So, how do we think Blizzard are going to fuck this up? I'll start:
>Same cartoony bullshit instead of the grimdark edgy aesthetic we enjoyed in D1&2
>Lootboxes/Microtransactions guaranteed
>Destiny style social hub/world
Other urls found in this thread:
The worst balance in gaming history (one build could dominate a conceptually sound, synergistic, common-sense builds by a factor of a million).
They'll actually fix the genre. No isometric perspective and an actual combat system.
Well I want them to keep the colours in because it triggers retards like you.
And a level similar to whimsyshire because your butthurt will be seen from space.
That aside, I don't really care.
>it better be good
Taking the worst parts of Diablo 3 and amplifying them while omitting the few good things it did
>No isometric perspective
What in the actual fuck are you talking about you simpleton. How is a horde blaster ARPG going to work in full 3D? It'll end up like Dynasty Warriors. Shit.
Hopefully the skill system gets thrown back to how it used to be. Pumping in 20 points into something bizzare to make a weird build was unironically a fucking blast.
>Cancelling a Starcraft FPS
That sucks, it could have been anything from a single player game to L4D or even Planetside, all of that would have been cool.
>Diablo 4
They spent too long avoiding the fact that D3 was a failure, it's their own fault and it's a shame now D4 is smashing this FPS game.
>Overwatch 2
>>Overwatch 2
Yea this confuses me too. I was under the impression Overwatch was one of those 'constantly evolving' games? (only played it a couple times at my friends house)
Fuck knows what they're going to do with a sequel
Will we see StarCraft: Ghost this year?
>So, how do we think Blizzard are going to fuck this up?
Always online only
Automatic matchmaking - just assigns you into servers with other players, you don't get to choose where you go or who joins you
Bans from the game for misbehaving in those automatic servers
Bans for things you say in solo servers too because the automated system doesn't give a fuck
The servers lag to all fuck and back trying to host people.
Less enemies but they are tougher instead of cannon fodder. That's why I mentioned a real combat system.
Oh, and you can pay IRL cash to get 30 minute Loot Boosters.
PoE will be easy as fuck to kill if Blizzard weren't complete retards
>Character create, go crazy, think Dragon's Dogma but Black Desert Online teir
>Weapons are fully procedural kind of like Borderlands where artists make like 200 different hilts, pommels, guards, blades etc etc and the game stitches them together to make truly unique weird interesting shit
>Bloodborne style Gem system where you modify a weapons blunt/thrust etc attack properties rather than faggy skill based anim gems like PoE
>Weapon anims and attacks are entirely based on the weapon itself, you find a halberd that can do a spear charge attack or whatever because of how it rolled
>Magic and Melee is perfectly synchronized in balance
>Game pace is slowed the fuck down so its not turbo autist particle effect fireworks like these games always end up like, there's hard caps and curves to leveling things and builds are about being interesting
>PvP and invasions of peoples game, invading as monsters/bosses etc
Basically make Top Down Dark Souls but way more RPG and way more build oriented and PoE is DEAD.
Rumours are PoE's reboot, 4.0 is shit anyway it's just new character models for the same old shit, they're not even trying, probably still the same shit engine that can't even do ragdolls
Fuck no
>Diablo is about Horde Blasting
No it fucking isn't. Diablo 1 is closer to Dark Souls when you compare both the games. Diablo 2 started that bullshit of just a trillion mooks on screen and laser shows.
I've been waiting years and years for a return to form, Dark Souls was fucking fantastic. Slower, weighted and thoughtful, good combat, actual focus on hitboxes instead of YAR YAR YAR at the enemy in a doorway.
I secretly hope each E3 to see Fromsoft announce their own Diablo style game
why u no like sc:g
>Fuck knows what they're going to do with a sequel
The backend for OW1 does not support customisation to the extent that the users desire - users cannot host their own servers or create their own maps.
Fuck you, you will cube your set items and you will love it.
These are terrible suggestions I'm glad blizz won't do anything like this
>overshit 2
so more porn?
Oh so you want another Dark Souls game.
