Carries you all the way to the celestial pillars, essentially the third best gun in the entire game

>Carries you all the way to the celestial pillars, essentially the third best gun in the entire game

God why is it so good to be a ranger in Terraria

Attached: bf2a0250d25bb56.png (440x253, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I think melee is a better option.

Attached: True Night's Edge.png (48x56, 730)

Ranger was never a choice.

Attached: Terra_Blade_(demo).gif (451x154, 741K)

Lmao melee is so shitty, they had to make it ranged

>just ranged in the end anyways

How the fuck do you kill moon lord on expert

Why did magic have to end up being so shite? It was so fun to use late-game magic weapons but you die to fucking everything

Fill your inventory with health potions, turn on autoheal, get a full set of beetle armor and a good """melee""" weapon like daybreak, kite, snore.

Attached: $.png (66x48, 582)

>he didn't automate pillars and Moon Lord

get spaceship

magic is fine, learn to dodge


>tfw you play terraria with /vg/ and they unlock everything for you in a manner of days
I feel like I ruined the experience to be honest.

Asphalt skyroad and autisic spamming of the master ninja gear

use ranged attacks
fly spaceship mount diagonally to keep your distance
have good spacial awareness to guide yourself back to the nurse for emergency heals

>playing anything with /vg/
>playing anything with anyone on this god forsaken website
holy shit why?
I'd rather drag my balls through broken glass

Beetle Armor and then later Solar Flare Armor.

But, While your waiting for those bars. You get this. It's hella op.

Attached: Solar_Eruption_(demo).gif (584x223, 1.38M)

It was actually fun and comfy, but I didn't know what to do after I missed a few days of play and came back to see they filled up all the chests with every gear imaginable. Sure we could boss, but I sucked at that. It did make me realize that I enjoy progression more so than sandbox. I can't into building days on end either.

>But, While your
Holy fuck, user. Go back to English class.

Magic used to have 40% damage leech. Then they removed it and magic has sucked ever since.

>tfw the upgrade is a fucking dolphin

it's actually a space dolphin

step aside gay fish

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>Get into the saucer
>Hold w+d
>Shoot chlorophyte bullets in his general direction

So hard

based and redpilled, this fucking thing got me through 90% of hard mode and I got it within 30 minutes.

ranger is for shitters

it's the daedalus bow right ? What are the best arrows with it ? Jester's ?

holy i think; arrow + star rain makes it worth it

Attached: 1552675363187.jpg (800x800, 152K)

daedalus stormbow is shit and spawned shitty powercreep mods like calamity

Yeah the holy arrows absolutely decimate everything

derailing the thread with cute slimes

Attached: Cute Slime Capture.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

>want to replay Terraria
>remember they added spiders everywhere

>tfw they nerfed the healing done and your "tank" friend doesnt dodge shit

Attached: woah.png (705x556, 262K)

absolutely based

>tfw your favorite gun doesn't get an upgrade in Hardmode

Attached: Phoenix Blaster.png (42x30, 285)

>pocket slime waifu
what the fuck?

I played Terraria back when it was first releaved in early access/beta and defeated a giant eyeball, huge worm, and the skeleton.

What the fuck have they added since then? Holy shit.

a giant slime
a floating brain
a giant bee
a wall of flesh
two giant mechanical eyeballs
a giant mechanical worm
a mechanical skeleton
a giant plant
a golem
a pig fish dragon
an insane cultist
and an eldritch being from the moon

The amount of content in the game basically quintupled. In the course of a playthrough it genre shifts from Minecraft ripoff to Metroidvania to shoot em up.

>still no mod to turn off slime and demon eye spawns

just use a summon weaoon my dude

That's obnoxious and unaesthetic.

>using the megashark
>when the snowman cannon + rocket III exists

Attached: 1558567871738.jpg (260x252, 17K)

man, i remember when i met some guys on terraria forum and we would play late at night. Guy named Oscar discovered jungle and crafted me the grass sword and it was best thing ever back then. I was super shy but this guy would always put some live in me and it was really fucking sweet adventure.

ur gay

but Megashark is aesthetic

>carries you all the way to Plantera
Another one of my favorites

Attached: Onyx_Blaster.png (56x22, 661)

>get this as first gun in a crimson world
crimsonchads win again

Attached: undertaker.png (46x26, 309)

The game is so fucking great.
But I can't play it anymore with the spread of corription/crimson post-Wall of Flesh.

