Operation Metro
Operation Metro
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Worst map
Hilarious map to defend on, especially with 32 people
For me it's Operation Firestorm.
I love my tank.
Easily poured over 5000 hours into this map alone
64 players
1000+ tickets
everything's allowed
>bottleneck the map
64 people spamming grenades on 2 chokes.
>Dice made this linear rush map into a conquest map
>The whole map is designed for the attackers to move towards the shop district
I left every time this piece of shit was on CQ rotation. Fun meatgrinder in rush though.
Using an EOD bot on this map was some of the most fun I've had in Battlefield.
>sets up M60 bipod with extended mags, 3.4x russian sight on the locker room with the bois
>sits there for 40 min
now that's a game
>*c4s the chokepoint*
heh, nothin' personnel kid
>reinstall bf4
>only a bunch of german mutes on yurop servers
Please, I just wanna do sick tactics with a squad in voice chat
It feels like it always devolved into a fucking spawncamp with the 1k tickets. I even set up a couple classes for that like F2000 Bipod, 6x switch to single fire to counter snipers
never understood why reddit loves this map. Shittiest map in game, why not play COD if you want shitty meat grinder.
I like it, specially with 64 players. Really feels good when you finally manage to push the enemy team and see the sunlight.
>[ASMR] 90 minutes of Metro with War Tapes (footsteps, gunfire, explosions, screaming)
Too bad that on 32 player servers the map becomes a total grenade spam hellhole. With 24 players or less its more fun because it forces you to be more aware.
Who /PearlMarket/ here?
This is the best map in the entire series
And no one ever played it
Noshahr Canals, home.
>that one staircase that everyone died at in the huge custom games
>used the defibrillator revive all the dead guys who fell down the stairs
>get medic to max rank in 1 week doing this
I miss how much cheese gameplay there was in bf3, the series has been on a downward spiral since then
Bolt snipers with iron sights (SV98 yeah baby!)
knives/pistols only
>best part of the map isn't available in conquest
>coping consolefags
Fond memories in the Tunguska on this one, especially before they nerfed it.
had a blast
Grenade spam the map. At least its somewhat ok when adkin bans explosvies, but still shit, though
>bloop randomly around the corner
>squad kill
I feel like they should have just made a bigass expansion to BF3 instead of making BF4. Those games felt 99% the same except for content, a lot of which is only in one game or the other.
Would have avoided that disastrous launch, too.
Please tell me this is a real video
Get good.
I remember playing this as a young teen. I was like 17 I think. Time flies.
>American base C-RAM can see the entire map
>Abuse the hell out of it killing infantry like a sniper
Great times.
>not Seine Crossing
I miss baseraping us with lmg in one of the buildings getting 300 kills in a match.
>>I'm getting fucked in the ass over here!
>>Incoherent Russian noises before a grenade goes off
do battlefield 3 or 4 have an active playerbase on PC? I'm getting in the mood for playing again
4 does, mostly foreigners but still playable. 3 not so much.
I remember thinking that the idea about fighting for a metro station could be fun, but god damn I were disappointed when it was revealed that the metro is all there is in the first place. It could have been a good map, if you also had surface area over the station itself and multiple entry routes.
ha no
wouldn't run on ps4/x360, sorry kid
Operation PKM spam
Ahaha time to spam smoke grenades
nigger isn't that literally it? I remember very well moving into the metro and going outside again after
*sound of lmg fire*
*death sounds*
*russian soldiers shouting*
*sound of shotgun firing*
The two above-ground sections are connected by a single narrow tunnel.
Well, there is open area on one side of the stage, but it’s basically one team’s spawn and one flag, not really giving any good flank routes and not helping the fact that one team can get stuck in downstairs where it’s ridiculously hard to climb up.
What I meant was that the map would work better if a team could decide to go above the station, if the station itself is impossible to break through.
>Support class
>Benelli/Saiga/DBV with frags
metro and locker are the shittiest maps ever made. nothing good about them. people just spamming nades and lmg's. literally pleb maps for plebs that cant into big boy conquests.
