The E3 betting special has arrived.
What'd you bet on?
The E3 betting special has arrived
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I bet all money on Doug Bowser not making a Bowser joke
smart money, you bet 420 bucks on something big and then just throw 20 around so that it accepts it.
I bet all my money on Fable 4 being a soft reboot soulless open world trash.
But I can't watch the video now, due to wagecuckery
I bet 420 bucks on phil spencer taking more than 24 seconds to start his speech
I refuse to accept that as something Nintendo would allow
>when Kyle said "cunny" on stream
How did he get away with this?
He was always our guy
That one autistic guy in chat then proceeded to type in
>'Cunny' - bosman 2019
Made my bets
What's the deal with him? Is he a bot? Is it pure autism? What's his endgame?
You niggas are crazy if you don't think he'll make a bowser joke. Does it count if its just some background gag instead of him literally saying it?
I think he's just googles prototype voice recognition software, being tested on the EZA twitch channel
Bowser joke is too easy, someone else will make one but he won't.
You niggas bet too safe, live a little.
You're going to retire with all your don bucks?
It was between Ben and Kyle.
I liked Ians final bet
>not betting against FFVII release date
It's not happening guys.
I should have bet more money against it, easy win.
The odds on that bet are way too good, you'd be a fool to not throw some money into it
1. Retro's not showing off a new game, at least they're more likely not to than to do it.
Having to bet on 5 is ruining my top strategy of topping the scoreboard with one well placed bet
20 on Mega Man X is free money
Their betting specials used to be fun as hell when it was just Kyle and Huber, I haven't watched them since they started involving the whole group.
This video was good, no personality gimmicks, bunch of wild bets and good jokes, don is always a pleasure.
I missed the part where you could write in your own final bet.
Xbox announces a handheld gaming console.
This one is probably their best one yet tho. And they dropped the alter ego gimmick.
Good to hear, I skimmed through betting specials of past years, and whenever I saw the alter egos I had to turn it off in second hand embarrassment.
Seriously, what made these specials good and fun were the dynamic between Bosman and Huber, the others don't have it, so why change it?
I can safely say there’s no chance of that.
Sony completely backed out of the Vita. Xbox looks to be expanding games and services to other platforms.
Here's mine mostly all in on No release date for FF7
This was my favourite EZA betting special. I want an user making a webm of Brandon complaining about the lack of content on EZA
I know its never happening. Would have been interesting though.
you're gonna earn cash, but is life truly worth living coasting on safe bets?
Was Damianis Final Bet just "Mario Oddesey 2 and you can play other characters?" Hows that an impossible thing to happen?
I'll justify the other bets.
1) FF7 will have a year but definitely no date.
2) I would have gone Doom over Halo but as a Halo fan I went with the heart on blood gultch
3) I'm going no bowser joke for a big payout remember a joke can be made but it will only count if he makes it.
4) Megaman x is for Kyle and my friend who loves him dream pick with a big payout
5) Nintendo I'm certain will be mentioned at Xboxs conference but its a big payout and I betted small so I wont loose that much.
Bloods bet is the one I'd want the most so I went for that.
My final bet with full characters
At Nintendos Direct, Crash is back in a CG announcement for Crash Bandicoot 4. It fades to black with a release year but fades back with Crash sleeping with an envolope falling from the sky and landing in his mouth waking him up. He spits it out and sees it's the Smash logo. Crash "Woahs" Cut to black.
Of course Todd isn't apologizing, he's going to act cute about it and move on
People really don't expect Todd to apologise?
See I don't gamble so if I actually did I'd play it safe with good odds then go small for heart picks that I'm happy to loose a small amount. Definitely no Kaji. Couldn't even finish ultimate survivor its too intense.
Same, I definitely wouldn't make this kind of bet if I was betting my real don bucks and not the fake kind.
Holy shit user, you're gonna rake it in. What was your dreams? I wish they gave us more then 88 characters
TWEWY 2 announcement for 2020
Pretty good stuff there, Dennis.
The odds on this bet are way above average, the suckers who took the poll didn't know what they were talking about.
We're gonna make it brah
I did the same. Gonna swim in those sweet Donbucks.
Huber strats
I'm glad it's Huber and Bosman again
Link the special in the OP mayne
I love the all in bets, good show
Bloodworth bets
huber bets
Don is absolutely based, love his take on betting
Ye I really want him to win, especially after the perfection that was his outro.
Hand over the cash.
>huber swearing after don reveals the flaw of the camera bet
>what is nostalgia if not a love for the past
Absolutely best guy they have
There's a new betting video? Nice one of the last few thing I care about EZA now
>1 hour
What the fuck
E3 bets are great fun. I wish I had thought of it like a decade ago already.
Lame final bets
How are these guys? Are they worth watching?
The betting special is probably not the best intro, but it's one of the most fun things they do. Check iit out.
What was that bit at the start, is Jones having a kid?
Nah, mostly just entry tier opinions spread across countless hour podcasts.
Their good content is spread very far apart and their betting specials are their best shit.
Half is good, the other half is cancer, especially the fat one.
I bet he's a console wojak poster here on Yea Forums.
There's a guy with 70 IQ in the lot, hyping anything and everything.
Just based on first impression, they kinda got a rlm vibe to them.
They're turbo SJWs, don't be fooled.
Brandon, Blood, Kyle and Ian are good. Rest is shit, especially Huber.
Don is an ok guest appearance.
But post bets faggit
I already have.
Both RE and DMC need to be replaced with Halo and something else soon in that picture. The next bandwagon is never far off.
