The wilds area looks like it's going to pretty fucking small.
This makes Xenoblade 2 look like Horizon: Zero Dawn. That ain't great.
fucking embarrassing for a company with this much money.
looks good to me for a console game
we all know consoles have shitty specs
This is possibly the best looking Ps2 game I've ever seen. What's it called?
Shit reminds me of Next 0rder's awful environments.
See more PS2 games then.
i'm appalled that people defend this, it's shaping up to be the most tasteless looking pokemon game
even lgbt from last year runs circles around this thing
Before you faggots whine about Nintendo, keep in mind gamefreak is a fully independent company.
Fuck off to your containment zone manchild
it's amazing how sixth gen video games shit all over current pokemon
Wasn't there text below at the start of the presentation saying graphics weren't final?
Tfw Never played okami, how is it on pc?
Yes but that doesn't fit the circlejerk.
this looks like shit
Why are you using the shitty 480p Youtube quality?
this game is going to be successful even though it looks like ass. pokemon is dumb as shit. who the fuck thought having godzilla pokemon battles was a good idea?
>that rock reflection in the water is a tree, and the tree no longer exists
are you retarded
honestly I can't believe anyone was expecting halfway decent graphics from fucking gamefreak. If this is a deal breaker for you then you're clearly not the target audience anyway
There arent any shadows in those particular frames because they are under a cloud. In the real footage, the cloud passes over and you can see it looks fine. This is the best looking pokemon game yet, the character and battle animations are very lively. Have sex
they're just about two months from going gold with the game, they're not going to fix everything
if there are changes, expect very minor shit like camera angles
The game is released in 5 months, not 2.
everything before gen6 was pretty iconic
gen6 has good mon models, and the game feels pretty snappy, but lacks sorely in animation
Wow this looks really bad
I liked the trailer, looks cool, I'll just wait and see how big are the open areas before I decide to buy it. Coop Pokemon sounds amazing
Have you seen the other thread that was made a few hours ago?
So many people defend this even when there are way better looking games on the Switch and would shit on any other company if it wasn't Nintendo or Game Freak. There are even indie games that manage to look better than this made by a handful of people. Also, even Let's Go was visually more pleasing because everything that wasn't a character was made to look somewhat water-colored.
There's no reasoning with these people, they don't even allow for discussion anymore, they call you an autistic fag if they disagree with you and that's final. Is it so hard to say "I still like this despite your argument, and this is why..." and give counter argument(s)?
This is the state of gamers nowadays no matter where. It's pathetic.
I'm not even 30 and I already feel too old for this shit.
Maybe this is why the game has been the same all these years, they should just ask some good studio to make the game for them, Nintendo also does it.
you think a game like this goes gold a day before street date?
what do you think they're going to do in 5 months
games go into printing months before launch
they're not going to remake the game in a few months
I think people just wanted a higher leap in quality from the handheld games to the Switch. That being said, everyone knows that Game Freak is notorious by this point at making disappointing visuals. And disappointing its fans by just not adding in QoL features from other games.
How can pokefags accept this?
Simple: Stockholm Syndrome
Because it looks fine. Pokemon doesn't need photorealistic graphics.
Pkmn fans are the biggest apologist.
It's not about photorealistic graphics, it's about having good graphics. Even BOTW looked better then this trash.
this must be the 4th time i've seen this exact post verbatim today
honestly the games look the same. if you think this looks good, then you can't bitch about the Pokemon games
Lmao so this is the new pokemon game? Looks so fuckin bad lol
>resistance to electric attacks
Congratulations, user. You triggered my autism.
>they unironically showed this off as if it was impressive
what the fuck nintendo
I just cant see myself looking at this for hundreds of hours. 3D pokemon was a mistake through and through
Keep this souless trash out of here. The last good games were B2/W2.
it's not an outstanding pc port (lacking graphic options) but it's still the best version to play now. There are fixes available that give you more options as well.
It was a ps2 game, but it was actually stylised. Looks better than sword and shield and you're delusional if you think it isn't.
You don't make this much money when you spend it.
Why do companies prefer to release games in shitty 3D than some beautiful 2D mixed with 3D here and there?
I'm of the opinion that if the devs can't make proper 3D, they should stick to 2D or at least stick to low poly.
>game tailor made for the switch looks worse than Gravity Rush, a game tailor made for the fucking PS Vita
>mfw Fire Emblem Three Houses
it looks fine though?
>be gf
>shit on a plate
>charge $60
>ends up on the top 10 best-selling games of that respective console
>ends up on the top 10 best-rated games of that respective console
From a business perspective, they don't need to innovate. The fan-base will eat anything they shit up, clap, and ask for more. Even you if set aside the graphics, Pokemon hasn't evolved as an RPG, just added a few gimmicks to "keep it fresh".