Ah yes... one of the classics... *sips*
>It was, and it was beautiful..
this is a joke right
I kinda liked the flow of the map progression on Rush. Starting out in the park, then into the train tunnels and maintenance, then the main passenger boarding area and shopping area, and then the outside streets. Definitely should only be played on Rush, not designed for conquest in the slightest
Fuck you, rush is better than operations.
Arming objectives > capping points
BFV would honestly be great if the pacing wasn't so fucking fast
No i'm not, and it looks fucking fantastic.
Apparently DICE LA took over, but BF5 is inherently fucked. WW2 is both lame, and gay. And old as shit. Like a century ago, no one gives a fuck. D-LA shouldn't even be bothering with this, they should be working on the new, next, modern Battlefield with all of the sweet ass guns we have now.
get with the times grandpa
bf5 has the best gameplay since bc2
How the fuck did DICE botch the WW1 feel so badly when they already mastered it with that map?
Didn't they unfuck BF4, too? Is this a regular thing where DICE Sweden shits out a Battlefield game and the LA studio makes it playable after release?
>Guys no one bought BF5
>Make the call
I'm guessing with their laziness level it's not even going to be the 5 flag CQ version, it'll just be the 3 indoor flags.
DICE LA is working on Bad Company 3, which will have flashback levels to the Cold War / Vietnam.
This is from the same guy that leaked BF1 and BFV accurately
Dice figured an authentic ww1 experience of "chokepoint mg/grenade spam" was less fun than CoD spec ops ww1 dress up
>Bad Company 3
This seems like a bad idea since DICE said years ago
>"we've been putting off making BC3 because we don't know why people loved BC2 so much"
Isnt Bad Company basically in its own timeline?
Too bad the Vector is a giant piece of shit in reality.
shhh let the /k/babby have his moment
Its really simple. The gameplay was slightly arcadey, destruction was great, and the maps often had more ways to approach an objective. Its the same reason battlefield 2 was missed.
>WW2 is both lame, and gay.
you're lame and gay, fagtron. You're not wrong about the game being fucked, but the setting is hardly the issue.
Jew, please.
Best gameplay? Only shooting guns feels somehow decent but not as good as in BF3/4.
Any /k/ baby knows that the ww1/2/interwar era was pretty much the ultimate era in experimental gun design
Not surprising considering DICE Sweden has been a festering cesspool of gross incompetence who ruined literally all their IPs
DICE LA is actually a competent studio who highhandedly saved BF4 in a couple of weeks after Sweden couldn't do it for months. Plus all the maps they designed were fantastic, and their map design was extremely similar to BC2
>Operation Locker
>switch grenades to impact grenades
Current DICE can't do Bad Company right. It's gonna be a travesty if it's ever going to release. Also LGBBQ squadmates because you just know.
Man, I loved Final Stand
>The gameplay was slightly arcadey
lacking of prone and attachments isn't "arcadey", user.
>destruction was great
but barely relevant at all.
>and the maps often had more ways to approach an objective.
this is a blatant lie.
are you telling me Valdez point A for attackers was "approachable" by different parts?
and no, the oob path doesn't count, since servers quickly introduced instadeath on oob shitters after people discovered the pipeline shortcut.
Valdez is only one of the biggest examples, every single fucking map was on railroads all the fucking time, and given how simplicistic was the vehicle gameplay you had no choice but USSR'd yourself with your teammates against their retarded sniper-tank duo metas in the vane hope of doing something.
you're an idiot.
>Great maps
>Little costumization
>Small vehicle pool
>Good balance
>Good maps
>Medium costumization
>Good vehicle pool
>Great balance
>mediocre maps
>great costumization
>great vehicle pool
>mediocre balance
wow so much fun for the only server with explosives enabled
conveniently hosted in taiwan with 400 ping
so much fun
The problem isn't WW2, but that they make every one of their BF feel and play the same as BF3 since it released.
I wouldn't be even half mad if they followed the BC2 template, but BF3 is such shit compared to it.
>newfags in this thread nostalgic about one of the worst BF games
BF1942 is still the best, prove me wrong you literal children
t. didn't play bf5
go back to /pol/ drumpftard
DICE LA (formerly Danger Close) is a completely different studio, they developed all the C&C games after 2 and all the Medal of Honor games. They're the only saving grace of this franchise
The only reason BF5 is fucked is that they rushed release and are scrambling to build up the rest of the game with patches. Its shooting and movement mechanics are the best the series ever had.
bf4 feels the best
>Noshahr Canals, home.
