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or try this on for size op
piracy doesn't need to be justified to you because you can do fuck all about it anyway
go suck corporate cock somewhere else

I don't justify myself, I just pirate. Deal with it.

>Piracy is damaging to the developers (And that's a good thing)
This but 100% unironically

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I pirate Epic exclusives because Sweeny already paid for me

I pirate for all of those reasons though.

Small brain:pirating because of some moral reaons or hating x devs
Big brain:pirating because there is no punishment and who the fuck doesnt want free stuff?

i dont have or want to spend money

There is no conflict between point A and point B, despite you trying to portray there as one.

Whether piracy is beneficial to the developer or not depends on whether you pirate a game to try it out and THEN go on to give the game good word of mouth feedback. If you pirate a game and give it bad feedback, that's damaging to the developers.


The thing that guy is complaining about was caused by indie devs themselves demanding valve let them get around steam greenlight and how restrictive it was

lol how the fuck do these "developers" not know the there's almost a guaranteed chanr their shitty game would go unnoticed, especially when publishing ona store where hundreds of games get published a day?

>b-but I worked so hard
That's the real entitlement right there.

I pirate because i live in pirateland with pirate laws

>chose literally the worst field ever to make money
>when it's been known for years you would end up selling plasma if you worked in this field wether as an indie or as a wageslave
>hurt durr why me poor
The gaming industry is overcrowded and oversaturated to death, because every nerdy kid born in the past 30 years wants to work on games, supply and demands just do the rest, there is literally nothing to gain from that field, pick an unpopular field to get better wages, period.

I pirate because i can, what are you gonna do about it sissy boy?

>I'm better than every other indie dev out there, and deserve more attention and recognition than them
>Despite this being my first game

>a storefront has to market your product for you
Literally no knowledge of how the market works. Should have done a minor on that instead of social studies.

I like free shit, what are you gonna do? Buy more shit games to "support straving developers"?

I pirate games because I'm poor. And in order to not be poor I would have to work more. And then I wouldn't have time and/or energy for games.

Nothing morally correct about it, but it is what it is.

Love it when people attempt to justify pirating, just admit you want free games lmao

I can't bring myself to finish games i pirated.

I pirate because i can and there's nothing you can do to stop it

Simple as

no such thing as piracy
that implies I'm pillaging or attacking to receive something
I can create theoretical infinite copies of any data on my computer
this is the same with game files
if they want my money they'll have to charge less than a weeks worth of food for my patronage

Its because good games are made with skill, talent and passion not just effort.

I pirate because most games are bland shit
If I pirate a game and it's good, I'll either buy the game to support the devs, buy the next game from the devs or both
I'm not gonna pay 60 dollars for something that I might only play 2 hours of and then drop it because it's shit

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I want free shit and to sabotage this mistake of an industry

keep crying for me

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Honestly, piracy is a service problem and a result of untrustworthy journalists and reviews.

If that picture proves anything, it's that steamniggers should get gassed

Accidentally killing a moth weighs more on my conscience than downloading some bleeps and bloops

I pirate old shit without any support, suit cocksucker.

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yes. I love paypig cope.
I pay my taxes, nigger.

How would you feel about someone killing a moth on purpose?

same. Every time I step on a snail I feel real bad the entire day.

I pirate because I'm poor and impatient, so when I finish Tomb Raider 2012 and its sequel, I want to play the third without waiting another year before it's affordable on Steam.

Piracy hurts gaming and developers, and piracy should be discouraged, it's just too damn easy to do it and I don't care about the ethical implications with no single justification for it except just not caring because the damage is not that apparent.

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no one cares when people pirate music, movies, books, cars, live broadcasts, and anime.
why is this such a persistent topic for video games?

piracy only hurts bad game developers
If they made a good game that was priced fairly assuming the game's a hit nobody loses and the world gets to appreciate a good game

This is the final redpill

because 'gamers' are retarded.
it's that simple

because gamedev tranny losers comb this place 24/7.
Hope they starve desu.

Piracy doesn't hurt anything dumbass.
People who wanna buy will buy it, be it anime, music, videogame, or whatever shit that is. People who doesn't want to buy your shit, will never buy it. Truth.

Why should I pay for something I can get for free?

I like free shit.


>PS1/PS2/NDS are the most pirated systems and the best selling ones
>PS4 wasn't pirated in year 1 and sold 7 million unit without games aside BB.