>diablo 1
>close to dark souls in any way, shape or form
Why are you fags so desperate to push Dark Souls into every fucking game series? Why does everything have to conform to one genre with you people. It's strange because if you want to play a Dark Souls-like game with slower, weighted and thoughtful, good combat, you can just play Dark Souls you fuckin plank, there's even 3 of them and they all have their own DLC to keep you busy.
Overwatch2 is just a VR porno/online gangbang like episode 1 of Black Mirror.
I mean who cares anymore
there are honestly no talented designers or especially lead designers available at blizzard anymore, and diablo 3 proved their programmers are below industry standard levels
at some point it just becomes beating a dead horse, diablo genre is over and i have no desire to even play time wasting shit like that anymore
I just want to play Diablo 2 but with new paint.
itll never be the same again bruh. you cant hold on to old feelings. find new games
Diablo Eternal is the production codename for Diablo 4, it's released on mobile only with full pay to win gacha support.
Enemies have no right to exist if they die in aoe attacks and deal no damage. If you see 100 skeletons you don't think "shit 100 skeletons" you think sweet another loot pinata
I was thinking in Dragon's Dogma or Ninja Gaiden. DS is too slow.
Actually the 2 people working right now on D3 do some pretty good job balancing considering the mess they started with.
I still don't trust nu blizz if I'm honest, it will probably end a souless cashgrab like the W3 remake.
Starcraft is cursed, first Ghost, then this shooter
This is exactly why I always preferred D1 to D2.
>not wanting the removal of the stamina bar
It's called PoE, you can go play it right now.
that shit has been vaporware for longer than the average zoomer has been alive
Dude, 10000% increased damage for X skill if you wear set Y, lmao.
so this year will be the year, right
Shitty, dumbed down console port.
With loot boxes.
To be fair Dynasty Warriors style game with Diablo style loot/skill system sounds pretty fun.
They'll fail if they try going after poe audience.
Should reinvent the whole concept instead, like they did with D1.
I doubt Blizzard can do that, tho.
You mean a serious sam type game with loot/skills
For me, the goal in this genre isn't whether or not I can clear the content, it's to see how quickly and efficiently I can clear the content.
If I want an actual challenge, I'll play something else. If I just want to get loot and power-trip, I'll play a diablolike.
I played PoE and the characters were fucking gay
To do something like this, they have to give a fuck. But they don't give a fuck, they haven't been even at D3. You aren't target audience, retards who pay are target audience. So if they do D4, it will consist of nostalgia söyboy milking and worse itemization than D3.
Only the Ranger desu.
> it's to see how quickly and efficiently I can clear the content.
Exactly this. The fun was in absolutely decimating a room full of skeletons, getting better gear and then decimating them faster.
I don't know man I didn't like the warrior class either. Just some faggy caveman with a club.
Okay, but then lets agree that all diablo games should be reskinned into looking like facebook flash games instead of a dark and threatening world filled with demons, so the art makes sense relative to the goal of the game.
She just has autism.
it doesn't actually matter if it's good or not people will piss and moan about whatever irrelevant shit they don't like from the first images
So much this, i really dont understand why anyone would care about D4 at this point. They had years do fix/add onto D3 and they just left it in the dust because they had no way to extract even more money from it, once the initial purchase was done. If we ever do get a new one, it will be the same shit, just with prettier graphics and shit ton of microtransactions
It was a joke about her being an actual lesbo.
Well, when you enter Merveil's cave she sees the ghost/mirage/whatever of a female (just like the rest of the males) so she's definitely gay. But she's also autistic, yeah.
Diablo 4 is gonna be like MHW where you go on dungeon dives to hunt specific demons co-op. It will have MHW/Dark Souls style combat and won't be a clickfest ARPG.
>she is a lesbo
To be fair I haven't played POE for about 5 years I didn't even know they had a lesbian in there. Fair play though, when you're battling through hordes of monsters and shooting arrows made of fire and shit it's important to make sure the player knows shes a dyke.
Play Grim Dawn. Ignore Blizzard games.
