Sawyer Can't Admit he Fucked Up Pillars of Eternity 2

>Things get more interesting in the second half, where Josh examines several of Deadfire's more controversial features, throwing his bosses under the bus a couple of times in the process. These include the five character party (no regrets), the companion relationship system (an overambitious failure), the ship-to-ship combat system (a disaster that was actually cut from the game and then forced back into it as a stretch goal by Obsidian management) and full voice acting (also imposed by management, resulting in what Josh describes as the most stressful period of his entire career).

>That's not to say that the entire talk is about blaming other people. Josh admits that he failed as lead narrative designer, creating a story that couldn't decide whether it was about factions or gods. He admits that he failed to realize that turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause, and that he didn't take complaints about the game's low difficulty seriously enough during the backer beta. Ultimately, Josh concludes that in the future he should work on a different kind of RPG.

The balance man is dead - bury him

Attached: josh sawyer poe2.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Jesus christ, and it was so bad that an update gave you the option to skip it completely. That's amazing, all that budget into one of the worst parts of the game.

What is the future of the RPG?

How could a game with EPIC writing like this fail?

Attached: deadfire epic writing.jpg (825x546, 183K)

Another one bites the dust

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RPG as a genre? Coming back.
Obsidian as a company? Sinking.

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For fuck's sake don't try to ruin this thread tool. Stop spamming your shit.

>Remember that autist who daily countdown to Pillars 2 release date and talked how it is going to destroy Kiddinity 2?


Attached: tick tock pillars.jpg (1202x1028, 102K)

just you wait till poe3 Larianigger
That user had the right idea

Attached: bemadhumtard.png (210x330, 48K)


RPG as a genre, obviously. I've known Obsidian is dead since Alpha Protocol.

already sunk their part of Microsoft and i honestly can't see outer-worlds doing good enough for them to get any freedom to do anything after that

Haha. Not happening.

>Obsidian sinks and no PoE will ever be made
>Larian will make Baldur's Gate 3 and it will be a huge success
Feels good to be a "Larianigger".

That’s average Yea Forums poster for you.

They were dead since fallout new Vegas and haven't recovered.

No that's barry, he has been doing this for over 7 years changing the subject of his obsession from time to time.

>Haha give us money to flanderize and release a completely unfinished game: round 3

Not even on this gay earth.

Heh, time to spam all those images again, amirite?

tick tock tick tock
with Microsoft infinite money poe3 will be game of the decade, i already pre ordered outer world to make sure it happens

Attached: serafen.png (339x340, 297K)

Bro this is an Eric thread, most of the replies here are just him pretending to be different people.

>just you wait till poe3
For more embarrassing tumblr homoerotic fanfics? You're on your own.

Larianchads rise up

>I scratch your back, you gut my enemies from hip to jaw.
Reminds me of that time user wrote a gearbox npc.

Attached: v writer gearbox.png (1245x324, 43K)

Same shit, different asshole

New Vegas was and is good and you can't convince me otherwise.
Here's a question: what is Baldur's Gate 3 going to be about and how can it continue the Bhaalspawn's story?

Eric and barry are the same people user. You forgot the mod that said this?

Better buy 100 copies to make sure senpai.

>Here's a question: what is Baldur's Gate 3 going to be about and how can it continue the Bhaalspawn's story?

BG3 is going to be soulless shit (even if it is by Larian)

ruin the hread how? by posting the fuckery of Obsidian?

Who is Eric and Barry and are they related to the Obshitian/Kiddinity poster that takes turns shitposting about certain games?

That didn't really answer my question but okay.


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Is Sawyer Svens' number one fan?
He always seems angry that D:OS 2 did so well.

>actually reading that stupid shit to begin with, why are trannies so retarded

Damn I remember when trannies on the Escapist went mad about this.

Imagine making a piece of shit and the work of it stresses you out enough to not want to direct another game, while Larian and Swen have a good time making a GOTY by building off what worked in your first game

Attached: gamespot.jpg (1259x691, 65K)

>fun rhyme and gallows humor is "horrifying"
Two towers weren't enough.

By spamming the same shit he has been spamming for over 3 years, yes. It drowns discussion, DA2 had a great postmortem period where people studied its flaws, learned from it, there's value in learning from someone else's failure.
See for yourself, if you see the pattern where specif terms are repeated ad nauseam by a specific poster in a thread, that usually appears in every thread about a subject, posting the same images as well, then yes, it's him.

DOS2 did beat out POE2 in almost every way.
>fun story
>fun party members
>memorable villains
>no cuckshit
>no anti-straight pro-gay agenda, everyone can be with everyone and it doesn't make a big deal out of it

Not sure if he's a 'fan' in the idolising sense of the word, but based on the conference it seems like he at the very least respects Sven and Larian for showing that the playerbase for cRPGs goes beyond the infinity engine games that he (Sawyer) sought to recreate

having a fun time making what you want usually equals a good soulful game while making a product and appeasing to any group who screams just makes it stressful and terrible
who would of thunk

What are the chances that the BG2/Valerie from Kingmaker waifufag is the same guy

which is weird because the last successful crpg was pillars but than wasteland 2
Like that shows we don't need to suck off bualders gate and can expand the genre more

I don't think even disregarding everything in POE1 and doing your own thing in POE2 would save it - Sawyer doesn't even understand why POE1 got better reviews than POE2

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Not a secret that Obsidian higher-ups are fucked up.

RPGs are huge - just not POE2

Attached: pillars players peak new 2 3 2 131 21.jpg (1520x2045, 383K)

On that I'm not sure, but I've seen this pattern over and over again, he usually sticks to threads that will get more replies, tries to dissuade others to his cause and usually invents shitty insults. He's also overly negative, so I'm not sure it's him, Valeriefag is pretty positive from what I've seen so far.

Nah, Eric also spams threads pretending to be different people bitching about RTWP Valeriefag is somebody else.

The stupidest thing is that Saywer himself is a turn-based fag but Obsidian wanted to ride off that Baldur's Gate nostalgia. And then when PoE1 came out, so many people went "huh rtwp is kind of tedious, I guess I liked BG for the story"

you say while showing me that most rpgs do about the same

it just isnt that much fun pausing a shit ton Like i just want to play with a mouse a cruise back in my chair you fucking spergs

the reasons the first pillars got good scores was bcs most of these journos never played a crpgs so they had no idea how to rate it.
the other part is sunken cost fallacy from the backers

The issue is that turn based makes trash mobs a chore, and PoE 1 is 99% endless trash mobs. I'm sure the turn based mode in PoE 2 is alright because it doesn't throw as much mindless garbage at you every five seconds.

And OS2 is great because every encounter has a fucking purpose, its so much better designed than PoE its not even funny.

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Larioniggas why did the enchanced edition focusing on fixing beasts story arc even tho no one gives a shit about him or his midget race?

Because people wanted it to I guess

Not that user, but look at the all-time peak numbers. 22k isn't even close to 95k.


i was more looking at pathfinder. divinty 2 and poe2 arn't even in the same ball league

AP was great nigger, fuck you

I truly don't understand the obsession with Owlcat when they've only released a single game.
On top of being unbalanced due to the game being a RPG made with minmax builds in mind, extended with pointless and boring kingdom management, Kingmaker was a buggy mess that was literally (in the actual definition of the word) unable to be finished at launch.
If they release more games and most importantly learn from their first release they might become a major player, but as far as I'm concerned they've only achieved mediocre results with a game that released in a time period where it had no competition.

Which is sad, because Deadfire could've been a good game. They just needed a different narrative lead who can keep rookie and inexperienced writers in check and they needed to rethink their budget - not waste it on unneeded mechanics that are more trouble than it's worth.

Crpg fans are so starved for content that they'll latch onto any "not shit" game

Seriously sounds like some fedora wearing aspie wrote this.