Wait what? Just git gud. People make their bases in hallow/crimson/corruption just for shits and giggles.

its nothing you cant fix later. Clentaminator is a beautiful thing.

the thought of having to dig containment shafts under my base and building arenas all over the world again is an instant turn-off from replaying this game over and over

Dont forget making an actual decent chest rooom that is sorted rather than just anything into any random chest.

You either fight an endless battle or you glitch it with the carts.
No other options.

who gives a fucking shit, you autistic spastic mongoloids.
use the clentaminator if you want a pocket of vanilla terrain.
or use the drill machine to drill out flying islands of your favorite biomes
or just get fucking good, fucking scrubs

Noob here. I know you can stop corruption from stone blocks/daybloom flowers. Does crimson not work the same way? No way to stop its spread?

just use magicstorage mod
you can dump everything into a single upgrade-able storage and then use its search functions to find what you need instantly

both work the same way
stone blocks and sunflowers stop working in post-wall of flesh
best way to truly stop the spread in HM is emptiness, hence digging shafts. they have to be wide enough to be beyond the prickly vines' reach
you also have to protect the jungle too since corruption/crimson can just fucking delete the whole thing

>lol just use this post-endgame item to prevent your jungle from being consumed by the two pockets of crimson around it!!! what are you, BAD???
fuck off retard

>third best
Have you ever tried going to the dungeon right after Plantera, getting a Tactical Shotgun and using Chloro Bullets? How about Xenopopper? Both of these are infinitely better than Megashark.

Flails are sort of fun and quite OP early game, but overall melee sucks ass.

You can get it around the start of hardmode you ding-diddly dumb faggot retard. Fuck outta here with your shit bait

Imagine having your favourite gun be manual fire trash.

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I haven't beaten the wall of flesh yet but is magic shit? Why would I craft these magic staff weapons and wear dumb robes out of all these gems when armor and weapons seem so much safer and not limited by mana? Is there something I'm missing?

are you ok? do you have brain damage?

Attached: 1554073910679.png (599x219, 12K)

There are two mage armours pre-hardmode, jungle and meteor. As for weapons you'll always have great area clearing tools and good dps.

Thought you were talking about the clentaminator. Either way why would you use the drill when spraying is so much more efficient?

because magic weapons eventually become fun when they stop being simple projectiles, being a braindead "hold down M1 and move in the opposite direction of where you're firing" ranger or a yoyofag never does

do you even fucking play the game? there's no clentaminator solution for jungle you absolute dumbfuck

How do we fix summoner?

Attached: the summoner experience.webm (1006x310, 2.93M)

Calamity is actually fun.

Just use mushroom solution lel

Attached: Smug sam.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Give it an early game weapon

>it's not auto fire so it's bad

Attached: 1558065950352.jpg (741x720, 61K)

The clentaminator is fucking terrible dude. The randomish spray pattern always misses a spot, before you know the corruption is fucking worse than ever. Even if you manage to not miss a spot you'll end up digging shafts all over the place to reach everywhere because the range is fucking pathetic.
May as well dig one or two singular vertical shafts to contain it.

Don't put all of your eggs in the same basket and have a variety of pets to use.

this does literally the opposite of what this conversation is about

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>tfw never ever going to be a real class

Attached: 1541975389423.png (28x44, 897)

Well it gets rid of crimson/corruption so problem solved right?

Attached: Grin of invincibillity.jpg (584x622, 56K)

>want to play with friends
>but they suck shit at the game
>couldn't get expert skeletron's head vulnerable because of scaling/not pulling their weight/they die
>they give up
>solo it first try by myself next night
>they refuse to come back anyway
>stop playing until we try again in a few months

>implying not being auto fire isn't bad
>implying having to click six times a second or cheat to get the most out of it isn't bad
Shit gun, I'd rather just Minishark+Shark Tooth Necklace.

>playing expect mode with shitters
but why

>thorium makes it a proper class
>but removes the dependency on ammo
god damnit

>Don't put all of your eggs in the same basket and have a variety of pets to use.
user, this is a problem with every summon. Either they're ranged and don't lead their shots like braindead robots, or they are grounded melee and close to worthless against half the enemies.
The only exceptions are the Xenos, Stardust summons and Deadly Sphere.

