Absolutely rekt
Sega reconfirms" no plans" to release Persona 5 on other platforms
Other urls found in this thread:
>says Sega while it's actually Atlus
>conviniently skips the part where it says "at the present"
OP is a faggot, Fatlus will probably never port anything themselves but Sega EU will get their hands on it sooner or later (probably later though).
It's really fucking stupid that I need to buy a console for a specific game. I want to play this so fucking bad but I refuse to buy a PS4. I'm not even one of those faggots who's mad about "censorship", I just hate the Playstation brand.
Seethe harder
Yeah and some people don't want to buy a switch just for SMT V, but that's just how it is. Deal with it faggot
Buy a PS3 then.
Then I won't buy any SEGA games. Simple.
So basically. It's coming when PS exclusivity becomes irrelevant for this game. 2024 or so.
You only played p5
Why are people much whinier about exclusives now than they were even only a few years ago?
P5 Royal isn't coming to PS3
Who cares? It's the same fucking game with a "NEW" hat.
Console wars aside for a second... Why?
Why does atlus do this?
What does it do for them?
>jrpg garbage
who cares?
Because there are less and less of them so the few remaining ones stand out a lot.
Combination of Atlus just viewing the West as a glorified afterthought not really worth bothering with and many Japanese people working in the industry being Sony fanboys.
*sells less than P4Golden did on the vita*
Atlus is strange.
>I want to play this so fucking bad
Dude, fucking cringe. Here let me give you the entire Persona 5 experience: Society bad, same gameplay as previous games, terrible writing. You're welcome now stfu
gettin real sick of your sick atlus
why the fuck is joker in smash then?
Why they need to be released on the others as P5R clearly one of Sony exclusive moneyhat deals as showed on the their initial trailer (Censored Kamoshida Palace)
Persona Q2 or made up their mistake with Atlus for the mess of TMS localized version
Yeah, I also remember when MGS4 came to Wii because of Snake in Brawl
>Death Stranding
>Persona 5 The Royal
Are there ANY other reasons to get a PS4?
Those 3 are edgy shit for autists and incels. I can't believe someone would unironically list them as reasons to buy anything
The Uncharted collection and Uncharted 4.
Just emulate P5 user
Spider-Man is good despite what Yea Forumstards say.
>Bloodborne 2
>Persona 6
PS4 still relevant cause Sony heavily moneyhatted Japanese games on it. Lets look if that can still go on PS5.
No thanks.
Now that's more like it.
Royal is censorshit anyway, It's not really a big lost, just play vanilla version or Q2 for your fix.
I want to play P4G on my switch.
sour grapes
>Royal is censorshit
it works for them
Persona = SONY
SMT = Nintendo
>nintentoddler portbegging is so bad they have to put on the official site that the game is NOT coming to the switch
never seen that with any other fanbase
>I'm not even one of those faggots who's mad about "censorship", I just hate the Playstation brand.
You should be the other way around you autistic faggot
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
>"It'll be censored!"
Because they're autistic
They should release smt and persona in every platform, not make them exclusive
Because sakurai is a persona fanboy
>During the first boss fight from the trailer
- No trophy
- The female legs are missing from the goblet
- Mashima takes the place of Cognitive Ann
Disaster Report 4 did it. I'm sure many more did so too.
dude just find a streamer or youtuber you like and watch it. you really arent missing that much and its never going to come to PC.
persona 4golden is still stuck on a dead handheld. these cucks are way to stubborn. its just the way it is
>full-priced rerelease with some added content and censorship on the same system as the original after only two years
At least Catherine Full Body can be justified since the original was a previous gen game. I don't understand Atlus' logic here, they always put these updated rereleases on handhelds to appeal to a different audience, but now that the Sony handheld line is dead, they're relying on double-dippers rather than trying to go for a difference audience... and yet they're putting a fucking musou spinoff on Switch.
just put the vanilla version on the switch for fuck's sake
i don't care about the new mary sue they added in just give me a way to do a comfy replay of the game
Just emulate the original one and ignore this new on disc DLC, you faggot.
That's pretty autistic of you user.
And as an autist, I would know.
Just use Remote Play through your Playstation Vita ;)
But smashbros always called me a retard for implying smash getting joker didn't mean they'd get p5.
don't worry user the game is fucking trash
There are Nintendofags who spent money on Joker DLC for the sole purpose of supporting a potential Persona 5 Switch release
not a bad idea actually, i haven't touched that thing in years
You're the ones who played yourselves, we all told you snake and cloud didn't mean their games in Wii/switch and yet you kept sperging like retards, now you get to seethe for a few months.
I mean It's a valid argument against it, why in the world would I want a persona games with removed binkis and cake romances because current sony thinks it too problematic?
Ah you questioned my post about the possible censorship and I give it based on what we have right now. If you still doubt it fine, believe what you want to believe and wait until the game been released then.
lol kys
but switch is the most popular console in japan...
Isn't the royal getting censored anyway? Who gives a fuck.
Joker confirmed to be the worst newcomer
They're so technically incompetent that making their engine work on Switch would probably take them 5 years. It's why they released Full Body on Vita and not on Switch even though it sold like 10k copies and why SMTV is using UE4 (and taking forever to develop, the incompetence shows again). They only have a pipeline for PS3, PS4 and Vita when it comes to P5 engine.
This. Fuck Persona.
hey if atlus wants to go down with the PS5 ship that's their prerogative
honestly im looking forward to vanillaware going out of business
>- Mashima takes the place of Cognitive Ann
Wtf, is Kamoshida gay now?
Oh no! A game no one heard of that only sold 3 copies globally wont' be on other platforms for everyone to not play.
But really tho, of all the actually good exclusive games to choose from why Persona 5? Someone can argue it's the worse one yet
>bimbo Mishima clinging to Kamoshida
>say you have no plans to release anywhere else
>platform autists are happy and buy the game
>release it everywhere else later on
>everyone else is happy and buy the game
>even if the autists are salty they already paid for the game anyways
that's literally cookie cutter response to say absolutely nothing
>Japanese video game developers making video games for western consumers over Japanese ones.
im pretty sure i wont be the one coping
Neither Persona 5 nor Persona 5 Royal will be ported anywhere else. That said, all companies will say they have "no plans" to do something that haven't announced they're doing right up until 30 seconds before they announce it.
Imagine being a Sony fanboy and thinking that P5 won't come to other platforms in some form, especially with a rep in Smash and the popularity of the series being at a high because of both Joker and P5's success.
Atlus/Sega want that money, it's just a matter of time.
And nothing of value wa--
Oh, wait, that's about Switch, right?
>People want to buy your game and give you money
Based retard, go buy some fifa loot boxes
Now you know how MH fans feel. We don't give a fuck about toddlershit like Mario and Pokemon and we don't wanna play MH3U, MH4U, and MHGen at 240p 20fps but we still force ourselves to buy the piece of shit 3DS anyway.