Oh nice, I thought Amanda was too old
Does anyone have the achieve it video(s)?
Can't believe the big boy slip bet was trashed like that.
Ubisoft might have people on roller blades this time, it's the best chance we've ever had.
I basically did as well, especially after hearing that last year was 24 seconds before he started.
haven't watched EZA in a few months, have they gotten any better since the studio move
Did they ever acknowledge how utterly btfo they were by the Death Stranding release date?
Im real tired of them insisting literally every new AAA release is next gen
He doubled down in that IGN "interview."
Fairly unlikely I don't think Nintendos done any big direct sequels lately
Yeah that was the big hint for me, the people who were asked the questions probably didn't actually know how long it took and badly underestimated.
It's the Kyle effect. He's been pushing the next gen meme hard since 2018.
Not really, the studio only serves as a convenient locLe for them that isn't literally some dudes garage. The production quality isn't noticeably better across the board and all of their new shows are Patreon locked. Barely anything has changed
post them
Huber was great at GT. He was genuinely enthusiastic and optimistic but didn't shy away from criticism when needed (him saying that Fallout 4 only got nominated for a bunch of GotY's because it was Fallout is one of the most redpilled things a journo has said) but now he just leans too hard on trying to make everything happy and positive all the time.
Well he needs to getup there and eat a bag of dicks and crow
>two characters revealed for Smash
Lame final bet. You need to at least state who they are or what franchise/companies they'll be from.
Some magic happened in the last 2 years where he got everything he wanted vidya wise and I think the hype and endorphins broke his brain a little
I feel like I played it safe on the final bet
>check the final bets page on that website
>most are basic shit like "company announces [x] game" without any twists
where the fuck are your ambitions goddamnit
People seem too optimistic desu. Most of this shit won't happen.
Atlus announces Raidou 3 developed with Platinum and releasing next year
Achieve if yourself:
Final Bet: A new non-mobage Breath of Fire game is announced
I want to believe!
Reminder that Jones a best
This is a great concept.
I've never been into "official" achievements, but I always did silly stuff like this from way before achievements became a thing.
Massive mistake making this patreon-exclusive.
couple more years and maybe they'll advance from trying to not offend their demographic of complete bitches
that's true of any patreon exclusive
like not even with EZA just in general. I don't think it ever drives anybody on the fence to giving them money, best case scenario it drives current patrons to up their pledge to get access to whatever "free shit" tier you have while the ones who weren't sure just wait for someone to leak the videos out.
still think the dumbest I've seen is with EZA though, making a podcast about recently-released movies/games/etc. where they discuss them in full detail patreon-exclusive and as such absolutely killing the massive reach those kinds of videos would have dead in the water.
is there an ep. 1? or just a playlist of the exclusive shit in general
1 is the only public episode
First one was made public.
Ep 1 is public, on their youtube.
ah, haven't watched EZA since they defended chinese crackdown of that one steam game a while ago honestly
>blood on that mario tennis
Unironically impressive. It's actually surprisingly difficult.
>still think the dumbest I've seen is with EZA though, making a podcast about recently-released movies/games/etc. where they discuss them in full detail patreon-exclusive and as such absolutely killing the massive reach those kinds of videos would have dead in the water.
Absolutely this.
I just want to know when the conferences are. Watching them with Yea Forums is always fun
Yeah I wish there was a way to find out when they are! :(
Didn't damiani get caught cheating in a speedrun or something
I'm gunna need a source on this, Kyle's been super sjw since eza started.
Yeah, he did a very poor job splicing together Zelda runs. When people called him out on it, he explained that because his capture card and PC were bad, he had to record the footage in chunks and reassemble them later. Unfortunately, he had a habit of accidentally jumbling different runs together and somehow slipping all his fastest segments in to single runs.
he got caught splicing, maintained it was just due to recording software limitations but even if that's true and it wasn't splicing for cheated best runs it throws the whole thing into question and he shoulda just done segmented runs instead.
Don't watch anything with Damiani, Ben, or Ian, they're giga sjws
what the fuck
>Kyle's been super sjw since eza started.
he's always been like that, he lives in california after all. it's just that once the hugbox cult that is the EZA fanbase formed he and the rest got a lot less subtle about it
I fucked up
which member of the wutang is this?
>he doesn't dare to dream for final bets
Did the site break? My submission won't go through
It takes like 15 minutes to go through for some reason.
look here, I bet your name is on the list:
>duh huh huh what if they cancelled E3
is it possible for ian to not be a dipshit
>what is Final Bet
>please keep your final bet positive and e3 focused l&r
Fucking kill me
I don't think he was saying that in extreme earnest, it's just a funny joke, how would it even work.
I hate Ian as much as the next guy, but he wasn't that unbearable in this special. Especially since he didn't have his persona.
I think they're just asking people not to make it shit like "all niggers just suddenly die and the world is forever a happier place" and all that.
I stopped watching Kyle streams because they became 8 hour sessions of nothing. Where was he dropping cunny bombs?
he probably didn't, or if he did because he was reading some dumb name.
>Switch DVD drive
>that time he was tricked into saying "negro"
Still makes me laugh.
Anybody who didn't bet on a bowser joke is literally, insanely, fucking retarded. The very first picture of bowser, has him smiling with MARIO AND LUIGI, tied up behind him, little plushie toys. They will NEVER get a chance to make the joke again. I'm not even saying he'll do a whole bit, but him even BRINGING IT UP counts as a joke.