Sounds like you need to excommunicate them.

a recent patch rightfully nerfed it by giving it an exhaustion debuff on permanent weapons

Because the game is fun and is more fun with the added challenge, it just happens to constantly be that point (used to be Brain when we got Crimson) that they just fall apart.
They just don't get the hand movements at all, lose all motivation and want to go play something else instead despite everything else prior.

god i love fishing

>Because the game is fun and is more fun with the added challenge
is that why your friends are quitting? overdosing on fun?

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It's not his fault that his friends are low iq losers that can't deal with anything that doesn't come with instant gratification.

have you ever pondered the fact that for them it might not be instant gratification due to their lack of skill? are you on the spectrum?

If I didn't know that my post wouldn't make sense, silly. Skills are something you attain by perservering when you're not instantly gratified. Try it out.

rod of discord helps with his bullshit lasers, and if you feel like it you can stack mad defense with honey, statues, lantern etc and you don't even have to move

>Try it out.
oof nice ad hom, too bad i'm not the one whining here
stop being greedy. consider adapting to your friends and enjoying their company rather than wishing they'd magically become good at the game. you can enjoy the game in your own time

>not single-clicking with the megashark
Get stronger fingers.

Solar Eruption or bust, lads

Wait, the saucer moves faster diagonally than horizontally? That's fucking bullshit.

Attached: 1553197759200.gif (500x281, 2.75M)

>calling out ad hom when you just did it yourself
If your friends quit at the first roadblock that's inexcusable, either you can manage to make them realize they're being retarded or if you cannot you disown them, simple as.

It is until the novelty of it wears off and it starts hitting you with unfun bullshit and 5FPS fights.

see you in a couple of years when you start posting about how lonely and friendless you are

>consider adapting to your friends and enjoying their company
That's why I cleared the boss in my own time and asked them to see if they'd come back, which they didn't want to.
The fun part was exploring but they just can't do bosses for shit, even if we got to something as cheesy as possible like Plantera-teleporting tunnel exploit (if that hasn't been fixed) they'll likely fuck up as well.

Rather be friendless than voluntarily cuck myself with normie mobile gamers that will sever ties when they hit 30 and dedicate themselves to their waifus anyway.

Just buy a fuck load of tnt and blow a hole down to hell in between the biomes.
I always turn my bases in "floating" cities buy nuking the surrounding area so theres a giant crevice beneath me. It also doubles as my boss arena.

the point isn't that it's difficult, it's ugleh

dropping into the thread to call you out for being a socially blind retard.

christ, you know you can enjoy something without having to rely on public or even peer opinion on it right?

i miss pre-nerf vampire knives bros...

They're still invaluable.

Looks like I struck a nerve. Sorry!


Who /uzi/ here?

1.3.6 when

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This. I don't want to dig some ugly holes around my comfy village either.

Why would you play a progession-based game for the first time on a public multiplayer server?

Re-logic will attend the PC gaming show during E3, they will most likely give a proper release date for 1.3.6

So what mods are fun? My friend was telling me about Thorium and Tremor mods.

Attached: 7310972.png (718x775, 250K)

>supposed to be a soft, gooey, bouncy slime
>animation is stiffer than the player's

Attached: 1558042887802.jpg (1082x1600, 683K)

thorium is very likely the best mod out there
tremor is subpar

Thorium is non plus ultra
Tremor is shit

/tg/ made two content mods, one that adds more variety to ammos (Ammobox+) and one that adds more variety to vanilla NPCs and pets (Assorted Crazy Things)

I wish it didn't have the lame-ass firing noise. In fact I wish no gun had that one, it's kinda outdated.

>tfw you kind of enjoyed Calamity and then in Post Moonlord it just becomes bullshit artificial difficultly
God damn

musket is better

Who else "I dont want my NPCs to live in shit shacks but am not creatively inclined enough to build them actually nice looking homes" here?

Attached: 1549099104018.gif (400x400, 159K)

Undertaker's got better dps and revolvers are cooler than muskets.

>can only roll on the fishing quest gacha every 24 minutes

For me? It's the rainbow rod. The most powerful weapon in Terraria.
It's pretty much the only way you can defeat Skeleton Prime

People like to shit on calamity a lot, but I think it's fun. It doesn't work with other content mods very well tho.