>spend 20 hours making a build picking my 3000 lame passive buffs
>spend 2000 hours spamming one button
no thanks
Blizzard in it's current form is incapable of creating a good Diablo game. In fact, I'd even reckon they're probably not even capable of creating a Diablo 3-tier Diablo game, in their current state.
Blizzard seems to be rapidly dissolving under the sustained pressure of maintaining the income and playerbase counts of several fast-waning, outdated franchises and the encroaching decay of Activision's influence. They seem to cancel any and all interesting projects years in after millions, and perhaps tens of millions of dollars of development and pre-production. Titan, this new starcraft project, and probably at the very least four or five different instances of Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 for that matter. Are these projects truly terrible? Or do the higher ups just lack any confidence?
They're losing hires for E-Sports which is simultaneously ran by people appointed only for their expertise in raking as much as they can from hopeless cashcows as possible, with no thought as to long term player engagement strategies. It's no wonder there's a serious morale problem. Overwatch seems to get like 3 new heroes a year, which is fucking pathetic really. Were the lootboxes not enough to generate something more substantial, like a campaign/story to keep players interested in the characters that have already garnered far more than they deserve? Did Blizzard seriously not see any value in that generosity from their fans?
I don't believe there are many leaders at Blizzard that have passion for their work anymore, or have had ever in the case of Activision's caustic osmosis. This is why a Diablo mobile game exists. I wouldn't say the same for the majority of the employees designing the games, as most of them are probably at least somewhat new, and temporary hires, who still have some semblance of a soul. But no one important appears to have a clear vision, and a desire to produce games that are anything other than what is just enough to keep their next quarterly report positive.
It legitimately is closer to demons souls in terms of aesthetic and pacing than diablo 2.
this was truly a depressing post
They aren't throwing shit like this, or anything at all in your face. PoE gives you ingame lore in very Souls-like way, so if you won't bother reading npc dialogues, environment clues and other stuff you likely won't even find out for what purpose you chopping everything up, not to mention such little details.
I was just being a dick on purpose user
>I want to play diablo without diablo
OK cake boy
>overwatch 2
Pff Blizzard is so far off with their community that it hurts.
Blizzard would never allow that anyway.
You say this, but Diablo 2, on a thematic level, would make for a brilliant Dark Souls type game.
Imagine each act as a Demons Souls style world, but instead with each having a Dark Souls style hub/town as its base broadening out to that acts respective areas. The enemy designs, the locations, the sparse dialogue. It would all translate well, were the designers interested in rendering them into the souls-style gameplay formula and game design.
The act bosses, Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo and Baal would be fucking awesome with that style of gameplay.
good post faggot
The new demons will include Hate, Racism, Misogyny.
>You say this, but Diablo 2, on a thematic level, would make for a brilliant Dark Souls type game.
On a thematic level, Dark Souls has already done it. Transferring Diablo into a Dark Souls clone takes away everything that is Diablo and turns it into Dark Souls.
Dark Souls has already done big spoopy bosses with the Dark Souls style of gameplay. Absolutely nothing would be achieved from recreating the Diablo universe in a Dark Souls-like that Dark Souls haven't done already.
Fucking pointless.
They'll make it look more cartoony than D3 and use plain txt for font again
Seriously what the fuck that font is unironically soulless
Some hand crafted levels with environmental interaction including hidden rooms.
>main antagonist uses an orange trumpet as his weapon of choice
>Overwatch 2
But why? Are people not buying enough lootboxes that they need to make another one?
>nu-Blizzard doing anything competent
I refuse to get hyped for D4.
>I refuse to get hyped for D4.
They won't and you know it
But they COULD. Just imagine.
>boot up your dads pc
>double click that baal icon on desktop
>here we go boys another 12 hour session
>cow king killing
>mf running the countess for runes and shit
>eating doritos and chicken nuggets all day
>wrapping yourself in a quilt in just your pants and getting comfy for a whole day of vidya.
They might just do it.
Diablo died the day they focussed on lootfest endgame running faggotry, instead of creepy atmospheric dungeon crawling.
I don't think those 2 things are mutually exclusive.