If he says "don't worry, I'm not going to make a bowser joker" counts. He will 100%%%%% say something along these lines. That is the same if a new ceo took over Microsoft and his name was fucking George Master Chief, and then when he said his full name, we were expected to just smile and pretend he never said it.
Sony's fucking new ceo takes over, Tim Bandicoot, comes out on stage and introduces him self with no joke. How insane would that be?
FUCK all the other bets, ALL IN ON BOWSER JOKE. Trust me on this. I'm retiring in a fucking mansion with my don money and changing my last name to Metroid
>Darkie McNegro
He's right, you know. Changing my fucking bets, god damn it user.
Remember when they didn't count that fat bird in the Unravel 2 reveal as a big boy slip?
My dude, if you vote yes you get like a maximum of 140 bucks off a 420 bet. It might be guaranteed but it's no way to truly live in prosperity and rake in the don bucks.
yeah, that was dumb. they counted the fat guy tripping on stage instead.
it wasn't "negro" it was Darky McNegro
I remember the entire chat laughing like hyenas at how fucked that was outside of one or two mods or mod wannabes (fuck if I remember) having an autistic temper tantrum
Remember the time Ben got tricked into saying "homo" or something like that and he took a hissy fit and deleted the entire archives of the stream because he didn't want anyone seeing that.
A highscore card would take the remaining 80 bucks and put them on every other low probability bet, even if they all lose you aint losing much.
It's like this is your guys first session of degenerate gambling, all in or nothin.
you're addicted to SAFE BETS, FOR CASUALS.
"I've read that our games have had a few bugs"
"I read it on the internet so it must be true"
Frankly I don't think todd would even be there.
You think they would find a way to force him to take the flack for all that shit on stage? No way man, he's in Hawaii for the next 5 years until the whole thing blows over.
>all in on X
when I made my card I was thinking about the bets themselves and not the money but if I were to redo it I'd probably dump a shitload more than like 60 or 80 into that one, it just feels right and pays big.
That was a joke, and made at a time where they didn't have too bad of an image. Their image has absolutely changed now. People took that as a light joke then without much outrage, but you know damn well that joke wouldn't go over the same right now, regardless of it being just as true then as it is now.
Didn't we just get an article saying something like TES and Starfield are 100000000000 years away? Why the fuck would Todd "If I lie, I fly, but if I fly, I may also die" Howard show his little smug face? He isn't apologising for shit kek
"dude we're sorry fallout was shit" ?????????????????????????
This, whos laughing now!
In this zero consequence world, there's absolutely no reason not to place your wager in a way where the only possibilities are you topping the scoreboard and losing.
This plus the fact Brandon seems to think so too, and he's like an insider professional.
I’m betting that Sekiro DLC will be shown at the XBOX press conference.
If I lose I’ll sell my beloved Xbox 360
Starfield sure as hell isn't releasing any time soon, he's got no reason to show his face. By this time next year people would have long forgotten about 76.
>The very first picture of bowser, has him smiling with MARIO AND LUIGI, tied up behind him, little plushie toys
That's not him making a joke specifically. I guarantee if that went to council it wouldn't be counted.
So him tieing up luigi and Mario and purposefully putting them in the frame shot isn't a purposeful joke? I'm not saying that counts FOR THIS BETTTING session by the way, no. I'm saying that is -still- a joke, and proves that another is fucking coming.
Hey that's basically my bet, see you on the top.
Then the council is FUCKING STUPID.
Tell me someone saved that before he deleted it
There's not enough bets this special, and most of them are pretty meme tier and basically 50/50.
What makes everyone believe this Bowser guy is gonna appear at all?
He replaces reggie so people assume he'll have the same public presence, or will at least introduce himself in their show. It's not a crazy gamble but it could not happen and he just works behind the scenes.
Reggie was the presenter of almost all E3 shows in recent years. Reggie is no longer with the company.
Man talking about spreading your assets, you'll probably end up leaving with like 510 don bucks.
Their final bets were weak af.
Unless I'm right about everything
That's the real gamble
then you truly are a prophet
Playing it safe
hold up is the microsoft conference before or after the nintendo direct
this makes or breaks my donbuck spending
Reminder that the Allies hate him almost as much as we do. I'm a pretty big fan and I watch ALL their content and they shit on Damiani all the time. Sometimes even while he's in the room with them. Fucker's too autistic to notice though.
Microsoft is always first, nitnendo is always last
He will participate in a joke, he won't make one himself. He'll probably be introduced with Bowser music or something but he won't debase himself.
They better repeat this shock or scoff next year.
Literally the first thing he did when he joined Nintendo was make a Bowser joke, you'd be a retard if you think there's not gonna be a single Bowser joke in what will likely be his introduction as CEO.
That's a pretty strong final bet you've got there. A shame it'd never happen. It should though.
Yeah this seems like an absolutely great way to engage the audience, I only barely even pay attention to it outside the videos but this really got me into it.
Get styled on gents. This is what peak performance looks like.
She is. It's going to be a mess.
>Ubisoft might have people on roller blades this time
Women and twinky faggots. They aren't putting a "big boy" on rollerblades
I am almost certain that Kingdom Battle will get a sequel / successor. But honestly, even in the case of that happening, I am only like 50/50 on the Rabbids actually being part of it even if it is Ubisoft.
I mean they could easily end up doing something like Splatoon: Kingdom Battle or something, but without Rabbids. For waht it's worth they did Starfox without Rabbids.
it gives me joy when Kyle calls him on his shit
Kyle: I'm going to have to limit you to 3 nintendo mentions per podcast
Damiani: *makes every single point of discussion about xbox, square enix and every other unrelated company about nintendo*
>I mean they could easily end up doing something like Splatoon: Kingdom Battle or something, but without Rabbids.