There's a mod that removes the Angler cooldown. Maybe you could try that

Skeletron prime is the easiest of the three mechanical bosses dude

Pretty much, but for me trying to make it both pretty and practical is an extra layer of fuck.

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Too bad those fags at /vg/ just talk about the game and never have any active servers.
I just want to play a campaign baka.

Attached: 4FA0FB5C-487B-4B9B-9272-9E982CBFB4DC.jpg (180x179, 10K)

>not The Destroyer

>Assorted Crazy Things
yah, bloat your game up with useless waifufag trash

Attached: 1559026558270.png (500x324, 35K)

>Undertaker's got better dps
It doesn't. It also doesn't have autofire, so you won't even reach its theoretical dps.

>Farmed turtles for the armor
>1 drop in like an hour
And then I just skipped to pilars armor

Just click better lmao

>can’t fight moon lord in an arena
this sucks

How can you get Soul of Sight when Prime is easier than Twins?

You can just circle around Prime endlessly and he won't kill you, with Destroyer you can at least risk getting overwhelmed by Probes or having to turn around during his laser barrage because you can't circle the half burrowed enemy.

Only because you can cheese it easily, SP is way more basic and once you take out his ranged hands he really can't do anything to you, and even then dodging those attack is pretty easy.

get the saucer and your arena is the entire sky
or just make a looping rail track

>no Terraria 2

Attached: 1548409811762.jpg (800x575, 68K)

A weapon thats cookie cutter for every situation? Sounds like horrible design.

Attached: 937498358.jpg (850x1190, 185K)

which is optional and disabled by default

To be fair OP is bullshitting pretty hard.

I am seeing some of your webms and pictures why does the main character look like a rance clone? Does everyone walk around looking the same?

Attached: 1548945792609.jpg (600x851, 124K)

what kind of campaign we talking user?
>pre-hardmode RP server with teams and PvP. Yellow team is the merchant's guild and mostly neutral, sells shit to everyone, red and blue teams are fighting each other, green team doesn't give a fuck about others as long as nobody blows up their giant tree fort
>Actual server where everyone is comfy and fucking around while digging and exploring

it's how they developed the game user.

you can customize your character user, it just happens to be the default hair

>RP team server
>Red/Blue fighting over shit and constantly at each other's throats
>Yellow is buying/selling shit to everyone
>Green is off in the corner building and being comfy
why were so many old servers like this and why in the fuck doesn't anyone do this anymore?

pre-hardmode locked servers are also the best because pvp balance goes out the fucking window after that, change my mind

Attached: depressed nook.png (658x569, 501K)

>no rance mod where you rape the female npc's

>tfw always forget how many fucking hairstyles there are

Attached: file.png (848x1584, 71K)

most of them look so bad :c

Why are there so many NPCs?
It takes more time to build nice housing for everyone than it does to beat Moonlord.

They added classes to terraria?
I played like...........time ago...
I couldn't get into it but wanted to.
I'm sure a ton has changed

>tfw used to try and build special rooms for each npc with appropriate decor and materials
fuck that now. why is pirate captain an npc. just make steampunker’s shit sold by the mechanic. what the fuck is a steampunker.


Just play it again, I have replayed Terraria at least 50 times

>download tedit
>get to hard mode and close the game instantly
>place 6 or 7 block wide tunnels and close them nicely with non-corruptible blocks and copypaste them everywhere, easier said than done if it's a large world
>enjoy your perfectly contained corrupted biomes and aesthetically pleasing to boot
Worth it desu.

It's a sandbox game at the end of the day. Most of them aren't that important anyway.

Yeah, you don't put new players through the hardest difficulty of a game unless you absolutely want them to stop.
You might be used to it but they aren't, and expert is extremely unforgiving to new players, what did you expect? How retarded are you?

it's not proper classes, it's literally just armor sets like what existed before
difference is now there are some armor sets where there's a chest/pants, and then 3 different hats that change what the set bonus is.
>Melee hat usually has defense and melee bonuses
>Magic hat usually has MP and magic bonuses
>Ranged hat usually has Range damage and chance to save ammo bonuses

Not the same user but I want to, early game is really slow though. Still have some random achievements and the fishing 200 times one

Containing the corruption without third party tools feels hollow desu

Not really classes, but class equipment.

Just soft classes, you can switch your gear and be an entirely different class.

