Grill idol game
And guess what? She plays Mahjong
What games do girls play?
Other urls found in this thread:
Based gamer pose
what's on the screen?
Immediate downgrade in two letters.
Even more based. OG Love Live is fine taste.
Find the Meii no THE Taikoban episode with her. name is okada sayaka
The original youtube link got taken down
Imagine the smell.
>Masturbate with video game controllers
Do girls actually do this?
I assume men will never stop being surprised that women play video games
Why are the most fucked up hentai artists usually female?
How can you be surprised at something that isn't true?
Imagine being the Yakuza in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Emitsun, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fat body and horrific black nipples. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be that yakuza and not only sit in that bed while Emi Nitta flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the mosaic censorship barely concealing her stretchmarks and greasy skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfects that sex scene. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking breath but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's THE CUTEST AMATEUR and DAMN, THIS GIRL HAS A GREAT SINGING VOICE because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her fat fucking michelin ass release gases in your dick you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of schoolgirls and supermodels and later dead-eyed naive country girls for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Okinawa. You've never even smell anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste her breath as she forcefully shoves her tongue down your throat, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "rubenesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked for so hard eating karaage in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before your bosses could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking yakuza. You're not going to lose your future criminal career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
playing ace combat zero right now, stay mad
Not mad, just lacking empirical evidence.
why is she sitting like that?
yeah whatever roastie
>2005/2006 femanons footage at the otakon Yea Forums panels
>Fat landwhale with azumanga daiyoh hat
Girls can't fly planes.
based, would be friends with
Because women, unless contained, are always fucked up.
Missionary invitation.
Maybe her butt hurts.
yes. absolutely and unironically
You were saying?
From what?
girls are dirtier than you can imagine
The real question is, is there more?
Do girls talk to other girls about video games the same way guys do? Do they talk about stuff they've been playing and their thoughts about games as a whole for hours? Do they get heated when talking about something that they think is ruining the industry? Do they reminisce about games they loved and talk about how different games were then? How different they were then? Do girls waste their lives on playing and thinking about games with each other like guys do?
No, women have no emotions and simply devour other women, like bugs.
Candy crush isn't a game.
Phone games arent video games.
>Ah but what about muh phone games????
No seriously, someone go fucking find the video please
Do girls really grope each other etc?
How many of them are playing shit mobile games and facebook games like Farmville?
But doesn't game controller get icky?
No, because women dont have passion for the hobbies they partake in. They do it solely for the purpose of attracting attention of men that partake in same hobbies.
I watch this female jap streamer at niconico who plays games all night long, even does some 24 hour marathons every now and then. Last games she played were Sekiro and Days Gone.
Jap girls are lonely as fuck, and beta Jap males aren't giving them what they want.
that position seems uncomfortable as fuck, and its gonna damage her body in the long run, im pretty sure
so why do developers need to pander to women when there are already more female players than males
seems like they should be doing more to attract the male audience to keep it equal
A very cute girl draws this manga, and she loves Minecraft and Monster Hunter
I'm in Japan right now and I've spent a lot of time at arcades. Girls love Love Live, Aikatsu, and House of the Dead.
>Not groping your bros
Give their balls a good tug to make sure they are healthy.
Women are fucked up. The Rance series had a woman writing the rape scenes up until VI and if you played kichikuou rance you'd know how fucked up they were
Good, that means she has taste.
Wasn't she dying or something?
Why do people think hired booth girls are the artist?
Is this the one where the guy that impregnates her becomes the baby she's pregnant with? That was the weirdest doujin I've ever read but also extremely hot.
I prefer to talk with guys about them and also prefer it if I could keep the fact that I am female a secret. :^)
>implying females actually exist
Nice try schlomo
Okay, little off topic but can any of you guys explain to me what kind of japonese reality shows are these where the audience and some "celebrities" watch/comment and react to reality tv, of themselves or other people?
What is that? How are these called?
Thats incredibly sexist user, you telling us girls aren't allowed to draw art now?
No. It's the eldritch /ss/ one.
No, but she did just see Aladdin and KotM.She loved them both.
No, its about the artist self-inserting as Shub-Niggurath fucking a small boy.
You're perfectly beautiful, but you talk to vulgar men online. That's something that needs improvement. When someone is vulgar, a princess-like attitude is a cold shoulder to vulgarity. Block the vulgar ones. But instead, you blocked me, the preacher that loves you. It's understandable, because you're female and of incipient understanding. This is why a patriarchal society like the medieval Catholic society is ideal. In such a society, vulgar peasants don't get to talk to a princess (or refined peasant,) rather, the negotiations are with your father. And your father isn't going to be tolerating scoundrels who ask you to show your boobs. Instead, he would have given you to me as a wife long ago...
Its not going inside the vagoo user. just ontop to vibrate
they're not sticking it inside themselves. and it's mostly just accidentally turning themselves on by resting it too their vag and having it vibrate, and saying "well, guess it's time to masturbate"
That can't be true because the only men who are super into games are fuckups like us.
>I prefer to talk with guys about them
But why? What do guys have to talk about that girls don't?
Now it makes sense how companies get so many whales to buy their shit. Women over the age of 30 are the biggest group the plays video games. Virgin cat lady sluts are paypigs for these companies, it all makes sense now.
That better be a fucking pasta boy
My grill plays harvest moon, stardew Valley, LoL and virtual popstar
Pleb but she knows it so it's okay
>search google
>one result
>this thread, 30 seconds ago
What's your opinion so far?
Seems like a waste to dampen the sweet vibrations by wearing pants.
>But why? What do guys have to talk about that girls don't?
