puzzle. It’s the worst thing for exploration ever
That's what I missed as well, any sense of progression is gone because they were so married to the idea that you can do any task any time. To me it made the whole game a boring slog. Even the story never feels like it progresses.
Y'know what might be interesting, a prequel set in the run-up before Link fails, with all the voices replaced by grunts and subtitles, and a bunch of new story scenes and a more dangerous world with more enemy types. Since it's mostly reusing the map but different, charge $30 and you're golden.
>dimension = genre switch
never go full retard. If you mean Open World Sandbox, then no you're still wrong because OoT came out during the 1990s.
How is it their first attempt, Nintendo has had several open franchises including both LoZ (like the original) and even Metroid if you count its unlimited exploration of the overworld
they focused on level design instead of cinematic storytelling
I like the emptiness. Beats having an overly compressed world by miles.
My problem with BoTW's world design is that because everything relies so heavily on copy-pasted assets, the world is uninteresting as fuck.
Why is that landmark there? A shrine. What is that mysterious arrangement for? Tree shit.
Mechanically the biggest mistake was making too many cheaty mechanics. You actively have to force yourself not to use certain things to make the game more interesting to play. Master mode should've been about limiting your toolset (gliding, healing, etc) to force you to take full advantage of less useful mechanics.
Leave it to reddit to call other people children
OoT. Metroid Prime. Star Fox Adventures even. Quest 64. Pokemon. Nintendo has made plenty of open world games before BotW.
The game is extremely front loaded. You've experienced most of what the game has to offer.
Like all grassy field simulators. Get used to it.
Would have been nice if it felt like Hyrule had a history of different cultures and not just Sheikah magic tech shit that appeared from everything. Strange statues in the desert should not just lead to a fucking shrine
In OoT? Loot items, money, heart containers, a musical frog side thing, running messengers, collectible poes to turn in, fishing, giant goron
Majora's Mask: heart containers, frogs, sword sharpener, race, money, masks
BotW did do open world very very well. What it didn't do all that well is combat, quests, and horseriding. All of which are fairly essential things. I hope Nintendo uses it as a blueprint for the next Zelda game so it's even better, and then I could pirate it on PC and emulate it at glorious 60fps. There are very few current or last gen open world titles that were as fun to simply walk around and explore as BotW was, almost to its detriment, as I didn't give a shit about the story or any quests at all.
This is a good post
>How did Nintendo make the best open world game
It's not hard when it's a shit genre also it's a shit game
I honestly loved BotW, but I think the reason why I think it is the best open world I've played is the very reason it is a Zelda game. If it didn't, I'd probably wave it off as meh.
What's your specs?
I just don’t feel like the core gameplay is that fun. I feel like to enjoy this game you need to love the climbing mechanic and enjoy doing it over, and over, and over. I find it tedious and unsatisfying and it quickly loses its novelty. I usually find it more fun to ride a car/horse around the world than to just climb
Mmmm, poppy seeds are so delicious
BotW gives the player a single task: save the princess from the castle. The entire game is about the player figuring out how to do that all on their own. Its a pretty mature choice of game design but won't be for everyone.
What is most disgusting about the haters is that they NEVER bring ANY relevant arguments to how the game should have been.
Running around hating on this masterpiece seems like an obsession for many people.
Do you people even hear yourselves?
sure it was an alright game but i've played plenty of other great games since
It should have had an alarm clock built in.
t. 14 year olds
Everyone says how the game should have been, dumbass.
>Everyone says how the game should have been, dumbass.
Both of you are wrong.
that's not reddit spacing, retard
>The entire game is about the player figuring out how to do that all on their own.
You go to Ganon when you feel you have enough orbs and beasts, or when you just want to finish. It’s not like defeating Ganon itself is something you can do any way you want.
No. The person who said that no one ever says how the game should have been, is wrong, because everyone does say what the game should have been
And you are both wrong. He is wrong saying no one does it, and you are wrong because everyone doesn't do it.
Not a hard concept to grasp, being wrong.
i wasnt talking about just the overworld but in previous games you could find stuff like the Zora flippers, or even just upgrades to your arsenal felt more satisfying because they were much rarer (compare 3 sword upgrades in completely different places to 900 seeds that are in repeating hiding locations like mentioned before) but the best example are of course the masks in Mayoras Mask
Also the overworld itself was more interesting in previous Zeldas: like the DS Island and the wale island in even Phantom Hourglass, the spookiness of the bottom of the well and the forest temple, the odd appearances of other franchises in Links Awakening. The worlds felt more interesting in general; in BOTW the only place where i thought "oh this is cool" was the area with giant mushrooms but in the end i discovered that was all there was special to that place. Also the temples and ruins look all the same because they have the same structures and all of them have exactly the same textures
you know that feeling of wonder when you found the spirit deer in BOTW? Thats the feeling i was missing but i only truly experienced it that one time, the dragons also gave me that feeling a bit
i guess BOTW lacks the imagination and variation that other Zelda games had
>best open world game of all time
That's Gothic 2 though.
The climbing mechanic kind of put it DEEP into the "exploration" category; cause you by all means understood that there was a proper way to get to things, but your dick got hard at the idea of scuffing it
Without it I'd feel like I'd have to optionally go here, there, back and forth. I DID enjoy the water area that majorly nerfed the climbing mechanic, and I wish each area did something that limited one of your useful tools for traversal to think outside the box on how to "cheat" it.
Idk- that agency of being able to get somewhere and interact with things by figuring out how to climb a mountain that wasn't designed to be climbed- I loved that.
Well I’m a gear whore so I thought this game sucked
>I’m a gear whore
You should play Battle for Azeroth.
>Well I’m a gear whore
First thing I thought of was /fit/
Gain height
If you hate zelda games than botw is the game for you, because it's nothing like zelda
The size of the game also makes this problem worse, maybe i just spent too much time fucking around in the gigantic overworld trying to find cool stuff
i hope nintendo stops with the quantity > quality design they implement in both BOTW and Mario Odyssey (in that game its less bad though)
Maybe if the game was a lot more dense i wouldve liked it a lot more but my memories of playing it are walking long stretches of land only to find something that didnt feel worth the time spent traveling to it. Maybe i played it wrong by really going anywhere i felt like because in my experience the pacing really suffered because of it
40 years of experience in the gaming industry maybe?
>have sax
I was refeering to the haters...
Still couldn't beat a game made by 10 germans in their mother's basement.
80s and 90s Zeldas were open world, you fucking retard.
Not suprised, took on the world twice and nearly won.
I'm still trying to recover from how fucking disappointing it was.
Great mechanics and all, but the game world and progression is the worst since Zelda 1.
What game?
By having fans that refuse to play games on other platforms and are unaware that other open world games exist.
>By having fans that refuse to play games on other platforms and are unaware that other open world games exist.
I play Switch, PS4 and PC and I still think BotW is a fine game despite all the open world which exists.
Oh ok thanks user
Yeah, it's a fine 6/10.
Above the average 5/10 game by a little.
if i get more heatguard gear, can i walk on this monster after he topples over without getting burned?