>muh console wars
who fucking cares, Is it getting censored or not? that's literally all I give a fuck about.
They're not in it for the money.
I'm glad I kept my vanilla version.
Sony can eat shit.
kek what a bitch
>sega wants to commit to multiplatform according to their latest financial report
>atlus doesn't do anything
If they cared about money they would put SMT V on PS4, since it's the most popular console worldwide.
Going to have to wait for more trailers. At the moment people have pointed out some differences, but fanboys are quick to deflect and claim it isn't censorship.
Personally I'm not buying anymore PS4/Sony products. DQXI was my last PS4 game purchase and that was an exception because I wasn't sure if a Switch version was ever happening. I had already sworn Sony off after OMZ was killed and censorship happened to SK Re:Newal.
That game already flopped like utter ass in Japan and will do much, much, much fucking worse in the west. Perfect swan song for the 3DS, since it's going down the shitter. Despite having a great library, it'll be the worst-selling handheld Nintendo ever made.
see my dick in your ass
>stooping so low to believe ResetERA who's been responsible for getting their shit wrong with Catherine.
>the trophy gets destroyed during the fight
>hence we wouldn't see the legs
>cognitive Ann was earlier and not part of the actual boss battle, just a model in the wine glass. Hard to tell at best.
I know you're nincels, but really?
Fuck off
t. Actual monstahuntachad
Sega Europe are trying to put pressure on them, but Sega-Sammy at least initially made a point of letting Atlus effectively operate autonomously when they were bought.
FIFA loot boxes are supporting thousands of jobs in the industry. Persona which can't even sell 2 copies is causing unemployment and bankruptcy.
>3DS game in mid-2019
Atlus has only themselves to blame.
yeah but who cares about supporting EA
Sega Europe probably has pc port of P5 ready to launch as we speak
So Ann's subplot in this dungeon is just totally removed? That's fucking stupid
Nincel doesn't buy 3rd party games, almost all multiplatform games in Japan perform better on PS4
A shame really, i'm at the 70 hour mark and having way more fun than snoresona 5.
Their loss. I would preorder 2 copies right away. Honest.
no idiot
>unironically liking capeshit
>in Japan
And the Switch overtook PS4 sells, in Japan.
Makes you think.
Are you sure it isn't because those games are just low quality in general?
Was Cognitive Ann even in this scene to begin with? I don't remember her being. That being said Kamoshida's pretty gay if this is true, and that would make raping Shiho a little weird.
you are the one who is seething, because his post hurt your feelings
I'm pretty much done with sony at this point too after them basically killing the senran kagura series, screwing over pqube and shit, honestly hope sega has some pull and the royal doesn't get butchered by california, I might actually buy it then, not that I enjoy giving snoy money of course.
>being so contrarian you have to pretend to dislike Spider-Man
Catherine Full Body is getting butchered, why wouldn't P5R?
At least I'm 100% sure the goblet have a leg on it before
This is true.
That's actually pretty fucking funny. I can't imagine the number of messages they've gotten from angry portbeggars to have to do that.
>honestly im looking forward to vanillaware going out of business
If 13 Sentinels comes out after 13 years in development and is actually ass they brought it on themselves.
But it's not implied that he molested her anymore
Watch it come to PS5, and then Xbox one, pc or switch as well. My bets are on switch, and maaaaybe pc.
T. Idort
>People are actually looking forward to this shit
Yep I'm done, resetera won.
Yes user, why don't nincel buy more 3rd party games? and then bitch when developers don't want to port their game to the switch
>That's actually pretty fucking funny. I can't imagine the number of messages they've gotten from angry portbeggars to have to do that.
It's an edit, genius.
I already got to enjoy P5 on PS4, so a port or not doesn't really matter to me, but I'd also not rebuy the same game on the same platform just a year later either. It'd have to be ported elsewhere for me to even consider it at this point.
This too, though they say nothing was needed to be changed because the original dialog wasn't transphobic or whatever the trannies were crying about.
Fuck off, GUsperms. MH3U, MH4U, MHGen, and MHGU would have been better if they were released on PC, with at least 1080p resolution, 60fps and real controller. Stop being blindly loyal to Nintendo and treat that company like your friend.
Trash american garbage. You just hate videogames.
It doesn't make any sense to me considering how popular the Switch is, and how much extra publicity they got from Smash. There's so much money to be made off even a sub-par port.
>why don't nincel buy more 3rd party games?
But companies have been reporting nearly 3x the sale of their games on Switch compared to other platforms.
Or are we still ignoring that to repeat the rhetoric that Switch has no games?
Well, considering Switch shitty hardware, there's no way getting around it.
Absolutely seething.
Tri and 4U were 60fps.
It was only XX that was 30.
user is comparing first-week Japanese sales of late Switch ports or simultaneous release that sell 12k vs 8k.
I thought it wasn't possible, but Switch portbegging has become more pathetic than PC portbegging
>its the paints fault my art sucks cries the painter
No u
t. Me
>Will just play it free regardless of the platform
>smashbabs will argue sakurai isn't senile
>smashbabs will argue piranha plant and joker were good choices
make sure to clean all your amiibos clean from your jizz you godless retards
Wack. After seeing devs on social media have to do NO THE GAME IS NOT COMING TO THE FUCKING SWITCH STOP ASKING posts about their games I believed it.
Anime on the Switch is poison. Sega probably looked at the VC4 Switch sales and cancelled everything else except Sonic.
>[PS4] Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 12,958 (New)
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>[NSW] Super Robot Wars T (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 03/21/19) – 44,051 (New)
>[PSV] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Falcom, 07/21/16) – 43,753 (New)
>[PS4] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Falcom, 05/25/17) – 27,741 (New)
>[NSW] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (NIS, 06/28/18) – 6,431 (New)
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>[NSW] Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match DX (Bandai Namco, 02/21/19) – 7,651 (New)
>[PS4] Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Limited Edition Included) (Sega, 03/21/18) – 62,921 (New)
>[NSW] Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Sega, 09/27/18) – 5,596 (New)
>[PS4] Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World (Limited Editions Included) (Koei Tecmo, 01/31/19) – 18,679 (New)
>[NSW] Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World (Koei Tecmo, 01/31/19) – 8,046 (New)
>[PS4] Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 01/11/19) – 41,510 (New)
>[NSW] Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 01/11/19) – 26,588 (New)
>[PS4] Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland (Limited Editions Included) (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 27,734 (New)
>[NSW] Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland (Limited Editions Included) (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 12,473 (New)
>You will never wake up next to Makoto and enjoy a morning with her.
>you will never use a water pistol to squirt Hifumi when she starts chuuning out in public
Jap devs are creatures of habit. Atlus hasn't been hit by Playstation's recent policies like other niche devs. As long as they can keep making what they want, they're not gonna change their release habits, more than likely.
It sucks. I'd take any version over PS4, even a fucking Xbone piece of trash. But whatever, I'll just have to deal with not playing it. I refuse to give Sony any more of my money.