Wait a fucking second.
Are you telling me 1.3.6 and 1.4 and PS4 1.3.5 versions are STILL not released?

Attached: 57422453_p0.png (2000x2000, 1.3M)

That's just the default look, the character is pretty customizable

Attached: 1555200021121.png (270x286, 11K)


wtf there’s a jojo hat?

The difficulty is called Expert for a reason you fucking autist.

55 master race

why is 55 and default the only hairstyles I ever use

>play comfy terraria with Yea Forums
>build wood commie blocks for NPCs
>retards with bombs blow them all up
>autists on UFOs decimate spawn with dynamite spam
I dont know what I expected

The NPC list got so fucking bloated as time went on
>Dyetrader could be merged with Clothier
>Pirate and Steampunker could be merged with Mechanic
>Cyborg could be merged with Arms Dealer
>Party Girl could be merged with Painter to make a building cosmetics NPC
It doesn't help that most of the NPCs in the game are used for one niche thing while selling a bunch of useless shit. How many people /actually/ use the Pirate's cannons for home defense or making wired traps outside of special maps or PvP shit?

I never realized there were hairstyles you can only get from the stylist. Then again, I never bothered with her.

you can cheat and bring items with you to a new world. Stuff like a better pickaxe, torches, hermes boots

Literally cannot play this game without mods anymore
Thoriumchads report in

>not instantbanning anyone that isn't on a fresh character
>not using mods to prevent people from playing non-fresh characters

>no tshock
You brought this upon yourself.

Haven't played this game in years and never played with mods. Have a few you'd recommend?
Thorium, so far, as I can gather

>try this
>server goes to shit within 5 minutes of demoman spawning

>can’t get martian plating until endgame
thanks for the building game dude

Thorium and spirit for content
Overhaul for an altered vanilla

Qol mods:
Magic storage
Boss checklist
Recipe browser


You should try cala- *gets shot*

Calamity is fun

Dont play calamity. Fagsol is a literal discord attentionwhore faggot who's put his mlp-sona into the game and it basically forces you to use it if you want to beat the endgame content. Everything in the mod is OP and it's unfun, also every boss is just a reskin of something that exists in the base game barring the bullet hell final boss that's not fun at all.

Attached: 1546219623703.png (700x524, 685K)

Guide should’ve stayed perma dead after beating WoF, which drops a recipe book lecturn that you place like a enchanted sundial to look up recipes.
Just so you feel the shame in your words and deeds.

Too much grinding. The tryhard "lore" of it is laughable as well

opinions on terraria’s official lore?

>tfw don't have entire weekends free to rush though modded terraria with /vg/ anymore
>tfw never got to try the thrower class
>tfw just want to build comfy wizard towers and crazy wired shit again
I fucking miss it bros, i swear one day I'll buy a server to host modded Yea Forums lobbies

spirit is fucking dead dude
and blue moons are cancer

Yeah the dev is a retard, I agree with you, but I still enjoy calamity, I just like donut steal oc stuff and there are other things I just find fun, I guess it just appeals to me.

Think it's the Indiana Jones one, but with black dye.

Do people actually play this game with randoms from Yea Forums and /vg/ seriously? That seems like the worst environment to possibly enjoy the game in unless you're just fucking around and not playing through it normally.

>spirit is dead
So no more updates? Oh well, it's still great as is

>calamity lore

Attached: is this kid serious.jpg (339x302, 13K)

Worthless. Terraria is the wrong game for official lore. It was kind of cool just having things happen and having to guess what's going on if at all.

It's literally the most fun I've had playing this game

Attached: Destroyer_dunked_on.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

Make a cheese arena. Fuck Moon Lord on expert. Total bullshit.

So is throwing the guide voodoo doll into the lava in hell supposed to mean that he's the WoF or is he just a human sacrifice?

>Yea Forums plays with ezmode mods located on the right
As always

Why do people care so much about calamity lore instead of the gameplay?

risk of rain looks weird nowadays

this is bait

Sometimes names pay off

Attached: lul.png (1606x857, 711K)

Attached: EOC_kill.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)


Attached: zawarudo.png (124x138, 4K)

>early game is really slow though

>make some torches
>go caving
>break pots and raid chests for bombs, grenades, a Magic Mirror, and a Suspicious Looking Eye
>camp out in a marble biome and farm some throwing spears if you're not confident
>BTFO EoC first or second night
>make hammer
>rush Corruption/Crimson, build an arena with sticky bombs, dirt, and platforms
>bomb your way to three Crimson Hearts/Shadow Orbs
>BTFO BoC/Eater of Worlds in a minute with throwing spears, bomb, and/or grenades
>make armor
Now you're shitting on Skeletron handily and raiding the dungeon in under two hours.

