>wanna get into F.E.A.R because of all the badass webms that get posted here
>but I'm deathly afraid of jumpscares
Darn it, why couldn't they just make it a non-scary shooter?
Have you ever avoided a good game for stupid reasons?
Other urls found in this thread:
God I wish I had an Eevee to pet and cuddle with
It's really not that bad. Most of the fear from any jumpscare is the noise, this game just has a ghost girl silently appearing and walking around. It's actually a terrible horror game despite being the best FPS of all time.
Not avoided, but I thought Underrail was shit at first cause my first build sucked
that's disgusting user
i don't know about "good" but i dropped mass effect 3 after the boring 20 minute intro cutscene because i found out i couldn't jump during the escape sequence
F.E.A.R really isn't much scarier than something like Doom 3, Spectacular game but underwhelming horror.
You are a real fucking faggot. Get over it, you pussy.
Wait, Doom 3 is actually scary? I was going to pick it up too.
Try growing a pair
>Doom 3
Not scary in the slightest if you are desensitized to gore and ambushes, Though hell in doom 3 is probably one of the best interpretations of it.
>posting an Evevee
>lol I'm scared
Either a furry or a tranny. Go dilate either way you fucking stupid fag.
didnt bother with nier:automata because i think that 2b's design is made to appeal to thirsty teenagers and is a way to make up for a shit game
What a wimp
Same, was kind of interested but I see nothing but porn of her and no talks about the actual game. I feel like people only bought it for the ass.
Look at those thighs, god damn what I would give to grope and molest that eevee.
What makes it the best FPS?
>didnt bother
>shit game
It’s actually a good game, despite what you would expect from Yea Forums’s waifufaggy way of covering it. It’s just that games like that are impossible to discuss here properly, because every thread is bound to turn into ecchi dump.
Also, it has one of best soundtracks in a long, long time.
I pretty much avoid any game that needlessly requires internet connection or an account to play, and stuff in that vein where the game gets gimped just so that the publisher can keep tabs on you
I do miss a few games here and there that I thought I'd love
My biggest upset was MHW, I can't bring myself to play it anymore because of all the time-limited events comprising of 70% of the "endgame" and souring the whole experience for me
>RTS like Age of Empires, Starcraft, Company of Heroes
>can't press the play button because i'm afraid i'll underperform
Why am I like this only with RTS?
Taken CS to supreme and OW to top500 at my leisure while RTS games give me anxiety before I even hit play
FEAR and Deadspace are games I only have an hour in because I hate jumpscares. One day, I'll finish them.
Which evolution is the best?
The new ones. I saw how sexy they are with my own eyes.
The new dmc. It looks amazing but I feel like I need to catch up to the entire series to understand the story.
I haven't played an FPS in forever because I don't like the noise of gunfire and explosions.
Stupid reason, and I'm sure I missed some good games, but I just don't like the constant RATATAT on my ears.
None, Eevee is best and hungest
Pic related:
I usually never nickname my pokemon, but Let's Go Eevee's interactions between the pokemon and trainer were too damn cute. I ended up naming my Eevee after my dog. This way we could be besties IRL and in-game.
In retrospect, this was a horrible idea. She was already old, so we were already in the mindset of making the most of whatever time we had together left. But of course, this is just one of those things you take for granted.
She was diagnosed with terminal cancer not long after the game dropped. I dropped the game, along with a LOT of other things I had going on to make whatever we had left count.
It's been a few months now, and I've been slowly trying to pick up everything I dropped before I lost her. Back to the daily grind, back to creative work, back to serious gaming.
Yet, I still can't bring myself to pick up Let's Go again. And I'm obsessive enough to actually try and finish those ungodly hard Pokémon Stadium games, even 2 decades later.
You don't really. The game sums everything up for you with a prologue video.
>played SS13 about 4 years ago and couldn't get the hang of it
>got back into it last month
>absolutely adore it
i still feel bad that i never beat super mario sunshine, i was too scared of eely-mouth to ever go farther than that.
It was worth getting permanently banned to suicide bomb the brig, taking out 2 of the revheads but also 100% of security. /vg/ admins are retarded and think killing teammates through collateral damage is a big no-no, even if it guarantees a win for your team.
Whatever Rimworld is because it sounds like Rimjob.
I refuse to finish Persona 5 because I dont want it to end.
I refuse to finish Persona 5 because I wasted 80 hours playing it and only enjoyed about 10.
Post it pussy
I avoided the Resident Evil series because the fanbase was too fucking retarded to accurately describe it to me.
Post what?
I thought Factorio is too "autistic" and something I could never enjoy.
Thankfully, I eventually gave it a chance and it ended being easily near the top of my all-time-favorite list.
I also nearly avoided playing Prey 2017 because of the Human Head story bullshit.
I still avoid Undertale just due to how massively unappealing visually it looks. I really should give it a chance one of these days.
Bioshock 1, because Art Deco really freaks me out for some reason.
>because Art Deco really freaks me out for some reason.
That is fucking hilarious. What the fuck is wrong with you, dude? How does that even happen?
I don't fucking know!
Fuck, I would love to be your psychologist. That is one of the most bizarre psychological conditions I've ever heard about. I would really, really like to see where does it come from.