I feel ya, but pixel art is more expensive than reusing 3D assets. Most mons will be recycled from the 3DS games, with just a few tweaks here and there. Plus, I don't thing zoomers will prefer pixel art over 3D, as shitty as it looks.
>game tailor made for the switch looks worse than Gravity Rush
Sorry your fucking eyes are broken.
Why are nintendo games visually behind most companies? Even games made on unity look better.
Hilarious because before the Sword and Shield announcement, everyone claimed Gen 5 "looked hideous with it's ugly 2d/3d mixed graphics". Face it, you fuckers are just bandwagon trolls getting fake-mad about new things.
>everyone claimed Gen 5 "looked hideous with it's ugly 2d/3d mixed graphics".
Wait, really? I thought people liked that...
Gen IV and V, that mixed 2D and 3D, have always been my favorite versions in terms of art. And despite all the shit XY gets, I liked the low poly graphics.
Isn't that the reason why it's shit? They're a company that basically holds a cashcow by the balls and wants to put in the absolute minimum effort possible to sell the same game.
next Pokemon game should be co-developed with Monolith Soft, Game Freak seriously need help
This isn't a Nintendo game. Game Freak is a separate company which is why their games lag so much behind Nintendo's own.
Honestly they don't and you're lying to yourself if you think otherwise
nintendo should buy pokemon or make their own better version pokemon
They'd probably take up co-development duties if the sales actually fell in a big way at some point. But in spite of being kind of stagnant Pokemon has mostly kept its sales through the years after the third gen.
Why the fuck does everyone on here say this? Why does no one here have an original opinion at all?
It's all just circlejerking the same shit over and over.
isn't the whole point of saying your opinion to get other to say it too?
Maybe because it's true, dipshit?
Why is it true? About the only novel thing about it was that it was a direct sequel which is apparently revolutionary in Pokémon fan's eyes.
>Yea Forums used to shit on graphicswhores
>Now they are graphicswhores
they both look like soupy garbage but pokemon looks much worse
>Why does no one here have an original opinion at all?
>It's all just circlejerking the same shit over and over.
sounds like the fucking pokemon fanbase lmao
>Shit looking game on other systems
>Shit looking game on Nintendo system
Maybe we want a game that looks better than a fucking PS2 game in 2019?
Here’s what’s gonna happen. Some mother fucker is going to bullet point all the things they like about BW2. You’re going to respond by writing a sentence about each bullet and how dumb those things are. Nothing will be achieved. No one will be convinced.
Speak for yourself.
Function > Form
>PS2 game
You mean a reasonable looking game? There's a reason why every AAA game has to sell five million to break even. Note I didn't say shit about any particular console.
>no saturation at all
it looks like garbage. why does it need this grey filter?
Holy fuck
most nintendo games have always had outstanding graphics for their consoles. see kirby's super star, majora's mask, mario sunshine, mario galaxy and odyssey. the art direction is consistent and it makes up for the disappointing specs.
It was the last time they actually tried. Just compare the amount of new content in BW2 with the amount added by USUM
It was also the last game with a decent postgame, more than just the obligatory battle tower reskin (which LGPE didn't even have)
The lack of replies make me hopeful that Yea Forums is finally learning to not give attention to bait with zero effort put into it.
This game looks on-par with a Vita game, and I heard that those only need to sell 40k to break even
lmao holy shit this salt.
They'll probably get worse, not better.
This is not what i wanted console pokemon to look like i'm genuinely disappointed.
>Function > Form
It'll have no postgame, they've once again scrapped previous games' new battle mechanics to add another fucking gimmick, ("Mega evorution? Z movu? We have no idea what you talk about enjoy giant pokemon three turn baka do you rike it?") map is garbage, gyms have completely gotten rid of everything interesting, and they'll probably once again fuck up the EV/IV altering mechanics.
This franchise is always one step forward and two steps back, but as long as they make new stupid fucking pokemon for deviantart users to post around the internet for free likes, these games will keep making money.
You solved discourse.
Arguments are no more.
Literally looks like a 2006 PSP game. Lmao.
G--g-guys this games in trouble I dunno oh man oh man help me help me this game th this games in trouble never sell never sell help me
You should unironically seek help. Normal adults don't roleplay like this on a board about video games.
>The lack of replies make me hopeful that Yea Forums is finally learning to not give attention to bait with zero effort put into it.
Yea Forums finally making the growth from retard to barely functional is beautiful
Lol if only. What a riot