Because the gameplay is shit.

>34,000hp EoC

is there a stand mod? or is that an item in the game already

It's the same gameplay as base terraria

How is the gameplay shit?
Stardust armor

It's one of the moon lord armors, the summoner one I think

Make a small dirt hut to protect yourself. Put like 20 bunny statues underneath it and spam the fuck out of a button connected to them all once the boss spawns and then just damage the fuck out of him. The eyeballs wont spawn when you kill the hands because youll force the spawn limit with bunnies.

>who put his mlpsona in the game and forces you to use it
I gotta see this. Wiki link?

The Calamity OST absolutely carries the experience

Mod link:

Unironically get a mod, it's fucking heavenly

Attached: Dvoy_GeV4AAsvxP.jpg (680x381, 40K)

for me its vilethorn and then shadowflame hex doll

>Want to try cheating myself the Murasama weapon in Calamity because muh Revengeance reference
>It's locked until Yharon is beaten
>Butcher command doesn't work on him
Why does everything have to be so complicated?

is it good though?

It's worse than base Terraria by powercreeping past the point that it should, and besides that it is copypasta.

don't statues have like a spawn limit to them?

>calamity music
>calamity gameplay, devs and lore

git gud at dodging

The beautiful thing about Terraria is that, despite this route being pretty efficient, you can go even faster if you know what you're doing. My most recent run had me
>Rush bombs + Potions from pots
>Get some stars here and there by nightfall for some extra mana
>Rush corruption orbs and get Vilethorn
>Btfo EOW on night 1 to skip straight to demonite gear.

The more you play Terraria the more ways you find to shuffle up your playthrough. Love it.

crabulon music is the best shit in the game, but everything else is horrible
This is still the best track in the mod

Name yourself Sam
What powercreep?What copypasta?

thats why you use at least 9 and spam them like mad. It'll work dw.
Rangers and magic can use the 1 way walls to shoot out and his hands too.

Meant for

What the fuck is this shitty mus-

Attached: F9EA66B5-2667-4291-B15F-A46884E6C31A.jpg (558x584, 171K)

Seems like you took your time, what's the problem?

Go drink some juice, Fabsol.


Attached: 12165297732354.gif (220x188, 343K)

Oh, I didn't realize that. Thanks.

>looking through this absolute shitshow
>find the Drunk Princess NPC
>talks about being gay for women constantly
>doesnt get bitchy like the other girls during the Blood Moon
Is this supposed to be Fabsol’s tranny self insert or some shit?

Gear gate: the game.
The grind is kinda bearable with others playing but I just want to build, and Terraria fights me at pretty much every point.

>no arguments
Why am I not surprised?

>WEBMs you can hear

based and truthpilled

But grind is good. Post wall you explore dangerous bioms for ore. And fuck jungle

yeah probably

if you play multiplayer on expert then boss health is scaled with how much people there is ie. more ppl = more boss health

Oh, you're approaching me?

Attached: 1532112495629.png (1920x1080, 1.87M)

Alright so whats a mod thats better than calamity? looking to spice terraria up

>expert mode with Yea Forums
>30-40 players, all fresh
>village setup is terrorized for a whole hour by some fucker who spawned a king slime with thoasands of health

Thorium is king, and this is coming from someone who likes Calamity a lot.

Sounds like a blast

uhhh? i'm thinking i want to FUCK this boss and that calamity is BASED

Fuck the cellphone

>tfw getting heart of the elements

Attached: this is where the fun begins.jpg (700x719, 63K)

>heart of the elements
>space dragon minion
>pet and light pet
I am god


Terraria has a lore?

What did he mean by this

Nah dude it goes like this; Shitty wooden bow, Undertaker, Minishark, Clockwork assault rifle, Gatligator, Vortex beater.

Attached: .jpg (1352x768, 160K)

The video had a bait and switch

yes you fucking philistine

>look up thoium
>bard shit
I'm fucking sold, can you play this with people?