D3 literally had a rape dungeon full of corpse piles, cultists, and blood covering almost every surface. This fact is how I can pick out people who never played D3, because said dungeon was in the first fucking act of the game so even people who barely played it would have seen it.
>D3 literally had a rape dungeon full of corpse piles, cultists, and blood covering almost every surface.
Way to miss his point. Go look at Diablo 2. Then go look at D3 and PoE and tell me which of those 2 came closer to the D2 aesthetic.
how the fuck do you even notice stuff like this? autism?
And yet the game still looks like a sunday morning cartoon
fuck D3.
I put about 200 hours into D3, and I can honestly say I never noticed any of those things. The cartoony aesthetic took away from any 'horror-like' aspect the game had to offer.
It could've had a full on fucking holocaust and still wouldn't have had the right atmosphere to cause any unsettling feelings.
They won't. The Blizzard that made Diablo 2 and the """""Blizzard"""" that exist now are two, completely unrelated entities.
The sooner you let go and realize Blizzard has been dead for over a decade and the vermin wearing its hide masquerading as Blizzard will never make anything good again, the happier you will be.
They almost did it with the RoS DLC though. I feel like if whoever was behind that had created the base game from scratch, it would've been the game we craved.
Surely they must've learned from RoS. This could be the big one.
Hold on, they secretly developed Starcraft: Ghost again (this time as FPS), just to cancel it, too?
This is fucking hilarious.
It's just not gonna happen user. I'm sorry.
So Jason Schreier (say what you will about his politics, but he has a good track record with leaks) is saying that the Overwatch sequel has a far stronger emphasis on PvE and compared what he's heard to Left 4 Dead.
Don't honestly know how to feel about this.
>The lord of Racism
It's Orange Man Bad wearing a MAGA cap
Haha oh god poor ghostfags will never recover. Neither will Blizzard.
Fuck AAA games.
Fuck jews, niggers, and trannies.
RoS is still fundamentally handicapped by the games awful art direction.
The first two Diablo games looked almost gristly in aesthetic, there were hard, foreboding shadows everywhere and rusted blood covered crumbling cobblestone that wasn't murked in a glaze of blurry xbox-360 tier visual design. There were abhorrent noises in the background of the music and purulent sound effects which resembled blackened organs squelching in the midst of fights.
It's frustrating to even think about how badly Diablo 3 fucked up from a graphical and musical standpoint. Like, how fundamentally everything was just, fucking ludicrously wrong. It actually causes me to physically grimace even conceiving the severe misjudgement of what Diablo is by the developers.
In Diablo 2, the campaign was designed through gameplay encouraged by scarce instances of well-written flavour text to lead the player on. Whereas in Diablo 3, the campaign felt as if it was design through exposition-heavy bland trope moments with stretches of gameplay between them. Every boss is awfully written, just terrible in every sense. There's no ominous one-liner like "looking for baal", or "not even death can save you from me" to establish them as a primal, and almost bestial force. In Diablo 2, the monsters were made more terrifying through the words of scared villagers and townsfolk. But in 3, the developers tried to do the opposite and failed badly, it was pathetic watching Azmodan, Belial, the stupid butterfly woman and Diablo REPEATDLY interrupting the players progress to act like a maniacal Disney-tier villain. Baal's fucking laughter alone is more oppressive than anything in Diablo 3, Reaper of souls included.
we already have hate(red), dingus.
racism and sexism are merely specific subcategories of generic hatred.
Actually, they said the SC FPS was closest to battlefield, and OW2 has a PVE focus similar to L4D
lets not kid ourselves, D4 will be dead on arrival, and itll be due to things we already know
>forced online elements (so you can totally show off that cool skin you bought, even though no-one gives a shit)
>all the issues D3 had will return (blizzard dont learn from their mistakes, or listen to their customers)
>faggot/tranny shit will be showhorned in there somewhere, for the controversy points and to make good with the mentally ill social media fascists
Stop giving Activision Blizzard money. They hate you.They are creating toxic environments and turning everything into gacha games.
Don't you have a phone?