Do you REALLY think Ubi-fucking-soft is gonna make another Kingdom Battle without shilling one of their brands?
I'm worried about bowser bet
Does an attempted ollie counts if it was still an obvious attempt at an ollie?
I could see some background punk doing a poor attempt of an ollie before the camera cuts away.
Oh god yeah. That's the worst.
Nothing worse than Damiani on the EZA Podcast. Fucker just shuts up and sits there staring into distance for an hour with occasional breaks to mention Nintendo and Final Fantasy 14
just want to add that I couldn't fit it in, but I mean Doom guy literally fucking kills banjo, as in her tears him asunder out of nowhere. It's all cute and happy and then he just drop down ripping and tearing
Things have actually gotten worse. They've cancelled a lot of shows and replaced them with either shit or nothing at all and group streams regularly only have 4-5 people, one of which is usually damiani fucking everything up
when's e3
You can't bet 500?
you gotta put it on at least 5 bets, max you can do for one is 420 but then the rest are 20
That'd be too easy, one good call and nobody can beat you on the leaderboards.
This means that you have to be right about at least 4 other things.
I bet everything I could (420) on X, for the biggest payout possible. Let's hope luck is on my side
True champion move.
>that intro bit
this is what I miss about GT that EZA hasn't really done, good shit
BET ON ALL THE LOW ODDS. that's my entire strategy
Don is an absolute treasure.
>ben the only one spreading bills like he's making it rain at a strip joint
Let me dream, man.
its not even that unlikely
He was revealed for a bit last e3 during smash bros
>6 breath of fire final bets
Not bad. More than I thought.
Also Mega Man X is making a comeback for sure. They made a new classic title and it was successful. They made the legacy collections and they were successful. X will most likely return before they make a brand new spin-off or revive some other branch of Mega Man, and the time for it is now.
Ben is alright when he's being chill and himself, some of the early gametrailers shit shows that he can be a funny guy.
It's just that all the Huber rubbed off on him and he often gets into a competition of being a hypeman, and he isn't 1/10th as good at it and doesn't come off as genuine.
Big Marring next year.
Sorry lads but this is the unbeatable bet. Based Cap will lead me through maximum Don Bux. Plus my final bet is the best bet.
You've got some balls
>he doesn't think that, especially with Ninja Theory's game, there won't be anything to hit the camera lenses
good marks
interesting final bet play Marble it Up
There's no way in hell Captain America doesn't have a "Vintage" and "Modern" look. The whole game is gonna be full of Games as Service shit and cosmetics are 100% part of that.
Oh fuck you're right. Imagine if Phoenix Wright's reveal has him getting final smashed by Mega Man. Or even if some quick shot of Smash menus shows the X avatar/spirit. That's lowkey the easiest Don Bucks payout.
based final bet
Don't disappoint me DOOM Eternal.
I didn't go for it, but the maximum amount of Don Bucks that can be won is 2721.86.
"Sony will crash the party" is the funniest shit to me.
Don videos are the fuckin best, he's an absolute champ on both funhaus and EZA, and his mario maker videos on gametrailers were hilarious.
So we're all in agreement that the best all-in bet would be Microsoft not saying Nintendo during their conference, correct?
Not when Captain America can wear multiple outfits. But for the sake of Hubers bet then yes you're right.
No, because a single Nintendo Switch mention breaks the entire bet.
It's far too risky. Not the good kind of risky. Something like Ori or even Minecraft on the Switch could ruin it all.
>Not when Captain America can wear multiple outfits.
For real, when have we had a Super Hero game this side of the millennium, when the hero did not wear a gazillion costumes?
I really hope they will mention Nintendo at Microsoft. It would be so lame when Huber just wins the whole thing with one of the first bets.
nah, X appearing. It's not set in stone or anything but it's got a far greater chance than the people setting the odds seem to realize and unlike the Microsoft-Nintendo thing where one word can ruin you, here one frame of appearance can win you everything.
It would be much better if Microsoft was one of the final E3 conferences, but its first basically every year.
>It would be so lame when Huber just wins the whole thing with an incredibly risky bet that he went all-in on
just because it happened at the start of the video doesn't mean it isn't still the riskiest business of the bunch.
In before ZX 3 actually happens, but not regular X.
On easy allies not being a nintendo/console-centric group with zero interesting opinions.
But if I did that, I guess I'd lose.
Microsoft is one of the first conferences, though
They never actually say all of the platforms a multiplat is going to be on, its usually just up on screen after the trailer ends. The bet is someone actually has to say the word Nintendo which I think is rather unlikely. Also Microsoft's conferences rarely have people come out and stage to talk about them anymore. Its mostly just trailer after trailer and Phil comes out to say some "This is the future of gaming blah blah blah" bullshit.
>Also Microsoft's conferences rarely have people come out and stage to talk about *their games* anymore
EZA are hard-on Sonyfags though.
I'm sorry, I'm not a retarded faggot so I think I'll pass.
Except Damiani
>I think I'll pass
>by going out of my way to post in a thread about it
Cheers for the bump. Your post and potential (yous) will continue to keep the thread up. Good job
Not really, his obsession with Final Fantasy rivals the one he has with Zelda, and he's brought games like Shadow of the Colossus to HoG before.
Here's a bet:
Damiani will have a live moral panic the next time Barret is shown in the next FF7R trailer.