Piracy is the same thing why people buy games nowadays: Accesibility.

I don't trust reviewers because it's always a matter of taste at the end and journalists are the lowest of the low
The problem is that with the huge budgets of video games, they tend to play it safe so most games are the same shit over and over again

I have pirated music and tv shows before, but that was just down to the fact it was free and more convenient than buying it through iTunes or whatever because you've got the actual files. I justified it by considering that music artists earns most of their money through tours and shows and TV shows are already monetized through advertising when first broadcast, or it's on netflix which I do pay for.

Games have no alternative way of monetization (outside of microtransactions, but fuck that), if no one buys the game in the first weeks then the studio is fucked. So I have never and will never pirate a game that's new, only shit from ancient consoles that can be emulated.

Why do these devs always think that just because they worked hard it means their game deserves to sell?

OK let's drop the jargon and discuss this in plain language.
"Piracy" is literally just a copyright issue.
Do you have the right to make copies, or do you not?
In the past, it made (limited) sense that you would not be allowed to make copies, since the copyright owner was wasting their own resources creating physical copies to sell and distribute.
Does that same logic still apply, now that making a copy can be done on spur-of-the-moment demand and does not cost anything?

>Give me a free meal and I might tell people about your restaurant.
I really doubt people who pirate games are doing anything that will make up for the $60 the developer loses by the pirate playing without paying. Anyone who thinks "word of mouth" or "I might buy it later when it's 90% off on Steam" is in anyway a consolation for theft, they're just delusional.


Downloading a file from the internet never hurt a fly
I'm sorry that you feel so entitled to my money for accessing a combination of 1's and 0's

i steal games cos its not physical thing
its just a video game

i steal because if i didnt i wouldnt buy a game anyway so there is no profit for developers anyway
and there is one more thing, if i pirate a game then i can reccomend it for someone else and there is a chance he will buy it making profit for developers
if i didnt pirate a game i couldnt reccomend it for anyone

its better to steal games than not play at all both for consumers and developers
i if steal it, nobody loses, if i dont buy it nobody gains, its just that simple

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I pirate games that aren’t sold new or digitally anywhere.

>Implying those 1s and 0s get amalgamated for free
Do you not understand the concept of labour? Do you think the only stuff worth paying for is shit that has material costs?

somewhere along the line we got taught that as long as you work hard enough you'll get absolutely anything you want

>Being this Jewish.

Epic already paid for my copy. It would be rude not to.

> there is no profit for developers anyway
Yes there is, you still wanted to pay for it but you just know how to get it for free. A game neither pirated nor purchased can only prove they wouldn't have made a profit from you.

This is literally "I'm posting to declare that Facebook DOESN'T own my data" tier of delusion.

I just don't think it's morally defensible for one person to claim ownership of a particular combination of 1's and 0's when that exact combination exists in nature randomly anyway

I will never pay for digital programs that I don't really own.

Fucking never.

I use to pirate because it's free shit.
Now I have money and don't have time, so the amount I'd buying every game is very little.
So I now only pirate to make sure the game is good quickly rather then having to go through videos, reviews and opinions to figure out if it's my jam.
Buying it guarantees the best experience and latest patches. Which is less work for me. Unless gay drm is involved.

Well I work for my money, and my money is more important than the livelihoods of the people who develop the games I like to play. Basically, if they wanted money, they should have gotten a REAL job like me that doesn't produce mere 1s and 0s.
For them to whinge about me not giving them my hard earned money JUST because I played the game they produced is just greediness and selfishness. It was either piracy or not at all, I've only played every game in that series and I paid for the original title and 3 of its equals so they've already made enough money off of me right?

The Jews

If I didn't feel like paying for it, then clearly they've failed to create a game that I love more than being able to have shit for free. Get gud game devs and then we'll see if I'll recommend you to my retarded friend who still actually pays for shit like a goddamn communist.

can you read nigger
I WOULD NOT BUY IT if i didnt pirate
there would be no money for them anyway

why cant it be all 3

raising on participation awards does that to you

>when that exact combination exists in nature randomly anyway
Okay, so where do I find Halo Infinite occurring naturally? I really don't feel like waiting for 343 to manually produce it.

What a fucking mong.

Who's more entitled Yea Forums?

Game Developers?
Or Game Journalists?

But you must realise that no one will believe that statement, because you actually did play it. If you didn't play it, then people could believe that they were never going to get a purchase from you.

same. i find i get more enjoyment out of games i paid for. but i only pay for games i feel deserve the money.