Damn, calamity elementals look like this?

Attached: unknown.gif (120x157, 11K)

End game magic is easily the worst thing in the entire game since it just becomes a DPS race.

yes absolutely, you can play bard in singleplayer even

Yes, the new classes are actually balanced towards multiplayer

god this mod is so autistic, yet these sprites are professional

do I just need a friend who also has the mod installed join my game as if it was vanilla? looking to do a co-op playthrough

Found the DBZ mod a short while ago and it's a ton of fun. Almost balanced into the late-game too since flying is fast as FUCK but you have the durability of wet cardboard. Super Spirit Bomb fucking destroys everything though, but you get that post-Moon Lord, so it's all good.

Are there any lewd mods?

That's kind of where the divide between Terraria and Minecraft happened. Terraria updates chose to focus more on the exploration and progression content, basically turned the game into a very open-ended metroidvania. If you want to build shit without hassling for gear or survival then Minecraft is more your speed.
There is supposedly a new creative mode coming out for the next update of Terraria though

87 chads rise up.

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jesus dude it's fucking pixelshit. put down the videogames and go look at porn

Let's face it, nothing will ever top HERO's meltdown. It's over.

>Why did magic have to end up being so shite?
Are we playing the same game?
Magic shits over anything in Terraria.

wish I could witness it all again. damn.

Endgame meele is just ranged with "meele" damage type

both need tmodloader + the same mods with the same versions to play. You can simply host a game the same way as vanilla (Host&Play + steam invute)

'Terraria has a lore?'

This game almost doesn't need a detailed lore. It's like doom's lore. or porn's lore. It's there, but nobody gives a shit about it.
Though I liked how the lore wasn't never explained directly.

I use 90 because my character is a cute anime girl.

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attack forever
attack forever
lol hold on bro, better take a breather

These Starbound animations made my pp hard so I thought that there're something like this for terraria. There're even half naked dryad and sexy nurse archetype.

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The game doesn't take itself seriously at all, so it's pretty much meaningless.

pixelated porn is high-iq

you need Tmod, but in my experience it'll install the mods when you join the world.

Yes. You need to install at least tModLoader.
Mods are simply installed by going through the Mod Browser, which also handles the mods updates. I remember when this wasn't a feature.

Here's a link that explains how to install t.ModLoader:

Are you high kid?

Specter is still good only now its actually possible for things to kill you
Nebula suit > everything


You can also further and hook a crafting box to the storage system and gain access to crafting menus from one convenient location.

they made some stuff up for the anniversary.


>Moon Lord is indeed Cthulhu. Attacked the world long while back, got crippled in a suicide attack by Dryad race, tearing off pieces of him (Town NPC is sole survivor)

> Corruption, Crimson and Hallow are supposed to somehow maintain the 'balance' of the world. IIRC Crimson compared to an organism, Corruption to a cancer.

> Anyways, some fucks are trying to bring back Cthulhu (AKA Lunatic Cultist)

>They cursed the dungeon, turning it from a thriving city to its current state.

>They kidnapped the Mechanic and tossed her in to force on replace the missing bits; she's close to completion, only needing to work on a brain. These are the mechanical bosses.

Yes there is, it’s called using green solution on bare mud bricks you chucklefuck.

I've gone around gathering heart statues and making some slime spawners to give more hearts (drop if you're damaged) on my flooded world.
This fighting area probably won't work but I'll learn how to change it if I fail. Thinking about getting the fishron wings if they'll speed me up since fishron moves slowly vertically.
It took a long time to get to this point and I wish I knew about flipper potions in the first 20 hours it took to get a diving helmet (flippers at 30) on this 140 hour large expert world.

Attached: Fish mount moon arena.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

>Implying Meleelets having DPS or range
>Implying Rangelets don't have to waste money and item slots on ammo
>Not creating an infinite Mana engine with your accessories.
Absolute pleb can't even play a simple 2D game right.

Attached: Magic is balanced they say.webm (852x480, 2.04M)

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you mean the mud bricks the crimson/corruption turned to dirt so it could spread?

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What body part is the Eater of Worlds?

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That doesn't help for fighting back corruption or crimson since they turn mud into dirt, at which point you just create forest.

the uh
the spine



why, my peanus weenus of course :)

Melee can do this with gayos or sunflail
Summoner can tank it
Ranger fags uttery dabbed on tho, they are shit.