I looked at their uploads for the last month-ish and outside of the betting special everything looked boring as shit (podcast after podcast after podcast or just reviews/previews) with the sole exception being something about getting achievements in switch games that only has one episode.
I feel like they either need to segregate the podcasts to a different channel or upload more interesting content inbetween them at least
Will the shitstorm be bigger for Barret (now that everyone knows to be offended) or for Tifa (regardless of whether she's toned down or not)?
No it's the phil spencer bet
>0 panel de pon related final bets
FF VII release date, Megaman X and Doug Bowser are all better. Microsoft will definitely say something about the switch.
Yeah most of their content is garbo
>Everybody laughing at Huber for thinking Nintendo won't be mentioned at MS's conference
Stop. No amount of (You)'s will make me change my mind.
>only has one episode
3 actually , but as already mentioned in the thread it's foolishly patreon exclusive.
Like I get that they really want to incentivise people to sign up for the patreon, and I am not even against them trying to make money somehow. But it's exactly as you say, their channel is extremely lacking in exciting content. Forget about incentives for signing up to the patreon, they should probably try to expand their audience. Someone not already familiar with EZA, checking out their youtube channel, is unlikely to follow the channel though. Because all the interesting videos are paywalled and invisible to casual browsers.
Final Fantasy isn't Sony exclusive, and even I like SotC despite Sony.
Honestly the dude barely played God of War. Does he even like The Last of Us? Insomniac's Spiderman?
Damiani loves like 50% of Nintendo and then hates 50% of Nintendo.
Meanwhile he loves like 40% of Sony but remains neutral of 60% of Sony.
>FF VII release date
Considering its going to be in episodes and that last trailer showed a decent amount of actually finished looking gameplay I'd say its a safe bet we get a release date.
>Megaman X
This is definitely the other best option for sure. Might end up betting on this haven't decided yet.
>Doug Bowser
You can't be serious. The VERY first thing they did when he first appeared was make a Bowser joke.
I wished my final bet is FF7 Remake reveals Tifa's tits are bigger then they were in FF7 just to see him squirm
This is one of my favorite webms ever.
I wouldn't know exact numbers.
Also slightly related, what's Jones' problem with Yoshi? He loves Animal Crossing but comfy green egg dinosaur games are too much for him?
Definitely one of the best betting specials.
The Yoshi thing is an exaggerated joke because of his reaction to the reveal of Crafted World basically just being "it's Yoshi but cardboard."
They need more bets, feels like kyle was lazy with them
I'm fearless, and I've got the biggest balls of them all.
>Ape Escape 4
if only.
You have an actual problem if you got that annoyed.
>all these idiots think retro isn't showing a new game
Holy shit, are you serious? There is absolutely no way they won't tease their next game this year.
Thats what you said last year, and the year before that. And the year before that.
I'm banking on it getting delayed hard so they can focus on helping with MP4
Everything got cancelled/they possibly helped with LABO development and they're just moving on to MP4.
>the mega man x bet is only the 7th most popular bet
I was sure it was going to be one of the most popular bets. I know that modern Capcom are being modern Capcom, but people really don't have much confidence or care much for Mega Man nowadays do they?
I'll win it all on this bet though, you'll see. X will reveal himself and Mega Man will rise again.
so just like rlm
Have not seen this in while.
I betted on them revealing a new game too. But honestly, this is the last chance of it actually happening. Metroid Prime 4 development is starting.
If it's not shown this E3, then Retro's game was surely cancelled in development hell before even seeing the light of day.
>Sony crashes the party with Ape Escape 4
Achieve it Yourself and that bootleg First Fifteen are probably the best things they've done since Brandon Plays Pokemon and making it patreon exclusive is so counterintuitive.
I'm sure the thought process is making content people actually wanna watch patreon exclusive will drive up their patreon bucks but you need to make good free content as well or else new faces won't even give you a second glance to see that good shit behind the paywall.
Surely just having patrons deciding the achievements would be enough to push their Patreon, Achieve it Yourself it could easily be a public thing.
it's not too late to make another
>"Mischief Makers 2 is announced and a demo is shadow dropped. "
Based final bet.
There is no way in hell Todd Howard apologizes for a game they are still working on. Hell, he might not even be there.
I'm pretty sure I remember their Tier restructuring that made shows exclusive directly led to them making like $4k more per month. So clearly they had the right idea.
Not that guy, but isn't that just coincidentally a result of their fundraiser for desperate money, which they had at around the same time?
I did but fucked up by saying 2day I meant during Squares conference.
These bets are my wild bets in betting in almost every single one
I don't remember, you'd have to check graphtreon against their event history. But either way the exclusives at the very least didn't hurt them. You could claim that they'd have made more without exclusives, but you could also claim they wouldn't have made as much. There's no proof either way.
They should start doing let's play videos regardless of hitting or not the stretch goal
It's a fairly easy commit and they have enough people to make multiple full playthroughs at the same time
The ones with Huber and Bosman playing Resident Evil games are glorious
I'm surprised at the amount of people that think we won't get the release date for the FF7 remake.
>nearly 8 months since the last game sleuth
What's the point in keeping Damiani around. All he does is stream XIV and there's always technical problems when he's behind the camera.
depends on what you mean by release date
I'm sure we'll see something like "Spring 2020" but I'm assuming at the very least a specific month is what's needed to count.
I think everyone's expecting a "Spring 2019" rather than "3rd March 2019".
But he needs to play 12+ hours of FFXIV offline too.
Why Kyle, why did you let her go?
she was a literal whore wasnt she
All women are.
He was a fool
see you losers at the top
Where's Ben or Damiani's girl?
