I found this

I found this

Attached: 8CF4B12F-BB14-410D-9BDD-7C0E6051E950.jpg (1024x576, 56K)

It's dead, Jim

Attached: prepare_your_NUTS.jpg (1675x940, 65K)

Half-Life confirmed for Smash.

>make fake shit
>keep posting it.

fake and gay?

Is that Sly Cooper?

looks like an abandoned crowbar
are they finally going to announce valve is shutting down their game studios?

hey OP I found this!!!

Attached: 1554526585884.jpg (358x358, 20K)

new drop weapon feature update for hl2

half life 3 will come with the second vive and will be 100% VR exclusive
you can mark my words

too niche never ever
at most they'll have some shitty portal spinoff with an arg in vr to generate hype for hl3

>they care
they'd get their money back within the week with the vive 2 sales senpai
will also serve as the testbed for the new features introduced with the new headset, and especially the new controllers

think wii-sports but made by actual developers and not underpaid gooks

I found this

Attached: 1537647129068.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

Attached: dog (135237).jpg (400x400, 81K)

Fake and gay.



uhhh guys i found this

Attached: d4d.gif (607x609, 753K)

Wow this totally confirms it
>some autist unironically thinks this


Attached: 61598781_10213508620980178_6212313861702287360_n.jpg (960x700, 39K)

Why is the crying reptiloid giving me a joint to smoke? I mean, I'll smoke it, but what's his end game?

Attached: 1481173252133.png (1080x1057, 726K)

I've found it too now.
3 hits ain't a lot though.

Attached: 2019-06-07 04_01_22-_v_ - Video Games » Searching for posts with the image hash ‘2oCXdv0M9k4oZTLf (779x555, 173K)

his endgame is that you relax

Attached: 61450240_411525163021428_6571754439139393536_n.jpg (172x200, 7K)

He looks like he means business

Attached: 1477223509095.jpg (1200x1117, 76K)

Attached: 1536244475127.jpg (773x760, 148K)