>9 millions sold consoles in just 2 years
Why was this considered a failure? Gamecube sold 21 millions in 5 years, Xbox 24 millions in 4 years
9 millions sold consoles in just 2 years
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Their previous two flops made them lose customers' trust on them. And the PS2 being a thing.
Sega never recovered from the failures of the Sega CD and 32X. Then Saturn sold like shit outside of Japan and the Dreamcast couldnt compete with the PS2.
I think new games were hacked and available faster than the official store relase. GD-ROM?
I remember Half-Life for Dreamcast was officially cancelled, but was leaked online
>why was it considered a failure
because it marked Sega bowing out of the hardware race entirely. The whole story of Sega's depature is more complicated than that though and goes back all the way to the 32X and the saturn. Its a deeper problem than one gens failure.
This was a failure because Sega had really bad financial issues due to the Saturn and 32X (+other problems). The Dreamcast sales slowed down when their financial issues went up so they had to kill it.
it looked like a bootleg playstation, and no kid in the late 90's was aware of Sega being a thing before.
I only first played Megadrive on a PS2 emulator disc.
no good launch titles in USA compared to nintendo and sony consoles and only got games for ~3 years then was abandoned.
They had dealings with Microsoft, who was trying to get their own hardware into the console market. Peter Moore was the head of Sega of America and had a large role in the Dreamcast's cancellation. He later went on to head Microsoft's Xbox division. It's pure speculation, but there's likely a connection there.
Peter Moore himself claimed Sega of Japan was demanding ridiculous sales numbers that simply couldn't be met despite the Dreamcast doing well.
Playstation 2 was unstoppable. It didn't matter what games the Dreamcast had. It didn't matter if it made PS1 graphics look like trash. The hype for the coming PS2 was so overpowering, there was nothing Sega could do at that point without a time machine to fix their stupid fucking mistakes with the Saturn, Sega CD, and 32X.
Even when Microsoft and Nintendo entered the 'war', there was nothing either could do. PS2 had too many exclusives (Tekken, DMC, Ridge Racer, Metal Gear and more) and too much hype. You'll never see anything like that again.
>no kid in the late 90's was aware of Sega being a thing before.
^wasn't around or was a toddler back then. Every knew Sega, they just didn't trust them anymore.
because Shenmue
I remember getting my early PS2. No console launch ever reached that amount of hype.
I'm a '93 eurofag, literally nobody knew what the fuck a Sega is until Sonic Adventure 2 Battle came out for the GC.
I had Windows 98, PS1, PS2, then built a 1070 rig.
Extremely low tier bait.
it's not bait, loser; Sega was only ever relevant for like 5 years in the US.
yaeh ps2 so stronk you could fire missiles with it i member the hype
>no good launch titles in USA compared to nintendo and sony consoles
But that's bullshit, Dreamcast had Soul Calibur on it's opening day and Shenmue, Crazy Taxi, RE: Code Veronica and Marvel vs. Capcom 2 within the first year, meanwhile PS 2's best games that came out in 2000 were SSX 1, Tekken Tag Tournament and Timesplitters 1, PS 2's first real big game was Gran Turismo 3 in July 2001
and MGS2, and FFX, and GTA III
There's definitely a link. If you wanna get conspiratorial, you could say Sega knew MS were gonns make a console, so intentionally made a cheap poduct they knew would fail to scrape as much money as possible before leaving the market. As you said, there are little links:
>Dreamcast leaving the race juuuust before the Xbox comes in.
>Microsoft and Sega collaboration on the Dreamcast prior to Xbox.
>The Peter Moore connection.
As soon as the DC died, Xbox had all these Sega exclusives like Gun Valkyrie, Shenmue 2, Head Hunter, Toe Jam & Earl, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future etc.
If I had to guess probably super expensive to develop.
and I liked my Dreamcast a lot, it's still around here somewhere, but once the PS2 hit it was over. People were already tired of spending $60 on arcade ports anyway no matter how accurate.
If you were born in 93, you were 6 in 1999 and 1 year old when Saturn launched. You were barely a fucking tadpole. "no one knew what sega was" lmao. YOU didn't know -- you were 6 lol.
even as a tadpole I knew to pick the superior system.