When one of the playable characters has a story so noticeably below the average, they had to work to drag him up to where the others were already sitting

I think the reason people like the Rtwp system in BG is because it's very simple and straight-forward. Most fights can be won by casting prebuffs, some initiation spells and auto attacking. In comparison, the combat system in PoE is far more complex and micro-intensive. They should have designed PoE as a turnbased game from the ground up I think.

dwarves just have so much screen-time in divinty 2 even tho literally no one cares. theirs many threads were im p sure most anons forgot beast exists, and its not just because his story was ass. Nobody likes manlets, just plain and simple

>DOS2 set a new standard
how will Obsidianfags ever recover?

Attached: 1559890096888.jpg (1680x1050, 292K)

Manlet here, I'm glad Larian is finally giving us proper representation.

The standard was something other generes were doing literal decades ago

At least they adressed the complaints about one character being underdeveloped and they rewrote him.
Unlike Obsidian who kept coming up with the excuses why "sidekicks are a great idea".

Divinity Original Sin 2 ad nauseum.

There's a difference between a 4 hour COD single player having voice acting vs a giant RPG having full voice acting (technically a lot of RPGs did it earlier, but DIVOS2 was direct competition with POE2)

Yeah, you can tell that this was written by a woman

>dwarves just have so much screen-time in divinty 2 even tho literally no one cares.
Even though I don't particularly care about the dwarves I thought it was a nice touch to visit a settlement dominantly inhabited by one of the races in the game/universe instead of it just being a hub with an equal distribution of all the playable races. It's one of those little things that makes the world feel more alive because you know you're in a shitty dwarf fishing village instead of random fantasy city #345
I'm not sure if it's a leftover from the game's early development stages where each race was supposed to have its own city/area or something. I remember it was one of the concepts they either scrapped or changed when they decided what they wanted to do with the origin stories

most people will never hit max level in any rpg
They could of cut half of poe2 content and literally nobody would of noticed.
they also made dialog way longer than it needed to be in most cases
thats on them
also obsidian made new vegas a decade ago and that also had about 60k lines of dialog?

>Romancing muslim girl and military captain girl
>Recruit fish dude
>Fish dude hits on me 24/7
>I play as a nice guy, so I keep letting him down gently instead of telling him to fuck off.
>Somehow this means i'm flagged for the romance path with fish dude.
>Get to the next part of my romance with muslim and military girl
>They tell me they don't want to hurt fish dudes feelings and stop their romance with me.
>I am now permenantly locked out of romancing any of the characters even if I tell the fish dude to go kill himself and fuck off now.

Attached: 1555786729449.jpg (1100x1556, 216K)

reads like that asari military command message from me3

Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.

So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.

your worst enemy -KL

and bring some candied nuts

You still have Ydwin. Headcanon her giving you a nerdy blowjob as a consolation.

>taking fish man with you
>not happy
geez user who could of seen this happing

What the fuck were they thinking with Invincible Cutscene Chinaman?

I fucking love OS but I'm still not sure what to think of this
On one hand an endless stream of WORDSWORDSWORDS, purple prose or a combination thereof is sickening and one of the easiest way to get the player to start skipping through every dialogue box that goes beyond one or two paragraphs.
On the other hand having full VA in the game is an enormous strain on the game's budget and dev time and tends to severely limit the depth of the game's dialogue and can result in dialogue trees being cut out due to the need for saving time/money recording all the lines that might not even see the day

>DOS2 set a new standard
>NWN2 and MOTB had fully voice acted dialogue and over a dozen different voices for the MC, as well as over a dozen voiced commands
>Obsidian made it, too

Ydwin only wants to have sex with Serafen, not you dumbass

Damn he's gotten so thicc
look at his hips
it's not just any type of fat
that's estrogen
he's been chugging soi

Larianchads rise up

Did you watch that segment of the conference to understand the context of the quote or are you making assumptions based on the image that guy posted a few minutes ago?
Someone doing the latter would indeed be retarded, but since this is Yea Forums I can't be sure which one it is.

Look how smug he is, he knows its not her fault that shes addicted to fat orlan cock

Attached: czxc.png (1017x618, 244K)

> fully voice acted dialogue
Majority of the talks you had with NPCs were NOT voice acted, user.

OK, serious question. Where does she say that in the game? She just says she likes his jokes. That's it. She also finds Tekehu handsome and she subtly flirts with the Watcher.

>On one hand an endless stream of WORDSWORDSWORDS
It's a fucking CRPG, what did you expect?

Attached: 1548885583661.png (270x321, 21K)


dlc user


Better and more concise words.

He only cycles as exercise and he cycles a lot, so those are massive bulging cyclist legs giving him a pear shaped appearance. But strip him from his clothes and you would see a statue of rippling toned thigh, calf and leg.

Attached: original_4fb3aa932634053c94707c78524ff3ec.gif (598x444, 650K)

Brevity is the soul of wit

seriously random encounters dont realy belong in those kinds of RPGs.
Random encounter are for open world RPGs or anyhting else open ended, not for a guided CRPG expirience.

I feel like he should have done a lot more damage to be done threat. Even at the highest difficulty his fights were complete jokes and I just steamrolled him with no effort.

Plus the whole part where he gets his ass kicked by a retired lizard man that's dying from space cancer.

>still being this mad that Kai Leng tricked you seven years later
Heh... nothin personnel... kid...

they did exactly what they set out to do.
they made a RTWP game which the fans demanded, stuck to the ruleset, didnt include any cuckshit, had decent graphics and adapted the adventurepath well.

they are different to lets say larian who are full Ideaguy mode, but they did what they set out to do.
CRPG autists usually dont care about bugs and the like.

How about you go play Fallout 4 instead? it might be more of your thing, there's rarely more than 4 dialogue options to pick, perfectly tuned for the American attention span.

I know that. I have all the DLC. I haven't noticed any of that.
If anything, she's cute for the Watcher.

Is the forgotten sanctum good?

>Didn't include any cuckshit

Except for you know the literal cuckolds Regongar and Octavia???????????????????

Attached: 12938.png (605x370, 81K)

>Os2 fucked up their entire development
Holy fuck Larian chads.

Attached: 1472926942503.gif (161x169, 321K)

>turn-based RPGs were now more popular
what are 5 good turn based RPGs in the last 5 years

>if you don't like an overwritten slog that's 90% description means you're a brainlet
How about fuck off

there are exactly three games that are like OS.
OS1, OS2 and ToEE.

meanwhile how many games are there that are like the Infinity engine games?
BG1, BG2, IWD1, IWD2, Planescape Torment, Torment Tides of Numenera, Pathfinder Kingmaker, PoE, PoE Deadire, Dragon Age, Dragon Age 2 (hurr durr muh action combat), Dragon Age Inqusition, probably dragon age 4 aswell.

Come on man.

>I want to change the whole genre to cater to my ADHD pozzed brain
How about you fuck off?

There's better written games in the "genre" with a lot less (useless) text.

it ended up beeing awkward. Lizards bareley got anyhting other than the one part of Arx.
Elves had their odd enclaves, like the one in act 2 and then the temple on the island.
But realy, it wouldve worked better if they started with the idea of them beeing sprinkled in from the start, rather than planning a homeland for each and then abandoning that.
Especialy since the exact same thing happened in Divinity 2 Ego Draconis

Can't be stopped

Embrace your destiny
Become a gay fish

It's meh. I actually barely remember it. Some combat encounters are decent, story is not too bad.
Overall, DLC are decent. The problem is - you still have to slog through 60 hours of boring as fuck main game to experience them.

I liked dungeon siege 3. The team was remotely competent. Can we have that Obsidian?
Guys explain to me why the knight man turned into cthulhu man?

Such as...?

>still being this mad that Kai Leng tricked you seven years later

you're goddamn right I'm mad. not JUST about kai leng though.

Attached: still mad.png (1024x933, 274K)

This is why all modern crpgs flopped except for D:OS

Attached: 1549251148444.webm (853x480, 867K)

>fully voiced
no? thats just blatnatly not true even in MOTB.
Also im fairly sure the "setting new standards" wasnt meant to mean just the voice acting.
Oblivion already did that a fucking while ago. GOTHIC did that a while ago.