Running around tween the containers with a lasersight forgripped F2000 just sprayan was my favourite.
Can't wait for the boomers to finally die out. Old games suck, grampa, get a decent physics engine.
WWI to WWII had a lot going on in terms of the evolution of armaments. but I'd argue that the zenith of experimental gun design was during the Cold War. R&D budgets were swollen and tons of different designers competed to produce the most batshit crazy gats.
>im thinkin she likes me Sweet
>yeah uh i think she bats for another team
>aw shit like she's one of them Yankees fans? I dont think thats a big deal these days
>ya know what, you just keep trying Haggard
You can't even prove yourself to be right. Why would anyone spend energy trying to prove a retard wrong?
That sounds really bad, but I also give it more chance of success than it would've had if those Swedish cucks were working on it. They may still enforce their dumbass requests from a distance though.
>destruction in BFBC2 barely relevant at all
Now this is some bullshit. You can completely obliterate objective zones to the point where there's no cover whatsoever, and then make a glorious smoke GL-backed assault that the defenders can't do shit against. Almost everything was destructible, unlike subsequent games where the inconsistency of what can and can't be destroyed removed the emphasis of destroying your enemy's cover from the game.
fort de vaux > operation locker > operation metro
Yeah, and its a shame the peak of modern design is
BF5 gunplay is wrong and people will not see it because it feels good
It is like drugs, bad for you even if it harms you
You just destroyed your own ass with that post
You are asking to get holocaust’d jew.
I played that shit - to start with we got terrible maps, filled with choke-points, then we can talk about terrible infantry gameplay that on one hand encourage players to always be on move and that promotes close combat (most weapons are worthless in longer distances), on the other hand game promotes slow gameplay due to horrible attrition system and those awful animation while reviving someone.
Yeah, driving tanks is cool. Thanks to DICE these are not available on most of the maps.
In summary: kill yourself. What a stupid jew.
i feel like a lot of people dont remember the fact that the netcode and rubberbanding on bf4 at release made the game fucking impossible to play for 6 months on release.
>complaining about 16 player teams
>has never experienced pure war that is 32 player teams on PC
fucking kek why the fuck would you buy battlefield game on console?
>>destruction barely relevant at all in BC2
t. recon camping faggot contributing nothing to the team effort at all
Most weapons except the godgun rifles assault have that snipe better than sniper rifles while firing as fast as you can mouseclick
Oops whole server is now nothing but assaults
world war 1 asmr
>slow gameplay due to horrible attrition system
Get good faggot. Seriously get good. Learn the maps instead of running around like a headless chicken and ammo will be a non-issue.
>those awful animation while reviving someone.
Yeah they really slow the game down with those half a second revive animations. Unless you mean the squad revives, in which case no shit, you're not a fucking medic. They're there to prioritize squad play and they work great at that.
>implying i wasn't shelling everything to dust from the comfyness of my glitched sniper spot on a tree
Not him but i believe BFBC2 scouts were the best scouts in any battlefield game ever.
They were extremely useful.
>Bullets killing me AFTER I go around a corner like it's fucking Wanted
>not sniper-shotgunning fools in the face from across the far ass end of the map and blowing up sniper's nests with the CG as engineer
Remember during launch when the flashlight attachment was brighter than the sun
slugs were a mistake
Shit like that was why I didnt put 500~ish hours into it like I did with BF3, and by the time they got it all fixed I had given up on the game
My negro.
SV98 and crossbow.
Good old days.
And then its only use was to provide a beacon for enemy players to notice in case you were about to slip by them
BF1 was only fun before they nerfed the martini henry prove me wrong.
BF2 baboons loved Karkand, which is the same idea.
Opposite effect for me. Once it got fixed and playable it became my heroine. I played it again last week for the first time in a couple years, it felt great. I love the gunplay a lot.
t. asspained recon
This specifically reminds me why I hated BF3 so much, especially in the beginning. Dice just couldn't help themselves with all the obnoxious post-processing crap to obscure your field of vision like you suffered from macula degeneration and whatever else eye-related illnesses
I remember this stage.