Right here
Here is Ben's
Remind me again, did the Trials guy falling over during the Ubisoft thing last year count as a big boy slipping or not? Might influence my betting.
Final Bet probably not crazy enough, but i played it safe.
Ben's girl is his Chie wall-scroll.
Rate my setup
>That POV video of her sucking on a dildo.
Too bad for the potato quality.
They said that the specific day has to be stated, just saying the year doesn't count, which is why everybody is betting against it
It was labeled as a trip
Ben actually has a gf but due to privacy doesn't show her off
I hope the Squenix God's make this happen
It didn't, they counted it as a trip
FFXV had it's own massive event and VII's development was restarted like a year ago. Even if there is a new trailer it will just show the year or something like that.
Kyle fucked up
He is a part of a moderately popular youtube channel. He's swimming in it. Girls dont care what you look like as long as you have even a modicum of success. Why do you think she was with him in the first place?
Why is he alone now? Up there with Damiani
>He is a part of a moderately popular youtube channel
which one?
wrong, council decided it was a slip. which was fucking stupid.
Where are my Busted Trifecta niggas at?
All the last fucking mario games had direct sequels, how is that any hard?
yup, did spreads in playboy
Good lord, why didn't Kyle keep her? I think she ended up with a Smosh guy.
love how that one tranny mod threw a fit after that and was never seen again
Pokepark was so good. Can't believe those games flew right past me.
Pokepark 3 ever?
Completely forgot about her until now. Probably 40%'d herself.
Putting big money on Doug not even showing up.
Mario galaxy is the only 3d game with a sequel
Not too many big ones, but Im sure everyone but bowser will make the bowser joke
Lmao forgot about her too, I remember she blew a gasket when they streamed doax3. She probably offd herself after that other mod hooked up with Brad.
I'm so glad they ditched the character shit with the betting special. It was getting really irritating and having to deal with "rainy day ian" as champion was just wrong
I don't expect Todd to be there since they have already confirmed no Starfield
Why are these people like this? Why do they have to make sure everyone else is as miserable as them?
Ian and Damiani suck in everything but I always find dumb internet skits like that really endearing.
Damiani with his crushes.
Looks like she is now a he and takes pictures of her fat lesbian sister. Too bad because she was a cutie... But of course these people were just born like this.
Those aren't human children tho
platonic only, god dammit!
That is fucking disgusting
Remember that time Damiani didn't go to Huber's wedding because there was a FF14 event going on?
you just know
I hate it when you faggots decide to use Yea Forums as a talkback for your dumb eceleb stream trash.
share your bets with us, user
>Listening to Castle Superbeast
>Email comes in
>Mentions that Pat told a story about a scumbag player on FF14 that buys everyone's chance to roll so that he can get the latest gear after they carry him through a dungeon
>Turns out that player is Damiani
>Thread about video games in a video game thread
wow how have I never seen that webm. I have been reading the weekly EZA threads for years now
>New retrospective every month
>Extensive knowledge of anything
>Having to make up shit for Brad's side
Link? Please explain how you can buy everyone's chance to roll in FF14.
Oh god and then they cancelled the Peach Beach Splash stream because of her too and instead streamed a shitty card game made by Ian. Like the legit reasoning was that they mentioned how a female member of the community was upset when they streamed DOA so the fact that one triggered bitch was able to overthrow what the patrons voted for the most was so bullshit.
I bet you smoke a mean meat cigar
yeah secondary har har they're talking about video games great 300 post thread about shit you could be talking about on THEIR faggotfucking website you cockmongling shitbird
it's at 03:50:00
He farms a ton of gold and after going through a raid with people he will pay everyone a ton of money to get their roll. So even if someone disagrees they still won't get shit because Damiani bought everyone else's rolls
Got my bets in last night.
you bet on no bowser joke by accident, right? it's okay. it might not even happen. you're still in this, user.
How embarrassing!
I haven't played MMOs in like 15 years, but isn't giving up your drops / rewards for gold just typical MMORPG free market business?
you guys still don't know how out of touch the industry is lol
>only bet 11 times
It just occurred to me recently Kyle is a closet racist. Am I the only one noticing this energy?
That's the exact moment I realized I could never be their patron.
No you're just projecting.
I'll be so disappointed if he makes a dumb bowser joke. i was really hoping that the planners at Nintendo would have enough class to know that him not even mentioning it would be more funny and let someone else make that joke.
Again, he has to MAKE the joke. Not just be part of it. Wearing clothes or having Bowser Castle bgms for his intro fanfare don't count
Man, E3 really is right around the corner.
Any chances of the EA Play thing being any good?
I want a non-shit, non-mobile Command and Conquer.
It's a visual gag that he's making with his outfit.
don't worry he will even if hes threatened by the japs not to
its like the boomer firm handshake thing
EA play isn't a conference, only streams. Star wars will be shown and I'm really hoping it looks good but that's about it. the real e3 starts with MS
I'll give you the music since he isn't the one flipping the switch and we can't know who approved it, but his own clothing absolutely counts.
We can all agree that Bosman is the most entertaining, right?
Bosman is like the wild card with the best highs but the worst lows.
So he's Rich Evans?
this is now an Otashigami thread
just watched the podcast, and dude skulls are not faces I'm with Huber on this
I'd say he's more of a Mike than a Rich, also Culkin would be a pretty damn good RLM member.
what a safe final bet. it cant be valid
if hes wearing bowser apparel it is so making the joke
Is there a place with links to all the patreon exclusive stuff for scumbag leechers like me? I remember there being some bootleg giantbomb discord with all their premium shit.