Dragonfall, NWN MoTB, VTMB, Planescape (yes, really)

BG3 takes place 100 years after the Bhaalspawn saga. Bhaal is alive but very weak in 5E D&D. There may be more Bhaalspawn roaming the world. Characters from BG2 may get a mention or make an appearance as some of them are still alive, but it's not known at this time. Places from Baldur's Gate will make a reappearance, such as the Copper's Coronet and the Inn which name I forget.

sex was kinda boring tbrqh rather play vidya and fap. more advantages.

Mindflayers or what you call cthulu man produce like parasites, so they need a host race to reproduce.

You never heard about wereoctopuses? They are a thing.
Also, fuck you for not knowing what an illithid is, you troll.

I'm okay with this.

are you retarded, you stupid fucking inbred zoomer? descriptive prose wasn't a thing in cRPGs until this "revival". Literally only Planescape Torment had it, and it was the only game that did it well because the writer actually knew how to write. And even then, it could've used an editor.

I just wanted people to discuss BG3 know everything about illithids and their big brains hivemind lairs with brain-massaging drow slaves

alright they are degenerates, but its different in my opinion.
You dont get forced through a dialogue tree wehre you have 7 dialogue options all of which are praising them how brave and stunning they are for cucking each other


please dont fuck this up, please dont fuck this up
how the fuck is this going to run on that shitty stadia thing?

as for your question, i think it's an illithid mind flayer thing. they lay eggs in your brain and the yong eat your head and turn you into a squid puppet body. they're psionic, so i think a feature of the new game will be some kind of psionics system. which will no doubt be broken as fuck
as for the plot it's probably more down to earth than bg2 and its expansion. probably something about a mindflayer cult developing in baldurs gate.

I don't know about 5e, but Shapechanger is a level 9 mage spell in AD&D. The guy is probably a master wizard/sorcerer.

>Copper's Coronet
That's a tavern in Athkalta. Unless they are branching out like McDonalds, that's the different country. BG has Elfsong Tavern.

what are ANY turn based RPGs in the last 5 years?
There were Original Sin, Original Sin 2 and Shadowrun. Or is shadowrun older than 5 years i cant remember.
thats it, not counting JRPGs of course.
And all of these games (besides the first shadowrun) were generally considered to be good.

basically everyone praised planescape torment for its """meaningfull"" writing, and with this recent CRPG renaissance everyone thinks purple prose is hot shit and tries to copy planescape for the nostalgia bux

>Dungoen siege 3
>i liked dungeon siege 3
i dont think these words have ever been strung together in a single sentance before

Age of Decadence.
Play it 5 times.

its a mindflayer dude, realy old DnD monster.
Didnt feature in too many of the video games tho. NWN had them and Dagonshard had them and i think that was about it.
Probably the MMO too since that has everyhting.

I'm not him, but I liked it, too, for the most part. I even played Dungeon Siege 1 and 2 on release.

>down to earth
Sven already said theyll include a Nautiloid Spelljammer.
And i bet the Mindflayers wont be the final badguy, theyll probably be the decoy antagonist for the first half of the game.


Attached: lc.jpg (1150x1033, 117K)

>probably more down to earth
Breh look at this thing in the back

Attached: Big One.png (1280x796, 820K)

'big words'
only a murricunt could write something so asinine. Or did that word confuse you as well?

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The Banner Saga

I can respect that.
I want BG3 to have some connection to Bhaal and Dead Three and not just it being a random campaign with "illithids, lol"

>The Banner Saga

Attached: 1558816725012.gif (320x240, 1.24M)

how horrifying
i now realize that i probably missed the worst parts of Deadfire as i didn't take him on

thx user, ill post it to my writer friend that never plays any games to illustrate something about my hobby.

Attached: nature.webm (480x480, 2.91M)

You still had to be exposed to the atrocity that is Xoti.

I have no reason to doubt Larian as of yet. This trailer was as fun as classic Blizzard cutscenes.

Who the fuck actually likes real time with pause? Its a fucking retarded system.

damn didnt see that. is that an elder brain?

>dog thinks: tail is wagging, it wants to play!
>cat is thinking: tail is wagging, it's pissed at me!

No that's a Nautiloid. Literally a space ship.

I trust Larian. They seem to have a passion for the project. And the teaser was cute. Especially the "vomitting teeth" part.
I just don't know what to make of all this. And I don't trust WotC not to meddle with the story and mechanics to be honest.

nobody realy.
Its nostalgia goggles from the infinity engine games.
They dont realize that RTWP in the form it existed in was mostly a constrain of the engine. RTWP is actually half turn based and thats why it doesnt work and ends up beein grealy annoying to play.

At this point id prefer straight RTS, Dawn of War 2 unironically was a fun RPG.
We Spelljammer now

cat would probably pwn the dog in a real situation. solitary hunters > pack hunters in 1on1.

Hola, my broski.
It wasnt phenomenal and the camera was shit but it entertained.

What the fuck? Wasn't he skinny during New Vegas' development? I remember being impressed by his dedication, he scouted out most of Nevada on his motorbike and sang many songs for the game himself. What the fuck happened to him? When did Obsidian go so wrong?

I know, I've seen many households with cats and dogs and dogs are always at the bottom of the pecking order.

>Dawn of War 2 unironically was a fun RPG
i unironically support your statement

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.

hired too many woman

Baldur's Gate 2 had ilithids too, zoomzoom

>We Spelljammer now
So we inter-planar space pirates?

Attached: Realmspace.png (812x306, 307K)

Yea the camera sucked and the framerate chugged like a dying deer, but it was fun for me

>fucked up poe 2

what's fucked up about poe 2, it's a good game

its alright user like a solid 7/10
It just isn't exciting gameplay wise and its story is kind of retarded when you think about it and its plagued with sjwshit
but it has its moments and multiclassing/subclassing was fun

it's his thread to begin with


dogs are the most cucked animal in existence
They literally evolved to live side by side with humans in hopes of scraps
Cats meanwhile could give less of a shit, but still choose to show love and affection

a tranny dick slapping you in the face... forever

What happened Obsidianbros?

Attached: obsidian.jpg (763x970, 293K)

isnt Sven 70 now?
Turns out, some people just stay on the righteous path

Probably not but i can see Larian doing crazy shit like the Party getting a Spelljammer as a base and fighting Illithids in realmspace, or using it to raid the big Illithid Dreadnaught.
theyve done jetpack dragons, i wouldnt put useable spelljammers beyond them.

>Ruin the Obsidian thread by posting images of Obsidian games

Attached: 1541845186348.jpg (850x531, 168K)

hope its a big black one

What you see is a PR stunt for easy brownie points. What I see is a day that the women were not working in office, so the men could actually do some work. I bet a ton of shit got finished that day.

I'm actually becoming more excited for this game now.

Avellone and 60 others left.

Some people are just set in their ways, I guess.

too many german cakes

I always assumed he was in his 50s

Remember when 10 years ago you could've get fucked by a hot German mercenary MILF in Obsidian game?

Attached: 1552439137805.jpg (1313x1071, 379K)

Sven is also a swede, he lacks american arrogance

You still can. Alpha Protocol is at most 15 bucks on steam. Go and buy it, modern obshitian fucking sucks.

yuropoors are the most arrogant people on earth

>hot German mercenary MILF

Attached: 1538136736813.png (601x601, 426K)

He was allowed to smell his own farts too much.

Oh and MC is restrained when she jumps on him

Okay I'm buying Alpha Protocol then.

I want waifus. Larian is good with those.
But knowing WotC they will force some bullshit rainbow diversity into the game.

I like Deadfire far more than Original Sin 2, to be honest.

If it's just bisexual girls I'm okay with it.

Care to tell me why? Even after all the DLC, Deadfire felt half baked and it never felt like they went all in with everything. I think the one thing in the winter island DLC best explains my point. While in the void, you can meet this universe's Jesus, the prophet of the guy you're chasing who got exploded so hard he was voided. You have the choice to take his soul with you to ask Eothas what the fuck is going on. It amounts to one line of "You need to trust me" followed by "okay, sounds legit" and nothing comes of it.