>Go to stairs with heavy machine gun
>Lie down with barrel just peeking over the top
>Get 40 kills in a row because people literally can't stop running into a kill zone
Nah, it's alright if the server has explosives disabled.
Yeah, that suppression effect needed refinement
RIP good ol days
No one is running like a headless chicken, pussyboy. The map design in BF5 is based on choke-points, there no room for flaking - maybe with one except, in Arras. Not to mention that most of the limited time-modes are basically an infantry grinder like recent „fortress mode”.
In this case game should have „health regeneration” system rather than attrition system. It does not support team play, it only slowing it down.
Have you ever played any good game you jew faggot, like - I don’t know - Enemy Territory or Project Reality?
BF4 Campaign was unironically the best in the franchise if you disagree you're a sheep
BF3 was pretty good once they nerfed USAS-12 frag, and peak Battlefield on the AK and Engame maps nobody played.
>let's handicap the player with all sorts of aiming accuracy debuffs when he's at his most vulnerable, and also make him half blind
brilliant multiplayer design!
I disagree.
>t. just played it again recently
>The map design in BF5 is based on choke-points
Three maps are based on choke points and even then, there are many ways to sneak into the various objectives. Fjell and Devastation are the only maps where choke points reign supreme, and they do kinda suck, but most maps don't suffer from that at all.
>In this case game should have „health regeneration” system rather than attrition system. It does not support team play, it only slowing it down.
Imagine being you, faggot. How the fuck does having to rely on teammates for health and ammo not support teamplay?
2,000 men died defending this random alley in a subway station that hobos piss in
French hobos, at that
Most maps has choke-points. The map set in Norway is basically split into two separate „tunnels” (town/bridge) divided by the hills - same can be said about „Devastation”/„Bridge too far” map. Hamada due to terrible pacing and overall layout centers around the bridge area (D point?) - list go on. On the previous BF game maps were more open and support approaching to objectives from different sides.
Oh, and having to rely on teammates - yeah cool, on paper, jew. I barely receive and medkids/ammo because BF5 rewards shooting shit, not helping teammates. You got more point for even looking at enemies rather than supporting players on your team.
And tell me truth, faggot. Have you even been repaired by your teammate? Have you ever receive supply drop from SL? I haven’t. Game just does not support helping your team, case closed.
Remember that one time where the G3/Masterkey with flechettes was the most OP gun in the game?
>be DICE
>Release G3
>each pellet from the shotgun does whatever the damage a shot from the gun it is attached to.
>give flechettes retarded range
>each flechette does like 47 damage
>20+ flechettes a shot
You didn't need to shoot a single fucking round from your primary.
Did you pay $2k for an MP5 clone with a shit trigger?
Ah the Dart glitch. That takes me back to an angry chat. I tried to be honorable and not use it, but I caved because I had to know
My nigger
A map isn't a choke-point because it has routes when you can easily break out of these routes and go however you want. Every single objective in Narvik can be approached from any direction, in any way. The same applies to every objective in Arras, Hamada, Twisted Steel, and most of the objectives in Aerodrome. There are a few chokepoints in those maps and a few maps that are chokepoint-heavy, but hardly enough for your dumb fuck claim that the game is based around them.
>I barely receive and medkids/ammo because BF5 rewards shooting shit, not helping teammates.
Get better teammates, stupid faggot. Good medics always top the scoreboards.
>You got more point for even looking at enemies rather than supporting players on your team.
You get a ton of points for healing and giving ammo. I'm starting to think you never actually play team roles and are talking entirely out of your stupid ass.
>Have you even been repaired by your teammate? Have you ever receive supply drop from SL?
Yes and yes. plenty to the former, not much the latter because most maps are small enough that running to the nearest supply station takes a minute at best.
> I haven’t.
Sucks to be you, faggot. Get better teammates. Better yet, get actual friends.
had so much fun with the little bird on this map
Absolutely home.
>5 sec in and 100 grenades are thrown up the escalators
Defending flags is for cucks
Post your face when you and your squad finally break through their defenses in a 64-man server.
>don't fucking die, man
>stay hidden so we can spawn on you and back cap