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use the dungeon defenders armor to max out your health regen and literally just facetank him

damn this is some true autism right here
i legitimately feel bad for you if this isn't a bait and you're just this genuinely socially inept
yikes dude

Whens the next sale steam coming?

I've been looking at this game for ages and it seems like it might be worth buying.

because the slightest reduction in anonymity is incentive enough to prevent niggers from acting up like they usually do

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Good material for a mod. I’d download it. How would you summon WoF for farming though?

>not using the space gun in overhaul
whats your excuse

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Throwing the voodoo doll works without the guide being present in hardmode.

Because I'm using the onyx blaster

never heard of it

Not using a trash mod.

would be nice for farming the wof without having to wait for a new guide, too
>when the avenger emblem required all 3 emblems to craft
>never ever made an avenger emblem because of it

Hardmode dude, make that shit as soon as you can

That wouldn't make much sense lore-wise though. How would sacrificing a guide voodoo doll do anything if he's dead?

>hard mode? more like cheese mode

Attached: .png (150x200, 2K)

Best weapon c:

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I was the summoner in my run with friends
Stardust Dragon was really cool, I liked being the summoner

>Mechanic created the mechanical bosses

>pre hard mode armours are cool af
>mid game is fucking lame with mix and match helmets and weak set bonuses for cobalt, mythril, adamantite, and hallowed
End game armors are fun, though.

Come on now, the lore itself barely makes sense.

Okay good point. However you can make dirt into mud the same way you fill empty bottles with water. So you could mine dirt from discreet locations, turn it into mud and then start containing and replacing biomes with Jungle. Of course that’s time consuming and a bit autistic, but that’s why we play this game right?

>megashark but its bullets bounce and decelerate

sounds awesome dude

I like Yo Yos.

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...or you could just dig the shafts some other user suggested way earlier in the conversation rather than going through that mind-numbing tedium

If you're willing to do time consuming and autistic things, wouldn't it be better to just dig containnent shafts at that point? Unlike Clent it's even a permanent solution.

You know I had always thought the guide had to be alive for the summon to work. I’m not seeing it on the wiki either but I’ll give it a test later today. I hope you’re right cuz that’ll change some things.

fuck off and finish 1.4 red

Turn jungle grass into just mud grass
Grass seeds can be planted on mud and it makes jungle
Clentaminator can be loaded with moisture rounds to make mud out of dirt
Dehydration rounds to do the opposite
Fixes corruption scarring the jungle
Either that or make a new biome, corrupt/hallowed jungle, good potential for new enemies and loot
I’m peter molyneux

Yeah looking back on these recent experiences the shaft digging was certainly more efficient. I guess I really like using the Clentaminator despite the obvious flaws.

No, I meant that as a solution to the proposed mod idea permanently killing the guide. You do need an alive guide at any point to summon it in vanilla.

the longest possible excuse to not have made a mech equivalent for brain of cthulhu, and nothing else but

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destroyer is kino though

It's fine
It doesn't do or accomplish much, it doesn't change the game at all
I find the way it sends plebs into autistic rage pretty funny though, so that's a good bonus

Hey guys hurry up I'm gettin' in the Apache

Yeah let's get in
I really like the physics they added for it

>be fishing
>meteor notification
>walk back to town
>fucking cratered

At least it didnt hit a cloud/sky island

Attached: forfuckssake.jpg (316x216, 42K)

>Recently hear the music from Calamity
>What the fuck this shit is amazing?
>You're telling me this numbers and worms mod has the best boss music I've heard this year?
>Download it
>Play for a near full run, stopped at DoG, the 3rd to final boss
>Gear progression feels too shit to be balanced or fair
>If anything I was being carried by a glitch that made an item give 100 Armor and I still couldnt beat bosses reliably
>Still enjoyed the music the whole way through anyway

I'd play it again but no fucking way on Expert. I swear the game was balanced around autists who know the AI patterns of Worms and Rubber Bands like the back of their hand. You have to create a boss arena for every individual boss or you're gimping yourself.

Still enjoyed it though. Good game feel. BAD gear progression.

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The only part of the game I have ever raged at are the fucking pillars.
>suddenly reflecting enemies
>suddenly enemy that reacts to you being in flight
>suddenly enemies that multiply

wtf I love calamity now

I fucking hate the pillars