It seems aww, but it's a dominance thing. Cats in groups groom eachother all the time, but the toughest cunt will be first on the list to groom all the others. Cat's slapping the dog to establish its place, then licking it to show the pecking order.

It's still done in social groups though, so kitty does love doggy.

Coming back to what? Baldur's Gate is the most overatted RPG to date. Shit ass writing with shit ass characters saved only by mods fleshing these self-inserts out more. Not to mention the smooth brain exclusive RTwP combat. Then came the absolute cancer that is the """""""""""Enhanced""""""""""" Edition.

The only good thing this genre ever had was the first two Fallouts.

It had better writing, characters, visuals and combat system. The only advantage Original Sin 2 has is the co-op element.
People can just as easily nitpick over Original Sin 2's retarded divinity system and endings (including characters you can kill but then they come back anyways, fuck your choices)

That would be optimal.
But Crawford is a Pride Parade faggot with a boner for trannies and he's in charge of D&D team. So, it won't be that easy.

>The only good thing this genre ever had was the first two Fallouts.

I agree with you, but why do you think that?

I found the writing laughable, the visuals are subjective but I also prefer the industrial fantasy aesthetic, and I found there was more depth with divinity's combat system because of the elemental stuff

don't even remind me of all the girls in AP

Attached: APGame%202010-08-16%2018-35-58-70[1].jpg (417x512, 56K)

Gameplay system deftly designed for video game despite having a stat rundown based on GURPs. Baldur's Gate is a half-assed attempt to adapt ADnD 2.


Not after that one gameplay video they showed.

Reminder I'm a better writer than Josh "uses taught instead of taut" Sawyer

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Why do autists melt down over Josh Sawyer so much?

Because he's a super autist

>PFK with that low all time high

Kinda sad tbhfamalam

It's good for a game with a niche fanbase and no marketing.

he's the most visible person on the dev team. there are definitely worse obsidian devs, but they never get featured so people can't complain about them as much.


josh didnt write any of the sex scenes dumbass

What I don't get is why anti-RTwPfags are so filled with vitriol and bring up how much they hate it all the time.

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Perhaps that's for the best, looking at what mainstream appeal does to games.

With him on the team, it's harder to pull off OP builds as every class is viable. At least, that's what the complaint was during PoE's beta.

Thank god, he would have tried to balance them

He was the director of the game and passed the text to editors before approving it

Didn't he write the Burned Man in New Vegas? I fucking loved that, what happened?

What the fuck did he expect?
>Backers say the game is too easy
>Josh: You are just a bunch of grognards
>Backers: Where the fuck is the devs?
>Devs: We're fucking around in a Tumblr Discord
>Game tanks
Oh and he still calls the backer beta people psychotic too. I like Josh but this really left a bad impression of him.

he would've removed them
he doesn't like them. didn't want them. didn't write one for the only companion he wrote.

didn't write it and he admitted that, concering the writing, he was outvoted on many issues (particularly romances) and at some point he stopped caring and delegated those responsibilities to Carrie Patel (the narrative lead)

Their games are gonna suck from now on. You know they will be riddled with more retarded feminist shit and will probably stop letting players freely kill anyone they want because hAtE ViOlEnCe

He also started going to the range to learn about different types of ammo and how certain guns should feel, and ended up turning into a full on /k/ommando

>meanwhile Larian admitted that armour system in OS 2 is trash and fans were right about it
You just know who actually cares about making a game instead of just getting a paycheck.

I really liked Josh during New Vegas. He didn't look like a fat lesbian, he was autistic about all the right things, you could really see the amount of effort he put into the game. He wrote one of the best characters inside (Joshua Graham), which wowed me as I usually consider him a much better designer than a writer.
How far the mighty have fallen. He should have just quit like Avellone.

sex is actually pretty boring

>Biggest I told you so
>Josh is now chubby
>Looks dead inside
This is an empty victory. Why Josh. Why didn't you listen to your backers. Your fucking audience from the start instead of SomethingAwful? He still doubles down and says the people who back the beta aren't the target.

>He should have just quit like Avellone.

but avellone is still doing vidya work

>>I'm a bitch boy cuck who doesn't want to do his job

Nice defense of Sawyer

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i mean it's true, but at the same time i can kind of understand him, since according to him he hasn't had a break from work since 2010.

I meant quit Obsidian to just fuck around with different studios. He wrote the best companions in DOS2 and Tides of Numenera.

1.sawyer didnt write most of the dialogue or the characters. he almost wrote none of it. he was a director on the game primarily
2.there is no quality talent working in obsidian, from writers to the 2d and 3d artists they employ

even so obsidian is better than the rest of these other companies making rpgs

Well anyway what else can we hope to expect? Will the game resemble more the Original Sin stuff or the original BG games?

Obsidian was bad at everything except writing. Then all the good writers left. What did anybody expect?

I'd love to see Sawyer ditch Obsidian and work somewhere else, but I don't know what other studios he'd fit in with.


really showing what a brainlet you are
the comment was planned and made just to bait memeing retards like you to support the game and get traction with people aggreing with them even before they show anything (most likely disappointing to most fans)

you're probably not even from Yea Forums. instead some larianigger with an agenda coming here to shill

As director Sawyer could have vetoed a lot of the shit. He was too nice to let them run wild. We get Xoti a 28 year old woman who acts like a 16 year old blushing school girl, Aloth a gigantic priss asshole compared to the first game where he becomes a bro, Eder the cuck who raises his ex-girlfriend's son, Tekehu strokes his dick gay fish.

Seriously why is Deadfire so gay? And I mean like actual gay. There are more gay romances then straight.

How about you suck my dick nuObsidianfag?
I backed PoE expecting MOTB levels of quality, instead I got a pile of endless trash.

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All they had to do was not go with RTWP

What? I enjoyed Dead fire enough that it's unironicly on my top 10/15

Only complaints are what he addressed in OP, too easy (Which was fixed) Also, the ending felt weird since you didn't really have a say since Eothas is gonna Eothas

I liked Nekataka and the world building a lot.

Multiclassing was fun as fuck too

To be fair, I never played DOS.

Just started Pathfinder but no opinion yet

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RTWP is fine when done well, e.g. Aarklash Legacy.

>TFW you backed 300 for Deadfire
>Promised a sequel
>Instead got a gay standalone game where nothing in the previous game mattered
>Consequence of Thaos is one line of dialogue in a dlc.
>Empowering Woedica does nothing to her

You have bad taste

The game is good mechanically after they patched it to not be braindead easy. I'll give it that but it fails on every other front.

>meanwhile at Larian

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>expecting MOTB levels of quality
user that only happens once in a blue moon.

I liked it too, user. I don't get this massive dialogue behind a game that was just decent

>backed 300 for Deadfire

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>first game established if Woedica gets back in power shit might go down and other gods support you in preventing that
>sequel throws everything about it lmao

no thanks desu. their rulesets are complete and utter garbage and writing is just as bad as PoE.

Instead they made Berath the defacto queen of the Gods. Something even Woedica admits in her new dialogue.

Ok, what should I play then. Seriously.




Can't stop winning

Larianchads rise up

This is reminding of the AMA Josh did and a bunch of people asked if there are trans people in Deadfire and if Pallegina is trans. Josh did his best to not say a direct no.

The only monogamous Male player to Female Companion in base game refuses to give the player babies but gives a no-name farmer babies if you don't marry her.

>working very closely with trannies of the coast

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again you don't read and aren't able to understand like the brainlet you are
instead you got triggered into your little fit
let me continue, you don't belong and have shit taste as well and you are fucking dumb
what is nuobsidianfag supposed to mean you moron
haha got triggered into showing you are attempting to fit in and projecting you know what you are talking about when it comes to crpgs. you don't
anything else I missed?

brainlet groupthink cope

haha embarrassing

Europeans are weird


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No more (You) from me Kiddinity-kun.

go back where you came from

They clearly did that so they don't have to write them off in the third game which they will stupidly have star the Watcher again.