So is he a legit autist or what
who is amanda's baby daddy on the right?
>Thread's still up
Behold my ticket to riches
Anyone who seriously thinks Cap won't have at least 2 outfits is a sucker. Its free money at obscene odds because their patreons are retards
>implying he'll even be there
Thanks for making the odds better for me
He'll have only one, don't kid yourself
I just doubt we'll see anything but a cinematic trailer. No way Square is showing the different costumes and lootboxes yet.
>no final bet
>only 11 bets total
Fuck off pussy
>secret wars
>6 different movie outfits as well as Old Man Rogers
Its inevitable, might as well pay me now
what do I have to unfilter to allow twitter embeds to work?
>even considering giving your money away to people in perpetuity
you mean he has some sense? nah i doubt it
its an emergent ai network
I see there is still hope for humanity.
How do I remove these people from existence?
Damiani just seems like a pretty disfunctional human being
what is a "big boy slip"
only bet longshots, boyos
Betting everything on Microsoft not saying Nintendo, it just doesn’t seem like something that would fit in their press conference. I’d more so imagine Nintendo bringing up the partnership since it’ll be games going to their console.
And Captain America not wearing multiple outfits. I have no doubt he will be able to, but when have we ever seen something like that for an announcement trailer?
>All that Skies of Arcadia love
Just do it Sega. Give us Skies of Arcadia 2 for Gamecube.
Imagine if at a group stream all 9 of them would suddenly stop their banter, look straight to the camera and say "Shut the fuck up Otoshigami" before going back to whatever they were doing and never mentioning it again.
large character slips on something
Based X bro
that seems like a very odd thing to bet on but ok
Phil spencer has been a lot more friendly with the other brands recently, it's not out of the question
>Shut the fuck up Otoshigami- Allies 2019 :P
When a big boy slips.
It's pretty straight forward
There can be some chance for it to happen.
I remember at a couple of Xbox conferences when Phil makes his epic gamer speech he would say stuff like "we are here to celebrate games, along with out friends Sony and Nintendo", or imagine if they have some indie dev presenting his game, he can say stuff like "I grew up playing Metroid on Super Nintendo"
It sounds unlikely, and yet it did already happen once.
Wouldn't do it purely because the odds on it are so weak.
Stay anonymous so you don't embarrass yourself
reminder that most of these bets will come down to the council, and the council is just these 9 retards
man what a shame, I used to find her really hot as a crazy leftist fangirl
You're gonna be sorry for doubting me come monday
>but when have we ever seen something like that for an announcement trailer?
Spider-Man, no? Like at least two.
>its a trip not a slip
What were they smoking?
They're not wrong but its also real nitpicky semantics shit
That cant be a real shirt
they counted the trip as a slip. THAT'S what was bullshit about it.
How did a group of tumblr fags like this even discover easy allies? They really are to blame for them going from their fun ways at GT to now super toned down and making it a safe space. I'm shocked that Jones said fuck during the betting special, that alone shows how squeaky clean they are now.
>I'm shocked that Jones said fuck during the betting special
they lost 76 patrons because of that
It's a real shirt that they made custom, yeah. She's been running a racket on bootleg EZA shirts forever
Yeah it’s not out of the question but I’m betting on it most likely not happening.
My memory isn’t the best so I don’t know but I don’t recall him ever doing that at the e3 press conference. I know he’s done it other places though. Also with how much I’m expecting them to talk about next gen I don’t see any time for it.
And really? The spider man e3 reveal trailers? I remember them changing design inbetween years but not showing off multiple during one trailer.
Even if that’s so that’s on super hero this is supposedly an avengers game right? That’d mean they’d have to show off multiple costumes for everyone.
Jones personal trainer
Same, when Huber said shit it caught me off guard for a second.
anyone got that boomer picture of blood with the to do list of going to church and helping the community?
That's just the power of don
It's refreshing to have him continue to just do what he wants. No lame bandwagoning, just racing games and sorting out the interviews.
These are pretty good.
Anywhere I can find the full set?
A Big Boy WILL Slip
I will say it's annoying how Blood laughs at any joke, whether it's actually funny or not. Like with every line in Earthbound/Mother 3 he forced out a chuckle. Not a big deal I suppose, but he's the kind of guy who uses shows' laughtracks to know when to laugh.
Early 2020 is NOT a release date
>one doubloon a week
why is Glinny such a jew?
shadow drop incoming
Doubloons are worth a shitton, shes generous to a fault, its not her fault that bad game features have been getting more and more expensive
Demos don't count.
Believe me, they are going to drag this out as long as possible.
>Directed by Yoko Taro
I would immediately cum. FF would be saved from Nomura finally.
it was already leaked here that it would be skyrim with settlements
hard pass as fable 1 was already skyrim
That bet blew my mind. He always says at E3 things like, "Our friends at Sony/Nintendo/X Developer", he will ABSOLUTELY say Nintendo.
Not only that but this time Microsoft is clearly planning to play the long game by bringing their xbox sub to every plateform, so they'll have to mention the Switch and thus Nintendo
how long does it take for the ticket to show up it's been like an hour
>New rival schools
Never ever, but it’d be safer if you bet rival schools character in SFV.
Which one of you was this?
Search your name here, sometimes it generates but doesnt update the page for you
Reminder that this rat of a human hates Bosman and even tried to sabotage him when he let David Jaffe go on a rant about Kyle at PSX. Then based Shuhei Yoshida showed up and told them how much he loved Kyle and how funny he is.