Enjoy the game, PS4 owners. Base P5 was fucking great, it can only get better.
Probably because the PS4 is a barren wasteland for games.
You should check out the top 30 best selling games in japan sometime. There's rarely more than 10 PS4 games in it.
I mean pretty bad move from a business perspective.
They'll want their Japanese audience, they don't really give a shit about western audiences and the Switch has the most hardware sales, even more than the PS4 at this point.
So really from me I think it was a stupid decision to not include a switch version to cover both bases, double your intended audience and more get sales. If I was an investor I'd be asking why.
emulate it you stupid nigger cunt zoomer shit
Everything but the late ports on that list (Ys, VC and GuP) did fine, getting 50% more sales from a product is good business.
Yeah but that was because Kojima's son told him he really liked Smash and wanted daddy's vidya character in it.
And all of it are Nintendo first party games. Now compared the highest selling 3rd party multiplatform games on both system. I'm not even gonna Google it, its gonna be PS4.
Forgot to include Switch has most hardware sales in Japan.
Before the seething sonytards reply.
She's in the glass
>sonyfag using 3rd party as an excuse
Never thought I'd see the day.
I just hate consoles in general, only companies and not consumers benefit from fragmenting the gaming industry
people are just too dumb to realize because they're too busy flinging shit at each other because of fanboy faggotry, which again only benefits the suits
I see. So they're cutting out all the swim-suit scenes? Will the beach be removed entirely? And the Hawaii trip?
what's youtube?
baby don't up me
don't up me
no more
>boo hoo i need to compete with quality products :((((((
>thread about 3rd party support
>"b-but that doesn't count"
Why are you even here?
>Wack. After seeing devs on social media have to do NO THE GAME IS NOT COMING TO THE FUCKING SWITCH STOP ASKING posts about their games I believed it.
Imagine saying "No" to sales. Some publishers deserve to die even if they make nice things.
Atlus's loss I guess. At least I now know the next time a Persona game comes out not to listen to fanboys and just wait for an enhanced version if Atlus thinks releasing a 60$ update is okay in a post-PS2 era.
>boo hoo why P5 aren't coming to switch
3rd party exclusive support is dying anyways.
Those developers are learning they can get more sales by putting it on all platforms.
so glad i copped p5 with all dlc last month during the sale fuck all that censor shit
Show me how to emulate a PS4 exclusive.
Atlus, unlike most of the other hoes itt, are loyal. SMT for Nintendo, Persona for Sony barring one or two outliers. The end.
I'm just happy i can emulate all Atlus games on my PC, fuck them at this point
>with all dlc
>waiting 5 years with playing a game just to save 60 bucks
top kek, nintentoddlers really are toddlers huh
i dont really care because ultimately the Japanese Sony consumer base will cease to exist with the PS5
so then its up to these Japanese companies to either completely abandon their Japanese consumers or make games on the switch.
The PS5 will be the worst selling Sony console in Japan in the history of the console.
Atlus feels like a fossil sometimes.
>P5R, a full-priced update on the same system as the original
>SMTV Switch-exclusive whenever the fuck it comes out
>undoubtedly EOV too
Switchfags are really extremely annoying at port begging.
And it's not just high profile games like persona 5, every fucking comment section under announced indie games is filled with "would look perfect on my switch, switch when, not buying it unless on switch"
it's extremely cancerous and i have never seen begging at this degree before not even during the ps3 age where sony lost so much exclusivity to xbox moneyhatting japanese exclusives.
it cost me 5$ more than the standard version so
>it'll be the worst selling handheld nintendo ever made
What is the game boy micro
Handheldfags are insufferable autists that should be culled.
You do know that the Switch is hysterically more popular than the PS4 in Japan right? An actual shitstomping, it's not even close. Those numbers should be reversed, but they're not, because no Switch owners are buying those games.
And don't fucking yap about "late ports" when you're the ones begging for them. If P5 actually comes to the Switch are you going to boycott it because it's late?
MHW is exclusive in Japan, Japan market is very small, they don't even care about those extra sales
Its alright. PS4-Tards have started to resort to beg for games to be uncensored on PS4.
It was never implied he did in the first place. He TRIED to
Cool story bro
>tfw sega of Europe probably already made a port of P5 to launch but daddy atlus or sega of Japan says no and fuck off.
Such a shame really, also...
>live to see the day Nintendo port beg becomes worst than pc beggers
Chill the fuck out guys! as a port begger, you cant get everything and you gotta accept that. Pc beggars know because they been at air for years.
>FIFA loot boxes are supporting thousands of jobs in the industry
not for long ;^)
Those scenes may be altered but because of the new girl, not something else
switchfag portbeggers on suicide watch
I guess it would help if those games launched on switch at the same time and not 1-6 months after PS4.
Just a thought.
I see more begging for games to be censored by nintendofans on Yea Forums out of spite
People who are into moeshit will just switch platforms but that is such a small userbase
To lure the Nintendofags in into buying a PS4
Simultaneous updated rereleases aren't late ports. I didn't include DOAX3S.
>no Switch owners are buying those games
Nobody is buying those games, all of those aside from SRW have pitiful sales in general. What difference does it make on what platform they sell more when the overall amount is negligible? Every sale helps, and I'm not saying those games should be Switch-exclusive, multiplat is fine. Some companies like Koei Tecmo understand that.
this is all the fault of trump
after apple cucked asia asia is about to cuck the microsoft
That's weird, I played it on my PC.
>nintentards want shit censored
The absolute reach on this seething nigger.
Its you ps4-tards on this board saying that it should be censored and the ps4normies on twitter etc saying theyre glad it censored.
Fucking retard.
>So they're cutting out all the swim-suit scenes?
Nobody can say because all we have is 2 trailers. Nincels literally latching onto posts from ResetERA of all places in concerns of it being censored. We'll know what did or didn't get removed when it releases this year.
Actually he got paid and he made players also pay.
>Retards hype themselves up over rumors
>Anons who try to talk them down get called "Snoyfags"
>Get BTFO multiple times in multiple trailers
How do you people exist
Even then, sales wise it should be more on the Switch than PS4.
>nintentards want shit censored
Ninten yearolds want Persona 5 censored than even the staunchest SJWs.
did Sony pay Sakurai for advertising his game? I had no idea
That's not how it works.
Even including stats.
Why would you buy a game 6 months after it already launched on PS4 and been spoiled online?
Theres no point.
Just wait for the headlines bro.
Sony's abandoning the Japanese market.
They don't even have to beg though.
Sony will do it for free.
Even when they do the PS4 version sells at least twice as much.
You can't beg companies to port their games to Switch then turn around and not support them because they couldn't do it overnight. You portbeggars are fickle assholes, makes me wonder if you actually want the games or just like begging for them online.
Are you retarded? then why even bother with port begging if you're not gonna buy the game?