Pillars of Eternity 1 was such a shitshow I can`t possibly think of a way how the sequel could be worse

wtf people cant have fun at work

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Planescape doesn't have a fraction of PoE's purple prose (nor ironically, Tides's either), tardo

>Josh admits that he failed as lead narrative designer, creating a story that couldn't decide whether it was about factions or gods. He admits that he failed to realize that turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause, and that he didn't take complaints about the game's low difficulty seriously enough during the backer beta.

at least he admits it but goddamn how do you let this shit happen in the first place

prove that the world isn't fucked
protip: you cant

>Future of the RPG is the past of the RPG
So WRPGs as a genre are dead.

that's got to be a new cliche density record

Maybe if he didn't hang out in SomethingAwful the entire time and allow his team to ignore the official discord and forums in favor of a Tranny one....

Saving the RPG genre. Saving video games.

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>how do you let this shit happen in the first place
By listening to discord trannies and san fran journos.

He looks fucked up.

I think it's God's punishment to him.

that's why there are so many successful jrpgs like uhmmm


Larian's writing is shit. It's not as embarassing as Obsidian's, but it's full of cringey attempts at humour and generally feels like a 15 year old's first D&D game.

None of these CRPG revival games have decent writing. The best is probably Kingmaker, and that's because it's just bland as fuck and generally uninteresting, while all the others are actively bad.

unironically by listening to discord and tumblr trannies

Leftism corrupts your very being.

Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest

I just hate how in Deadfire and Tyranny you just play errand boy all game. You can even call them out on it and the quest giver says "yeah but uhh you're here :)"

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It's getting resurrected. Eat shit weeb lmao

I think it's true.

No matter how rich you are, but if you are leftist, your literal body will get corrupted.

Even when you try to work out, this process cannot be reversed unless you swing right again.

Boat combat sucked so much fucking dick, I really hope they didn't dump all the money into that.

Cats are ungrateful niggers.

none of these games are successful and the ones that are don't play in the jrpg style

Scarlet was best girl and she fit the protag the most.

Cats are literally useless.

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imagine making and/or saving something like this PNG lol

this is a great 4channel gif

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t. someone who has never had a rat problem

They realized Reapers lacked personality and needed a main villain with carisma, but they had killed Saren, so they tried to shoehorn a full new character in the last game where it makes the least sense.
And on top of all that, nuBioware writers.

I'm right you know

Lmao Americans who think that the worsening of their slave conditions is great and cool and progressive deserve to be killed in the coming violence.

I'll be living safe and sound in an East Asian country somewhere.

No you're not. All these game series are successful and have at one point had "jrpg style" gameplay.

i watched it and he comes of as quite humble and reasonable. I haven't stalked the guy so perhaps he is a nutjob elsewhere but he doesn't come of as arrogant in this video.

>i watched it and he comes of as quite humble and reasonable

When you redact history of course you come off that way

Here's Sawyer/ropekid admitting that he has yelled at fellow employees for not including enough gay characters in their games

Attached: ropecuck.png (1117x1213, 172K)

Dogs deal with rats too.

what's the qrd/spoonfeed on Josh and tranny discords?

>ed123 is still posting on the codex
what a fucking legend

I don't mind Sawyer, he just has his idea of "Fun" and I have mine. I can't fault him for being lazy as he's CONSTANTLY fucking around with his mechanical systems and updating PoE. Mostly the problem is the PoE/Age of Tranny writing just wasn't very compelling. Like, whew, I forgot what I was reading to begin with after following the rabbit down the hole of links to more entries with more links.
as for BG3, you'd have to be the dumbest grognard to think BG3 is going to follow the Bhaalspawn again. That saga was OVER with ToB and epic-level D&D is gay overpowered munchkin shit with totally broken game mechanics and even if they theoretically could make it about the Bhaalspawn cruising around the astral realm punting lesser gods and hanging out with cool githzeria (not the githyanki they're a bunch of faggots who sit around polishing their silver swords and talking about MUH VORPAL QUALITIES)


>Turn-based good
The only think that kept it unique was the real time fighting

The difficulty was super low but instead of just making the enemies even stronger/ stats a little weaker/ adding new mechanics

They decided to do those things and also axe all the creative builds

Sure they were op but instead of toning it down he outright removed them
Killed his own game

I hope he at least keeps the weapons/upgrading system

Legit the best of all the new crpg

>pititng them against each other
go back to you xbox vs playstation threads

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I will say this tho I hope Larian learns from pathfinder and btfos them
all those bugs were downright unacceptable

>pititng them against each other
Competition breeds improvement. Either you improve or you sink with the trannies. Your choice.

Larianchads rise up

The writing for Deadfire is perfectly fine, you just aren't the target audience for it anymore. Boomers love rtwp iso rpgs, but it was written in a millenial zoomer style so your boomer mind rejects it and hates it.

If Deadfire was a big Witcher 3 rpg it would praised for its dialogue because zoomers would have actually played it.

>text scenes in the first game
>clean art with a few voiced lines, letting the player use their imagination to fill in the rest
>text scenes in Deadfire
>deviantart gods arguing for no reason with a monotone narrator saying "the X says" after every line

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>Sawyer Can't Admit he Fucked Up Pillars of Eternity 2
>Josh admits that he failed as lead narrative designer, creating a story that couldn't decide whether it was about factions or gods.

So which is it?

Sawyer seems pretty passionate which is a good attribute imho.

Its just causes them to become the same game
>Halo vs COD

Now even poe wants to be turn based
these games should be judged on their own merits

everything in NV was mostly written by Avelonne, minus veronica, because Eric probably fucked felicia day to make another generic felicia day character.

and nowadays avelonne is taking the redpill because he had enough of this bullshit, though he still drinks so-ylent

Boomers trying to cling to the last hope that their still culturally relevant will make them gobble up any old shit.

well then they should know for who they created the games.. because even though they market it towards codex and then they always shit on them it is not great way to get these people to buy games they did give them twice massive amout of money and they were twice disapoined i wonder if they will send them money for three times

>Its just causes them to become the same game
No, it causes them to compete. You just described one outcome. An outcome of a loser. If you start ripping shit off you'll alienate the original audience. This is how Halo died. They lost the war.

Avellone only really wrote the dlc's brainlet. Except for Honest Hearts which Josh and Gonzalez wrote. Everything in the main New Vegas game Avellone worked on was Ulysses who was cut from the game and Cass.

I agree with the points about voice overs.
Fully voiced games in this type of text-heavy RPGs is a fucking meme. First thing I did in DOS2 was turn off the narrator voice becaue holy fuck, talk about grating.

And let's be honest, 9 out of 10 times the voice actor is not really capable of elevating the writing with their performance. And how could they? You'd have to pay a fortune to get top voice actors for these huge games with bajillion lines of text.
But then you gotta take a step back and ask yourself, why have voice acting to begin with if it's not gonna be good, especially considering the restraints a fully voiced game puts on writers (and budget)?

Partial voice acting is the way to go for RPGs (and something JRPGs have done literally for decades, take note baka gaijins). This way, you can make sure you have great performances for the roles and moments that really matter and make these moments extra memorable.

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becouse they did created exacly what fans of crpgs wants .. if its not your think thats fine but boomers like these games and it is fantastic that someone made games for them

that's from 2012

Had sex once and caught a charlie horse.
not worth

>complaining about boomers while thirsting for a game based on a boomer game
lol @ boomers

Like the other user said, Avellone only wrote Cass in the main game. Eric did both veronica and boone, plus a lot of the best content in NV (vault 11 and Beyond the Beef, for example). Josh Sawyer wrote Arcade iirc and also Honest Hearts.
Dead Money which has the best writing in the entire game is definitely Avellone though, it has his trademarks all over it.

The same exact amount of people that bought Deadfire bought Kingmaker which shows how small the market for old rtwp iso rpgs are. Pillars 1 caught zoomer interest which made it sell so well but Deadfire couldn't do it again. Face it user, boomer rpgs are dead and buried.