>thought about filling this out
>BG3 has been my final bet for years
>It was announced this week
I don't even know what to do
>betting against X
just make an easy shadow drop final bet
or come uo with something else you really want
good job with your dream coming true, Larian will probably do BG justice
I'm not a very optimistic person, sorry.
Based Yoshida stopping the drama before it has a chance to flourish
ventriloquist dummy lookin ass
I hate that they're invited to EZA.
Thanks but I didn't do anything except keep hoping
He doesn't even seems like someone with a real audience, just one of those jews that buys into pretending to be important
W,who is she?
Why did she hurt Kyle?
This video?
That's one, there were a couple others like I remember seeing one where Tim Getty's brought up GT and specifically people like Bosman and said how funny he is and ratman responded with "I wouldn't know because the only one I saw was when he made fun of us and called us sellouts" Which definitely hit Moriarty to the core because he suddenly perked up and started cursing out Bosman without any context. In reality all Kyle said was that he found the Kinda Funny guys less than kinda funny
>so they'll have to mention the Switch and thus Nintendo
That's the thing though, will they say Switch, or will they say Nintendo Switch? That's the question, because they totally could say just Switch
Even so, I always felt like that Final Bosman line was out of place. Kyle had never taken shots at other media figures like that (even though he has no problem insulting workers in the actual game industry). Maybe he never listened to those guys at IGN and was just trying to make an unusual joke based on the Kinda Funny name?
> I'm shocked that Jones said fuck during the betting special, that alone shows how squeaky clean they are now.
This. They're missing that Elyse testosterone.
Look at this at the 9:25 mark to remember how much they used to role deep. Ian actually used to be vaguelly politically incorrect believe it or not.
Ian was funnier when he thought he had a chance, the start of EZA really drained all remaining testosterone
mandatory update was raw
Ian is definately missing something without her. It's kinda sad, even if they were never like "that" they are at least actual good friends and work off each other well.
>cucked so hard he tries to turn himself into her in ordr to satisfy his thirst
Patreon changed who they felt they had to cater too I guess.
So which final bet is the most likely? I feel like Sony crashing the party is, it's hard to believe they aren't doing anything.
What were Huber/Brad sleepovers like in 1999?
On one hand I too want them together making Updatekino. On the other, I don't want Elyse raped and murdered.
It feels like Ian just playing alpha male because there's a female in the room, but on the other hand it's still infinitely better than the shriveled up scrotum Ian of today.
Don't think its physically possible to crash something as planned out in advance as E3. How would they even go about doimg that? Microsoft gives them a timeslot in their conference to talk about that streaming gig?
That's the best Final Bet, the most realistic.
It's what I went for purely because of the ambiguety it allows. They've got to do ONE thing that goes over well and that'll probably count.
"DUDE! Top tier chairshots in wrestling! Rock/Mankind has to be up there!"
"Yeah dude..."
They could drop a state of play Tuesday maybe
If they announce a State Of Play for E3 week and it has better announcements than any other show, I'd say that's a party crash.
Replace Damiani with literally any semi attractive female. This both gets rid of Damiani, who I can't even fathom anyone actually liking, and it raises Ian's testosterone level making him less of such a bitch all the time.
I thought they were doing State of Play during E3, but so far it hasn't been announced. They'll probably do some sort of stream.
I feel like that'd be less 'crashing the party' and more 'making their own cooler party and telling everyone they will get sum 41 to play'
But I suppose that's why the bet is so ambiguous, because Don is a genius and will take every bet to the council.
Anything that draws attention is crashing the party I think. Obviously they won't be at the actual showfloor
If Sony announces a new first party game or announces a release date for one of the big ones during E3 they're definitely crashing the party.
Not the definition I am used to or see in any internet dictionaries, but it could be what they go with.
making this website was a genius idea
Revving up my EZA images for the E3 gamethreads. See you there.
i'm gonna make it big
>Microsoft gives them a timeslot in their conference to talk about that streaming gig?
literally this
Any surprise appearance by San or someone counts as them crashing. Even a video release detailing the PS5 would probably count
Hey, remember me? I am MICHAEL KOZACHENKO. I used EZA to promote my Patreon page. I got 1 patron out of this. Then I left and never returned. I am MICHAEL KOZACHENKO.
Looking forward to the 5 minute huber monologue
Any reason to watch E3's shit tomorrow? Isn't it 0 new announcements?
Now make it re3
The man who made Yakuza popular in West.
me and the two other people that use their forums have been doing this independently for the last few years already so I'm kinda surprised it took this long for them to do something official.
ea will show their shitty star wars game
the smash invitational might have an announcment at the end
but no, its basically a filler pre-show day
that was avery nice thread. see you on the other side. cheers!
lol the look of disgust on Huber's face. I honestly totally forgot about that guy but it's pretty hilarious that he shilled like 500 bucks a month to be a podcast sponsor for it to lead to nothing
not so fast
I kept forgetting his name and didn't want to look it up, thanks.
>E-Celeb thread gets 500+ replies
I unironically believe that Shenmue III wouldn't have happened if not for Huber.
It's obvious that Sony circa 2015 was basing their future bets on NeoGAF dreams which were in large part shaped by Gametrailers.
>When he tells brandon he bought a knife with him
nah pat helped but they didn't start playing yakuza on the channel until just 2 or 3 years ago. EZA were given the first exclusive early coverage of the game. And it was definitely due to this exact Huber moment
that's enough for today.
This is definitely why I started playing even though I already had 4 and 5 from PS+.
you just had to ruin the perfect last post, right?
That could be a pretty good banner.