Sony isn't going to alter in-game models of the characters or anything of the sort. You think they would enforce these moral clauses to the likes of Rockstar?
it was actually the opposite, the japanese gamer is abandoning classic consoles and thus playstation.
had the switch not had a handheld mode it would also have flopped
Sure bro.
>You think they would enforce these moral clauses to the likes of Rockstar?
Of course not because Rockstar isn't Japanese. It's clear they have a bias towards Japanese and specifically anime games.
>You can't beg companies to port their games to Switch then turn around and not support them because they couldn't do it overnight.
Don't even have to beg.
With how sony is acting they'll probably abandon the Japanese market anyways.
Which then will force the Japanese game studios to either develop for switch or lose their Japanese audience.
morgana's fat sweaty ass
>, makes me wonder if you actually want the games or just like begging for them online.
Portbeggars are completely uninterested in video games. When you like a video game you don't care what platform it's on, because you just want to play it.
The beggars just want shitposting ammunition
Fuck off, Xnigger. Everyone hates you more.
the game isn't even good who cares
I could see either some kind of contract with Sony, or they just really don't like the idea of porting it and think it'll be too much work.
>dude just find a streamer or youtuber you like and watch it.
kill yourself you embarassing 12-year-old newfag
>10 hours of cutscenes and school sim between Palaces
Literally a movie
I wish people were as vocal about shit like this and console exclusives as general as they are with the epic store. at least I don't have to spend 200 bucks to buy a fucking console when it comes to epic exclusives.
I don't give a fuck if Persona 5 be released on Switch. I just want to play pic related on my PS4, why do these retards don't launch those games in all platforms? Especially on SMTV case, since the game is being made on Unreal Engine 4, so it must be easy to port it to all platforms on the market.
Or just stop being a poorfag
you're just as bad as the p5 beggars
Technical incompetence, management being stuck in the past, probably some other things too. Their streaming policy alone is enough to decipher that they're absolutely retarded.
No P5R to the switch? Damn...
Good thing base P5 is coming to the switch in September
>I want to play this so fucking bad
No you dont. You have had 20 years to establish that these are PS games. And even if you did you would STILL have to buy at least a switch if not a PS4.
Atlus are fucking retarded bro.
They keep P4G on the vita. The deadest console alive Instead of like porting it to PS4 or something. They're an actual joke and theyre fully incompetent as a company. I want them to go broke already.
Everyone who cares owns a PlayStation, why not?
Technically Sonic and Snake were carryovers of SA2 and Twin Snakes on Gamecube who weren't put into Melee due to the timing of Melee's release
>I refuse to buy a PS4.
Play it on the PS3. Just disregard Royal.
Man how fucking childish do you need to be to seethe so bad at a video game not being on your plastic toy?
Switch babies mad cause smt is never coming out and Pc faggots are just gonna pirate it. Stop being poor and buy a dirt cheap PS4 if you wanna play it you retards.
I'm not gonna buy PS5 Musou and I hope the game turns out to be a financial loss on Atlus' part.
You know, if you want to create fans of a series, you don't shill he character in smash Bros only to give said players a below average Musou. Why should I play a spin-off when I haven't played the main game.
Yes I'm still angry.
I wonder how much money Sony gives Sega/atlus for the exclusive deal. Must be a shit-ton
They just spent money and development time updating the game for Royal since it drops PS3 support so why would they spend time downgrading the game just to put it on the switch.
You can emulate P5 pretty well on PC right now anyway you don't actually need to spend money on that useless paperweight.
>Nintentykes crying about not playing it at all
>PCumguzzlers pretending that Royal is just trivial DLC so they can feel better about emulating the PS3 version of a lesser game at 12fps
Why is being an idort so great?
But Sony made Persona, by the merit of competition, they should have the right to reap it's rewards. This creates an incentive for Sony to make more great games like Persona.
>Implying Atlus asked Nintendo to put Joker on Smash
Don't blame Atlus for something they never promised to you rosterfag, Nintendo was the one who asked for Joker to be in Smash, if you want to blame someone, blame them.
>jobs in the industry
The level of delusion some corporate cucks are on
I wish I could emulate it. RPCS3 doesnt support my CPU. I have a i7 3770k at 4.5GHz and the FPS is terrible because it doesnt have some assembly.
>Says user while still platform war shitposting
I seriously love how it destroys Yea Forums's minds that japanese devs still want to release their game on sony, that sony gets exclusives they want, and that sony will continue to keep this pattern no matter how much they shitpost. Basically, SEETHING.
>lootboxes are supporting thousands of jobs and that's a good thing
>Sega: We are planning on releasing more multiplatform games
>Atlus: lol fuk u, mom, u're not my real mom
Lmao trannies acting like ppl actually portbegging for this
>platform war
No, I just think port beggars and rationalizing faggots are all disgusting. If you want to play a game, you get the platform it's on. I'm not going to play Stalker 2 on my Switch just like I'm not going to play P5R on my PC just like I'm not going to play that new Platinum cops game on my PS4. Children who aren't idorts shouldn't be allowed to post here ever.
>this is your brain on cinematic experiences
Honestly, no one knows, people say that they have a contract, but that's clearly bull at this point, Atlus just likes to make exclusive games.
>yeah we ant to make more multiplatform games and bring more games to PC
>lol no
Atlus will go bankrupt anyways so no loss really.
I donate a couple thousand a month to streamers. Why? It makes me feel nice when they say thank you to me and say my name in the chat. Is that a problem?
Why should we care? The best RPGs of this decade are already multiplats, Persona 5 is irrelevant garbage like Bloodborne
This isnt atlus or segas choice but they probably signed a contract they regret now so they keep making spinoffs for nintendo
>Atlus has no say in it! Sega owns them and can do what they want!
>Sega says it
>Um, well it's atlus's game...
UE4, it will be ported.
See you again when Sakura Wars be released (ONLY for PS4 btw) nintondler.
Sonyfags lose either way, It's getting censored and you are literally delusional to believe otherwise.
>it will be ported.
>Dude trust me
>Source: my ass
Irrelevant garbage that nobody cares about, why should anyone lose sleep about not being able to play it? BOTW will have caught Dark Souls by next year
Why are Nintendogs so annoying? Just fucking buy a PS4 if you want to play some exclusives you fucking niggers. I don't beg to play Mario #53464324 on my PS4 and so shouldn't you.
>I don't want to buy a console to play these games I want to play
Every fucking time.
Sure, it's kinda a lot to buy a console for just one game but if there are more games you'll enjoy, then go for it.
I bought a WiiU after TF released and got to play W101, DKC:TF, Bayo2, MH3U, MK8 and some other good shit. Sure, 3D World wasn't that good but still.
Same with PS4, I bought a bundle for cheap (they tried to clear stocks after the Pro release) , like 220€ with second controller and a game, and played Bloodborne, P5, GoW, GR1+2, Resogun, Alienation and so on. And I'm not even including games that got a PC release later on like Nioh or Yakuza.