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Deadfire had an official discord for backers and people to talk with the devs. The devs ignored that discord and went to a discord made by Tumblr people for fanart of Aloth and Eder. The dev team started spending all their time on there ignoring the official discord and forums. Josh spent time in that discord and SomethingAwful forums. When word got out that the devs hung out in the fan discord people started migrating there. As a result people started talking more about the game's mechanics over romance and gay shit. The admins of the fan discord then closed invites in order to "keep the community as it was". The devs didn't care and continued to hang out there and take advice and feedback from them. Carrie Patel, Rekke's writer, Aarik spent the most time there.

user i honestly dont know how to explain this to you...

user 1: I like Oranges!
user 2: I Like Lemons!
user 1: Lemons are shit becuse they dont taste sweet!
user 2: But acutally i like its sour tast...
Anon1:Stfu boomer!
God: Hmm seeing the feedback i guess we should make Lemons sweeter...
user 2: I fucking hate Lemons now!
user 1: Lol lemons still taste shit compared to Oranges
user 3: I like apples!

>explains in a reasonable and insightful manner the failures of his game to help educate people and show insight into development of video games


>I truly don't understand the obsession with Owlcat when they've only released a single game.
Because many of their devs worked at Nival before and made several great games there.

I'm not reading all of that, it seems retarded.
Anyway apples and oranges are fine.
But Obsidian's oranges are rotten.


Not much to it. Basically some trannies made a Discord in which all the devs flocked to and ignored their official ones. Josh didn't spend much time on there but was on SomethingAwful 99% of the time. In the backer forums Josh has not ONCE replied or talked in it.

Except he is an SJW cuck

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>He admits that he failed to realize that turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause

so it turns out i am not the one with unusual tastes.

>Leigh Alexander
Yo, whatever happened to her?
I thought "SHE" was the voice of some shit.

if it was the case then owlcat would not creating sequel

It wasn't. I couldn't even get passed the first town in the first one but the 2nd one is a legit good game. Albeit a little easy.

Welp cant wait for Obsidian in a desperate bid to make Larianiggers happy

Just make divinity original sin 3 which everyone will call shit

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>Partial voice acting

Dude, Baldurs Gate 1 did that 20 years ago. It is kino. Only now Bioware and others went full autistic with fully voice acted dialogue.

So now that pandering to Tumblr/Resetera failed do you think Obsidian is going to try it again for Pillars 3?

good lord that's incredible

unironically truth

I forgot which but one dev there admitted to going to Carrie's desk and demanding she make Aloth a fag.

Streamers. Streamers are the reason. No one can, or wants to, read paragraphs and paragraphs of text on a stream. People just want to sit back and listen like it's a podcast or a movie. Streamers are necessary to reach large audiences now, so if they hate your game it is doomed. That's the reality of vidya in 2019.

These just mean concurrent players ie., people playing the game at the same time.


I can appreciate that boomers might enjoy it but its frustrating
expecting a character to be voice acted and for it to not

At least be full on read only if you dont have the budget.

Are they the reason the meme builds got canned?
Do we have any images of their balance suggestions are are we just going to assume

Western rpg devs are dead in the water, they worry mostly about fags and trannies.

What pissed me off is not only did they do full VO for streamers but they also released the game a full week early exclusively for streamers. I even saw a literal who streamer with like 10 viewers have it.

Well that is silly for several reasons. First, plenty of partial voice-actde games are a blast on stream (I personally enjoy Danganronpa streams and they're at their worst when the person streaming decided to read every line out loud, fucking kill me). And second, even if they're not particularly "stream-friendly", who cares? It's not like you need it to succeed or anything. Absolute worst case, you're gonna miss out on some free advertising. And honestly, even that is doubtful.

>Do we have any images of their balance suggestions are are we just going to assume
People posted a couple caps of the Discord but there weren't many people in it since they closed invites. But from what I remember most of their advice consisted of
>Pillars 1 was too hard when X
>This monster is too hard to make it X
>The ai is bad so please improve it
>The combat speed is too quick as default please lower it
>We need more gays and trans in the game

>Thinks asinine is a big word.
>Not American

Checks out.

i don't agree with this. streamers aren't going to sit through heavy narration whether it's voiced or not; they're going to skip right by it to keep the flow of the stream up.

It was flawed for sure, but I still enjoyed pillars 2. I do hope we get a third one set in the new land, since Ondra's storms are gone.

Josh said it was streamers on the video user.

>The ai is bad so please improve it
That cant be bad
>The combat speed is too quick as default please lower it
cant you increase it in game anyway

>Pillars 1 was too hard when X
>This monster is too hard to make it X
These make sense

Also the potential real hardcore gods not being able to talk about balance would for sure fuck the game

>We need more gays and trans in the game
I honestly hope they can all romance from now on
There are other ways to like characters than needing to get your dick wet

Josh is an idiot then. Why would that boomer understand the zoomer stream culture anyway?

It has nothing to do with enjoyability. Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing for full VO, I think it's a massive waste. But the viral marketing benefit of streamers is too powerful. A game that can be memed by streamers is a game that will sell like crazy. And conversely a game that is not streamer friendly at all will have a hard time hitting that critical mass of general audience popularity because so many people just play whatever streamers play.
Then, factor in that VO is an expectation now. For critics, players... And streamers. And again, streamers have viral power. If they think your game is lazy because it lacks full VO, thousands of people will now parrot "user's game is shit" without ever having played it. Saving face in front of players matters more than ever now because the criticism most people pay attention to is coming from other players, not professional critics.

well then he's retarded. if you ever actually watch streamers, they'll skip by any text, narration, and even dialogue that goes on too long because it breaks up the flow of the game.

i actually see more dialogue reading for unvoiced games; streamers use the opportunity to do goofy voice acting of their own.

I think you're overestimating the power on streamers on a broad spectrum. Obviously they can serve as promotion, but how often do they REALLY make a game succesful? How many games would have failed but were saved by stream popularity, how many would have succeeded but were doomed by lack of stream popularity? The answer is, next to none. Aiming for that one in a million critical mass streamer hit is, like I said, very silly.

Not even just streamers, Steam friends with whom I played Div OS2 got mad whenever I wanted to actually roleplay in the character interactions or take my time to read and respond in NPC conversations.

I'm a zoomer and i liked the fact that it was fully voiced
I also like its when DDOS was fully voiced.
How can anyone actually enjoy partically voiced

>Then, factor in that VO is an expectation now
this, i recently played NWN2 and i legit thought they ran out of money because i heard some guys being voiced and other not

Even NWN1 was more bearable since it was mostly reading

Why is "balance" in CRPGs actually bad? Actual balance (everything being strong, fun and full of potential), not lazy "balance" (everything being gimped so you can't do anything interesting with it).

im 28 what does that make me

Because no one ever does the former.


my cumdumpster

Mow your garden old man

>How can anyone actually enjoy partically voiced
Because there's lots of bad voice acting out there, and writing that comes across poorly when it's spoken.

Fuck this estrogen thread


He personally took the blame for everything but ship-to-ship combat (which he wanted to cut entirely) and full voiceover (which he didn't want).

He explicitly said why he resents D:OS2.
It had full voice acting, which gave him no excuse to not have full voice acting on Deadfire, despite being halfway through development planned around partial voice acting already.
See One dude on Yea Forums posts copy-pasted anti-sawyer bullshit almost daily. I dunno what else to say except 'autism is a hell of a drug'.

Nigger these are fixable...
It actually hearts my ears expecting words to come out

well you're an idiot then
who gives a shit if random npc XYZ is voiced or not

Players will ALWAYS chose the path of least resistance, even if that is not the most fun one because nobody likes to feel like they're handicapping themselves. And especially in games like these that focus on character progression, developing your charcaters to be suboptimal just makes you feel like you're bad at the game.
And your actual balance example is basically "why don't they just make the game good lol" - it's hard.

Go back to discord josh

>Players will ALWAYS chose the path of least resistance, even if that is not the most fun one because nobody likes to feel like they're handicapping themselves.
I'm pretty sure that's just you being autistic.