Even my gen X cousin who had a Megadrive didn't get one.
desu, a Naomi/2 is a much better purchase regardless
Yeah, the Dreamcast shat all over the PS2's games at the same time. Soul Calibur was insane. Best graphics anywhere - first game wit better graphics than the arcade. Code Veronica was amazing at the time, too. It was incredible. But as said, PS2, even without good games had too much hype and the promise of good games. There was nothing Sega could do.
By the time 2001 came around, and the PS2's really good shit started coming out, it was over. No comparison.
lol you're talking shit again. But good post, ya cunt.
t. Sega shills
Based other console consumer
>sega shills
There's nothiing to shill, shit paste. They're dead.
>really bad hardware compared to the PS2
>56k instead of broadband, had to get an adapter
>Sega has multiple failures in a row and the Dreamcast was basically pushed forward to get ahead of competition after the Saturn failure
You didn't pick shit. Your parents did.
The launch titles were bleh, but 2001 was fucking INSANE.
no, I specifically wanted a PS2. I only knew like one person who had a gamecube, none who had an xbox.
>and MGS2, and FFX, and GTA III
They all came out after Gran Turismo 3, well in Japan FFX preceded Gran Turismo 3 by a couple weeks, but it doesn't count
nigger, those games took the world by storm, the latter of which invented the modern sandbox.
2001 killed any semblance of competition for that gen.
They were selling it at a heavy loss and hoping to make it back through the software. The Dreamcast was going for $99 a year after launch.
The Dreamcast's successful numbers from 9/9/99 onwards were "frontloaded", so to say.
It broke previous launch day sales records, but sales predictions and forecasts depicted a dark picture, the incoming tough competition from Sony and Nintendo were going to put a dent in the Dreamcast's North American success. Sony had a lot of cash to spend on marketing and started occupying much more gaming marketing space at the time (magazines, TV shows, etc.). To make things worse, Microsoft eventually showed intention to enter the console business, and they had enough marketing money to outspend Sega of America' entire budget.
The execs of SoA saw the writing on the wall, and in a meeting told SoJ to focus on software and abandon hardware, after which SoJ execs all walked out. Months later Sega announced it was exiting the console business.
Do you do it for free? Or maybe you get cool Sega merch every month?
+ it was super easy to run pirated copies of the game and it was done very early on, so software didn't sell too well because of that.
My original point was that it wasn't until July 2001 when Gran Turismo 3 came out that PS 2 had it's first big game, why do you bring up MGS 2, GTA 3 and FFX if they all came out later?
Too easy to pirate. All you literally had to do was download a program to let you run pirated games on your dc.
they were most likely selling those at a loss, people weren't buying enough games
Shenmue was crazy expensive to develop/market and even though it sold over a million copies it was a financial disaster
>download a program
You mean burn a disc? Fucking retard zoomer.
>RRP: $1995 + whatever a cabinet cost
You had to be a pretty rich and massive arcade enthusiast to cough up that much money instead of just getting a BootCD and a stack of CD-Rs like us normal people.
Don't talk shit about Fantavision.
aren't naomis cheap now?
Holy shit, I knew about the 32x and Saturn deal for as long as everyone else did, but never did I connect to dots with the original Xbox with the Dreamcast.
This shit sounds way too 1:1 to just be some conspiratory.
I even bought an Xbox to play Shenmue 2 and JSRF(thinking it was a sequel and not just a superior remake)
>Dreamcast had
>Soul Calibur on it's opening day
ya the ONE GOOD GAME that ended up multi-plat anyways
>Shenmue and Crazy Taxi, RE: Code Veronica and Marvel vs. Capcom 2 within the first year
not launch titles. its only other relevant launch title was sonic adventures which was meh
I remember my parents taking me christmas shopping the year it was released. they were ready to buy me a dreamcast but after looking at the games available and struggling to find TWO I asked them to just buy me more n64 and playstation games instead and told them "maybe I'll want a dreamcast by next christmas if they release any games I want on it". got 4 N64 and 3 playstation games I wanted instead. then by next year hype was rising for PS2 and the gamecube and I just waited for those and the main dreamcast games I wanted ended up ported to those consoles anyways.