This. Even if you just get it for SMTV, you might still enjoy some of the other exclusives you didn't care about before.
UE4. People told me the same thing with octopath and travis. Look where we are.
>Dude trust sony
>buying a console for 1 game
>the censor station 4 of all things
Yeah fuck off.
Notice the "whatever, it's just shitty DLC" posts? At least half of it is PCocks.
You unironically sound like the same fags who beg for P5R on switch.
Seething, Sonyfags are just desperate to stay relevant & since all of their exclusives are garbage or completely dead. All they have left is hoping that they get a 3rd party game that doesn’t release on the switch, in hopes of spite’ing Nintendo fans. Since that’s all their fanbase has in common.
So what will be removed by based sony in the royal?
I can see romances with anime highschoolers and cakes being removed, both are those are absolutely problematic, fanservice scenes will be removed, since like gross you shouldn't be sexualizing highschoolers Yea Forums you creeps I don't care if it's a cartoon, I'm glad you incels are getting btfo.
Have sex fatties
All bikinis will be gone
Imagine being this pathetically angry over not being able to play a Japanese dating simulator featuring demons and dungeons.
Atlus is not Sony
Atlus is Sega
Besides Sammy Sega will probably do it without telling Atlus nor fans like they did with Catherine Classic PC
Like I said, I've heard you people before, look where we are.
How? The highest rated game of the decade is Dark Souls, a multiplatform game that’s on every console. Persona 5 is shit & everyone knows it at this point
No shit. Persona has been a Sony game and mainline SMT and basically every other spinoff is a Nintendo game.
Based Resetera
Yea Forums on suicide watch
It can go like this
Atlus do this
But our tradition!
Who owns you?
Right away sir
Angry? I'm thrilled, I don't even care for this shitty manbaby series. I'm just glad the toxic shit being taken out.
Stop sexualizing underage anime girls you creeps.
Good question
Irks me beyond anything, still pissed the P4 Golden is stuck on Vita as well. I'm probably just going to find a used PS4 for cheap to play P5R.
This isn't even a good tranny impression, other than the image.
If Sony didn't censored Catherine Full Body, a game with strong sexual themes, why the fuck would them censor Persona 5?
>inb4 "b-but the game will be censored on the west!"
Who is doing this retarded bullshit is AtlusUSA after the trannytera outrage against them and Hashino, Sony has nothin to do with this.
>caring about Persona 5
It's mediocre as fuck
>Can separate fiction from reality and calls cartoons gross
That’s some mighty fine projection you’re doing there.
Let’s ban animu and keep raping real kids mr. UN chief
Can’t believe how hard Nintendo got cucked by SEGA/Atlus, imagine letting a Sony exclusive character into your (mostly) first party fighting game, giving him exceptions to the no gun rules and shilling him on the home screen of your console, only to have the game not come to switch anyway.
Absolutely lmaoing at nintendies right now
It's time to let go
Sony is no longer the awesome japanese company you thought they were user.
>Falling for my b8
Because people are starting to realize that exclusives are garbage.
The game is literally putting dates with the loli twins as one of the new features, how is this shit censorship?
>Praising censorshit
Why haven’t they ported that?
I get they like making exclusives but god damn even Nintendo remakes and updates games to newer systems
I still remember how mind blown I was to see SMW on GBA after only playing it on SNES
That won't make it into the US localization for sure, trannyseta won accept it dude
With how much leeway Atlus gets under Sega, I don't think so. They have been acquired for years now, and so far Sega has done nothing to even remotely steer Atlus into full multiplatform development.
They just let Atlus do their thing, for better or for worse.
>Nincels and PCfags still seething over Shitsona 5
It's a trash game, but at least it gets Yea Forums mad as fuck so it's not all bad
Anyone who cares about Japanese games knows moon.
>OP image clearly says "ATLUS re-confirms that-"
>Somehow Sega said it
I have my doubts we'll ever see a port but holy fuck try READING the image in OP next time.
niggers tongue my anus
Even if the game wasn't censored, why be hyped in the first place? The fucking game itself already 90 hours like nigga fuck this long ass weeb games
Already emulatable, we don't need a port.
But Sega didn't say anything you retard. That FAQ was made by Atlus.
> I'm not even one of those faggots who's mad about "censorship", I just hate the Playstation brand.
That makes you a huge faggot user. The other way around would be understandable, but you're just being a huge autist.
>Already emulatable
Aw, the poor PCock is pretending that it's just frivolous DLC. I almost feel bad.
Nintendo paid for timed console exclusivity like they have with a lot of games so far.
>You now have to know moons just to play atlus games uncensored
I think I might just quit vidya and go back to watching anime full time, this shit ain't worth it.
You can emulate P5 on your PC. It runs pretty great.
>in the OP is says sega says
Cry little cunt.
>and go back to watching anime full time
Anyone who cares about anime already knows moon.
Why do you keep saying that? Nothing has been censored
There are like 5000 VNs on Steam, why the fuck do you want one more?
3rd part games >1st party games. Simple really.
>I just hate the Playstation brand
Imagine praising censorshit, just so you can say you pwn the nintenbronies lmao
Nothing has been censored though
>people actually whining about censorship
This is when you know they have nothing left.
>In catherine it will say Erica instead of Erica/Eric! That's unplayable!
Also P4G.
>grrr why is this on Vita? It has nogaems and it is dead!! Fucking Atlus grrr
What reason do I have to cope when I'm the one with P5 and you don't? seethe harder, my man.
But who cares what the fuck the Japs think and do they dont deserve their own devs. The fact that they would rather play Mario Kart 8 again than play Sekiro, REmake 2, DMC5 or such tells me that they have shit fucking taste and are not to be held to any standard. Their devs make great games, their players dont buy great games. Oh well.
I guess I still have no reason to buy that fighters pass then.
And if the leaks are true still no reason to buy it.
Oh shit, here comes the retardera tranny.
You cannot play The Royal it is not out yet also good luck emulating a PS4 exlusive
>their players dont buy great games
It's a country that plays mobage gachashit. It needs a third nuke.
>I-I-It's just shitty DLC!
>The new character, story, links, grappling hook and dungeon environments and loli twin events mean nothing!
>Same game!
>M-Mustard race!
I have a PS4 dipshit, Persona 5 was garbage. The Last Of Us II is literally the only game left i want to play before i get rid of my worthless console
How will they ever recover?
actual cope. never ever my man. :)
>Persona 5 was garbage. The Last Of Us II is literally the only game left i want to play
What a fucking faggot.
Or you know they want to play exciting and fun games and not "super serious 3rd person over the shoulder cinematic game with the same black, brown, grey colour palette no.32870532"
Just a thought.
Graohics aren't everything you homo.
Shit taste to care about TLOU2.
Actually it should be both.