Devs. No doubt.

You realise than any random number generator could potentially generate the EXACT code for Halo Infinite right now, and you would be braking their precious privacy laws if you said it belongs to you

Cucks wan to make games but only wan to write stories and do concept design. Have absolutely little to zero skills in programming and all the technical skills.

Basically the same blue hair whales who wants communism but none of the gulags.

The only way you can justify piracy is by pirating games not available in your region, say the early fire Emblem games or mother 3, etc

but you must realise that im poor and i dont have money to spend on video games so yes in fact i would not buy a game anyway

I pirate because I can.

>Yea Forums: We hate socialism! Being able to work for private gains is peak freedom
>Also Yea Forums: I hate having to pay for shit, people are so entitled to think I'm responsible for funding their livelihoods after using their products.
I genuinely believe that Yea Forums would adore socialism just because it takes the burden of making money away from private individuals.

Steams wild wild west policy is the best thing to happen to it. Now all these trash devs are forced to make their games go through a baptism of fire where only good games come out unscathed.

If only they would weaken their stance on loli.

This. I wouldn't even pirate if free demos would return.

I pirate because I can and want and when I want to buy I buy usually because mods

What about "i pirate to save money, invest it, and secure a safe financial future"?

I pirate because I don't give a single fuck.

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So go on, shit out a random number generator in 5 minutes, eventually you'll have Call Of Duty 2030 10 years before Activision does!

Except you won't because the odds of actually getting a perfect one-to-one copy of something purposely made inside a millenia is near impossible.

Okay where does socialism money come from then

Fucking lmao what is all this pussyfooting you fags?

I pirate because I like free things.
That's all there is to it.

>I pirate because games are boring, bland and shit
>That's why I spend 6 hours pirating it and then 300 hours playing it afterwards
Who the fuck are you fooling?

>I spend 6 hours pirating

that's the wrong question, it has nothing to do with roles but simply how poor or bad they are at what they do. the most entitled gamers are the poor consumers who want to be given everything they can't afford, the most entitled devs are the ones who can't make a decent game even with a prefab engine that does all the hard stuff, the most entitled journalists are the ones who don't know enough about games to talk about them so they try to change the subject to something they actually study. and they all deserve to anally penetrate each other in the millennial cesspool that is post-90s video gaming

Same way it does under capitalism, but profits are redistributed across the entire economy to ensure people are getting paid no matter what. It'd still be bad form to pirate shit, but at least no one is losing their house over it.

>socialism money
From everyone you retard. Or did you think your government levies taxes just for shits and giggles

>6 hours pirating
Holy fuck grandpa. It's 2019.

imagine being an entitled american

i pirate because it's free
just because you made something, does not mean you are entitled to my money

>I pirate to try out the game first
What the fuck even happened to devs having demos for their games, anyways? Like, are they so incapable of making a demo out of the first thirty minutes, or is it because people will realize the game is garbage and they dont want people to not buy it?
Seriously, what happened to when demos for games were socially accepted?

You have to find the torrent, download it, find a patch for it, that didn't work so look for another one, that works but now something is fucked up, search on the internet for a fix... pirating software is a fucking headache compared to music or videos.

it's free shit, who gives a fuck lmao
suck on my hairy nuts you moralfagging cunts

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I take issue with the word re-distributed because profits aren't "distributed" to companies, they are earned

How are you this retarded?

>just because you made something, does not mean you are entitled to my money
Correct, but you're actually using that thing so actually they are.

I pirate cause most retard devs don't make demos anymore. I buy the shit I play for more than 1-2 hours.

Walk me through how you pirate a game in the current year then.

If my only choices are to pay more than it's worth or nothing I know whose wallet is being put first.

what are you talking about?
you can find torrents within seconds unless it's some really obscure game
they are up to date with latest patches already applied

when was the last time you pirated a game? in 2001?

They think they are but actually they aren't.

> If I pirate a game and it's good, I'll either buy the game to support the devs, buy the next game from the devs or both

Haha no you wont.

What about pirating rare/actually expiensive games?

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I think piracy is reasonable if you are denied an uncensored version of a game. When the censorship in question is unreasonable.

so I can come to your house and take all your shit?