Girls don't play video games, and the ones that do play garbage like League and Overwatch. I wish I was born a guy too because I'm into yaoi.
My mind was blown when I discovered that the Euphoria artist is a woman and in her interviews she says that she wants the western fanbase to enjoy her work too, so she puts extra work in the mosaic free CGs.
Based and redpilled
I searched Google and found 3 results. It's talking about blocking so obviously its a pasta. Use your brain.
I wanna slam my face into her pussy so hard it breaks my nose and knocks me out.
who cooked this pasta? it's magnifico
not really comparable to euphoria, but nekopara is also drawn by a girl.
girls put a lot of literal fucking passion into lewd stuff
It was a comment on some thots instagram
>House of the Dead
Perfect taste
Pic-related(left) draws sexy little girls so I think it's a 50-50 chance of who's the artist
I did when I was a kid, but I don't think she's doing that in the pictures.
>Woman play vg
>Woman are bad at games
>Woman buy stuff ingame to get better
Would make sense
>Girls don't play video games, and the ones that do play garbage like League and Overwatch.
But you yourself are proof that that's not true, so there's got to be other girls who share similar tastes. Are you just not interested in looking?
>I wish I was born a guy too because I'm into yaoi.
Well that's almost exclusively for girls, so you lucked out there
Question i have is how do they account female(male)? How do they count mobilegames? How do they account streamer gamergirls for "playing" games?
Variety? It's a big market, it's literally just big budget Youtube reaction channels.
that's one benefit of her holding the pillow like that. my friend said she either had to use a pillow when playing or turn the vibration off, or she'd get distracted
What are women anyway?
she probably just likes to have her legs spread like that
i do the same with one leg when im sleeping face down
I'm not interested in any friends. That's why I post here.
can i send you a picture of my dick?
don't talk if you have never ever met a woman
makes sense
Women playing good fucking games.
What are the future prospects of fujos anyway? They cannot fawn over gay men all their lives.
The ones I've known played or still play the following
>Random university girl who sat beside me for a season: Stardew Valley
>Extremely overweight girl, Highschool: Pokemon
>2 girls who both apparently became FtM or something after highschool: Also Pokemon
>My sister's best friend: Zelda games and some Pokemon
>My sister: Etrian Odyssey, Fire Emblem, SMT, dungeon crawlers in general, Rhythm games like Project Mirai
>My oldest cousin: Smash, mostly Melee
>My niece: Free browser games and tablet games
>The mom of my friend in high school: Apparently Lego games and Final Fantasy
>My grandma: mah-jong
>Some loud girl on the bus who talked to us a lot: Assassin's Creed games
How much do you weigh, hambeast?
I just want a cute japanese otaku gf so badly bros........
Once while playing Mass Effect 2 because I was kinda resting the controller in my lap while planet scanning and got horny.
It really vibrates a lot in that mode...
my sister plays OG Battlefront 2
I have never anyone playing ace combat whatsoever. Does this disallow me from speaking about men as well?
>They cannot fawn over gay men all their lives.
Why not? Otaku fawn over waifus all of their lives.
I hate fat people.
I love this pasta
>in the mosaic free CGs
It's legal for Japan to release uncensored porn outside Japan???
Why don't all artist do this??????
>I hate fat people
But isn't the future for otakus just wasting away? That isn't something you would want, right?
My gf likes the Sims and red dead redemption 2. Also CTR
What's the lewdest controller?
fag hags are real
you may think you do, but life can get real difficult when you get a japanese otaku girl obsessed with you. i love her but holy shit, there's a lot i can't do anymore
>feminist circles: girls are majority of gamers
>Also feminist circles: games need to change to match tastes of women
I'll kill you.
The ones I've known played or still play the following
>Bioware RPGs
Thats it.
Cannot even find people that think boardgames are an acceptable pastime.
how dare you reply to me with such a shitty post
Hey G would you make me a sandwich?
she's obsessed with sony controllers, so i'm gonna assume pic related
My sister only plays stalker and devil may cry 4.
Actually, yes.
Dear god user, it’s like witnessing the birth of a sad star. I hope you find a girl just as creepy as you one day
>Being appreciated is hard
Kill yourself.
She was raped as a child so she makes doujins about little girls getting raped
>It's legal for Japan to release uncensored porn outside Japan???
Only when localization companies like MangaGamer or JAST USA release it for the west.
Most companies don't bother with mosaic free CGs, like Sekai Project for example.
just a fair warning my dude.
>My sister: SMT
You know, I didn't believe that fujos existed until I went to a con last week. There were hordes of 3/10 fangirls mobbing the gay art booth - it was pretty unreal to witness
I've played through them multiple times, I just like Zero the most.
based /fit/izen
holy shit
How about you tell me how to get a japanese otaku girl so I can judge your claim.
That's a lot to take from such a vague statement.
Are they as fickle and with unreasonable standards as normie women?
I guess it's just her way of COPE
1. Go to Japan
2. Have low standards
3. ????
4. Profit
ooh i know that one
You left out the part where you have to learn japanese, you're clearly leaving out some other shit too.
She likes atlus stuff. Last time I checked she was on a second run of Apocalypse and midway through Strange Journey, she had put it on hold to play EO.
prolly got molested by a tard and then the tard got away with it for free
her tard doujins are charged as heck
Why haven't you married her yet?
I do not believe that anything regarding relationships would be easier in japan.
Wasn't that referring to a court case where a handicapped dude got off scot free from something like that? I remember a CLAMP manga referencing it as well.
>caring about 3D
Sisters are 2.5D.
I don't want to.