Seethe more, i’m not a poorfag Tranny like you. I can afford more that one platform. But sure continue shilling your irrelevant game
It will get a 97 on Metacritic when it comes out & critics will call it the 2nd coming of christ. Therefore i need to play it, just to see if all of the hype is warranted
SHIT taste AND COPING ? What a delicious combination.
>Have a budget to make a enhanced version of the games.
> Instead expand the player base, they proceed to make the same install base pay $60 to play the same game again.
kek, one the most moronic Japanese developer out there
I didn't think you could possibly suck any more dicks, and yet here you are.
Sony got fucking CAPCOM to censor DMC, you fuckers who think royal isn't going to get censored is beyond delusional.
Sony hate the japanese now, wake the fuck up.
> Seething so bad that the thought of someone owning a PS4 not engaging in pathetic console wars triggers him this badly
>Have the internet and all the free time available to properly learn how to speak English
>Instead, speak like a third world moneky
>all those seething replies
>all those replies in general to a relatively mundane post
I don't understand why you guys do this. I mean, I get the seething, but the amount is a bit much when the responses are pretty samey.
You faggots are literally obsessed with Metacritic, don’t give me that bullshit.
Caring about metacritic is another strike. Shit taste confirmed.
>"super serious 3rd person over the shoulder cinematic game with the same black, brown, grey colour palette no.32870532"
Did you read the other user post or are you just pretending? It's clear that japs don't care about their own games, only Nintendo games, Monster Hunter and mobile garbage like gachashit do well in Japan.
>You faggots
It's nice that outsiders don't even pretend anymore.
I bought a Switch purely for Mario Odyssey
I bought a Vita purely for Ys
I bought a PS4 purely for Nier Automata
I bought a Wii U purely for Mario Kart 8
Fuck off with the pointless brand loyalty
> Seething so bad that the thought of someone owning a PS4 not engaging in pathetic console wars triggers him this badly
Oh, like you're doing now?
It would help if you actually posted games and not boring as fuck drivel.
See and Besides that, they already patched the DMC5 censorship. P5R is basically ready to launch in Japan later this year, if something was censored we would already know by now.
DMC isn't censored.
But it was at one point.
In the west only.
On PS4 only.
Just because it got uncensored months later doesnt negate the fact that it did get censored.
Yeah it was, but the censorship was already removed with a patch.
Fuck off richfag
It was also censored on PC and Xbox depending on you region. It wasn't sony who did it, and on disc it wansn't censored either.
Bros you told me they would announce a Switch port during E3
No it wasn't faggot
Who the fuck cares
I already played it on a borrowed PS3 and it was a shit game compared to 3 and 4
Here you go little shitposter.
Not even 0.000001% of people that care about japanese games know moon
You were warned that Atlus is known for pulling this shit and you refuse to adapt.
Every worthwhile japanese game gets translated. And their strengths are generally gameplay like megaman or dmc not story.
lol I'm on NEETbux, wagie. Not my fault that I can save some of it every now and then.
It was never touched on Xbox and on PC it was a "toggleable" feature.
>Or you know they want to play exciting and fun games
They clearly dont or PS4 would sell more, are you fucking stupid?
>exciting games
Get a load of this fag
The sad part is that you poor EOPs actually think this, and you also think that your "translations" aren't complete shit.
cope you absolute retard
Dont worry its not a very good game.
Just a VN and a dungeon crawler slapped together without much thought
Low level weebs overrate the fuck out of it
The final boss is god by the way
But it's okay if Nintendo does it.
Everything is better than any nintendo game released in the last 5 years.
Capcom >>> nintendo.
I know 5 languages, JP is just one of them and he is 100% right.
Stop your stupid shitposting, is this how you try to convince yourself your life isnt worthless?
I donate a couple thousand a month to streamers. Why? It makes me feel nice when they say thank you to me and say my name in the chat. Is that a problem?
I do think it. Name 5 great games that haven't been translated in the last decade. VNs aren't games so don't bother.
I also think it doesn't matter how bad the translation is because you shouldn't be playing games for story and furthermore no videogame writing is literature tier so the small changes don't fucking matter.
ok retard
I can guarantee this won't be the case with the next Persona game. Atlus is already catching hell for this in Japan.
Compelling argument.
>Atlus is already catching hell for this in Japa
I don't think so
>I know 5 languages, JP is just one of them and he is 100% right.
Sure you do, user.
>is this how you try to convince yourself your life isnt worthless?
Easy on the projecting.
>Name 5 great games that haven't been translated in the last decade
SRW games.
> it doesn't matter how bad the translation is because you shouldn't be playing games for story
Nevermind, it's just ACfag. Why haven't you killed yourself already?
>trust me guys, atlus is terrified of the social rejects in japan who own a switch
Multiplatform games like Devil May Cry 5 are literally PS4 exclusives in Japan since the Xbox One is a failure around there. Is not this game exciting for you?
There have not been 5 great SRW games. And they're middle of the road SRPGs. Several have translations.
I don't know who that is. Games are for gameplay first, and there are like 10 games ever that have writing of a quality where translation mistakes start to matter.
It literally only said
>for Persona 5 ROYAL only
It could be that Persona 5 normal will get a port
This literally just says: Currently not. This doesn't mean they will never.
>There have not been 5 great SRW games.
Wrong. You've never played them so your second hand shitpost opinions are objectively worthless.
>Several have translations.
Very, very few.
>I don't know who that is.
Sure think, ACfag.
>Sega EU
Dude they're shitty fanfic games with mediocre mechanical depth.
Enough for me to know how they play and that there haven't been 5 great ones in the last 5 years.
Typical boogeyan shit when you have nothing else. I play plenty of games with stories including jrpgs. The SaGa series are godlike but they have great gameplay to supplement the story.
Don't fags like you scream, "I'll just emulate it!"
Oh yeah, that's right, stable PS4 emulation is still a pipe dream.
Not that user but what?
Sega EU are the ones pushing for PC ports.
>Dude they're shitty fanfic games with mediocre mechanical depth.
Ah, you know this based on the fact that you've actually played through them and aren't talking out of your ass like a fucking retard?
just pirate it on ps3
Why do you fuckers keep posting this Twitter account? Stop. Get the direct source.
you know what is stupid? that atlus has a sony preference for no reason
sony has no contracts, no exclusivity deal and no agevolation, atlus is simply a fucking snoynigger and then a nintennigger with SMT again, FOR NO FUCKING REASON
Good. If we're to come to the Switch, it would have boobs and shit. I hate it when women are objectified in games and IRL.
>I want them to go broke already.
Hey guys, have you heard? Coolface is dead
PS4 owner here. This isn’t good. Persona 5 have shit graphics, it could be ported with barely any problem to the switch. I don’t want a third party making an exclusive game, i preffer more people could enjoy it too.
>Emulation exists...
Based on the premise watching some videos and some basic research when I was craving an SRPG. I settled on Front mission and infinitely better series by the way.