I DARE you
I don't have one, I just find it weirdly unsettling.
I've never tried any battle royale game because I think I will be bad at them. This idea is based off having been terrible at pvp modes in every mmorpg I've played before
I tried fortnite and quit within a day, not just because I sucked at it, but becUse it really wasn't fun.
It's not a good game if I avoid it
xcom 2 because of turn limits
I avoided undertale like plague because Yea Forums said it was overrated, but now that I've played I just gotta say that it is a masterpiece and I can't stop posting about it.
I'm not quite sure I understand you.
If you fail at them then you fail at intelligence.
Dark Souls
I don't like slow movement in games.
Just post the link you cunt
FEARs gunplay is very overrated. It's arcade-like and floaty. Feels less like a man holding a gun, and more like a gun dragging a man.
It's almost like Yea Forums is ALWAYS wrong because this place is filled with shills that dont want you to play anything else
I avoid Tales of games because of all the missable content in those games.
Don't you fucking dare ignore these assholes and also MODS
Angry boy pussy is best boy pussy
F.E.A.R. is really not scary at all. I was playing through it expecting to be but it was really just like playing any other FPS. Half-Life is just as scary.
I avoid Pikmin because of the time limit. That's a shame because I liked the gameplay.
I wish I hadn't clicked that. I knew it was going to be fucked up but I still did it
>there are "people" who get off to this
Will my day be great if I avoid clicking this?
I tried it because people said it was good and thought that android ass.
Turns out that I only liked 2Butt and nothing else
It's low quality guro garbage
If you don't click on it then your mom will die in her sleep tonight.
What did you think it was going to be based on the crops? Christ furries are retarded.
>see a Prey (2017) webm in a TECHNOLOGY thread
>decide to DL it, never played Bioshock or anything related
>crack installer says Horror
>raise eyebrow since i'm a diagnosed cardiac
>install anyways
>first segment of the game
>its gud
>shit happens at the lab
>protagonist wakes up again in the same apartment
>read mails
>Get out get out get out
>nig wtf
>pick up wrench
>kill first enemy
>learn more about the lore further up
>get to the lobby
>almost have a heart attack when seeing a chair morph into 5 fucking mimics
>gotta fight a phantom
>uninstall an hour in
Don't call me the R word, that's mean
It's just a bug-type Eevee. Looks like a centipede.
can someone make this into a .gif?
gifs are garbage
I can, I'm not going to though
It unnerved me a few times on my first playthrough, but the only times it "got" me was when you're first going through Armacham HQ and a body flies through a glass window into the hall you're walking down, and then in Perseus Mandate when you go down than path near the beginning to grab an optional medkit and when you turn around, Jankowski is right there
But you could never jump in the Mass Effect series, user.
I deserve an angry muslim crowd infront of my apartment for this one.
Ok I haven't played the Witcher games because I was put off by the clunky combat mechanics of the first game and got around 2-3 hours total of gameplay. And I really don't want any plot holes. So someday I will play 1 through 3. But not soon.
More like filled with very opinionated people that hate absolutely everything for the dumbest reasons.
no you furry cunt
>liking cute animals dancing makes you a furry
Nice stealth sissyboy thread you flaming faggot.
sounds like you've had something on your mind
if you seriously think that gif isn't made for furries to jack off to you are in denial or new to the internet
Play splatton on PS4 to paint teople with supoersoakers that squirt paint, or roll them up with apaint roller. Except for grinding for cosmetics it doesn´t have much else to it, than multiplayer modes including one where you compete for territory control by literally painting the map in your team´s color.
Peach beach splash , spin-off of the Senran Kagura games, is something similar, a TPS game with waterguns, cute girls in swimsuits, dressup and ecchi.
Actually nvm, I thought you were talking about the hat kid one carry on
Are the nipples like that in the actual game?
2b is Waifu Bait Trash
Guro is the second lamest fetish after NTR. Regardless of whether you want to have it done to you or do it to others.
i never understood why people dislike ntr. if its in japanese you are not even gonna notice it, same as incest
>if its in japanese you are not even gonna notice it, same as incest
what did he mean by this
All online multiplayer games, after a certain year
My connection would regularly cut every 20 mins or so for about a couple seconds. It wasn't noticeable for normal internet stuff, but it would cause massive lag spikes in online games.
I have a better connection now, but I've developed a pathologic performance anxiety, so now I won't play even if I can.
Can't you slow down time in that game? The minute you hear something scary, slap the slow button and round-house kick whatever it is in the face. That takes away the scariness pretty quick.
FEAR is possibly the least scary "horror" game in existence, the dudes with guns are scarier than Alma. OP you are either greatly mistaken about the content of the game or you're a woman.
Hello iphone faggot
Sadly no,in the deatmatch, but there is a finisher scene where you strip a girl by soak once you defeart her . Predictably, it ends with a lightbeam censor, but there is soft ecchi squriming and cutesy whining.
Why would they ban friendly fire? Killing almost the entire station purely by accident is all part of the fun.
She's cute
Vaporeon cuz surf is the best hm and water is one of my favorite types
can't be fucked to remember my login
post a non retarded link
First, don´t be dumb and second, you can login with social media.
more like rimjobworld