How can an adult male look THAT much like a fucking faggot? Leave that shit to women, dude.

Fixing a bajillion lines of text takes lots of time, effort and money.
And it's also a massive restraint in terms of flexibility - ALL the writing needs to be done early to have time for it to record stuff. You have a good idea later on? You want to rephrase some stuff? The story developed in a different path than originally planned? Nope, can't do any of that and more, not without a great deal of time, effort and money again because changing a line of dialogue is no longer just a 5 second task in an editor, now you also have to book VAs again and make new recording sessions and process the recordings for the game files and and and.

I used to read all his formsping answers about development. Dude was reasonable as fuck.

>How can an adult male look THAT much like a fucking faggot?

josh is literally a gay.


That sucks about the voice acting. I know why they have to have it, personally I like reading and skip half the VA's lines anyway.

>who gives a shit if random npc XYZ is voiced or not
If you dont even put in the time to voice that npc why the fuck should i even bother doing his quest.
By refusing to voice them you literally saying "this character isnt important"

hell why even make him interact-able at all

Im sure it does take a long time
but hey
Larian managed it

Yeah not like that's what every developer ever that has ever put out anything in the last 30 years will tell you . Players want to win. More than they want to have fun, even if they may not admit it to themselves or others. If you seriously doubt this, why do you think balance is even a concern in single player games?

Honestly I like having voice work in games like these. It helps me focus on what the text says more easily. I often don't even listen to the whole voice line, but having it start out helps it drill into my mind more easily.

Though really, all PoE2 needed was to not be as wordy as PoE1. That game reached the point of being word diarrhea at times. I'm still not quite sure what was going on in Grieving Mother's visions. Though even the devs admitted they went a bit overboard with the text in 1.

>why do you think balance is even a concern in single player games
It fucking isn't, not for devs that aren't shit at least

>Players will ALWAYS chose the path of least resistance, even if that is not the most fun one because nobody likes to feel like they're handicapping themselves.
So doesn't imbalance actually help this because it makes finding the optimal path more rewarding? The way you're phrasing it, no amount of balance will ever matter because only the optimal solution will ever be considered worthwhile.

It's like three whole syllables

But it is nigger...
Games like pre EE ddos1/ ddos2 /xcom2 pre wotc/early days poe
Had shit balance
Where most of the time you were too strong and could abuse mechanics to win

Eventually people thought there was no challenge and asked for balance changed (which at least in those examples apart from ddos2) they got

>the bhaalspawn's story
lol what story?

Well this is a bit trick to talk about when it's so abstract. You want to make the possible options close to each other in terms of viability. You want players to play what they actually want to play and enjoy without making them feel like they're screwing themselves over by doing so.

Like, the best way to play DOS2 is to put all your points into telekinesis and throw heavy objects at enemies which is fun for the wackiness of it all for 5 minutes, then you just think to yourself "wow this is really stupid".

is that game actually any good?
Im a sucker for aarklash and the whole rackham written setting.
But nobody but frogs will touch it and the tabletop is dead
There used to be a tactics game set in that universe but all evidence of it was scrubbed from the internet it seems

It won't continue the bhaalspawn story, they explicitly said as much. It'll be an entirely new story.

The story of you playing the game.


This thread seems like the place to ask. Just finished New Vegas, what other RPGs are as good writing wise?

Eh, arguably DOS EE added more imbalance through wands since you can now go for crazy damage focused dual wielding wands maxing out AP and using buffs like Oath of Desecration to rape enemies even harder.

fair enough
they at least removed the bleed/leech combo

DDOS2 just lets you become a god with the soruce skills, sure it makes sense but being able to end late game fights in 1 turn is a little out of hand
your life :)

Owlcat lives in eastern europe where the wages and cost of living is far lower than California. They can survive on the low sales of Kingmaker, Obsidian can't. Obsidian did come out saying that a Pillars sequel is extremely likely so they're probably working on one too now that they're a Microsoft studio.

>Like, the best way to play DOS2 is to put all your points into telekinesis and throw heavy objects at enemies
Really? That sounds stupid.

Fallout 1 and 2
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Planescape Torment
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (sadly just the expansion)
Persona 2,3,4 and 5

>They can survive on the low sales of Kingmaker, Obsidian can't.

why won't obsidian just move to bulgaria or some other slavland?

It is. And luckily for Larian most casuals don't know about it.
But imagine if such a lame, optimal way was obvious and readily available. That's why balance matters even in single player games.


>But imagine if such a lame, optimal way was obvious and readily available.
literally just don't use it.

Bulgaria might be a great place for that as it's the country with the most rapidly shrinking population in the world, property must be getting ridiculously cheap with time.

Fight me. Oh wait, you can't. You're tired, you should go to bed.

"Barrelmancer" is actually pretty well known.

But that feels stupid. You're gimping yourself. And imagine you lose some fight or get a game over or something while knowing you are intentionally using subpar strategies, you'd feel like a retard.

I know you think you're the ubermensch and this doesn apply to you or whatever, but as every developer will tell you, players need to be protected from themselves in this regard. Players will optimize the fun out of agame.

>is that game actually any good?
I enjoyed it a lot for the few bucks I spent on it on gog.

>Players will optimize the fun out of agame
And that's the player's fault.

That's debatable, and I'd argue it is on the game designer to tailor the game in a way that prevents this.

>valerie literally gives her virginity to random stranger while she's in your party as you're trying to court for the explicit purpose of ruining herself

her entire character belongs in a hentai game

there are tons of lame optimal ways to play.
You can also cheese encounters by stacking explosives around people, by fleeing from combat and re entering, you can also just chuck death fog at people, you get basically infinite death fog at some point in the game.
You just have to take the containers from the ship, which weigh 10 UNITS rather than the 200 weight ones you get in Arx.
Just throw Holocaust gas at people to make em go away.

But thats the beauty of it. Theres so many ways to cheese in that game.
The alternative is an overbalanced game wehre nothing truly shines. I prefer Divinitys approach desu.

its not "stupid easy" you have to put points into strength to carry shit around and into telekinesis.
its not "hard" but its tedious and there are way more fun ways to beat the game that are also not much harder to do.

Realy barrelmancer is what you do if you get stuck in tactician mode, and realy even tactician mode isnt that hard that you need it.

Deus Ex
System Shock 2

Jew Sex, Arcanum, Mask of the Betrayer

I've played fallout 2, Planescape, Morrowwind, and Bloodlines
Is FO1 as good? I've heard people say the series only hit its stride with 2
Will check out MOTB and Arcanum, thanks
The original Deus Ex? Does it still hold up? I've only played HR and Invisible War a long time ago but I didn't like Invisible War which is why I didn't try the first Deus Ex

>Is FO1 as good?
I prefer 2, a lot of people prefer 1. Well worth playing though.

>The alternative is an overbalanced game wehre nothing truly shines
The problem is when you have a game where only 1 or 2 things shine, and they're also very obviously overpowered.

Ideally, it should be possible to "break" a game, but it should have various fun ways of doing so, and they should take a lot of game knowledge and deliberate effort, and ideally, every class should be able to contribute to things like this when used right.

I like how the implication here is that nothing in PoE is unique because you can’t curbstomp encounters with readily available options and have to actually optimize.

to be fair, her personality should have scared sensible people off from pursuing her by that point

it was janky ass garbage that gets held up as perfect because the writing was semi-competent like every other piece of shit obsidian's ever made.

New Vegas

>janky ass garbage
Actually, why doesn't some polished AAA developer just hire Chris Avellone now that he's gone freelance? Sort of what Dying Light 2 is doing now, I guess, but I'm thinking even bigger (like making him narrative lead on some Halo spin off or whatever). It's a win-win - he gets the budget for his ambitious ideas without the jank holding it back, the studio gets someone who can actually write worth a damn.

He's a main writer on the new EA Jedi game.

I heard he was involved, but I assumed he was just doing side content the same way it was on Prey/the dozen other things he's been involved in. If he's really playing a major part in the writing that's good. I doubt the other writers will let him go full KOTOR2 though

>The original Deus Ex? Does it still hold up?
Yes. You'll even find that a lot of its' plot points and themes are more relevant now than they were when it was released.