>go to site
>search name of game
>click download link
>go read a book while it downloads
>extract the zip file
>spend a bit more time reading while it extracts
>run the included patch if one was neccesary
>play the game
Takes a few minutes of actual effort at most, and this is the shitty method I figured out on my own since I don't expect people to spoonfeed me, people who know what they are doing can probably do it far easier.

Here is my justification.

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That's true actually, even Halo on PC had a multiplayer demo.

no you can't

find torrent, download, unpack, play.

>download magnet from tracker
>game downloads
>installer applies crack automatically and creates a desktop shortcut

I pirate to save money and to enjoy stuff I normally wouldn't be able to enjoy. I've probably watched, read and played through enough movies, books, manga, games and other stuff to equal a small fortune.

I'm a much more educated person because of it and generally, I think, I have an edge over others who haven't seen the stuff I've seen.

I work now, and now that I have money, I generally do not pirate stuff any longer, unless I really, really need to. $30 isn't that much money. I'm honestly surprised at the amount of work you can get from video games at that price.

I don't have a hard line with regards to piracy. Would I discourage other people from pirating? I'm halfway. If they didn't have any money and have a chance at educating themselves for, essentially free, why not? Do I feel sorry for the devs? Yes and no. I feel bad if they folded because they can't make a profit but, at the same time, I don't feel sorry for them if they choose not to spread their content to as many people as possible. That kind of betrays the mission of their company.

What I'd like devs to do is to have a patronage system where they accepted donations. We're moving in that direction now, anyway. I'd happily donate for stuff that really moved me.

Well they produced something for commercial purposes, you've used it, so yes they are entitled to your mooney. I hope you've got a better argument if you ever get picked out to be taken to court.

why are you so entitled to your things?

>companies "earn" profits
Wrong, they're earned by workers. I have yet to see a company earning money without humans.

Get with the times. 99% of the time you can find a game on the first page of Google and 99.999% of the time those games are already patched and click to install. This isn't 1998.

I pirated rimworld because it lacks achievements.
I'm enjoying the game so far. Maybe I buy it when it's 10 bucks

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I live on a third world shithole mate. Our law enforcement has far bigger problems than poor poor game devs having their games """"stolen"""".

This is true desu, the endless profiteering of digital media has made digital purchases really fucking annoying. Especially when DRM keeps breaking the fucking game when Windows updates and you'd need a cracked version anyway.

This is a far more compelling argument than "Huurr games are shit and aren't worth paying for, still going to play it though!"

nobody cares OP

I pirate cuz is free, yo.

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>paying for software
Yeah nah.

You're all faggots.

Probabbly because he owns them unlike IP owners who only own the idea of something.

Ah so you're from one of the countries that popularized free-to-play and microtransactions due to the rampant piracy.

> piracy is a service problem and a result of untrustworthy journalists and reviews

Admit it. People are still gonna pirate because no service can beat the perfection that is free service. Thats just a lie to make yourself feel better.

>playing indie shits
>wasting your time pirating indie shits
Big yikes.

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WTF is he complaining about? That other new games are uploaded? And that they’re not “real” games?
What the hell

>pirate Outer Wilds
>it's fucking good
>buy it on Epic Store even tho based tim sweeney had already paid for my copy
I pirate to try games and then I buy worthy games at a reasonable price later on.

I pirate because I’m a poorfag student and everything I can get for free is a few days I get to eat something other than rice.

Go blame mobile gaming and league for thay mate.

What % of the people who played Earthbound actually played it on a SNES? It's probably a tiny amount. Has Earthbound even gotten releases on Virtual Console over the years?

I do whatever I want whenever I want what are you giong to do about it?

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I've yet to see a worker who can create the same value and productivity of their work without the apparatus that is provided to them by their employer. Factories don't spring out of the ground. If you can manufacture and sell a brand new car by yourself, sure, go do that. Otherwise, you should understand that your employer gives the ability to maximize your value and productivity, far beyond what you can do by yourself, and you are paying him for the opportunity.

But there you go being stuck in the 19th century wit da bs

Retards being willing to fork out absurd sums for jack shit is what popularised f2p with microtransactions.


It's actually because upfront costs feel a little too expensive, I think piracy would be dead if games were a trivial amount of money, but that's not possible with the millions they pump into game development.

So streaming could become popular, just because it's less of an upfront cost. Just like Spotify and Netflix.

and the realization of that idea

>exposure the developers deserve.


True, those people do exist. But others do like cloud-saves, achievements and ease of usage. You can try to make it appealing for those people.