I know I am not the only kid, I remember friends skipping the dreamcast too, and we were all relatively rich/upper middle class and could get any/every console we wanted.
I didnt bother to get a dreamcast until mid 2000's at a yard sale with a dozen games.
I meant back then, I have no idea what the arcade market is like now because I only jerk off to $9000 arcade boards I'll never buy.
Are there any good history videos on the Dreamcast and Sega?
Kys faggot. You think the program just came out of nowhere?
Shut up, twat.
>of the Sega CD and 32X.
A common mistake is that the Sega CD was a failure, when it was in fact a modest success. People lump it in with the 32X and assume that all Mega Drive add-ons were failures. Not as successful as the PC-Engine Super CD Rom addon, but still pretty good.
32X and Saturn were failures. Saturn was actually a success in Japan, but it was only there. Europe + NA and elsewhere it was a flop.
>Shut up, twat.
poorfag and/or chump-consumer-fag-who-actually-bought-a-dreamcast at launch for retail price. LOL
me bro got a dreamcast - fucking loved that console, also nostalgia wise, ps2 compared to it is dogshit tier for some reason ...
also gamecube was pretty awesome (nostalgia wise as well)
xbobs1 + ps2 - garbage tier kinda ...
I’m a ‘93 amerifag and not only owned Sonic Aventure 1 and 2 on the Dreamcast (wasn’t even my first sonic game as I played &Knuckles on some PC port) But plenty of other games as well, despite pretty much being a Nintendo fag at the time.
I always mocked my friends who played the sloppy seconds the GameCube versions threw out.
But in short, fuck you poorfag.
Go save up for some better parents so you don’t keep making us other 93 fags look bad!
Because it's a Sega console. They all flopped.
Saturns problem was the sudden change in terms of competition. Nintendo was nowhere near ready to put out a competing machine then Sony a company that'd never made a
console before swooped in with money and resources SEGA could only dream of. Hell Sony's marketing budget alone was bigger than anything SEGA and Nintendo combined could have matched.
I remember when the Saturn and PSX came out and holy shit every comercial break had a fucking Playstation advert sometimes more than one in a single break, billboards everywhere were the same. you couldn't go anywhere without seeing Sony's new product.
Did Sega have a troubled release in Aus/NZ?
I was a kid when the ps2 came out and yet I never saw the dreamcast in game stores and none of my friends had one or ever even mentioned it in passing. Did it just not get released down here?
What these guys said, there was simply too much competition and Sega had long-term problems.
>32x doesn't happen
>Sega teams up with Nintendo to release the Sega-Nintendo Gamecube
What happens?
The PS2 arrived, and was better in almost every way imaginable.
Sega failed the Dreamcast. I think the general consensus was the DC was a good system (albeit now most of it is ported), but it basically had one foot in the grave already due to fuckery between SoA/SoJ and faith in Sega being shaky. No amount of hardware/software sales could save Sega that was bleeding like a stuck pig. IIRC the president of SoJ at the time of the Dreamcast's discontinuation donated a ton of his own money to the company to keep it afloat. That's how fucked they were.
Dreamcast was living on borrowed time.
They would have teamed up with Microsoft first. The DC was even compatible with a version of Windows.
Because the PS2 had a DVD player built into it so it sold more.
I remember Final Fantasy 7 being the first video game I had ever seen on an ad on tv. It really sold the game for me. Sony knew they had a killer app on their hands, and marketed the hell out of it. Final Fantasy was a big time Nintendo-flagship series, and the big budget sequel with fancy CGI movies was was a Sony exclusive.
I remember being wowed by the game, and thinking that the game was actually the CGI movies. How naive I was. I remember playing it for the first time in Grade 10, and being actually kind of disapointed at how ugly it was. Then I got over it and loved it.
Xbox is in some ways the Dreamcast 2.
I remember reading an interview or article a while back stating Sega wanted DC games to be playable on Xbox. I believe their online/SegaNet and other things made it too much trouble.