You know what I think a Diablo Souls could work.
For multimillion dollar company that sure sounds incompetent.
That is a weird way to use the stick
>console exclusive
>microtransactions for cosmetics
>online save
I fucking love this post, you should genuinely email this to them and see what they respond with
The design of Overwatch needs a full revamp. it's flawed. People want to main heros but the game is designed around swapping heros constantly. which is the reason why every hero is easy as shit to play without any depth. They will have to make every hero viable in their roles by adding actual depth to their characters like most MOBA's do.
What I find most curious about the game Overwatch is how there's been a new hero for like, what, four months? Yet not a single person in the entire world knows. It's just bizarre.
Nu-Blizzard can't make games anymore
What I expect:
Everything is rng
Auction house is back but worse
Every set looks very similar and safe
Pegi 13
No red blood
There is little to no choice in skills
One stat for attack, one for Def
Every female is ugly/covered up
Males are still basically naked
Well because they keep making shitty looking, boring heroes like Hammond, Orisa or the one you posted. I honestly already forgot he existed. With Ashe there was a little bit of commotion at least.
I always thought that it was simply that no other game in the genre could match D2, but then I realized I didn't like D2 for its gameplay, but for the atmosphere, story, setting, and general feel, the gameplay itself is bland at best bordering on boring. It's like cookieclicker, you click on stuff until you get better items so you can do more with each click, it just isn't engaging at all, the enjoyment mostly comes from the genre exploiting addictive personality disorders, people who will get a huge rush out of repeating the same thing over and over to get that one slightly better item which in the end boils down to doing 60 instead of 50 damage per click.
The genre sucks and it gets incredibly boring and repetitive very quickly, Diablo 2 was an exception because everything about it was so well made you ignored the core gameplay loop (I also loved TQ but that's because I love mythology).
>Auction house is back but worse
There is no way in hell the auction house will return in its old state or worse. Fully expecting a store for microtransactions etc but after the backlash of D3 launch I don't think we will see an auction house at all.
Absolute gem of a game
Even more cartoony
Cringier dialogues
Auction house 2.0
"We listened to the fans and did the same thing again"
Ready for 2022
Also on a mobile client
Still one button does everything
Cookie clicker gameplay
No Necro at release
Anyone seen the trailer for Darksiders Genesis? Looks very Diablo 3 in both gameplay and aesthetic.
>Diablo 2 started that bullshit of just a trillion mooks on screen and laser shows.
Guess this guy never played the sorcerer in d1 lol
Blizzard is 100% sure they will fuck it up
Like asking Bethesda for a bug free playable game, thy just dont do that anymore.
NuBlizzard doesnt have it in their bloodstream. They dont get it. Cant write something sinister or do something complex when your team is a bunch of weak sheltered uneducated trannies.
Diablation: The lord of dickstruction
You get to fight the 3 prime evils:
someone please give me (You)'s
Diablo 1/2 Villain:
>Laconic, you won't hear them say but a word until you've walked into their lair
>Remote, isolated, the bosses will always be encountered deep in some conpact, gnarled dark tomb, monastery or hellpit
>Bestial in mannerisms, combat and often appearance
Diablo 3 Villain:
>Rambling, the villain will contact the player several times through an otherwise unexplained mechanism, (magic, presumably), detailing their plans, the heroes futility, fellating Diablo etc.
>Are, with the exception of Malthae and Azmodan, (who are still seen in rather illustrious areas) encountered in relatively bright, neat and tidy areas. Belial's overlook, Diablo's pinnacle of Heaven, and The Butcher's gated arena. It just feels far less natural.
>Fight the player like a large human almost always. (To be fair, I've never actually seen much of Azmodan's moveset, he's so pathetically easy that I've never so much as taken more than 30 seconds in that fight. Seriously, what the fuck were Blizzard thinking?)
I don't even consider the Butcher worthy of being called an act boss. The skeleton king's a better act boss than him and it's a fucking boss called the fucking Skeleton King. HOW FUCKING TRITE AND UNINSPIRED CAN THEY GET.