You will never get rid of Piracy, but you can curb it to a degree. I will always pirate any epic exclusive I'm interested in because EGS is an awful DRM. Simple as that. For steam games, it depends.

I aint gotta justify shit. You still cant come up with a good reason i SHOULDNT use such services.
How about i pull the bios from my PS2 and start using PCSX2 iso/rom/wtfever to play what id like to? Like a cleaner ps2 era ace combat? I mean ive OWNED most of these titles. I own a PS4 and PSP as well. Am i really hurting Sony user? Lol

No one cares if you pirate or not. If you do care: why?

>buying games for achievements
kill yourself

Nuh-uh, the early free-to-play games were aimed at slav countries and china because literally nothing ever sold in those countries.

Not really, that's debatable. You can buy IPs as well.

>piratefags are so insecure that they have to come up with justification for why they pirate

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>buy void bastards
>think its good game but find it too repetetive with shitty maps
>refund it
based steam.
I should've pirated the game before buying it. At least I traded it for pathologic.

Not necessarily. But substantial similarity (or in this case, an exact copy) will give rise to a presumption that you copied their work. You can get off it if you can prove the contrary. Just show that you used a random generator that used none of 343's assets and you'd be off the hook.

t. lawfag that studied copyright last semester

What about indie games? Fuck off you neo-liberal parasite.

The only reason it's "debatable" it's because it's digital media and easy to copy

buying the game only gives you the option of downloading a 80GB file that you can only run through a third party program that install a bunch of shit you don't want in various parts of your computer + most of the time you have no control over updates.

Piracy gives me exactly what i want, a single file containing the game, without unnessesary fluff that often takes less than half the size of the official game, i can transfer it to external hard drives and archive everything, i can control updates, i don't need data mining chinese programs running in the background.

if i realy like the game i will definitely buy it on sale though. but most of the time i prefer giving money to the developper rather than a scummy publisher

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You can get far more exposure by giving your "game" a really edgy premise, like depression simulator. She had reviewers over a barrel with that one, because any criticism of her game could be construed as not caring about or understanding people with depression.

Yea Forums could unironically make the worst piece of shit to ever be called a game, but make it with a feigned concern for a hot topic and BOOM Kotaku has no choice but to praise Yea Forums for being so brave and insightful without ever wanting or needing to mention the gameplay itself.

I pirate and then buy the games I actually want to play. Prevents me from constantly refunding.

Piracy is harmless because Epic already paid the bill.

Yes, retard. It is very possible to steal software.

Depends, if i can 10/10 this landing on fair use. Oh yeah i would get a DCMA first huh...

if he couldn't pirate it he wouldn't have played it

This, why can't they just be honest that they're kleptomaniacs.

That one is easy to justify. A good amount of old games are either retardedly rare to find, or extremely expensive. Especially when some guy already dumped the rom online so you can play the shit.

I will pirate games I never had a single intention to buy or try. If the game is good I will buy it, I've done this many times before and I will keep doing it. I pirated Rage 2 to see if it was worth my time, I had a good amount of fun so I will pick it up here in the next week or so once I get more free time.

Because musicians make money from concerts and merch, movies make money from cinema, physical books are superior and most animes are a chore to acquire legally. (idk about live broadcasts, do you mean like spot event streams?)
How can I pirate cars by the way?

There's one thing I don't get, desu. If a game is anti-consumer, or lootboxy or whatever, but you STILL play it, why not pay for it? If you're playing it and getting enjoyment out of it, don't you think a dev deserves the dosh? Saying no because X or Y is kinda cognitive dissonance IMO.

>take 4 years to make a rip off of a game years old now that does absolutely nothing new
>call all other indie games asset flips

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You wanna see my justification? Heh, here it is, kid:
It's fucking free games.

So it's the developers fault that the concept wanting a free meal exists?

Piracy is inherently a safer transaction than a legal purchase in the digital age. You pirate? Hackers can at most get your IP. You buy something online? Hackers can get your personal information, your credit card info, your email address, passwords that you might not only use for that one site. The major sources of risk come from downloading from untrustworthy suppliers which is a huge problem whether you pirate or not.

This is where the purists should rally. Lots of big titles see their initial seeds, and 2 updates later no more content. Some are still updated to this day however.

>ITT: internet tough guys pretend their hard
love these threads, good for laughs.