>Xbox live then became a thing
Holy shit it really was the Dreamcast 2.
In that case, it begs the question, what the fuck happened with the Xbox 360? As it was complete shit in comparison to what it’s predecessor brought to the table.
>grade 10 in 97
Damn man, you almost 40 now?
Reminder that MS lost billions on the Xbox. Sega didn’t have the cash to keep the DC going. They got a massive infusion of cash from the owner before the release. They were broke and couldn’t keep investing in the platform the way Nintendo and MS could.
>what the fuck happened with the Xbox 360?
steve happened
>Reminder that MS lost billions on the Xbox. Sega didn’t have the cash to keep the DC going. They got a massive infusion of cash from the owner before the release. They were broke and couldn’t keep investing in the platform the way Nintendo and MS could.
while nintendo lost some ground in the console market it still completely dominated the handheld market. could be argued that pokemon pretty much saved them until they hit 'gold' again with the normie WII craze.
I'm sorry your parents got you the worst console.
I really liked that generation as a whole. Each system felt like it had something to bring to the table. Genuinely wondering if my mind is shitting out since lately it seems like any time I see a DC thread up here there's a ton of hate. Don't remember it being that way years ago.
That motherfucker.
>decade later, Microsoft “buys” minecraft
It’s all adding up. Shit was planned from the start.
>I always mocked my friends who played the sloppy seconds the GameCube versions threw out.
I bet they mocked you for owning an utter failure of a console that made a company go software-only while Chadtendo continues to make hardware
Well they didn’t just get me that. I was an Idort long before I paid to be one.
Again, go buy richer parents.
It's not a conspiracy user. Sega had to unload their still at the time viable franchises somewhere and they went somewhere familiar.
There’s no hate, just the same old consolewar shitters. (And now, zoomers)
Everyone who owned one knew the DC was a fun fucking system.
It sold poorly in Japan. Most of those 9 million are in the west.
I have faint memories of reading about the Dreamcast on Hyper back in the day, but that's as much marketing as I remember it getting. Frankly, that's all the marketing any consoles used to get.
But in saying that, I remember reading more about the PSX and N64 in those days. And they basically had an entire section of the magazine dedicated to Pokemon shit at the time as well.
Well I owned a N64 (and then GameCube) as well so they couldn’t say much!
btw, which Popful mail is worth playing? Each version is radically different. PCE-CD looks like a graphically better version of the PC-98 version. Then the Sega-CD is a radical different beast, as si the SFC version.
I also heard that Working Designs did some shit when porting it.
How did Microsoft become their “familiar” though? At that time period, anyway.
Gamecube had tons of software sales
I mean, i bought it for Shenmue and Soul Calibur
>consolewar shitters
Something I'll never understand. Even as a Segafag in the 90s I enjoyed going to my friend's and playing SNES.
Not sure, honestly. I tried it out ages ago at a friend's on his CDX. Now that you've brought up all these version I'm gonna investigate.
I did the same thing with my friend’s genesis, heck it’s probably the reason I even bought a Dreamcast.
It didn't fail, it just didn't do well enough to save sega from their previous failures.
Dreamcast shows that even when you make an amazing product that sells well you can still go under because of your past mistakes
Sony was always evil
Maybe if they had fucking localized the games saturn could have been a hit here too.
>Maybe if they had fucking localized the games saturn could have been a hit here too.
That's an easy boogey man to blame. But no. Look at the non-localized games. They're slow j-rpgs and niche titles. Could any of those stand up to Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Final Fantasy 7, Gran Turismo and others?!
Nope. This is coming from a Saturn fan. You just have to be realistic. These are all niche games, with niche appeal. Or at worst, they're games that are neat ideas and concepts but kind limited in execution. Wachenroder is the prime example of this.
>I only knew like one person who had a gamecube, none who had an xbox.
thanks for outing yourself as a third worlder, now your opinion is irrelevant
the standard price for games was around 50 obama bux during that time. Games hit $60 in the 360 generation
I guess this is also how we ended up with no Shining Force III ep 2 or 3