Yea Forums's google history
Yea Forums's google history
what do you call this thing?
She's a million years old
How to disown my dyke daughter
What the fuck am i even looking at?
an australian. few steps below a human
Stop bringing this cringe back
Yea Forums IS google history?
the google history of Yea Forums?
>my Google history
My wife must never know...
I use bing.
>socks and sandals
Somehow that's a trend. I hate this world.
I live in a hot climate so socks help mitigate the vinegary smell my feet get after a while.
since when is it a fucking trend
i hope you're bullshitting me
There is nothing wrong with socks and sandals. It is the most efficient footwear.
yeah, the most efficient way to tell if someone is fucking subhuman
Shit if ONLY people knew the shit Ive googled
I mean it's likely someone out there knows but shit they must be just as degenerate cuz I haven't been outed yet
Yea Forums's Google search history
>sex change
>sex change operation video
>dilation video
>tranny suicide rate
>transgenders in video games
>transgenders in media
>trannies in speedrunning
>tranny speedrun cringe
>narcissa wright
>trannies relation to jews
>trannies vs traps
>hormone replacement
>bbc on shemale
>shemale escorts in area
>transgender dating site
I guess it's different for each country, but I noticed cute teen girls wearing that here in Spain
>how to become the girl
>hrt therapy
>can I keep the penis?
>transgender suicide rate(again)
like pineapple on pizza
everyone reviled it for ages, somehow it became a mainstream topic, there was a pushback from people whom claimed to have always loved it and now it's socially acceptable and trendy to like it
Why are dictators so fucking aesthetic? and why is their facial hair game always on-point?
It. You call it "it"
since 2017
stop acting like your parents, faggot
The guy who invented Hawaiian pizza died a few years ago and that's when it became a mainstream topic. Then the irl equivalent of Yea Forums contrarians forced themselves to consume it so that they could be part of the minority and the only thing that keeps them eating the disgusting sweet fruit on top of the pizza is being salty about their minority not being so small anymore because of themselves.
Disgusting aussie zoomer piece of trash
Here it is
I remember people making fun of G*rman tourists wearing socks and sandals since I were born, so it's not really a new trend...
I hope in 50 years trannies will be extinct.
I want to fuck demi!!!!!!
It could be worse
15 years ago this image would've been from some bit on adult swim. Now it's reality. This creature unironically chooses to look this way in public. Human beings are a disaster that needs to be ended
i use duckduckgo because i am based and redpilled
>ghadaffi's nasty-ass pubes
>on point
Dude what
>tfw you were born in the weak men create hard times period
Not him but 6 out of 8 is impressive
The future
>there are people in this thread that actually recognized the person in that picture
I've seen some ugly chicks, but this one would take the cake if that is one.