Yea Forums is a Twitter loving fucking shithole now. If I had my way I'd just ban everybody who posts Twitter shit that isn't directly from a dev or publisher.
>Yea Forums claims to hate cinematic experiences
>Yea Forums can't stop begging for the one game that is 100% identical whether you play it yourself or watch it on Youtube
So can someone explain what sega/fatlus' endgame is here? As far as i know sony didn't bankroll any of the persona games, what do they get out of the exclusivity? What speaks against xbone or pc ports?
>watching some videos
Ah yes, the modern video game audience.
>Yea Forums is one person
Hello newfag
Doing research before playing a game is just basic due diligence. Play Front Mission to see how trash your game really is.
Xbox is like planet Uranus for them, they don't even consider it. Persona, Yakuza, Sakura Wars, not of this stuff releases on Xbox
PC is different, I think they fear about pirating/modding. Remember that P5 is one of the few games on PS4 that blocked the share button because Atlus feared "spoilers". They are completly paranoid when it comes to stuff like that
Atlus ≠ Sega
It’s most definitely not coming to Switch either. It’d be a a port of vanilla P5 if anything
If you like games why do you even have a PC?
>There are Nintendofags who spent money on Joker DLC
I'm totally buying every DLC character except him.
>I'm not even one of those faggots who's mad about "censorship", I just hate the Playstation brand.
get dabbed on nintencel
Nintendo is paying money so that Smashtards can buy DLC to get cucked.
Emulate it.
Unless they fix the retarded plot after Futaba's palace, this DLC won't be worth $60. Maybe once it had been out a while and is cheap just to see the new scenes and see if the new girl is any better than P4G'S Donutsteel character. Or maybe I'll just Youtube that shit. But if they do fix the later half the game to be as good as the first half, it will be worth it. I have cautious hope since they apparently plan to add an entire extra semester.
Why are nintendofags so obsessed with persona 5? I thought they didnt play "movie" games?
The last half of the game was easily the best part. Only actual retards pretend the Casino onward was bad.
they are pissed that P5S was not Persona 5 Switch but Persona 5 Scramble
This is bait. No one can actually have this shit of taste.
I'd say no one could be as stupid as you, but I know there are plenty of faggots who got mad that Goro was killed off, and plenty of retards that were confused and angry about the plot twist.
>Yea Forumsincels
>hahaha PS4 has no games
>also Yea Forumsincels
I have the money for a PS4, but I know the PS5 is not too far from now. I don't know if I should buy it at launch either, console launches are always a clusterfuck and an improved, better console will just come out a year or two later.
>owning a single console
poorfags rekt
>removed cake romances
what the fuck? really?
The PS5 plan is simple. If it has full backwards compatibility, buy at launch. If it doesn't, buy never.
>PS4 still relevant cause Sony heavily moneyhatted Japanese games on it
But its ok when Nintendo does it isnt it?
>monster hunter world is better because of grapfix
It's better because it's not on a handheld. Especially the fucking 3ds. I hated the 3ds but I'll follow monhun anywhere. I would have bought a switch if it went there instead.
>5-10 minute scene of goro and shido expositing all their evil deeds to each other
>5-10 minute scene of the phantom thieves explaining their intricate plot to Sojiro since these events happened off-camera
>Could have just had those events happened on camera
>Could have even given the player input in those events, maybe a gameover if they didn't figure out the obvious traitor wasn't the traitor
>"You are just too stupid to get the plot twist!!!"
No, this was M. Night Shamylan tier shitty writing.
>Yaldaboath is final boss because of course it's gotta be God
Also dumb, but I give it a pass since that's the entire Atlus franchise. Hell, Igor actually being evil was a good plot twist since it explained his weird voice change.
>didn't figure out the obvious traitor wasn't the traitor
It's amazingly that there are still people this fucking stupid that don't understand what the twist is, and then think their brainlet opinions on the plot matter.
>It's really fucking stupid that I need to buy a console for a specific game.
i know, right? why can't they just put mario on steam, fellow pc bros?
i still dont get why sega isnt porting these to pc, but doing so with yakuza? and Catherine?
because most third parties stopped making exclusives and switched to churning out safe, dumbed-down multiplats for the lowest common denominator.
the few studios who still do things the old way, like atlus, make all the casuals and zoomers who started gaming last generation seethe.
I got the twist. I am saying it is poorly written, like most of the game after Futaba.
>Haru's introduction was shit
>Morgana's shitty emo episode
Try taking Atlus's dick out of your mouth and think critically for once in your life.
persona has been on sony consoles for 20+ years. the persona audience owns sony consoles. clearly, they don't think they can gain much from porting them elsewhere.
PS4 truly did a number on nincels this generation
>I got the twist
Your post makes it painfully obvious that you didn't, which makes sense given that you're a fucking retard.
persona q2, persona 5 scramble, and sakurai is a big persona fan.
game boy micro is just another gba dumbass
>PS4 still relevant cause Sony heavily moneyhatted Japanese games on it.
no, you're thinking of what nintendo did with bayonetta, monster hunter (before world) and smt.
don't bother. any changes made to the original story will be called "censorship" by the port-beggars as a way for them to cope. this is despite the fact that if there were no major changes, the same people would be calling it a full-price rehash instead.
>Hurrrr you're dumb
>No u
Fuck off. Your inability to read isn't my problem.
I'll never understand why this Company is refusing easy money this enthusiastically.
20+ years of sony exclusivity, by a studio that is more loyal with their exclusives than the rest of the industry, but sure, keep telling yourself that it's going to change anytime soon.
protip: the industry's business decisions don't revolve around your party game's roster.
>Death Stranding
I don't trust in Goyima
>You don't get the twist because you're an idiot
>Hurr yes I du! look at my gud story idea!
>Those suggestions make it clear that you didn't get the twist
>Shut up!
Like every other ESLfag, you're posts are completely worthless.
>bing bing Wahoooooo
>thanks for a playing my smartaphone game
Im so glad nintendo ported mario
So that's what it's gonna be. We're gonna spin in cycles, I'm gonna call it a dumb twist, you're going to call me dumb because I think it's dumb. Real fucking great discussion, thanks user. See you at 10 for the group suicide.
> Bloodborne
> NiOh
> Nier A
> Persona
All the games not been made by their first party studios and only been exclusive/having some kind of deals with Sony in the some region
Yes, I was being sarcastic.
Why would anyone show loyalty to a video game brand? I just buy what's cheap and good, these are literal companies that don't give a shit about you
Not to mention one of their biggest moneyhat of all : FF VII remake
>We're gonna spin in cycles
No cycle, just a dead end. You didn't get the twist, just like every other idiot who complains about it.
bloodborne was a collaboration with japan studio. nioh, nier and mhw aren't exclusives.
>any worthwhile games, ever
why do you keep doing this? nothing they ever produced was good
Oh no, how will I survive this?