*ignores advice from the hardcore fans*

*makes a game that bombs*

"Guys, you shouldn't pay much attention your your hardcore fans. The difficulty and writing of Deadfire are fine."

This. Hardcore fans pirate the games anyway.

They didn't even try to pretend to listen to the grognards. They full on ignored the backer forums and discord.

whats the chance obsidian does a capcom and does a 180


Zero. The problem is management and the new blood writers. A lot of them can unironically be solid writers but they need a tight leash. Megan for example wrote Bleden Mark who was based in Tyranny but then she also wrote Xoti. Carrie Patel wrote Aloth minus romance in Pillars 1 and he was a bro. Then 2 added romance and she made him a twink who blushes at a male prostitute. Josh needed to do his job and control them. Instead he yells at people for not having enough gays and has his OC trans/nonbinary Birb girl.

Xoti isn't too bad of a character. Turning her into a psycho slut is cool.

Didn't she also write that one beast in Tranny?

One issue with Deadfire is you have a lot of dialogue options but they all lead to the same response.
>Eder: Are you okay Watcher?
>Watcher: I'm not sure
>Watcher: Absolutely
>Watcher: [Lie] Yes
>Watcher: Yes
All of them lead to
>Eder:Well now I'm worried

Fuck you Roguey!

Yeah. My point was all these new bloods can be solid writers. But they need QC in order to not have shit come out.
Xoti is 28 user. She acts like she's 16. I mean like guys we're literally on the hands of Gaun like right now! And when you make out with her? Fucking hell the description is too much.

Oh no no no. Don't tell me you guys also go here. What ever happened to Safav? He hasn't posted in forever.

Edér in Deadfire is like 100x less interesting than in the first game, shame.

I hate how he meets Waidwen and doesn't ask him about Woden. Especially with how much of an autist he was about it in the first game.
I remember reading management demanded the team have it so newcomers won't miss out in anything so they made the story as standalone as possible.

I would be careful of exaggerating the degree to which Sawyer "admits the grognards were right all along!"

One thing he notably doesn't do in this talk is say the game's commercial failure had anything to do with ~balance~. In fact, he praises himself for removing overpowered builds quickly after launch.

He blames the unengaging story, he blames the ship combat, he blames the game being real-time instead of turn-based. He doesn't blame balance, or any of his changes to the D&D formula.

"Balance" and general combat mechanics are pretty much the only thing Deadfire does well though, so I'm not blaming him for the balancing either.

>"Look at our disgusting freak parade on display"
>"If you say or think anything disrespectful of the freaks you will be reported and banned"

Why put the monkey in the cage if you don't want people to laugh?

Attached: interestink.jpg (417x370, 58K)

Aside from the empower mechanic/power levels in general I also thought Deadfire had pretty decent combat mechanics. Needed better encounter design though (albeit it's already better than in the first game).

Doesn't Sawyer hate romance. Why allow his team to hang around people who only care about gay romances

Holy shit sawyer is fucking old.

Attached: 1200px-Josh_Sawyer_removing_spokes_from_a_bicycle_wheel..jpg (1200x800, 127K)

Who's the bigger retard, Sawyer or Gaider?

Attached: gaider pedo dwarves.png (1195x603, 283K)

he's like 43 and rides his bike everyday id imagine, relax

That's a misunderstanding. He hates how romance has been done but he wanted Deadfire to do it right.

Why are so many of the RPG developers choosing the "Tell, don't show" route? Are they forgetting they're making fucking VIDEO GAMES where the visuals are the entire point of the medium?

I didn't like PoE but y'all are pathetic. This is culture war animus and you know it.

Shut up and take 50 more books describing the cultures of Eora without ever getting to actually see any of their traditions, festivals etc in game.

>14 yo girls are short, fat and have beards
still legal in my country

whoa he said FUCK that's edgy!!!

Nothing I like more than reading ga fanfiction written by a bunch of female college drop-outs.

Sawyer. Gaider at least stands his ground, his hatred of dwarf lovin' is retarded but too many devs would cave in. There's another post where he goes on a rant about the people only interested in the different types of romances, and how romances make the game worse. He's low-key based.

Turkey or Romania?

gaider's point of view at least makes sense considering he's a gay man who loves tall hairless buff dudes


Attached: 1540502069348.png (256x256, 30K)

Also here have 12 more unique swords and sabers because those are the only weapons we care about.

Romance was a mistake. It made us have fewer companions and ended up being all shit. Change my mind.

>He's low-key based.
And yet he insists on having that shit in every game he makes. He can claim he hates it but he still includes it. If he was "based" he would be putting his foot down instead of being such a weak faggot.

Romance in general is the least interesting form of fiction possible.

Voiced dialogue did infinitely more damage.

You got a link or screenshot of that

Isn't Sawyer that cuckold who stabbed a paying backer in the back to appease some twitter tranny mob?

When Obsidian's Rick and Morty game flops, will Yea Forums stop shilling their trash?

Maybe not. Josh once mentioned that the heads forced a word count they were unable to go above. and dude if you see the overcomplicated way they have the companion relationship shit work you'll see it's romance's fault.

He is, the pictures of that have already been posted. Because the idea of a man being upset that the woman he likes isn't a woman at all is offensive somehow.
Anything to appease the mentally ill trannies and their endless self-victimization, I guess.

Yup. People always argue that obsidian gave that backer the choice but when the game dev comes up to you pretty much nobody will say "no". The backer even admitted to this.

>Josh once mentioned that the heads forced a word count they were unable to go above.

nani the fuck

And that exact fictional guy is still a step above (you)

how is obsidian still alive after making so many bad games that don't even sell

I'll try to find that interview but yeah. Basically Feargus and Co said Deadfire must be limited to X thousand words. Josh said they went above it twice and were unable to anymore. Any cut content is likely a result of that.

>He admits that he failed to realize that turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause,

How is this still a valid complaint

God I fucking hate toddlers who can't handle RTWP

They gave the backer the choice of "Money back or you write a new gravestone because one insane trannyman got offended by our lighthearted rhyme which was the only genuinely funny thing in our entire game".

hmm, sounds like it's VA-related.

there's a reason they had to make the microsoft deal.


RTWP is shit and gay and you are shit and gay if you like it.

rpg's are rooted in d&d where telling IS showing

every rpg under the sun is like this. desu they can't make every dialogue tree branch in multiple directions so they can at least have options that would fit the type of character you are role-playing.

Everyone can plainly see that the genre began to suffer the moment they began with all the faggot and tranny shit. When a game becomes more about "representing" black disabled transexual diaperfur pedosexuals than story, gameplay or character building, then there's no reason to play. And that is why PoEII was a completely miserable wreck in every aspect.

I liked DOS2 where the options were just *tell him that X* without describing how you were actually saying it.

And video games are rooted in books which is how stories primarily used to be told but we're not playing a fucking book, now are we? Sounds like you need to go back to your visual novels.

At least pretend you played the game of you're gonna shitpost

You are an embarrassment to everyone you know

>Yea Forums says sawyer is based
>walk over to his twitter to see for myself


Attached: 1759238572385.png (602x549, 50K)

seems pretty based to me.

Id say thats pretty based

Attached: 6786756.jpg (617x887, 168K)

Fallout 1&2:

>Angry man: We did as you asked, now you have to let her go!
>Yeah sure, I don't need her any more.
>Sure thing, buddy [Shoot the prisoner]
>Not until you tell me what you're offering for her.
>No, I've grown too attached and I need her to carry my shit.
>You can try to take her from me, if you think you can.
>I don't think she'll want to leave.

New thread

Because PoE 1 actually sells

>He smugly tweeted from his iphone, assembled by children in India
Oof Mr. Saywer, oof.

i too hate whitey and want them all exterminated

Safav deleted his account.

No doubt about that, imagine being such a bitter loser- that other bitter losers make you insecure

New thread