Andariel and Maghda share the same essential role in both games stories, albeit with slightly different ultimate encounters. Both are female, act as a low-tier/disgraced demon manipulator behind the events of the first act, and eventually succumb pitifully to the relatively under-levelled heroes. Except Maghda never shuts the fuck up, whereas Andariel strides straight towards the player, saying only, "Die maggot", and "Join my army of the dead". She's not even regarding the player as a foe really. It's like she's toying with you, like a lion to a deer. But Maghda? No she wants to discuss her next tea party and her favourite soup, or, at least that's what it feels like
You can tell D3 was not made by the same team.
i laughed a little
Finally a (You) thanks user
If Blizzard is smart they give the IP to From Software or Team Ninja. There's literally no way nu-Blizzard could make a good Diablo game.
>They spent too long avoiding the fact that D3 was a failure
By what metric was it a failure?
Boomer NEET hurt feefees are down across the board.
being shit
It's not that you didn't notice them, it's that you didn't care, because you went into D3 with the assumption that it was kiddie garbage and so that's exactly what it was to you. It's actually impossible not to notice the things I mentioned because you trundle around said rape dungeon destroying the torture devices that quite literally impede your progress through the rooms, in order for you to miss this shit, you would have had to have your fucking eyes closed. It's not that D3 wasn't grimdark enough, it's that NOTHING would be grimdark enough for you. D3 was NEVER going to be good enough for you, even if it was 3D scanned 2D with an ugly black filter that made every fucking level look like Lut Gholein at night. The narrative that D3 was a Saturday morning cartoon starring Diablo & friends started before the game even came out and retards like you rode it off into the sunset before even seeing live gameplay footage. You invited bias to hook its claws into you and never let go, no matter what you actually saw. Fuck knows why you people even gave a shit about the Diablo Immortal reveal when you apparently hated D3 so fucking much, you'll unequivocally shit all over D4 too no matter what it winds up looking like.
>They'll actually fix the genre. No isometric perspective and an actual combat system.
...So they're going to make Ni-Oh?
>into D3 with the assumption that it was kiddie garbage
wrong, I went into D3 with rose-tinted goggles and the will to overlook all of its problems because of my hype. It wasn't until I had sunk about 40 hours into it until I realised the game was shit.
Diablo 2 monsters weren't made of tissue paper and the acts weren't just placeholders.
There's always that one zoomer from Reddit ready to tell you "it's all just nostalgia bro". I know it's unthinkable to you, but some still play LoD on the regular, and some of us, like me, are zoomers who actually had not played any Diablo before 3, yet went back to try 1 and 2 after playing 3.
So, Blizzard cocksucker, are you going to tell me I have nostalgia goggles when I played 3 before 2?
>They spent too long avoiding the fact that D3 was a failure
D3 is the 3rd best selling PC game of all time.
How the fuck is that a failure in their eyes?
Holy fuck, you cucks are retarded.
I actually loved this. It made me feel powerful.
Mephisto, the most ugly, cadaverous looking fiend from Diablo 2, were it rendered in 3's artstyle and tone, would genuinely feel less imposing than one of 3's "Pony" monsters were it designed within the aesthetic of 2.
That's what's hilarious.
It only sold that well because
>10 years of waiting + 4 years of hype
>bundling it for 'free' with WoW subs
>genre drought in which no good new games in the genre were coming out
Many people dropped after realizing what a pile of shit it was, you never see them talking about retention numbers and they never will because they were awful
Mephisto actually does look legit creepy as fuck.
Grim Dawn is the closest.
>Fantastic soundtrack, almost as good as original Diablos
>Shitloads of build options
>Itemization is great, with items granting new skills and adding points to existing ones
>On-point difficulty, without HP sponges or OHKO elites like D3
>Edgy grimdark world and lore
>An actual RPG with quests and shit
dont forget only with optimal equipment late game viable
I intend to play Grim Dawn at some point, my laptop is fucked but as soon as it's usable again I'm playing this bitch
>Diablo 2 monsters weren't made of tissue paper
holy shit why does Yea Forums keep cutting off everything else in my post except the first line
Colour isn't the issue, contrast and shapes are.