>modders start porting halo exclusives to pc through leaked builds
>microsoft decides to get ahead of it and officially release them while they can still make money
>ps3 emulation reaches the point where p5 is fully playable and moddable
>atlus sticks their head in the sand and insists that it has to stay exclusive
you mean the timed exclusive at best? sorry, but moneyhatting is a nintendo thing. they have to moneyhat to make third parties put up with the gimmicks, underpowered hardware, and fanbase that only buys bing bing wahoo instead of third-party games.
agreed, fellow pc bros! why hasn't nintendo ported botw and odyssey to pc since we can emulate those?
Nintendo owns the hardware those games are on. Atlus has no reason to be loyal to specific hardware, unless they are being paid to do so with an exclusivity contract.
right on, fellow pcbro! maybe they'll port smtv to steam if we make enough change.org petitions!
I'm not surprised but I gotta wonder why Atlus took extra care to make sure the idea of it being on PC was never going to happen, both with their incredible hostility toward the emulated version of it and even down to shit like having Joker's costume be the only one redacted from the Sonic Force's PC release
check wiki again, the game fully developed by From Software (programmer,designer,artist) under direct supervision of Miyazaki. The only Sony guy in the development team is only as an producer. Thats way they will never make the sequel without FS help again.
Sony publish the consoles version outside if Japan. PC version comes late (one year later) - timed exclusive
Sony have marketing deal for Asian region, thats way PC version doesn't have a release date until PS4 japanese ver launch, PC Asia region get priced same as the US version while PS4 Asia version priced cheaper than US PS4 version and doesn't get Chineese & Korean language until now
Again Sony have exclusive deal for Asian region, Thats way the XBOX version doesn't been released on Asia.
Anime-watching incels don't own the Xbone
Nobody here wants that shitty game
cringe. I'm not the user you originally responded to, you falseflagging retard. Go change.org your dilator your corporate cocksucking tranny
> So timed exclusive with the clause "cannot disclose the release date for another platfom" is not moneyhatted?
Nintendo also do the same sure but for this gen Sony still do a lot more.
This pile of games genuinely makes me sad. Someone spent so much money for so few worthwhile titles.
I can relate. For me it was more modding the Wii u so I could play Pokemon Colosseum and fire emblem path of radiance. Tokyo mirage was also surprisingly good. Loved the combat on hard.
it would be a gigantic waste of money to moneyhat something that's not even going to be exclusive.
the original game was a timed exclusive for the ps1, so it makes sense that the remake would be a timed exclusive for the ps4. no moneyhatting necessary.
It's even sadder now because of MCC and Sunset Overdrive going multiplat
That's because they are.
That depends, If Sony think that will make their Console look better in the eyes of their fans why not, even as an timed exclusive. Sales of consoles games always front loaded anyway, while PC's usually equally distributed between launch and sales.
>SEGA/Atlus release surveys asking about what games players want on PC
>Make Persona 5 an option
>Still won’t do it
They’re fucking retarded.
>Was a flop in Japan
>"Lets not dub it to save money"
>Ensures a flop in the west
Better console and fanbase
isn't this Q&A about the royal?
they already fucked PC with Catherine classic
>Atlus randomly decide to release Catherine on the PC when no one asked for it.
>Say in the RPCS3 DMCA that they are "listening to the fans."
>Continue to only release games on PS4 despite not having any financial incentive to do so.
>SMTV still a Switch exclusive despite running on UE4.
I'm so confused, at least I can emulate all their games except for P5R, but considering the pile of trash that game is looking to be, it's probably no loss.
Stop supporting console exclusives in general for all platforms
She’s literally in the cup you fucking retards just like she always was in this battle, you can see her legs dark in the glass
>Atlus randomly decide to release Catherine on the PC when no one asked for it.
right before they released a newer, better version as a console exclusive.
To be fair the reason a lot of people wanted it to go to switch is that it is cheaper to buy a switch and then a new version of P5 then a PS4 Pro.
Either way though I'm past it. I'll just throw Royal "The movie" on in the background and play CK2 when somebody uploads it to youtube.
They are like most Jap devs, they like to do things a certain way unless a factor pushes them into a corner to change just like how they like certain games on Nintendo platform and certain games on Playstation
it's run by grandpas
>considering the pile of trash that game is looking to be
It's been a while since I've seen the mustard race cope this hard.
Persona - sony
SMT - nintendo
If persona goes to Nintendo then SMT should go to Sony it's not a hard concept
She's in the cup in the first place and Mishima was his damn lackey/ball boy/bitch. It makes sense for a cognitive version to be there and be his spineless help. Probably adds flavor more to his spike attack and getting his other pawns to attack with the volleyballs.
I don't want to defend Atlus putting this out as their damned glorified, "Persona 5 Ultra Super Turbo Arcade," edition, but quit spouting baseless bogeyman shit.
Was Catherine Full Body censored? P5 isn't a very sexualized game outside of swimsuits and some outfits so I doubt it would be censored that much.
I've played every single Persona game you dumb nigger. Kasumi is turning out to be Marie but even more intrusive and letting Akechi live is just pure fanfiction for the fujofags. Console wars are retarded and so are you.
It wasn't censored but it may have been "self-censored"
>atlus usa makes surveys
>atlus japan (the people who actually make the decisions) ignores them
Just emulate it? You don't need a PS4 to play this game.
supposedly atlus usa changed some of the dialogue because resetera screeched at them. in other words, the same thing nintendo did with mr. game & watch's feather in smash and didn't get criticized for.
SEGA needs to scrape Atlus, fire their CEO and have one of their EU team take the spot of CEO. Force these idiots to make all their games multiplatform: PS4, XBONE, Switch, PC. Fire anyone who disagrees about it.
>few worthwhile titles
Well thats your opinion I guess
>MCC and Sunset going multiplat
So more people will enjoy those great games. Why is that sad ??
There is no PS4 emulator right now and there probably won't be one for another 5 years or something.
The game is on PS3 too. You're retarded if you absolutely want to play the R game which has absolutely no content worth playing it over vanilla.
>I've played every single Persona game you dumb nigger.
I'm sure you have.
>Kasumi is turning out to be Marie but even more intrusive
Nothing about her looks that way. She looks like she's going to be a sort of foil within the main cast.
>letting Akechi live is just pure fanfiction for the fujofags
If they keep him alive and forgive him, it'll be 100% garbage and ruin the entire game, but no one outside of a few wild fujos wants that.
>and so are you.
I'm not the retard who's ignoring the gameplay stuff they showed as well as the new events and making wild assumptions about the main story based on nothing. The only retard here is you.
shitposts, and brand loyalty bullshit aside. I will never understand this. I feel like porting something so simple to PC would be really easy and cheap.
it runs well with RPS3. So you can just emulate it. But I agree, I don't have loyalty or care about brands. I am an idort. but people who celebrate exclusives should kill themselves.
>which has absolutely no content worth playing it over vanilla.
Can someone please stop all this PC asshurt?