I pirate paradox games because paying $300 for the full game is crazy

What about indie games? Your point being that self-employed people are entitled to their profits? That doesn't contradict anything I've said whatsoever. The person who owns the company is making the decisions about the profits. Any else working for that company would benefit from the setup as a whole, including marketing, advertising, distribution, development, etc. You can make all the cars in the world and it doesn't guarantee anyone is going to buy them, or how they are shipped, or anything. Marxism is for dumb-dumbs. Neo-liberal who?

If you don't buy games that are available on GOG then you're a huge hypocrite.

I pirate because I don't have any money

>justifying piracy
Even if a baby gets stomped out by some high ranking kike up top every time I stole a video game from EA, I still wouldn't stop because fuck you, if I can get something for free with literally no consequences why wouldn't I get something for free with literally no fucking consequences?

Oh i would love to discuss some things with you. Effortless break *golfclaps*. Now tell me something i dont know


I used to pirate games to see if they'd work on my old junker, considering that steam doesn't do demos. But now that I have a gaming PC, I buy all my games.

i bought a bunch of games i really love on GOG recently don't worry, they're still having a great sale right now

Because you've no decency? Everything costs something user, if you're not paying then someone else eventually is. Probably with their job.

I only buy Japanese games. I pirate Western games because they're mostly a bunch of liberal faggots who deserve to live on the streets of San Francisco(which are filled with human shit).

>check out game
>it's a Limbo ripoff

the nerve on this fag

>I'm above "liberal faggots"
>That's why I still play their games
Why do pirates love self-contradicting?

>who deserve to live on the streets of San Francisco(which are filled with human shit).
You forgot about the medieval diseases that come with being a literal shithole.

I pirate because why pay for what you can get for free

If one isn't possible without the other, what's the point in sucking off your employer then? Yet he's the one receiving the profits only because he provides half of what is needed.
It's only because he is legally able to do it.
Following your logic the workers should get all the earned profits and paying the employer, not the other way around.

I pirated ZeroRanger to get into shmups since I heard it was good for beginners.
Then I bought it because it was incredible.

This user does not emulate. Enjoy never playing best ace, BT3, shit i could go on for ages. Btw anyone have a link or could point me in the right direction to wolv origins uncaged for ps2? The one rated fuggin M.

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I pirate because it's easy

I would buy less games if I didn't pirate. I'm not going to be one of these people that has 1254 games and only plays three of them.

I want to play game but don't want to spend my money. So I pirate.

Japanese companies are way more outspoken and aggressive when it comes to piracy and consumer rights though. Nintendo goes out of their way to make it as difficult for people to pirate as possible, many japanese devs consider PC an afterthought at best. As a consumer it's more rational to hate companies for their business practices than it is their ideology.

Imagine if there was a timeline where, people had to pay for material goods but soft goods like games, music, videos, etc were free because the profits from the hard goods sales were used to fund artists instead of being kept by a few individuals, never to be spent back into the economy in our lifetime?

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>Not having an SSD for emulators and tor downloads.
user... i....

All my life I like crime.

Because consumers in nipland don't even pirate anime/VNs and consider people that do scum.
Which is funny because whenever you mention this people get their panties in a knot and claim you're lying but know 0 japanese people and think the nips have all the same values they do, as if they couldn't be any more deluded

Console shit is irrelevant.

Guys think about it like this, if you pirate a shit ton of games you obviously don't spend the money so that could only mean you're earning money.
So if you were to pirate 100 games around a 60$ price you just made around 6,000$.
Because a shekel saved is a shekel earned y'know?

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I just know that out there, somewhere, is a western liberal faggot dev just seething that a nazi pirated their game. That, to me, is more satisfactory than actually playing their mediocre attempt at making a video game.

Mention how hard they crack down on druggies and the weed heads all get mad

This, they openly sell beer in vending machines because they're certain kids won't buy it, because it's against the rules.

They're also way more loyal to artists, freaks buying like 5 copies of the same CD just because it helps their favorite idol...

careful, that sounds like some kind of communism you're advocating here.

I don't think that's their reaction, it's probably something like
>What a clueless fucking hypocrite, I don't care if they're pirating because I don't want their money anyway.

>I don't want their money anyway.
until they're out of job, begging for money/employment on twitter that is

Only weak people need justification. Piratechads do it because they can. I regularly pirate a bunch of games, not play them and delete because I don't have time to play all that shit.

no I'm just saying that all because he played it and had an interest in it doesn't mean he would purchase it so that argument falls flat, time to find a new one