Look at pic related: see how strong the colours are? That nova is a very strong blue colour, and the skeletons hit by it are also a strong, but darker, blue. Same goes for the torches, that fire is a strong colour too, not desaturated at all. You'll notice the "normal" things (stuff that isn't magic, explosions, fire, etc) and the background however consist of dark colours that don't pop out strongly against eachother. There is also no real bloom to speak of, so outlines aren't smudged. Looking at your picture, you can immediately see that even though nothing is going on, there's a lot more colour on the screen. The mist in the pit is blue (which also ruins the feeling of a pit/abyss), the running water is bright white, the light sources are large and blooming, and even the normal stone floor is a relatively strong green.
Shapes are pretty obvious, in D2 they are semi-realistic and match the colour palette well, while D3 uses WoW-tier cartoony shit.
D2 simply utilizes colour a lot more better and more intelligently, it makes the interesting stuff pop out much more while keeping the image clean. D3 is just a typical blur of random shifting colours with no real art direction or thought put into it. D3 looks like a chink/Korean mobile game.
this is one of the most atrocious gaming memes of the odern day that i know of.
this constant rambling of incoherent and irrelevant bullshit in your ear so you are distracted enought ot not realsie how sopulless the trash is that you are playing. spidershit was so bad with this i had to turn it off after 20 min.
>3rd best selling PC game of all time is now going bankrupt and selling out to the chink mobile players
lmao, sure thing kiddo
The only reason D3 sold so well was the built up hype of D2. Just wait and see with D4, Blizzard burned through all that hype with D3, it won't sell on the Diablo name anywhere near as much anymore.
dude stop acting like the color palet hasnt become way cartoonier as a whole. even if you remove the wow bullshit artdesign. its still way to colourfull of the wrong kind.
That's what he said with a few more IQ points than your "UHHH COLOUR BAD".
>the grimdark edgy aesthetic
Why can't you just use the word "dark" or "gothic"?
Stop expressing yourself like a memechild.
>the color palet hasnt become way cartoonier as a whole
>still way to colourfull of the wrong kind.
That was my point user, but simply saying it's too colourful will lead to Blizzard shills posting images of poison nova saying D2 had a lot of colour too.
Blizzard fired Blizzard North so you can expect more WoW: the ARPG instead of Diablo. The biggest take-away from Diablo3 Blizzard will have accepted is the ebay-style RMAH was a failure so instead they'll run a Cash Shop like POE does. Everybody likes POE, right?
>muh sales for the millionth fucking time
they canceled the next expansion after reaper based off the initial reaction to d3. it fucking failed as a game you nigger. fucking kill yourself already you worthless shill.
>t. the guy that runs a desaturate filter on other artist's work then struts about like he's the true artist
Because using either of those other words would've just prompted cunts to reply with "muh grimdark". Easier to get it out of the way so everyone can get on with the thread.
why do i still come here
You know, you're not even wrong. God I hate this stupid board and the children that frequent it.
OK, you don't like arpgs. Just avoid then instead o wishing them to be something they're not.
It'll be worse than Median XL so who cares.
>Same cartoony bullshit instead of the grimdark edgy aesthetic we enjoyed in D1&2
Ackshually the previous Diablo IV leak from around last blizzcon said they're aiming for the dark gothic vibe the previous games used to have, which would fill me with optimism, but it's blizzard we're talking about. I'm not getting my hopes up until the game comes out.
after playing 3 years ago and how shitty the last 2 WoW expansions have been I'm staying away from blizzard til their games are on sale now.
There's a ton of good games out and coming out so it's not difficult to ignore them.
Diablo 4 needs to be melee Division, fight me.
>the previous Diablo IV leak from around last blizzcon said they're aiming for the dark gothic vibe the previous games used to have
nigga is this legit
Announcing our new game, Diablo 4: Warriors!
Knowing modern Blizzard they'll completely misconstrue what people actually want from a Diablo game and instead release something that is so obscenely grimdark and edgy that it might as well be called Hatred 2.